Sub Update Catastrophic Structural Failure.

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sounds like they found the remains of the Ocean Gate submarine that was diving on the Titanic shipwreck sounds like a catastrophic failure of the pressure vessel itself I've been busy working on Harvey here ironically I pulled the oxygen bottle to do a hydrostatic Tech test of that oxygen bottle let's do every five years in Harvey the oxygen bottles used in this aircraft are made of steel and have a lifetime ability to continue to be used The Vessel the experimental the highly experimental vessel that was used in this deep dive was a combination of a composite material and a titanium so if you imagine the vessel being around tube like this the tube portion of the of the vessel was made of a composite material five inches thick of composite material and I believe this was the first time that the composite material had been used in a submersible vehicle the end caps if you will of the vessel were made of traditional titanium like a pressure bulkhead they're Dome shaped like a pressure bulkhead and they're bolted onto the composite structure with a series of bolts so once you climb into the vessel you are bolted into the vessel and you have no way of escaping or getting out of the vessel until you come to the surface and cruise from outside the craft unbolt the pressure bulkhead or the titanium nose cone if you will so on both ends our titanium pressure bulkheads that bolt onto the composite tube portion of the vessel so something apparently failed and I'm sure it was in the composite structure that failed and what I'm most particularly interested in is how are the bolts anchored into the composite material was it the bolts themselves or the anchoring of the bolts into the composite material that failed under under the stress and these oxygen bottles like I was mentioning earlier the steel has a lifetime capability to keep being used if it can pass a proper hydrostatic test every five years but a composite there's often used Composite Materials in pressure vessels Like Oxygen bottles but they have a limited life expectancy a limited life that you can continue to use them before you got to discard them and start over so this was a very experimental craft using the lighter weight composite material for the center section here something on that composite material obviously failed resulting in a catastrophic loss of the air of The Craft and of course everybody's life thank you for your support gotta get back to work on Harvey see you here that's Harvey
Channel: blancolirio
Views: 178,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _a7oNnfKXPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 51sec (171 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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