Suikoden Complete Story Explained - Xygor Gaming

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Thanks bookmarked. Played 1 2 3 5 and still confused about some timeline 😂

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bersezk 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

This guy makes great videos.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Mightofanubis 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Good plot summary, but the guy narrating uses the same intonation on every single line. He ends every sentence with an upwards inflection, which sounds completely unnatural.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hellknightx 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
in the early days of the sony playstation rpg fans waited patiently for the highly anticipated release of final fantasy vii around that time console role-playing games were sparse in north america and they are often considered unpalatable for some audiences it was at that point that konami released the original suikoden to little fanfare even though the game was not highly marketed it quickly captivated the interests of those who loved the genre and established itself as an incredible game in its own right the title's incredible array of 108 characters its unique battle system and its infectious music were all considered among the game's most memorable qualities suikoden's most redeemable aspect however may well have been its underlying story the goal of this video is to provide a complete storyline explanation for the entirety of the game whenever possible official game footage and artwork will be used and now let's get into the tale the scarlet moon empire is the dominant governing entity in the world it is led by emperor barbarossa who emerged victorious over his political rivals in the war of succession which took place 15 years before the game begins from the capital city of gregminster the emperor has fallen under the influence of wendy the empire's court magician bearing a striking resemblance to barbarossa's late wife claudia wendy has been manipulating the emperor in ways that has changed his demeanor recently regions of the empire have been oppressed by high taxes and harassment by imperial troops magic in the world of suikoden is derived from runes mystical objects with connections to the universe the 27 true runes are uniquely superior to other runes and imbue their holders with exceptional power as the story begins teo mcdole one of barbarossa's six great generals is summoned before the emperor he brings along his son tyr mcdoll who is nervous to meet him after reminiscing about their days fighting together in the war of succession the emperor asked teo to head to the northern border of the empire where he is to protect it from the united city-states of jowlstone barbarossa gives his sword prak to teo afterward the emperor meets tear as well while tayo was away he asked here to help protect the northern border where he is to accompany craze a commander in the imperial guard wendy complements tyr as well before they head back to their home in the capital of gregminster tyr meets craze the commander says tyr will get no special treatment for being the son of a great general and request that he report to him the first thing the next morning back at home in the imperial capital of gregminster tears welcomed by gremio a servant of the family and former soldier of the empire he also comes across pawn and cleo both of whom attend to teo in his household upstairs tyr finds his best friend ted eager to learn about tyr's meeting with the emperor he asks if he can join the party to assist the empire tyr explains the circumstances and afterward ted asks if he can keep a secret called at that moment to dinner he says they can talk later as they dine teo informs gremio pond and cleo that his duties call for him to travel northward and ask them to take care of tyr teo makes a toast to the empire and they all turn in for the evening early the next morning teo sets out without waking tear joined by gremio pon cleo and ted the group heads to meet with craze he tells the party they are to venture to the magician's island where lechnaut the seer lives lechnod is the sister of wendy and acts as an astrologist that can read the stars tyr and his friends are to seek her out and retrieve her readings because there are no boats to the island craze arranged a dragon knight futch to allow them safe travel upon his dragon black as ted gets into an argument with the dragon knight he inadvertently reveals that he is 300 years old the group is lifted away on the dragon and soars through the sky toward the magician's island there they fight through a series of woods and defeat various enemies at the end of the area they come across luke who says he will prepare an appropriate challenge luke summons gollum a powerful adversary to oppose the team impressed with the power of the group luke realizes that tyr and his friends have come to see lechnaut and instructs them to proceed inward after climbing the stairs of the palace the group finally reaches the seer she says she has prepared the astral conclusions and asked the team to follow as tear enters the chamber leknat is seen preparing her readings after she learns tyr's name she explains that while she can see the future she admits the future is not unchangeable she adds that tear has a significant role to play in the development of the future and that he will have to make several painful choices and experience a great deal of sorrow after declaring that destiny is in his hands she gives him the astral conclusions before they all leave leknot gives cleo the fire crystal and says her job is to protect tear luke then takes them all to the shore by way of the wind rune and they all fly back to gregminster together on the dragon tyr delivers the astral conclusions to craze who asks him to prepare for his next task they are all to travel to rockland a town to the east of gregminster where the people are refusing to pay taxes to the empire they are to seek out the military commander of rockland grady to better understand the situation known one of crazy's subordinates will accompany tyr and his friends on the journey after making their way to rockland canaan demands to talk to grady grady says the town has failed to pay its taxes because bandits on the nearby mount saifu have been pillaging the villagers grady asks if the party can dispose of the bandits so that the town's obligation can be fulfilled within the cavern to the mountain they find the queen ant a giant menace that stands in the party's way gremio advises running but ted says he has an idea and instructs everyone to stand back as they do ted uses a rune that obliterates the monster stunning everyone and causing