The Power Of POSITIVE Repetition - Brian Tracy

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the idea of liking yourself is the purest and most positive statements you can give from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind because it's like mommy's kisses it makes everything okay takes all the pain away it's impossible to like yourself and feel negative it's impossible to like yourself and uh be angry it's impossible to like yourself and be worried and your mind can only hold one thought at a time positive or negative so if you keep repeating I like myself I like myself I like myself I like myself I like myself what happens is eventually it becomes a habit of thinking you wake up in the morning say I like myself throughout the day you say I like myself somebody's rude or difficulty you say doesn't bother me I like myself and you act like it now initially it'll be like getting fit your muscles will be stiff your emotional muscles will be stiff but after a while it starts to become automatic and whenever you have any kind of negative event you can immediately zap it by saying oh wait a minute I like myself now here's the most wonderful thing the more you like yourself the more you like other people and the more you like other people the more they like you right back and and what do you think is the foundation of self-confidence how much you like yourself self-esteem the more you like yourself the higher your level of self-confidence the more you like yourself the less you feel fa fear failure and rejection the less you're worried about negative events and negative experiences you fall in your face you pick yourself up people fall down people make mistakes life goes on you know so in other words things don't bother you because you actually develop almost like a Teflon cover around your emotions and you become a completely positive person remember in the 60s there that poster that says I do not love you for yourself but for the way you make me feel when I with you do you know the most powerful thing you can do in your relationships with other people is to make them like themselves is to say things and do things with them not manipulatively but positively that cause them to like themselves compliment them on the way they look thank them for being punctual praise them for their accomplishments say little things nice things that make me feel have say thank you causes people to like themselves if you go through the world sort of like a hummingbird going from FL to flower making people feel important making people like themselves You' be one of the most popular people there is everybody would be happy to see you everybody brighten up when they know you're coming everybody brighten up when you walk in the office because whenever they see you you make them feel good about themselves but you can't give away something you don't have you can't make other people feel good about themselves unless you feel good about yourself but the wonderful thing is if you really like yourself you spontaneously and naturally do and say the things that cause other people to feel good about themselves you don't have to think how what I'm going to say how am I going to do this you don't have to do a damn thing all you have to do is just stand there and like yourself and you'll automatically do and say the right things you'll attract into your life wonderful people your expectations for yourself will be positive you'll believe that good things are happening to you you constantly reprogram your subconscious mind you develop a positive emotional habit of high self-esteem and high self-confidence so if you change your thinking you change your life and you can change it because you can change your life by changing what you say to yourself and when you talk to yourself in a POS positive way your self-confidence goes up your self-esteem goes up your relationships improve your sales will go up direct relationship between self-esteem and sales success direct relationship between self-esteem and raising happy healthy children High self-esteem children parents raise High self-esteem kids high self-esteem adults meet and marry by The Law of Attraction other high self-esteemed adults and have high self-esteem relationships where everybody's happy are you with me so far so we say okay we all agree with this we should all have high self-esteem well what is the problem well the problem is negative emotions and the greatest single challenge we have are negative emotions and negative habit patterns positive habit patterns are Joy love spontaneous humor happiness compassion and so on but negative emotions are the greatest enemy of all we can only improve our lives to the degree to which we free ourselves from our negative emotions and the good news is that no child is born with any negative emotions all negative emotions are learned from infancy onward and that's a good thing because if it was not true then we could not get rid of them because if it was part like our eye color or our hair color or our height we couldn't get rid of it but it's not genetic it's not fixed it's learned and it's therefore it is therefore relearn or unlearnable you can in other words just reach in and Short Circuit the negative emotion circuits which we've learned so here's some of the things that we know about negative emotions and when I began studying this I spent something like 5 years studying this and it changed my whole life is we know that negative emotions um are the greatest single obstacles to success they're the things that hold us back more than anything else and let me show you where negative emotions the negative emotions treat this is a negative emotions Tre this is my own creation by the way here's the trunk here's the ground and here's the roots okay now where do negative em first of all what are the most popular negative emotions this about 54 negative emotions in the textbooks but the worst of all are uh fear fear is a terrible negative emotion and then there is um a doubt which you talked about before that's a killer and then there's Envy which goes along with resentment envy and resentment are like twin sisters that go around together um because if you envy somebody their success you resent them their success and of course there's jealousy what shakespare called the GRE the what is it the greeneyed monster jealousy is a terrible thing which comes from low self-esteem people experience