Substance Painter 2021.1 New Feature: Stitch Brushes | Substance 3D

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[Music] [Applause] hey welcome to this video to show you the new stitch brush tools in substance painter 2021.1 so how do you use these well first of all you want to make sure that you've selected your paintbrush tool it won't work with eraser or anything you can press key one numeric key one on your keyboard to select this and then you go into the shelf to the tools section and right at the end you'll find our three stitch brushes here now why are there three different ones we didn't want to over complicate this so they function exactly the same but they just contain different designs so we've got the straight ones we've got the cross ones and we have the complex ones functionality is the same they just contain different designs i'll mainly be working with the straight and maybe some cross for this shoe but the complex one works in exactly the same way now if i zoom in a little bit the first thing that you need is you need to create a paint layer so an empty layer and then once you've selected your paint brush and tool you can simply paint stitches like this now these are meant for really specific hand painted high quality stitches they're not an automatic method or anything you have to place them manually also keep in mind that this is a roller brush so that means if i rotate my brushes along a path they're going to deform along this path so no longer will you have stitches that are misaligned or anything that will closely deform along the path like the roller brush so when you're setting up these stitches to uh to paint something if you go under the material for your brush or you scroll down don't bother changing the brush size this is all set up specifically for these stitches go down and find the material then under parameters you can start changing this so for example i can change the base color to let's say i want a lighter stitch you have a preview in here and i also want to change the stitch selection for example to a different type running double so you can check all the different ones that we have up here i'm just going to choose running double i'm not going to cover all of these and it's a bit of a trial and error you can go over things and keep painting them again and again and you can also turn them set it so that you're using either height or normal map for this so when you paint with height you see them actually deform it's a bit on the strong side so i'm going to switch it to normals then you see i just get the deformation of the normals in here so it's going to make them a little bit bigger it's a bit of a trial and error you go back and forth between them see what works if you find settings that you're happy with that use a lot you can always just right click here and create a tool preset out of it that means that these specific settings will be saved as a new tool for you to work from so i don't actually want a seam here so you see i'm actually having a seam being drawn in between that i'm not interested in that so i'm going to going to set the seam intensity a little bit lower and then i can start painting these and the first method to do this is by clicking and then shift clicking to draw your stitches and each time you end your stitches it's good to restart the new one when you move the camera because if i do shift it's camera linked is keep in mind that it starts on the empty space between two stitches so if you just align it with that it's fairly easy to add new stitches and to have them properly aligned so each time i move the camera move my light as well i try to make sure that i click to restart on an empty area in between stitches and that way you can really easily continue these without it looking strange so that's a first method to add stitches um what you can also do is for example i'd like to add some stitches on this this red substance batch that's on here so i'm going to switch back to single stitches but instead of having a colored wire on here i can i can change it to red but i just want it to take the color of what lies underneath so the thing you can do is you can turn off the base color layer if you then add stitches it's going to only paint height normal and roughness information and you can have it use the material of whatever lies underneath it so that's a good trick you don't want to individually manage your stitches like that so there we go so there's another method that you can use to paint these stitches shift clicking tends to be a bit tedious you might have a bit more of a steady hand or you might want to draw complex curves if you use a tablet you could do it freehand i'm going to turn the color back on here make these a bit bigger keep them a bit of a color like that but i'm not using a tablet so for me it's quite hard to draw straight lines here so what you can do is turn on lazy mouse and with lazy mouse it's much easier to draw smooth curves like so if i do it again with lazy mouse actually fairly easy to add stitches now in case i want these to be a bit thinner you can customize this a bit more you can go under thread type and for example pick in thread right so like that you get these slightly slanted stitches but what you can also do is you can go under advanced parameters and i can set the stitch width a little bit smaller to get some really thin stitches going on here there we go so that's another way to customize them and to finish that up the last settings that you might have in here there's some technical parameters so for example when you paint these stitches they get some amy declusion that is automatically added um you can set the intensity of that so i can actually set this a bit higher or lower so with this you get some really intense ao so you can actually see the difference between the old ones and the new ones the ao is just stronger in them so this works just like these substance source materials and then lastly i've talked about this before but make sure that you keep in mind if you're painting either with height or normal map if you paint with both at the same time let me make this a bit bigger if you paint with you see it's it's too strong so either you decide to paint with height or with normal map and when you do that keep in mind that the blend mode of your paint layer that you're working in it might need to be changed set it to normal if you don't want a height to add on to what sits below if you're in normal change it from normal detail to the regular normal or copy mode to make sure that it overrides what sits below it so that's it for the stitch brush it's fairly easy to use and can't wait to see what you do with it good luck you
Channel: Adobe Substance 3D
Views: 109,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D Creation Software, 3D Design, 3D Modeling, 3D Pros, 3D Workflow, 3D painting, 3D texturing, Adobe CC, Adobe Substance 3D, Create 3D Textures, PBR, Physically based rendering, Scans, Substance 3D, Substance 3D Assets, Substance 3D Designer, Substance 3D Modeler, Substance 3D Painter, Substance 3D Sampler, Substance 3D Stager, Substance 3D Tutorial, how to use Substance 3D, hyper-realistic, realistic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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