Sukuna vs The Akatsuki is a MASSACRE

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what's going on guys TG or thunder Godot here today talking about sakuna versus each akatski member and seeing how high he can get on the akatski ladder spoiler warning I apologize I spoiled one person I I'm sorry for spoiling you in the last video so don't watch past this point if you don't want to be spoiled on jjk we good we're good uh doing this as a sequel video to my Gojo vers the okag video check that one out after this one as I'll gloss over some stuff I address there I'll be using the sakuna that fought Gojo with mahara 10 Shadows along with his standard techniques but not the space cutting slash that he used on Gojo now looking at sakuna from a stat perspective uh it isn't that crazy to suggest he'd be able to combat some of the akatski as there is a bit of a pecking order strengthwise for the akatski now let's look at some of sakuno stats now there's a couple different ways we can interpret these characters for sukuna Speed I think sakuna most consistently scales to the massively Hypersonic range and Beyond based on Hikari being able to react to lightning which does have a range that has been caled to mock 500 to near 1,000 this even being a jump from the the speed Feats presented in the series such as piercing blood creating a sonic boom or maky combating opponents with super sonic speed obviously sakuno would upscale from this like he scales above pretty much everybody in the verse but it's not exactly a one to one now I also know that there is a jjk like light speed meta off of kosimo and his electromagnetic waves I'm going to be honest I talk about this pretty in depth in the Gojo video so I won't spend too much time on it here I don't necessarily support this interpretation I think it is a higher end interpretation when doing these types of videos try to look for a bit of consistency with the characters they scaling whether that be cross verse or inverse as opposed to just one showing that objectively puts them in that tier another example would be how baky displays nowhere near any light speed scaling yet some people do try to argue light speed baky it's just is it good because it's just so much higher than the ends that are consistently shown again I mentioned this in the Gojo video so I won't spend too much time on it but even then it's actually a lot easier to argue light speed for a lot of Naruto characters compared to jjk characters as there's multiple Naruto light speed in terms of speed Naruto characters would generally come out a bit faster too because even though I just mentioned like this middle end speed feet for jjk this is still nothing to the akatski all of which are able to combat Kakashi who in a much younger and weaker State can just cut lightning with the shidori and this gets more impressive when you consider the fact that he's if he has if he's seeing the lightning it's more than likely the return stroke which is most of the Lightning's luminosity in what we see as Lightning which is actually oneir the speed of light so Kakashi is already performing like a relativistic feat and then all of the akatski would just scale to this and again this isn't really that crazy since there is lightning speed attacks even in part one so this really shouldn't be anything too crazy and this would just put them generally above even like one of the higher ends of speed for jjk uh even if you want to say like light speed jjk I could just also just say light speed Naruto and start arguing some of that as there's many avenues for that as well so again it wouldn't really make a difference the main thing is here is that just sukuna is had a bit of a disadvantage uh in the speed Department AP isn't as relevant just because he's probably going to need to rely on his hacks more for a lot of these akatski members but there is some you know minor matchups where this actually does play a role for sua's AP this is actually where he falters a lot compared to the akosi because some of his better Cals whether you look at sakuna fire arrow vaporizing a portion of shabuya which has been caled to small City level or the maximum meteor creating an earthquake in Shibuya which has been C to small City level plus these just aren't in the range of the akatski to be honest who are very used to combating just these Continental mountain nuking beu even though a more conservative interpretation of the beu they would just still be these Mountain level monsters and that's being very generous to jjk right for skuna AP as well you could also be more generous and maybe look at the Domain expansions themselves dogon creating an island or Joo creating a mountain with inside his domain which again feels like a pretty fair mid-end to just say like skuno would upscale from these but again right it doesn't really change the fact that most akatski members would just scale to the viu who would outclass these types of AP Feats there's also Yuki destroying the world offer black ho fee and I think a lot of people just throw this around since the attack is planatory was going to destroy the world but I also don't think sukuna inherently scales above it just like he doesn't inherently scaled above Every curse technique such as Limitless along with this technique being more