SUBLIMATION DESIGN | USING CANVA PRO | How to Use Canva Pro to design T-Shirt Images For Beginners

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foreign [Music] hey guys and welcome back to another video here with Angel B designs if you are new welcome if you're not welcome back um so in this in this video in today's video I am going to be showing you how I design images in canva to make on the T-shirt um I did supplement a t-shirt for my son's baseball team basically it was for me to wear but it was with like his baseball colors and images and things like that I put it on Instagram and Tick Tock and I did get a lot of requests of how to like a full tutorial of how I designed that image I did use canva Pro strictly Camera Pro nothing else um so I'm gonna be showing you in this video how or how much Camera Pro cost monthly versus yearly I'm also going to be showing you um how to design the shirt that I sublimated it was a couple of weeks ago I made this shirt but I'm going to be showing you how I completely designed it from start to finish that's what we're going to be doing today guys so go ahead and stick around for that oh and don't forget um don't forget to check the description box I do have a link if you are interested in trying out Camera Pro I have a link that allows you to have a 45 day trial um uh completely free it's a free 45-day trial for canva pro if you use my link it will be down in the description box so definitely make sure you check that out but go ahead and stick around for that all right guys so I am in canva Pro now I do want to let you know that I am using the canva pro feature um basically what I do is I do pay for it yearly so I don't pay for it monthly but I'm just going to kind of show you the prices here so you can um they do have a free trial option okay let's see I believe it's 30 days you're already using okay so it's not gonna let me because I already have it but I do believe the free trial is for 30 days I do have a link that you guys can use if you sign them through my link um you do I think it's 45 days if you sign up through my link um I will leave that down below okay and then like I said I do pay it for it yearly so they do have the camera free version and then this is everything that you get this is the canva pro version which is the version that I use and then it's a hundred and twenty dollars for the year and like I said I just pay it for the year so I make a one-time payment um of 120 and then I don't pay for it monthly now they do have a monthly option if you would prefer to go that route um but I do think it ends up costing you more um so like I said I just go ahead and I pay the 120 one time and that's for the entire year okay so it's not it's actually not that bad okay as far as um pricing let's go to the monthly option so so if you go to let me go back so if you go to the monthly option it's thirteen dollars a month so let me pull up my calculator 13 times 12 is a hundred and fifty six dollars so if you pay for the monthly option you actually end up paying 36 more dollars than if you just paid for the 120 up front so you get a little bit of a discount okay um so that's the pricing like I said I will leave a link down below for you guys to go ahead and get that 45 day free trial if you want to try out canva Pro um but basically what I'm doing today is I'm going to show you guys how to design a t-shirt I did design a t-shirt for my son for me to wear his baseball games and a lot of people are asking me to show them how to use how to design that in canva Pro so that's what I'm going to do today I'm going to go up here to create a design and I'm going to go down to custom size um I want to put this on 13 by 19 just because I want most printers the biggest they go that wheat Crafters use is 13 by 19. okay so I want my canvas to be 13 by 19 that way if I want to make it a large image the resolution does not get messed up if I go to make it bigger so you want to start big that way if you need to make it smaller you can making an image smaller doesn't mess up the resolution making the image bigger does so when you're designing you want to start off on a bigger image and then scale down as you need as needed so we're gonna go we switched this from pixels to inches and we are going to go 13 by 19. and create new design all right so this white box here which is our artboard this is 13 by 19 inches okay and it says it right up here 13 by 19. all right so basically what what I do when I'm setting up an image is I start with the background and I kind of work back to front so I need to start with the background add in the images and then just kind of you know go from there so my son plays for a baseball team called the Barons their colors are black and red so I decided that I wanted to go with a black and red kind of smoky background so I went over here to the elements tab now this elements tab you guys literally has so many things so here's my recently viewed so they have Juneteenth images that you can download as pngs they have you know the Instagram Tick Tock templates um they just have so many different things these are like little Rose backgrounds these are the Smoky images I used before this is a baseball image that they have in canva Pro um I'm going to use that to design something for my son as well um these are like graduation stock photos that they have I mean YouTube icons they literally this is just stuff that I've recently used but they have so many different elements that you can use okay you can literally go in here and search for let me just search for Juneteenth because Juneteenth was the other day yesterday I believe look at all these different things so they have photos Juneteenth photos you can come in here and use they have Graphics that you could come in here if you pay for the canva pro already so if you paid the 120 or the 13.99 a month and you have canva Pro you can come in here and you can literally download this as a PNG image and you can make a shirt out of it free of charge well not free it's already included you know what I'm saying in your membership so I can download this as a PNG and go ahead and just put it on a shirt no problem the only thing you should be careful about is selling look into the licensing of the selling of t-shirts with these images on it I don't sell my craft so I'm not 100 sure but definitely do your research okay but if you wanted to make a shirt for yourself all you had to do is come in here you guys finding elements that you want you could put this on a shirt if you wanted to add Juneteenth