[SUB]菲南海收手晚了?福建艦東海亮劍? 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20240104 (字幕版)

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It has already started. On January 3, the Philippine military issued a statement saying that it would co-organize the second joint patrol with the United States . The People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command in mainland China also responded and said that we will also conduct routine patrols in the South China Sea. I feel that the competition here has already begun. So if a conflict breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, the Philippines is now saying that we refuse to be a military site used by the United States . He said that although the United States has now obtained a right to enter military sites in the Philippines on a rotating basis , The Philippines has stated that if there is a conflict between China and the United States over the Taiwan issue , it will not allow the United States to use these locations to attack. Does the Philippines think it is quite smart to adopt a two-pronged strategy? Then let's take a look at the Chinese mainland, which is now preparing for war. This latest picture was exposed by CCTV for the first time. This latest picture is some details of the Fujian ship. The Fujian ship has three electromagnetic ejection tracks on the deck and is currently entering the mooring. The test stage means that the next stage is not far away. Mainland China is also the only country in the world that has this electromagnetic catapult system aircraft carrier besides the U.S. Navy ’s latest Ford-class aircraft carrier. Let’s take a look at CNN. He reported that he said this Representing Xi Jinping's ambition, he said that now Xi Jinping appointed Dong Jun, who had performed missions in the southern and eastern theaters, to replace Li Shangfu as Minister of Defense. He also appointed professional submarine officer Hu Zhongming to become Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Representatives said that he might invade Diaoyutai. Or is it Taiwan's intention in the South China Sea ? This is CNN's own interpretation and opinion. Now, mainland China has also threatened to patrol the Diaoyutai 24/7. Mainland China plans to maintain coast guard ships patrolling the waters of the Diaoyutai 365 days in 2023. Some scholars say that such a new normal may also have an impact on the relationship between China and Japan , and even the China-Japan-ROK leaders' summit to be held this year may be disrupted because of this. However, if we look at the relationship between China and Japan, It's a bit critical now. Is there any way Kishida can take care of it? Because we see that from New Year's Day to now in Japan, not to mention that misfortunes never come singly, we feel that things have been going wrong one after another and have not been calm. We even saw a long-haired girl in Akihabara waving in the train. The kitchen knife also stabbed 4 people , and even this bone-chopping knife was found in her bag . It was said to be the Japanese version of Zheng Jie . Then witnesses said that the car was full of blood, which caused great chaos. The situation is not limited to this. There were also reports of someone wielding a knife at Shibuya Station in Tokyo, which caused both subway lines to be suspended for a time . A large number of police officers also went to the scene to search , which caused the Tokyu Toyoko Line and the Fukutoshin Line. Driving was suspended for a while , so it felt like there was a panic-spreading effect . In Japan, the Kitakyushu shopping street fire even burned for 2 hours. The fire broke out on the afternoon of January 3rd before the earthquake was over , and then Haneda Airport happened again. These accidents happened one after another, two such incidents occurred in the subway , and there was a fire in a shopping street. People want to know what happened to Japan, why did the new year start so uneventfully? Let’s look at the earthquake and the death toll has now climbed to 78 people. Kishida has ordered that the Self-Defense Forces should be more proactive in intervening in disaster relief. People want to ask whether this is because the Self-Defense Forces were not active enough during the original Golden 72 Hours . We even saw some Japanese people on X who made slightly different comments. They said that if it exceeds 72 hours, many lives that could have been saved can no longer be saved. They also appealed to Mr. Fumio Kishida. There are many US troops stationed there, please make a request to the United States as soon as possible . There is a Komatsu base stationed with US troops , which is actually not far from the epicenter. Are the U.S. troops standing idly by 141 kilometers away? On the contrary, Li Qiang in mainland China has said that he has sent a message of condolences to Fumio Kishida. China is willing to provide some necessary support for Japan's earthquake relief. The U.S. military is not that far away. Why doesn't it seem that it has not taken the initiative to help us? People have now investigated this plane collision. Was it a man-made accident? This is the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan. This is the Haneda Airport incident. They released the communication records and found that the air traffic control personnel may not have grasped that the Haibo plane entered the runway first. It was a situation that caused Japan Airlines to hit the Haibo aircraft that was already on the runway when it was landing . Now the Metropolitan Police Department has to intervene in the investigation . But people say that the great luck in the misfortune is that it was on this A350 , which was on the Japan Airlines plane. All the passengers fled. It may be that the material of the A350 is carbon fiber, which is relatively fire-resistant, so in just a few minutes, all the people on the plane could withstand this situation even if it was already in flames. The fire caused everyone to escape quickly. This is the most unfortunate incident in this incident, which everyone feels is the greatest blessing. Let’s first ask Teacher Yang what he thinks of the South China Sea dispute between China and the United States and the current internal and external troubles in Japan. I was in Tokyo in January. On the afternoon of the 1st, you could feel the earthquake in Tokyo for up to one minute. We in Taiwan also had an earthquake similar to Yilan or Hualien last year. When our Taipei side felt it, it was about magnitude 3. It was 5 seconds and 10 seconds passed over there. At that time, in Tokyo on the afternoon of January 1st, it lasted for 1 minute. You