Substack Tutorial for Beginners 2022 (Start Your Own Newsletter Business)

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today I'm going to show you how you can build a beautiful blogging website just like this together with a practical and effective newsletter integration the tool we will be using for this is called substack you can think of substack like a mix between a blogging platform and an email marketing tool that means whenever you publish a piece of content on substack it will be posted on your website as an article but at the same time it will be sent out as an issue of your newsletter to all of your subscribers the idea behind substack is that you can build an independent newsletter business you can publish free content to build an audience and later on you can monetize that Audience by publishing additional premium content which only your paid subscribers can access and in this tutorial I'm going to show you how you can set up the substack website the newsletter and the monetization so let's get started okay so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the link mic substack and when you open that link you will automatically be redirected to the correct landing page where we start the tutorial but you don't have to use that link you can also go directly to the substack website and this is how it looks like once you're on the substack website the first thing that you have to do is you have to click this orange button create your sub stack then you can connect your Twitter account this is quite useful if you already have an audience on Twitter like a couple of hundred of subscribers then this will help you to grow your substack newsletter a little bit faster so if you want you can connect your Twitter account I'm going to skip this for now I'm going to type in my email address which I generated for this tutorial and then press agree and continue the next step is the most important one here I have to create my author profile and I recommend you that you make sure that this is a really good profile because this profile will be all over your substack website whenever you publish a new post you will be linked with this author profile below the post so make sure that you type in your name correctly I'm going to type in mic tutorial and then I'm going to paste a little bit of filler text to my bio so in your case obviously you're going to write a little bit about yourself but for the sake of this tutorial I'm just going to paste this dummy text and then obviously up here at the top by clicking this orange plus you can add a profile picture and this is what I'm going to do now I'm going to add a nice profile picture of mine and then I can press the orange button continue on this next page we have to create our actual publication this page is also very important here I can enter the name of my publication this will be the title of my website and the name of my newsletter I'm going to call this mics Mountain Mountain magazine what is it about a place where you can read about beautiful mountains wildlife and nature this is going to be my short description the Third Field on this page is the web URL so that is the domain that people have to type in in their address bar here at the top if they want to reach your website so make sure that it's a good URL I'm going to go with mics Mountain and then I can press continue substack by the way offers the possibility to connect a custom domain later in your settings so if you don't want to use that substance subdomain you can connect your own domain later on this is no problem I'm going to go with this and click continue the next step is to import your mailing list if you already have a newsletter on some other platform like patreon MailChimp convertkit or whatever you can upload your contacts here and they will automatically be your subscribers of your newsletter and you don't have to start from scratch I'm going to skip this again this page is similar you can add a couple of seed subscribers so for example friends and family you could paste in their email addresses and they will become your first subscribers to get you going a little bit faster I'm going to skip this again this page is really not that important it is only relevant if you want to read other people's sub stack then you can select a couple of interests or topics that you're interested in so I'm going to skip this again and now I'm already finished it says success and when I click the orange button I will be redirected to my substack website and this is how it looks like at the moment frankly right now it looks kind of boring and empty so what we are going to do now is step by step we are going to fill it with content the first thing that I want to show you is your writer's dashboard when you click this button up here at the top right called dashboard you will be redirected to your writer's dashboard you can think of this dashboard like a control room if you want to change something about your subtype publication or want to add a new post or change the styling the settings you will do it right here in the writer's dashboard so this is quite important and if you've made a setting here and we're going to make a couple of settings in a moment but if you make a setting on this dashboard and want to see how it looks like on the website you can navigate back to the home page by clicking this title up here and then you will be redirected to the front page of your website this is quite important to know and by the way this right here is exactly how the website will look like to your potential visitors that go to this link that go to your website with the exception of this menu up here quite obviously this menu is only for you because you are logged in right now that's the reason why it is visible but other than that this is exactly how the web page will look like to your visitors okay so now I'm going to go back to my dashboard by clicking dashboard here again and I'm going to show you how you can create new posts and articles on your substag website and to do that you just have to navigate to this posts section of your writer's dashboard okay so let's fill up the publication with a little bit of content by creating a new post for your substack website and your substack newsletter you can do that by pressing this button right here called new Post Yeah it couldn't be simpler you just press the button and then the substack text editor will open and you can start writing your post