jealousy when they feel that I'm not good enough and and then there's hatred and then worst of all there's anger now we know that the roots of the negative emotion tree and by the way there's lots more but the roots of the negative emotion tree are two things they are first of all put this up here they are justification what we find is that it is impossible to have a negative emotion or a negative feeling of any kind unless you can justify it unless unless you can explain why you are entitled to this negative emotion why what someone else has done or not done entitles you to this negative emotion so if we stop justifying in the Bible which is a book on psychological and Spiritual Development in the Bible in The Sermon on the Mount says judge not that you be not judged you see because if you judge you're become a hanging judge you automatically condemn if you judge and condemned you justify create negative emotions the worst thing of all is it doesn't affect the other person it affects you so if we stop justifying the negative emotion starts to Die the second part is identification identification is where you take things personally and this is very common we hear of something that happened we take it personally we become angry and upset of something that's happened to someone somewhere else so if you don't justify and tell yourself you're entitled to this emotion if you don't identify and take it personally the emotion starts to Die the fruit starts to die however what's more important is the trunk of the tree the trunk trunk of the negative emotion tree is blame and all negative emotions require for their survival blame if you stop blaming you stop the negative emotion and it's almost like your negative emotion tree is like a Christmas tree that's plugged into the wall if you jerk it out of the wall yeah if you jerk it out of the wall and you cut down the trunk if you stop blaming all your negative emotions stop I told you I spent 4,000 hours spent years studying this subject I was overwhelmed by its enormity because the key to your fulfilling your full potential as a human being is to eliminate your negative emotions because if you eliminate negative emotions what's left only positive emotions Happiness joy the one the one common goal that all human beings have is to be happy to be happy and joyous and loving and and feel wonderful about themselves and their relationships and the only thing that impaires that is negative emotions and these negative emotions we'll talk about in a second or learn so the key is to stop blaming and the way that you stop blaming is with a very simple three-word neutralizer or zapper and it is the words I am responsible I am responsible so say it say I am responsible I am responsible so from now on whenever you think of anything that makes you mad just say wait a minute I'm responsible I'm responsible I'm responsible you see your mind can only hold one thought at a time time positive or negative it cannot hold the thought of responsibility and the thought of anger at the same time now people are going to give me every conceivable response to this position because nobody wants to give up their negative emotions dog G it you've paid for those negative emotions you spent years keeping them alive and fertilizing them and justifying them and talking them over with other people and putting water on them and thinking about them and so on people love their negative emotions to get them away you almost need a crowbar to get people to give up their negative emotions in fact what we have found is that if you have just one negative emotion that you will not part with that alone can sabotage your whole life so the starting point of your achieving the greatness that is possible for you is to get rid of the negative emotions so when we talk about I am responsible your ability to respond in an effective way is the critical measure of how much you've become as a human being in other words if you can respond effectively to crisis problems upsets which may which may not be leg your fault if you can respond positively and effectively it means that you've come a long way it means you've become one of the best developed human beings on our planet because average human means fall apart get angry blow up go into chaos throw fits have tears threaten to Sue and pour drink down their throat and everything else when they have a reversal but not top people top people say hm stay calm here what's happened let's look at it what do we do now what's our next our next action and so on so by saying I am responsible whenever you feel something angry you neutralize the negative emotion if you keep repeating the words I am responsible over and over again pretty soon they become an automatic Mantra something happens you start to become angry you inst say wait a minute I'm responsible so we know that no child is born with any negative emotions children come into the world and they have an incredible need for love love is the most powerful need that children have they children child needs love like like roses need rain they come in completely pure they have no negative emotions at all except for two they have only two fears fears of falling and fears of loud noises all other negative emotions must be taught to the child from childhood when a child comes into the world they have two wonderful characteristics first of all they're completely uninhibited they laugh they puke they pee they poop they uh cry they do whatever they want in other words they're completely uninhibit they have no inhibitions of at all as far as the child's concerned the child can do anything I can do anything these are the words of the Early Child the second characteristic a child comes into the world with is they're completely spontaneous they do exactly what they want they say what they want they cry they gurgle they and they pee they squeal they play they do whatever they do whatever they want they they say I don't have to do anything you notice that with children I don't have to and so these are the two characteristics very early in life because of mistakes that parents make in upbringing especially destructive criticism and conditional love or withdraw and love children begin to develop the two major clusters of negative habit patterns from which all others come almost emotional cancers if you like the first is they develop the inhibited negative habit pattern or inhibitive negative habit