Suitability Analysis with ArcGIS (Part 2 Suitability Model)

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hi my name is Rafael Raquel I know this is part two of our tutorial on suitability analysis with the ArcGIS today we're going to work on the suitability model and follow me and at we see Berrocal my blog is techno friend abierto blackboard calm now what you're going to require for this tutorial is rj stem or character spatial analyst activated you'll probably want to take a look at a previous tutorial chord 1 in part 1 we already talked about the problem we want to create a suitability raster for the location of a waste disposal site this is our proposed suitability equation we're not going to discuss it because we already talked about it in part 1 today we're going to concentrate on the suitability model are our weights and our criterias we have chosen three criterias are slow land use and distance to streets and my distance the street we mean that the closer cell is to a street the more suitable it will be because we want to do it our land or waste disposal site to be accessible through streets now our weights we chose through heuristic Mazdas are numbers I chose you'll probably have to do something a little bit more scientific but I chose 60% for slope 25% for land use and 15% for distance our scale is from 1 to 5 in steps of 1 I usually use 1 through 10 but this is a tutorial and I wanted to keep keep it simple I chose 1 through 5 so let's start working on data right right away well another hour we already have opened our map document we have our streets we have our land use and our slope which we already calculated the first thing when I do is want to create a new model model here instead of our environment our balloon mr. analysis is mixed and and book space set up the values jet scratches correct we're going to set snap to raster we're going to make things slipping when the stop our masters to the DM and we want our sauce has to be the same as our DM which is 90 meters now in the save as you can see as soon as I say certainly looking model is here changes the size this low now the first thing we're going to do is we're going to calculate our street distance or distance for more streets for that women each choose hear from our special analyst tools distance including distance women a dragon rapid here double click on clean distance are going to select us input raster our streets or features that source we're going to leave maximum distance so blank so choose all women don't want the we don't want the Direction raster's we will leave it blank and apply thank you when we need this to street distance here and next thing we're going to do is we're going to reclassify our slope probably have to we'll have to reclassify classifiers under every class classifier slow double-click on it we're going to select slow classifiers since we already have planned on Gesu Molly scale of five we're going to keep the classes on five minutes quantile I'll click on OK and here since we want our lower values of slope to to be more suitable we're going to reverse our valleys so this means that values between zero and three will have higher suitability values not like I apply I'm going to rename this to slow now what I'm going to do now is women around the Euclidean distance so I'll have a data in order to reclassify so I'll be able to see the graph run it photos drag-and-drop or classify again a double click on reclassified and change three distance to classify I use quantile again and they keep five classes okay now here oh I do the same thing reversing the values because I want the closer the value to have a higher suitabilities wanna thank your to reverse and I see the closer you are the farther you are the less suitable it is the closer you are the more suitable for sale this I'll click on apply okay now the next thing we're going to do is we're gonna use our weight our weight overlay which is an overlay here use weight over late I'm also going to rename this a sensible name when I remember to Lance now the first thing you have to do with weight over late is choose your evaluation scale before you start inputting your data because if not then we'll have to start over to apply now let's set our first one which is which would be our classified slope when the value and then put field click OK I want to keep one you want to keep this because we already did the proper classification when we were classified now we're going to add classified strip distance okay now we're gonna add our and you okay now we have to do with our land use and I chose the wrong value so a pro I'll have to select it here and delete it and then add again on land use it's what I had to choose was category so I'll be able to know what category and the signing level so we want the theories are more interview my man to be more suitable so forth interview I'll probably use three farmland and probably for shrubs are probably to a five subsystem farmer overview for to a true forest will be a one because other users very broad so probably use the three wetlands use a tool mangroves which is kind of a window material probably to water which is very expensive to build aware of is one I will pretty much right now to do star analysis going to fly oh whoops I forgot the weights first things I to do here is assign the wind so we already said that our slow would be sixty percent so I type here sixty percent the notice the thing this X here it's because it doesn't add up to 100 real change in a moment now our streets we say will indeed fifteen percent and our land use 25 you stop it 24 when you see the add up to one hundred and the actuators disappear too can apply when to okay auto layout so again let's rename this to suit okay Salem I'll just in case something goes wrong and then we're going to run it the model Oh add another spa now as you can see the green areas are more suitable for for land for waste disposal site we probably should have taken into account the closeness to villages or crowded areas but our restriction model probably take care of that in our next tutorial we'll discuss how to combine them and how did how to find out the the best most suitable of the Lots that we require so for this partner tutorial that will be it thank you very much that's
Channel: Luis C. Berrocal
Views: 33,093
Rating: 4.9281435 out of 5
Keywords: ArcGIS, Spatial Analyst, Suitability
Id: uT2e_3kB2iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2012
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