now this text editor is very minimalistic it's not complicated uh you probably are familiar with most of the functionality from other text editors you can put in your title right here I'm going to post put in my title why mountains are great for the body and soul then you can enter a subtitle as well I'm going to just post a little bit of filler text again for the subtitle and then you can click below your author tag right here and start writing the actual blog post so this is my first paragraph of my first sub stack blog post blog post and obviously I'm not going to write the entire article right now because you would be bored I'm just going to paste a little bit of filler text again and then my article is complete and as I told you uh like up here at the top you can find uh the navigation bar the toolbar where you have your usual text editor settings so I'm going to show you a few of them for example if I wanted to turn this into heading 1 I just select it and then press the style drop down up here and press heading 1 or in this case I'm going to choose heading 2. and now this has become a heading 2. if you want to make something bold for example this section is really important you can select it go to the toolbar and press B for bold and then it becomes bold and if you want to turn it cursive you can press the cursive button and so on and so forth I think you're familiar with these normal text editor tools you can also add images in here so if I go to a new line and click this insert image icon here and then press upload image I can then select a nice image in my case an image about the mountains and then it will be inserted into your blog post so again nothing special this part of your two of your toolbar should be should be quite familiar however this right side of the toolbar with the two drop down menu use buttons and more this is specific to sub stack and so I'm going to go into a little more detail here uh for example when I press the buttons drop down I can add call to action buttons lots of different call to actions that you can make for example you can make a subscribe Now call to action and then this will be added into your blog post and when the blog post will be published this button will be part of the post and people can subscribe here or you could add another call to action button where you make a special offer for your premium subscriptions for your premium post and then you could put that button in here so lots of different call to action buttons you can let people donate this subscription share the post lots of different things that you can do you can just play around with this a little bit and find which of these called call to action buttons are relevant for you and then there's a little more functionality in the more drop down menu where you can for example add a paywall so that only part of the blog post is accessible to the free subscribers and the rest is behind the paywall you can add a divider a footnote if you're doing scientific writing or want to link your sources lots of different functionality you can play around with this a little bit once you've finished the post you can preview how it will look like to the actual reader by pressing this preview button and then you will see how this would look like on mobile up here you can see how it looks like on desktop and um if anything looks strange you can go back to the blog post and edit it if you like the preview you can just press done and you will come back to the blog post where you could make some edits and once you're satisfied with your blog post you can press this continue button this colored continue button up here at the top right this is what I'm going to do it I'm going to click it and then I have to make a couple of settings regarding uh this post I have to decide if I want to publish it for everyone or only my paid subscribers right now I cannot do that because we are going to set that up later the monetization features so as of now I can only publish this as a free post for everybody you can make a couple of settings regarding the comments if you want to allow comments or not you can decide the social preview if someone shares this post on social media how it will look like you can change the the preview picture the preview image this is the image that will be displayed on the home page as part of the post preview snippet this is actually quite important by default substack takes the first image in your post but you can also upload a custom preview image right here at this point by clicking upload new uh I'm okay with this image so I'm going to leave it and then you can make a couple of other settings for example you could decide whether you want to schedule it or not if I activate this checkbox I can set a time when this pose should go public I'm going to disable this again because I want to publish it right now and I'm going to press this red button down here at the bottom right sent to everyone now and now it is loading and now it has been published your post has been published it's time to get the word out if I click on this post I can see how this post looks like and I think it's a really nice post very clean and minimalistic interface as I told you in the beginning substax philosophy is to be very minimalistic and to have as little distractions as possible and the maximum focus on the actual content and reading experience I'm going to click the title up here at the top this is how the post would look like on the website right now here you have the preview image then you have the title The subtitle right here as I told you is also quite important and here you have your author profile so you're linked with your author profile and though when somebody clicks on it they will be redirected to this post and this is how the post would look like in my email account so my email account is in dark mode so it looks it is converted to dark mode but this is exactly how it will look like as I told you in the beginning whenever you publish a post on your substack website it will be posted as an article on your on your substack website but at the same time it will be sent out as an issue of your newsletter to all of your subscribers this is how the email would look like really minimalistic again people can share it they can like it they can comment it now back to the website while I have to say this looks a little bit better than in the beginning I still think that this looks a little bit Bland and boring