kanan to take notice on the top of the mountain the party encounters the two bandits varkus and sidonia after defeating them in combat they reluctantly surrender and are brought back to rockland there grady accuses them of being tax thieves but varkus blames grady of the same grady hands over ten thousand bits to canon who tells the team to head back to gregminster to report to craze when they return kanan says he will report to craze alone and tells everyone to go home and rest pawn suggests kanan intends to take credit for the mission but the group agrees to head to the mcdoll home nonetheless however canon asked ted to come with him although he doesn't understand why he agrees later that night as tyr pon gremio and cleo dine they are interrupted by the alarm that ted has found bloody lying in the entryway of the home as they take notice of a magic wound upon him he awakens and explains that he was brought into the imperial palace by craze who introduced him to windy wendy seems to know who he is and says ted hasn't changed in 300 years ted responds an alarm apparently knowing her identity as a witch from his past when she demanded that ted hand over the rune on his hand he resisted he then held up his arm using the soul leader rune to escape the predicament after concluding the story he passes out again and the group wonders why the imperial guard is so interested in him when ted finally wakes up he asks tyr to take off his right glove he admits that he carries the soul eater one of the 27 true runes the reason for which wendy is after him when gremio asks why she wishes to obtain the rune he says he doesn't know but he's been trying to escape her clutches for 300 years ted says he'll never escape wendy with the wound she has caused so he decides to give the soul eater to tear for protection even though he says it may bring him suffering tyr then extends his hand and the soul eater is transferred to him just then craze kanan and the imperial guards force their way into the mcdole household they say that pond tipped them off who responds that he couldn't allow trouble to occur while master teo is gone craze commands the guard to drag ted out of the house cleo and gremio stand up for ted who volunteers to be taken away peacefully because they still think he has the soul eater ted advises tyr gremio and cleo to escape through the back of the house and they agree they make their way to the gregminster inn as it is raining and spend the night there upon the invitation of marie the innkeeper the next morning tier and his friends awakened to an imperial search party they learned that tears now considered a fugitive having escaped the clutches of craze and his minions as they're given trouble by the imperial troops a man emerges from a side room to convince them that the fugitives would never be so stupid as to hide within gregminster in a ruse he volunteers to kick them out and takes them outside introducing himself as victor he says he knows the true identity of tyr and asks how the group plans to escape victor volunteers to help them out of the city upon the condition that he can introduce them all to a friend of his tyr and his friends agree and victor joins the party after victor bribes a guard the group hides their faces and exits the city gates the adventurers then proceed to meet victor's friend in lenin camp to the south victor leaves to make some arrangements and the party goes to the inn after agreeing to stay the night they question why pond betrayed them in that moment guards swarm in under the information that fugitives are being harbored inside taken by surprise tyr and his friends contemplate their next move but a figure appears behind the clock in the room and tells them to enter through a secret passageway after entering they find that the woman who saved them odessa knows that they are acquainted with victor they soon learn that they are inside the headquarters of the liberation army where odessa introduces herself as the leader flick victor sanchez and humphrey are all part of the group which opposes the empire as the son of an imperial general victor says tyr would make a great addition gremio thinks it is a crazy consideration but cleo thinks tears should consider joining the conversation is interrupted by a wounded man who reveals that the mount saifu bandits are working to undermine the empire but their leaders varkas and sedonia were captured by imperials grady now has them strung up and starving to death in rockland knowing they are the same bandits they help to capture tyr and his friends agree to assist them to right they're wrong and flix says they'll have to keep a low profile victor agrees to join the party and they make their way out of the hideout back in rocklin the crew finds that grady has set up security to prevent entry into his house victor lights the house on fire giving tyr and his friends a diversion to enter fighting their way through guards they eventually make it outside where they help free the two bandit leaders from their bondage grady realizes the group has betrayed the emperor and freed the bandits and promises to tell craze about their treachery as they leave town varkus says to tell lady odessa of his intention to repay the liberation army back in lenin camp odessa learns of tyr's success the party is also informed of the liberation army's plans to develop a fire spear which can be used in the future to overcome the imperial army odessa tells tyr that the blueprint for the weapon must reach the secret factory of the rebellion and wants him to deliver it gremio backs at the prospect of betraying the empire and tyr's father and warns him to turn down the mission however cleo intends to let tear decide their fate and says she will protect him regardless ultimately tyr decides to take the mission sanchez says that over mount tiger wolf is a village called sarady where a factory contact will accept the plans odessa decides to join the party to assist and flick is told to remain to protect the headquarters after climbing mount tigerwolf with odessa tyr and his friends are stopped by leiden who encourages them to spend the night at his inn the group agrees and is offered some tea after they taste it they all pass out and it is revealed that leyden drugged the tea he then robs the group stealing all the money from the party just then kessler comes in who leiden refers to as boss he then realizes that leiden has stolen from odessa the leader of the liberation army and orders leiden to prepare an antidote when they awaken kessler apologizes for the deed and the team stays the night the next morning they continue their journey through the mountain and eventually reach saraty odessa says to meet the contact at the inn so they enter and stay the night tear awakens and finds odessa on the