saw the shaking. Then we knew that this must be a big earthquake. We quickly turned on the TV because it lasted for 1 minute. The epicenter of the magnitude 3 earthquake must be very serious. We all hoped that it would be in the sea, but it turned out that it was in Ishikawa Prefecture. We are talking about shallow layers in Ishikawa Prefecture. It's called shallow layer within 70 kilometers. It's at the epicenter , and it's right on the sea side of this city, so there were some reports right away, and all the programs were stopped that night. There were some original variety shows on January 1st. In the evening , Japan was celebrating the New Year, so the program was stopped the next day. The Emperor was supposed to be there, that is, it was open, so he stopped it. But you saw the tsunami warning that afternoon , when the earthquake was about to end, aftershocks continued. The tsunami warning in the local area was very timely. This is because after the 311 earthquake, Japan issued a tsunami warning all around Japan. At this time, a woman made a great contribution, that is, an NHK anchor named Izumi Yamauchi. She joined NHK after graduating from Keio University. As a result, the first time she went to Ishikawa Prefecture was to work as a local reporter, so she treated it as her own home. She was different from the usual NHK announcers on TV. She said that everyone should stop watching TV and stand up quickly and go outside. Run , especially Ishikawa Prefecture and all friends on the Sea of ​​Japan, because the tsunami is coming. Your life is important. Don’t look for anything. Many people are running out like this. So she has made a great contribution , but the problems we see now are too great for disaster relief. Slowly , I think the Self-Defense Forces only mobilized 2,000 people. Don’t say whether the US military is not wrong. After 311, everyone improved the anti-seismic technology of defense , but there are still many old houses. I am worried that we still have many old houses in Taipei because there are more old houses there. It is made of wood, but it is the cause. About 78 people have died, and two-thirds of them were crushed to death. So this situation has been like this for 72 hours, and now there are still more than 30,000 people there. There is not enough food and toilets to evacuate , right? Look at the Gansu earthquake. The People's Liberation Army set up the entire rescue facility within 24 hours after entering. I think Japan needs to improve this thing. The same goes for the aircraft . I think there was a female flight attendant. Of course, she was very nervous at that time. There was a fire outside. Sit down and don't listen to our instructions. 10 people came over. We were not allowed to leave immediately . We were not allowed to take any luggage. We got off in 18 minutes. 379 people , including 6 flight attendants and 3 captains, exploded in 10 minutes after getting off. But because the sea protection plane was constantly When delivering supplies to Ishikawa Prefecture, I thought they were too tired, so they misheard and caused a man-made disaster. So I asked Brother Zhengyuan on CNN. It was strange. He said that Xi Jinping has appointed someone with any combat experience as the commander-in-chief of the navy and the minister of defense . Xi Jinping said If there is an ambition to invade Taiwan, let me ask you. The United States has recently appointed Charles Q. Brown Jr. as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He is the commander of the Pacific Air Force. Does this mean that he wants to bomb mainland China ? Is this the logic ? Has CNN thought about itself ? So for Without CNN, whether there would be a war between the two sides does not depend on who he appoints as defense minister , nor who he appoints as navy commander. As long as the person he appoints can fight, it will always be a big threat. The point is what political leaders they listen to. Don't you understand, CNN, that once the problem is solved, your political leaders don't need soldiers to take risks? Even the Philippines will be worried that if a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, the Philippines will be involved in the war because the US military may use the Philippines as a base , just like Romania now. Poland is very worried that if the F16 takes off from their territory to start a war with Russia, the Russian missiles will directly hit Poland and Romania. At that time, whether NATO will join the war will become very complicated. The Japanese are worried about this matter. If the US military comes from Japan If you take off to participate in the Taiwan Strait War, will your Japan be attacked by the People's Liberation Army ? Our political leaders should think things through clearly and not push everything to the soldiers. That is irresponsible . Kishida Fumio is worried about this and that. I feel a little uncomfortable. I know too well that the night of December 18th is already December 19th. A major earthquake occurred in Gansu. On the 21st, Chinese Premier Li Qiang came to Gansu for inspection. You agreed that it would be three days. May I ask you, Fumio Kishida? Today is already January 4th. Fumio Kishida is still here. I don’t see how someone who is also the Prime Minister can be so different. This kind of thing is originally under the Prime Minister’s control. No wonder the People’s Liberation Army has to set up things first , because if the Prime Minister wants to bring hot food and heating, everything is ready. Then you Japan, I think the Japanese people are very She is cute and very hard-working. The stewardess anchor is just a lazy official. This is the biggest problem now. I don’t know what Fumio Kishida is doing in the cabinet. You are still talking about our land route difficulties to this day . If we want to land by sea, why don’t you land as soon as possible ? There are also these problems. Japan has made people see through its tricks. In addition to discharging nuclear wastewater, even the most basic disaster relief is considered very bad by people saying what you are doing . Of course, Japan has not been peaceful recently. Needless to say, it has been there all day long. I am worried about what China will do to the Diaoyutai. The Diaoyutai is not important. China will not worry about it. The Philippines will be fine as long as they don’t mess with Ren’ai Reef. Don’t think that the South China Sea has anything to do with the Philippines. But what the real people are worried about is public security and firefighting . Japan is not doing a very good job at the moment. Even in the subway station, there are people wielding knives , and the time calculation seems to be a little slower. The speed is a little slower than the speed of killing people on the spot in Thailand. I think Japan should work hard here and ask the general for advice. I think Dong Jun is the Minister of Defense . On the mainland, this represents the role of the Minister of Defense. He is responsible for building the army in one direction and the other is responsible for building the army. The other is a position responsible for foreign affairs, military affairs, and diplomatic negotiations. In the past, the previous defense ministers, and now Dong Jun is the 13th. In the past, except for a civilian minister, almost all had two characteristics. The first one is from the army. The second one is a person who has fought in the war . The last one who took office was Wei Feng and Wei Fenghe. What is his origin ? He is from the Rocket Army. When we see that he is from the Rocket Army, he He is trying his best to develop various types of missiles because he is from that kind of military service. Why did he come from the army before? Because in the past , it had friction and conflict with the former Soviet Union . In order to maintain its land power , its defense minister was To develop the strength of the navy based on the background of the army and the navy , if we look at it from a historical perspective, from the Eight-Nation Allied Forces and the Japanese Sino-Japanese War of Sino- Japanese War , China's navy gradually became weaker and there was no way to improve it. From now on, China's navy has gradually grown stronger. We now see that the third Fujian aircraft carrier is ready to start sea trials. This is a proof. So it is said that it is particularly useful . I originally thought it was Liu Zhenli. Because Liu Zhenli also fought in the Vietnam War. Liu Zhenli fought in the Vietnam War when he was young . He was the Chief of General Staff and a special-purpose Dong Jun who came from the army. I think the first meaning of this is that it strives to develop sea power. It develops sea power. Don’t have a small nose or small eyes. It ’s only in your Diaoyutai or in your South China Sea. Its goal is to reach the Indian Ocean. Everyone should pay attention to this. If Dong Jun says that it wants to develop sea power , it will even go to the second island chain and the third island chain. You see , it is now the third aircraft carrier. As soon as Dong Jun took office, the whole announcement of the Fujian ship was made within two days. Let you see the official announcement video . It has been released to represent its maritime strength. I can tell that everyone does not believe it. When you wait and see, the fourth and fifth aircraft carriers must be nuclear aircraft carriers. They may already be in the middle of construction . Then another naval commander is a submariner. Soon, the 096 will be the latest nuclear strategic submarine . He told us a new story. He said how terrible it would be if Han Kuo-yu served as the Legislative Yuan . He said he would take the 17 ruling county mayors from the blue camp to the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government. Then what should the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council do? What should the international community do? I think Taiwan should not continue to follow the path of democracy and should go together with China. The support of the democratic camp for Taiwan will definitely decrease, so people think that you are really good at thinking and make up some new stories. Netizens are over there. Let’s talk about it. Are you talking about democracy when you talk about democracy? Is it true that the green class in the tower is just a mouth? This scumbag , are you still qualified to talk about democracy? Let’s take a look at it. It seems that everyone has two tricks left before the election. One is to fight against China, and the other is to rub off against Han Kuo-yu. Even Xu Zhijie has publicly come out to argue with Han Kuo-yu. Let 's hear what's going on. So now everyone seems to be talking about Han Kuo-yu. Just like that Wang Yichuan also said that he must escort him in and not let Han Kuo-yu be the leader. The Legislative Yuan also wanted Xu Zhijie to debate with Han Kuo-yu. Even Li Boyi said he decided to find the four gentlemen of Han to help out. The motorcades of both sides were still passing each other at the intersection. Who was it with Han Kuo-yu? Because Han Kuo-yu was elected for Li Meizhen's assistant. During the holidays, he attended 4 games in a row and then the Korean Wave boom reappeared. We saw Li Sichuan face to face and said that many people now want to criticize Korea. He said that in fact, Hanguo Yu is very good in all aspects and emphasized that there are a lot of people now saying that Hanguo Yu is the best. It’s really nonsense that the Legislative Yuan drinks every day. In the past, the outside world thought that he was a straw bag. Recently, you see how Han Kuo Yu talks like a straw bag . He also said that he only has more hair than Han Kuo Yu . In fact, Han Kuo Yu is also very strong in all aspects . Come back to us. Let’s take a look at Zhao Shaokang’s direct matchup. Young people’s reaction now is also very good because he went to the online program He Long. In fact, he had a problem at the first level and asked who had 103 rooms and still yelled. Living justice is a difficult problem. Zhao Shaokang was humorous and told him decisively. He used the call out card to ask for help. Who to call? He called Hou Youyi . Then the scene of such a direct match won the house. In fact, this is what young people want. Son , don't dodge and dodge. The more you dodge, the young people will see through your hands and feet. You dare not face it yourself. When they were broadcast, 29,000 people watched it online, which also broke the record of this online program. Everyone said it was pretty funny. Well, it feels like the above is very well reflected. Zhao Shaokang posted a post on Facebook and said thank you for not hating it. As of this evening, yesterday’s news said that the click rate has reached 900,000. We just saw it and it has actually reached the first place in the fever rankings. It has already exceeded one million and has 1.18 million clicks. Maybe this picture we captured at 1 or 2 o'clock should be even higher now. Brother Zhao Shaokang also analyzed this Ye Ye Xiu Liang . He said that after watching this, watch it now. Whether Hou Kang's group has extra points is no longer based on the basics , but on participating in the young people's booth and getting such a big spread. In fact, this is a field that Hou Kang usually