so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to fill up this website with a little bit of content with a couple of posts and then we're going to change the theme and the style of the entire page and I'm going to show you how to do it okay so I have taken a couple of minutes and populated the entire website with posts so that we have something to work with if I go back to the dashboard I created all of these posts as I showed you before just by clicking this new post button and then the text editor opens and then you can create a new piece of content so nothing special once you've created the posts you have an overview right here with all of your posts and if you want to edit a post you can just click the three dots and then edit post and you will be taken to the text editor where you can change the content of the post and now I would like to talk a little bit about this writer dashboard menu up here so this post section you are already familiar with this is right here where you can create new posts uh this podcast tab um I'm not going to go into too much detail but uh essentially with substag you can also create a podcast where you publish podcast episodes in a similar way that you publish your normal posts your normal written posts if that is interesting to you then you can explore this for yourself the next step is your subscribers here you can see how many people subscribe to your to your sub stack in my case I don't have any subscribers yet because this is just a test account The Next Step tap the stats tab here you can see how much traffic you get on your website in my case I have zero visits you can see how many emails have been sent out and opened so a lot of Statistics that will be useful to you to see how how well your subside publication performs the next Link in the writers menu are the recommendations so what you can do here you can write substag Publications to for other people's sub stack and also receive recommendations from other people so that your sub stack grows a little bit faster and then the most important uh tab in the writer's dashboard is the settings tab and this is where I want to go into a little bit more detail so I'm going to click on settings and now I am on the settings page I have good news and bad news for you the bad news are all of the settings of your substag publication website and newsletter are on this page and because of that this page is huge and at times it can be a little bit overwhelming however the good news are that um while this page is huge there is only one place where you can find all of your settings they are not spread throughout your account you don't have to search for them they are not all over the place but they are in or on this single settings page up here at the top you have this search bar this is very useful to navigate your settings so if you want to for example change the style and the theme of your website you can look if there's a setting for it by typing in style in this case there is a setting for the style and it says edit your publication theme set color layout font and styles for your publication and this is the the first setting that I want to focus on and show you in a little bit more detail and later on we're going to look at a couple of other settings I'm going to click on edit theme and this brings us to this page here where we can make settings regarding the look of our website up here at the top there is a drop down menu when I click this I can preview how different parts of the website will look like I'm going to go to the home page this is the most important part of the website and now we are going to modify this as I told you a little bit earlier substack is rather limited when it comes to the customizations because they have a very minimalistic philosophy so they want you and your readers to have as little distractions as possible and a maximum focus on the actual content that is why substack offers only two themes two different layouts and this is what we can work with I'm going to switch to the magazine theme from the default theme because it looks much better and this is how it will look like how the website looks like now and I really like that layout it is still quite minimal but uh it looks much better than the than the default layout and you have these uh the large posts in the middle and a couple of other posts right here and all of your posts all of the other posts are down here in the lower part of the website one important information for you is that this if you switch to the magazine theme and it looks kind of weird then you have to know that the magazine theme only works once you have four posts because this section up here always has to include four posts and these four posts are either your four uh most recent posts or four posts that you manually pinned to the top of the website but if you have less than four posts this is not going to work and it's going to break the design so make sure that when you switch to the magazine layout you have at least four posts a general tip that I can give you or something that I've noticed while changing and playing around with these style settings sometimes you make a setting and it looks really weird or the setting doesn't show up this can be because sub stack sometimes it takes a little bit until the setting that you make is actually shown that means if you follow the tutorial and make a setting but it doesn't look like on my screen then you can wait a little bit wait a couple of minutes like 10 or 15 minutes and then usually the issue or the problem will be resolved because substag sometimes takes a couple of minutes to update the design settings this is a little bit annoying but um yeah it's not the end of the world the next setting that you can make is the background so right now my background is white but I could also make turn this into a dark mode website by selecting the a dark background color and this is how it would look like now so if you prefer a website with dark mode you can change that right here for now I'm going to go back to the normal white mode and set my accent color to Green because green is associated with nature and mountains that's why I'm going to change it to green and now the accent color has been changed to to Green not only on my website but also in my settings as you can see it is no longer red the buttons are now green as well down here you can change the fonts there are a few options that you can choose from I'm going