Success Secrets Of High Achievers Revealed By Brian Tracy | Motivation

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a beautiful line i read not long ago said the best way to predict the future is to create it which means to have a vision and even though the vision is in the air or the sky then build a foundation under your dreams and when you see men and women who rise from poverty and obscurity to fame and renown you invariably see someone who had a vision of what they could be and have and do that was far beyond what they were every one of us has had an experience at one time when we were small we had a vision of being growing up and having our own cars as we grew older we had a vision of having our own homes and our own families and as we grew older we had a vision of traveling and going to europe we fulfilled all our visions the wonderful thing is this is that we always tend to achieve our goals the problem is that our goals are set so low that even when we do achieve them they don't turn us on they don't fill us with enthusiasm so dream big dreams if you like and focus on results not activities this is the key be clear about the results that you're trying to accomplish this is one of the keys of peak performance by the way all peak performers are result oriented all losers or underachievers tend to be activity oriented and in activity orientation what they do is they work very very hard sometimes they work frantically sometimes they work longer hours than you do but they lose sight of the results ben trigo the strategic thinker said very worst thing in the world is to do very efficiently what need not be done at all and many of us work very very hard to do very efficiently what need not be done at all anybody who's ever had employees will tell you that every single day you come across your employees doing something very diligently but it's completely irrelevant to the success of the business so focus on results here's a key question to ask yourself in your working life i think it's one of the most important key questions i'll give you two number one is what results are expected of me what results are expected of me not what activities but what results are what outputs what am i supposed to produce in my job a second question you can ask yourself is why am i on the payroll why am i on the payroll what results are expected the results that are expected of us in selling are sales and the only time that we are working is when we are doing something that contributes directly to that result isn't that true but of course why do we do the other things i've come to the conviction that the reason why we do the other things is because they are fun and easy rather than hard and necessary i think the major reason why people fail in life if i can pass this on which wasn't part of this but major reason why people fail in life is because of the expediency factor that we always do and we always take the fastest and easiest route to get the things that we want but the fastest and easiest route in life is almost always the route to failure it's short-term gain for long-term pain we do it as fun and easy today instead of what is hard and necessary and then we have to do what is hard and necessary at the end of our life when it's too late and you'll find that the willingness and the ability to discipline yourself to be clear about what it is you want to be clear where you're going to be clear about the results that you're expected to accomplish and then to only work on those results the ability to discipline yourself to do that is absolutely critical for success it is not possible to conceive of a person being successful who is not capable of disciplining themselves to do what is hard and what is necessary rather than what is fun and easy and when especially when it comes to managing your time when it comes to looking at what you should do on a day-to-day basis focus on results not activities now let me give you a method which has helped me write out your goals all goals have to be in writing by the way if you don't have your goals in writing uh then they're not really goals at all they're merely wishes and as they say wish is merely a goal without any energy behind it have your goals in writing write them out very specifically and clearly and then do this every single morning rewrite your major goals in the first person singular as though they already existed rewrite your major goals every single morning now this should take you about two to four minutes maybe five you can do it all in a paragraph for instance if your goal is to earn fifty thousand dollars a year every single morning right i earn fifty thousand dollars a year if your goal is to be excellent in real estate i am an excellent salesperson in my field if your goal is to weigh a certain number of pounds if your goal is to enjoy a certain kind of life write down your major goals in the first person singular as though they already existed today every single morning and then every single evening take about five ten minutes instead of watching television just before you turn on the television say wait a second i've got to review my progress and sit down and review what you've done in the course of the day and say what have i done right today what have i done right that's moved me toward my goals and second question is what would i do differently if i had today to do over again those those four steps by the way writing and rewriting your goal each morning reviewing them in the evening and asking yourself those two questions what did i do right what did i do that moved me toward my goals today and what would i do differently if i had the day to live over if you'll ask yourself those two questions in the next 30 days you'll accomplish more than you accomplished in the last six months this is the most incredible method i've ever seen i learned it some years ago just rewrite your goals every morning the only problem with goals is that we don't set enough of them and we don't set them highly enough you can have anything you want imagine you could have anything that you want anything that you can hold in your mind on a continuing basis you can have anything that you are crystal clear about wanting and are willing to pay the price to get you can have so clarity is the key be clear about what you want be clear about what you have to do to get it be clear about your vision be clear speak walk talk and act with clarity and that's the final point with regard to clarity i have seen many men and women who have tripped themselves up by being beaters around the bushes if you like they are very careful about whatever they say and by the time they say it people have gone home for lunch and one of the