Is Andor the Best Star Wars Ever? - The Nerd Soup Podcast!

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hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of nerd soup I am Bo Oliver and before we get into today's video I know some of you guys are probably a little confused by why we are releasing this now after so many months since the Andor finale well this was a video we were planning to do a few months back it was going to feature animation and clips and it ended up just becoming too big of a project and it slipped through the cracks and we had also recorded it so long after the actual and or uh finale so we decided to upload it as a podcast so it's going to feature some parts that feel like they should be visualized and uh yeah that's just how this is going to go today we are just releasing the full audio version that we already released for for our patrons so I hope you guys enjoy it um this is going to be a video that proceeds our review of Ahsoka which we'll be dropping next week as well after the finale and we're also going to release that as a podcast I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope you guys stick around for our review of Ahsoka next week that may or may not drop eight months after the finale man isn't it great to be talking about Star Wars that people actually like it's refreshing yeah it's a good feeling this must have would have felt like to talk about Star Wars when Empire came out right just uh wow everyone's just getting together and having a good old time well actually a lot of people didn't like Empire when it first came out true and according to some people this isn't actually Star Wars so well look at that my good mood was ruined that's what happens welcome to the internet buddy [Music] Hello everybody welcome back to another episode of nerd soup I'm Bo Oliver joining you today with Aaron the new two monkey and we are back to answer the question as you saw on our clickbaity title is Andor the best Star Wars ever and we're also going to be giving our thoughts on season one of Andor and then we will answer the question we will pit it up against some of the Heavy Hitters in the Star Wars universe and decide where it fits in where it ranks or maybe we won't maybe that was just a clickbait title and we'll say Hey you really can't put a numerical value on Art that's ridiculous it's all subjective that's not fun though I actually think Art's objective but that's a different video that's also just yeah now you get to throw me off let's just focus on this holy [ __ ] and or look at that that's the guy well I'm gonna ask you right away because you put the Tweet up on the screen you were the one who said You proclaimed Andor was the best Star Wars since The Empire Strikes Back so do you still feel that way because we weren't done with the season up until that point but now that it's wrapped up I thought it was a very good finale very strong ending that not only wrapped up this season but sets up season two well I said maybe but I think you can cross out the Maybe wow cemented the take I was still mixing it but I put the take in the oven now I'm ready to eat it and you left the oven on Studios on fire I I think so do you think it's the best you put it on that Empire level and a new hope I I I think it's right behind those two um obviously I mean I've been watching those other movies for years and I mean I mean sometimes it changes between a New Hope or Empire depending on which one like I watch in that moment I'm like oh this might be the best one but when you compare to the sequel Trilogy the prequel trilogy the other Disney Plus shows I think it's a higher quality than all of them and going into it I wasn't expecting much I mean that first trailer really blew me away but the idea of a Cassian and or spin-off show when the news broke I was kind of like why what are we doing here and as it turns out like I'm very glad that it happened and I think Cassie and Andor when you think about Star Wars as a whole he's a star he's a leading man and two of the best Star Wars movie shows properties to come out in the past two decades which is insane to say I think this shows what what you could do with this world that's not really I don't want to say the bigger picture because what they're doing really plays right into a New Hope and everything that goes there but kind of get away from the force and the Jedi have it kind of looming over but focus on different stories within this world because it's a Galaxy it's huge and sometimes it could feel so condensed and here I think you're able to explore more of Star Wars and really I think any other project is done which that's that's what I was surprised about and when you look at what they were able to do with a lot of these characters um obviously and or being the only returning character but to get into a lot of the characterizations the relationships between them the the complexities of the characters in this time in this place during this universe that we know so well well I thought it was just very intriguing and kept me really engaged throughout all the episodes and I also think like finally Disney plus what you're probably like this is what you should do with a series 12 episodes 45 50 minutes each enough of these six episode 30 minute little shows it really makes a difference when you're able to spend time and really ingratiate yourself within this story and I think that's what a lot of other Disney plus properties have been missing up until this point so huge win for Disney plus yeah it's not only Star Wars it is with the MCU as well and it looks like they want to change course and maybe and or is what's