pattern the inhibitive negative habit pattern is characterized by the words I can't when the child is Young the child wants to touch and taste and smell and feel and get anything and touch things and grab knives and crawl around and run out in traffic and parents often say don't get away from this stop that put that down how many times have I told you and they punish the child and they punish the child at an early age when the child is incapable of comprehending why the parent is getting so upset all the parent all the child hears is the parents angry voice and sometimes the physical punishment and the shouting and the putting in their bedroom or put in their crib the child at a very early age starts to develop this idea I'm too little I'm small I'm incompetent I'm incapable I can't I can't I can't so every time they try something they get a spank or a punishment I can't what happens is that this child begins to form this impression that I can't and as the child grows is the child begins to extend it to the rest of their world I can't learn this I can't do this I can't get a good grade I can't get a good job I can't form a good relationship as adults whenever the child is confronted with a new risky proposition for which there's no guarantees the an the natural response is I can't I can't I can't I can't what if I lose what if it costs me money we call this the fear of failure and the fear of failure is the greatest single obstacle to success in adult life now here's an interesting thing Phil physiologically is the fears are actually experienced in the human body and we feel it first of all in the solar plexus then in the heart then in the throat then in the head and sometimes in the bladder well the next NE negative habit pattern number two is called the compulsive negative habit pattern and the compulsive negative habit pattern which is the second constellation is characterized by the words I have to and it's associated with what we call the fear of rejection the fear of rejection the fear of criticism the fear of uh of disapproval which is terribly important to us as members of a of a society and the compulsive negative habit pattern is trained into children when they are told at an early age if you don't you're going to get this if you don't do this then this and what it's associated with is what is called conditional love now since children need love more than anything else the threat of taking away the love and approval is terrifying to the child terrifies the child it actually traumatizes the child to have their love taken away way children need love the way that we need oxygen or that the patient needs blood if you pull away the love or give it back and pull it away like this the child goes into a constant state of turmoil emotionally as adults they are hyp sensitive to the reactions of others they can't make any decisions for fear that others will disapprove of it they are extremely worried about what others may say they're concerned about the Joneses and everything else they are so concerned about what others may do that they don't have a a mind mind of their own does anybody know what I'm talking about and this always goes back to Childhood and to conditional love where the love was given and taken away or maybe never given at all and what it does it traumatizes the child now the worst of all which is what affects most adults is I have to but I can't I can't but I have to I have to but I can't and they're torn back and forth most illnesses you know in our society is psychosomatic and origin psycho the Mind makes som the body sick prolonged confrontation with these years makes you physically ill it actually changes your blood chemistry it leads to ulcers it leads to diseases as serious as cancer Strokes futis internal uh congestions most skin breakouts are caused by anger uh and by negative emotions most of the problems in our bodies can be Associated back one way or another to these so the antidote to these is whenever you think of something that you want to do you say I can do it I can do it I can do it say I can do it I do it and say when you repeat this say I can do it I can do it I do it whenever you think of anything picking up the phone calling the customer taking a chance just say to yourself I can do it I can do it I can do it I can do it and what it does is each time you say that your fears go down and your confidence goes up it's almost like they're on a teeter totter as you build your confidence your your fears go down and whenever you feel under compulsion just say I don't have to I don't have to I choose to do this but I don't have to I don't have to I don't have to so one of the critical manifestations of negative emotions that deflates our self-confidence and you notice this all these fears hold back our self-confidence fears we can't fears we have to fears we have to please other people other people won't like us we may lose our time or money all they translate into the worst one of the worst of negative emotions which is guilt guilt goes around with her twin sister unworthiness is we feel unworthy now it's interesting is that no child grows up with guilt most of the main religions in the world have at a very early stage inculcated guilt as a fundamental part of their teachings and they use it at a very early age because the easiest way to control people is with guilt so there's two reasons why guilt is practiced um uh deliberately one is for control and the other is for manipulation and control and manipulation why it's because they work if you can get your children to feel guilty at an early age you can control them like on a fishing string for the rest of your life and what you do you do it way first of all we use destructive criticism destructive criticism breaks people down emotionally and if you criticize them a lot when they're young they'll feel broken down their self-confidence is down their self-esteem is down and then you use guilt to manipulate them and the way that you deal with guilt is When anybody ever tries to use guilt on you you say excuse me are you trying to make me feel guilty you smile and they say oh no no cuz nobody will admit it at least not the first few times you say that's great because it doesn't work on me guilt doesn't work on me oh well good and then they'll try it again mother uh and you say excuse me are you trying to make me feel guilty again no and finally she'll say yes I am you say well it's