cannot touch. In other words, he has broken through now. A stratosphere of blue camp supporters may move towards younger people to grab votes . Let’s take a look at Lai Qingde who seems to call China mediated elections for everything. We have recently seen that mainland China really includes issues like his illegitimate child . Talking about a video like this, it was China 's introduction to the selection and Luo Zhizheng. He also said that it was China's introduction to the selection and Zheng Wencan. Going to a room with a woman is suspected to be a room-opening video. Even Chen Donghao said that there are many photo synthesis apps on Facebook. These technologies are all originated from Chinese technology companies . It seems that mainland China has no control over these individuals. All the characters are very serious and must intervene. Let's take a look. Now that the police are withdrawing, let's talk about whether we don't want cross-strait peace. He said that in October last year, the Hakka people from Gongguan Township in Miaoli County organized a group to visit the ancestral homeland of Mei County in the mainland. I returned to my hometown to find my roots and now I am being treated like a traitor. 10 people were interrogated from 8 or 9 am to 9 pm. The interrogation lasted for 12 hours before it was over. After the withdrawal, he still wanted to re-interrogate and then asked directly. When asked, why are you posting content in the group about children and grandchildren of one family on both sides of the Taiwan Strait wanting peace? Can content like this be posted in the group now? He said that one family on both sides of the Taiwan Strait is not allowed to be posted. He was put on the spot. When I got angry, I asked him back and said : Don’t we want peace across the Taiwan Strait? This has become a taboo word now. Are we under martial law now? Our children and grandchildren on both sides of the Taiwan Strait want peace. Are we fellow travelers of the CCP? So when he asked this question, the prosecutor was speechless on the spot. I just don’t know how to respond. Anyway, in the end of China’s election, the Democratic Progressive Party used this trick to slap you . First, let’s ask Brother Zhengyuan what does Brother Zhengyuan think of Lai Qingde or everyone aiming at South Korea? Yu is now fighting against China and Han Kuo-yu. Fighting against China and fighting against South Korea go hand in hand. I think it is very good. There is nothing wrong with everyone having a showdown on this matter. First, Lai Qingde said that if Han Kuo-yu becomes the Legislative Yuan, he will bring many people with him. Han Kuo-yu is the Legislative Yuan. He goes to the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong to visit the Legislative Yuan. What is the Legislative Yuan? It is a central unit. He goes to the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong. It is a local unit. If Han Kuo-yu does this, I will look down on Han-Ku-yu. What do I think Han-Ku-yu should do ? Many people go to Zhongnanhai to have dinner with Xi Jinping and drink pearl milk tea. Pearl milk tea is okay, right ? Let Lai Qingde learn something . Let Lai Qingde learn something, right? As for who did Fengshan Mitsui, why are you arguing with South Korea ? It’s not South Korea. What Yu said, you should debate with Zhong Yizhong. Why not debate with Zhong Yizhong? So I think they all want to rub off against Han because there probably won’t be any traffic if you debate with Zhong Yizhong. If you debate with Han Han, there will probably be traffic if you debate with South Korea. So it’s boring. What’s the point ? Xu Zhijie is about to lose the election. Is there any other reason for this move ? But Li Meizhen has a chance to be elected, so what are they, Li Boyi, looking for? The four gentlemen, this, and so on. The four gentlemen of Han are very good . Han Yonghan and Han have another showdown to see who loses and who wins. This is how politics is. The winner and loser don’t say who is smarter or stupider even if they touch their noses. Who is a straw bag and who is not a straw bag? It doesn’t matter. Let’s decide based on public opinion. As for Zhao Shaokang, I really admire him. He has three presidential candidates and three vice presidential candidates. He is probably the only one who has this ability to react and have a sense of humor. What politicians lack the most is a sense of humor. He uses it to give full play to his sense of humor. Politicians are most taboo with being like Lai Qingde, who has a bitter face and always wants to cry . This is called crying in Hokkien. If you don't want to be bad, you have to have a sense of humor. Then in the program He Long, this young man's program is designed to repair people. It's not easy for him to get through it safely . I tell you, it's not easy for most people to get through it , no matter where they are. A political party is covered in bruises , but Zhao Shaokang behaved like this and was on the hot search. This is equivalent to having a better communication channel with young people . As for the Chinese election agency Chen Donghao, he said that there are many APPs , so that’s great, Brother Donghao . Can you use a Chinese APP to synthesize Han Kuo-yu's mystery film for all of us to watch? It 's an open challenge to you. What you said is meaningless. Regarding the Hakka people going back to worship their ancestors , the prosecutor will ask you whether you advocate cross-strait peace and cross-strait family relations . I think What's going on with the prosecutor now? Is he planning to help the Democratic Progressive Party promote green terror? This Chinese intermediary election, that Chinese intermediary election, this one is infiltration, that one is counter-espionage , don't go too far . Let me add something more to what we just talked about. This retired police officer was a retired police officer. When the prosecutor asked him, he said he was a retired police officer. Why was he not sensitive? What do I have to do with the presidential election ? So anyway, it’s all about endlessly. But we are talking about He Long. In fact, if He Long really wants to complain about Zhao Shaokang , he may be slightly better in skill than Zhao Shaokang. Zhao Shaokang will take it as soon as he arrives at the scene. Two red envelopes came out because it was the Year of the Dragon. One dragon and two dragons. He said that the dragon directly poked the pain of this He Long. You didn’t explain and everyone couldn’t understand because this He Long and Long Long had a dispute before. Let’s ask Teacher Yang. I think Zhao Shaokang actually showed off his ability