Submit to your Husband? | GOOD NEWS ABOUT SEX & MARRIAGE

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in this video we're going to look at what is probably the most controversial line in the whole bible wives submit to your husbands what does that really mean wives submit to your husbands it can tend to make the hair on the back of a woman's neck stand up well let's take a look what does it really mean first principle of biblical exegesis read it in context well there's no coincidence that ephesians chapter 4 comes prior to ephesians chapter 5. what do we read in ephesians chapter 4 saint paul says this christians must no longer live as the gentiles do they are corrupted in their understanding because of their hardness of heart and the deceit of lustful passions here saint paul is doing nothing but drawing right from the teaching of jesus himself who spoke about how hardness of heart and lust corrupts the marriage relationship then saint paul says put on the new mind created after the original likeness of god here again saint paul is just following christ who said in order to understand god's plan for marriage we have to go back to the beginning to the original likeness and image of god in which male and female were created paul is in no way justifying the sinful domination of men over women that is the result of original sin paul is calling us back to the plan of god before original sin through the power of the death and resurrection of jesus christ that's the context in which saint paul is setting up what he's going to say in the next chapter of his letter now let's ask this question was paul affected by his culture at the time of course he was but if we think saint paul was buying into the culture of his time we are misinterpreting what he's actually saying remember what he says remember the context you must no longer think as the gentiles do but here paul is a genius of an evangelist because he knows the language of the culture he's trying to reach but he's injecting it with christian meaning a revolutionary meaning for the people he was talking to in essence he's saying you people in ephesus remember it's the letter to the ephesians right he's saying you people in ephesus you like to talk about submission in marriage but you must no longer understand submission as the gentiles do they understand it through the hardness of their heart and the corruption of lust if we're going to talk about submission in marriage we have to model it after the way christ loves the church then paul just unfolds the scriptural analogy that christ is the bridegroom and the church is the bride and he applies it to husband and wife the very first thing he says about submission is this submit to one another out of reverence for christ what does that mean john paul ii in his theology of the body tells us that that reverence for christ is nothing other than a spiritually mature form of the mutual attraction of the sexes what i like any man know the temptation to treat a woman as an object for my own selfish pleasure but i can also say by the power of grace working in my life i have gained new eyes to see the mystery of christ in his church revealed through human sexuality let me speak right to the guys here a woman's body guys why are we so attracted to a woman's body because her body has become heaven on earth if christianity is real and god really took flesh in a woman's womb then woman's body has become par excellence the dwelling place of the most high god woman's body has become the temple of god his dwelling place heaven on earth that's why she is the image of the church that's the theology of a woman's body the dwelling place of god heaven on earth what's the theology of a man's body guys are you ready for this the theology of a man's body is that we are called to enter the temple we are called to enter the holy of holies like the priest in the old testament who would enter the holy of holies to make the ultimate sacrifice yes this is what saint paul is unfolding for us in ephesians chapter 5. he's unfolding the theology of priesthood and temple christ and the church husband and wife our bodies tell this story the more our eyes are open to it the more we are ready husband and wife to submit to one another out of reverence for the mystery our bodies reveal our bodies tell a divine story and a spiritually mature form of sexual attraction is precisely the attraction to this mystery that is revealed through the body then paul just unfolds what this means for the husband and what this means for the wife he says as the church submits to christ so should wives submit to their husbands submission put yourself under the mission of your husband what's the mission of the husband it's right in the next line husbands treat your wives like doormats saint paul says this is this what st paul says what does your bible say look at the next line he says husbands love your wives how as christ loved the church how did christ love the church he gave up his body for her unto death do you know what it means when paul says wives submit to your husbands when we read this in context it means wives allow your husbands to serve you unto death i want every woman out there to imagine that you are married to a man who would prefer to die a bloody gruesome death than ever violate your dignity that is what paul is calling husbands to in ephesians chapter 5 and he's calling wives to allow their husbands to love them in that way the scripture is not against us we just have to understand it properly in a world where we think the relationship of the sexes is always just a power struggle we are never going to understand ephesians 5 properly the struggle is learning how to love in the image and likeness of god there's inequality in dignity between men and women but there's also a fundamental difference the husband has this mission to learn how to lay down his wife for his bride but the wife has a mission to put herself under that mission to learn how to call out what is best in a man and trust what is best in a man that he wants to in his heart of hearts serve her love her as christ loves the church this is a difficult struggle for both men and women we can get in that power game of who's on top who's wearing the pants none of this corresponds to the true dignity of what it means that we are men and women in the image and likeness of god the difference is essential and inasmuch as we live that difference rightly we discover two different notes the masculine note the feminine note they're not the same in the musical score which is love but when we bring them together they are meant to form a beautiful harmony they are meant to form an image on earth of the heavenly love song in summary there is a sacred order in the sexual relationship and that's what the very word hierarchy means it means sacred order the opposite of hierarchy is not equality the opposite of hierarchy is anarchy total chaos and that is what reigns in our world today when it comes to the sexual relationship total chaos how do we restore the sacred order men must know they are called to be kings they are called to be leaders and they have authority to do so given by god but that kingship that leadership is a servant leadership unto death scripture says as jesus says do not think if you are given authority that you have the right to lord it over others like the gentiles do right remember they are corrupt in their understanding because of hardness of heart and the deceit of lusts men are called to an authority of serving of leading a headship in the image of christ who was ready and willing to serve rather than be served the woman has a proper queenship in all of this and she must learn what it means to be loved by a man who knows how to love if she is to exercise that queenship in the relationship that is marriage all of this can only be worked out by the grace flowing from the death and resurrection of jesus christ that brings new wine to the marital relationship here we must humbly admit all of us all of us have run out of wine that wine that is the very love of god that makes living the sacred order of the sexual relationship possible but here's the good news christ's very first miracle is the restoration of that wine in super abundance a new wine that intoxicates that liberates with the very love of god lord show us what it means to love show us what it means that we are men and women show us our equal dignity and show us our complementary differences and how we're to live this out i have so much more to share with you about what john paul has given us in his theology of the body to help us become the men and women we are created to be i encourage you to check out the links below become part of our patron community and you'll get ongoing exclusive formation in this beautiful vision called theology of the body until next time may your eyes be opened to who you really are
Channel: Theology of the Body Institute
Views: 16,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theology of the body, christopher west, Catholicism, Christianity, tob, jp ii, John Paul II, christian sexuality, catholic marriage, wives submit to your husbands, submit to your husband, submissive wife, submit to your husband bible, bible submit to your husband, submit to your husband christian, submit to your husband catholic, submit to your husband biblical meaning, Do Wives Have to Be Submissive?, Submit to your Husband?
Id: P5EngzZ1-xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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