Summer 2023 Was TERRIBLE For Anime - Otakus Anonymous Episode #36

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he s ludicrous yeah move get out the way we forgot to record we forgot to record real quick let me just do this it makes me feel better when I do it hi everybody um once again I forgot to record so the first like five or 10 minutes not long this time not long yeah eish first 8ish minutes going to sound a little whack now it's fixed yeah uh we also could just do the cold open open again we could do you want to listen we were just talking cold opening so if you want to skip it just skip it just skip it yeah we'll get to the highly educational anime talk you know and way faster and you can skip the cold opening or you can listen to us it it'll sound slightly Echo it's not that bad this is just how the live broadcast listens to it uh but yeah the button is on Danny's side I'd like for everyone to know that the little I usually don't have responsibilities on this podcast now moving into this new place I do and my pay hasn't been increased I just venmoed you $500 like two weeks late I Fair we were supposed to have a game with gamer uh call with gamer Subs uh I missed it I yeah completely completely whiffed that one wow we're we're really living a rockstar life you're too like hung over on drugs uh yes to yeah I was like oh sorry I was packing for China it was very much just like soaking in Sun in the backyard withing for China all right oh yeah yeah that's me trying to sneak drugs into the place where drugs get you murdered yeah no thank you um so are we just picking up I think we're just going to keep going okay I just like the idea going back to Mortal Kombat I like the idea that that's what a meeting in like Warner Brothers headquarters looks like it's like one person is like so like Liu Kang is like a God now so what if he like snaps and a black hole opens and it like he grabs you and the black hole like sucks the skin off your opponent that's pretty cool and they're like yeah yeah yeah and then one person is just like all right REO grabs your wrist and he he snaps them at the FIB tibia those go right in your [ __ ] eyeballs man right in your [ __ ] eyes then he spins you around but your torso spins in your lower half doesn't and then and then meat puppet he we we need a meat we don't have enough Meat Puppets so so you know how sometimes ripping spines out yeah that's what he's going to do because you're not dead enough already sure you're you're even spun sure you got your own bones in your neck but here we're going to do we're we're going to make your head all flaccid because your skull gets ripped out the side of your back the people in suits are like wow yeah wow I like we brought this guy on this is a good this is a good guy listen where we where do we found this guy oh death row death row gotcha okay good I'm good glad we brought crack Steve yeah yeah yeah like I the fact that those have to go through like fatalities people have to be like no could we are we sure the body rips like that like okay fine but like what if his balls exploded though have we can we get a test on that test on the ball get up here yeah can we focus group that what if his balls exploded too much got it got it well that's the thing every time one of these games come out Ed Boon the like creator of Mortal Kombat will like go on his interview like press tour or whatever and he's always like you know my job now as like a 60-year-old man at this game company is like he oversees everything he makes suggestions and people like bring him ideas fatalities and he like okays them and every time a game comes out he's always like yeah you know like they bring me some I like veto the ones that are just like way too much way over the top oh yeah of course well that's what I'm like [ __ ] release those let me know what those are and it's like oh yeah it's like a 35 minute fatality it's just like a it's like a mini condensed Saw movie I want to know what the rejected fatalities are and how often they involve genitals I bet when like interviewing for or like the orientation process grab Sonia blade by her labia and just start pulling like I think I think we're going to have to access one Chief I bet the orientation process is him being like how's it going everybody first day free Bagels no genital mutilation like we can't start with the [ __ ] but we can end there that's you need to work your way down my thing is this has to be the most violent fatalities have ever been right yeah for sure Mortal Kombat 15 are we is it just gonna be a snuff film like what what's gonna happen I that I love that you brought this up cuz one of my favorite things to like think about is like cuz they used to just be like fire ah I'm a skeleton now and now it's like I'm going to drag you into hell and like tear you apart limb by limb well it's interesting because like nowadays video games are way less violent I would say in terms of like or like the tone is different like in like the 2010s the tone was definitely like gritty badass edgy over the top Gears of War yeah like Gears of War Dead Space like uh Modern Warfare The Originals where you like walk into an airport and mow everybody down they're like hey you can skip this one you're like yeah nope like every game was trying to one up each other on how edgy they could be and I wonder if like yes we stopped doing that because like fortnite sells really well and like games marketed to like kids and adults cell well so like put cers on Master Chief [ __ ] it put [ __ ] I don't know like Mr Beast in a game yeah like get Nicki Minaj and God Nicki Minaj 21 savage or in God but it's like I get that that stuff sells well but I wonder if there's also like a side of it that's like hey Graphics are getting too good for us to get this [ __ ] crazy anymore like it's like we need to do like real life studies on like it's like there was that one game where they put in like there was like this like indie game I think Mark Mark applier played it at some point and it's like a literal scene where they show just like an actual human cut off face like a person who had their face cut off and it was just a it was like a jump scare it was like a picture of like a dude's face cut off and I was like what the [ __ ] like what are we doing here I was like that's the thing I was like it's at a certain point we're just going to be like oh that's an actual guy dying like it's just going to be at one of these points it's it's going to be it's going to be like Johnny Cage kicks you into like a movie and it's actually just like an Al qaa guy getting shot in the head it's like that's real life war combat like it just cuts to war F it's just like a drone hitting a school and you're like what no that would be crazy I just love gotten real wild I just love like the intro of like modern warfare 7 is just like footage from like the Ukrainian War like is that children what are we doing here I know that guy that's me wait what it's just like a shot of you in your bedroom with like a sniper bead on you pull the trigger yeah I don't I don't think I want to it's some Gun Gale stuff right there huh look at you all right welcome to talk Anonymous that's the ending of our [ __ ] incredibly tyrannical and two-p parted clo open Danny decided to the cold opening because weeb Commander has been unfollowed which means I'm following honestly brutal I'm unfollowing it yeah that's fine I can't you know yeah you and everybody else at this point [ __ ] all the MK1 lovers yeah you and every meat riding [ __ ] nether realm fan yeah by the way I'm going to sound like [ __ ] uh mostly because I spent three days screaming yeah a German sex cult from the looks of it I didn't know you had a leather harness I no longer have it I had to throw it out it broke in two different places yeah that's a better reason than I thought why you I I thought it just covering slime oh no yeah man was just bucking me out just like after the f estival like you sober up and you're like what is this [ __ ] sludge all over me why am I why is it why is it so viscous and cold um no so I was at Los lands uh in Ohio uh which is a music festival which is a music festival like big dubstep music festival me and Dorthy had a great time uh Danny apparently has never seen what people wear to Raves uh because it is it's not a lot people don't wear a lot of clothes you know I've seen that before like I have people I went to high school with who go to Raves and stuff it just it's different when I've known you for like so long and then I see you on Instagram in like a [ __ ] leather spiked diaper it was okay first off it was like a it was literally a Roman gladiator like pder is that what they call him pons P it's so it's a crossbody like black leather thing it had like a little like like leather layers on one arm and I got it at definitely got it at a sex shop and it was called male power and I was like that's [ __ ] sick and so I wore it and then Dorothy tried to grab me out of like she was trying to get me to go somewhere she grabbed me popped in I was like [ __ ] so I just like was like flapping around for the end of that just took it off and threw it in the trash you know what's funny Dorothy looked so different cuz I'm used to Dorothy looking like incredibly like businessyoutube weeks I knew Dorothy I never saw her without like that level of makeup it was like so we would hang out get hammered she'd fall asleep with her makeup on I would go hang out with my friends and I'd come back like six or seven hours later we'd go out get hammered again but by that time she'd already taken off makeup and redone it so I was like the first time I ever like saw her I was like oh my God still very pretty obviously but you know it's like a different thing entirely when like the first time you see your girl with that makeup um so I guess it's kind of like that cuz she goes all out you know she goes like big falsies huge ey shadow she gorgeous she looked absolutely fantastic it's like why I love going to Red she looks great uh but yes it was a great time got to meet a couple DJs hang out um definitely did no elicit drugs okay for next good guy uh just white claw all weekend I did a lot of drugs on my weekend yeah just at home just sad you your pool party yeah just missed you uhhuh yeah you're like I'm just trying to compensate here at this point it wasn't even like I was just in my room the pool party was going on outside and I was just like this is a good time for some wailing lines like oh my God DMT sounds great in this room right now um but you also met some fans some listeners I got DMD about oh my God you don't even remember these poor people met I met one or one or two I didn't mean that many I met way less than I usually do I got de oh I was also there with winning who's my tattoo artist and he got recognized like every 3 minutes and I was like it was it was such an ego check I was like [ __ ] that's sick but he's also like a 6ot May man with face tattoos and like lip piercings and like a tail so very easy to spot I'm just like yeah you're like a little I'm a 58 white dude in a little crowd so yeah yeah um but I got dm'd by someone who was like I met Nick at lost lands tell him well now I'm inar oh no I I I remember meeting people I was just like well he was like he said like [ __ ] I don't have my phone on me but he was you know he said something to the equivalent like tell him I said hi and I was like [ __ ] you met him yeah I don't know what yeah just like thanks for the communication through you yeah I got chased down the other night by a bouncer while I was leaving a bar uh and he was like I me and my buddy were leaving bar we were just there like playing trivia hanging out drinking beers he ran after you to kick you into the yeah he was like hey hey hey and was yeah I just like [ __ ] got triggered and he's like love your podcast and I was like oh God [ __ ] don't run at me like don't run like got it like I thought I thought I like you finally caught on to me I was like yeah super nice guy though guy comes sprinting at you he's like hey you turn around just stick him in the r like with a little knife tiny little he's like tell Danny I say hello like okay okay bye I would love if you carried out like a comically small KN that's my warning knife like a mihawk that he first fights Zoro with this tiny little thing did you yeah not even bleeding that almost went through my shirt why is it why is it dull as well yeah uh but yes so me and Daddy are back together uh we're doing a double episode today not like you won't see a double episode but after this we're going to film our girlfriend special we're doing a double episode like there's two of us yeah yeah there's two people here um Sarah and Dorothy are downstairs hanging out they're they're working and all that but this is talk Anonymous I'm nmer 23 also known as we Commander unless you've unfollowed me recently for thumbnail Shenanigans which weren't my fault mind you um but or because Nick stabbed you in the wild because because you got [ __ ] sh um but yes and then I'm joined by my favorite person on Earth uh Danny ma also known as d ma 3 on Tik Tok um if you're an angry Mortal Combat fan that's probably where you know me from oh yeah they're on your ass they are on my ass they hate me on your ass someone must have leaked that I hate being called a yapper because it's like the intensity has quadrupled I love listen I'm I couldn't be further from you on this take love being a yapper I hate it I'm there's literally there's a guy on Tik Tok there was this guy this like a really nice beard uh he called the professor or something and he's the one who like exposed tall Knight he was like yeah burying him and he just does this thing where he's like nobody's a better yapper than me and then he just talks about yapping for 10 minutes and it's just like he did it he did one where he sped it up six times cuz you only post a 10-minute video on Tik Tok six times sped up yapping just did just talked for an hour wow and that was it and everyone was like I can't even understand what you're saying but I'm so proud he just sat in front of the camera Yapp for an hour and I'm a certified yapper yeah yapping pays money it does well that's the thing anytime it complain about Mortal Kombat that's the only one that gets a views and so then everyone's like all this guy does is complain it's cuz all people see are the complaints that's the that's the funniest cuz people are like oh my God you should talk about first descendants and it's like I [ __ ] did I did I did 2,000 views yeah like I'm sorry like people like oh oh why didn't you respond to this why didn't you say that why are you talking about this I like you missed it you don't see all my content I Yap I be out here yapping my guy yeah and it's like Cody's always yelling me he's like why are you why are you making 35 minute videos like three times a week and I'm like CPM baby CPM people love [ __ ] those video like those video journals the one the people that do like 4our video long essays those I can't even imagine how much money they make like 7 million views on a 4-Hour video people don't understand like insane so much money I love those though they're so good I love longer videos cuz I'll just like toss on a video game and a video like to the side to listen to yeah and then just I have content for the next like 4 hours I'm playing that's what people don't realize so the longer a video is the more ads you get on it yeah on like a half hour video my CPM is like15 and on like a yeah that's crazy you don't post you don't post 15 minute you don't post you I post 20 minute videos yeah so like 35 to 45 minutes is like 15 bucks but like less than 20 it's like nine so like up to four hours CPM explain uh the cost per mile it's the amount of money that you make per thousand views as a YouTuber um so if a video that's 45 minutes long does 100,000 views for me I make 1, 1400 bucks is something like that that's crazy yeah I make like mine's like seven yeah mine like seven or eight that's better than our friends who are sketch comedies like they do like two minute three minute videos it's like a dollar $2 oh damn that's tough yeah cuz it's really short you can't even you can't put an ad in the middle of like a 3 minute video so it's the opening it's the that's all they get um so but yeah those 4our videos absolutely insane but no I hate the re the only reason I hate yapper is because like any insult that is like unspecific to me and or the shorter the insult the harder I'll take it you do love a you love a specific and aimed assault like when people were like yo this dude's arm hair is disgusting that didn't get to me but I like I was like valid Fair like I took that as con a constructive criticism whereas if someone just writes L take on my video I'm furious I'm livid because it's not even like a counter argument that's my thing is