on this show by having a sense of humor and a quick response. He can even call out, right? Then he dances very much to make young people feel that his thinking is actually very close to that of young people. It's a bit Taiwanese. Des's feeling , but don't underestimate young people. They just like to dance tones. If they like this kind of frolic, they will get the votes of young people. Is this the case? In fact, I think young people are slowly understanding it now . It still depends on the policy and you. Is it right to have a sense of integrity and whether you can really do what you say? Then I think in fact, in this process, you can take a look at the youth policies of the three parties in the past. I really think Zhao Shaokang is Youth policy in the past two months He talks about it every week, right? We all have an impression , so he has continued to pay attention to the plight of young Taiwanese friends until now. Whether it is low wages, vocational training, employment, or buying a house , in fact, you can see that of course, maybe We won’t talk about it so much in the show. Maybe we should make a prototype ourselves . Let’s talk about this stuff. But sometimes the show is like this, which will cause the show to feel cold . But it doesn’t matter . I will talk about it here instead to highlight why Zhao Shaokang can be like this. After being supported by young people, what is the connotation of his policies? Now when we talk about this issue of election, it is not just what the two parties , the People's Party and the Kuomintang, talk about during the election campaign . It is also said to be a red flag and has become the CCP's election , even with foreign media. Everyone started to talk a little bit. Do you remember what Reuters said about May Day? That is a situation that is equivalent to a non-existent fact and does not exist. Then it was red-hot and became this. This is the CCP's election. Now there is another new economic news that everyone has released in the past two days. Scholar Magazine, the famous British Economist magazine, he actually published an article in this article. In mid-December, he visited Teacher District, a female teacher from Beiyi. Do you still remember the 108 course outline? As a result, he came out The title is China's use of Taiwan's controversy to influence the election. What does that mean ? Because in the interview, there were many quotes from the mainland about whether you were being used by the CCP, etc. Then I wrote this article with such a title. The teacher in the district said that for the economy Is it another kind of shamelessness for the scholar’s ​​impartiality and authority to be completely ruined in her mind ? This kind of use of foreign media to influence Taiwan’s internal affairs and the CCP’s election is such a demand. I think everyone has seen through it, so I would like to ask the general for advice. I think Xu Zhijie is really embarrassed in three words. You just want to rub off on Han Kuo-yu. From what he said, he invited Han Kuo-yu to debate , which means that Han Kuo-yu is a plus for him. As a result, he would say such a thing. I am here and I openly say that I want to ask Shen Boyang to debate a policy of national defense to debate whether urban warfare should be launched. Do you, Shen Boyang, dare to accept my challenge? Seriously, I say. Seriously , you are debating with Shen Boyang on the right topic. Now I am here openly debating with Shen Boyang on how Taiwan's national defense should be implemented . Do you need to establish a Black Bear Academy ? I will deny you the Black Bear Academy and I will consider you a thug. It’s just a paintball game group, right? Anyway, the second one I’m talking about specifically is the retired police officer. Look at him asking this, he said you are a retired police officer. Why are you so insensitive ? How could you say what your children and grandchildren want? Is peace so sensitive? Isn’t it true that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are one family ? He is just a retired police officer. I am a retired soldier. I not only retired from the army, but also retired. If our children and grandchildren want peace, I will merge here and say that both sides of the Taiwan Strait want peace. Do you want to sue me again? I am more sensitive, right ? Then my ranking will be better than that of Commissioner Tsai. I have won it a long time ago... You are all so far ahead of me . Let’s take a comprehensive look here and talk about what’s wrong with this? This is the right thing to do. You, the Democratic Progressive Party, were elected to this extent in the election today . Not only did you use fear to smear China , you even used white terror to force these people . It will only arouse everyone's resentment, just like me. What do you represent today, Luo Zhizheng , is to vote for you on behalf of the people and give you power to trust you. You actually use this power to commit corruption, right ? It's very high-end. It's obvious corruption, isn't it? Then you go on to have a one-sided love affair. Men take advantage of other people's children, bully other people's girls and children, and steal other people's husbands. That's not corruption. Then you use this kind of power and the power entrusted to you by the people to do it. This kind of thing is a joke. I don’t believe that Luo Zhizheng’s physical strength is better than other boys. Why do people look for you ? You have the power. In this situation, I think, but we must consider whether we should agree with this political party or not. Fight this political party and give us justice, justice and fairness. I think this is an issue that all people should think about. Let’s take a break for commercials and come back soon. Cai Zhengyuan, Ph.D. of Laws at Tsinghua University in Beijing . Host, hello everyone. Yang Yongming, former deputy secretary-general of the National Security Council, Zhai Hello everyone, Retired Major General Li Zhengjie, Zhai Yi, hello everyone, everyone. First of all, let’s take a look . Because there are 9 days left before the election, what you see now are all , and you often think that there is another mountain high. For example, we yesterday After seeing Luo Zhizheng's XX movies , I saw this Zheng Wencan again today. There are also XX movies, different XX movies , and Cai Lai's overturning movies. This high-end controversy and even the neck-cutting case of a junior high school student are also a storm these days , and it has been reported again . There are also rumors that Lai Qingde had an illegitimate child. Let's take a look at this. The latest news is that the New Taipei City Finance