Succession Season 4 Finale Review (Episode 10)

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all right well before we get into today's series finale review of succession I have a quick announcement I want to make I'm officially stepping down from nerd soup I feel like it's the right time for me to take a step back and choose someone else to lead the channel moving forward so without further Ado I would like to announce who is going to be My Success oh oh hey Ted what are you doing here I'm here for the big announcement you're gonna step down right yeah but like this wouldn't concern you why wouldn't it concern me I'm part of the channel no yeah but you actually think you're gonna take over for him that was the Assumption yes why in the world would that happen I'm reliable yeah okay let's look how you're dressed I mean I'm presentable I'm in a suit very CEO like you look like you're cat calling people on the city streets all day oh I'm sorry I'm a hard-working citizen of the United States I'm not sitting in AC all day getting manicures pedicures yeah you should try it sometime because it's sweet let me see your fingers no open open your hands let me see your hands I'm like showing you my hands guys listen it doesn't even work and you and and what you plan on picking him yeah cause I'm gonna be the new oh okay it's not you man can you please tell us as I said I'm here to announce who's going to lead nerdsuit moving forward who is going to host the podcast I thought long and hard about who it should be you know this person has been by my side since the very beginning hand in hand reliable smart Thinks Big while also focusing on the little things it's so true and that person would be Anthony JQ Nash the nerd soup robot what what stupid he sucks why the hell just even watch the show he doesn't watch anything so I was thinking we don't call it nerd soup anymore it's just soup [Music] everybody welcome back to another episode of soup I am Anthony JQ Nash here with Aaron the nerd suit monkey and we're here to review succession season 4 episode 10 with open eyes which is directed by Mark mylad and written by Jesse Armstrong so I've already accepted that this is your new role and everything but like for my comfort I just so used to hearing Bo's voice is there any way you can kind of do like a bow impression just to make me feel better yeah that shouldn't be a problem uh how about this is this enough bow Oliver for you you [ __ ] putts I actually have another announcement to make my second major decision as CEO of soup and that would be today's episode is sponsored by raid Shadow Legends yeah yeah it's a new day over the years people have seen a ton of raid ads most of these are about the game its giveaways and mechanics now with raid call of the Orbiter we want to celebrate something really unique fun free and accessible to everyone it's a new animated limited series that expands the world of raid in a way that's never been seen before if you go to our Link in the description box below you can watch it for free in the game episode 1 is out now with the new episodes out every Thursday at 10 A.M eastern time until July 20th episode 1 Gaelic provides backstory on one of raid's most iconic characters a warrior ogre who forsakes his people and his family to fight for justice to be completely honest I was a little skeptical about taking on this sponsorship initially raid's a cool game but why does it need a limited series to further develop its characters the characters are cool you know it's fun to play with them that's really all you need but by the end of the first episode I was almost in tears by how moving this six minute story actually was it's a really dark yet surprisingly sweet story about a train killer choosing a different path it's kind of incredible what they managed to capture thematically in just six minutes and it's also got movie quality animation and I was surprised by how epic it was not only in the execution of the story but in the actual framing of the battle sequences and as I said emotionally moving and raid Shadow Legends is celebrating their new limited series by adding a bunch of Call Of The Arbiter related features in the game including new Champion bios to dig into ranging from Champions that feature in the show like gallic Athol kale and elhan to fan favorites like death knight Sila the Drakes and more this launch will offer a ton of cool stuff for raid fans new and old and this is probably the most exciting time to jump in if you haven't played right before every player will get a chance to get our attack one of the five new characters from the show as a playable legendary champion for free just by logging into raid for seven days between now and July 24th and if you haven't started playing raid yet use our Link in the description box below or scan our QR code to get insane bonuses we are talking an epic Channel be a night errant from the banner Lords faction and other useful things so go ahead hit our Link in the description box below and we will see you on the battlefield soup Clan join now while you have the chance see look at that I did the intro perfectly add read an incredible ad read I'm basically a natural I'm a natural at this I was born to do this so I imagine everybody watching right now is thrilled by everything that just happened I know that you're like a robot so you can sound like Bo and have the same thoughts as Bo but I'm gonna be honest I don't like you well that's not so important let's just talk about the finale I think people are sick of our back and forth and there was a lot to talk about with this finale as it pertains to succession going right back to the title you know what when Matson said success that should have been the tell that he was gonna win shorten up the title success for him I do think it's kind of hilarious just to skip to the ending of it all that Alexander Skarsgard is the winner can you imagine telling somebody back in season one it's gonna be that tall beautiful Swedish actor yeah no that would have been a stretch but I think even more so Tom saying Tom's the winner obviously they've built up to it wonderfully but when we were first introduced to this character first couple episodes and you're like this guy's gonna be CEO and he did it being Tom the whole way sometimes that's all you need to do is just be yourself so yeah that was uh with Tom I think it was the perfect choice and uh we said time and time again that this show was so hard to predict but it does make perfect sense because as Madison says he could be that pain sponge essentially a puppet he's got no Mortals he's got no code he's got no strategies he's just the perfect ass kisser so it's sort of like failing upwards he obviously comes from humble beginnings this is how you get to the top when you come from that type of background through luck keeping a low profile but kissing up to the right people so I guess for him it was a success and I think uh you know people can feel any which way they want about Tom winning Kendall losing shiv losing Roman losing I'm thinking we should have slit his throat in the Cradle well I don't think that was ever the point of the show it's fun to speculate and for people to gamble and to throw out these fun theories about Greg becoming CEO but it was always inevitable that this group the three of them the Roy children were going to self-destruct and I think the way it happened was so beautifully tragic it was