of an outlier being more so brought about by Yuki's death and like moving beyond her own limits it's more of like a higher end that jjk really shouldn't scale to or at least auna shouldn't with like his punches or like his attacks you want more on that again Gojo video more in depth there is more to this but again I talk about this in the Gojo video I don't want to spend too much time on the stats as I want to talk about this more and more as it becomes relevant in the discussion so I'm going to put a quick you know pin in the stat stuff and we'll talk about it more as it becomes relevant in the micro discussion for zuna's abilities we obviously have uh dismantle which is's able to form and create invisible slashes cleave an ability where he can essentially adjust his slashes depending on the opponent's durability and you know increase the output to match it to take them down in one foul Sloop he also has his domain expansion but a level in Shrine a barrage of Slash attacks made up of dismantle and or cleave the whole verse Equalization wouldn't really matter for this Shrine since curse energy is not required for a Target since this is a barrierless domain but still you know just to note it he has Mega me 10 Shadows technique and the big one a mahara which has the ability to adapt to any and all phenomena now the thing about mahara is that he can't actually be one- shot if the attack is just too strong from an AP perspective mahar's adaptation mainly comes about from being against opponent relative to him or who are just unable to One-Shot him pretty self-explanatory stuff as this is how it works even in JJ K's own verse and he has the reverse curse technique which allows him to regenerate limbs as long as his head is intact or just heal from damage so it becomes apparent that unless you're going with the absolute Peak interpretation of jjk and even then it could be debated um sakuna is had a bit of a speed and power this Advantage which will just really leave it up to his hacks to really carry him to victory in some of these matchups but without further Ado we can actually get into the discussion and listen if you guys enjoyed anything you heard consider subscribing or liking the video or both anyway let's go on now starting off we have Hedon now the interesting about Hedon is that pretty basic standard ability you know obviously the weak Link in the akatski but he obviously has his sight and his ritual which he gets a bit of sakuno blood pretty much allows him to inflict any damage that he takes back on sakuna now the very interesting thing here here is that if hon gets any of sukuna blood it kind of doesn't matter since sukuna can just literally regenerate any part of his body unless Hedon just like like hits his brain stem anything else sakuna can just regen I mean he literally existed inside of yuji's body without a heart you know what I'm saying Hedon stabbing his own chest isn't really going to do that much when like sakuna did the same thing which really means that heon is more so forced to go for like a decapitation route for a w which also pretty much means that sakuna can just use any any ability to kind of take on Hedon now probably the most effective one which we're we're going to hear a lot today is his domain expansion which he would use to overwhelm Hedon and keep him out of distance mahara isn't that relevant in this discussion since there's not really any abilities for him to adapt to here the 10 Shadows aren't also as relevant and the fact that hdon is the weakest of the akatski you could also just imply would also lead him to be closer in the stat Department to sukuna than the rest as even his showings against Kakashi in my opinion are somewhat debatable just due to the way hon is more so just attacking offensively against Kakashi and not really just defending against Kakashi which kind of leads to the idea Kakashi probably just scales above Hedon objectively with Kashi taking on the likes of Kaku who's definitely the stronger of the immortal Duo and if you really wanted to be there you could just say mahara would just adapt to hedon's heavy hitting slashes if they really do hit that hard we really don't have a measure for uh hdon and how hard he really hits in the AP department just due to the fact that his whole engagement of the two tals is off screen and it's more so implied that him and coas who just timed out the two tails timer as opposed to just Hedon stabbing the foot of the two tails and drawing blood from yugito there which if you do imply it would just like completely mitigate any in all win conditions for Hedon so so it just seems that like unless you say Hedon is just a straight up Blitz tier above sakuna which maybe you infer off the scaling um I think there is wiggle room there just again just due to where hdon is kind of located on the hierarchy decapitation might not be in the carts and even then in character it's not like Hedon goes for the head anyways he's Thor from Infinity War he he he needs to learn from his mistakes for this video also doing verse Equalization that basically means that everyone's abilities are going to be working on everyone just for the sake of making stuff easier to talk about and I don't have to go through like all all this like Hoops to just explain stuff now this is a