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what is up my aesthetic boys it's fresh back with the subreddit I haven't taken a look at in a while and let's just say I told the editor to go a little easy on the censoring for this one so so strap in yeah Dave for sticking my dad's things to the ceiling today the TV remote he joins a shoe in his glasses I feel like we can do better though yeah but to everyone's saying I should stick myself to the ceiling the point is it has to be something he would actually look for if you lay on your arm until it falls asleep and whiteboy your tears it feels like somebody else cares about you why can't my fat leave me like everything else does I love this dude my boy epic ahlu I gotta make old video on this dude girlfriends have tricked us into believing sleeping on the couch is a punishment fellas the couch ain't so bad in game until you fall asleep TV right there pass out in your clothes closer to fridge and girlfriend misses you hey you should try being a single you can do all that from your comfortable bed alright - the girlfriend missing you and Plus a crushing loneliness and overbearing certainty that you'll die alone but like basically the same thing oh my god I just realized that cigarettes are called that because they are smaller versions of cigars oh so I have a dick yet and I have a bank account what's your point I used to think only sad losers tweeted about politics and now I tweet about politics so I was right honestly I've had a bad day I'd like to suck your dick to feel better I'll trust me sucking my dick would just make it worse men have read it what are some mistakes women make during sex well every woman I've slept with has made the mistake of sleeping with me so your task is to piss off an entire roomful of people how do you do it well I just show up usually well you're a babe huh you must be seeing your reflection on your phone screen Oh smooth okay so what are your three favorite things you look for in a guy hmm someone with goals and a good head on their shoulders someone who knows how to treat people and his kind / respectful just has a good heart and someone who can make me laugh wait so I couldn t whined for a quick sec he said what are your three favorite things and she said at least one two three four five six maybe seven depending on how you count anyhow well that's six things but lucky for you I'm not on you're looking for someone who's good at math and if you can't tell the difference between three and six then my penis is perfect for you men of reddit your penis now makes an audible sound when ejaculating any sound of your choosing what's your choice probably just a sad wet cough I don't let's think about this for a second what uh what would be a funny one Oh God Oh No Oh okay I think I thought of the worst one you make you make the noise that's gonna that baby makes who covers himself in peanut butter right now let's look that up hold on what's like peanut butter baby vine okay oh no oh god no the line the proceeds it is does that feel good okay this oh no what have I done hearing I'm a lot of people's second choice this is actually a huge step towards becoming a lot of people's first choice me discussing my dating life 2020 colorized I've got private messages asking if I'm the real Cleo on the hç reddit where I am tagged as such I said look at the tags and got back well I'm not sure if you're really her I'm just what sad would pretend to be me on reddit I mean I barely want to be me on reddit people whose jobs require them to enter someone else's house such as plumbers and electricians what was the weirdest thing you've ever seen at a customer's house it's a tough one but probably my wife Oh No Opie I'm sorry he said weirdest not most common ha that's right your wife sleeps with a lot of other men that's the joke take that get burned classic comedy doc I think my penis is maybe smaller than average it's like this big oh whoa don't you know that's a symbol of white nationalism Oh what this hand gesture no a tiny penis well I got a chuckle out of the white nationalism one but I hate the idea of my dick being a Nazi symbol uh no sir let me correct you I believe you meant to say your dick at police manhunt for quote fat naked men with small penis they'll never find me oh I don't have to report this I am in this photo and I really don't like it if you could choose one year without gaming or one year without sex that's an easy one do I look like I have sex would you rather have the ability to see all people naked or the ability to know which person is in love with you see people naked second option would be useless for me I really enjoyed the movie cats what why because my parents were disappointed in something that wasn't me for once don't be worried about your smartphone or laptop spying on you your vacuum cleaners been gathering dirt from you for years I thought it was because I am too ugly for anyone to spy on got him ha classic roast honestly the dude that runs this account is my full respect I don't even have that for myself so that means a line that's from the official oh that's from the official Netflix UK and Ireland account I love these people you love to see that shout out to all the girls that didn't want me back then but now that I have money y'all still don't want me I respect real hey big dick or big brains neither female fish will sometimes fake orgasms to try and trick males into thinking they have successfully made it then the females will swim off to find a better partner as so does my girlfriend ain't special yeah door you ain't slick friend Ian Dory from Finding Nemo and she faked mates with someone to find a better man than five minutes later goes swimming back to the first guy get it yeah fish dairy for fighting fighting Nemo ellen degeneres he's got like the memory the memory as she goes back to the other okay I'm done having sex on a regular basis helps to improve your memory have a great 2017 guys Antarctica probably has the highest average IQ of any continent well i'ma go there and balance that out kind of noise me how girls can look like Shakira when they take out their plates but I look like King George the first well you're not wrong okay honestly I don't know why people think kids learning about gay relationships in the school will turn them gay I learned about World War 2 put them yet to invade Poland I also learned about sex in school and I'm yet to have any myself you got plans tonight I'm thinking we can get together split a bottle of slivovitz and make some mistakes I never make mistakes sorry well you swipe right on me so you've made at least one I hate when people say if you think this is better than sex you haven't had good sex like no maybe you've just never had good lasagna Carol haven't had either it on long poor Peter Oh Peter J well I hope the last two and a half years have been good for Peter J Wallace I hope I hope this tweet isn't true anymore I hope this has changed man for someone with two brain cells I sure do can overthink hey yo fellas and ladies I guess just like it didn't didn't work with the whole like hey yo fellas anyhow hey yo fellas and ladies hey yo single fellas and ladies out there y'all ready for some personally attacking content stage freeze don't say stage freeze just do it do I have a crush on them or am I so deprived of human contact and not used to having a friend that my brain cannot see the difference between being platonically happy to be around someone at first wanting to be romantically involved with them the saga you're paid $500,000 for each month you can live in solitude you have unlimited food drinks and entertainment of your choice but zero interaction with another living being for how many months do you sign up for wait wait you guys are getting paid why our penises drawn so much why is my first thought whenever I have the chance to draw on something to draw a penis well nothing is funnier than a penis my wife laughs every time she sees mine har slash legal advice Florida is it illegal to sunbathe naked on my own property so I want a sunbathe naked in my backyard however there are roofers working on my neighbor's roof I am legally a minor does it count as indecent exposure if the roofers can see me while legality aside why aren't you worried that the roofers would be snapping cellphone pics of you to use in their spank bank for later or worse distribute online because if they want to jack off the overweight boys that's their problem not mine you have a twin right cuz I'm like 90% sure we went to school together I do what the heck yeah you went to that elementary right I think we had a speak class I did and oh my god that's crazy do you remember a cute little boy I think so well it probably wasn't me Elementary was not my time ask read it what screams I have a crush on you well not my crush that's for sure with your current account balance which Apple product can you buy a hut juice don't you mean account balance set ah classic I love those little callbacks at jokes earlier in the videos call that collage a mother a mother freeze out here goddamn [Music]
Channel: fresh
Views: 119,087
Rating: 4.9578776 out of 5
Id: 85keTF9lEQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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