that like people are mad they're mad at my arguments so if you come in with a counterargument that's fun and that's like I understand like even if I disagree with your counter argument and you're calling me a dumbass in it that's okay but if you're just like L take I get so frustrated because I'm like [ __ ] prove it coward yeah I saw probably I I hate I hate to do this I saw probably my favorite insult of you of all time oh yeah um this was by oh it's a gibberish name but this was on YouTube and it says Danny looks like he anamorphs into a fet I did see that that's that's [ __ ] that's so accurate it hurts ouch but but boy is he right that's [ __ ] so good that's good look I'm I'm sufficiently hurt so you win but you've used like fact-based evidence like I can't can't sit here and argue you yeah exactly I look like made a transformation you're the second evolution your third is skunk tank like that it's something about like my nose to lip ratio it's just like I have like a ferret snout anyway go on That's So [ __ ] move on please okay um I have biggish news have you seen have you seen this Dragon Ball magic thing that got announced no mag the Gathering is doing crossover Dragon oh you wish um so Dragon Ball magic is this new new uh anime that they're releasing as opposed to like as opposed to DBS 2 because there's a full manga that we could be like converting into anime right now wait what is this is this like a chibi like [ __ ] spin-off thing more yeah yeah so it's I hate when they do that it's Oran canceled within 24 hours yeah uh it's just like people just don't want it uh but it's basically I think it's a web anime uh and it's about Kid Goku and it's like a kid Goku story based in like it's like 2023 anim um so here let me let me see I would hope so it' be weird if they're like yeah Kid Goku 1973 animation yeah so here so look it's like Kid Goku running around with like the Supreme like the Supreme whatever like what's his name Supreme Kai yeah Supreme Kai you're so close and it's so it just like it's so weird because Dragon Ball obviously after the tournament of power wa the anime ends right super uh and so everyone's like oh you know would love to see the rest of this manga be adapted or possibly adapt the fan manga just do something but people like uh have you just thought about if we went back to the 80s anime when Goku was a child Dragon Ball is just never understood what makes Dragon Ball good yeah since like Z people are just like Toriyama is allergic to money yeah like somehow he just like doesn't get what makes Dragon Ball good and I like I think that's so reasonable and fair to say because even Dragon Ball Z was made better because his editors kept being like hey this is lame like there are so many instances I'm sure you know like in like uh I do not know oh do you not know it's so funny that Dragon Ball is your one that's that's my your black hole berserk so Dragonball uh like specifically with the Android and cell Saga I'm pretty sure I don't know how it is with like the Buu or uh Frieza Saga but the Android Saga was constantly just toriyama's editor being like this is really lame so like originally 17 and 18 were the main antagonists of the whole cell Android Saga oh God and then they were like oh this sucks this is weird he was like these aren't the real antagonists are they and he was like well I got this big bug monster actually you're going to you're going to love him cuz sell does kind of come out of nowhere he does come out of nowhere 100% And then he shows up big bug monster and then the editor is like well he's going to do like multiple forms like Frieza right like this isn't his final form and he's like yeah yeah totally totally racing through like seven chapters but like yeah just like holds it up rips it all like totally totally yeah don't no he's going to his head will get longer yeah I think that's what we're going to do so then he does cell second form and he's like cool Boom Big power up and then the editor is like this looks dumb this isn't his final form [ __ ] stupid face mask and everyone yeah he looks so second for was so stupid it's really weird I don't like the lips it's all strange oh his lips do get big he's got big lips um and so the editor is like well this looks stupid this isn't his final form is it and like allegedly he keeps framing it like that like he keeps being like this isn't this is it and torama goes no no like just like like try to play off being incredibly hurt oh I I hate it too it's like it's like what somebody's you like show somebody something you're proud of and they're like oh you're like but we're not done we're not you know like obviously there's like many more hours that we need to do you're like slowly like trying to replan everything you made I showed somebody like one of my first short films which was about like PTSD after Wars and stuff like that it was something you were very tapped into it was like yeah exactly something I could only tell yeah like like waking up from every MK video you posted I thought I heard finish it yeah but like so I once like showed someone the first ever short film I made that I was like taking seriously like 2 minutes in this 5 minute long video the person's like this is supposed to be a comedy right and I was like yeah punch lines are great right yeah I was like it's funny isn't it it's like a gripping scene of a veteran like in the rain like trying to pull a 1911 away from his Temple and he's like cracking up and like yeah no yeah that perfect yeah that joke tested well everybody loved it like all Races big fan of that one that's so Fu but no like all of all Dragon Ball is like all Dragon Ball Z is like that just Toriyama like bumbling his way through like a very good manga yeah I feel like we ran into the situation today where you were like I made these merch shirts and I was like really mean me and Dorothy were like I thought they look good they so this is welcome to me and Daniel's uh marriage counseling so Danny first off I want to say I appreciate you putting the work I want to say I want to say you're scen you're heard uh so Danny made a bunch of merch shirts and this your seen your heard but shut up and go away yeah listen your problems are relevant and I hate you well listen if it weren't for the kids who would have been divorced 6 years ago so this is not going to sell well as Nick is currently wearing a front merch shirt um but this is because I like the graphic on this a lot and also you know what graphic people would really like this is [ __ ] metal okay this cor house is my tattoo artist I they're chibi uh they're not they're not metal at all but um me and Danny got a bunch of stickers made and we'll probably it stank thr them up on the screen right now much uh they're on our merch store fourth wall otaku Anonymous just otaku anonymous. net but yeah oh yeah we we have a URL uh but talk anonymous. net and Danny wants to find a way to convert them into t-shirts but the problem is that they're sticker sized so if you blow them up real big they get real fuzzy which is a problem so Danny has taken these stickers which you know they're about roughly this big uh and don't act like the quality is your problem cuz we can higher quality versions maybe uh and we've blown and Danny's basically taken them and blown them up to like the size of a male chest yeah like yeah like a big male chest but the problem is the problem is the stickers go up to basically like your neck like it's like all the way all the way up so it it let me let me let me act this out let me let me get closer let let me let me get closer so imagine imagine imagine I'm a a well-endowed titties man right you know I I I do well for myself but uh the graphic starts here like right right at that last that last rib right but you want to you want to work your way all the way so it's only like really your tits and that's just our face um you can can you pull it up on your phone show a camera I I I I mean we could also stank you know beauty of editing also access the fourth wall um but I'm not a big front graphic guy clearly I'm not a okay like I said bad day to pitch this idea but uh I'm not a big like I just like I like I like a little BL talk is anonymous on like like over the left Crest and then give me the give me the graphic on the back I just think it's a cleaner look you know it's like hey look big faces on the back and then like a clean front look it's way it's like it's very hard for me to pair a graphic tea with any kind of layer whatsoever like oh you like throw on a graphic tea and then put on a jacket over it so like our faces are just slightly peeping out from under it and people are like what's that shirt and you have a reason to peel off the jacket I I if I'm buying merch I want it to be substantial like I would never buy if it's just like a little otaku's Anonymous like logo on the breast and then that's it like I want but we have the front we have the back graphic as well but so if I put us on the entire back is that okay yeah we'll see but also no that's that's what I'm saying well we'll do that but I also like I don't like back Graphics because I'm buying the shirt for me not for other people I want to look down and see my graphic I want to see my shirt I bought that's but it just doesn't for me it's like buying a skin in a first person game it's like who like who is this skin for if not for me like I can't even see my [ __ ] skin this sucks I that's why knives are thousands of dollars in CS goo but okay fair fair but I've never once been like oh I need to see my own I I don't dress for I don't dress to look at myself I dress so other people are like like I just like that's what I want I want people to be like oh nice outfit you know I want to dress well for people but I'm also a very like I do minimal I don't do I've out of like very like like graphic te's and I think like I don't know I think that's why I think it's interesting that we're talking about this now cuz I want to I I'm kicking it to the crowd here yeah let us know if you cuz really who cares if not the people buying them you know who cares which we say um let us know if you want the graphics on the front or on the back and I will send stank some images to do a poll we could also just do both like that's like a very much a possibility is that like hey we have the making a t-shirt 30 seconds yeah it's literally so quick it's insane we'll see how it turns out too because on the website yeah they're like it says like low quality yeah it says that but it looks not the worst like in the image I have two coming that I can't cancel uh I could return if they're bad though so we'll see I have some like they're not out yet but I have some samples coming that I'll check it out but the hats fresh they sick little alfons and Ed us on the on the front and then little OA on the back I'm just curious about how they'll Stitch cuz like sometimes it doesn't Stitch Super well but very curious we'll see uh outside of that obviously biggest news of the week because we we filmed before JJ K's episode so we're kind of late to it now uh and then JJ K's new episode comes out in two days so it's going to be we're we're kind of in between yeah we're kind of in between a lot of episodes here but we just got to cojo's ceiling yeah probably the best episode really good I was like sitting in my chair like flabbergasted being like I like so many thoughts because I'm so bitter at heart okay that even my positive thoughts are bitter I like one thought I was like [ __ ] this is so good the episode's going to end any minute now like I was like annoyed this episode wasn't going to be 4 hours long because I [ __ ] loved it it was so good and the other the other thought was I was like we'll never have anime this good again like I was so God that's like me on like week 16 of football I'm like I'm so happy that there's like good games going on and it's all important then I'm like we're one week closer to an like just football being gone yeah it just like cuz I know like the next time an even okay anime comes out I'm going to be like this is the best new anime cuz that seems to be the trend with every season it has to be they've all just been incredible a Perpetual cycle of hype until eventually all of our serotonin levels are maxed out and then we just like oh everything sucks now and then we have to be on DMT to enjoy an anime nice I don't remember what happened I think I think I just talk to God oh my God Gojo's being sealed yeah that'd be wild but like yeah I was like I like I don't know cuz chainsaw man and I want to compare the two who manga is going crazy right now that's hyp I want to compare the two a little down the line but like even with chainsaw man I wasn't this excited week to week like and we get 23 episodes of this [ __ ] yeah that's so or one we're not 21 or 23 I all I know is we're not close to the end yeah we're getting a lot of this season and I'm just like every week I'm like what a treat mhm what did you think like go oh so first off I think it's the first episode we've seen since hidden inventory where the direct I felt the director like that was like cuz last week's episode was like it was just a big fight between Yugi and the the dick demon um I like blocked all that out you're right that sucked yeah and but this episode like it was so there was so many scenes where I was like this is the director's influence and it's doing the correct thing like there was like even the very beginning of the episode like that veneer the veneer of everyone talking about Gojo which was first off this entire episode was [ __ ] brutal to manga readers brutal like just like just like everything going on in the manga right now and then reading like watching this episode I like just [ __ ] brutal for everybody who who's up up to date and all of that um so I'm going to give you my live notes as I always do uh JK's episode coming out when it did is so cruel to manga readers everyone gushing over Gojo uh feels like this the first episode we' seen the director's influence opening with Gojo panting covered in blood holding a transfigured human's head so sick really cool but also the opening you were talking about with the like um old like it looked like like film like old film tape they're like interviewing all the characters we know about like what they think of Gojo the [ __ ] tone of this season is so good it reminded me of that bit we like with the little like pork bun where it's just like with uh Tojo with toi with to where it's like just like a chopstick and a little pork bun and then just slides and that's all it takes to be unsettling exactly this at the end there's a little Montage of like oh but most of all Gojo is the strongest and everyone goes strongest strongest and it's like [ __ ] me what are you prepping me for this is it was just awesome it was great and then I think um the this episode showed just how batshit Gojo is when he latches on to H's face and he's like this is where you're weak from and just pulls the hordes out of her head and she's just screaming in pain and then Joo watching Hanami slowly get pressed against because that's the thing he's like he's like oh if you keep trying to like like amplify your domain I have to use my infinity even harder and it just like and I don't think your friend is going to be able to like keep up for that and it's just Hanami getting pushed against the wall they like all pun intended crushed her death her death is w in the manga cuz it's just like it's just one panel she's there and then one panel she's not and she's just a [ __ ] abstract art on the on the side of the wall and that was so good and Joo just being like trying to use fire and he's like trying to distract Gojo and Gojo's being like literally not even registering him as a threat and just slowly but surely using a passive ability to destroy a special grade cursed spirit that has been plaguing everybody in the story since the beginning and all he does is walk walk and then yeah so sick it was was astounding it was really really intense the effects gory the effects the music like the sound effects so I think well so the Silence of and so there's that and then it's like obviously go Joo starts to run away yeah and there's that scene that everyone's comparing to Sasuke walking down danzo when like Gojo's just like Joo is throwing people at Gojo and he's just like catch yeah just like stopping them and then he's like trying to he's like walking like weird cuz he's not walking like normally he's not like a saunter like he's like usual Saun he's walking like upright very uncomfortable and joo's just trying to get away and then there's the scene where mahito comes into the station with all of the transfigured humans and you just see a bunch of people cuz here's the problem is like people can't see the cursed spirit and like that's kind of a thing that gets like Lost in Translation a little bit it's like