little difficult especially with how jjk is framed with its series like let me give you an example right you can look at the Tranquil deer which due to it using like positive cursed energy it is able to just negate normal cursed energy as displayed in sakuna fight with yosu does this mean that like it's just GNA negate normal like how chakra works you know what I mean like it it's kind of funny to think about so I I have to make some minor concessions here and just like say everything kind of works for the sake of making this video actually doable so heon probably loses just because sukuna can really just mitigate his one win con and shouldn't be that far behind in terms of stats at least in comparison to heon next up we have kakazu now kakazu is a lot more interesting because there there's a lot more discussion to be had with their abilities for example you know sakuna has the 10 shadows in mahara kagu can separate his Hearts from himself which kind of leads for these both these B to kind of summon more groups or extensions of their own techniques to fight with them now right off the bat diamond morph is going to be the biggest issue for sakuna to just get through with dismantle as kakazu is just way too durable this is being Amplified by the fact that diamond morph's upper limits really just aren't known and you can make some pretty insane uh implications especially if you want to look at like the crater and the hole left by yugito to maybe say like a tail beast bomb was shot so you can really make some crazy assertions for Diamond morph in the upper limits but you know more conservatively I mean he's just like tanking paper bombs to his face and doesn't really do anything and it would be interesting cuz then you know sakuna would use dismantle it wouldn't cut through Diamond morph and then he would use cleave to adjust to kakuzu's height and durability which becomes the question can sukuna actually cleave that high of an opponent in terms of durability it doesn't seem likely honestly it's a little weird cuz you kind of have to argue the higher limits of diamond morph and the higher limits of cleave I'd probably lean on the side that it wouldn't just straight up bypass Diamond morph now obviously it say a double- edged since if kaku's just you know Diamond morph his whole body he can't move so he kind of has to do it partially this along with the fact that it seems that sakuna needs to make physical contact to use cleave uh you see this when he's fighting Maki and Yuji when he like touches the ground and uses like the spider web cleave or when he does it against mahara he like puts his hand on his forearm which would also be pretty disastrous cuz he would actually have to just get straight up close to kakazu which that's where kakazu wants to be he wants to use Diamond morph on his arm and just box I mean just look at the anime version of Kakashi vers kakuzu it's it's straight up hands and the fact that that kakazu is actually able to overwhelm or deal with someone with enhanced precog or a form of threat perception in the form of Kakashi shingon also does bolster his fact that sakuna would have a difficult time here kakazu might even [ __ ] around in Diamond morph in his domain he's going to be looking like Broly on a Kamehameha just standing there menacingly like it's it's that real you could actually make that argument for Diamond morph because of how like the upper limits are just kind it could be said to be a little crazier the hearts themselves are also just going to be hitting really hard like really hard like the lightning heart just hits as hard as Riri so that hitting sakuna would just be the equivalent of Kakashi just grabbing a Ry and putting it through his chest you also have some interesting like micro discussions like what if what if kagu uses like searing migraine and like amplifies it with like the wind heart and sakuna is like let's do a Firepower battle and just use the arrow how does that go cuz in Naruto it's kind of like when you have two techniques equally matched like that like for example the Sasuke versus Itachi like Fireball Clash the wi win is the one who's outputting more chakra into the technique which is going to make it larger and you know more potent so in that situation it's also a little weird cuz CU you'd have to quantify like the amount of cursed energy sakuna has versus like kakuzu's own chakra pool and the thing about like kakazu is that this ninju is going to be hitting so hard that maog is not really going to have the opportunity to adapt since there's going to be four different Elemental attacks being put at play so it's not as if he's going to be able to get familiar with any of them it's just going to be a really bad time to the point might just get overwhelmed by these like enhanced chakra level attacks this is even talking about if kagu actually does decide to fuse with his heart and take a more offensive form with it unironically I think a funny scenario is if Kaku actually does try to steal cuda's heart and then because he stole Sakura's heart kind of like what of Sakura's fingers sakuna like takes over kakazu or something like that like he tries to do that I don't know it's kind of funny to think about one of the better ways for sakuna would just really try and be an open that malevolent