patio she tells him that she feels overwhelmed by her responsibility as the leader of the rebellion and admits the desire to run from the conflict at times when tier says he intends to rejoin the empire odessa laments that the next time they'll meet they'll likely be enemies even still she tells tyr to follow his heart regardless of the circumstances as they converse the ninja cage appears to receive the plans for the fire spear back in london camp they find the innkeeper dead odessa discovers that the imperials have broken into the liberation army headquarters and heads down through the secret entrance after tyr and his friends defeat several groups of guards odessa is found wounded on the ground as the group tends to her health she lifts her cloak to reveal a child who she saved from the slaughter realizing that she has been mortally wounded she admits to failing as a leader knowing that she is about to die she makes two final requests first she asked here to deliver an earring to a man named matthew in the village of psycha secondly she asked that her body be thrown into the nearby stream so that rebel sympathizers don't despair in her death she says to tell flick that his kindness always saw her through hard times and hopes tyr will get to realize the free world that she never had a chance to see to get to psycha the team must traverse the fortress of cuaba which victor says will pose a challenge when they arrive cleo says the fortress is guarded by lord ein guide an old friend of master taos to pass through undetected they decide to take assumed names by way of victor and gremio's acting skills the ruse works and ein guide is convinced to allow tier and his friends through in psycha a man says that matthew lives in a home up the steps to the northeast inside the children say that master matthew is outside taking a walk when the man they talked to earlier admits to being matthew gremio offers him the earring odessa wanted him to have matthew then realizes she has died and regrets that she got caught up in the struggle with the empire and calls her a fool after telling tyr and his friends to leave imperial soldiers swarm into his home they say they have orders from kasim hazel to seize him and make him assist the empire in the war but matthew says he'll have nothing to do with it when the guards threaten to punish a child at matthew's house if he refuses tyr and the others intervene on his behalf after the guards are defeated matthew says he knows tears the son of teo and reveals he is matthew silverberg the brother of odessa though the two had their differences matthew admits to being a coward by avoiding involvement in the resistance however he realizes that his desire to escape would never change the world and commits himself now to odessa's cause matthew gives tear the earring odessa left to him and proclaims him the new leader of the liberation army in her stead though gremio and cleo realize following tyr means being traitors they agree to do so matthew instructs the team to recruit followers throughout the world and says that a new liberation army headquarters will need to be established to withstand imperial attacks he consequently advises tyr to seek out the abandoned castle in the middle of lake toron for that purpose in the harbor town of kaku tier learns that gremio is in debt to a woman named camille for casa crude from a banquet though they cannot pay at the moment camille demands to join the party until they can repair downstairs they find tai ho who says that tyr and his friends must be mad to venture to the castle in the middle of the lake because it is infested with monsters however he's willing to risk his life to make the trip with his ship if tyr bets all the money on a dice game after tai ho is beaten he agrees to prepare the boat and they all set sail for the castle after approaching it the group disembarks and fights their way through the inside with tai ho accompanying tyr in the heart of the castle they are surprised to discover a slumbering dragon when they get close he attacks with the help of his friends tyr defeats the dragon and lays claim to the structure they decide to name it tauran castle which will now serve as the headquarters to the liberation army inside matthew congratulates tyr leknot suddenly appears and gives tear the stone tablet of promise which contains the names of those who join the liberation army 108 in total they are called the stars of destiny in addition leknot summons luke who says he will serve tier as part of the new liberation army matthew recommends that tyr track down some recruits including a man named lapont in the village of kuan le ponte's attendant giovanni says that he is busy at the moment and will not allow the group to meet him a man named crin says the only way to draw lepant into meeting is by sneaking into his house and stealing his prized sword karingy with crin's help tyr and the party sneak into lapont's house inside they find the sword and take it outside that night crin admits that he divulged their location to lapont who barges into the inn and demands the return of his sword the only thing that calms him is learning that matthew led tear to him after tyr returns kering giovanni frantically warns that a new military commander of the town craze kidnapped lepant's wife eileen in a rage lapont quickly dispatches some guards and with the help of tyr fights his way through more when they reach craze he says that he's been reassigned to the home due to tears misdeeds as craze threatens eileen he calls upon pond to enter and instructs him to capture his former friends at first pawn seems torn about what to do but ultimately charges forward throws craze to the side and saves eileen tyr allows craze to escape but talks with pawn who apologizes to everyone for tipping off the imperials to their location still he now wishes to join the liberation army and they all agree to take him in lapont and his wife now realizing their fugitives as well also agree to join the cause back at tehran castle varkus and sedonia have arrived to join the liberation army in order to repay tyr and his friends for their assistance farkas wishes to speak to odessa but matthew tells him she has gone north on a mission and informs him that tyr is now the leader the liberation army holds a banquet to celebrate the addition of new friends and everyone converses as tyr leaves the dining hall though a ninja demands the rune on his hand and attacks after he is defeated he says that the liberation army has no chance against the empire and that wendy is prepared to destroy the rebellion after he flees pawn and gremio argue over who will stand guard over him as tyr heads to the boat he finds an elf named kirkus that is washed upon the shore he is helped by the liberation army and when