keys to success is to be very straight and to be very clear be very precise interesting one of the reasons why people do not speak to the point is for fear of offending others not true for fear of offending others interesting study they did last year they asked a great number of executives male and female they said if you had to tell a person something unfortunate with regard to their career that was going to affect their lives and this is something that you've known for a long time how would you go about breaking the news to them and each of the person described the strategy they would take they would set up the timing right they would start off with a talk about talking about subjects that they had in common they would close the door and keep up the noise anyways they went around and around and they're all circuitous roots of how they would get to the point and then they reversed the question they said how would you like to be informed of this same subject and every single one of them said i'd like to be informed in a straightforward way i'd like somebody to tell me straight the news you see all of us want to be dealt with in a straightforward way because we know we can take whatever it is but we think that everybody else is too fragile so what we do is we pussyfoot and tippytoe around and and avoid giving them the news and we finally do get the news to them sometimes causes more problems than is necessary so be straightforward be clear in your language be clear in your actions let people know exactly where you stand and let people know exactly what you've said and what you mean very very important and it takes practice by the way every single one of these habit patterns every single one of these qualities has to be learned by practice and i sat down and looked at this whole concept of excellence and i saw something that i hadn't noticed it's almost like something brought to the surface of your mind i noticed that every single man or woman that i had studied who had achieved any kind of success in any field whatsoever had done it after they had made a commitment to becoming excellent in that field and i began to look and i began to compare and i began to talk to people and i speak to thousands of people virtually every month i found that i never found a single person who was successful who was not excellent at what they did that competence the commitment to becoming excellent in your chosen field is an indispensable prerequisite for success that if you are not good at what you do you haven't got a chance in our competitive society unless you win the lottery that success is predictable if you commit yourself to becoming excellent it does a whole lot of other things within your mind but if you commit yourself to becoming excellent it changes everything about you and only the top five or ten percent are excellent you've heard the rule the 80 20 rule the pareto principle that the top 20 of sales people make 80 of the sales that the bottom 80 percent of sales people make 20 percent of the sales you know you know what the difference is the ratio is there the ratio is the difference between 16 to 1 that the average income of people in the top 20 is 16 times the average income of the people in the bottom 80 percent now let me ask you a question does it mean that people in the top 20 are 16 times better than the people in the bottom 80 16 times more experience do they work 16 times the number of hours do they have 16 times the number of years of education are they 16 times more handsome are they 16 times anything but 20 of these people are making 16 times the average of the rest prudential insurance company did a study some years ago and they put the thousands of agents that they have throughout the united states into their computers and compared their income and it came out the 80 20 rule worked 20 of their sales people were doing 80 of the business well they had all the data on the computer so they ran it through one more time they said what's the average income of the top 20 of the top 20 compared to the bottom 80 now for those mathematicians among you that works out to the top four percent what was the average income they found the top four percent were earning on average 32 times the average of the people in the bottom 80 so they said this is interesting and they ran it through one more time they found that the top 20 of the top 20 of the top 20 which is the top point eight percent that's good top point eight percent we're earning on average 54 times the average of the people in the bottom eighty percent what they found is that in every state and in every major city where they had an office with a large number of agents working out of it there was one agent who was selling the same product at the same price to the same people with the same competition under the same circumstances under the same set of difficulties in the economy who was earning 50 times the amount of the average adult there were 50 agents in the office and one person was earning more than all of them put together isn't that amazing and one of the things they found is that the key to this was that each one of these agents had made the commitment to become excellent early in their career they didn't say i'm going to go into this and i'm going to earn a living they said i'm going to go into this and i'm going to be the best you must commit yourself to excellence you must commit yourself to becoming the best and the wonderful thing is that excellence is a journey it's not a destination you never get there complacency and satisfaction are the key enemies of excellence but once you commit yourself to becoming excellent the whole world opens up for you a very important point of excellence is this means simply this do your best every time out and always strive to do it better do your best every time out and always strive to do it better remember it's usually the last five or ten percent of any job or project that makes all the difference and what we do is we get to 90 done and then we start to drag our heels we start to put the paperwork aside we start to think of excuses we start to do what is fun and easy rather than what is hard and necessary and if you're going to do anything at all the only time you're going to get any joy out of it if you is if you do it well you see when we do something well it gives us a feeling of self-esteem and pride we feel like a winner but if we do things in an average way it doesn't give us anything you notice that it doesn't give us anything we do it an average way it doesn't give us anything but if we do it in a really exceptional way it makes us feel wonderful about ourselves you see you don't have to be a quantum leap different from somebody else