not good at work it worked in the past it doesn't work now is always say when a person says anything are you trying to make me feel guilty that immediately stops the game the game only works if it's underground as soon as as you bring it up and put it on the table The Game Stops and you don't allow people to make you feel guilty because guilt is totally destructive it destroys your soul it undermines your self-confidence so the way that we get rid of guilt and we'll talk about this in a couple of seconds the final principle I have to teach you with have to teach you is the most important principle in self-confidence the most important principle in personal development and it's based around another law and it's the law of forgiveness the law of forgiveness now the law of forgiveness says that you are a healthy person to the degree to which you can freely forgive and forget offensers against you to the degree to which you cannot you move down the human uh uh totem pole and you become a less and less person a person who can forgive nothing is a person who's totally destroyed psychologically and emotionally so how do you deal with forgiveness number one forgive your parents you do you do not become an adult until you have forgiven your parents 100% for every mistake they ever made remember it's never too late to have a happy childhood so just go back and forgive your parents if they're no longer with you forgive them and let them go so the second thing forgive any relationship that you ever had that didn't work out now this is hard because it's so personal and it's so painful but if you can forgive your parents that's a real good warm-up most people are still mad at their parents in their 50s if you then forgive every previous relationship you accept that you were at least partially responsible for getting into the relationship you were definitely responsible for staying in the relationship you just say I am responsible I am responsible I am responsible I bless them and let them go and just let it go because in letting them go you set yourself free by not letting them go you're keeping yourself in prison in an emotional prison the third thing that you can do is forgive everybody else forgive everyone else in your life that has ever hurt you in any way way every past childhood slight every sibling every person in your family every person every work for every lousy boss or person who cheated you lied to you robbed you and everything else and so on I mean just Let It Go just Let It Go remember it's a selfish act you're doing it for yourself and finally number four and this is really critical forgive yourself forgive yourself now I have it on good authority I've done some research on you before you came here I find that every single person here has done some Wicked senseless brainless foolish cruel idiotic stupid things in their life is that true say yes Let It Go and please understand this the person who did those things no longer lives no longer exists the person you were in the past is a different person than you are today the person you are today wouldn't do those things because you now have wisdom you have hindsight you have intelligence you understand consequences so the person you are today is a different person from the person you were back then so don't keep beating yourself up because that that other person another person did something that today you disapprove of all right just let yourself go let yourself off the hook and when you let it all go it it's almost like a huge burden off your back you just forgive everybody and you forgive everything and on a go forward basis you just forgive everybody you don't care have any negativities at all no negativity toward anybody you're just positive person and if you do that if you accept responsibility like yourself and forgive everyone else you become a truly Superior person most amazing darn thing now learned helplessness is one of the greatest enemies of success in our lifetime and learn helplessness based on 25 years of research and millions of dollars at the University of Pennsylvania is one of the greatest killers of human success is we learn to be helpless they have done a whole series of experiments but one they took a dog and uh they put a piece of glass in the middle of a cage and on one side they put the dog the other side a delicious piece of meat and the dog was would throw itself at the glass and hurt its nose and throw itself at the glass and hurt its nose throw itself three or four times at the glass and hurt its nose then they take the dog away and the next day they put them back with the dog in the meat they did this for three or four days and by the third or fourth day the dog would just sit there passively and not throw it at the glass because he didn't want to hurt his nose then the next day they just removed the glass and put the dog in the cage next to the meat and the dog with a stomach growling and rumbling would lay there right next to the meat and never reach for it the dog had been trained to be helpless the dog believed that it could not get to the meat so even though there was nothing in the way the dog just sat there uh they took us did a study with oh they've did 25 years of this they took a bunch of University students and they put them into a room they said you can leave this room whenever you like um it's up to you and that's the only instructions that you have so they went into the room and the room had several doors and they closed the doors and the students went around and checked the doors the doors were all locked from the outside as soon as they finished checking they went and sat down and then they began to play music loud music terrible music broken glass trash can music outrageous music and uh they began to increase the temperature in the room they they let a foul odor into the room and so you had this music and this odor and this heat and everything else and the students just all sat there even though the doors had been unlocked as soon as they tried them the doors were unlocked they could have left at any time they had learned to be helpless with one experience they say humans can learn to be helpless with a single experience they can try something and instantly conclude I can't do that uh I'm not capable of it I can't play a sport can't cook a dish can't type A type can't work a telephone they instantly conclude that they can't do it and for the rest of their lives