he awakens he asks to speak to odessa when he has told tears the new leader he reveals that the great imperial general quanda rossman has launched a plan to exterminate the elves he asked for assistance but matthew says the liberation army's forces are currently insufficient nevertheless he recommends a reconnaissance mission to aid kirkus and the elves when tier and his friends reach the great forest kirkus guides them to a trail nearby when they reach the kobold village they realize that all the kobolds are missing except for one kuru mimi who says that his friends have been taken away when they finally arrive in the village of the elves a woman named valeria is warning of kwanda's plans to burn down the forest and destroy the elves kirkus informs the village elder that tyr and his friends are part of the liberation army and have arrived to protect the village even still the elder proclaims that humans should not be trusted kirkus is put under arrest for leaving the village without permission and tyr and his friends are jailed with him within the cell they talked to valeria who says she left her post in the empire and was caught up in the same trouble she says that kwanda has commissioned a powerful weapon the burning mirror to exterminate the elves and says that it has the power to burn down an entire village eventually sylvina questions kirkus's desire to bring in the humans but permits them all to escape kirkus says that the dwarves to the northeast should be contacted for more information on kwanda's plans when they all get there they ask the dwarven chief about his knowledge of the burning mirror and he answers that the device is a dwarven treasure when he hears that kwanda plans to use it to exterminate the elves he cheers the prospect on the chief doubts there and dares the party to steal the running water route from the dwarven vault to the north to do so they enter the vault and fight their way through its monsters deep inside they run into gigantis a terrifying foe after he is defeated they obtain the running water route when they bring the item back to the dwarven chief he agrees to assist the elves and says he will instruct the dwarves to build a weapon that can destroy the burning mirror as they head back to the elven village they notice a huge inferno in the distance as it turns out kirkus former home has been completely charred as kirkus laments the annihilation of his people he says that he intended to give salvina a ring believing it futile now he tosses it to the ground gremio attempts to lift his spirits and suggest returning to tehran castle to plan a campaign against kwanda rossman's army back in the kobold village kuru mimi is being hunted down by imperial troopers valeria offers to turn herself in if tyr and others will not be hurt and the imperials agree after she does so though they immediately order the execution of the rest of them kuru mimi joins the party and they attack afterward matthew arrives with the liberation army in the soldiers retreat sylvina arrives to hug kirkus having been rescued in time by stallion after learning about the burning mirror matthew says that survivors from the old liberation army have rallied to tehran castle and there are now enough resources to launch an attack against kwanda when they approach panu yukuta castle the liberation army engages kwanda's force kwanda promises to destroy the liberation army on behalf of the emperor but the rebellious force is able to overcome the imperial army in the field immediately afterward kwanda promises to prepare the burning mirror matthew orders all forces to disperse but kwanda says it is too late as he prepares to unleash the mirror's destructive power it shatters into pieces and quanda is left stunned as it turns out the dwarven chief has deployed the power of the wildfire cannon just in time victor recommends seizing the moment to storm the castle and confront kwanda himself inside they encounter a giant dragon that guards the balcony after it is defeated the party corners kwanda outside realizing that tyr's the son of tao he pledges to protect the emperor and take on tyr with the power of the black rune given to him by wendy the two engage in an epic one-on-one battle but tyr emerges triumphant in defeat the black rune on kwanda's arm is destroyed and the general falls to the ground as they all discover the black rune took control of kwanda's mind kirkus and kuru mimi attempt to seek revenge but gremio realizes that wendy has manipulated him and tyr decides to spare his life now aware of the duplicity of wendy and the emperor kwanda agrees to join the liberation army on the invitation of tyr matthew congratulates tyr on the liberation army's first successful military victory and the kobolds are reunited kirkus sylvina stallion valeria and crew mimi all join tyr's cause they all return to tehran castle to find that flick has survived he demands to know the location of odessa and asks about the status of the liberation army matthew arrives to break the news that she has been killed in shock flix sanchez and humphrey learned that odessa perished when the liberation army's hideout was discovered in disbelief flick ridicules victor for failing to protect her unconvinced that tyr can succeed her as leader flick leaves for the kaku in and threatens to form his own faction of rebels when they catch up to him in kaku flick has become calmer and victor apologizes for odessa's loss he admits that he lost sight of what he was fighting for in his earlier rage but says he cannot accept tyr as leader yet for now flick and tier agreed to join forces in the conciliatory act and flick agrees to bring his men to tehran castle inside flick warns that milit oppenheimer one of the five great generals of the empire has cracked down on rebel factions matthew says that liberating militia's domain is now feasible with flick's support and tyr agrees at the battle of the fortress of garen the liberation army clashes with an imperial force after it is defeated handedly victor scoffs at their lack of power matthew advises sending a reconnaissance force to learn more about millage's plans but flick declares that the opportunity to strike his closing and demands an attack pursuing the latter course the liberation army approaches scarlettisia castle militia's stronghold in futility the liberation army prepares a strike just as military releases poisonous pollen upon the battlefield wiping out the liberation army and forcing a retreat tyr now assembles a reconnaissance force after all and the crew enters milich's domain in the town of tien tier enlists the help of jen to outfit a boat to navigate the dunon rapids next door commandol says an oil power machine he has developed can be attached to a boat to allow travel upstream the team carries the heavy