going to inspire that it's not as successful in terms of ratings and popularity but critical Acclaim does go a long way so we'll see what and or season 2 ends up doing in terms of its ratings if it's up to the same quality of season one I think it's going to be a bigger hit because I really enjoy this and I was a little late to it so when I saw some of the reactions going around the internet I thought man people are being a little hyperbolic because the praise they were heaping on this it was like uh when well I was gonna say when Stravinsky released spring but everybody rioted that's more Last Jedi um there we go first mention of The Last Jedi you could punch me in the arm if you want I can't reach okay well use the force or Yoda I'm Yoda I drew you as Yoda nice I'm C-3PO covered in Gold baby lame oh would you give me the cool character the reactions I was just anticipating for it to not be as good as people were saying because I think there is a section of Star Wars fans who don't like most of the movies even the ones that may be considered good they think that Star Wars is too mainstream it's too commercialized so it's just a breath of fresh air it is going to be a dark gritty Espionage Thriller I thought just because it was so different from the normal Star Wars people were over praising it but I watched it and I realized no most of these reactions were spot on it's a fantastic series as to whether it's the best Star Wars has ever been I wouldn't go that far but it certainly has an argument and I think it's got the strongest argument out of any of the Disney Star Wars related products Productions that have come out so far well some people think the Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie it's obviously very controversial Mandalorian season one was I think more people are favorable to season one than to season two so yeah and or it's just amazing to see this community so United around a project yeah it's unprecedented well what I loved most about it was like even in the original trilogy it's very much set up as like all right evil empire the emperor complete control the Galaxy and all that and you really don't get to see what it's like on the ground level and I was surprised at how everything was kind of structured just the hold the Empire has on people but they created this illusion of Freedom or it wasn't as I guess at least so the Senate right that's in A New Hope the Senate's been dissolved so that's part of the illusion we'll give them their representatives so like you have like Monmouth like speaking out or try not they were all booing yeah but like you have things like that you have kind of different systems you know relatively kind of just doing their day-to-day it wasn't this over bearing presence but it's always in the back of their mind and the way they have they basically incited Revolution by pushing the Empire's hand into being more of a what you think of when you think of uh these oppressive regimes um and I really enjoyed the way they played with that because they kind of you got the sense that the Empire gave people the illusion that this isn't that bad when in reality it is and I think that kind of pushed the hands of the Rebellion to kind of show people how bad they can actually be or how why this isn't the best situation for us to be in here yeah led by Luther and everything about that character is so gray and even though he is fighting for the good guys he plays a very dirty game and to your point about pushing the Empire to become more authoritarian to tighten their yoke on the Galaxy to inspire more people to fight back it's because of the sacrifices he makes and some of the decisions that he has to live with these dirty dirty choices you have to make and you know Rebellion is nasty you know it's not clean it's not as simple as Luke Skywalker hitting the perfect shot and yippee we're gonna have a big ceremony it's gritty it's dark it's filled with impossible choices and I thought stellen Skarsgard we've become so familiar with him over the years playing villainous characters so he kept that tinge of villainy through his performance as an anti-hero so that's why it's sort of the perfect casting you see the guy and you just expect him to do evil things and he does but he's justifying these terrible means to a better end it reminded me that one scene when he doesn't alert his uh one of the separatists that they know that they're going to strike yeah Krieger um well that was a great conversation he had with Saul Guerrera let's call it War I know I I I love that and kind of that the complexity of these characters and the decision they make reminded me of an imitation game when Alan Turing finally breaks the code and you're like they're going to destroy this Battleship and one of the guys is Brothers on that Battleship but they let it happen because you can't let them know that you know so you kind of have to make certain sacrifices and even the conversation he has with the uh spy that he has in the ranks of the Empire I thought really encapsulated that character and what their struggle is and what the bigger picture is wonderfully right he has to be that other side of the coin even the way they dress him he's got his black outfit the cape The Duality of that character was great too when he becomes the more lighthearted quirky antique stealer and he's got the long hair and he's a bit more lavish uh he even moves differently in that moment you see just the the two sides of this character and what he has to do in order to set up a sunrise that he'll never see so he ends up being a very tragic character and I also really love the line of I need all all the heroes