Gojo's getting in this battle and he's like all right people who can't see cursed Spirits are now trying to avoid me yeah so like the density of people around me is like lessoning is for most of the people in that station they have no idea what's going on people are just floating and flying and like parts of the subway are breaking yes and people like falling out of the ceilings and all that and there's that scene where the guy with the afro trying to help the girls freaking out on the train tracks and he just gets his like [ __ ] chest punch through and people wouldn't be able to see that they would just see a hole open up in a guy's chest and he and that' be it how do you feel about great sound effects by the way from you uh how do you feel about people not being able to see the spirits it's wild you like I love it it's okay why it annoys me it's an annoying Trope to me some people can though yeah it's just a weird it's it's a similar Trope to when you have like a Sonic movie or a Barbie movie and instead of like putting in the effort to make the whole film take place in Barbie or sonic land it's like they're in La now and so it's like you don't have to actually World build anything you just take the character and like toss them into our world and then hide them it's similar because my hero is cool because the World building is so nuts everything has to be built around the fact that there are superheroes Heroes exist yeah this there is World building the World building is good but you don't have to do as much because you don't have to be like well how how do insurance firms work when there's demons destroying everything and how does this work when there's superpowers chainsaw man does a really good job of it cuz they're like 70% of deaths come from like demons you see them you live in fear of them religions pop up like either worshiping them or like trying to kill them like these kinds of things like chainsaw man's doing a really good job with it right now like where they're building up the chainsaw man church and all that and like there's like real life world politics built into it and like like there's like the USA is the only people left trying to kill the control devil and things like that like World politics have built around the fact that demons kill 70% of us so like I think it's interesting I think there's mechanics in jjk that make the fact that like cuz now they have to open veils and I think ghetto entire character Arc revolves around the fact that people can't see Cur Spirits right because he has to live in silence as a Jiu-Jitsu sorcerer because people don't understand the world and like when those two kids like those two the problem they try and kill yeah yeah they're like locked up because they can see the cursed spirits that are plaguing The Village so everybody internalizes Their Fear towards them because they're being out they're telling people about it so I think like while is kind of lazy cuz oh they're just in chibuya and it's like oh now a bunch of people are just in chibuya hanging out like I was oh if I knew special grade Cur Spirits existed you better [ __ ] believe I would never be found in a a group setting in a Halloween party yeah no thanks oh oh are we oh there's a tsunami coming towards Japan I'm going to go like I would spend go to Bali go to the happiest place on earth like ohy where's where's like go to Finland I don't know the happiest country out there and be like hey no curs Spirits here because nobody's [ __ ] jumping off the roofs you know that's where I would be so but I think J does a really good job of being like at least in ghetto case of being like this has consequences and these are those consequences I I like to it works with this plan because if everyone in the subway is freaking out you can't have a fight scene exact like it' just be a mess everyone would be like all over the place so it's cool that they're using the fact that people can't see it to their advantage but also people should be freaking out more CU they are seeing a lot of things people are flying and getting stuck air the subway wall explodes let's not forget that the way that all of them got into the subway in the first place was being sucked out of square five stories down there five stories underground and they just got pulled and oh yeah they're like whoa with trains coming yeah I'd be like um I just [ __ ] floated what yeah like it it's absolutely insane but then everybody can see the transfigured hum so that's when [ __ ] gets like Haywire cuz those are just humans who have like been turned into monsters and I love that we're seeing cuz obviously you isn't heavily involved in the story right now he gets his time to shine later but him seeing that girl being like Oh I was told the car is full and in her face yeah literally die in front of her yeah and he's like and he's like maho's here and like like oh my God it's on and Gojo's domain expansion scene did you like it did you understand it yeah I liked it he have you ever seen Lego shei run yes he does a Gojo does a big Lego she run it's kind of like a low it's a low yeah he does a low like Ed and Edy kind of thing so the thing is what they didn't really show is that entire time he's not running he's not just running between people he's snagging people's heads off yeah he's like slicing through them yeah so he's like he's like cutting through people and just snagging their heads no I got it well they explain it to you he just like freezes time for a small two10 of a second yeah but then it goes He cleared it all out in 299 seconds at the end so that was confusing so he opens his main expansion which is unlimited void and the thing that unlimited void does is it pours all of the information of the universe into your head um and so in in two10 of a second it puts 6 months of information into everybody in that area's head so like after that everybody's like brain is just like scrambled like imagine if the next 6 months of your life and all that was going to happen in the entire universe was poured into your head 2 T of a second so every one fifth idiot yeah not you the show mean yeah that is also I think when I when I made a video explaining his domain expansion I was like I don't know why they said this either I was like it's 1 but so every one second in infinite um infinite void you get two and a half years of all of the information of the universe and so everybody so it takes all the normal people there two months to recover and it takes it takes mahito like 300 seconds to recover because you see him snap out of it do they end smarter I I don't cuz you couldn't would never be any there's no way to like compartmentalize all that information got like what would you learn right well also it's like 2 years worth of all the universe's knowledge right yes which years I think right because what do you mean two years of all the knowledge that's a good genuinely good never thought of that it's just a bunch of nonsense words they're using two t0 two years worth of knowledge that is very fair well they never say like they just say six months and 210 I just scrap yeah but I just mean like if it's all the universe's knowledge yeah assumedly you're like from this point previous or forward but if you're like forward then it's like what does two years mean which two years now and then two years from now like everything in between yeah I feel like this is a very good example of gamy just sometimes being like just saying [ __ ] just like for real just yapping he for real is the OG yappo like he's just like I just make up [ __ ] and like hopefully it fits in the power system and you're like that's good that's what you want from a mangaka you want to be like hey half the time I have no idea what I'm talking about either and it's just like up to us be like all right it ties into this power cuz like that's what we have to do is J like people who the people who that's what you have to do I don't we is yeah exactly the phds and this [ __ ] [ __ ] have to be like all right this makes sense because if his curs energy having his the Nate technique while domain amplifying and like also there's positive energy and it's multiplying and now we're getting negative it's like it's a nightmare yeah so this is just what we do but yeah so everybody gets catatonic so he has like 300 seconds to destroy all the transfer youred humans and he does and he does with his big Lego she run my favorite at scene out of all of it was the maong scene oh yeah yeah so they're all like I just love when we cut to the the like the cursed spirits and they're either just like running around on a play like they're running out on a playground or they're like in um what's the Horizon of captivating sconda I remember the domain expansion name I don't remember the fish curs Spirits name oh the big cuddlefish yeah exactly yeah uh who cares that thing is so funny cuddle Babushka it actually has some really dope scenes coming up that I'm very EXC for yeah it gets a really big role later on it's just a big octopus Babushka an OCTA Babushka it is but it has a domain expansion like a pivate island where they just like hang out and play like soccer with joo's head right there's all these like Jose like these are like the most demonic things you've ever met and they just hang out and chill yeah yeah but that scene where they're all playing maang and it's just like I have no idea how majang works like I don't I've never learned it I I know it's like it's like Chinese dominoes uh but there's a scene where like s like obviously we now know it's no longer ghetto that's revealed this episode and we're going to talk about that in a second but uh like pseudo ghetto is like telling them I need you to keep him within four meters of the prison realm for four like for a minute and there's just like 30 seconds of Silence no back and this is what the director does really good I think he uses silence and then chaotic music really well to either build tension or like make you feel uncomfortable um and during this Majong scene it's just like pseudo ghetto is like all right I need you to keep him still for a minute and then everybody just plays their turn and it's just like everybody goes around and then like Joo just stands up to the table he's like I will die and he's like yeah and he's like and then you it's explained at the end how the prison realm is going to work and all of that but that scene so good Joo looks [ __ ] ginormous when he does that too like he looks great every time Joo is in a scene I want to watch fire force so bad interesting he would be a really good infernal he makes me want to watch fire Force because he's like same color scheme same Powers is um but yeah that like the director does use silence really well which is not often used in anime or animation because if you make if you have a still moment in animation yeah you run the risk of it just being a still image because then it's just a drawing then it's just a single drawing and people are just like that is we're just saving on animation yeah yeah Naruto and borto do it all the time I just like yeah and it's like 20 seconds of somebody else talking elsewhere you just get an image of their face reacting to it we had a brief instance a brief throwback if you will uh to the days where a crowd running would just be a still image like dragged down the screen and shaking a bit that happened like very briefly and I commend this show for not using a bunch of CGI people instead that's so I didn't even realize it was like a classic Attack on Titan like just speed lines going down the page um I know exactly what you're talking about yeah it's like it's one image and it's they just shake it yeah they just shake the [ __ ] [ __ ] I know and you're right Attack on Titan does do that all the time it's like anytime like a wall breaks down it's like image of everybody running and just shakes yeah that's so funny I never realized that they do speaking of um what's it called like the scene of him like shredding everyone his domain expansion uh I have some notes um yeah right here okay I remember them um so this episode gorgeous awesome stunning animation like no ghosting no ghosting at all especially during the scene when he's running through the crowd and like this is the time you would ghost you know they they just dim it like they do the dimming which I requested and I love I emailed them specifically um the ghosts got out of their iPads yeah and yeah yeah and I will like you know to their credit and like to my um embarrassment I will admit my brain wanted to seize so godamn bad this episode there are a few instances where like a sequence would happen like I don't think it was when he was running I think maybe it was when he was pressing Hanami into the wall and then it ended that was so many it's just like his domain flashing yeah uh that bit ended and I was like laded and I was like ooo my brain did not like that really yeah I've never had that I'm like me neither I'm like fully immune to seizures like I go like Raves like and it's just like here's lasers okay here's loud noises I'm like I'm immune to seizures I've trained my brain to be like give me your best you yeah but yeah I like I forget the specific scenes but I just in my notes I wrote like I have never wanted to seize harder this is it this is my seizing moment that would oh my God Danny IR Danny I've never I've never pray for your demise but holy [ __ ] if you're like the reason we get Pokemon part two like we need more ghosting and diming Danny [ __ ] died I'm the first to die like oh my God they'd have to play the clip at your funeral it would be so [ __ ] funny Danny I we always say we have to commit to the bit I need you to have a seizure so badly I'd be like the next the ring girl I'd be like the next Samara that would be so funny that'd be awful the ghost of Daniel ma comes out every single time they're like guys we can't kill another reaction YouTuber we're losing our best ones I know if that happened uh in my will I'm going to make this edit when I go home right now um in my will I will have I want if if my death is ever recorded I want people to react to it and here we see Danny watching the oh my God that if it was done while you were filming a video you just like this fight is and then I and it's 4 hours of dead air and then it just at the very the last 10 seconds is Sarah being like hey do you have that water Danny Danny I'm just just camera rolls the whole time I I don't know I don't this episode's really good but I think it's what killed him I just want xqc to like react to it and he's just like all right uh today's death is sponsored by rid Shadow Legends this one sponsored by the Japanese animation studio what you know be even funnier is if the video I die in is sponsored by ra shadow that would be [ __ ] oh today guys we have a big and there like it's like you because you don't do the extra shad out at the end like we actually can't pay for you this we're going need you to re-record you didn't do you didn't do the outro sponsor yeah the amount of times oh my God they beat Danny it would be so funny I actually like if I ever die in a stupid way my number one thing is don't use me as a statistic like that's my biggest thing I don't want to be used as like a I would never do this okay I want a little cab out here but let's say hypothetically we're already in dicey territory let's say hypothetically Nick gets real messed up one night and gets behind the wheel and then he dies in a car accident my number one thing is I don't want people to be like Nick died doing this this should be a lesson that you that's my like you don't want your death to me do not want my death to be a lesson that's my one thing do not I don't want I don't know why I just don't want my death to be a lesson like I want people to be like ha idiot and that's it like that's all I want but what's the like what it makes you cringe like something about is it a rebellious thing something about people being like learned from his death pisses me off don't learn from my death die my way like die the way I died you know funny I don't know why followed me like follow my trail do something I just I for some reason in my brain I'm like I don't want people at my funeral to be like I'm putting down the needle because of him I don't want that wow that's so funny and that well that means what you want is like in celebration of your life you want like if you die doing heroin you want people to do one last time pour some out into your veins for me my funeral if it's a DUI we're just going have like 40 mil out of the city open bar no Ubers get home get home of your own free will that's me yeah I you Nick nudged the dog bed like under the table and it touched my foot and for a second I was like this [ __ ] touched my foot under the table could you imagine and then I realized we're like a mile apart if I God if my leg were this longer I'd be so happy