to go with the heavy Sans font uh as the title and the body so the text of your posts I'm going to leave it at Classic serif once you're finished customizing your design you can click on set theme and then your theme has been changed when I click the title here at the top and go back to the home page um this is how the website looks like now and I have to say I really like it it looks clean minimalistic and uh very professional with this magazine layout there's one more important setting that we have to make regarding the layout and the style of the website if I go back to my dashboard and then go to settings and then scroll down to this section right here where it says square logo and cover photo here you can add two custom uh photos and images that will be displayed on your website first of all the logo which will be displayed at the top right so I'm going to upload a logo image in this case I'm just going to use this mountain as the logo image and it will automatically be changed into a square logo it says uploading and now the upload has been finished and as you can see up here at the top there is now at the top left there is now this small square logo this is not only present in the writer's dashboard but also when I go to the website it is also visible so your visitors can see this logo up here this is a way to add a little bit of customization and your personal touch to this website and let's upload the second important photo which is the cover photo so this one right here the cover photo will be displayed on your welcome page and I'm going to show this to you if I open a new private Tab and go to Mike's Mountain uh which is which is my domain the first time a visitor goes to your website they will redirect they will not be redirected to the front page but to this welcome page where they get asked to subscribe to your website they don't have to do subscribe immediately they can also click let me read it first right now what is being displayed here is this logo image but when I go back here and upload a cover photo for example let's uh take this uh Mountain from the Himalayas as the cover photo then in a moment we will see now it has uploaded when I go to the welcome page right now here's a little preview of the welcome page now this cover photo will be shown here so again still looks very minimalistic but adds a little bit of a personal touch to this welcome page which I really enjoy and then people can subscribe here and uh if they don't want to subscribe they can just click the let me read it first and will be redirected to the home page of your sub stack website okay so far so good now we've set up the entire substack website and because the newsletter is automatically integrated into subsec this is now also set up so whenever we publish a new post this new post will not only appear on the front page right here but will also be automatically sent out to all of your newsletter subscribers however in the beginning I told you that with substack you can build a newsletter business and a newsletter business implies that you have a way to earn money and indeed you can earn money with your substack website and newsletter by publishing premium content all of this content right here is free content which means everybody can access it but when you publish premium content only your paid subscribers can access this and I'm going to show you how you can set up the premium content so that you can start earning money with your substag account let's go back to the dashboard let's go back to the settings and let's type in money and when you type in money this setup paid subscriptions page appears so you can connect with stripe which is a payment provider to receive payments from your premium subscribers so I'm going to click this blue button and it opens in a new page and here I can get started with stripe so I'm going to press continue I'm going to type in my password press continue I can add a mobile number I'm going to add my personal number right here and now I have received an SMS code which I entered and now it says your account is secured now I get this emergency access code which I'm going to download whenever I lose my password click next now my account is loaded I have to make a couple of give a couple of information regarding my uh regarding my business address once I've entered all my business details I can press ok or continue in this case then I'm going to enter my payment details my bank account so that I can actually receive payments and now you basically have to fill out all of these settings and questions you can contribute to climate change if you want you can donate a certain percentage of your earnings to climate change if you want to do that I'm going to skip this for now because this is only a test account then you can review all of your settings and you can submit your payment setup and once this has been loaded you will be redirected to substack and now we have successfully connected the our business and bank account to substack and now we can create a subscription plan so this means when we publish premium content which I'm going to show you in a minute we can now decide how much people should pay for it in my case I'm going to go with ten dollars per month and if somebody decides to get a yearly subscriptions we're going to reward them by charging only for 10 months and I'm going to type in a hundred dollars uh there's a founding member plan this is this is basically a plan which allows your most loyal readers to subscribe at a higher amount than the regular plans I'm just going to um remove this founding member plan for now you can add a group subscription discount you can add a free trial which I'm going to enable and then I'm going to press the button enable payments and now this sub stack has a subscription plan which is really cool and now we can start or now you can start earning money with this now how do you actually earn money we have now connected the account but still if we go to the website all of the posts that are right here are free everybody can read them and access them so the way to monetize this is to go back to the post section of your writer's dashboard and create a new post so just like I showed you earlier we're going to create a post right now but this is going to be a premium post so my first premium post we're going to enter a subtitle and then the post again I'm going to paste some filler text uh just like it did earlier upload the post image