machine on their backs to recon where they unload the machine and rest at the end that night gremio awakens and confesses that tear has grown so much more powerful and may no longer need his protection by the next morning jen and commandol have installed the machine onto the boat and it is used to reach the hermitage of liu khan a brilliant doctor as he is asked to prepare an antidote for milita's flowers millage himself arrives on the back of a dragon the general accuses tyra being a traitor to the empire and says he intends to take precaution to safeguard his poisonous flowers by imprisoning liu khan though the doctor tries to resist he is grabbed by millage and taken into the air on his dragon back at tehran castle matthew is brought up to speed on the setback he prepares a letter to be delivered to a counterfeiter named kimberly and a man named tesla who wishes to involve in his plan to defeat millage when the note is delivered to kimberly she agrees to join as long as flick takes her out to dinner after hiding his identity tesla agrees to join as well having been alerted to the fact that matthew needs his services at tehran castle matthew says that kimberly and tesla have already prepared forged imperial papers so that tyr and his friends can get into soniere prison where leo khan is being held when they arrive victor presents the papers and the party enters the prison inside they find lukan in a cell and free him as they prepare to leave however milch himself pulls a lever and locks them inside a room as victor prepares to fight millage holds up a bottle of poisonous spores which are capable of eating humans alive he throws the bottle to the ground shattering it and releasing the spores he exits the room leaving the party inside gremio suddenly pulls the switch to allow everyone out of the room and locks himself inside intending to sacrifice himself for the good of tear in the others he apologizes for being unable to protect here any longer he says that tyr has made him proud and gives a final goodbye matthew ultimately arrives to open the door and learns of gremio's death falling to the ground in sadness tyr laments the loss of his great friend at the liberation army headquarters leo khan has announced he has prepared the anti-toxin to use against millich and agrees to join the cause colliding with millage's forces once more this time the liberation army is triumphant afterward tear enters the castle with a hand-picked group to track down the general on the balcony he finds the giant rose emitting the pollen as matthew orders the flowers burned millet arrives and his hand begins to burn the black rune windy gave him is now destroyed and millich like quanda suddenly comes to normal consciousness again tyr's friends all wish to kill millich to avenge gremio's death and say the general can't be forgiven however tyr decides to spare the general's life and flick now accepts tyr as the leader of the liberation army understanding that wendy is an evil sorceress that has manipulated the emperor much like the empire's generals militch joins the liberation army immediately afterwards stallion arrives to relay the message that the imperial army is heading toward the castle a ninja named kasumi arrives at tehran castle and explains that rokaku has fallen to imperial forces under teo mcdole tyr's father she agrees to join the liberation army and ask for assistance realizing the time has come to face teo tyr and his friends make preparations for battle matthew recommends engaging teo in a brief skirmish to test their forces and they take to the battlefield teo calls the liberation army traitors and promises to take no mercy even in regard to his own son the liberation army is defeated overwhelmingly by teo's armored cavalry and matthew suggests pulling back in hot pursuit taon is forced to attempt to catch up with the beleaguered rebellion pond says he will hold them off while the others escape and stays back to meet teo the general commands him to step out of the way but pond refuses in defiance he stands up for the liberation army and engages in a one-on-one duel with teo after exchanging blows pawn emerges victorious and teo escapes that night lekknot appears again before tyr and encourages him to push forward despite the loss of gremio and the battle with his father she also informs tyr that she and her older sister wendy are survivors of the clan of the gate she says that the soul leader the true rune ted gave to tyr has yet to unleash its full potential and warns that catastrophe will result should it fall into wendy's hands the next morning flick advises following up on the fire spears to defeat teo's armored cavalry by way of the liberation army's secret factory at the secret factory to the north tyr and his friends find kessler and lead in again this time in an argument with a giant woman named ronnie bell they join the liberation army and find out that the blacksmith mose has been producing fire spears however they cannot be transported without a boat so tai ho suggests going to kirov where he can get assistance from a friend the adventurers receive the fire spears and head there after talking with kunto he agrees to lend the liberation army 10 boats to transport the fire spears the weapons are loaded onto the boats and brought to tehran castle when the liberation army regroups tyr gives the order to advance against his father now equip with the fire spears tears forces make quick work of the armored cavalry and tails forces are demolished afterwards matthew requests that teo surrenders his subordinates alan and gren seal urge to continue resistance but teo says to stand back teo calls his own son a traitor to the emperor and the most wanted man in the country he challenges his son to a duel and tyr accepts despite the warnings of his friends in a one-on-one battle tyr manages to get the best of his father and tail falls on the ground he tells his son he has become strong but he has no regrets he says he is proud of his son for living for his beliefs as teo lies dying he asks alan and gren seal to join the liberation army in his last breath teo says that the greatest happiness that a father can experience is to see his son surpass himself overcome with loss tear kneels to the ground and the soul eater reaches level three at tehran castle lapont reports that insurgencies are breaking out throughout the country and the empire is gathering its rural forces intending to unite the rebel factions tyr and his friends head to the lorimar region when they get there the fortress appears to have been deserted they pass through the area and reach the warriors village where they find a young couple hicks and tengar arguing hicks urges tengar not to risk her life but she remains stubborn when they mention something about necklord