I'd be way less funny though you just like I look up and you're like this mhm get over here you um so I'm going to show you something so did you like the the get of the brain how' you feel about that it looked silly as hell uhhuh and also I kind I like it because the whole time I'm like man present day ghetto is so different from past ghetto like like I like don't buy the transformation like I was like they didn't give me enough in the flashback to make me buy this Still Ghetto yeah and it's not so that it's not is that no it's very much it's a different guy he's so OG ghetto is dead dead fully dead dead the whole time since Gojo kills him in chapter zero he's dead yeah I like don't he kills him in the movie yeah I like don't remember how does he die youa so you and him fight you beats the [ __ ] out of him uh and then he like gets up and Gojo kills him that's so weird then that's so weird I like want to watch zero again to be like okay does this Gojo or does this ghetto there go God does this ghetto ghetto Gojo Joo yeah toi yeah too I I was gonna say Toko is a joke is there a too too too too terrible Yuki I hate this manga it's a lot it's a lot of four-letter words I want to go and watch zero again and be like one uh this is the perviest thing I've ever seen in my life oh yeah disgusting two um is like does this ghetto fall like match past ghetto more like do I buy this transition yeah interesting cuz ghetto pre like prior to his death is much more committed to like like so the brain's name is kenju um and so kenju kind of like absorbs the ideologies of of ghetto and like like he's more trying to recreate the Golden Age of Jiu-Jitsu and that's sort of tangental what ghetto wanted Jiu-Jitsu JSU jiujitsu the fighting style what do you what do you think the show is called Jutsu kaisa Jiu-Jitsu no it's not jiit jiujitsu no that's just what I Jiu-Jitsu no jiujitsu yes I refuse jiujitsu is the fighting sty yes JSU look it up look no I know I know it's Jiu-Jitsu I'm just TR do how do I usually say Jiu-Jitsu I don't think you've ever done that before really I think it might be because my voice is gone juj juj it feels wrong in my voice jju kaisen not jiujitsu it's just hard to enunciate currently but I don't I don't know you fought me so you clearly thought it was J Jujitsu yeah you I think I just said it quick but then you were like no it's not Jujutsu no I know I know it's Jiu-Jitsu but like seconds ago you were like no it isn't no I'm just kind of going through an existential crisis right now cuz I don't know if I've been saying Jiu-Jitsu the entire time or jiujitsu jiujitsu hurts in my mouth it's like too of an open mouth feel but okay regardless was it was oddly pink that was my thing the brain is oddly pink his face is too that's your problem he has a little mouth oh that's I mean brain has a little mouth that's his cuz that's the entire body that's silly that's his entire body he has to move his brain into different bodies it looks like a sticker slapped onto the brain it does kind this is it in the manga do you like that more than you liked it in the anime yeah yeah yes because oh go on oh no so there's more um so there's that so people are kind of like there's a descending level right now so there's the anime which looks finish it's very light it's very like super pink the manga looks pretty good and then there's a fan art that people love like there are number one everyone's I wish it looked like this that's the fan art isn't that sick um you don't like this I don't like his face cuz it just doesn't look like ghetto yeah but that's the thing it's supposed to be reveal that it's not ghetto like it's like a demonic looks to attack onp to me I I would say if anything looks like bleach but yes looks like the thing that eats Aaron's Mom oh actually does look like the that eats Aaron's mom absolutely I just don't like that it's like so off model mhm it's like it's very my hero cuz my hero does that where just like Super Hyper close yeah yeah like it reminds me of like the like Flapjack did you ever watch Flapjack yes I watch Flapjack it's like that like I don't Flapjack walked so chowder could run I just want to say I want to say it's it's important for me to put out there yeah it's like it's like that where it's like when it cuts into a hyper realistic closeup so UNC it was just a bunch pimples on their face and all that like they were like H Flap Jack do that thing again like cuts into them like burps or something cuz there was there was Flapjack and then there was the other one what was the other guy's name not oh Knuckles con Knuckles and it would like cut in it would be like super like and there's like all the sailors that were like head scurvy and all that just a gross show why why were we raised on so many like uncomfortably like terrifying shows yeah like uh courage that Courage the Cowardly Dog would do the same thing like oh here's like a uncomfortably realistic like demon and like what why we 7:00 in the morning yeah why are we doing jump scares my Saturday morning why are we trying to scare kids that was my like that was my thing why are we scaring children remember the the curse of the Pharaoh I know you've talked about this on this pod I would switch I would switch to SpongeBob or something else whenever it was on like I don't I'm terrified that's so funny I liked being scared I like the scary [ __ ] I like scary [ __ ] now but I didn't like when I was eight yeah Fair absolutely what adult what [ __ ] up adult is like man I want to make this fun enough for kids to watch but also scary enough that they don't [ __ ] sleep tonight like I okay just hates kids yeah guess that's a good like if you hate kids get in animation get right in their [ __ ] psyche I guess I mean like you could say the same thing about like spirited way like oh this is like aimed at kids but it's also like incredibly like bone chilling at it was a little intense for sure but I like that's like that image of ghetto yeah ghetto there you go too edgy for me jjk never jjk is super non- edgy it's like a very consistent art style the entire time it looks like you would see it looks like one of those like New Jersey boardwalk shirts where you see like Bugs Bunny on a throne with like a gat in his hand and a bunch of chains God I love them so much SpongeBob the SP the sponge like the SpongeBob Xbox profile picture from back in the day where he's wearing a money suit those are my favorite things it's like it's like a chronic the hemphog level like Naruto drip up Supreme like a Mall t-shirt that's the energy I get from that fan drawing it's like relax kid yeah yeah calm down a little bit here it's not that serious I like the I like the way he pulls the head off like that's cooler in the like everything about it other than the face being like both kenju and ghetto are very like silly goofy boys like that's their whole thing you know cuz like oh they go around play maang blow bubbles those kinds of things so him pulling off his head like smiling it's like kind of cute and then it's like it's like a little brain with a mouth right there yeah there's you're going to learn a lot more about K jaku in the upcoming months here which I'm very excited about um but I'm so happy I don't have to say pseudo ghetto anymore tiptoe around the fact that it's not ghetto I don't think you've ever said pseudo ghetto before really yeah thankfully cuz that'd be such an unbelievable it's a big time s but that's what people that's like what they call that's like his name like pseudo ghetto up until this point but okay that's basically all I had on jjk I think that's all I had too yeah um so did you see zom 100 episode 9 no you didn't no okay I did not have time so Tre out of the Dead we just talked about Z 100 this is technically this is technically my flashback um so this is kind of me like whenever we get the flash this is my note but zom 100 episode 9 came out um they finally make it to Akira's parents house you know there's there's like a bad version of akura it's really funny there's like a guy who like smokes and he's also made a list but it's like a hundred things that I want to do like that I couldn't like he was like rejected by society that was his thing he's like 100 things I want to do and like slap my my [ __ ] wife and it's like I was like smoke the try out drugs and they're like kill a dude it's like a bunch other things it's like edgy Akida but he ended up in the village as well I love that and well the episode itself was good you know it's Akida like trying to figure out a way it's like a gripping story of him trying to figure out a way to pay back his parents for like putting him through college it was cute and all that oh boy bigger news from this episode that you can absolutely talk about with me because we obviously you haven't seen the episode we talk about it every godamn week yeah um but this one is the worst one thus far cuz there's no more schedule for it Z 100 is now on indefinite Hiatus what happened what is going on they're like make a [ __ ] show before you put a show out that's my thing we were talking about two in the group chat about how like they hardly even had a trailer by Anime Expo is that what it was in English yeah yeah they they had nothing they didn't even show us the full first episode which led me to believe it wasn't done like at ax we saw the first 11 minutes of the first episode yeah they were like we've been we've been working super hard we like but like we been working super hard but we couldn't get all like they're like we just here's what we have like here's what we're going to give you so they gave us like yeah the first 11 minutes and we're all like we were promised the first episode what's going on here this is weird and this has to be in the history of anime one of the biggest flops I've ever seen cuz it's it's think it's [ __ ] good it's good and viz viz mind you that's who's that's who's like footing the bill on all this one of the biggest companies in anime and manga in existence viz fumbling the bag here how I don't know I don't get it I like don't get why we're like setting hard release schedules like if the shit's not finished push the release No next season there's nothing coming out next season you wouldn't be running up against jjk yeah you know [ __ ] put it out then I know it's so weird I just don't get it and yeah and now it's like the attack on Titan syndrome where now when it comes back it's like okay whatever yeah there's noode 10 of zom 100 is out six weeks from now yeah sick episode 10's out can't wait for the next two episodes and then it's done for the season probably exactly that's there's three more episodes left and I like I don't know if they're just going like hey it'll be back when we have all three done it'll be back when we have one done cu the thing is all of the episodes look good it's like obviously they're not cutting time here like everything looks good like the fights are still really cool the animation like style is all there the storytelling the acting is all great like awesome I just I don't understand like if we're if even if like we assume it takes way longer than a week to do an episode right we're not doing this week by week H how was this not a problem at the beginning how were you not like hey um uh we just barely got episode one out I don't know how we're going to get episode to episode 9 you know and that's my thing is like I I don't who's animating it it's not I don't know is it A1 or is it bones oh it's I think it's bones is it bones because it looks a lot like my hero uh who is animating maybe that's why my hero season six didn't look great bug films in anime television series adaptation produced by bug films premiered in 20 it's licensed by viz bug films bug films yeah no the company that has 21 employees as of 2022 yeah that do I think that's where we run into the issue because I don't hire any more people 22 people is not like listen once again for the 1 million time what the [ __ ] do we know about animating but I'll tell you right now more than 22 people probably I wouldn't trust 22 people to make the regular like a regular one season television show like it's like oh we need lighting we need a director we need camera people like sh could do it on a Sho string budget but if you're trying to make this like viz viz brought us to Anime Expo the biggest anime convention outside of Japan yeah to promote this one [ __ ] anime yeah they had a big shark statue they had a shark statue they had booths they had panels We There Was You know you know what we should have known there was an Afterparty for Z 100 Friday night got canceled wow yeah I was like hey come to the panel and then come to the After parties it's going to be this big thing to promote Z 100 got canceled and I was like why yeah why so weird I was like I feel like you've already done the leg work you invited the influencers were here like we're promoting the actors are there but it's also crazy the actors hadn't done a single episode yet and the show came out a month later not even days yeah days later which meant that the first dub the first dub episode is going to come out what 2 weeks later came out like a month later yeah which is like insane like so like it's one of the biggest fumbles I've ever seen not because it's not good it's very good but like so much money was put into it this is a big manga it's like a manga that a lot of people love viz is making it their like number one Keystone thing heading into summer 2023 which admittedly was a very light season for anime like a lot going on and they fumbled and just like hey here's a really cool fun anime that you're going to get attached to uh episode 6 comes out two we break episode seven comes out one week break and then a recap episode episode eight comes out and then nine comes out a week later indefinite Hiatus so weird so weird so wild yeah but in other news um jjk just got renewed for another episode we did it baby ding ding ding ding ding that's why you have more than 22 employ employes and you put a gun to the back of their head as they draw you're like hm Gojo looks a little bit weird there they going get more blood on hanamy don't you don't you think yeah yeah true it is interesting to compare mappa to bug bug films yeah bug films too busy working on the the ants mobile game movie yeah I know we got 22 kooby woobies everything about you drinking was a disaster you had [ __ ] psycho eyes on me I'm sorry said Gooby woobies that's and then a a whole Spurt of water my faite I love talking about the ants mobile games and Gooby woobies those my favorite you've hit my two favorite things bug films just a whole studio full of a bunch of Gooby whoopies gooy whoopies I don't know if I can get this out this week boss too busy working on the Mr dubstep film I know it's like so boss and the boss is like did okay it's all right we're too busy trying to convert this crab to our team just got [ __ ] oh no big crab hope we could get it oh we lost all the guys oh no we're down to 18 employees [ __ ] go the Giant Crab got our lead animator go in the first thing they have to do is like evade a giant crab monster Sorry boss we lost our CFO to the crab I have no idea how to proceed I like I it's like three of our employees left to map and our CFO got killed by the eaten it's all right we're trying to get some of the animators together to recruit them to our team he it bug here's the chapter boss like a nub like holding an iPad yeah oh God bug fil that's a joke for nobody that's a j for yeah for only people who have listened to a specific episode every single episode God we're about we're going to get so like episode 100 is just going to be the entire episode as references to past episodes people it's going to be like people stepping into season six of JoJo's and be like why are they kissing and why is one peeing in the other one's mouth like I don't I thought this was about vampires God all right everything's [ __ ] all right um by the way I read chapter 2 of kagachi did you read it no I did not mean to hit you in the throat it's our first documented podcast assault I threw the thing that wagy was eating last episode of Danny he threw righted in my neck listen no it's on me you're right I'm sorry I'm always behind you need to get on kagachi I know get on the train how is it um chapter two so first off I was right about everything yeah about everything it's bad no it's good it's good so but last week I was like this is super formula EG it's going to be a Revenge story The Mob killed his father he has to go get the certain amount of enchanted swords back from the people who killed his father every single thing I was right about I thought you were right about him being like now I got a [ __ ] [ __ ] my kid brother that would be see listen could be chapter 3 could be very like not not funny I don't want the head in that direction I don't want this used in outof context