words up here uh free-ish since 1865 down here boom you got a whole let me show y'all let me show y'all we're gonna go to add text June 13th you can make this a different color so look at look up here at this top tab it says document colors okay so this document colors tab is sold so convenient so the document colors is all the colors that's in this picture we got black red yellow and the green so if I want June teeth to be the same color yellow as this yellow instead of trying to guess or use my dropper or my color pick or anything like that it's already got the document colors that's in this document right up here at the top for me I don't have to go searching for it I don't have to do anything the yellow is right here okay the red is right here I like that red better so I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna duplicate this and then I'm gonna put at the bottom free ish since 1865. and then you see how this is kind of gappy in between this line spacing between three-ish incense so we can go up here to spacing line spacing and you can make it wider or you can make it you know smaller I'm going to bring it a little bit more closer together and I can actually scoop this up and we can turn this one green boom you have a whole t-shirt you can print this out as a PNG image with a transparent background right now you got you a t-shirt okay you will go up to share download you see where it says transparent background you're gonna check that file type PNG so this is going to download let me show you this is going to download with no background do y'all see this and I can go ahead and sublimate that onto a white T-shirt hello hello y'all canvas that girl okay but anyways I just wanted to show you how you can really just come in here and use the elements that's already within canva to create a design like you can create from scratch or you can use their elements their text whatever you mean canva's really that girl been that girl okay for anybody who's been on my channel for a while y'all know that I started this whole Channel with canva okay canva has been that girl baby but anyways let's go into designing the image that I made for my son so I'm gonna go up to elements and I'm just going to type in red smoke cloud okay now you got photos videos frames all these different things that pop up but I want a graphic so I'm gonna go to see all under graphics and it's going to show me all of the little like smoke options that they have um but I want something that's red so I'm gonna go with this one um actually I don't like these ones I'm gonna go to my recently used because I had the one the perfect one that I liked which was I believe it was this one okay and then I'm just gonna make it bigger but not too big to where it's kind of touching the edges and I'm just going to kind of build off of this I don't think it was that one actually I think it was this one okay and then I was just kind of building off of this and then I was also using this black one as well and I'm just kind of playing around with the black and the red until I kind of get you know a mixture of black and red that I like okay so I like that so this is my background my black and red Smoky background all I did was add in this element this element and I played around with it until I got the variation that I wanted okay so next thing I'm going to do is go to my uploads which is all of the pictures that I've uploaded now you can upload from your phone you can upload from an iPad you can upload from your desktop your laptop whatever you have wherever your pictures are you can upload onto canva from any of those platforms okay you can go if you want to use your computer you just click upload file and then it's going to bring in whichever file you choose now I do already have his pictures here so I'm going to add this picture in here now as you can see it does have a background and I want to get rid of that now this is the smoke I do believe might have been a free element but we need to remove the background on this image that's going to be a pro feature but what we're going to do is go up to edit photo in the under Tools right here where it says BG remover that's the background remover and I'm just going to go ahead and click that and it's going to remove the background for me okay now we have no background nice and clean now also this image looks a little ashy to me like like up against this black that this you know vibrant background it looks a little faded like ashy to me so I kind of want to bring some color back into the photo so I'm going to go back up to edit photo and up here at the top I'm going to select adjust now what I like to do is I start with auto adjust just to see what it does now I don't know if you guys could tell it did make the color more vibrant okay I'm gonna go back and then I'm going to hit auto adjust now watch the picture when I hit auto adjust it just makes the color a little bit more vibrant and then this intensity here you can go up or down which makes the intensity of the auto adjusted settings that canva picked out you can make them darker or lighter I'm going to go darker just because like I said I want this image to be bright vibrant you know that looks good so I'm just going to click away now it's nice and set and I want this to kind of be like the main image here so I'm just going to make this a little bit bigger okay so when it comes to like pictures that are cut off like this I don't like that look um it's just like a hard line a hard stop so to kind of combat that what I'm gonna do is I'm going to duplicate some of these clouds make them smaller and I just want to add those there it's just going to hide that hard stop okay and now it kind of looks like he's within the clouds or within the smoke or whatever you want to call it but it also kind of had es that hard stop on the image so you don't see it it's more blended it looks more natural okay so I'm gonna go ahead and add in another image here this is going to be an action shot of him pitching same thing we're going to go to up to edit photo and we're going to remove the background now this one the color on this image doesn't need to necessarily be as vibrant just because it's um there we go I was looking for this little Turner thing I couldn't find it so um this color doesn't need to be as vibrant because we're going to fade it out anyway let me show you what I mean by that so I kind of want this like I said this is going to be the main Picture This is Gonna kind of going to be like a faded out image that's off in the background