a perfect subversion of the expectations of is Kendall gonna win or shiv as I said and all that just blows up in their faces and they have this realization that none of them are fit to rule because they're broken and it's because of how they grew up and their Dynamic and their relationships and I think what's so interesting is you know going back to season one episode one they make a point to say that the family hasn't been together for a long time that they all come together because of Logan stroke and now in the finale they're gonna go their separate ways for a long time yeah this is going to be the final wedge between them where it creates a dynamic similar to Logan and Ewan they're always going to love each other but they'll never be able to forgive each other and more specifically Kendall's never going to be able to forgive shiv perfect name for that character right stabs him right in the back but I'm also worried for Kendall yeah I was definitely I don't want to say I was surprised but going into the episode my final prediction was Kendall mostly because I saw a tick tock edit of him and Logan I'm like oh yeah he's gonna be Logan now this is it yeah just back shots right at the back of the head very easily convinced I'm like yep it's kind of Tom's right there with you man I thought I thought they were going the route of you know absolute power corrupts absolutely he becomes Logan how tragic this character that has endeared himself to the audience loses himself completely it's a very like I don't want to say a simple ending but like all the signs are there and I think it actually would have been a very satisfying ending and they probably would have pulled it off well but I think more attuned to the show this type of ending makes the most amount of sense and I've seen people not love the ending and kind of think that it might have derailed at the end but I saw some people who didn't like the ending but also understood like that kind of makes sense and sticks stays true to what the show is so I think you can like look at it from both ways I thought the finale was I don't think it's the best episode of the season but I thought it was a very satisfying finale it's one of those things that I honestly do think because it's just it's the last episode of the show you really gotta sit on for maybe a little bit and think about just to see how how it fully uh settles within within you and what your perception of it is but coming off that episode last night what I was thinking about kind of just reacting and trying to figure out how I felt about it but like during the episode I was at the edge of my seat my heart was racing and that's really when succession is at its best when it's making you just go crazy internally while you're waiting for the next move to be made yeah I think for a finale the focus that we got on the main characters was great I think Jesse Armstrong from a writing standpoint did a great job weighing all these characters emotionally where they are what they want their motivations making Roman the key for the first half of the episode for both Kendall and shiv was also a brilliant stroke because Roman's always been the middle child of the group the one who's a bit more sensitive and emotionally available at times even though he can go really dark and then they have that really really uplifting moment with their bonding at their mom's house it's probably the happiest they've ever been together and at that point you're thinking this is yeah this is gonna go terribly for them right it's going to go wrong so at 90 minutes it definitely felt epic and it felt like a finale like it was written as a farewell some of the lines of dialogue where you could chalk it up as this is the healthiest the relationship has been between the three of them but I felt like Roman's character in particular his writing got a little cute at times like these are going to be the final Roman quotes that we always look back on but I didn't mind that so much because I thought the episode was very funny and it was as I said it was cool to see those moments of the children bonding like they were three little kids raiding their mom's fridge making fun of that I was dying with Kendall singing in his mom's voice and also Roman yeah dating their mom it was such a great moment but obviously what happens next like if you want you can just stop the episode there and head can in it the rest of the way yep they all lived happily ever after yeah Kendall becomes CEO and then stabs them immediately in the back um I actually like one scene I just then it's such a small scene and it was nice to see him again in the finale because it is you know for a large part of its existence Logan Roy show I didn't love that little home tape oh no no I wasn't a fan of that because it felt out of place yeah it's the only time we've ever seen Logan with his hair down and it comes in the finale right and it's like obviously there are moments outside of the show that we don't see and kind of that moment the kids watching and crying it kind of gave off like I don't know I think the way they ended Logan and the way they see him I think it I don't think that was necessary it was perfect in the funeral that was the perfect cap on their relationship with Logan that should have been it those were the last words about him obviously in the finale while getting this [ __ ] done he gets brought up and everything but like their actual true moments with them or thoughts about him should have just been left at the funeral and even Conor doing like the whole [ __ ] off thing like I felt like that's very written for a finale yeah it's it's the two online that's kind of what to say yeah that scene does feel a little unnecessary it was nice to see Logan kicking back with his friends and enjoying himself it very much felt like a scene to remind us once again he was a complicated man at the end of the day there's still some Humanity left in him which I think we picked up those pieces along the way even since the the very beginning because there are moments when Logan has been softer with characters uh you know they reference the medals that Connor took before everybody else got the chance but in season one when he's showing Willa the medals he does kind of come off like ppaw yeah these are the medals that I collect and here's the history behind it you know these are Roman so yeah I guess you know for them it was that final moment of unity that's before they are going to go their separate ways very small they didn't like but you know who I really thought stood out in this episode once again two episodes in a row Harriet Walter as lady Caroline it was something about eyes they just kind of revoke me eyes like like human eyes we all have I thought that you know she we saw in the last episode that she was making more of an effort to be a mother and I think this was the sweetest as sweet as she could be uh that we've seen her yeah those are nice moments because we talked about all the abuse and kind of how that differs from the abuse they received from Logan but it's just as impactful when it comes to their children's relationships with their parents and well I even thought it was cute the way she brought in Peter to make a pitch yeah a lot of it was just cute so she's trying yeah she'll never be able to make up for the damage she did but at the very least she wants them all to be there and she's got the emotional intelligence to say hey