I can get because it is leading up to that ultimate hero who is right yeah there's none of that throughout this series and that's a promise Tony Gilroy wanted to keep uh there would be no mention of the Jedi no mention of the Sith obviously you still have Palpatine but no lightsaber no force and you don't need that because I think it's you can now view those first three movies through a new lens because these are just human beings these are Mortals these are people who put their lives on the line in order to light this spark so that it can become an engrossing flame and I think some of the sacrifices you see in this series like um the character nemec played by Alex lother who's done a great job of playing these sort of awkward anti-social characters throughout the years he's really been building up his resume for that type of character but his Manifesto and what it does to inspire Cassian to fight because a lot of cassian's Arc is sort of resisting his rebellious nature even though we know how it's going to inevitably end and I think there's a part of him that knows how it's going to end he won't be able to resist this fight but that Manifesto and that character sacrifice was so powerful so even though you're only with him for two or three episodes I couldn't get him out of my head for the rest of the series and uh that's super effective that's something that you normally don't see in mainstream storytelling something as big as this show is trying to be the different characters are what I found to be the most intriguing part of this because like obviously the title of the show is Andor but it felt like so much more than that especially when Lutheran and mon what they're doing on Coruscant and obviously everything kind of flows through andor's actions but it almost seems just bigger than that obviously I think and uh Diego Luna as his character was great in this role but it almost I think it was just much more than just an Andor series which I like obviously I think one of the better sequences or subplots of the Season were was probably the prison episodes and obviously we got Andy Circus back in Star Wars and kind of just through those moments those type of characters that he runs into during his journey and getting their perspective on what's going on and what's happening and the climate of the Galaxy at this point I think really gave viewers and Star Wars fans a lot of insight and makes the whole it makes the whole original trilogy I think that much better it it adds to it so well just by kind of painting a a bigger picture of what actually is going on during this time and what inspired the events that we see in those movies yeah the plot is never overly convoluted he ends up he wants to escape to this tropical planet and he ends up getting picked up by these uh Beach Troopers they confuse him for somebody else and he's got six years in prison right so the show is establishing that we don't need overly clever plots or schemes because this world is so messy let's just embrace the chaos of this world what what can we have Andor do throughout this 12 episode series well a couple of episodes he's just gonna be imprisoned because it's a police state and that's been happening to people they get arrested they have this idea that eventually they're going to be set free and uh they made a mistake and everyone realizes no we're never getting the [ __ ] out of here we're basically slaves and that's what inspires Andy circus's character to take that leadership role it's so good to see him not as a CGI character just himself because he is such a great actor and he hasn't really gotten many opportunities to just be Andy Circus so I was thrilled to see him that was such a great twist oh when he finally gets on board you know he gives the speech to the rest of the prisoners and once again the plan there to get out of that prison they don't have any weapons they have to improvise they have to strategize it's no it's one of the better Prison Break sequences executed on TV I think you don't know how they're going to pull this off it seems like an impossible task and even like the little moment when they finally got there and his character says he can't swim like that was the perfect type of humor injected into this type of story or what they should focus on instead of these little out of place Jabs that seem to be rampant and pretty much everything now like yeah there was none of that mainstream humored the very obvious jokes uh jokes that we've been making it's the real world just a little moment of that's funny yeah it fits and it's kind of like situational yeah for a character who wasn't in no means intentionally funny I got such a kick out of Cyril everything about that character was hilarious because he's just this wannabe fascist he's so badly wants to be a part of the Imperial so even when he's working for this private company on that planet in the beginning morlana won he takes the initiative to try and track down Andor basically taking the Law into his own hands and it blows up in his face and he has to go live he has to go back home to Mommy and all his mom can do is emasculate him the entire time those scenes were so delightful I've been trying to be able to what about those scenes I enjoyed so much and it really is hard but those were some of my favorite scenes I've seen like all year or recently like well Hunter as his mom it's just a conversation between Mom and son and herd basically just trying to get him a job and kind of emasculating him and everything but like the vibe the atmosphere of those scenes it reminded me of something that it almost felt like dreamlike at times and usually when you