Shrine and just take down all of the hearts while leaving kakazu himself even if he uses Diamond morph like stationary as the hearts aren't especially known for their durability it's kind of weird they don't really have like great durability feeds but then there's also no anti feeds you know they get one-shotted by a ninja tool by 1010 in the war but it's a crack ninja tool so may maybe maybe they're garbage you know so if he can do that and actually just expand his barrier range to hit all of the hearts with the guaranteed effect of his malevolent Shrine that actually may be a win condition but again right it doesn't really change the that kaku's Earth heart is just going to be the biggest problem unless you want to maybe argue like mahara eventually adapts to Diamond morph that's probably like one of the only ways I could really see sakuna getting around it because it just causes so much issues for him the T Shadows technique it's it's it's a it's a very useful technique within jjk but I can't necessarily see any of the summons really making that much of a difference here like what's sakuna going to do with them is he going to drop the max elephant on kakazu who can just like catch the Paw of of the two tails no man he's just going to like punch that thing right back up so the biggest thing here is that mahara would definitely need to be in play for a while for sakuna to gain momentum and he would kind of have to be generous in like taking down kakuzu's Hearts otherwise he's just going to get hit with some insanely High AP Elemental combined Jud so that's just going to be too difficult for him to really deal with unless you argue maybe he Regens it or is able to evade it depending on your interpretation of some of the speed scaling I'll say this though I think mahara adaptation is probably the least likely here just due to how there's a lot of different techniques being fired off whereas mahar's adaptation is a lot better when it's being gradually used against the same technique and there's a good example of this I'll talk about later on in the video next up we have sasher now saser is especially interesting because his main attribute is his unbeatable poison causing near instant paralysis this same poison impressing the [ __ ] out of Chio who not only is a poison expert and had like a pseudo poison war with Tsunade of all people but also did have like knowledge of Hanzo and did fight against him or on the same field to battle with him consistently and was exposed to like his paralysis poison so saucer poison is no joke what's interesting is there's actually a case to be made that sakuna would be immune to all poisons and all toxins looking at the statement that because Yugi is sakuna vessel who is the king of all lethal poisons he uh eugi is immune to all toxins now this actually does uh differ a bit from translation to translation with the main translation difference or like mistr being that he is the king of poisons Yuji being immune to poison is usually the same across all the translations so the core element does stay the same here which is why we can kind of use this this essentially makes it that saucer poison could be a debatable topic you kind of have to assume that okay all like poisons or just poison immunity extends to like every type of poison which generally there are different kinds so I just don't want to make a blanket statement I just think it is kind of an interesting note that this is this is a possibility for sakuna aside from that though I will say the iron sand is just extremely detrimental to sakuna with the third kazakage puppet I mean this thing is going to be ridiculous not only can saser just amplify its speed with like focused condensed attacks while using the polarity of the iron sand which again would just like put it another speed tier above a potential speed gap between him and sukuna but it'll just completely shred through mahara as well the only way this doesn't work is if SAS just doesn't like one shot mahara with like a large scale sand attack and they he uses like some smaller variant that allows mahara going to heal and just come back and start adapting to the iron sand attacks themselves but even then right like that's ignoring the poison point I made previously it's also isn't talking about the third kazakage puppet itself now I will say the third kazakage puppet isn't that durable I mean the puppets generally in the show aren't the more durable puppets are like the one saucery is inhabiting with his host body so actually is a good case that sakuna could actually just body the third kazakage puppet with dismantle or cleave again if he adjust wants to adjust the durability but it really shouldn't be that big of an issue for him there's also a question of mahara right cuz like since mahara can adapt to any and all phenomena would he just like if he's hit by you know the iron sand right which each like sand grain is coated in poison and he's like paralyzed would he eventually just adapt to the poison to the point that it would just no longer have an effect I feel like that's a fair interpretation the flip side to that though is that saucer can just use like iron sand World Order and just end the fight if he sees like oh my God my Poison's not working I need to expend some chakra here kind of similar