Suikoden Lore: The Suikoverse Timeline

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one holy crap hey guys our video this week is at another viewer request this time by Aris Thao and pray oh ye we go over this Whedon series main five games and where they line up chronologically with one another hint it's not an order of release at least enough for all of them also thanks to Shay rule Bala dong for the head start info for our research okay so before we begin as we go over various weakening games you may begin to notice a pattern in baseline story elements throughout the game this is more than a game mechanic or series formula side-effect the reason for these similarities beyond the similar thematic elements being both standard and expected in a game series of this sort is that the first Suikoden and by extension the rest of the Suikoden games are all loosely based upon a piece of Chinese classical literature called water margin very long story short water margin tells the tale of a land ruled by a corrupt and oppressive government as a result of this governance 108 individuals whether because of betrayal by local leaders discontent with the living conditions of the common man growing tired of serving corruption or any myriad of other reasons gather together in a swamp and form an outlaw band that defies the rulership that oppresses them as political and troop battles rage on leadership of the 108 outlaws changes due to the original leaders death with the new leader advocating for both sides to follow their better angels and eventually playing a major role in ending the conflict there is what could be considered epilogue but is more like the last quarter of the book considering it's about 20 chapters of stuff in water margin that is important to its story but thus weakening games and at this more climactic point of the end of the fighting between the revolutionary body and the corrupt government of the respective games so each of the games while being very distinct in their own right loosely draw upon water margin for inspiration with most of the protagonists being betrayed by their homeland in some way joining forces with rebels and eventually becoming the leader of said rebels for one reason or another before leading their people to a victory that many would consider impossible when the journey begins along the way the protagonist gathers the 109th stars of destiny the possible characters that can be added to players party each of whom is presumably loosely based upon one of the 108 heroes from water margin and only with the full 108 heroes can the best ending each can be unlocked beyond these similarities however each of the individual games has very little tied together though they take place in the same world the biggest connection each of the games has is that several characters appear in more than one of them most notably Vicki and Jean both of whom provide valuable magical benefits outside of combat and inexplicably appear in every game of the series despite differences of more than 100 years between some of the games as a last note before you actually start going into the games we can't confirm or deny this part since neither of us read or speak Japanese so we don't have a viable way to check but according to this weekend and wiki the Japanese translation of water margin comes out to be Suikoden hence the name to the game series which is a delightful little homage to the source material for the series alright so on to the actual games in the series chronologically speaking the first game to take place is my personal favorite Suikoden for set in the year 302 with the game ending by 307 as a side note most of these games take place over the course of a few years though the player is generally left to presume as much based on the growth of armies the expansion of fortresses and similar logically time-intensive events and actions that take place in the background most of the time it is not spelled out for you in game this game is ocean based with the countryside or continents of the other games replaced with a series of individual island nations the protagonist Laszlo is a young knight in service of his home island state razz rel early on in the game his commander acquires the rune of punishment a rune that grants a nearly unparalleled destructive might in exchange for sucking the life force out of the runes wielder as the game goes on and more is learned about the rune it is discovered that nearly every previous wielder of the rune has been devoured their bodies disintegrating into ash for more detailed information on the rune of punishment or any of the other runes discussed in this video see our previous videos on the true runes of Suikoden in order to repel overwhelming hostile horses Laszlo's boss uses the route of punishment so much that it kills him then jumps to Lazlo as he was the closest living host blamed for slaying his commander Lazlo is banished from his homeland before eventually making his way to the island nation of oble by this time Lazlo has become aware of the militant actions of the Kulik the major antagonist nation for the game and assists obols King in making preparations unbeknownst to anyone the kulaks military financier graham cray has secretly orchestrated the entire war the Kulik had begun in an effort to flush out and acquire the route of punishment itself he had possessed the rune in the past but cut off his own arm to be free of it fearing for his life as time went on however he found that he missed the power it gave him and so orchestrated a war knowing the conflict would eventually draw the roon bear out long story short Lazlo defeats Crais and the ku Luke with everything culminating in Lazlo having to enact a powerful blast of energy from the rune in order to save his troops if the 108 stars have been gathered Lazlo will live through