memes where you're like he's going to go [ __ ] his kid brother and I'm like wait it might happen it'll be funny um but it was like literally really [ __ ] shut that down yeah no I don't I don't want this being used in out of context memes uh but I the entire chapter was like them cleaning up the scene of killing everybody and it was like oh here's why he's angry his father was killed by the sorcerers his father has six Enchanted blades all all of which were stole by the sorcerers and then like he has the seventh blade which like his father protect like like yeah saved like saved to like because he committed his entire life to making it for his son and so the entire story is going to be in the literal chapter ends with them being like we found the location of the first Enchanted blade so it's just going to be Chihiro hunting down the six Enchanted blades in mini boss fights until he gets to the last sorcerer who's going to be the guy that we were introduced in chapter one and then he's going to get revenge for his father at the end then he's going to be like oh you're not even worth killing she the sword cuz that's a lesson his father was trying to tell him the entire time get all his blades back he'll become a swordsmith he'll learn the lesson of swordsmithing find out there's a massive responsibility on the person creating the swords and then Bing Bang Boom you know why I know this manga is going to be incredibly popular why because I predicted all this yeah yeah it's just like the more predictable an anime and a manga is the more popular it'll be wow interesting that's so like sad you know what though huh I feel like recent manga has kind of rallied against that I mean jjk is pretty unpredictable chainsaw man's like batshit crazy those were the two those are the two that I would use as examples I would say chainsaw man and jjk two of the more popular manga not anime I'd call Blue lock I'd put blue lock in there it's a big twist on the like Sports Anime kind of thing yeah at least like tonally maybe it hasn't thrown in any like real twists like in the plot but its existence is a bit of a like misdirect no it's definitely like it's like every like oh here's my favorite character oh here's this like super stud and it's like even the first episode like ends with the superstud getting a ball to the face and like he get dropped out and it's like you have to be Cutthroat out here so I think blue loock jjk and Chainsaw man do a really good job of like diverting the standard but like Black Clover um Demon Slayer Demon Slayer one piece like all Attack on Titans off of that it's pretty four seasons are like okay of course and then like when you get to the outside what when we get to outside that's when things get unpredictable I would say I suppose I mean it's pretty like on like the whole premise like all season one when you first watch it is like what is this [ __ ] like he's crazy and then like you don't really expect other Titan Shifters you don't expect Aaron to be one like true you don't expect his father passing it down the time travel [ __ ] the Titans in the walls no Attack on Titan definitely gets off course Attack on Titan has like defied all marketing logic and somehow become the world's most popular anime so weird to me it's unbelievably graphic it's like complicated it's complicated as [ __ ] it's like convoluted as [ __ ] it's so anti-mainstream yet it's the most mainstream look at our [ __ ] desk it's the one anime all your friends know it's like oh oh you watch like everyone's like oh I watch I talk about anime and oh me and my buddies we watch Attack on Titan and I'm like how like I just like how did that happen I think it's a Mech anime it's just so weird to them yeah I think it depends I don't really know like about anime NE or like I don't really know about like manga necessarily cuz like again who can keep up with new manga they get dropped left right and Center yeah but I don't know I feel like newer manga are like diverting from that cuz yeah jjk chainsaw man all the popular ones yeah I think people are like weeding out even Demon Slayer like the reason so many people are like demon Demon Slayer is mid Demon Slayer sucks is because the story yeah but they just do it really well yeah and I think that's what Karachi is going to do it's it's just going to be a Revenge it's going to be a gritty graphic revenge like story about collecting six blades which is like kind of just Katana Kari like a little bit it's a katana gari meets Demon Slayer but like I think the like the art style is really good chiro and the other Mr aame or whatever his name is are really cool characters they're funny and they have a good Dynamic I think like the Styles and the enchanted blades is like kind of cool the sorcery is dope I like that he has like koish Powers yeah he's got goldfish and yeah that's cool and like he had like three different kinds of Goldfish all based off the father like his father bought three goldfish and they raised oh they're they're not KO they look like KO they're long goldfish they're just big goldfish yeah I mean they're big sword sorcerer goldfish true um but so I think it's I think it's going to do really well it's going to run to completion uh especially like with the meme backing hype is like going to push it like obviously some people will read chapter one and be like that was funny and they'll never like touch it again but like enough people the chapter was good enough that enough people like me are going to stick with it do you think I mean like it for some reason I was like disheartened when you told me the plot cuz I was like oh this might just be like a 100 Chapter thing and then done do you think it's going to be short I don't think no it won't be longer it I it'll be shorter than jjk I guess because it's the thing is the end is already in sight right yeah exactly just six swords but do you think I mean who could say would you rather it be six swords done or would you rather he gets a six sword and then it's like oh kagachi shipin it's like oh now that I have my six swords I have to become a sword I could see him like getting the six swords and then being like I now have revenge for my father like kills a top Sorcerer And it's like now I have to begin my journey as a swordsman maybe well you know the thing it's like no I I think that's it I think that's got to be the end I almost don't I almost want one more Arc after because it's it's like if you get these six swords I want to see him use all six you know it's like when you I remember Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Black Flag had this thing where if you 100% the game you could get a skeleton crew like everyone on your pirate ship would be a skeleton that's sick it's sick but you've 100% in the game so what are you going to do with the [ __ ] skeleton so it's like he gets all these swords I want at least one last villain or or the final villain needs to be killed with five sword style whatever yeah well so I don't even know the find out like I think it's like the so the sorcerers killed his father and then like we don't know how the sorcerers found the place uh and then like they stole the six swords so I think the sorcerers might have like handed out the swords and then like I think he'll have to like cut through the underlings who have the six swords and then the final guy won't have a sword I know just by killing a sorcerer with the sorcery of the swords are they like what are the sorcerers like are they like dorks no like like I they're have you seen what do you think they like Shadow money with is her gang like it's like yeah it's like very much bad guys with magical powers well but like yeah like what no they're like oh my gas Fireball oh no a critical fail roll no they're [ __ ] that's kind of what I'm thinking yeah no they're [ __ ] big badass Mages yeah yeah okay yeah they're not like wizard they don't have a big ass wizard hat cooking up stew and they're like God I hope nobody with an enchanted Katana comes yeah no they literally they make like pointy trees peed my pants oh no he's got the he's got goldfish biggest spere no they're [ __ ] they're badass like Mobsters all right cool it's like it's like a story about like you just cut down an entire room of Yakuza people imagine it was like if those were the final B you were like the underlings have the swords and I was like oh these [ __ ] [ __ ] can't handle a sword it'll be like kill a kill where it's like oh this guy's got like a a slightly good suit he's got a better suit we got to get the three star suit and I'll be like all right here's the less he's going to start with like the weakest Katana and like oh this one has one goldfish style and then the strongest one will be at the end you what reminds me of vaguely do you ever watch Afro Samurai absolutely that show has a premise that I'm so jealous of do you remember the premise is like there's wow here I am hardly remembering it you got it well the premise is like I don't remember what happens if you have the headband but everyone has these headbands and like someone has like the red headband and everyone's hunting them and like if someone it's like this weird head based society and like if you have this headband you can challenge this guy's headband it's almost like Yu-Gi-Oh actually when they had the star chips I oh my God I wanted the star chips so badly that was a part of that was like a part of one of the like if you had like the portable decks you had the star chips you could take other people's star chips and you like yeah [ __ ] you like that's mine now I think it's like basically this headband hierarchy and I think it was like one guy has one headband and only people with like a black headband could challenge him but to to get a blackhe headband you have to like be a white headband user and kill someone with a blackhe headband it's karate it's how karate work exactly yeah it's literally that I love it I think that's rad and you know what you're right it's karate and now I'm embarrass it's fully just karate yeah you're you're just taking a karate class exactly but it's very cool and I was always like man I wish I came up with that what a what an easy rights itself idea absolutely oh like instead of the waist mm we put them on the head you're like you're a genius oh my God completely rewrote everything I mean that throw like a little like Jazzy like like music on there and yeah you have a [ __ ] Banger anime so yeah I think it's going to do really well I think it's going to get its full run I think it's going to be 100 200 chapters it's going to be like oh 30 chapters to each sword basically you think you win a prize the mangaa another one yeah another another [ __ ] slap on the back yeah probably who knows I think it'll be like it it's so funny CU this week on Shonen Jump another um another manga came out and the hype is just like nobody's even talking about it it was a two on Ice yeah two on Ice came out this this week which is just what that Yuri a self-taught figure skater chases the shadow of the Prodigy who inspires him it's going to be it's like reverse Yuri on Ice exactly yeah uh but it looks it looks straight I think because it's a it's a woman skating with a man um so it's it's Yu ice but straight straight is the new gay you know what and derogatorily I mean like I was going to say like actually though like it was like all straight like so many straight characters get shipped in gay relationships might as well be um so yeah karach she's going to do well did you have oh sorry no please after you speaking of this manga or Shonen manga have you seen there's a manga if you have the app up right now I bet if you I wish I knew it was called it's like a little like a like caveman looking boy he's got like red hair red star hair little Fang it's like ice something it has to do with ice it's like a little like ice head Gil yes yeah I keep wanting to check that out cuz I love what that kid looks like I said Gil in an icy World young Gil and his ax embark on a quest to defend his father's Legacy that looks like he could be the next Hunter Hunter doesn't it like he's got popular Shonen energy he's got a weird it's a weird look it's a he's got like like a black he's got like black roots and then he's got like sections of fire hair I think he's got a good look I could see that being like the next biggest manga ever I me based on his look really it's I mean it's on chapter 13 so obviously it's doing well it's cooking there are so many manga I just do not read like it's just like the amount of just manga I see on the Shen Jump app I have no idea like showjoe no wild strawberry got it seventh chapter I do need to read that well it's also like an art form that's been going on for literal decades and we kind of just started getting into it seriously guess it'd be like if someone came up to you and was like I haven't watched any movies where should I start and it's like nun Sopranos yeah you're like hey yeah get in go get the real art well it's just like it's like imagine having this whole history of a medium you'll never catch up what do you do if I recommend yeah somebody comes to you yeah I've never watched a movie yeah what do you recommend wow cuz let me tell you right now fast 10 Absolut could you imagine could you listen let's just say let's just say you've never seen a movie before and the first movie you see is John Cena and a tank El Camino firing at jasona Mamoa yeah they would become the most obnoxious person ever because they would be if they didn't like it they'd be like I don't like movies they're all like fast 10 no here's my here's my thing then you make the perfect movie watch that's the thing cuz they're like that was sick as [ __ ] and no they wouldn't that movie blows it was so good the movie eats ass and the thing your whole you have no concept of movies so you're like are they all like this are they all this incredible and then you go see an actually good movie and you like feel things that aren't just like it's everything's up from there uhhuh that's a perfect movie to recommend fast 10 absolutely the next time you run into a small Victorian child who's never seen a movie before fast 10 so you're like transported back to Sparta and the first thing you show them fast T they have a heart attack yeah could you imag could you not only imagine explaining the concept of cars but also that they don't [ __ ] do this youd have to pause every 10 seconds I'm like all right all right all right all right yes yeah yeah that's a pelican and yes it is flying over a highway you can't back a car out of a pelican onto a freeway and drive it I need you to know this how do they do it [ __ ] CGI now I have to like so many things you would have to explain like imagine explaining Fast N and the fact that they have a car in space and not only have to explain what space is but also that a [ __ ] car cannot go there incredible it would take the rest of your lifespan explaining to them what space is you would never get to the rest of the movie and be like all right why are they afraid of space [ __ ] gravity godamn it did you yeah true godamn it in one Fell Swoop you become every philosopher ever because of fast nine the amount of question yeah exactly that's how we explain Society is through fast nine have you did you enjoy my photo I sent you of me in the fast X hat with my was great with my racist F was good that was really good I thought you were going to keep it I had I know occasionally you just do things that like I think you do them cuz you're like oh Sarah will hate this and I know for a fact that's a thing she would despise she hated it I I'll send it to stank but I had a uh for Audio Only listeners I shaved I had a big beard for the past few mov you know what I'm going to say it I'm very happy it's gone really I'm really I didn't like it I it was just so you look Chic now you look like a guy I look slick you look like a guy who would recommend a book to me you know before you look like a guy who would like hand me a book and you be like this is how you live you're like this is what I live by as I take a big bite of bark exactly yeah you're like but you're like now you're like I would see you in a coffee shop be like no like oh you're reading this oh she has other works they're really good and you like like T and I'm all right that was nice but like now before you were like H got to get back to my cabin yeah I uh but so I was shaving and I had a very nefarious uh beard style going had it was just the well it was just the mustach and then like wrapped down to the bottom no okay it was a mustache and then just like a line down my play for Sabers yeah it little Landing Strip exactly it was a real like I looked like I had nefarious Deeds to do you know you you had the singer of oh God what is his name he has the two huge snake bites oh Disturbed Disturbed but like the singer disturbs facial hair but like