you guys need to drop this like enough with the board meetings enough with the company just let it go oh yeah getting into that I mean we've talked about it every week where it's just like the healthiest thing probably for these kids is just to start fresh and they kind of got that but the way it all came about was not the best way if there was a team effort where they just decided hey let's just do Pierce let's just do something different do the 100 and just get out of this that would have been the healthiest best option for all three of these children but that's just not how they're wired yeah seeing them have that last moment together I mean those moments are always so iconic because it's just not the par when it comes to their relationship but when you do get those moments they're extra special and it kind of it really did seem like yeah they were ready to Rally around Kendall just say [ __ ] it whatever rather it be you than Matson and obviously what drives that is shiv getting pushed out which we kind of foresaw coming by Madsen I think that moved to pick Tom is what makes her betray Kendall in the end because I think if it was between Matson and Kendall she would have went with Kendall but at least with Tom she can go back and they can rekindle their marriage as Loveless as it seems that moment with them at the end was super cold but kind of badass seeing them dressed in black shiv taking on this Lady Macbeth role yeah I think with shiv I'm still trying to wrap my head around it in terms of like where she's at what her motivations are but um you know I think with a character like that ending up in a position where she is now married to the CEO of her father's company just the way it all happened where her husband [ __ ] her over to be the CEO of the man who [ __ ] her over who bought the company it's just like she might be like in a good position on paper but how it came to be and what the future looks like I I don't think she's going to be happy at all no I think very much he's relegated to the role of wife and mother and people have made this point that the reason she separated herself from from the family was so that that wouldn't be her fate so she ends up not where she started but even a few steps behind that so I think that's a perfect way to leave that relationship where it's it's switched Tom you know that's always been a power Dynamic and now Tom is the one with more power over shiv but you I've seen people say that oh their kid can now be raised to be the next CEO I'm like Tom's gonna be out of there in like six months to a year once Matson finishes up it was he says we're gonna get real deep to the alone and it's funny with tall man I thought that there was a moment there where he was gonna finally stand up for himself I want to [ __ ] her on a little bit where Madison saying I can't make [ __ ] of the CEO because I want to [ __ ] her and does that make you uncomfortable clearly does Matthew McFadden an incredible actor you know just the way that um the way that the life leaves his face and you think for a moment he's going to stand up for himself and not do the right thing but [ __ ] over Matson because of how disrespectful he just was but nope he tells Greg we're gonna be all right and even when Greg betrays him he takes him back under his wing because that's really the only friend he has I don't think Greg betrayed him he just got the information he didn't know it was going to be Tom he thought it could be Lawrence he could thought it could be anybody so he passed that information on the shiv well he did betray him because Tom told him they were gonna be all right and then he still went back the quad baby yeah see that was a fun way that they did all the finale [ __ ] right yeah Greg was always with the kids and for the very last uh episode they're back together well I do like in a vacuum the finale was basically what the whole show was someone got screwed over in this case being shiv and then just going back to the kids being like all right let's do it together who's gonna be which one of us is going to take it and that's just something that's just been happening constantly throughout the entire four seasons of the show like okay maybe we're on the same page here but like who's it gonna be it goes back to the very first episode when Logan has a stroke and shiv is hesitant to name Kendall but the way it can literally the same conversation yeah but it's like that's not that's not a negative at all no it's not a negative it's just the cycle that they're trapped in and it's finally broken that's why when people say oh there's stuff there for season five well I think the focus has always been on the relationship between the three kids and how they were going to [ __ ] this up and how it was going to leave them well some of them hopeless in the end especially Kendall I thought the way that Kendall was arguing for himself throughout the episode was similar to the way Kendall fans argue for Kendall on the Internet it's just like he's the guy he's the only one with experience it just makes sense and it was very much him saying listen guys I'm the main character yeah go back to season one okay it's always been about it was the first shot yeah and the last shot but it is [ __ ] up with Kenda when he's saying you know they're going back and forth so petty about your dad told me first well Dad told me last and shiv put it perfectly Logan didn't give a [ __ ] all he cared about was the moment but with Kendall being told since you were seven years old that this was going to be your destiny he's made it his entire personality it is truly the only thing he knows for better or worse he is a terrible father becoming more like Logan and the way that he treats those around him especially the women but that's his life so that hopelessness at the end it tears you apart dude and the imagery with the water you know we've seen him floating in it we've seen him under the water above the water we have the moment where he's sitting on the dock and the kids finally swim up to him to anoint him he's finally on top there below him but then that final shot where he's even with the water and you don't know what he's going to do I think leaving the audience with that uncertainty as your lasting moment as your final shot is borderline psychotic by Jesse Armstrong and Mike Malad but it's also a moment that totally breaks your heart and Jeremy Strong all the actors in the show have been incredible but I think he's crafted one of the most memorable and most real television characters ever put on screen yeah I mean the debates that are gonna come from the show in the coming months and years about just like best television character best television series like and I think that's well deserved because like he said I don't think anybody has embodied a character more than Jeremy Strong has Kendall Roy comparatively to the rest of the cast to say that to stand out from this cast is truly like something special because everybody else is [ __ ] terrific as well well he stands out so much that they wrote a scene for shiv and Roman to mimic him to do their Kendall Impressions no great did you just kill me yeah no they weren't terrific but that the show is that meta that they realize Kendall is the one who's being imitated the most Kendall is probably the fan favorite yeah all those Kendall girlies out there whose Hearts were probably broken I was so like in the beginning when shiv is