attribute like either dreamlike or surrealism it's just something that's so out of the no ordinary or wacky that it's hard not to notice what's going on but these scenes kind of felt like that just through atmosphere alone and just the conversation and the way the cameras were angled and the different shots of both of these characters just sitting at a table right he almost feels like he's a prisoner in his own home right because there's this big bad Galaxy out there and he wants to be in charge of it but it didn't feel a part of everything else going on in the show but it fit that character like I never felt out of place I guess right and I think it was relatable in a way it felt like uh something that was happening almost an hour world it's he's like the 30 year old kid who doesn't have a job doesn't go to college and his mom still has to support him those were the vibe lives I got from their Dynamic and Catherine Hunter I think was the the perfect casting for that character she's such a little woman filled with so much personality but his character like I said and his obsession and then his growing obsession with Deidra was even funnier because she's probably the most capable of everyone we meet in ISB she's someone who wants to do things she's someone who relies on logic and strategy she doesn't want to go in guns blazing she's asked questions first and then shoot uh and she becomes growing is she her frustration grows throughout the season because she sees all these people around her who have gotten too comfortable with their positions of power so their Dynamic was great as well if him being the subsequious little puppy following her around getting on her bad side because of just how obsessive he was and then eventually the way that was wrapped up I thought that was pretty clever from a writing standpoint that it's a chance encounter he's there to save her that's how she decides to finally they trust him but her character I thought was also a standout because like I said she was operating on a different level and I think those are the scarier villains the ones who aren't putting on a mean face and screaming and yelling efficiency efficiency is a scary thing when you're in a position of power she I think what's even scarier it's almost like uh it's already cut you off like a Hans Landa yeah you know I was gonna say like we made her even more terrifying is like you don't really know her motivation you could say that maybe it is to rise in the ranks and show her worth and you know selfish pursuit of power in terms of her position in the Empire but then like you see at the end especially with when she has bix's prisoner it's more sadistic so you don't really know where she lies or how what why is she doing all this why is she so motivated why is she so capable and thorough with her work and yeah I think lonza had us a couple of that too where he is very efficient but he also is just a sadistic [ __ ] right I think she kind of had a lot of that in her too I think it is maybe as simple as wanting to do the best possible job knowing that you're probably the best at it because that rivalry she has with blevin that's another thing you normally don't see in Star Wars projects in fighting within the Empire them competing to be the best fascists the best imperialist and then it was uh our boy Clyburn Anton lesser who was in charge of it and he starts to recognize her talents and elevates her status so her Arc was just as intriguing I think think as the good guys and also I wanted to make a point about andor's characters I talked about how the world is so messy so just throw these characters into the mess and that's where you get your development and I like how the show emphasized this um the idea of survival and that does also relate to the migrant story that is also a part of andor's character is just you keep moving forward you keep looking for places to be safe to find home to survive and uh I enjoyed that that was one of the main themes of this series because it's always hope and optimism and you keep fighting but sometimes characters just want to feel safe sometimes characters their whole motivation is just to survive and it adds this element of desperation um and it just makes things a bit more disturbing and unsettling yeah his reluctance to fully ingratiate himself with the rebellion and kind of like you said worrying about himself worrying about his mother uh things that he can control or try to be somewhere that they can kind of just find peace and you know I think that does a good job of kind of painting the picture of what's going on just that as long as like the Empire's around that can never be the case and slowly and slowly and slowly that I think that pushes Andor until to the point where we see him in uh Rogue one right so it's fun having Rogue one in the back of your mind right knowing that this is what he had to get go through to get to that point no I wanted to watch Rogue one after but I feel like there's still a gap missing because he's still not fully there but I think they didn't they didn't really rush anything it wasn't just like nose Pace very well and or oh I don't want to do it something bad happens okay I'm all in right there's still something there or some reluctance or maybe maybe he's not fully on board yet it's a it's slow change that I think will help it pay off right yeah that is interesting it wasn't just this overnight switch it happened gradually it happened naturally and I think that makes the story feel so much more authentic the same thing with Marvel's funeral and she gives that speech about how they were sleeping and it allowed the Empire to grow so in part