victor takes immediate interest tengar's father zorax says that necklord arrived in the town some time ago as an imperial general and turned his men into zombies and skeletons he threatened the locals and demanded tengar zorak adds that the warriors village has a proud heritage of resilience against danger hicks expresses doubts in his strength but cleo gives him reassurance victor says that necklord used the rune to become a vampire and destroyed the village where he was from ever since he has sought vengeance for his family the next morning necklord has arrived in the village with his zombies causing incredible alarm he again demands tengar but zorak refuses zorak and the villagers charge against necklord but they are quickly vanquished by the might of the vampire victor courageously provokes him and attacks despite their best effort necklord destroys tyr and his friends with his immense power and boasts of his triumph hicks is too timid to oppose necklord and tengar is taken away he says he will not hurt the villagers and hicks promises to rescue her when tear awakens victor says a special weapon is necessary to defeat necklord zordek suggests they venture to the temple of klon to the west which holds a secret fukin the head monk of the temple guides them to the cave of the past where he says their destiny lies deep inside they find a magical sword standing upright as they approach it starts to speak and says whoever awakens it will be cursed with its magic it swallows the party into a void inside they arrive at an unknown location as they search around they find a young boy run through the village when he has spoken to he asks if tyr and his friends have come to take away the treasure the boy answers to the name ted and runs into his grandpa's home surprised that the boy answers to the same name as tyr's best friend they scout around more the village chief commands them to leave the place and instructs ted to go inside the chief continues to be evasive but speaks of hiding from a woman in abrupt fashion wendy appears outside and they all run out of the home with her is necklord and the party watches as wendy demands the chief's rune the soul eater the chief pretends to not know of what she speaks of so she threatens to burn the village of the hidden rune entirely as tyr and his friends look on the village suddenly bursts into flames and windy scoffs that uber has struck due to the chief's denial she again insists that the rune is given to her in response the chief utilizes the full power of the soul eater and the rune's power opens a gigantic void that brings the party to safety inside the home again the village elder apologizes for embroiling the party in danger and calls for ted to approach him he asks ted to extend his right hand and commands the soul eater depart from his own body and go into ted's the rune's magical force then illuminates and transfers its incredible power from the chief to ted the elder apologizes to ted for passing the burden to him and warns that the power of the rune should never be unleashed the chief asks tyr and his friends to take ted and run while he distracts wendy when they sneak out the back of the home they encounter uber an incredibly powerful knight victor can feel his terrible power and cautions his friends as uber attempts to attack necklord appears and instructs him to attend to wendy when victor tries to stop him necklord says he will take him on another time ted wonders what happened but cleo tells him he'll have to depend on himself from now on tyr and his friends now realize that the incident they just witnessed transpired 300 years in the past and that ted is the same one they know though he wishes to travel with them ted is told he must stay behind while the rest return to their time he is also instructed to remain strong and guard the rune after they all return to their own time they again approach the sword when victor tells it that he intends to kill necklord the sword offers to assist him and tells him to take hold of it victor then picks up the star dragon sword and the group returns to the warriors village there zorak learns that victor has discovered a method to defeat necklord and meets the star dragon's sword the villagers say they have been invited to necklord and tengar's wedding inspiring them to strike the vampire ahead of tyr at necklord's castle zorak and his men organize at the gates and necklord himself steps outside and heckles them he refuses to return tengar and says their wedding will commence when the sun sets he seals the gate with a magical force but victor says they must attempt to proceed anyway hicks begs to join them but sorak warns that he has not yet proven himself as a warrior even so hicks says he must keep his promise to tengar and tyr allows him to join realizing his newfound courage zorak grants him permission to name his sword and assist the party in the inner sanctum of necklord's castle they step up as the vampire begins to play the organ he steps down from it as tengar and wedding garb is standing by his side tengar witnesses hicks's courage and victor reminds the vampire of his atrocities at the village of northwind he steps forward holding up the star dragon sword and threatens him likewise hicks steps forward as well with his newly named sword tangar though necklord poses a challenge the adventurers defeat him necklord now realizes the power of the star dragon sword victor declares that necklord's 500 years of evil deeds have come to an end and slashes forward at the vampire tengar calls hicks a hero and they all leave the castle zorak expresses his appreciation and offers his aid to the liberation army back at the liberation army's headquarters matthew says that kaseem hazel has been placed in charge of the imperial defenses in the north to challenge him humphrey recommends befriending the knights of the dragon's den to the west a neutral party sanchez says that tyr will have to speak in person to joshua their leader to solidify an alliance at the dragon's den the gatekeeper at first denies tears entry but with vincent's help they find a hidden entry behind a nearby rock after entering the cavern behind it they stumble into a large room full of dragons futch the knight that took tear and his friends to the magicians island long ago is joined by milia deputy commander of the dragon knights she runs ahead to report to joshua of the liberation army's arrival at the dragon's fortress tyr and his friends meet joshua when they ask for his assistance to oppose the empire joshua admits that the gates to his domain had been shut because the dragons have been sleeping unexpectedly newsie hid from the rest of the country as such his people have been powerless and joshua's been attempting to search for answers joshua says that liu khan the