to Sakura and CH encounter and just start dicing up mahara that way s's iron sand should just have no issues as well since it just scales above like the likes of rasa and gar throughout the series with their sand densities iron sand being at the Pinnacle of all of these and what actually made the third kazak KAG the strongest the main issue honestly speaking is that sauer's host body even though it does have like ample amount of durability um for example like Sakura just punches it in the face a domain expansion would probably be pretty disastrous for saucer just simply he may not have the durability to actually just tank those slashes and it just really takes like one graze on his core to permanently put him down so it would be pretty difficult for him in that regard there's also the idea that like okay maybe even sakuna could just use his like cleave or dismantle to actually cut the chakra threads themselves this is something that Naruto characters also do inverse which could add some more interesting layers like if he like puts saucer in the domain does the act of just cutting saucery inherently cut the chakra threads too I don't know I think it's an interesting point I will say though I am being a little more generous with the poison interpretation for the sakuna side but I definitely think like the best wi Con in the auna side is the just domain expansion fire arrow could be good in the case of saucery but again you could also argue his actual body itself which does have those three Scrolls on his back in the manga it's fire and the anime also like adds to it by adding High pressurized water there is something that can be done but at the end of the day it does kind of depend on your interpretation of a couple things really realistically saucer could just paralyze sakuna and mahara and just end this fight instantly with iron sand if he really chooses to not even discussing any speed enhancements with the iron sand or saucer himself with the 100 puppets which I'm going to be honest I actually think is like a downgrade even though sasser's like human body is stronger than the third kazak KAG puppet and he implies as such if he does the 100 puppets they are just Prime fodder for a domain expansion like a large scale malev and Shrine is cooking this battlefield so kind of an interesting discussion you can also talk about some cool stuff maybe you know sakuna just goes into the shadow kind of like meami does or how he does in his fight with Gojo to avoid some of these attacks but realistically again kind of goes back to some speed scaling so but sasher should have a pretty solid chance of taking that just do kind of depend on your interpretation of a couple things next up we have data now data is very interesting cuz this is probably one of the only situations to where if you wanted to argue like mahara adaptation I think this is probably the best once because that's always prevalent right just due to how like it functions it's just kind of like how how strong are the attacks like in comparison but this is one of those situations where depending how data starts the fight like with the C1 explosive you'd actually make a case mahara might be able to build up some adaptation but the flip side is is if dor like flies up and just drops a C3 bomb both sakuda and mahaga are dead like there's there's no there's no there's no question for like the village wiping you know nuke there's no there's no nothing there something interesting in this situation too I want to note is that sakuna can engage in aerial combat by King the air like M guy does which is really cool so he may actually just be able to like approach dator in the air but I'll say this there's no way he's as fast as data in the air cuz data in the air is an animal he's like comparable to like a faster than Prime onoi and if you actually look at the fight between Sasuke and data aside from the maneuver where Sasuke actually Clips the C2 Dragon which is probably slower than some of der's smaller summons which is what he uses in the air data is never getting tagged like even when Sasuke and curse mark stage two like tags him it's just straight up a clone like he sees through the genjutsu and everything so data in the air is really are difficult to take on the gar example also cites this where he literally had unlimited reserves of sand along with the special sand and his gourd that's actually faster and it was still very difficult for him to actually catch and like restrain dator sakuna is best chance honestly speaking it's just domain off rip at the start of the fight and just catch dator that way cuz once dator starts getting distance and starts launching these long range explosives it's just going to be too much unless though like againa just expands his domain range that like that far data's explosives also would just be insanely detrimental to sukuna able to literally put the three tails on its back with a lower variant of it so imagine like a higher C3 variant it would just be especially since the tail beast do scale relative to one another at least in their physicality and and attacks this is like a weird subtopic but the tail beasts are comparable to one another the whole like more Tails equals more chakra is more so relevant when they're going into those like you know beu bomb type