take it all the way down yeah exactly um I looked like Robin Hood a bit yeah I guess you're so confused on what it looked like because the things you've been saying have not at all been in sync with what I'm saying I just don't remember I don't remember what Robin Hood looks like that's my a little mustache and then like a little goatee strip does he but it goes out he's got the Tony Stark Robin is Tony Stark yeah kind of yeah yeah but so I so I had that did you what did you when you shaved did you do the did you do the little one what little one did you do the little one the Hitler mustache you weirdo everybody every time you shave you have to do the Hitler mustache I didn't and no you don't absolutely do I told you about the time my dad said I looked like Hitler right yes yeah yeah one if you're out of the BL doing that it's okay listen every time you're shaving women you don't have to listen to this part of the podcast but every time you're shaving your beard shave your legs shave a little Hitler and oh yeah of course that's what he did but like you shave you do like mutton chops and then you get you're right you do the wrap rounds and you go oh this looks good then you do mustache you do like porn stash and then when you only have the mustache left shave the sides and then just like you just like you pretend you have a big speech to give oh thank God you're Jewish yeah exactly I get to listen I get to do this listen my grandmother had to flee Austria right like I was genuinely affected by this man um but it's fun it's F you just it's just a fun little ROM it's not like it's not like because I have his facial hair for 30 seconds in the bathroom I'm like you know what mind comp was good you start getting thoughts you start to wonder you know God the trains the train systems but um but I so I had that mustache and then I had a fast X flat brim hat and no shirt and just gave a real in look at Nick did that did that hat get tossed in the trash before I even the theater I'm so insulted at you why why don't you are the [ __ ] champion of fast I haven't worn a flat top hat since 16 it's the bit it's the Thousand bean bag of hatwar that is that is very true that is the bit you're right if it was made by like DOL and kabani that's my [ __ ] dream hat we're already at the point where new listeners can't understand what we're talking about that was so many bits the bar the barrier to entry is so high on this podcast there's a learning curve here I want us to be the one piece of podcast should we get to our flashback your flashback you don't have a flashback do you news yeah you didn't have one we looked in the beginning of the podcast you had nothing my flashback was the Z I'm wondering if I could just make something up okay I hear jjk is coming back that's exactly what I was going [ __ ] that was the joke I wanted to make God I love you all right can I do best boy yeah okay uh my best boy is nightquil yeah shout out to nightquil um the legal the legal like uh legal just sedate yourself into sleeping you know what the worst part about that is for a brief second I was like are they in Black Clover NyQuil I was like oh is that like a a kill a kill NyQuil yeah like no no they on your shoulder right yeah right no Quil yeah no El Quil of course so uh night Quil because I have a 14-hour flight tonight uh I'm going to China for those of you who don't know I just came back from Rave so I'm here for 36 hours in La uh and of course in the course of those 36 hours we have to film two podcasts that's what we do because we love you in 2 am um 2 am that's that's two I am who we are um so yeah nightquil because I am going to sedate myself on this flight I'm going to like we have we we board at midnight yeah uh because apparently if you're flying to China like the best thing to do is you board at midnight and that way you land at like 6:00 a.m. there like it's like you lose a day and you fly throughout the night so like you basically you boor at what would be night like your sleepy time f up basically it's like the like slept for hypothetically hours sorry one of our cameras died and Danny went on a 10-minute die try about how he could beat me in a fight Chad agrees you want to know what his strategy is ladies and gentlemen you want know what Danny strategy for beating me in a fight is quick baby yeah Danny well first off yeah apparently everybody in chat thinks I'm a 45-year-old geriatric who's going to is that an afterimage i 155 lbs I boxed for 10 years I know I can I can fight fast okay I'm fast I'm Scrappy I'm from the streets fast you're from money how fast do you think the average 145 lb boxer is you want to know what's funny I just gave you a shoulder massage oh yeah yeah what you what do you the speed St SpongeBob yeah you want to see me do it again want to see me do it again Danny's strategy for beating me in a fight is is holding was one was holding his hands in front of his head and then swinging his it's called a block idiot swinging his hips it's it's one block yes and swing hiss back and forth and then I wiggle yes because that way I simply won't be able to punch him in the stomach that's the strategy ladies and gentlemen so uh when the top when Nick gets knocked out unconscious in our next episode uh you know what just no I couldn't hit him I tried I tried but I couldn't [ __ ] do it all right I want one of these podcast episodes to end with just like please come on over out like a light that's it ladies and gentlemen Danny will Danny will clean my clock one of these yeah and to think I thought we got it all out in marriage counil we're going to fight one day I don't think we are I think it would do really well either that I thought about this in the shower I don't know iing in the shower is not think about fighting don't do this because it up don't do this because it's going to be really bad if you do this I could take him I think I could take him I thought about this in the shower and another really big good video would be all showering together please don't do this d a while ago we talked about like the strongest anime character we could beat in a fight and I said I could take OG Naruto cuz he's a 12-year-old yes who can clone himself and I said I could take a few clone children so we get in a boxing ring you send like a couple dozen kids at me and for everyone I shove over that's a kill okay all right I love that it's just a shove but I was like I was thinking just like we just have kids sign release form [ __ ] kicking through skulls yeah oh like some child just in a wheelchair cuz like I just wanted to meet my favorite YouTuber and this is the only way I can do it [ __ ] we cut to a we cut to a flashing of you with one of them over your head and everyone's trying to get through the ring to stop you and he like oh just snap his back I've got one over my head he just Whispers I flew from Illinois for this crack over my knee please please react to Blue Exorcist yeah [ __ ] the be so funny we it'll never happen you just send a bunch of kids I mean we shove them over okay we do we do each shove as a takedown okay I see how many I could take out and then maybe one of them is secretly the real Naruto and if I get to him I wi he he's secretly 15 yeah yeah that's the thing he's just like w harder yeah he just like shredded I like the idea of I like the idea of one two YouTubers look looking for 12-year-olds just put that just put that out there looking for 10year olds parenthesis two fight two fight pay will won't pay yeah pay yeah will like you will have to sign like it's like a Mr Beast video but instead of like paying them send them off in wheelchairs yeah God we cannot do that but I love the concept of it but we can fight you and I we're not going to fight D I'm going to Hype it up every week and I'm going to train you're going to train I'm going to train meanwhile you'll lay and grow fat and lazy and old if there was a time to fight me it would be after I get back from China yeah yeah I would be I'll be jet lagged I would't have worked out for two and a half weeks how long are you going two and a half weeks can you I CH is really half cycle of steroids in that amount of time uh okay you have a best boy yeah okay oh so I'm not really into uh like ja Japanese music or any music of any other language than English because the big appeal to me with music is like the lyrics I really like them I like songs that like tell stories typically I can sing along to a Japanese song I like the Naruto one that bangs I like almost know the words of now um but like typically I don't know I don't really like lyric like songs I don't understand the lyrics too gotcha Guilty Gear soundtrack has always gone really hard yeah and they recently released a DLC character um Johnny they released him a bit ago but Spotify just recently got his theme song it's called just lean it's so unbelievably sick really I have been jamming out to it that band does the most hardcore japanglish medal I love japanglish cuz it just like you listen to it and they're like I am feeling like rocks and you're like what what just happened it's like have you heard any of the Guilty Gear songs the main theme that like was in all the trailers and stuff it's for the character Soul bad guy let me tell you all the music is like this it's all this level of japanglish the like chorus of the main theme is that is [ __ ] blazing in our hearts is blazing yeah um yeah you need a sip of water after that one after after that boys C yeah all that that's why we don't sing that's why we talk that was an embarrassing voice C no it's good um but yeah this one's like so good it's it's the Z 100 opening where it's um they're like it's like distopia song of the Devo sopia song of the devil and it's just that it's like that other good Naruto opening that's like we are fighting Dre fighting like what the [ __ ] does that mean like you fight dreams or you just like you have dreams and you fight yeah yeah it's wild uh cool so your best boy is that song just lean just lean the Guilty Gear soundtrack BS go go listen to it okay me and Danny have had an MC tier list that we have had halfway done for a long time and because we are now only an hour and a half into the episode we're going to finish up the semc tier list and we left off in a really great place uh we put Luffy and a that was the last thing that we did uh people were upset with us uh because we put denji basically the number one complaint is that we put denji in s that was people were like people like oh I can't believe Aaron below denji 100% Luffy below denji listen put Luffy above denji whatever I'm not far enough into one piece to really make an argument denji above Aaron every day of the week love denji two tiers above Aaron at least people seem to realize that we're an incredibly Pro chainsaw man podcast Pro chainsaw man almost anti-attack on tit yeah it's depending on the day of the week but like just in terms of like [ __ ] cuz we hardly ever get to respond to comments cuz we don't read them much it's usually just people making fun of my appearance yes they are not they are not nice to you but um like I I just don't get I really I never have understood why people love Aaron as a protagonist because I think he's like the weakest part yeah for Audio Only listeners do a do an audio version of that oh oh you're raising your hand that was the whistle with my hand going past the microphone gotcha uh it's because he's edgy I thought you were doing a high Hitler God no well because you always talk about not even close to the right angle well you got I got Hitler on the brain the mustache happen cuz the mustache talk I thought that's why um because he's edgy yeah he is but he's like I no one watches I mean they do apparently I just like he's just not the focal point of the show lined for for like all of season three and most most of the show is eron's either away or being taken away M that's the that's the big thing is oh [ __ ] there goes Aaron and where's Aaron yeah that's most of the show I just don't get like putting denji up against Aon like being like Aaron s than denji and anyone who thinks that is like doing or you know not anyone anyone doesn't like us and things that yeah is like they don't get denji like it's just a lot of people don't get denji or like his motivation is to touch a boob it's so much more than that it is yeah he genuinely I the reason that I think denji is such a great character to me at least is that he breaks the mold like it's like he's like so non-typical of the show like he's a borderline sociopath trying to understand human emotion because he spent his entire life living like as a recluse and as like being given Love For the First Time selling his nuts and teeth yeah the thing is selling his eye like he's like trying to like finds an identity amongst everything and like he just simply can't and like that's like kind of the cool thing about denji that's why I think he breaks the mold and like I think Aaron to listen we gave Aaron a like we did neither of us like attack like we like attacko Titan obviously we're not going to say we've gotten very deep parts of we got very deep into the we like I enjoy Attack on Titan I watch Attack on Titan but like not our favorite anime we still gave him an a cuz we at the very at the very least we have to admit that so much conversation revolves around him like he's very iconic character but anyways uh our first character is Mob from Mob psycho now whatever okay um s mob a maybe I mob is an interesting spot because I think mob definitely could be putting like I'd say ARS e as well cuz mob is kind of like the strongest person in the universe right but he doesn't want to use it's like his entire life is trying to not use his powers because he wants to live a regular life I think he's an interesting character I think a I'm comfortable with CU maybe maybe you're right maybe I would do un like sub a like maybe I would do be cuz the everything around him is fantastic yeah and that's it's another show like attack on Titan like one punch man and MOB psycho are both kind of shows where they know that the protagonist is like Bland and like they're one note obviously so the world is kind of more the focus yeah and MOB when you cut to him it's like cu the problem is when mob shows up everything gets fixed right and then like so like it's like does mob want to use his powers and I think mob becomes a more interesting character later on like especially when he gets rejected and like he has like deal with the fact that the girl he likes doesn't like him season two onward is when he starts getting like very compelling and then his relationship with re uh rean rean re rean and like all of that and like him trying to like identify like his place in the world is really cool but like I don't think mob is the strongest part of mob psycho yeah I think it's all I think it's I think it's Reagan I think it's uh the blonde guy with the stupid hair um the teleporter in the in the most recent season like so many more people are more compelling than mob but mob has some of the most compelling moments like mob getting pushed to like his question mark mode 100% mod well but that's the thing the most compelling stuff about mob is the animation you know is like because when he shows up you're going to get a sick fight yeah and like I said there are compelling things like him getting rejected like you said and like him really tackling with like what he wants to be what he wants to do with his power yeah but you're right everything surrounding him is more compelling than he is like Reagan I'd put way above M yeah oh Reagan's an easy I love him I him yelling out like his selfdefense attacks when he like just like he's like and he yells out selfdefense to make sure legally he's cover [ __ ] love I'll give I'll give mob I'll give mob an a I like mob I I I don't feel like he deserves to be in B cuz like B is like we have like Lego she who like who's like I don't know like we yeah I think I think I think a is safe for Mob we'll keep him in a now that you reminded me that Lego she's in B I would put mob and B that's just my vote I think Lego she's really I don't know though you're because that's another one where like the things around him like I feel like B is maybe like the place for where the show is better than the MC better than the MC we could put mob and b i you know I'm down for Mob and B yeah uh all right next up Naruto I love Naruto MC yeah oh do you interesting I can't actually there's like not a lot this is literally the only n statue I have in here and and it's not Nar oh yeah and jiah oh yeah which you saw too iing destroyed down it's not even on it anymore so just a toad I'm so sorry I'll fix it um Naruto's got to be S right he's the best out of the MC's from The Big Three I yeah yeah talk no Jutsu which obviously like his [ __ ] at moments you're like oh my God we get it you're talking everybody