counting the numbers of Madison and like they're like oh we got this I'm like come on Kendall yeah no I was hyped for it dude swing those votes come on it's always it's my favorite type of drama is like even with um like House of Cards like whipping votes like I'm a sucker for trying to get the votes yeah yeah what are you gonna promise how are you gonna convince them it's fun it's like okay get Stewie yeah I think he got Stewie what is that six six seven right now okay I need one more they were like I think both the sandies are open both of them immediately voted yes to selling to coach and I think one thing about that culmination and obviously we have plenty more to touch upon but not final board meeting very I mean obviously reminiscent to season one the meeting itself like I thought like I think I still think this season one one is is the better version of uh board meeting going down to the wire not knowing what to do so I think that first initial reaction especially with Roman like not voting for Kendall and Kendall's like the aftermath of all that was just so impactful here it's definitely more permanent and obviously the stakes are much bigger but I think once they step out and have that conversation with the three three kids in that room that's probably like the most uh I don't know there's a lot of things said there that I don't know can be taken back and like you said this relationship between the kids might just be strained for the rest of their days right well watching the board meeting play out the whole episode I felt like I was watching game seven for my favorite team so anxious so back and forth you're in the lead the other team takes the lead you just want Kendall to bring it home so you're so close you can almost taste it and then the rug gets pulled out from under you and everything goes to [ __ ] but I think Kendall's approach as I said it reminded me of his fans on the internet but there was a restlessness [Music] and then there was a Cockiness once he was anointed by his siblings so when they tell him to take on the big chair and they're like it's just a chair I love the way he did the little waddle like oh I'm in the big chair now but when he kicks up his feet you see it in shiv's reaction she's like and it's nothing more than being a petty sibling yeah I don't want him to have it because he's the oldest one and he's entitled and he's been really annoying about it and sure maybe there's some of I can stop him from becoming his father I can stop the cycle well that's yeah that's the debate I've been seeing shiv's motivation um but I really think it's as simple well it's not as simple but a lot of it goes to Kendall's demeanor when he skips ahead and doesn't even make his pitch yeah I think in shiv's mind she's like I can't stomach him as she says I think a lot of it is so [ __ ] annoying she still thinks that she's better definitely yeah she's the best option says it as much right I think that was nice to get some confirmation in the show that shiv is smart and respected by other people yeah I mean they tried to say like he just stopped the cartoon is funny but I think that's what played into it a lot like shiv is actually someone with a spine and backbone and knows what she's doing and harder to control than someone like [ __ ] Tom who's basically Plato and you can make into whatever you want but shiv yeah I saw a lot of people saying shiv trying to stop the cycle prevent Kendall from becoming their father I don't know how much I buy that as much as as much as her maybe it is a mix of everything a little bit of that also a little bit of [ __ ] Kendall like why is it him it should be me for the same reasons why this thing's been going on for all these Seasons like the same motivations the same reasons yeah I just think in that moment it's just a decision that I don't know if she would make it it is like like you said it's such a perfect finale but it is something you can revisit in like five years and be like what does she think about that decision she regret it seeing what uh the future holds for her right because I do think if Kendall becomes CEO when he's promising them their fives and Their Kingdoms he would have stabbed them right in the back sure no way shiv is getting something as big as ATN because that puts her in a very very powerful position and they're going to continue to butt heads I did find it funny when Romans having that breakdown in the office and Kendall's like no wrong the socials you're gonna do the socials you kept bringing up the social medias yeah that's gonna make Roman feel better about himself no the kids are they're always destined to just be divided and yeah so we're all like why can't they just support Kendall it's like well because he was gonna cut them out immediately and I do think they do care about each other at the end of the day they are very self their motivations are always very selfish and that's why I think Roman I don't know if it's a happy ending even though he was smiling but I did think he felt the most free out of the three siblings they should all feel a sense of Freedom here but they just can't because like you said that's just been driven into their brains and since they were seven right this was your destiny and I think with Roman it's like why the [ __ ] did I care so much about this when he tells Kendall we're a joke we're [ __ ] that damages Kendall way more than it damages Roman because I think with Roman he realizes this shouldn't have been my Arena I failed spectacularly now I can go back to being I don't know why but he reminds me so much of Robert Downey Jr he's like a a variant of Iron Man who's a bit more slimy but uh just being that charismatic billionaire sort of Playboy who's sitting at the bar drinking a martini a nice reference to Jerry couldn't even look her in the face and I think that that was heartbreaking to see his reaction to someone that was his mentor that had his back and he realizes that it's over for me and I'm going to move on with my life but I don't think a character in this show exemplifies the light and the dark of a person more so than Roman because we see it where he is very emotionally available at times and he can be understanding and sympathetic but then he can just be so [ __ ] cruel like what he says Kendall they are a pair of randos yeah that was the most [ __ ] up thing anybody has said to another character in the show that that like I was ready for Kendall to over in this man's skull that's what he was doing I'm like oh is he gouging his eyes out right now I I do think there is like I think Roman and Kendall there could they could still have a relationship after this I don't think they're at but yeah that was kind of that is a [ __ ] up it doesn't Kendall respects Roman enough to yeah hold that Grudge that was really [ __ ] up man and to you know to say that's what Dad thought you can't be CEO killed someone and then shiv dropping the [ __ ] Hammer you know we were wondering is this going to come up is it going to be leaked to the Press but no it was I think it was handled perfectly it's a personal moment and I think Kendall lying to their faces after you know opening up and bringing them together at the end of season three that was the nail in the coffin that they'll they're never gonna trust this guy Rich what wait which but like like you've killed so many people you forgot which one but that was it was pathetic to watch him lie that way well it's even