clashes otherwise all the tail beasts are able to like brawl with one another and damage the aails which I think does put into perspective the Firepower that dator is really letting off here which again unless you argue like mahara like dator does like what he does against Sasuke and just like starts with C1 and jumps to C2 if he doesn't do any of that or if sakuna just doesn't domain off rip or make a domain big enough dat is just going to Nuke the area and again there's no real way to argue that data is anywhere near the speed of sukuna in the air D should be way faster and if you want that evidence look at how he fights versus Sasuke Sasuke actually does catch data by surprise with this speed it actually does tag deror with data more so escaping in the explosion yet when he's aerial his missiles are what is extremely threatening to Sasuke and again we know how fast he is in the air so this is one of those situations where it kind of does depend on how they fight but it's a lot easier for you to just say like dator drops like an explosive that kind of Clips both characters since he would just destroy the entirety of sakuna really making it so RCT doesn't really have that much of an effect here it's kind of tougher because when you get to these higher match match ups it really just kind of turns into like a domain or nothing type situation for sakuna just because these akatski members just start to like once they start unleashing what they have you could almost be considered an instant W just due to their abilities being that strong but yeah malevolent Shrine is actually threatening to most of the otsky it actually is pretty detrimental a lot of otsky members just wouldn't have an answer for it it just kind of goes back to that stat point I mentioned earlier there really is just nothing in this micro situation to stop data from just going higher or higher or potentially even outside so 's Max domain range or like how far he could extend his domain where he just drops a bomb that is just way too strong for either sakuna to tank or for mahara to adapt to and it would get one shot next up we have Kisame now Kisame is very interesting cuz this where like that verse Equalization kind of comes into play a bit more because there's a lot of interesting like micro discussions with Kisame like him you know if you equate cursed energy and chakra what could he absorb you know what I'm saying like obviously shuna's cursed energy itself would be open season for him but it's not like he's really going to be be able to absorb the chakra from any dismantle attacks uh it's also kind of interesting cuz you could argue maybe he absorbs cursed energy from mahara it's a little interesting since the curse is just a manifestation of cursed energy so like would Kisame just drain mahara to absolute zero like what's the deal with that it kind of gets into like the 10 Shadows technique and how that fundamentally operates it's also interesting to think about how mahara would just adapt to energy absorption as well if it even can I mean a way I would look at it is that mahara emits positive energy which was least of the curses sakuna notes and when sakuna actually does survive a below mahar's wheel like turns and it channels cursed energy instead which does allow it to counter sakuna technique so maybe it would change its energy to something that kisama just wouldn't be able to absorb I think it's interesting discussion like how that would fundamentally operate but aside from I mean that like Kisame just W like nukes the area in water and fores sakuna like underwater along with maharo where he would just have free domain and we know in character beis s just nukes the battlefield with water anyway and I mean listen if he fuses with sameh had you know sakuna himself is just clip like there's no real way to argue sakuna is going to be able to just like out Reserve F samehada you know what I'm saying like and I'll say this too this is where like the speed gaps start getting a little too you know a little more a lot you know even though like you could be generous to jjk this is where it just becomes like okay yeah like it's you know Kisame is scaling to like base the version one killer B killer be scales to the raag these are higher speed characters within the series who would just upscale from an already like advantageous stat position so again right like Kisame would just fall into this and just kind of like absorb all of sua's energy at that point maybe even before he even gets the chance to summon mahara the 10 shs technique also probably wouldn't Aid him and again goes back to like the point we were making before but kame would just absorb their cursed energy as well and it would just be fuel for him to just heal from whatever sakuna throws at him again pretty much at this point shuna's best win condition is just malevolent Shrine and like trying to behead Kisame at that point but other than that like Kisame would just be able to regen everything via like samehada and just continually absorb sakuna till he like pulls off that W the fact that this dude could change his landscape create water clones just force the fight underwater to makes it thatuna is going to be a pretty in a pretty disadvantageous situation as well this is not going to be like when toi's and