Subliminal ABUNDANCE Affirmations while you SLEEP! Program Your Mind Power for WEALTH & PROSPERITY!!

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Welcome to Growing Forever. The following affirmations will bathe your subconscious mind with thoughts of wealth and abundance. At first, you will hear the affirmations. But after a few minutes, they will fade to the subliminal level. Listen daily for best results. Now relax, close your eyes, and begin to breathe slowly and deeply. With each breath, let your body relax. The ideas you are about to hear will become your own. There is no need to say awake. The powerful affirmations will be absorbed by your subconscious mind, even while you sleep. So now relax, and breathe. And allow the affirmations to work their magic. I am successful in every way. My good now comes to pass, the unexpected now happens. Prosperity is mine and I choose to live it. I have everything I could ever need or want. My loved ones enjoy, respect, and appreciate my financial knowledge, power, and success. I am easily accepting abundance in my life now. Money is positive energy. Wealth flows to me easily and abundantly. I am a money magnet. I release all opposition to wealth.
Channel: Growing Forever
Views: 1,282,069
Rating: 4.7396097 out of 5
Keywords: subliminal, subliminal affirmations, subliminal affirmations money, prosperity affirmations, prosperity meditation, affirmation video, abundance meditation, abundance affirmations, money affirmations subliminal, Subconscious Mind, Subconscious Mind Power, affirmation, affirmations, mind, mind power, sleep, growingforever, affirmations for wealth, Law of attraction, binaural beats, abundance, prosperity, meditation, Deep Meditation, Money, wealth, millionaire mindset, growing forever
Id: 1bAHNUF8A9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 480min 13sec (28813 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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