she feels responsible and I think that's also an important message that sometimes sometimes people are okay with fascism because it's not impacting them directly right but eventually it comes to your door what are you supposed to do then the only option is to fight and I think in a in a sense it restores Lutheran's faith in what he's doing as well because he sees the potential in this rebellion and it's what I think um it's why he comes to the decision to allow and or to live no that's that's a good point like what I was trying to say earlier like the way we're introduced some our first view into this uh world it's like obviously we know that the emperor is bad but like you can see why people can convince themselves that's not that bad I go to work I got food I can hang out with my friends it's not like they're not being constantly oppressed in the way that you might think about like you might think about the Empire would do with like Stormtroopers in every block not allowing them to do anything all basically all work and all everything for the Empire it's a it's a situation where you can kind of convince yourself but like we see once that's taken away from them that kind of wakes people up to being like okay this this isn't what this isn't real Freedom we're not in any position to kind of sit back and let them do what they want anymore and that's kind of where the I guess I don't know gray area is when it comes to Rebellion because in order to do that they basically force that Upon A lot of people in order to show them hey this is what's actually going on so it's it's a moral decision that a lot of characters have to fight with and at the end of the day I think the willingness to do things that may be morally uh wrong to a lot of people is what's necessary and yeah through Lutheran and even mine I mean she's a character that I don't know I really have never had too much of an opinion on her she was just there for a lot of the events and no she's part of the good guys but seeing all the [ __ ] that she had to do behind the scenes and the role she had to play in order to kind of stay under the radar but also help it's really I think it does a lot for that character all right guys before we get to the second half of this episode we're going to take a quick break to 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always headed towards this inevitable conflict uh conflict of arms and the same thing with her cousin Vel who was played by another Game of Thrones Alum uh Faye Marseille when they complete the aldani heist she thinks shit's over you know like what do we do now are we going on vacation do we celebrate no this fight has just begun you have to dig in even deeper now you have to stay in those trenches so tackling it from the ground level and also from the perspective of the aristocrats and the politicians that was uh really fascinating to watch to see everything she was struggling with with her home life which I thought that maybe that part of the story wasn't as strong as some of the other elements I could care less about her goofy ass husband and her goofy ass daughter they were trying to like oh her home life's falling apart oh sorry Mom but even on from that standpoint they they're putting their lives their reputations on the line and eventually mon becomes sort of the figurehead of the Rebellion yeah so this is the beginnings of that and I thought Genevieve O'Reilly was uh really strong obviously reprising her role from when she appeared in the prequels and also in Rogue one so she's had a few chances now to play this character and this is the like you said you'd never really think twice about her she's someone you recognize it's sort of like uh Akbar he's just there I'm sure they'll do an Akbar series but now she feels like a multi-layered complicated interesting character that I'm excited to see more of in season two they introduce a lot of new characters who were great but with Andor with Mon and with saw they've added a little bit to their lore and I think the way they use Saul was great too just two scenes trying to convince him to do is do this job and then and pushing the responsibility of sacrificing these men on saw you know that's what that's why I saw us there right do all the dirty work I also love his fake accent what would you do that's Rogue one yeah right yeah uh when actors get in Star Wars and ham it up it's the absolute best right who cares where he's from that's his accent everyone on his Planet sounds like all just out of breath uh you know who else was a great supporting character oh yeah well Bix was the star of the show yeah she needs to spin off toy line movie uh dude the Bix torture scene I was like what the [ __ ] what were they listening to it was the sounds of children dying it was an alien species and when they died this screeching noises was it the noise or was it the I don't know like was it like the noise that made him go die or the fact that it was children dying probably both probably a little bit of both [ __ ] up yeah that was a level of [ __ ] upness that I wasn't expecting in the Star Wars the show opens with Andor going to like a whorehouse yeah it does and then he murders two people yeah and then he murdered Richie from the bear did cold-blooded man didn't put it together quickly that his life was in danger he was going to jeopardize this entire Mission so you need to die yeah this ain't no George Lucas go back and re-edit it and or shot first confidently uh and those decisions man Diego Luna you you see it written all over his face when he has to make these decisions no he was really good I think and even going back to Rogue one I think he