um this is I like this here but you see his glove is on top of his head I don't want that either so what I'm going to do is I'm going to select this image we're going to go up to position and we're going to select backward and as you can see it put the glove behind his head which is what I want okay now I'm gonna fade this out just a little bit so I'm gonna again select the image that I want to work with I'm going to go up here to transparency and we're going to take the transparency down just so that the background images look more faded okay now with this again we do have another hard stop here on the picture I don't like that so what I'm going to do is just kind of move this smoke up a little bit and I want to bring the smoke towards the front Okay so right now the image is sitting on top of the smoke I want the image to be behind the smoke so what I'm going to do is I'm going to right click on the smoke where it says layer we're gonna go bring to front and I'm actually not going to I don't want to bring it all the way to the front because I don't want it on top of this one so I'm going to go back to layer and I'm going to go send backwards and it's still on top so I'm going to do it again send backward I'm going to do it again until I don't see the smoke on top of this picture or really I could just right click on this one and I don't want to bring that one to the corner so as you can see the smoke is still on top I don't want that I want it to be behind so I'm going to hit layer send backward it's still there send backward send backward you can use the the shortcuts if you know them but that one went ahead and sent it backward okay so now this smoke is behind that first picture and I'm just going to kind of adjust it accordingly so that it Fades out the picture without it kind of having that hard stop okay I'm gonna lighten this just a little bit more so we can you know make sure we see it nice and good all right so that I like that so that looks good now we're gonna do this one more time with one more image I'm gonna use this one again we're going to go to edit photo background remover and I want this one to be up here in this corner and then I'm going to turn it just a little bit and I have to position this backward backward that looks good and then I'm going to duplicate this smoke backward backward backward and I'm just going to keep keep hitting backward until it's no longer on the top image so that looks good and then I'm going to fade this one out just a little bit okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and add in text I'm going to add in his last name which is Thomas I'm gonna do all caps because I want it to be you know big bold relevant you can see it and I'm gonna put it right across the bottom here I'm gonna turn this black now I do want to add I want to change the font I'm going to change the font to I think it's called I think it's a university font yep so this is a university font I did get this from you can upload fonts in here as well if you get them from the font or create a fabric or whatever case you can go ahead and upload those here as well foreign okay now what I want to do is I want to add a white outline so I'm going to go up to effects I'm going to make sure that the text is highlighted I'm going to go up to effects and then I'm going to select the outline effects and then here where this um kind of color box is we're going to select that and we can turn it white sorry about that guys um we can turn it white um I think I want to do it black and let me see if the letters are white or red and then you can adjust the thickness of oh my gosh sorry again you can adjust the thickness of you know the outline you can make it thinner or smaller so I think I'm trying to decide what colors I want I think I might do white letters with the black outline I'll just leave that there for now um but you can just play with it how you want and then the last thing I'm going to do no I'm going to add in his number so I'm going to duplicate that and basically just add his number number 11. um no I don't like that I wanted it to be different so I want this one to be red and maybe the outline wipes let me see maybe I should do black yeah the black looks better or maybe I should do this white I don't know well whatever you could just play play around with it but you see like all the different options that you have Okay so the last thing that I like to do which is a little extra but I don't particularly care I like it um is I kind of like to go in and add this little star here so let me get the this is the actual name if you click on the three dots it's The Shining Star white star um and all I do is kind of just click on that resize it and you can just kind of place these wherever and make sure you bring them to the front as well and then I just hit the duplicate button and you can just kind of place them wherever you know wherever you want to see them at I just think it gives the shirt kind of a nice little touch thank you but that's really all I have for this image um I mean designing this image is not necessarily hard you just gotta play around with the elements see what you like and what you don't like definitely go into the elements um use that search bar just type in whatever you can think of and then kind of you know Pick Your Design out from there I mean canva has so many so many elements so many things that you can literally pick and choose and scroll through they got backgrounds they got I mean the design options are really endless when it comes to canva you just kind of have to play around with your Search terms and just really find what you're looking for um hopefully this was helpful uh hopefully I answered some questions for everybody but that is all I have for this video guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to like share subscribe all that good stuff until next time bye guys thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Angel B. Designs
Views: 26,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva tutorial, canva tutorial for beginners, canva pro free, canva video editor, canva logo design, canva pro, canva design tutorial for beginners, canva for beginners 2023, canva tutorial 2023, canva tutorial for beginners 2023, print on demand 2023, how to use canva for youtube thumbnail, canva tutorial video editing, print on demand tshirt business, print on demand amazon, how to do sublimation on glass cups
Id: uozX_EbWoj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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