you just have to be a little tiny bit different in the critical areas that make a difference and you get you can achieve that simply by making it a goal setting it as a goal and working on it you can become anything that you want to become the harder you work the better you get the harder you work the better you get you know in our society it is a lot of controversy over why should i work so hard for my job the fact of the matter is that less than five percent really succeed that's less than five percent of the population really succeed at life of 100 people working today only one will be wealthy when they retire four will be financially independent 15 will have some savings 80 percent will be broken dependent upon charities and pensions only one or two percent of people in each generation really makes it in life and in every single study those people who make it are those who work hard hard hard and if you think that it's hard to be successful try being a failure try coming to the end of the trail with no money dependent upon pensions and you don't know what hard is until you try living like that but if you work hard the average self-made millionaire in america works 12 to 13 hours a day works about 60 to 65 hours a week i'll tell you this with regard to hard work that you in our society you only work eight hours a day for survival everything over eight hours is for success if you're only working eight hours a day you better have a rich uncle or you better have somebody else is going to take care of you because eight hours a day only gets you survival in our society because it's so competitive that somebody else is working nine they've got an edge on you somebody else is working ten they've got a bigger edge on you every hour over eight that you invest is an investment in your future is an investment in your success and if you put in the hours over eight whether it's studying or reading or working if you put in the hours it will pay off and it will pay off in spades it's like throwing seed in the ground when you throw a seed in the ground the plant that comes up is not just one seed it's hundreds of seeds there's a crop that you put in but you must put the seed in the ground first the market only pays excellent rewards for excellent performance it pays average rewards for average performance it pays below average rewards for below average performance and i talk to men and women all over america who are unhappy and they're sad and they don't like their work and you know why it's because they're not good at what they're doing let me give you a couple of key points is first of all you'll never have a feeling of self-esteem and self-worth you'll never feel wonderful about yourself until you know that you are good at what you're doing number two is if you do not love your work enough to want to be the best at it get out of it the way you would get out of a burning house do not stay at a job that you do not love because it is the high road to failure dissatisfaction frustration and unhappiness in life develop a sense of urgency a sense of urgency is a quality that is possessed by only two percent of the population two percent of the population do things fast two percent of the population have a bias for action imagine if you owned a company and you had two people in the company and both of them were reasonably well talented both of them were doing reasonably well except one person had a sense of urgency and did things fast and every time you give them something to do they took it and they ran with it like a ball player catching a fumble and running for the goal line the other person got to it after lunch or maybe next monday or no rush week's almost over thursday afternoon so on which one would you give additional responsibility to which one would you promote which one would you spend money training which one would you send to places where you needed help it's always the person with a sense of urgency the gallup organization that just did a wonderful book called the great american success story they surveyed 1500 people in marquis who's who in america 1500 of the most respected men and women in america and they asked them what do you consider to be the most important single quality of success and they agreed almost unanimously on common sense just common sense good common sense as my friend charlie jarvis says the average person has enormous amount of common sense because they haven't used any of it yet you can train your mind to have common sense you can train your mind to think things through before acting in my experience action without thinking is the cause of every failure action without thinking is the cause of every failure and common sense comes from taking the time to think things through before you act listen to your intuition your intuition is one of the best guides that you possibly have you know from some of the other work that we've done is that each person has inside them an intuitive sense which will always give you the exact right answer for you they've done some studies between men and women when they test women's intuition you've heard of women's intuition everybody sort of women's intuition they find that when you give men and women tests and they're asked to answer on the basis of their intuition men's intuition is equally as accurate as women's intuition the only difference is that in real life women have the intelligence to listen to their intuition which is why they're smarter than men and women and men do not listen to their intuition instead they override their intuition because they're trying to get something they want the fastest and easiest way even if their gut feeling says don't do it your intuition will always give you the most accurate answer for you it's almost like an inbuilt computer that will take all of your life experience and knowledge and everything going on around you and give you exactly the right answer so listen to your intuition learn from your setbacks this is one of the characteristics of high performing men and women is that every single time they have a problem or a difficulty they sit back and they dissect it and they learn everything possible from it they try to develop general principles from each setback they say what is the valuable lesson i can learn so you take a look at everything that has happened to you take a look at the very most difficult experience that you're in right now and ask yourself what is the most valuable lesson i can learn from this experience and believe me if you look for the lesson in the bible it says seek and ye shall find it doesn't say seek and occasionally you might find something it's a seek and ye shall find if you look for the valuable lesson or the seed