legendary doctor could probably be of assistance when he is brought inside he agrees to assess how to awaken the dragons after doing so he deduces that the dragons have been poisoned and explains that curing them will require moonlight weed black dragon orchid and another item for now he says to seek out the first two ingredients for the moonlight weed the party heads to sikh valley by way of milia and her dragon thrash there they encounter a powerful enemy the crystal core when is defeated they press forward and find the moonlight weed as they walk toward it though they are stopped by windy who knows of the moonlight weed's power wendy says she will not allow them to take the plant and instructs tyr to hand over the soul eater however she says she will not force him and summons ted ted asked tyr to give back the rune saying that it was the only way he was able to stay alive the rune reacts to the circumstances and tear raises his right arm the soul eater's immense power creates a void and sweeps tear and ted into it ted says he still maintains a connection with the soul eater but his body has been taken over by wendy's conqueror rune the rune's power will eventually take over his soul and he asks tyr to forgive him for what he's about to do back with wendy and the others ted b rates the rune for causing so much turmoil in the world and says it has claimed the lives of odessa teo and gremio ultimately ted asks the soul eater to claim his soul so it cannot be taken by wendy tyr's right arm raises once more and the rune illuminates ted's soul is siphoned into the soul eater which reaches level four wendy attempts to take the rune again but fails she escapes and ted bids his friends farewell now free from the magician's manipulative power the party then takes the moonlight weed back to liu khan and joshua unfortunately lukan says the other ingredient the black dragon orchid can only be found in the floating garden at gregminster despite the risk futch is left on his own to attempt to retrieve it when he lands at the flying garden he soon finds the plant but emperor barbarossa catches him in the act and walks toward him when he asks what he's doing there he admits that his intent was to obtain the orchid to awaken the dragons thinking wendy is at fault for causing their slumber the emperor tells him to leave immediately just as he runs back to his dragon black wendy appears and tries to catch him before he can leave he escapes in the nick of time but wendy accuses him of treachery and fires a bolt of magic into his dragon blasting it out of the sky and injuring futch he awakens back at the dragon knights fortress and learns that the others obtain the orchid from his hand the yukon says the third ingredient in the anti-toxin was a dragon's liver which had to be taken from black with the dragon's awakening joshua agrees to form an alliance with the liberation army and fight side by side against the empire with the help of milia's dragon thrash tyr and his friends return to tehran castle inside krenn and kasumi are in the middle of an argument over the presence of a spy matthew learns of the new alliance with the dragon knights and says that the man standing before them was captured near the castle and refuses to talk when he sees tyr taggart says he can now complete his mission for master warren he says that khaseem hazel the commander of the northern forces has began an aggressive campaign against rebel factions in the process warren and victor were captured and taken prisoner the next morning matthew says he has an important matter to discuss with tyr he suspects there is a spy within the liberation army ranks due to intelligence gathered by kasumi and krinn and gains tyr's approval to oversee military training in the field matthew commands an attack against imperial forces in the north sanchez questions the decision as he thought it was a drill but matthew says it then carries the advantage of a surprise attack kasim subordinate griffith is warned that an actual attack is coming and says he will report the circumstances to casine at the battle of the northern checkpoint the imperials are crushed and griffith surrenders for sparing the lives of his troops he agrees to join the liberation army matthew recommends following with another offensive into the north while le pawn attacks the fortress of duha and humphrey attacks the fortress of rakhan by forcing kaseem to reinforce the forts matthew hopes that moravia castle can be taken and warren and victor can be freed griffith agrees to pretend he has captured matthew so tyr can sneak inside moravia at the gates the imperial forces speak of marching to rakhan and the ruse to sneak inside the castle succeeds inside he finds warren and victor in the cell kasumi frees them warren thanks tier and joins the party inside the castle matthew is brought before kasim hazel who asks him why he defected from the empire he faults him for becoming a traitor by joining the liberation army and asks him to return as they exchange words kasim is told that the liberation army has surrounded the castle as it turns out matthew tipped the city state of joustin off to the imperial march and was able to overcome kasim's forces le pawn and humphrey return reporting of their successes when tear arrives as well matthew asked haseem to surrender and says that the emperor has been corrupted milic also appears and advises kasim to stand down ultimately he agrees to surrender and joins the liberation army after their return to tehran castle only the imperial capital of gregminster remains to be taken after debating various options of attack matthew suggests using 500 boats to take sonia shulin's floating fortress of shasara zod the next morning the liberation army uses the 500 boats to commence their assault sonia sways to defend the fortress but falls to the might of the liberation army matthew says the fortress will be burned with oil so tyr must close the floodgate inside they encounter shell venus a powerful foe that stands in their way when is defeated victor climbs the floodgate and closes it as they all attempt to exit the area sonia intercepts the party she asked here why he chose to betray the empire and his father and incite violence and rebellion before he can answer the oil is lit and pours into the fortress sonia attacks but she's defeated by the adventurers as she speaks of walking into the fire to end her life victor stops her and brings her out of the fortress outside matthew is found injured lying on the ground tear arrives to observe flick's scolding sanchez for lighting the oil on fire before receiving orders to do so and he demands that he answer for his actions unexpectedly sanchez says that he has been deceiving the liberation army the entire time and has been acting as a spy for the