Bureau sent people to Lai Qingde's hometown today to measure the house and understand the structure of the building. However, no one from the Lai family was present when they arrived. Now this tax collection The staff at the tax collection office had no way to enter the house and measure it. They couldn’t know how much house tax would be levied and were they still cheating? He said they could only do a preliminary measurement outside. So people asked , could it be that the cheaters wanted to continue cheating until the end? So they changed it. The picture says that you are setting off on the road, we went to Laipiliao, Laipipi got home, and now Laipiliao is burning non-stop. So now New Taipei City is also calling for you to be a national leader, and you must abide by the law. The concept is basic. Then let's take a look at Chen Jianren's current feeling. like He also went to such a stratospheric program to receive an exclusive interview on a political commentary program. He said that the government was discussing with the high-end to announce the contract content in advance, and the shareholders' meeting had to agree to decide the high-end. Didn't you say that everyone can be beaten? Why not let everyone People can interview this matter, and why do they have to go to such a stratospheric place? What he said is that the five-year confidentiality period of the contract has not expired. The government is discussing with the high-end to announce it early , but the high-end shareholder meeting must agree, so Thousands of high-end shareholders are members of the Democratic Progressive Party. These are imaginary figures. Also, we are escorting high-end people. Don’t forget that Chen Jianren was specially asked by Tsai Ing-wen to join the party . Then even Lai Qingde was afraid of him and said , "Are you going to elect the president? " If it weren't for the high-end role , Chen Jianren might have come out to represent the Democratic Progressive Party in the election today , so would you continue to escort this matter ? Then there is the neck-cutting case of a junior high school student. We saw the parents of the victim of this neck-cutting . The parents of the students published an open letter opposing the abolition of the death penalty. Hou Youyi also expressed support and said to Lai Qingde, "Should you take a stand ? Let's excerpt their statement. He said that he begged the government to re-examine the minor affairs law and not limit it to a small group of people to decide that I am against the abolition of the death penalty." I don’t believe that this extremely evil person can be enlightened. Our temporary mercy will only make a few people feel emboldened to do whatever they want . Then let’s take a look at this godmother. Is she colluding with witnesses outside? This juvenile court in the New Taipei Court is now in Is it a mess? The godmother, the key to the murder case , immediately obtained another mobile phone after blaming her family to contact the classmates who witnessed the murder. She also used the communication software to play a chess game and asked everyone how they should respond when facing the investigation in the future. Isn't this a case of collusion? So the police believed that there was a possibility of collusion. They asked for votes from the juvenile court to search and arrest the person , but they were shot by the court. Is there any justice? So we had a lot of news on the Internet yesterday. After seeing this news, Wang Xinyi jumped out. Taipei City Councilor Wang Xinyi said that her sister had actually been murdered in the past, which shocked everyone. She said that when her sister was 19 years old, a male classmate who had a crush on her because of The courtship failed and she stabbed her 39 times to death. When she saw her sister in the freezer, she was completely unrecognizable. She felt that a part of her body had died forever that day . She and her sister had a very good relationship, just like these best friends. She said that her parents also shed tears all the time , and her mother and... Her hair grew old overnight , and her sister ’s boyfriend at the time was well known to everyone. The well-known director Leon Dai. In 2018, he also mentioned in an interview with an exclusive interview program that he had just finished writing the film three months after he joined the army. He wrote a love letter to his girlfriend and then turned on the TV and saw the news that his girlfriend had been murdered. He was completely devastated , so the commander was afraid that he would do something stupid, so he locked him up. He said that it took him 10 years to get over this incident and accept it . The problem is that now in Da'an District, because she is like this, she is very sensitive. She said that in Da'an District, she said that she does not want to criticize Miao Boya. Miao Boya is now going to elect the legislator in Da'an District to decide whether to abolish the death penalty. Regarding the question above, the candidate Miao Boya has made her choice. Now the people of Da'an have to think about it. Do you want to elect a legislator who insists on abolishing death? In fact, Miao Boya is listed in his election bulletin. It is not listed at all that she once served as the legal director of the Alliance to Abolish Death , but we found out that when she gave this interview, her title was called the legal director of the Alliance to Abolish Death . She clearly served as the legal director of the Alliance to Abolish Death. Why is she here now? Is there any consideration that must be avoided to hide such an identity during the election ? So let's take a look at this abolition. It is very much discussed now . Another thing is that Lai Qingde is now going to sue him about Qiu Yi. He insinuated with Xie Longjie that Lai Qingde had an illegitimate child, and now Lai’s Office of Competitiveness is suing him, saying that this is false news made out of nothing. He said that it is now a completely malicious slander. Senior officials of the Democratic Progressive Party also said that Qiu Yi has only had wigs from before to now. Is it true ? He wanted to attack someone personally. Dong Niantai also said that he was offering a reward of one million yuan to find Lai Qingde's illegitimate son. He posted this reward poster and said that the whole people would help search for Lai Qingde 's illegitimate son. He also frankly said that he had no concrete evidence and welcomed the other party to file a complaint so that he could be handed over. It’s up to the judiciary to find out. When Lai Qingde heard about this, he immediately had a bad face and was unwilling to