Sukkot - A Celebration For Every Nation!

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[Music] once the year the city of Jerusalem turns green and yellow and despite our deep historical ties of the state of Wisconsin and our well-known affinity for cheese this has nothing to do with the Green Bay Packers throughout the city families build these little booths like huts that they live in throughout the holiday they have a citron fruit and a date palm it's called the lulav and an Etrigan Hebrew that were used to worship God on the holiday of Sukkot the V untrained eye the overwhelming sensations on the holiday of Sukkot may be so extreme that they may not notice a very curious phenomenon the Gentiles so I'm going to you [Music] in the midst of the biblical holiday celebrated exclusively by the Jewish people today we see as many if not more non-jews making the voyage to Jerusalem to celebrate Sukkot the last time we saw anything like this representation for all nations of the world was in Solomon's Temple over 3,500 years ago it shall be that all who are left over the remnant of the nations who had come to Jerusalem will go up every year to worship the king of sham Master of legions and to celebrate the festival of Sukkot people aren't just coming to Jerusalem to celebrate this festival there are families all over the world through different backgrounds different religious affiliations that are building little Hut's outside their homes freaking out their neighbors all to celebrate the biblical festival of Sukkot like all things in Judaism there are some rules that apply to building a saga through the Hebrew word suka as written in the Torah were able to see that a circle may have to an m3r preferably four walls the height of a suka cannot exceed 20 cubits while the width cannot exceed infinity that's right a circuit can be as wide as you want the laws of building a suka reveal the essence of the holiday a suka can be as expansive as possible to include as many people as possible because one day the entire world believe the security of their homes and enter into the ultimate suka in Jerusalem hope to see you there coxa max Russia With Love happy holidays from Jerusalem to Mexico tax on there at some yeah XML ha ha [Music]
Channel: thelandofisrael
Views: 263,910
Rating: 4.8459473 out of 5
Keywords: landofisrael, sukkot, festival, tabernacle, jerusalem Israel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2011
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