a nice one let's take let's take uh this one again so you basically create a normal post right here once you press continue and publish the post you can now click on uh this turn on paid subscriptions and enable the payments so you check this box and now the payments are enabled now people can actually pay for your posts so if we go back to the posts no we don't want to do referrals at the moment if we go back to the uh the drafts right here so this is the post and press continue again we can now decide that this will be published for our paid subscribers only and we will allow the comments from the paid subscribers only and we will publish it right now and you can decide to send a preview of this post to your free subscribers um I'm not going to do this at the moment I'm going to show this to you in a minute but for now we're just going to publish this as a premium post and now if we go to the website this is a premium post if I go back to the front page as you can see so this is the latest post right here this is the one that has been published and it has this small lock symbol right here and this indicates that it's a premium post this post has also been sent out as an issue of your of your newsletter but only to your paid subscribers now how does a person actually become a paid subscriber if we open a new private window and go to the website foreign [Music] so if somebody if a new new visitor comes to your website and sees this premium post and says oh this looks really interesting and they click on it they cannot read it they can they only see the first paragraph if they want to read it they have to start a paid trial of your newsletter and this is how you get people to become subscribers because here they have to you know enter their payment details and this is how you can earn money there are a couple of different ways how you can convert free subscribers into paid subscribers one way is to obviously just publish premium posts and then people who want to read it have to pay another interesting strategy that you can use is when I go back to the dashboard and create a new post again and then put in a little bit of filler text my second premium post you can add something that's called a paywall so you can decide that your free subscribers can only read let's say the first half of the post and if you want to if they want to read the rest they have to subscribe so for example I could uh generate a new line here and then go up here to this more drop down and add a paywall and as it says right here the paid content is below this line so that means all of the content down here below the paid line is only accessible to the paid subscribers and this is really interesting you can give your free subscribers a preview and make them interested by writing a very engaging and interesting first part of the post and if they want to read the rest of the post well they have to subscribe and become a premium subscriber of your substack publication to show you how this looks like in once it has been published I'm going to press on continue again select that I want to publish this for the paid subscribers only and then publish it right now and as you can see now it says send post and free previews now so this will be sent out to all of your subscribers free and premium ones but the free subscribers can only read the first part so I can so I'm going to click on this now it has been published and if I open this in a new private tab to simulate a random visitor that has not been subscribed yet then as you can see they can read the first part so the first few paragraphs are visible but then if they want to read the rest of it they have to become premium subscribers really interesting strategy to turn people into paid or or premium subscribers another strategy that you can use to turn free subscribers into premium subscribers is um that you can make offers to them so if I open this post and then click on the three dots and edit this post when we created our first post I showed you the call to action buttons and they will come in quite handy here again okay so I insert a new line press this buttons drop down right here and then I'm going to add the special offer button and then it asks me asked me which offer I want to want to choose if I open this drop down again I can select the offer right now I don't have any special offers so I I have to select this create new offer drop down and once I select this I will be redirected and here I can create a special offer I'm going to call this a let's say uh the summer special offer uh become a premium subscriber now and get 33 percent off the normal price forever this is really cool you can decide that uh that these offers that they are locked in forever so you can incentivize people even more if they see an offer it can be really interesting for them because if they accept this offer and you choose that the offer is valid forever they can become a paid subscriber and have a discount that's valid forever not only will this cause more people to become premium subscribers but at the same time existing subscribers with these offers will hesitate to cancel the subscriptions because they know if they cancel the subscription their discount is no longer logged in which is really really interesting you can set an offer I'm going to set 33 as I mentioned here in the description 33 percent 33 percent and I'm going to offer it so that it that this discount is valid for ever uh you can make a couple of more options you can create a special link for this offer you could limit this offer to annual plans lots of settings that you can make here I'm going to keep it simple and just create this offer as it is right now and to do that I click this green button create offer down here and now the offer has been created if I click on the buttons drop down again with all of the call to action buttons I can now insert this special offer by clicking special offer and then in the drop down the summer special now appears I'm going to click on OK and here it says get 33 off forever and when I update this post this post is for everyone and uh then preview the post now this offer is displayed as a call to action button on on this post and will get a lot of people to subscribe to your premium content as you can see lots of different ways to turn free subscribers into paid or premium subscribers and obviously whenever you insert a uh a call to action button into your post this call to action button will