this event otherwise he is presumed to have perished saving the armies he helped build either way peace descends upon the island nations thereafter the next game to occur chronologically speaking is Suikoden v which takes place in the year 449 and lasts one year ending in 450 meaning that Suikoden 5 takes place about a hundred and forty two years after Suikoden for this game takes place almost entirely in the country of Felina with prince vilanis of the ruling royal family acting as the main character for this one Felina is a matriarchal kingdom meaning that despite his position as the eldest villainous child the prince's younger sister limps Leia is heir to the throne which is where the crux of this conflict begins near the beginning of the game as is tradition a series of games has held brave style in which limbs Leia's would be noble suitors was champions acting their stead real manly guys compete to win the honour of becoming the Queen's husband ranting whichever noble family the winning son belongs to more political power as traditionally the husband of the Queen was the head of the Queen's Knights an elite group of bodyguards for the royal family during the game's free lunch lady's hand the house of God one cheats their way to victory the royal family suspects but cannot prove this and sends the Brits to investigate upon learning of the Queen's suspicions the Godwin's launched a coup fearing of the queen who was slowly slipping into insanity due to her use of the Sun rune proof or no proof given her mindset the Godwin's are successful in the result and begin ruling Felina under the guise of acting as protectors and caretakers for lipslides when they captured did I mention she was only ten years old at the time hmm meanwhile the princess capes had built a resistance movement to help would back his family's throne and free his sister among his staunchest allies is his aunt sigh Leeds who along with being a capable warrior was an expert politician and thus proved very useful the prince and his allies when a series of major victories until they reach a turning point well they had the opportunity to rescue princess limbs Leia from godwyn hands things take a turn however when Syed's turns traitor stealing limbs lay away and beginning to work with the Godwin's fight games and it is revealed that she did this in order to ensure freedom for her niece and nephew from Follette as noble politics as she ensured that the war was dragged on long enough to destroy the noble houses and even did so in the name of the usurping noble house of Godwin thus leaving her own family's name clean the prince defeats the Godwin's though his aunt co-leads dies in the conflict and limps Leia is properly restored to the throne if all of you 108 stars are collected the Prince assumes the position of the head of the Queen's knights in order to lead the protection of his sister and his own bodyguard survives the conflict otherwise his Queens Knight loyal companion throughout the course of the game Falls to fatal wounds near the end of the game Suikoden 1 is the third game to take place from a chronological perspective beginning in the year 453 and ending in 457 meaning this one comes just three years after Sui cannon5 this game takes place in the scarlet moon Empire with the protagonist tier being the son of the famous scarlet moon general Tia McDole as his father leaves to handle a rebellion tear begins his work as a soldier for the Scarlet moons armies in his travels he discovers the corruption of the Empire and the unhappiness or downright fear for their lives that the general populace experience on a day-to-day basis eventually at the expense of his good friend Ted T requires the Soul Eater broom a true rune desperately sought by the Empire's court magician windy who had magically gained control and influence over the Empire's rulers while searching for the room her pursuit forces tear and friends to flee the Empire's grasp eventually joining forces with the Liberation Army tearing companies served for a time before Odessa Silverberg the Liberation's leader falls during a raid on Liberation Army headquarters tear is named leader in her stead and leads the liberation army to victory in the war against the corrupt scarlet moon Empire facing down each of the mighty five great generals including his own father who remained steadfast in his duty to the empire despite giving tear his blessing concerning his revolutionary goals if all 108 stars are acquired grĂªmio tears oldest most steadfast ally and surrogate father figure to tear is brought back to life as he was unavoidably slain during the course of the game otherwise grim EO remains dead Suikoden too occurs next chronologically beginning in the year 460 and lasting for about the space of years so presumably ending in 461 we need this game takes place three years after Suikoden one Suikoden two takes place in and around the country of highland and the city-state of johnston this one jumps right into things with the protagonist ryu and his best friend Joey acting as members of the Highland army unicorn youth Brigade on the eve of an armistice being signed between their homeland Highland and their neighbouring country Johnston thus paving the way to peace the youth Brigade is slaughtered by the Highland Prince Luka blight so that the death of Highlands young bright-eyed patriotic soldiers can be blamed upon joust and as an excuse to crush them in a war as he harbors a deep deep hatred for joust and its people Ryu and Joey escape by diving off of a cliff into a nearby river becoming separated for the first - many times throughout the game Ryu was found by flicking Viktor important characters in Sweden one who are now leading a group of mercenaries that Ryu then gets roped into being a part of Joey eventually shows up having been found by a young child when he