respond to the senior executives of Green Camp. Here’s what he told me: Senior executives of Green Camp told me that Lai had an illegitimate child with a female painter and raised him in Japan. He is now 20 years old , and Lai also sends money through the bank every month. Lai Qingde is going to remit living expenses. This is what Dong Niantai said. But what is the truth now that Lai Qingde is suing? Lai Qingde is really going to court. Should it be left to the judiciary to find out ? So let’s ask Brother Zhengyuan first because of this election before 9 What did the people see in the past 9 days ? Because we can’t watch the polls now, will the things they saw in these 9 days also determine the direction of the people’s final votes ? All the ads in these days are probably except for Hou Youyi, who has a positive ad, what policies he promotes, and what policies he has in the short film. In addition to constant publicity in the media, the space occupied by Luo Zhizheng is performing some actions and Zheng Wencan has some news. In addition, the Democratic Progressive Party has made a commercial. It is Tsai Ing-wen who drives a car and then wants to The key is given to Lai Ching-tak , but this video has been turned into a very powerful negative publicity by many people. I think this is something that Tsai Ing-wen may not have thought of when making this commercial. They are doing a kind of succession move , but they forget that the poor governance will inevitably lead to the people or the media to take him out for review. The controversy over high-end is a topic that comes from behind. It is high-end. The audiotape of the board of directors clearly stated that their directors told us in a meeting that they made a profit of 700 yuan per dose , but they insisted on pulling in 881 yuan and the extra 181 yuan had to be divided by the board of directors. What is the total amount of the 181 yuan that the board of directors divided among them ? 905 million is such a number. Everyone should remember this number. In addition, he said that our high-end vaccines will not have any effect , but there is no problem with their safety. You lied to us for a long time and so many people took high-end vaccines . You Tell us that you have known for a long time that it will not work , and you have guaranteed to give the green light and get approval all the way. Aren't you the one who is involved in this? Then the Kuomintang caucus came out with a message saying that their data showed that among the high-end shareholders , 1,000 were related to the DPP. So, What is this? Is this a party-run undertaking, right ? Or what? It's a faction's undertaking. The people will be very angry. Especially this Lai Qingde has publicly said that he will announce the content of high-end contracts. In the past, Lai Qingde only said that we should subsidize the administration of private schools. The hospital immediately cooperated , but now he said that after announcing the high-end contract results, it started to push. It requires high-end to agree . High-end agrees , not the board of directors. Now Chen Jianren is asking for high-end shareholders' meeting to agree . When will the shareholders' meeting be held ? The shareholders' meeting can only be held once a year . It can only be opened in July , so the executive director is a big-faced person . He is obviously blocking the high-end. Why do they have such shame and dare not make it public? Do all your presidential candidates have to make it public? Others, Zheng Wencan, also said that Xue Ruiyuan of the Ministry of Health and Welfare cannot be made public. They also say that they cannot disclose what you are actually doing, which raises suspicions. As for the issue of abolition and anti-abolition, I think it is very good that everyone uses elections to decide on this policy . Tsai Ing-wen is the abolitionist alliance and Gu Lixiong is also the same, but they are the problem. He hid it because he knew there would be no votes. How could they hide it? There is a death penalty that requires an interpretation of the constitution for 300 years . Then Miao Boya made it even more classic. She is the legal director of the Abolition of Death Alliance. Why didn't she admit it? Why didn't she dare to write it in Her resume used to be publicized when she was in the media. I am the legal director of the Alliance to Abolish Death. Because she graduated from the Law Department of National Taiwan University and now she dare not say anything . No wonder Wang Xinyi and Leon Dai used the feelings of their victims to understand the recent neck-cutting case in the country. The case of Zhongsheng tells our society that our legal system in Taiwan is under the rule of the Democratic Progressive Party. The victims do not get the justice they deserve. Instead, the perpetrators and brutal murderers are often protected by the law and the Democratic Progressive Party. This is something we need to understand. It's good to seek justice in this election. Let me add something more today. Xie Longjie also mentioned that in fact, after Dong Niantai broke the news 7 years ago, he also questioned Lai Chingde during the question time of the city council. Lai Chingde replied at that time that this had nothing to do with the municipal government. Then Xie Longjie also said that Dong Niantai’s Facebook was blocked after this incident , so he sent a text message to break the news, saying that even how much money he remitted every month was such a thing. Why didn’t Lai Qingde sue someone so seriously? Why didn’t Lai Qingde sue ? Let me ask Teacher Yang what Teacher Yang thinks about the huge amount of news before the election that may affect everyone's final decision. In fact, we all know a lot of things. The politicians of the DPP have corrupt personal ethics , have broken down their integrity, and then break the law without any shame. So why did they create this 108 syllabus ? Because they have no shame, how dare they talk about it themselves? Zheng Wencan’s XX films. Everyone still remembers that the thesis written by Zheng Wencan and the national teacher was revoked by National Taiwan University. This kind of person should have stepped down as soon as possible . The world is like this. German politicians, Japanese politicians, and now even the president of Harvard University in the United States is said to have incomplete annotations when writing articles. Such a politician is also the executive dean because he was promoted and now he makes XX movies. It doesn't matter if they come out , because in fact they don't care . Luo Zhizheng, even more so. You still have the nerve to sue others and wait for