also be part of the email that has been sent out with this post because as I told you in the beginning whenever you publish a piece of content on substack it will be posted on your website and at the same time it will be posted or sent out as an issue of your newsletter and just as a little reminder whenever you earn money with your paid subscriptions sub stack will take a 10 cut of your Revenue basically substack is free only when you start earning money with it then you have to pay 10 of that to sub stack which is cool in a way because substag they only earn money when you do the company's upside only earns money when you do so they are incentivized to improve your experience and your abilities as a writer because whenever you earn money they earn money as well so those were all of the monetization settings now I want to show you a couple of smaller settings that are quite important as well if I go back to the dashboard and press settings again one essential setting is the navigation bar if I type in navigation I can add new links to the navigation bar because a lot of times you have things outside sub stack that may be relevant to your readers to your audience for example maybe you have a Facebook group where your audience can discuss your topic and then you could create a new link uh I don't know title is join the community and then you can type in the link to your Facebook page I don't know and you would obviously post the correct link then you can save it once you've saved that and go back to the front page then as you can see here you now have this join the community link and if someone presses this join the community link they will be redirected um to in this case only the front page of Facebook because that's what I entered there is a second way to add links to your website which is for links that are not as important but still relevant to your audience for example your social media links you don't want them in your main menu but you want to have them somewhere on the page in this case you could create something called home page links to do that I'm going to search for the home page links and there they appear and then I can edit them and I can create a link called I don't know Instagram check out my Instagram accounts Instagram account as a subtitle and the link obviously linked to your Instagram account I'm just going to for the sake of this tutorial just put in you would obviously post your correct Instagram account and then you can create a group for that link for example uh socials media and then you could add this link then you could add a second link let's say you want to link to your YouTube channel check out my latest videos group social media again link uh to your https and add the link obviously you can create different groups in my case I only created social media but you can create different groups as well if I go back to the home page this is how it looks like down here at the bottom right these links are displayed so there's the main main group called social media and then I have the links to Instagram and YouTube and if somebody clicks this link links they will be redirected to your social media accounts which can be quite useful as well another setting that should not be overlooked is the community section because after all sub stack is all about Community it's all about your audience and if you scroll down this settings page at one point there will be this gray section called Community this one right here and here you can make a couple of settings regarding how people how your audience can can interact on your substick website when they can write comments or if they're actually allowed to write comments if someone writes stupid comments or insulting comments you can ban them you can enable reports you can show the profiles you can allow that people can like all of that stuff this is really interesting if you want to have like a little bit of Engagement and want to involve your community if you don't want to do that you can just turn off all the community features and disallow your um users from leaving comments and liking your posts it is up to you if you want to do that or not I think it's always quite fun to interact with the community and your audience so take a look at these settings and make your own decisions and I another setting that I already mentioned at the beginning of the tutorial is the podcast setting with substag you can add or set up a podcast and you can do that by typing in podcasts up here and then there's this podcast settings page and you can set up your podcast right here by clicking this button set up Podcast and then you can decide to start a new podcast and create the entire thing here I'm not going to go into too much detail right here I just wanted to show this to you that this is a possibility the way this podcasting functionality Works in substack is very similar to the normal posts you can create free podcasts you can create premium podcasts whenever you publish a new podcast episode it will be put on your website and it will be sent out to all of your subscribers and the podcast that you generate here is a real podcast so you will get an your own RSS feed that you can then use to add your podcast to Spotify to Apple podcast to Google podcast or all of the other podcast platforms if that's interesting to you check this out and this is quite self-explanatory you just fill out all of the information and then your podcast is created within a few moments so these are the most important settings that you can make in sub stack I have now taken you through the entire process you are now able to set up your own substack website I showed you how you can create the website the newsletter and how you can set up and hook up the monetization features and it is now up to you to start with substack and create your own newsletter and publication business if you like this tutorial then I would really appreciate it if you liked the video and subscribe to this channel for more interesting tutorials if you have any questions leave a comment down below thank you very much for watching my name is Mike see you next time bye bye
Channel: Mike Tutorial
Views: 49,741
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Keywords: mike tutorial, mikes tutorial, mike tutorials
Id: kRw3ut5o_aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 21sec (2961 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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