out of it but I think has a really compelling story uh I think towards the end I this is obviously I mean obviously everything comes down to writing but this isn't really Naruto's fault is Aid stupid thing to say cuz it's like what do you mean it's like it's all kishimoto's fault but it's not Naruto's fault that he becomes like The Reincarnation and he becomes this like God reincarnate because I think Naruto's message holds true throughout like obviously the circumstances Naruto are written into make the message that he's conveying that like oh you're more than the circumstance of your birth and like you can achieve anything through hard work becomes more diluted down when you're like oh my God you were born into being a god with the most powerful parents of all time with the strongest nty in the entire universe sealed inside of you so but I think Naruto as a character one he's like my comfort character I love him he's the Naro is the reason I got into anime I think the message holds true with a lot of things so yeah Naruto Naruto's a pretty easy ass he's got like a bit of a case of like Big Three itis where like he does grow as a person and as a character but it's like pulling teeth like he stays pretty the same through it yeah but his like Foundation is like deeper and more complex I would say than like the other big three MC's yeah yeah yeah definitely because like I like him being raised as an orphan all those kinds of things like the rags the richest story definitely amongst all of them is the best in Naruto for me and Kishimoto just really knows how to write like like he writes some of the most human moments out of the big three like of Naruto just like you know they'll have a chapter or an episode of him just like going around like helping everybody with their problems they're [ __ ] on him then he comes home and like lights his birthday cake and it's he's all alone oh God small devastating moments yeah that only affect Naruto and you're like okay I can understand why people love him uh Jesus Christ um what oh no fairy tales main character that's embarrassing oh I don't even know natu I mean I know his name but I don't know anything about them I'm we don't have a we don't have a I've only seen 150 episodes of fairy tale oh only yeah okay yeah this was like also when I was like 16 um back when fairy tale was like Peak animation everyone was like oh my god fairy tale is incredible the animation was gorgeous at the time really good in like 2013 yeah um I don't I have I have no feelings towards natu he's the most will be he be our first D tier no no well we have Kito down there yeah we have Kyo down there um natu to me is a cool character he's just like I don't know I I feel as though I don't have any strong opinions towards him and you haven't seen fairy tale what's what's his stick is he like an AA like I don't even here's the thing like this is how like he's just so kind of bland to me he's a son of a dragon uh he joins a guild I think he's Big O I think he's a protect your friends guy like I think he's I think he might be an Ichigo I genuinely don't remember fire i i i this was I watched 150 episodes 10 years ago yeah um I'm gonna give him I'm gonna give him a I'm gonna give him a b I'm gonna give him a that's right that's fair whatever [ __ ] you um okay who's the who's the one from bungo stray dogs that wears Brown show me okay yeah it's [ __ ] stank and his and his waist images for our main characters hereo I think it's Romo I'm interested to see who stank thinks is the main character yeah it's Romo okay the main character the the historic main character of bungo sty dogs Romo so here's the bit of that yeah bungo stray dogs's main character is actually this character named atsushi and the show just gets [ __ ] hijacked in season 4 by Romo I would put him in s tier gotta one day I'm going to give you homework which will be the first season of bungo stray dogs gotta it won't be it won't do the show Justice cuz season 4 slaps and season 5's even better now okay um rompo is like unbelievably complex he starts off like he sucks he has like the Naruto treatment where he starts off and you're like [ __ ] this guy yeah and then you kind of like find out why he's like that and also like the moments where he sucked kind of retro proactively become endearing and he's just like incredible that dude's an S tier cool guy I'll do it why not [ __ ] who yeah if you can become the main character of a show without being the main character it's a kiloa effect you know it's like all right everybody like you spend enough time on camera everybody loves you as much if not more than the main character [ __ ] you get asked here and people aren't pissed about it like in chainsaw 2 what do you mean I I have one friend who reads chainsaw man other than you and he doesn't like that it's a new protagonist it's not even okay first off Assa is the is Assa is the protagonist for 10 chapters and then she disappears we haven't seen ASA in like 15 chapters yeah so tell your friend to keep up with the manga we're very much back with denji uh SAA why do I always go first you know why why not you you know how I feel about this I've the one of the very first bits that we did on this podcast was like the first three episodes was like when I was trying to explain people the complexity that is one punch man yeah the problem is sitma as a symbol I think is really important in the courage shown in genre where he stands as an example of like a boil down essence of this is what Shonen is and you're just not CU there's so many layers on Shonen you're just not realizing you're like oh SAA didn't do enough work to achieve the level of power he has yeah [ __ ] that's the point that's the [ __ ] point that is shown in it's like oh my god oh Naruto was able to figure out the Ross and shuriken because he has thousand clones and he he figured out in three days Ichigo becomes a soul Soul Reaper Ichigo figures out bonai in like 2 days and it's like oh it's because it's because he had a good train he had a good teacher [ __ ] you bonai everyone's the son of somebody awesome Bai takes captains 10 years to learn he to go figure it out in a couple of days like shownin is just that was too easy but with a couple of layers of excuses SAA just doesn't have the excuses so for me SAA as a symbol is really important in Shonen however as a character yeah like he's cool like he like his his battle against Bor not Bor well Bor and also goo really cool like they actually get to see his character like whenever satima gets angry eyes awesome as like a but like it's one of those things I think I think B is a good spot for him because I think you made a really good point a show where the main character isn't the most important thing in the in the universe can't be anything higher than a be or not even like the most important but like where he's not the most interesting character you know because like bat genos child Emperor now in the manga if he's buried by more interesting characters he can't be that good but if it's like you know they character like like denji we put it s and you could argue he's not the most interesting but it's not like there's not a mountain like Aki's very cool heino's very cool it's not like like power's great yeah but he it's not like a landslide like power should be the protagonist over him you know yeah no I I think B is safe for SAA I think that's I think that's a good rule okay um I can't believe I'm I'm I'm pulling a you Dr Stone's main character I almost called him Dr Stone I know it if you want it I can't oh my God you're never going to let me L this down yeah yeah tell me it's uh it's Professor I'm gonna [ __ ] it if you say Professor Boulder I'm I'm gonna freak out oh God senu thank you Jesus Christ yeah it's hard isn't it it's it's I almost said Dr Stone uh senu is a really good protagonist you like him compelling yeah cool smart um always does the right thing uh but like in a way that's interesting and compelling I wouldn't call I wouldn't call him an S tier like obviously like he's intelligent and like he kind of breaks the mold of your standard shown he's like not Punchy you know he'll make a little potion and be like hey this is how I'm fixing this problem yeah uh I think senu I think senu is an easy a I think that's a okay I think that's an a for me that seems like in on brand with what I know about um not Black Clover about Dr it's like SAR Black Clover where itn't broken this like glassing of like being an S tier anime like tons of people like it and a lot of people love it people love love it but it's not like you don't see anyone like cosplaying as the characters like it's not getting a video game anytime soon yeah it exists what it's the Gintama it's a modern day Gintama where it's like it's a cult classic everybody loves it it's like yuu Haka show comparatively to like Dragon Ball you know it's like oh everybody loves it obviously but like it's not like it was never top three top four and so it's like it's one of those like really good anime that's buried but it's like buried because it's good but it's not great you know and that's kind of the thing but I love darkstone it was probably my favorite with the most recent season which nothing really happened it was like my comfort watch like but nothing [ __ ] happened all right spikes theal Spike SP Spike Sagal [ __ ] off no you're Am I Wrong what are you trying to say Spike spike Spiegel yeah Spike spegel spike Spiegel first you said you said Spike spal I'm getting Steven Sagal in that spice Sagal and I was like what yeah um like yeah I feel like if we give him s it's a Nostalgia s that's what I'm saying is I'm trying to be like objective and also not be like well what will people be mad about I don't know he's pretty good it's been a minute since I watched Cowboy bbop though cuz I don't know hands for days incredible animation cool character um you don't really understand his backstory until the end you know like how it plays into the U the main bad guy I here's the thing here's what I want to ask what keeps him from being s is it just that we're being hipsters it might just be that we're being hipsters I think it's that honestly because I'm like well he's funny he's charismatic great lines great lines like there are moments that have like given me chills like and he's not likeing good ending he's like brooding but not like annoyingly like edgy I think we're just being obnoxious list I think we just have to I think we occasionally we have to be like hey is this Nostalgia or is it actually good all right I'm I'm happy with s yeah good s all right T yeah how about that huh how about that yeah what would you give no Nostalgia there what do you give him I mean I listen he's Naruto you know he like he is I mean he's not he not he's not n cuz no no one was ever a dick to him um he's Naruto but like nice yeah he's not Naruto at all you know what you know what I think tanjiro falls into the same category as satima and MOB really not the best thing about his Universe by far if you if you pulled a 100 if you pulled a 100 Demon Slayer people who's your favorite character probably anos 20 25 let say Tano anos 40% I'd say zenitsu 10 15% nezo 25% you so I'd say I'd say Tano holds a quarter of the share of people watching Demon Slayer and then there's all the hashira too like if you go if you go into cosplay like anybody You' seen cosplay Demon Slayer like there is a good amount of tandro Cu it's easy it's accessible it's a lot of tenen it's a lot of tenen and it's a lot of it's a lot of Vos lot nzo Ru yeah rang Goku all those people I'd say be yeah I I'm like willing like Demon Slayer is the anime I have made the most [ __ ] like video essays on and I have just it's similar to chainsaw man where like I have like picked it apart of its themes to the point where I like probably am like putting more into it than it is giving out yeah so like I'm willing to consider to like concede to him being a bee yeah I think I think he's just not if you're not the most compelling thing about your universe that's B and I think season 3 probably proved that where they took out all the compelling characters oh God I can't wait for no to come back holy [ __ ] yeah uh this one's going to be easy uh Thorin Thorin yeah S easy that's the Y the whole show is that he's incredible it's this show is a character study on Thorin that's the entire thing like he is by far in a way the most compelling thing about his story because he is the story it's not like there obviously there's war going on in the beginning of all that Thorin easiest s of life and other other than like cowboy bbop that's probably the only show on this list that is a character study yeah right like everything else is like a world a universe going on the things happening around them um isagi blue lock I love isagi I don't I like love him yeah but but I could be talked into a be I'd go higher I okay me too I don't think I I do think he's the most compelling thing about his universe but I think a couple of characters in the universe give him a good run for his money I yeah I think I think he hasn't like I don't know I'm so not used to like Sports Anime yeah he hasn't like done like I feel like we're still in the beginning of blue lock even I mean we're what 24 episodes in we're 24 episodes in but I found out it's like 11 volumes it's it's still running well I mean like no it like the first season covers the first 11 volumes like it Cooks through the and like one volume like you know that episode where like comes to terms with his ACL tear and this and that that's a whole volume in the manga yeah was the pacing in this manga slow I an episode is usually two to three chapters yeah a volume is 10 chapters that's what I'm saying I was looking it up cuz I bought some manga and I was like oh I'll buy like a few ahead probably keep like catch up to where I am I'll buy like volumes like two and three found out it covers the first 11 volumes that's wild isn't it crazy but so that's why like but even though it's like five chapters an episode I know that's nuts it's pacing is great yeah um even though it like you know it's the first 11 volumes it feels like we're still in the beginning of blue lock like isi hasn't fully evolved into like an S tier yet M I don't know I would do a okay yeah I'm very happy with a I think that's I think that's where he deserves to be uh okay um try gun stampede stampede well I mean like just trun Vash Vash um I feel like this is another one cuz gut reaction s right okay I love bash I really do I love the giddy nature I love the fumbling of the bullets I love the accuracy I love that the story's tied into him and his brother like being like plants created to like terraform world I feel like though I have to check my Nostalgia s because there are some some things I like there's nothing I hate about him but I just like I can't put him emotionally in my mind next to spike right yeah that that's where I was with ISE where I'm like I love isigi not in s in the grand scheme of like everyone else yeah he's a high a in my mind like I think he deserves to be next to Naruto I think he deserves to be next to you know like some of the most compelling characters out there but I don't like there's nothing about him where I'm like this is a voled into s category character cool easy um Christ someone's waste it's the it's norami MC I'm skipping it uh Yugi um oh this you and me are going to have vastly different answers here because you don't know Yugi yet yeah yeah and I hate him yeah here's the thing anime Yugi yeah see best give okay I was gonna say give me anime and give me manga and I'll let you be the final say on both manga Yugi ha okay anime eugi C does what keeps him from being the s in the manga is it the fact that early days he see it's just his story isn't done yet so like yeah sort of but the thing is Yuji has a journey and the journey is loss pain and just demon ifying like he's like Yuji is a bright-faced hugely smiling character in the beginning and he gets dragged into the world that jit to and curse spirits and he's supposed to act as a symbol of what the world does to Jiu-Jitsu sorcerer like Jiu-Jitsu Sorcerers and how like kind of what ghetto was talking about where how in order to protect non Sorcerers they have to stack the bodies of their dead friends and slowly but surely throughout the story you see his smile disappear and like I think the last time we see him smile is prior to the shabuya incident when he's waking up Gojo yeah um and then you never see him smile like you never see him smile again like it's like it's like the entire it's like a thing in like the jjk manga readers like amongst where like you like as the panel go on you just see him lose his smile and so in the shabui incident his character growth kind of comes to this moment where it's like you you begin to like see the new foundation and I think we're a couple of chapters