of an equal or greater advantage or benefit in every difficulty you will find it it's always there and i love the line from socrates that says the unexamined life is not worth living which means that a life where you do not take the time to reflect on your experiences aristotle said that wisdom is an equal measure of experience plus reflection and the reason so few people have wisdom is what they have is experience experience experience but they never take the time to sit back and reflect on what's happening to them reflect on what they're learning how many people here have seen people get out of bad relationships and get immediately back into bad relationships or get out of a lousy job and immediately join a company and get into another lousy job what is the natural thing that people do they they get fired or laid off from a job they quit they go down the street they look for what another job exactly just and i exactly like it the hallmark of creativity is curiosity the hallmark of ignorance and stupidity is the cessation or stopping from asking questions and i've worked with some of the brightest men and women in this nation and i find that the smartest people of all the ones that have the greatest education and the most experience are the ones who ask the most questions they ask questions almost as if they were children but they never stop asking questions they're very open and flexible and they have the ability once they learn a new piece of information to drop what they're doing if the new information contradicts it and do something else do you know what most people do most people keep on doing what they're doing until they run into a wall as they say the more you do what you're doing the more you'll get of what you've got someone pointed out to me not long ago and i think it's very true is that all changes in our life come with the input of new information that if we do not have new information we keep on doing the same thing forever as a result of inertia and creative people are always looking for faster better easier cheaper newer ways to do things remember eighty percent of everything that we are doing today in our general business will be different five years from now eighty percent of the products that we use the food that we eat the cars we drive the music we listen to the movies we go to even the streets we drive on eighty percent of everything will be new in five years that's how rapidly things are changing according to the research all you need is an idea that's ten percent new to start a fortune an idea is ten percent new as a matter of fact an idea that's more than ten percent new is probably too new for the average consumer to accept it an idea that's ten percent new how many times have you been going about your daily business and you see the need for a product or service and you said now i wonder why somebody doesn't produce that and about two or three years then you say well it can't be any good so i thought of it after after all and then two or three years later a company comes out with that idea or some company and makes a million dollars that you say i thought of that idea two or three years ago every single person here has had that experience what you have to do is trust your ideas if you decide that you're going to earn a certain amount of money that you're going to achieve a certain level of wealth that you're going to achieve a certain life estate and you program that into your subconscious mind and you then turn it over to your intuition you will get the ideas the insights the inspirations necessary to achieve your goals and that's the only difference between very wealthy successful people and the average person is that they simply follow their intuition they're not smarter they're not different they're not more educated they're not more talented they just follow that inner guide develop the people skills that you need to be successful take courses in communications take courses ineffective listening take courses in public speaking you know one of the most important parts of communicating to get along well with others is the size of your vocabulary you've probably heard that before the size of your vocabulary your ability to express yourself orally your ability to stand on your feet your ability to write effectively and get your point across to others will have a tremendous impact on your life because you cannot imagine a successful person who cannot communicate effectively with other people and you can develop the capacity to be an excellent communicator if you were to learn one new word a day if you were to make an effort by carrying a dictionary around i used i have taught myself french spanish german and smatterings of about 10 other languages and the way i taught myself that was i learned the basic vocabulary i studied it learned the basic vocabulary and i carried a dictionary around with me and every time i saw a word i didn't know i looked it up in the dictionary and within a very short period of time i could eat live walk talk and speak fluently in those three societies and i've traveled all over the world in those three languages the carnegie institute of technology did a study about seven years ago ten years ago now and they studied ten thousand men and women who were let go from their companies and they found that ninety-five percent of the people who were let go from their companies were let go because of their inability to get along with others this is caused by low self-esteem more than anything else and my estimation those of you who know know that low self-esteem more than anything else causes our personality problems not liking ourselves not accepting ourselves feeling inferior inside causes us to lash out at other people and the wonderful thing is that if you're clear about your goals and you're committed to becoming excellent and you concentrate single-minded on what is important to you you have a tendency to like yourself more your self-esteem goes up your ability to get along with other people goes out but if you have no goals and you're not very good at what you do and you're just doing whatever comes to hand and your self-esteem goes down [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Let's Become Successful
Views: 111,556
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Keywords: brian tracy, high achievers, time management, motivation, brian tracy motivational speaker, brian tracy seminar, brian tracy goals, brian tracy the art of time management, brian tracy best motivational video, you will wish you had heard this 10 years before, brian tracy speech
Id: XucPNce3t0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2022
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