I think they were all kind of a little pathetic oh definitely yeah I mean look at the outside looking in right yeah of all those other board members like I mean using that to bring it up like using that as a reason like that's not the reason why you don't think he could be a CEO right you think you're better and you think you deserve it which is you know fine and might be true but like that's the excuse you're gonna pull out at the literally zero out like the last possible second um yeah man that was so [ __ ] up my jaw dropped I was like yeah and uh yeah and Roman bringing that up and just Kendall behaving the way he did like a petulant child I'm the eldest boy I'm the eldest boy that was some Fredo Corleone [ __ ] yeah they're all just stunted they're all fredos you know the lesson of the story that's the lesson of the show he didn't raise a Michael no he needed a Michael when he needed a Michael he got a Conor he's got Four Freedoms really so say say what you will about Connor he never wanted any power free me of all this I'm just gonna live my life besides the politics and going to be president and thinking all that if you picked if you wanted me to change like pick what Roy kid I am it's Connor just go in there don't care remove yourself from everything just be happy being [ __ ] filthy rich right he does have that relationship with Willow where we thought things were on the right track that made me upset that was sad you still see how much of a [ __ ] he is and that he's just as pathetic as the other children yeah cause like she was like definitely excited for him to oh no yeah she was like I'm gonna live in this [ __ ] Manhattan townhouse yeah but that I think that just holds true to what the show is isn't that sad that we're like Conor's the one that is the most like us with all the issues that he has that's how [ __ ] up these children are like in the sense of just like like rich and I don't have to [ __ ] stab my family in the back in order to get a little bit more power like just keep me out of it let me just chill and I'll be happy all he really wants at the end is those medals right and to maybe be president but it's like at the end of the day from the first episode like till now like these characters are who we thought they were obviously more perspective more like they go in depth and you figure out why they are who they are but the more things change like the more things stay the same like I mean that's a phrase that's like always said but like it holds true for a lot of instances in this show too like even with Willow like you finally think like oh she could make it work and happy but like you thought at the wedding when she's like yeah like this is what I want but now you see like maybe that's starting to crumble right and I mean the show emotionally there's always been these Ebbs and flows between characters being up and then what goes up must come down so this back and forth this up and down throughout the Four Seasons but this feels like down bad forever yeah so it's the perfect way to end it that's why I don't want it to continue because you just you're stuck thinking about those last scenes with those characters and where the hell would they go from there and I think you can put the pieces together we don't know exactly where they're going but we know where they are emotionally and I think that's why the finale is so satisfying it didn't go the way that I wanted it to go I wanted Kendall to be in that CEO role because as I said he's been the main character and I think he would have been good at it that's not the point though uh well having it to go to an outsider like Tom is kind of perfect because like I think a lot of people were like what kid is it gonna be you know you know throwing Greg for fun maybe Tom you know but like towards the end it's more so just shiv and Kendall but for the large part it's Chef Kendall or Roman right and for it to be none of them um and like you said varying levels of uh unhappy endings when it comes to the kids I think like you said Roman probably is the more well-off from the three at this point even though he did take some L's well I think he has you know when he has that moment with Kendall where he's finally able to embrace somebody else he can accept the physical Touch of somebody who loves him so it's sort of breaking that Obsession he has with being hurt right that was the only way that he was able to accept love if somebody was demeaning him physically or emotionally even in that moment when his stitches do come out I saw many different interpretations of that scene did Kendall do it intentionally to let him know I'm here to protect you but don't cross me but I felt it was Roman going in so hard for that hug you know he hasn't he hasn't solved all of his issues in this moment so there's a part of him that does crave that pain still but I I thought for the most part out of the three siblings he probably comes out the other side the most unscathed even though he's quite literally the only one with you know visible injuries on his face and I think the way that they portrayed him when they first arrived to Carolina's house where he's wearing those clothes they make him feel like a kid he's not as interested in the votes in the back and forth eventually they they do start to rope him in you know I feel like we have to Pat ourselves in the back for complimenting Roman's emotional availability throughout the season we have been saying that he is the most level-headed before his dad died you know he started to spiral a bit making some wonky decisions I think deep down inside of him there was always this voice saying get out this is not for you you're doing this because you're trying to be something that you're not and when he tells Kendall why couldn't it be me you know he realizes that he's not that guy his Kendall says another online moment you're just not that guy yeah you can't really call it a happy ending but I think there is a sense of Freedom that that character has that the other two maybe don't and I think for him too it's kind of like when he looks back at like the past four years or whatever how long this process was I feel like he's gonna feel like it's just a fever dream like what the [ __ ] happened like that just got away from me huh he's got a little crazy back there huh yeah where I feel like shiv and Kendall were very much of the moment aware of what they were doing and how everything was going to play out where Roman just it just became too much for him and like he said his we talk about Kendall having his identity issues with Roman again like Conor in the first episode he comes in like look at all this business [ __ ] like he doesn't he doesn't want to be a part of any of this he's just roped into it other losers Frank and Carl they thought they were riding free they thought there was Colby going for that retirement tour They Don't Love You Like That Last Dance yeah one last rodeo and immediately Tom's like yeah we're getting rid of those dinosaurs I was happy for Carolina poor Hugo goes up to Tom and Tom's first responses where's Carolina yeah he's like oh [ __ ] I mean time the dog down he did kind of like him in that moment like had held high it's like Ah that's just I could see that CEO Toms yeah yeah the demeanor changed there was a bit more confidence him greeting everybody you know they have to all suck up to the new king king in quotes but yeah that was a great shot with him