dagon's the main no no no no no no no no Kisame is like 10 Times Crazier in the water thousand shark jutu super water shark B all this insane stuff and not even talking about if him fusing with samehada it would just be way too much for sakuna to deal with so kisam should take a pretty confident DB again unless daddy mahara comes in just you know lays down the business and even then that's a little funky like you might be able to unironically say kisame's water style might one-hot mahara too at some points or just shred him in half with samehada but again that's where the regen comes in so yeah I don't want to sound like a broken record on this point next up we have Itachi now this is where the akatski just straight up I'll be honest right the top three of the akazi do actually just cliff jjk entirely because even if I gave you the most generous like interpretation for jjk being light speed it wouldn't matter because the top three of the aoty are generally light speed like indisputably Itachi we do know like suffering from disease and like having blindness could react to Kieran which is stated to be light speed no Kieran is not just lightning speed it just utilizes natural lightning which basically means any arguments where you can kind of like [ __ ] foot and just jump on one side or the other and be like uh maybe you could be generous to no it's not here it's over it's done like these are the characters that are just like not having it at all now I'm going to be brutally honest genju just like annihilates like there's no real discussion to be had like there is nothing to suggest sukuna would be able to do anything against genjutsu sukii would just be a GG Tachi can kill him that way Kashi also notes it like he could have killed me if he wanted to an interesting idea though is that sukuna could shift the damage from sukii or genju to megami's soul in a similar way that he shifted the burden of mahar's adaptation but this doesn't really work cuz sakuno was .01 seconds too slow which resulted in him getting the mental damage from Gojo's domain and we all know that one novel statement where Itachi puts his girlfriend in a genjutsu where she spends one billionth of a second like living out her entire life meaning that Itachi could just like do whatever damage he wants to in that time frame and then just run up and tot blade if you really want to take it there there's there's no real discussion to be had no real argument to be made there's no like a no no this is just instant hacks beat down Itachi is going to come in there's no like like me being generous to sakuna in some of these M there's none of that here I can't even do it for you I can't even I can't even I can't lie no more man sorry about that got a bit emotional uh point is though point is that yeah this isn't really going to happen uh skuna does get taken down via genjutsu even like in the own verse where like counters to genjutsu to exist suomi is just Godly so let's stop right there so yeah suomi is a pretty big GG here and if you want to be grimy just totka Blade G as well like there's no further discussion that needs to be had next up we have Conan Conan's interesting because you can actually make a case that she herself would be immune to suuna not only is cleave and dismantle but his domain attacks just due to the way how she has like a pseudo Comm like ability to fizzle through attacks like fire style and whatnot like just cutting the paper wouldn't really do too much to harm her you know what I'm saying it really wouldn't be too much so that's kind of an interesting note she's almost immune to what he could do even the fire arrow like she Lally gets hit with fire style and she's chilling and we do know that like Conan if she's like resolving herself to just like Nuke herself and the opponent can damage somebody who's just eating rasengans to the back like Obito blowing his arm off so if you argue that there's a case to be made that she could actually just like ones shot sakuna with her paper bomb not even going to lie not I'm being 100 like there there is a very valid chance that could happen because she should be immune to everything mahara is more interesting because there is actually a good chance that he could adapt to her paper and actually just hit the real her now there's also the thing right like if she's doing this paper bomb strategy mahara is also just getting one shot as well like you know what I mean so I don't necessarily see a situation where like he would survive as well but you know again this kind of like arguing Conan's willing to do this which she only really does against Obito but I'm going to say she does the 10 shs technique really doesn't do too much here like none of the Shadows really are going to just offer something to hit her like what is Max elephant just going to like wet her it's like shown that her uh paper is actually waterproof like she coats it in oil so it's just like all these micro things like she has counters for so it just seems likely that sakuda would not have a way to damage her unless you argue like inside the domain she wouldn't be able to activate like the dance of the shikigami which you know is weird to suggest it'd be more so that domain would activate and she would just get like shred up and then just reassemble herself with