Succession: Why TOM Didn't Fire GREG in the Finale

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sell spoilers ahead for the final episode of succession if you're not caught up go catch up it's one of the best TV shows ever anyways let's get down to Brass tags why did Tom keep Greg at waystar in the end after all Greg did betray him by telling the eldest boy all about matson's plan to shank shiv in the back and make Tom the American CEO this early warning gave Kendall a much needed Lifeline in the power struggle for waystar's control it provided him with a way to turn shave against Madsen and with her the rest of the board it likely would have worked it Kendall not been so smug about it all so again why did Tom kick break well much like everything in succession it's complicated however I believe there are a few reasons for one Greg is really good at gregging oh yeah I got like three four people gregging for me seriously who on this show has a better assistant than Greg well maybe Logan but that doesn't count Greg was always willing to do Dom's Dirty Work even to a criminal point at times just as long as it benefited Greg as well another possible reason is that even though it can be easy to forget Tom is the only character out of the main cast who's not part of this family and didn't grow up a billionaire he is the only one that possesses anything remotely close to a moral compass and he does like Greg to some degree one can even argue that Craig is his best friend on some up level of toxic friendship at one point back in season 3 Tom was even willing to take the fall for Greg's crimes if he had to go to jail you asking if you can hook your bubble of corporate wrongdoing on one of my branches Greg I just thought if if it won't make much difference to you fine okay much like with dom Dolce Greg didn't do anything that dumb himself would not have done had the roles been reversed Greg did what anyone would have done after coming upon valuable information in the succession world sell it to the highest paider or the eldest bidder in this case it's arguably what Tom has been teaching Greg to do during these last four seasons of Glorious television besides white wolf down fire Greg he has crackers not to be trusted but it's not like Tom can trust anybody else at West or any better at least crack can be predictably dishonest me I'm dishonest and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest another piece of this Shakespearean puzzle is that Matson himself might have requested Greg to stay on Madison's goal is to strip way star to the Bone which incorporates speak translates the firing people and killing whole departments and who better than Greg to carry out the task of firing hundreds if not thousands of people uh if I have been too wordy yes we are letting all of you go it's arguably his only real talent let's also not forget that even though Dam ended up as the CEO and the proverbial King who sits on the corporate iron throne his life is still far from perfect he is CEO in name only a front man for Matson who is demonstrably more deranged than any other character in this nest of sociopaths Matson might fire Tom at any moment or send him a brick of blood or turn him into the most powerful in Corporate America and as such Tom will need his favorite punching bag by his side it's their whole dynamic in every relationship in Tom's life he's on the wrong end of the power scale except for Greg the one person he has power over as I stated before it's complicated but that's the general idea with TV shows that portray realistic characters that much like real people are always full of contradictions so that's it that's the video thanks for listening to another one of my ramblings I guess kind of kind of principles your principles correct don't be an you don't have principles see a chump
Channel: A Talentless Hack
Views: 28,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sucession, HBO, MAX, Waystar, ATN, Tom Wambsgans, Greg Hirsch
Id: r2BqmcrwiZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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