walking through the hallway and He commands the room but he is a man with only one other friend and that is Greg so I guess they ended where they started together I was as funny as it would have been for Greg to just be completely kicked out like I kind of liked how Tom just was like all right you know things got a little crazy back there you did some things I did some things well we're back baby yeah this is an eternal flame burning between us yeah like even in the earlier episode like when Tom's [ __ ] with Greg when he's like yeah like 200k for your highest paid assistant you're probably gonna drop you down like 30 40. like that is one of the funniest aspect aspects of their relationship is that you can never trust whatever Tom is saying to Greg he's always [ __ ] with him dude and Greg's reactions he's just deer in headlights like really because like yeah 30 40 like I can't I pay 10 grand a month in rent yeah he's got that high rise that Kendall gave him so oh yeah maybe he's actually living room free yeah he might be living around free but yeah something about Tom and Greg just kind of ending up on top really it is funny oh yeah no it's definitely hilarious because you know they've been the two bumbling Side characters at times it feels like they're separated from everything that they're just watching the events from outside of the story so as for them to be wearing the crown at the end it's terrific like as much as Greg has annoyed me of late and all the terror [ __ ] Tom Done has done if you if he left Greg out and Nicole that would have been very upset with him two funny lines pertaining to Tom one was when the kids realized that Tom is going to be named CEO and Roman says no let's go back by the dry cleaner [ __ ] by the dry cleaner and when shiv is pitching Tom to Matson and says that Tom will suck the biggest dick in the room and yeah Matson goes Love is in the air yeah his delivery of that line reminded me so much of his dad Stellan Skarsgard it's so awesome that we just have a new Stellan Skarsgard because even though obviously they look different he's got way more of a leading man look he is of similar talent to his father where he can be intimidating and he can dominate a scene where he's he's just got that look in his eyes that I'm in control here so that line delivery that line delivery reminded me so much of his dad but we've complimented him throughout the season I thought once again he was awesome in this episode the final Jabs that he gets on Roman what's the return policy here and Roman just walks right out so him just standing tall over the short and over the shorter Kieran Culkin it's kind of sad yeah Roman wasn't able to slay the giant he just got stomped out into Oblivion and a lot of people pointed this out online after the episode the image of Kendall looking over the water in Battery Park with Colin behind him I mean that's his past that's always going to be there haunting him right these moments these last four years or however long it was is always going to be as Jesse Armstrong says the defining moment of his life so he does feel like a character that is totally hopeless we don't see his kids we don't see his wife there was a scene circulating at the end of season one when he dances with his wife and kids after killing the waiter and it feels like a scene that didn't even happen because it's not even him realizing oh people love me but it's him just trying to take his mind off of the fact that he just responds possibly killed someone or committed manslaughter so it was similar to Logan when he's contemplating his death you know you think there's anything after this it's like yo go be with your kids same thing with Kendall yo go be with your kids but that doesn't matter to him the only thing that matters to him is being this corporate psycho CEO and it was stolen from him his like need for legitimacy uh always is something that becomes it is his main downfall and like you said that strained relationship with his kids with the siblings with his family like he has nothing right now he literally has nothing Roman too but it feels like there's potential for Roman to go out and find but it's a fresh start yeah for as Kendall as this might be it yeah no it is sad the fact that they leave it so ambiguous where we don't know where he's headed because with the other characters as I said we could sort of piece it together but with how mentally unstable Kendall has been he's drinking again right drinking again right some of the conclusions you draw are very dark there was no alternative ending that leaves Kendall in to play place where we could say he's emotionally stable or he he's living a healthier life there's no light they didn't show give us a light at the end of the tunnel with that character no the the only outcome that would satisfy him is becoming his father because that's what he was always raised to do and that's why it is so [ __ ] up that he was Logan's chosen successor because I I think that's the only way Logan thought to raise a child is to mold a kid in His image and then being dissatisfied that he's not as ruthless as him and just throwing him under the bus you know you're smart you're good but I I just don't know what come on you're not a killer you have to be a killer so yeah it does really feel inevitable for all the kids but especially for Kendall um so yeah maybe we would have been happier if he became CEO but at the end of the day he would have been this new Logan so that's something we would have had to live with as well yeah Kendall got it but at what cost and that's why it was a perfect emotional manipulation by Jesse Armstrong to have those bonding moments of the kids singing and making that disgusting drink and then pouring it on Kendall's head because it was like a slumber party between three kids last time that they're going to be that innocent and that vulnerable around each other probably in their entire lives so yeah it definitely felt like a moment that would happen in a finale but it was also appropriate for these characters and where they were at and even you know the dialogue has always been so crisp when shiv and Roman are going back and forth talking about metaphorically killing him but then he realized that they could actually kill him This Way in real life yeah so that was fun we always joke about the way that they talk about killing people in the corporate sense but there be became a little literal and in a way it kind of did happen you know maybe should have did Kill Kendall actually yeah maybe Kendall died in that pool and everything we've been seeing is Just a Dream yeah but uh once again rooting for the kids throughout this season trying you know at first going against Logan and then rooting for them to you know really put it together and be a united front it did feel like The Avengers teaming up when shiv realizes that nothing's gonna [ __ ] her over and says okay what do we do it's like yeah we're cooking here and when they uh finally arrived at New York the succession theme is playing they're all getting in their cars they look cool they're dressed to impressed and so so I'm a sucker for that type of [ __ ] as Despicable and as unlikable as these characters can be they've written they've written them with enough pathos that those moments get you back on their side and not even get you back on your their side you're always on their side you're just waiting for them to meet the challenge so I was