the remaining paper or just fly outside like shuna's range with like all the paper and stuff like that so Conan actually has a pretty good chance either it's really weird to say uh and again she she ironically has the AP to do it like I'm not I'm not even joking she's actually a lot harder to hit than most of the akazi just due to the elusive nature of her Arsenal so Conan would actually be pretty disastrous for sakuna as well next up we have pay and pay's very similar U there's not too much like sakuna is really going to be able to do not only the paths of pain notoriously durable so it's actually questionable if he'd actually be able to just cleave right through them or just take them down with basic dismantle but boncho tenning into renegon Rod is just so like it it's insane GG cuz then nag is just going to pour His chaker through the renegon rod and paralyze sakuna there really wouldn't be any opportunity for him there this is not talking about how like for example the animal path could summon like the dog that he puts the JSU on the same dog that if you want to argue like tries to like open a domain on like some of these like you know creatures or just all of the pths of pain this same dog that was reacting to a technique comparable to infinite attacks Kakashi with the Shon making this comparison yeah no like so that's already one creature that's kuna already just can't take down even with his domain so imagine what all six Pats of pain are going to do and again like fire arrow all of this just Shinra tensei basically Limitless at this point the way it can just repel ninjutsu tautu sakuna is just going to get blatantly overwhelmed by pain at this point and the fact that Nago can just inject his chakra would just be pretty disastrous for sakuna at this point this is even talking about possible Soul snatch via the human path prap path just absorbing all of ska's energy there just is too much going on to where like bahaga also just like has all these distinct abilities where he's not going to be able to like adapt at all like there's not too much to be said is going to get overwhelmed pretty quickly by all of this even a domain expansion wouldn't really matter because on top of the speed disparity the Pats of pain are notoriously durable so unless you argue like sakuna AP is that high with domain expansion they actually just might survive like these pads of pain notoriously known for just tanking rangon rury and let me just let me just see one one comment one one comment talking about kotamu taking down the nraa paath I'll slap the [ __ ] out of you stop it uh I'm sorry I'm sorry that was me I didn't mean any of that I'm sorry that but yeah Mor of the story is there isn't too much for sakuna to really do here next up we have Obito and I mean it's the same thing I argued before but none of sua's abilities work like none of them at all like domain expansion it's just nothing and the reason they don't work is that even though domain expansions are like they they are sure like hitfire guarantee any part that they target are just going to be in a different time space so it's not like sakuna is going to be hitting somebody who's in a complet different time space and honestly speaking like Obito can just bfr him like just throw him in the commo dimension wipe his hands be done with it or if he really doesn't want to deal anything again he could just use genjutsu like the same genjutsu that can manipulate a perfect gurri or control the Ninetails he can also go down this Avenue it would be kind of cool to think about how mahara would interact with kamoi I'm not going to lie I don't like I don't know how that would possibly go like maybe the shadow just follows Obito into the Convoy Dimension or something I don't know man it's like the mahara is such a new I feel like I'm lowkey standing mahara in this video sakuna himself I don't know mahara is cool man let me know how you think down below mahara could potentially adapt to some of these akazi members I'm really interested to hear your guys thoughts but Mor of the story is yeah like you know OBO just really doesn't isn't going to have any issues with sakuna at this point that's the video hopefully you guys enjoyed let me know if you did let me know your thoughts down below um you know if you want to see more jjk or if you guys have any critique any jjk stuff please let me know again go check out the Gojo video if you're interested on my opinion on that I'll link that down below but you know still getting into the verse so if you guys want to like give me any you know throw throw any takes at me please do hopefully you guys enjoy this a bit of a fun discussion check out the Gojo vid I feel like I'm repeating myself catch you next time bye-bye
Channel: ThunderGod
Views: 25,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sukuna vs yuta, jjk 250, jjk chapter 250, sukuna vs madara, gojo vs hokage, akatsuki vs 5 kage summit, sukuna vs gojo, sukuna vs yuji, sukuna vs yuji & yuta, akatsuki naruto, akatsuki vs, thundergod, thundergod naruto, seththeprogrammer, six, swagkage, obito vs minato, sukuna vs mahoraga, pain vs itachi, itachi vs sasuke, broken ronnin, no operator, fakeweeb
Id: Bpui9hUerBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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