they're helpless now here's an interesting point remember it's not what a man knows what hurts him it's what he knows what ain't true and have you ever had an experience where you felt you couldn't do something and then somebody showed you how to do it properly and you found you could do it quite easily and suddenly your whole belief system changed up to that time you'd always believed you couldn't do it from that point forward you believe that you could for the rest of your life we talked earlier about self-limiting beliefs one of the self-limiting beliefs is that we are not capable of doing something we feel learned helplessness so it's very important that you ask this question is it true that I can't do it and the fact is that if hundreds of thousands of millions of other people could ski or Skydive or sell or invest in real estate or build businesses you can do it as well don't ever sell yourself short and conclude that you're helpless now the other problem that people have uh has to do with Sammy the rat and Sammy the rat they took Sammy the rat and they put him into a cage and uh out on the outside of this cage there were four tunnels and they waited till Sammy was hungry and then they put some cheese little bit of cheese at the mouth of the fourth tunnel right well when they put Sammy here's little Sammy into the into the cage here he is put him into the cage Sam's hungry Snips around says cheese around here somewhere he explores around explores around explores around and finds the cheese aha eats the cheese and is happy take him out of the cage keep him for 24 hours he's hungry again put him back in the cage and the cheese is there and Sammy explores but not as much and eventually gets to the cheese then next day put Sammy in the cage Sammy goes straight to the cheese and eats it and he's happy then the uh researchers take the cheese and they move it a little bit further back in Thea in the in the tunnel well Samy's put it to the cage the fourth day he goes running up to the tunnel there's no cheese he looks up at the researcher says where's my cheese don't know hm so he sniffs around Sammy goes to the second tunnel and the third tunnel or and the first tunnel whatever and and then finally he comes back and he begins to explore he smells uh an odor of cheese and he works his way back and he finds the cheese comes out and he's happy again so then the next day they move it further back and eventually all the way to the back of the tunnel now Sammy comes into the cage be beep goes straight across goes into the tunnel all the way to the back gets the cheese comes out and is happy then they take the cheese and they move it and they put it in the back of the second Tong Sammy comes into the cage the following day goes straight to the tunnel all the way back comes all the way back and Sammy is not a happy camper where the you know what is my cheese they say we don't know and Sammy turns around goes back into the cage come in the tunnel comes back out again H goes around sniff sniff sniff comes back goes back and back can't find the cheese Samy Samy's just a little bit angry so finally Sammy begins to do some exploring and he explores and he goes into this cage and eventually all the way back and eventually all the way back and he finds the cheese at the back of the second tunnel and he eats the cheese now here is the moral of the story is that Samy is a rat a rat has a brain the size of a pee or even smaller Sammy the rat with a brain the size of a pee will eventually figure out that there is no cheese at the back of the fourth tunnel and will begin exploring until he finds it at the back of the second tunnel but a human being will keep on going down the fourth tunnel forever now this is an example of the comfort zone this is an example of the comfort zone now these are the twin threats to Our Success is first of all the uh learned helplessness We believe We can't or comfort zone we get into a comfort zone and we practice what Newton called inertia you know the law of inertia which is one of the laws of physics the law of inertia says that a body in motion tends to remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force body at rest tends to remain at rest unless acted upon by an outside force what it says is that something in motion will just keep on going it'll just keep on going the same way forever and because of learned helplessness in the comfort zone we keep going at a low level of performance indefinitely and then we use the same reasons for negative emotions we justify it and we explain the reason I can't is because of this it's my upbringing it's my childhood it's my education it's my boss it's my bills it's my family and we think of all the reasons why it's not possible for us and what we do is we fall in love with our excuses we develop a disease called excusitis which is an inflammation of the excus making gland which is invariably fatal to success so in order for us to break out of learn helplessness it we have to realize that anything that many other people can do I can do as well I may not be able to do as quickly as them but I can do it as well we need to break out of the Comfort Zone by bigger goals and it has to be a goal that's worthy of you so it's got to be something big and exciting now you don't have to worry how you're going to achieve the goal because if you can be clear about the goal all the mental laws begin to work for you including the final mental law which will be the basis of our seminar next year it's called The Law of superconscious activity now the law of superconscious activity is really one of the greatest laws of all and it says says this because of the superconscious mind which is a mind that puts you in tune with the entire universe everything past present and future every idea and possibility and comes to you through intuition and through coincidences any thought plan goal or idea held continuously in the conscious mind must be brought into reality by the superconscious any thought plan goal or idea held continuously held continuously you become what you think about most of the time must be brought into reality by the superconscious mind [Music]
Channel: Wealth Mindset
Views: 8,541
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Id: KDl93OnrOMo
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Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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