really had strong performances as his character but yeah like his performance from basically just every aspect or every place the story took him I think he was able to adapt and really show his emotions and what his motivations are and how he's kind of navigating a particular situation very well he had a great presence on screen too yeah I also absolutely loved uh Cyril's buddy mosque the pudgy Scottish guy foreign no one that's sad that's the tragedy of being lost yeah he wakes up every day has to love himself their phone call when he had bad reception was so funny dude he was such a goofy little sidekick for him and similar you know similar motivations just wants to be an imperialist just wants to be part of the bullies so the two of them traveling around the Galaxy together I got a kick out of that and you mentioned that even though it is called Andor there's a lot of focus on the side characters really strong supporting characters but they do a good job of setting up those stories developing those characters and it all does eventually come back to and or all the events is what leads and or to want to work with Luth in there in the end uh embracing the Rebellion embracing this fight realizing that it's it's something that he can no longer put off so that was really well done from a writing standpoint as well that yeah you're going to spend time with different characters in different story lines but in the end it all came together so naturally with marva's funeral yeah and I mentioned this uh on the podcast we did I I always love sequences when it's a ceremony and there's moving Parts people on the Shadows The Keg explodes and the aftermath is so enjoyable to watch the chaos just really relishing in it and I think this series did a good job of that throughout the 12 episodes is that they place the explosives and maybe an episode goes by or two episodes go by where they're a bit slower but then boom you get a big moment that really draws you in and snaps you back into it and they did that time and time again you can almost sort of pick up on it pick up on the pattern of how the story is going to unfold so I was really impressed with the way it was paced and then having those giant moments of conflict like aldani or like in the prison cell or like at the very end so it did it felt like yeah it felt like a TV show that consisted of many movies three four episodes they would wrap that up and then move on to something else but they all built on each other right so from a writing standpoint it was really sharp so Tony Gilroy he came on Rogue one near the end and help punch it up a bit a lot of people think that he should be the accredited director and he proves once again you know he's been a master of Espionage and thrillers for a long time now and he just did it again this time in the Star Wars Universe yeah so that's awesome no I think you should definitely obviously there's going to be a season too but maybe he can operate in this kind of other worlds within Star Wars because I really enjoyed this different look into what's actually going on um and compared to like I don't even really look at it comparing to everything since Empire um I'm sure a lot of people will argue Return of the Jedi but uh and I like that one too but it's not one of my favorites you can really put it up against everything I think all three prequels it's better than uh obviously not nine and eight I think is better and better than Rogue one in a new hope I can you know play with but as as a whole though I don't think although Star Wars yeah Star Wars reference video um there really isn't much complaints I have as many as maybe I would of the other Star Wars stories since Empire and I really do think it might be the best Star Wars since Empire which is crazy to say because it's been so long and for this show to be that but it is what it is yeah it's been 42 years since Empire no I I agree I think that it definitely sits Atop The Modern Star Wars it's probably better than all three of the prequels even though I love revenge of the city yeah me too but like when you compare quality I think but it also it is hard to compare them because oh so different the original Star Wars are action adventure pulpy Saturday morning cartoons and I think the genius of that original trilogy is just the Pure Imagination on display from the visuals to the names the characters the costumes the music it all came together in this perfect creative amalgamation of a like I said a Saturday morning cartoon this is something that could have taken place in the Star Wars universe in our universe in any universe and it would have been good you can substitute a lot of these characters for just totally new characters and it still would have been a very effective TV series but I I think it's such a breath of fresh air within the Star Wars universe and it's also just quality content so this is why I get so frustrated with all Hollywood look at the people behind the camera Tony Gilroy his brother Dan Gilroy writers who have worked on the critically acclaimed shows writers who have done their own movies that have received critical Acclaim when you put together a good team at the very least you're gonna get something good out of it and then sometimes you get greatness and I think a lot of people would say Andor is a great Series so there's just no excuses for Disney with all the resources they have and lucasfilm not to at least put out shows and movies that put in the necessary time to give us the best quality possible so this has raise the bar for all of the projects that follow it good luck yeah and just know that you're now being judged on the Andor curve