away from like his Peak right now and I think there's going to be a huge scene ideally hopefully like where he you know gets his final like come up into like a Revenge battle kind of thing and I think that would be awesome but like until we get that I can't be like this is an stier character cuz I don't know he could get cuz here's the thing he's not the most compelling person in his univers yeah like Gojo is Gojo is you know that's Gojo is an S tier protagonist Gojo is an S tier protag Gojo's [ __ ] awesome uh ghetto awesome you know like Utah's awesome like I wouldn't say UT is the most compelling person in the universe but so I would say a good spot for Yugi split the diff call be okay yeah interesting I you know what I CU that all is incredibly exciting to me yeah and it sounds like an Aaron Jagger type of deal sort of imagine if Aaron got more tolerable yeah towards the end that's yeah and then stayed that way that's hype like I am open-minded and excited about Yugi like not even just open-minded where I'm like I'll give it a shot like I buy I will like him yeah I think what the anime needs to do as an anime only listener or Watcher um listener I've lost my eyesight yeah exactly yeah you had the hanamy treatment yeah it sounds great but um just getting your eyes plucked out like Kakashi in the fourth Great War but um I I do love the focus on Gojo I am starting to be like we got to get Yuji back in here if you guys want me to ever care about him exact like he's got to get in fast the remainder of the shabuya incident revolves around him which is hype that's good and we do get a little bit of that like smile loss like with the big Cricket monster with him seeing this woman get like deformed yeah so I'm excited yeah he he definitely he's a good growth but the growth isn't done yet in the manga so we don't know that being said new leaks in like 12 hours so holy [ __ ] am I excited all right last one that we're going to do yusuke yshi from I have no idea okay here's my thing yeah rewatching uyu right now um very excited how far are you uh five episodes I'm just I'm watching it while I work out right uh and what I forgot is that one very '90s character uh that the way that like he so he dies in the beginning he gets like he like pushes a the way a kid out of the way of a car dies becomes a ghost and his thing is he takes over somebody else's body and he needs like tell this girl not to burn his like make sure you tell my mom not to burn my body because I need to be able to come back to my body like once I pass all these ghost trials and he's like he takes over somebody else's body to convey that message and he's like how do I possibly tell this girl that I'm her like what can I do to remind this girl that I'm her so in this other like K Kara's body he gets behind her grabs are boobs and he's like oh they're so squishy and she's like you SK and cuz like his whole thing is that they grew up together and he just fondles her occasionally and I was like I forgot this part I I was like I forgot this part and I was like I was like it's the '90s it's grandfathered in because like the first the first episode he's like oh you're wearing a skirt Andy upskirt hert he's like it's so Lacy and I'm just like wow I did not expect that nonsense from Mr Hunter Hunter it it was just cuz it's so funny cuz Hunter Hunter is so [ __ ] woke H H Hunter Hunter is so woke Kila has a transgender sister that he's very vehement like hey you're gonna gender her correctly like and it's just like it's so funny because it's like YuYu was written before Togashi married the mangaka of Sailor Moon and then Hunter Hunter was written after he married her so I was like influence I was like that's the girlfriend effect right there um but yusuke is a [ __ ] dope character he's a really dope character he's funny as [ __ ] um so many shown and archetypes are built around his character thing spe gun is Iconic um and while he isn't necessarily you know what he's not the most compelling thing about about I'm GNA say it about YuYu i' say it's kabara or he or the are the people that people usually talk about in YuYu Nostalgia clouding puts him at a I'm GNA put him at B wow yeah I'm GNA I'm gonna put but is it if it's just two characters who are more interesting than him like is it an absolute burial where it's like you're not tuning then I don't think it counts right like the what what I was talking about before is like you're not tuning into Attack on Titan for Aon yeah like that's my thing same with mob psycho really yeah you're tuning in okay you know what that's fair I'm GNA I'm going to throw him at a I feel like a is safe uh and that's it that's the end of the list so yeah please feel free to yell at us yes denji is still an S here uh get as upset about it as you want we don't we don't give a [ __ ] we've never been right once in our life so why do we start now uh this brings us to our part our favorite part of the episode where me and Danny pull the crowd for a love letter so if you guys want to ask me and Danny questions that we answer live on the pot you can become a YouTube member we got 35 very chill YouTube members hanging out with us right now uh me and Danny did do about 20 minutes of us pretending to fight that you guys are going to miss now as non- YouTube members uh because obviously they got a lot of content they got a lot of additional content um well you're also going to get me and Danny loading our girlfriends into this room to do the girlfriend podcast so loing yeah yeah loading in to find extra hand truck and they're like yeah yeah I don't even know where we're going to put them actually uh but so yes if you guys want to become YouTube member it's either $4.99 or 5.99 depending on what team you want to be on uh and this is the part of the show where we ask the love letters so I'm going to go turn my camera back on Danny grab us a question so Xander asks who's an anime villain you agree with I'm gonna go first here yeah okay first off Hill I'm willing to die on here H I've died on many times Ma okay okay absolutely so here's the thing what part of his ideology do you agree with uh everything okay here's the thing let's say so fourth grade shobi World War the most powerful man on Earth just reincarnated and he's like hey guys I want to give you Heaven I want to give each and every single one of you an illusion so real you'll believe it's reality and you get to live in what would be your personal Heaven forever [ __ ] have been dying for that [ __ ] for 5,000 years Christians don't jerk off their entire life to achieve that you're telling me that in order to achieve this all I have to do is not fight the strongest dude in existence yes please and thank you every oh what about free will [ __ ] free will [ __ ] why would I want free will if I can have free will in a univer listen if your dream is Free Will yeah you'll have it an infinite suomi you'll have you'll get it all day long you'll do the you listen oh oh I want what my guns what about war if you want war if you want to feel like you're fighting for Freedom that's what infinite suomi will look like for you hell yes cuz there it's a it's a conversation between what do you want freedom or security I want security every single time every single time I'm taking like absolutely I am sold you're 100% right right it's so yeah I hate like arguments like that where it's like well but it's not real though and it's like you don't [ __ ] know you don't like you won't care here's my thing they're like oh here's the red or the blue pale yeah blue every single time yeah I don't give a [ __ ] 100% oh oh oh but the steak is ones and zeros [ __ ] you you remember the outside world of Matrix looked like it was tentacle monsters yeah yeah it was octopus land it was awful that sucked it looked so bad yeah absolutely sucked I would much rather live in the illusion and be like oh look I have a Ferrari in this illusion cool yeah like oh 1010 is my wife cool I'm going to take this no 100% I like that that is your a Ferrari in 1010 as your wife is your Suki yomi what a [ __ ] life I'll take it every day of the week I agree I think you're right yeah I have one that's not necessarily Like a Villain cuz I couldn't think of like a villain's ideology that I necessarily like agree with but every time in Full Metal Alchemist that somebody [ __ ] about being whatever they are shut up Al being a giant badass suit of armor okay okay get over it okay the big pig man the the k men who can transform in and out of being chimeras they're all like we can the gorilla the boore yeah they're always bitching about like oh how can we go see our wives and families like this don't be a [ __ ] pig monster around us just be a man again or or do plenty of women would be very into that yeah a lot of Shia Tucker apologists would be very into it are you telling me right now if there was a 7 foot Pigman right now that there wouldn't be a line of women to listen in balers gate you can [ __ ] an actual bear and 90% of people did it that's true that is true look there's a market for sure I don't know if their wives and children are part of it oh well listen also if my dad was a 7 foot pig man be pretty cool I'd be stoked what you'd be stoked at first and then you'd hit like age 16 and he'd be like here's your lunch you be like Dad not in front of the school don't be a pig man in front of the school are you you remember like people being like my dad can beat your dad in the fight [ __ ] no he can't no he the dude with tusks my dad will Gore your dad listen your dad will be Robert barathan yeah but there's that everyone who complains about being a homunculus and being like I don't want immortality that sucks look I'll concede that like alons has it kind of rough because he's as he's awake while everyone else is asleep eat can't sleep uh can't feel yeah that's fine how was that fine what what is so great that's out there to feel and eat if you were given yeah sex Pizza in that order in that order if you were given eight more hours a day at night to do whatever you want you would become a murderer I would be so productive you would become a murderer that would be unbelievably prot there would be blood on your hands I would just run a nightclub H it would where it closes at 2 a.m. not mine it has IL legally it has to in most places there's open things you have to Vegas I guess or I move to Vegas and have a nightclub and murder people well if you had to be awake if I had to be awake between the hours of 3 and seven every single night well the and on top of that W like listen oh there's night I worked at night for almost a year like like yes there's nocturnal people but if I also have to be awake during the day yeah murder you know why that sucks M because you get tired alons does not I I would alons doesn't eat he doesn't need to eat he can't feel cold he can't feel hot you know what you can get when you like not tired done with the [ __ ] yeah uh Hey I just spent 18 hours fighting homunculi I'd like to lay down I'd like to feel the softness of a bed under me oh maybe maybe close my eyes have a nice little dream about not being a [ __ ] suit of armor look there's downsides no one's going to deny that every now and then Al kind of turns off for a bit that sucks um also he can break apart one time in a recent episode he turned off for a little bit and his friends disassembled him yeah that's kind of scary not great not great at all and not to mention your entire life can be wiped away if the blood seal on the back of your neck gets wet your entire life can get wiped away if somebody pushes you down the stairs yeah I guess living charmander's existence holding a [ __ ] Leaf over his tail to make sure it doesn't go out I'm just saying there is a lot of bitching going on in Full Metal Alchemist so who's the villain you agree with [ __ ] the homunculi I guess the the the thing behind the door that took Ed's body there's so many people who are like no don't be a homunculi that'll suck and yeah it sucks cuz you get possessed by a homunculi they don't know that at the time I guess everyone's always like I don't want to be immortal I don't want to be a big of armor I'd love to be immortal would we've talked about this I would absolutely look you get through one wave of your friends and family dying you get over that [ __ ] so fat like every other wave of your friends and family dying would be like nothing like then you would set your expectations be like oh I'll get attached you want be omn man I'll be omn man you just treat them like pets but I'm not going to murder the entire world I just want to see what like iPhone 48 looks like same thing same thing you gave me immortality I'd kill I would kill people I just at a certain point certain point it doesn't matter I'd probably eventually start killing you'd start killing if being honest anybody if any human was to turn Immortal to maral sure maybe for the first 100 years you wouldn't start killing you you'd find yourself but after 200 years on Earth you start killing I'd kill oh yeah you're right yeah cuz there's no there's no oh what you you going to execute me I would find every person who calls me a yapper on Tik Tok exactly because I'd have the time exactly you oh oh oh I have to hunt down your IB [ __ ] I'll walk there are you kidding me yeah I become that snail yeah exactly that would that' be great I would love that I'd love that chapter of your life I there we go I've sold you mhm I'm being Immortal no I want 500 years 5 500 years that's all I need the only I would 100% be down to be immortal If I Stay looking like this I would yes obviously but the only way I would want to be IM mortal is if I could have out a mortal but I can kill myself at any point huge that's fair if the world ends that blows that's the thing eventually you have to deal with the [ __ ] implosion of Earth and people don't realize the the large part of immortality is just floating in space you have to swim to the next planet like it will never happen like you like we talked about it if you become immortal you have to make sure human figure out light speed travel that's your number one thing that'd be your goal though the stress of that though that how is that not in anime that's a good concept a dude who's Immortal and his whole motivation is just making sure Humanity hauls ass towards lighted travel cuz otherwise he will spend eternity floating in space that's a genuinely good concept that would be sick yeah that'd be really cool I don't know who he fights like I don't know [ __ ] people I don't know who don't want to go like speed rednecks I guess so yeah they're like oh no too fast true maybe he doesn't have like he's not like side to not side to M he just lives for a long time like he's not super strong M okay and that's everything we have ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching this episode of toos Anonymous um next week like we said is going to be our girlfriend special uh which we're going to film right now and the live is actually going to continue hanging out with us as we get our girlfriends in here and get them sat down and all that um and then after that I'll be back from China and you know we'll do the damn thing again so unfortunately there's going to be a big catch up on jjk and all those other things that are going on fortunately we're currently between Seasons something we didn't even talk about actually is that summer season just ended and we're now heading into fall season uh but the only thing that ended is bleach uh which was really good actually really really good we started the Royal Guard Arc and all that and I guess Z 100 kind of indefinitely ended though whatever uh and so yeah make sure you follow us us on all the other socials Tik Tok Instagram all those other ones if you want to support us everywhere that'd be awesome come a YouTube member if you want to hang out you want to watch us you know do the inet scenes and all that and outside of that I've been NC Hammer 23 also known as the wee Commander Daniel that was the longest godamn outro you have ever done I have to piss so bad you going to call me a yapper you're just yapping away mayor of the Aon meanwhile piss boys yeah pissing up a Pua boy exactly listen get those pants wet baby we got our girlfriend's coming in I'm Danny ma uh I'm going to piss he's going to piss subscribe to all the things check out our merch do it that's it cool bye and now for my next number I'd like to return to the [Music] class
Channel: Otakus Anonymous
Views: 33,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, anime, weeb, otaku, gundam, Otakus Anonymous, new podcast, one piece, bleach, attack on titan, death note, demon slayer, trigun stampede, crunchyroll, podcasting
Id: H6sd9kTBOL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 9sec (7929 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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