emperor when flick asks if sanchez is to blame for the death of odessa sanchez again admits fault in rage flick pulls out his sword and prepares to take his head before he can swing his blade matthew awakens and warns that killing sanchez will compromise the morale of the liberation army for now he says they should focus instead on taking gregminster in a tehran castle cell sonia says she cannot discard her loyalty to the emperor and cleo reveals she knows of her personal relationship with teo tyr asks her to join the liberation army and though she refuses to fight she agrees matthew says everyone must now make preparations to march to the capitol tyr gives the orders to proceed and all the soldiers are gathered together matthew announces that the time has come to end the imperial regime and encourages everyone to commit everything they have to the goal in that moment leknot appears again she says the rune of the gate was split in two and both she and her sister carry a part of it as she announces that all 108 stars of destiny have assembled together victor says they are missing one gremio revealing the power of arun she asks everyone to think of their friend and beckons the gate of dimensions to unite the 108 stars of destiny suddenly gremio appears alive in front of everyone and is greeted by all of his elated friends after they all pledge to pursue the victory together the final battle is launched leknot uses her power to destroy wendy's immense swarm of monsters yupu realizes that the source of the magic must be lechnaut but says she will never be able to overcome wendy's sorcery as they prepare to attack joshua joins the struggle and calls upon the dragon rune to vanquish more of the monsters uber orders a forward march and the two armies clash on the battlefield uber forecasts victory but the liberation army is too much for him to handle uber says it is the end of the country and runs off after adding he will not miss it much the dwarves rokaku ninjas and zorak have all arrived to lend their support after assembling a party tyr victor and flick charge through the gate of gregminster matthew warns of the emperor's strength and asks the group to fulfill his sister's dream and route to the palace they encounter ein guide who stands in their way he refuses to stand down and attacks the group despite his strength he is defeated and dies as he apologizes to the emperor for his failure inside the palace tier and his friends fight their way through imperial soldiers at the end of the imperial gardens they find emperor barbarossa himself commending tyr for making it this far he says that he will protect all that remains of his empire with his own hands raising his blade he calls upon the dragon king's sword and transforms into a giant three-headed dragon after he's defeated four of the five great generals enter the balcony kasim laments that the emperor has changed and says he was deceived by wendy in that moment she appears and mocks barbarossa for his defeat she says he should be ashamed to call himself the golden emperor but khaseem stands up for him wendy knocks kaseem to the ground and says that the scarlet moon empire is dead when wendy attempts to grab the soul eater again the rune begins to glow and releases its incredible power odessa gremio teo and ted all appear locking wendy into a magical force field the magical forcer rob says the rune rejects wendy who agonizes in her failure barbarossa tells windy to stop persisting for the rune and says his sovereign rune has protected him from her magic while wendy believed that the black rune she gave to the emperor brought him under her power he says that he lied the entire time and assisted wendy because he truly loved her he thought windy was changeable but realized that he was wrong the emperor admits that his mistake cost him his empire and asks what type of country tyr will create in its stead as the remaining generals look on barbarossa bids everyone farewell he jumps with wendy off the balcony ending their lives and causing the entire palace to tremble as they heard to escape victor and flick agree to stall imperial soldiers so the party can exit the palace the two raised their swords vowing to fight together to allow the escape of tyr and the others inside gregminster the liberation army realizes that the empire has been brought to an end and celebrates their successes together as he is resting matthew is informed of the triumph he expresses his disdain for war and wonders whether he made the right decision in that moment he dies and lukan tells him to rest in peace in the absence of the scarlet moon empire the tauran republic is established tears elected its first president and many who fought alongside him become military commanders and officials in the new republican government victor and flick are considered missing in action in the final battle luke disappears with lechnot pesmerga leaves the country in search of uber milch spends his life protecting the grave of barbarossa leon silverberg spends time in his hometown gremio stays by tears side cleal continues to protect teo's mansion now tired of fighting pawn embarks upon a journey to improve himself tai ho returns to kaku and enjoys a carefree life hicks is now considered a true warrior and departs with tengar on a journey the yukon opens a clinic where he saves many more lives humphrey and futch set out on a journey together kirkus and sylvina marry jen returns to tien and continues to build ships joshua returns to the dragon's den and trains his son apple works on a biography of matthew crin steals gregminster's treasures and vanishes in the last scene teer and gremio walk out of the gates of craigminster together and the two gays into the sky if you enjoyed this video please give it a like and subscribe to my channel for more story explanation videos and click the bell to be alerted upon the creation of new content also please consider using the join functionality to support the channel check out my other videos and leave a comment below with your favorite moment from the story of suicide you
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Keywords: suikoden 2, suikoden ii, suikoden story, suikoden explained, suikoden lore, suikoden recap, suikoden ii explained, suikoden 2 story, suikoden recapitation, suikoden summary, suikoden review, suikoden retrospective, suikoden complete, suikoden ii summary, suikoden, suikoden 2 recap, suikoden ii lore, suikoden 2 lore, what is suikoden, suikoden plot, suikoden 2 explained, what happened in suikoden, suikoden complete story, suikoden story summary, Suikoden, Suikoden story
Id: DJpo5dzGWNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 20sec (3260 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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