whoever's gonna direct The Next Star Wars I don't know yeah and I mean it is different than obviously the Mandalorian where really plays out more as weekly Adventure but I think also the thing that hides Mando kept being hijacked by the larger Star Wars Universe from the very beginning they said we're not doing that so Mando once again it's not even like a writing issue it's just we need to sell toys type of issue yeah or people were mad about Luke Skywalker so we're gonna give him an episode and [ __ ] like that you know like stop focusing on that [ __ ] stop thinking about the fans get seriously do you think Andor was made with any you think Tony Gilroy gives a flying [ __ ] about what a Star Wars fan thinks no that's why he made a good show he doesn't give a [ __ ] about glop [ __ ] oh uh just be confident in in the people you're working with right I think if you focus on that like people are just gonna end up liking it because it is of a certain quality and I think when you look at shows like Mandalorian or some of the newer movies like they could be fun and uh I like most of them and but when you compare just like you said that that quality the attention to developing characters developing a story and paying actual care to what you're creating I think it's very evident that that was the case with this show and and like we've seen people are gonna like it if it's good and when it comes down to it like it still is in this universe so I think like things like Palpatine references in the emperor that that was perfectly fine I mean just little hints that to know that yeah this is the world we're in um and even I like the thing with the Death Star at the end where that's what they were building in the prison yeah that was the one thing yeah that wasn't you know that was fine with me no yeah it was fine with me too I just got a kick out of it that he thought to himself well we have to give these nerds something so oh look the Death Star remember that and I'm someone who likes the separate the separation of the Two Worlds so to speak but I also do love when glopshadow shows up so it's hard it's a weird balance but either way uh I think it's just all about how it's presented and how it's done do you think they regret not waiting to put out Rogue one that could have been a banger way to end this show right season two ends all of a sudden it's Cassie and Andor leading that Rebel group and they make it better where the first two acts aren't absolutely Dreadful until that amazing third act starts I'm interested uh I can't wait for season two just to see like that lead up into Rogue one and then watch Rogue one again yeah that's gonna be fun and watch A New Hope and I'm watching Empire and then watch your turn oh my God look at that it's a never-ending [ __ ] Circle it really is that's what Kathleen Kennedy wants huh Mandalorian shows up after they see the ratings season two is nothing but [ __ ] lightsabers and C-3PO and is that Han Solo okay Han Solo is part of the Rebellion oh B I've got about B who's B the uh Droid oh B2 emo he's a little sad boy I liked him yeah and or was a dick to him he kept leaving him behind he treated him worse than Jon Snow treated ghost yeah just wants to be a little buddy and John just like ghosts fight white walkers and or did more difficult I think oh yeah still not over that huh what do we need Dragon glass and Valerian steel go get em boy all right guys uh that does it for this episode of nerd soup I think we did a good job of answering the question is Andor the best Star Wars ever maybe and also reviewing the shell top three definitely top five let us know in the comments down below where do you rank and or and um we won't read them because I don't read comments especially on Star Wars videos maybe I will for this one because most people seem to like it first comment but Oliver you [ __ ] suck I think it goes Empire A New Hope and or Revenge of the Sith now did I say put Andor in between Revenge of the Sith or was I saying A New Hope and or Revenge of the Sith uh I'm confused I don't I don't I didn't follow that and or you know and oh wow so it's fun I don't know if you're clever or if I'm stupid both wow that was probably our best review yet hey guys Aaron the nerd tube monkey here with a brief Shameless plug before we end the video do you ever feel like you don't have an adequate amount of nerd soup in your life like you're going to bed hungry and yearning for the nonsensical yet entertaining nutrients our podcasts provide well we've come up with the perfect solution the nerd soup fan question podcast exclusively available to our patreon supporters you can sign up now by visiting nerdsoup and for the price of only one dollar per month you'll receive exclusive access to our weekly podcast where we answer your questions that don't make it to the main show and while you're there you can check out the other rewards we've offer to our patrons like stickers mugs t-shirts behind the scenes footage and appearing in the credits at the end of our videos and that's exactly what we're gonna do right now roll the names of the Nerds who make nerd suit possible the reason why the crypto crash didn't send our lives spiraling down a black hole of no return all right I'll stop talking so you can listen to this jazzy-ass music while checking if Bo spelled your name wrong in the credits foreign [Music]
Channel: Nerd Soup
Views: 16,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Star Wars Nerd Soup, Nerd Soup Star Wars, Nerd Soup Ahsoka, Nerd Soup Game of Thrones
Id: OM4tjm8R75U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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