the appraisal results to come out . I thought you knew what you were going to appraise, right? Therefore, the high-end ones are even more incredible. How long has Commissioner Cai been talking about it? I remember in This program has been talked about in many places. Many high-end people have proved that Lai Qingde said that playing with you is tantamount to match-fixing. Then you said to publish this information. Chen Jianren said that he would hold a shareholders' meeting. If he can publish the information as soon as possible , he can clarify it, right? Is it the best? There must be something wrong with the three hundred taels of silver here. Just for the price difference of 181 yuan, you can get 181 yuan, and you can get 905 million , which is more than 700 to 800. How much money have you made already? Isn’t it a list of how many shareholders you have? Let’s take a look at your announcement. Is it right ? Then the most important thing is to tell me whether it is useful or not. High-end is still making other vaccines . Do you know that we are doing it? We have to spend money on ourselves recently. I went to spend money to get the vaccine myself. People told me that you should get the high-end one and Guoguang. Then I looked at the nurse lady and the nurse said Guoguang was good. I thought she was very smart. She didn’t react at all. I looked at it and she said Said Guoguang is so good I don’t know what the price is. It should be about the same price. It’s true that politicians from the Democratic Progressive Party have corrupted their personal ethics , violated laws , and then their integrity has collapsed. They have no shame. Do you want to vote for this party ? Do you want to vote for this candidate? Is it okay? Let me ask. General , I especially want to say that the current deterioration of public security in Taiwan is absolutely 100% related to the proposals put forward by the Abolition of Death Alliance. Because I have seen executions and I know what the effects are after executions. In the past, military law was enforced in the military . There are several types of punishments. It is the only death penalty. It is not only the death penalty but also the only death penalty. The first one is called reselling arms and ammunition. Let me tell you about the reselling of arms and ammunition . When I was a major, the commander of the Sixth Army Corps was named Luo Wenshan. I also mentioned it by name. Telling the time, one of his troops had a box of grenades stolen. After he went out and caught him, he was shot , right? He was sentenced to the only death penalty under military law for reselling weapons and ammunition. If the evidence was conclusive, he was shot. After the shooting, he was not only shot, but also publicized to all The troops all need to know the seriousness of this matter. I ask you all. Until now, when I was serving in the army, there has never been any reselling of weapons and ammunition. But now, have you seen that since the military law was abolished ? Even the missile canister of the stinger missile was lost, right? In addition, there is a death penalty in the military, which is called sexual assault and murder. It is the only death penalty. At that time, in the army, one served as a soldier for two years and was not able to return to the island for two years. Did it happen? This kind of tragic and undeserved incident has never happened because it was the death penalty at that time. Not only did these soldiers execute it , but they also let these soldiers know that if you commit such a crime, you will really be shot. So the troops were easy to lead at that time. It doesn’t matter what happens now. I want to talk about this case of a middle school student’s neck being slit. In fact, it’s not just the parents who are worried about the students. Let me tell you , there is also another kind of people who are worried about it : the grassroots cadres in the army who are about to serve compulsorily this year. Why are these cadres enlisted in the army, grassroots cadres frustrated, etc. Because these 8 plus 9 children will have to serve in the military in the future . When they go to the military, I ask you, how do you discipline you ? Now that military law has been abolished, you don’t have it. The entire social security concept and law have been corrupted to the extreme. I especially want to say that people have ancient and ancient teachings to govern troubled times. You must use heavy codes. If I say that you should not always use the slogan of protecting human rights, the result is to protect the human rights of bad people . For this kind of Kind-hearted people , you completely ignore the human rights of your people. Do you think this is the original intention of the Abolition of Death Alliance ? Do you think this is in line with human nature? What you have ruined is the whole of Taiwan. Our security and law have been completely ruined. Now let’s talk about this country. I think the neck-cutting case of middle school students is just the tip of the iceberg. What has been revealed is that the safety net of Taiwan's entire education and society has been broken. Today, the Ministry of Education , whether it is your Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Justice, should openly and honestly review it . Don't be based on populism and don't be fooled by foreign countries. Influence, you should formulate a law or education system that is suitable for our Taiwan. I once discussed with an American general that there are many soldiers in our army who have a weak sense of law and discipline. He told me One sentence he said has impressed me so far. He said that as cadres, we should use 90% of our energy to discipline the 10% of soldiers who have problems. The 10% of soldiers who have problems at home are like these. Or for children with more complicated family backgrounds , we are not saying that they are not good, but that when they were born, did your society and the education bureau devote 90% of their energy to these children to take care of the 10% with problems? I think this is the true way to guide my children to get on the right track. Instead of everyone arguing and cursing over each other, we will sacrifice today and forget tomorrow. I think this is Taiwan, and we and all parents should deeply reflect on it. It’s an important topic for reflection. Let’s take a break from advertising and come back soon.
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Id: MBUReEX4h3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 27sec (2907 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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