washed up elsewhere and the two escaped heading home to meet with Ryu sister Nanami upon arriving at home Joey and Ryo are framed as spies against Highland as they are the only survivors of the youth Brigade Massacre and they are then saved along with Nanami by flicking Viktor and this point ryo joins viktor and flick and they're going fight against luca blight who had already begun attacks on jousted including raising the small village the pillock of the child who save Joey had been raised in long story short Ryu flick Viktor and Joey begin to raise an army and rally the various city-states together to fight against Highland and Luka blight but early on in this process Joey not seeing away to victory defects to Highland quickly rising through their military ranks he then poisons the king allowing Luka blight to take the throne Joey then leaks information to Ryu allowing Luka to be ambushed effectively killing him as well and establishing himself as King as during all of this he gotten himself married to Julie implied to Luke his sister thus solidifying his admittedly bloody rise to power it is revealed by games end that Joey had betrayed were you and defected to Highland because he genuinely didn't believe the war against Highland could be won so I figured the best way to peace was to gain control of Highland in denied the land but by then Luca had sacrificed a whole city to the beasts room and things had gotten much more complicated by games end reuse forces defeat Highland and the beasts room if all 108 starts of destiny are acquired reused sister Nanami survives and she Ryu and Joey set off to travel together otherwise Nanami dies with Joey possibly following her to the grave last on our chronological list is Suikoden 3 which takes place in 475 and ends around 477 meaning it takes place 15 years after Suikoden - this game takes place primarily in the grasslands and these Xing Confederacy a warring or at best politically tumultuous region in this game the primary character is somewhat fluid with the player controlling Hugo Chris and geto throughout the first half of the game before choosing one of them to take the true fire rune and thus act as the protagonist for the remainder of the game during this game Luke the constant albeit reluctantly Catan one and two has decided that he has had enough of being bound to his true wind rune and concocts a plan to rid himself of it various reasons are given but the short version is that he wants it gone and believes the future we'll be better if the rune is destroyed however the destruction of a true rune is no small feat to do so he has located an ancient ceremonial site designed to enhance the power of runes used there unfortunately for him not just any runes will do and so he orchestrates a war between the tribes of the grasslands and the Zechs ins by assassinating important figures from both sides and blaming the opposing sides for the assassinations all whilst acting under the guise of working for Harmonia a third kingdom and his technical birthplace though he's never shown any allegiance to the place he does this both to unearth the true runes and to cover his own tracks while he hunts down and acquires them the flame champion azita Hugo Chris or ghetto come to be known depending upon who you get the true fire rune to eventually unites the grass lenders and the sections to battle Harmonia who have moved in on the conflict by this point before eventually Luke's plans are revealed when he manages to steal the true lightning earth fire and water runes from the others and retreats to the ancient ceremonial site in order to destroy the true wind rune alerted to his treachery Harmonia joins the grass lenders and Zechs ins and the three armies converge on Luke and his forces eventually besting him and preventing the destruction of the rune Luke and his only true allies Sarah die as the ancient ruins collapse around them if the 108 stars are acquired the player is allowed to play through a chapter as Luke to gain a better understanding of what he and his allies were doing during the course the game as well as why the game is broken up into chapters to play each of the possible flame champions plus some side characters before this and that's basically the story of sweden a wonderful game series totalling up at a hundred and seventy-five years of total time passed between the five games though most of that is between four and five we hope you enjoyed this video and if you have ideas for videos you'd like to see us do in the future do like era stay on pre ogeid let us know in the comments down below if you'd like to see more videos from us in the future be they lower let's play go ahead and hit that subscribe button but in the meantime this has been - Dona Naik signing off hey guys you can click the link on the left for our last lore video you can click the link on the right for a last let's play and right here in the middle that orb you can hit that to subscribe also ring the bell if you want to be notified when we post a new video this is two men and a Mike thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: True Masters and Morons
Views: 66,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: two men and a mic, tmm, tm&m, tmandm, two men, and a mic, two men and a mic play, game, gaming, lore, channel, tarren, isaac, Suikoden Lore: The Suikoverse Timeline, Suikoverse, Suiko-verse, Suikoden, one, two, three, four, five, timeline, riou, tir, Freyadour, Falenas, grasslands, zexen, lazlo, hugo, geddoe, chris, lightfellow, mcdohl, en kuldes, obel, cray, true rune, series, windy, soul eater, punishment, sun, flame, wind, earth, fire, water, sialeeds, lymsleia, gremio, luc, jowy, true masters and morons, true, masters, morons
Id: coKBaBqkqp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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