excited I was ready to go you know too good to be true at the end of the day you knew something was gonna happen I honestly didn't know what until it happened like I was surprised that it was shiv it shouldn't have been but like in that moment when she goes out and I was like no dude yeah the whole scene I was like no no no shiv no oh he was so cocky too but dude when he really had it in the bag yeah dude he was so well what do you think was a better performance his monologue and season 9 uh episode nine or when he breaks down which if because those may be the two most memorable Kendall moments of the entire Series yeah I mean that moment I think it was just so it's just all the build up until that moment and everything being taken away from him and seeing how his true nature and how he reacts to it is pretty it's pretty incredible he just becomes pure rage yeah saying that it doesn't it doesn't make any logical sense he just keeps repeating that because it doesn't but it does this is It's that sort of thing there is no right answer here so the fact that it's being taken away from him is the wrong answer I'm happy Stewie ended up being teamcan at the very end finally yeah he finally gets Stewie on his [ __ ] team and he still can't win yeah the people love Stewie yeah because his dudes on Molly that was really funny man yeah uh well I think that played into it too making Stewie chair shiv is right there like and then Stewie rubs it in her face how do you like the sound of that chiff Kendall wasn't giving her any olive branches except the one thing that he was going to take away from her literally gave Stewie a promotion within 10 seconds and before solidifying ships were all into company that [ __ ] really is on serious uh well he always saw himself as king man it is so funny when we always talk about these type of uh plots and shows whether it be who's gonna lead the company who's gonna be literal King it's always like you know the best choice is always the person who doesn't want it and here you can't make that argument because literally everybody [ __ ] wants it yeah I'm trying to think no Jon Snow here who doesn't no that [ __ ] doesn't exist in Corporate America The Reluctant George Washington CEO yeah even Connor you could be like well he doesn't want to be CEO but he wants to be the [ __ ] president oh yeah what's the next best thing yeah I'll just be the [ __ ] president and I'm sure if you gave it to Conor he would take it yeah with confidence the wonders for his political career we did get to mention that uh menken's election may not hold up yeah so that's interesting to see and we saw the disappointment from Willa and that's why there is some meat left on the bone but I think those things going unresolved are perfect because whether Megan becomes president or not it doesn't take away from what just happened at that board meeting and you know the stuff with Matson you know him sending his blood to Eva is that going to be his downfall I doubt it because people in those positions of power have done far worse without losing their power you know what happened with Logan and the whole scandal with the cruises you don't have to put a bow on every single thing um I think a lot of that open-endedness makes it fun to think about like at the end of the day this story is Kendall's story shiz Roman you know the kids stories of who's going to be CEO and that story has ended yeah all the emotional threads were tied up and that's what's most important it would be funny if Jimenez gets elected and doesn't put the deal through laughs damn I wonder that is a possibility I didn't even think about that dude season five oh yeah oh man that opens up no I mean that ending with candle is just a Perfect final shot I I wouldn't want to see that because he's left sort of like Logan no but if if that did happen or if they were come to a season we've talked about it like it literally has been the same thing over and over again but like the way they've been able to keep it fresh and not feel repetitive is pretty remarkable but to do that again and come back and it kind of just be the same thing because in the same things the same problems would arise you need the same type of drama yeah I guess the Dynamics have shifted right with maybe Tom becoming a more major player than shiv shiv being his puppet master but I think it is genius how they left Kendall in the same spot that Logan left off where he's walking around Battery Park sort of aimlessly you know contemplating all these bigger questions there's a hopelessness that both of those characters share unfortunately for Kendall he never got to ride that high ride that wave of being the king of the world but he does end up in this same exact place where Logan was where he's alienated himself from his family he doesn't have that power anymore the world is changing because Logan was deciding to sell the company so I think it's a stroke of Genius from the writing there that they sort of just fast forwarded that through Four Seasons where you have all that emotional baggage to carry for the rest of your life the only problem is you're 40 years younger than your father was so you've got another few decades to carry this with you that's the mark of a tragedy right it's the perfect modern tragedy yeah you think Colin's his best friend now yeah no 100 I could see them having that exact same conversation you're my best pal Colin being like yeah I am I need new friends I need a new job yeah and you know what else was sort of Genius is that every major character or major and supporting character managed to appear in this episode because of the board meeting that's why it feels very much like a finale but it still fits the trajectory of the show so it was cool to see you and get his final line and the two sandies and Stewie and the dimension of Walter so uh some callbacks some tying some things up leaving some things open-ended for me just for uh in terms of the execution it was a Perfect finale and I know people are going to have different reactions because we we view this show like we view Sports everybody picks their favorite player and wants them to win so there's a lot of disappointment to go around but I think the way that it fit the show thematically and structurally was pretty much Flawless and I've seen a lot of people going back and forth of which is the best season most people seem to think it's either between season four or season two I I think just riding this high of season four I would say this this is the best season it's tough to wrap up a show this complicated and this ambivalent at time for it to be this satisfying at least for me to me it makes it the best season yeah we see it all the time I mean shows or these shows sometimes struggle to stick to landing and I have seen some mixed Reactions where um some people don't love it or some people think it's perfect literally perfect and I think that's to be expected especially when something's coming to an end to weigh what you wanted versus what actually happens or what you thought would be the best ending versus what we actually got and I do think like especially for series finales it does take a little bit to really set it set in and kind of give your concrete like okay yeah this was a Perfect finale this is a perfect show right now I'm leaning towards that yeah for all the reasons we talked about I felt like it just hold true to the themes and really put uh the final stamp