Subutai and the Mongol invasion of Europe

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[Music] in the year 1241 after very little warning terrified monarchs all over Europe could do little but wait as a terrible and colossal wave of nomadic step Warriors descended upon them from the Eastern borders of Christendom tens of thousands of Highly organized highly trained and highly experienced nomadic horse archers from Beyond the Edge of the World experts at living off the land all the Mongol War Machine needed to operate was open grass land to feed its horses cities to plunder and glories to win and a chance would have it Lush grasslands just so happened to stretch in an almost unbroken line all the way from France back to Mongolia although technically under the command of batuk Khan a candidate for leadership and a grandson of genis the real tactical command lay with subai a self-made man and a brilliant tactician from a young age subai was by now a veteran of well over 50 battles during which time he had never suffered a substant stantial defeat a large number of his men had served alongside him for decades the European Army sent to face him by comparison were made up largely of poor malnourished peasants with little military experience besides mandatory service to their lead Lords truth be told they never really stood a chance like all of the great generals of History before him subai always maximized his own advantages whilst minimizing those of his enemies he even used Siege weapons in open battle an unheard of tactic for the time notably using giant Stone throwers to clear a bridge of Hungarian crossbowmen at the Battle of migh time and time again subai annihilated Army after Army sent out to fight him even expertly coordinating two battles over 500 kilometers apart to defeat the armies of Hungary and Poland simultaneously during his lifetime subai conquered more territory than any other commander in history yet he was not Royal or even a son of nobility he was a self-made man from an impoverished background likely born the son of a blacksmith in around 1175 subai left his clan at the age of 14 to go and join genas Khan's Army then still known by his birth name tagin is still a fairly localized power within a decade however they had set the step on fire with their Fury uniting the Mongols under one banner and promising to conquer the entirety of the known world as Tan's forces defeated more and more neighboring nations of nomadic step peoples and Incorporated them into their own fledgling State subai Rose through the ranks to become a general in commanded of a tuman of his own 10,000 Warriors operating in the Vanguard of the main Army by 1212 he had risen to the highest rank available to someone who was not a blood relation to the great KH he even began to fight independent campaigns of his own when he first took the kingdom of Hanan by storm and was later sent to destroy the merket once and for all one of the traditional old enemies of the Mongols by 1219 after the powerful Central Asian Kingdom of corasan allegedly killed several Mongolian ambassadors a full-scale invasion was launched although undoubtedly one of the most powerful states in the world at the time the kisian were unfortunate enough to be the first state to face the entirety of the Mongol war machine which now included the forces of a multitude of neighboring step peoples who had been absorbed into the Hall standing at around 100,000 men the Mongols would was still numerically inferior to quism which lay on the Silk Road between east and west and boasted some of the most prosperous and largest cities in the world at that point nevertheless the Mongols had experience on their side and Mobility subai commanded the Vanguard of the army and along with genis he expertly crushed corisan time after time skillfully using deception and Rapid maneuvering as well as Siege equipment indeed this may have been the first time that subai saw Siege equipment being used something that he he would Implement into his own tactics for the duration of the rest of his career after the defeat of the charisms a huge wealth of new lands opened up to the Mongols who began to split into several different armies operating simultaneously throughout your Asia subai spent the winter in aeran before he conceived of an ingenious plan to travel up through the caucuses to circle around the Caspian Sea in a lightening assault on a coalition of Step Nomads who had previously defied the Mongols he pulled off the maneuver expertly and annihilated an army of Roose as well as his planned enemies before heading back East to link up with the main Mongol Army as it made its way back home upon genus's death in 1226 subai continued to serve his son ogai the new great KH who would continue the legacy of his father in attempting to conquer the entirety of the world after winning several campaigns against the Chinese subai was sent West yet again to defeat more nadic peoples this time the bulgar and again the princes of the Roose before finally he pushed into the prosperous lands he had long sought after Europe subai was an expert in subterfuge and employed spies to learn as much as he could about the kingdoms he was about to come up against by 1240 he was ready his forces thundered onto the grasslands of Central Europe in several detachments all coordinated by sub's main Force which took on the main Hungarian Army time and time again the Hungarian King along with his polish Austrian Croatian German and even Knights Templar allies fought engagement after engagement with the apocalyptic endless stram of Horsemen pouring into chender it must have seemed like the end of the world for subai now a man in his mid-60s who had been commanding troops since the age of 14 The Campaign marked the culmination of an extraordinary career he had been born to make war and he was exceptional at it he left nothing to chance controlling every aspect of battle even engagements occuring hundreds of miles away away from his main Force just as an example at the Battle of migh which left the Hungarian Army utterly annihilated he left a gap in the encircled enemy forces not wanting to allow the hungarians to make a Last Stand and possibly inflict severe casualties on his own men subai preferred to leave a gap to give the terrified men the option of running knowing that most would take it and then be picked off one by one by his disciplined forces with little risk to themselves modern Scholars plac the overall death toll in Hungary at around one quarter of the population nearly every major city lay destroyed and the economy crippled in the wake of the invasion whilst it is undeniably true that Hungary took the brunt of the Mongol attack Poland suffered also just as an example due to the severity of the defeat inflicted at the Battle of chelik which was the major engagement against the army of Poland no record even exists of what happened because no one was left to tell of it in the aftermath the abandoned city of krakov was plundered at will by the Victorious Mongol Detachment which wasn't even Subi's Main Army the next spring subai likely would have invaded the Holy Roman Empire before planning to move on into the Lush grasslands of France before he could do so however in one of the most fortuitous moments of chance that ever occurred in the history of Europe the great KH aodai died and all of the Mongol forces were recalled from the far off lands they fought in in order to choose the next one subai would never return to Europe instead being sent in an entirely New Direction by the new great Khan guyuk who held no love for sub 's former Commander batuk car guyuk wanted to ensure that he would not have to face subai in battle if the feud did indeed come to blows therefore he fought his final campaign against the Song Dynasty of China at the age of 70 in 1246 before finally dying of old age in his home on the T river near modern day anulan Batar in 1248 Subi's life remains as Testament to the methods of the Mongols specifically their tendency to promote by Merit and absorb useful people tactics from conquered peoples into their own commanders like subai who Rose through the ranks on their own Merit rather than inheriting their titles from their fathers precisely the reason why the Mongols were able to conquer the largest land Empire known in [Music] history
Channel: History Time
Views: 372,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, mongols, mongol, subutai, mongol invasion of europe, mongol horde, mongol invasion, mongol invasions, genghis khan, chingis khan, khan, khanate, mongol empire, largest empire in history, epic history, history, historytime, history time, batu khan, battle of mohi, mohi, poland vs mongols, mongols vs polish, poland, hungary
Id: 3BbbLDwi5LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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