on who these characters are and what their lives are yeah I just keep going back to the scene when she walks out of that boardroom and how nasty it got between them dude and the fact that it even gets physical I mean we saw That season one episode one when it's Roman and shiv slapping each other but now to see Kendall in that position where he even pushes shiv out of the way and it's Roman stepping up to protect her like the big brother saying hey she's [ __ ] pregnant you [ __ ] what are you doing I think that ending in particular is going to become immortalized in television history it almost makes it it feels like right now it would be impossible for me to watch the show from the beginning until some time passes because I know what's coming between those three kids and and to me I almost wanted to turn off my TV it was hard to watch them implode in such a embarrassing and pathetic way but it's brilliant to me it is one of the best final seasons and they took so many great chances you know Logan Roy is an icon he's a monstrous presence the fact that they killed him off in episode three it's brilliant I keep going back to it it really gets the ball rolling for the rest of the season in such an interesting and fascinating way you know we always say how can you keep making this interesting when it's uh I'm on this side and you're on that side I'm gonna backstab you know I'm gonna backstab you it keeps happening but they always sprinkle in a different flavor a different way to spin it and killing off Logan you know Brian Cox was saying that maybe Logan faked his death to see which kid would be the most worthy so he was a little salty about it how could you not right it's the role of a lifetime and they make that decision but no they always put the show first and that's what was so impressive he's looking down right now and like has never been more confident in his decision it's like these are these kids are [ __ ] idiots yeah and uh you know I wish it was a show that was more popular it always sucks it's similar to Breaking Bad the first four seasons decent ratings final season it really blows up yo it didn't blow up as much as breaking bad but you sort of saw that a bit with this final season of succession where it was the most watched the highest rated season so you imagine if it did go into season five or season six it would only continue to grow because of how good this season was it's been so fun to watch since the very beginning the entertainment value has only increased and you can argue about which seasons are better but it definitely maintained its quality and that's so difficult for a show like this where you know there is there's so many characters there's so much personality how do you balance all of that and they did the best job that they could have yeah now I continually make this kind of world just so interesting and really just like you said one of the more entertaining the entertainment value of the show is second to none just in the fact that you really don't know who these characters are or what moves they're gonna make next because they are just so erratic at times and it's just one of those shows like for me like once I was hooked there was no stopping we talk about how just how awesome it is to have appointment television every week Sundays at nine you knew you were on your couch ready for succession and it sucks that we're not going to have that anymore yeah this feels like the end of an era with succession ending with Barry ending with Better Call Saul ending that we're entering this new phase of who's going to pick up the Baton is this the true end of the quote-unquote golden age of Television no because next week premiering on Max the idols during the weekend yeah remind me to uh cancel my Max subscription I totally forgot [ __ ] Max so stupid I wonder how many people just forgot about it and had to download Max at 8 59 PM it's such a weird way for your maybe your most critically acclaimed show of all time for HBO The Standard of Television the week before the series finale you put it on a different streaming service on Memorial Day weekend that's Sunday like just your base you're burying your own series finale yeah it sounds like Warner Brothers needs a board meeting shake things up I don't know who the [ __ ] is in charge there maybe Connor Roy probably [ __ ] Kendall oh man yeah that I I do not understand the marketing strategy there whatsoever also I hate the idea no you know what it was it was as simple as oh we want a new streaming service well let's do it the week before the finale because then everyone's just gonna go sign up for this one makes perfect sense you know what else we should do we should run our other really critically acclaimed show at the same time so nobody talks about it and everyone only talks about succession while Barry just gets you know lost in the shuffle that's another brilliant marketing strategy and hopefully they'll copyright this video put the nice little cherry on top copyright all the channels that are reviewing your stupid shows that you're terrible at marketing we're giving you free marketing because you guys keep [ __ ] it up but other than that great great product so that does it for our succession season 4 episode 10 series finale review what an incredible show time will tell where it ranks amongst the greats of Television does it crack that Mount Rushmore eventually I think it will but uh yeah monkey I'm Anthony JQ Nash what do you think Aaron first day hosting right honestly not even that bad like for a second there I thought I thought you were a bow yeah I had that effect on people they say that I'm one of the best Impressionists of my generation do you do any other Impressions I mean I guess since we're stuck on succession we could just you know do Logan [ __ ] off can you do Brian Cox's McDonald's commercial wow that was probably our best review yet hey guys Aaron the nerd tube monkey here with a brief Shameless plug before we end the video do you ever feel like you don't have an adequate amount of nerd soup in your life like you're going to bed hungry and yearning for the nonsensical yet entertaining nutrients our podcasts provide well we've come up with the perfect solution the nerd soup fan question podcast exclusively available to our patreon supporters you can sign up now by visiting nerdsoup and for the price of only one dollar per month you'll receive exclusive access to our weekly podcast where we answer your questions that don't make it to the main show and while you're there you can check out the other rewards we offer to our patrons like stickers mugs t-shirts behind the scenes footage and appearing in the credits at the end of our videos and that's exactly what we're gonna do right now roll the names of the Nerds who make nerd suit possible the reason why the crypto crash didn't send our lives spiraling down a black hole of no return alright I'll stop talking so you can listen to this jazzy-ass music while checking if Bo spelled your name wrong in the credits [Music]
Channel: Nerd Soup
Views: 79,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Succession, Succession Season 4, Succession Nerd Soup, Succession Season 4 Finale, Succession Review, Succession Season 4 Finale Review, Succession Season 4 Episode 10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 53sec (3173 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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