[sub] πŸ“Ί ep.12 | 우리 μš©μ„λ―ΌπŸ² & 우리 ν—ˆμ„ λΉˆ 🌞 | 슬기둜운 ν•˜λ“œν„Έμ΄

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Professor. You'll be so so bored without me. I'll visit often. Where will you be studying? Can we come visit? I'll be studying... Why would you visit? I'll be studying. I'll come visit. Sheesh! (Hospital Playlist Throwback #12) (Our darling Yong Seokmin and Heo Sunbin) Our darling Sunbin, without me to nag, you'll be so bored. Our darling? You just referred to her as our darling Sunbin. Our darling An Chihong. Our darling Heo Sunbin. Our darling Professor, right? You know, like... Our darling pasta... Hello! I'm the producer, Shin Wonho. Hi. I'm Moon Taeyu. Hello. (First meeting with Moon Taeyu) Moon Taeyu. (Hospital Playlist audition and first meeting) We wanted to see the actors our younger staff writers recommend. I see. What do you do right now? I'm doing a musical called Maybe Happy Ending. (Musical actor of 13 years) Is that where you debuted? Yes, I started out in musicals. Then, you must be a good singer. I do just enough to be in musicals. You look pensive in your profile pic. You look like boy band idol. It's misleading. Your real name's Lee Seungwon? Yes. That's a nice name. But so many in the musical world have the same name. Do you have a nickname in the musical world? Or like a name your fans call you? They just call me Tyu, a short version of my name. Tyu. You do voice acting too? I've done voice acting for animation. Tobot? Isn't that really famous? (Huge sensation that's popular with kids) (Played the role of Neon) Isn't Neon one of the bigger characters? Yes, there's a robot of him. A firetruck. The director of the animation series wanted someone who didn't sound like a voice actor. So he wanted someone who sounds authentic. I'm on the more serious side. I'm not a fan of saying whatever comes to mind. You're not the jokester type. Right. (Lee Joonho's lines from Prison Playbook) It's not like that's anything new. He's always cursing like sailor. He's full of nonsense. Let it go. Why waste energy by cursing back? It'll be your loss, Mr. Pang. I'm telling you this for your own good. He's always cursing like sailor. He's full of nonsense. Let it go. Why waste energy by cursing back? It'll be your loss, Mr. Pang. I'm telling you this for your own good. Getting involved won't be in your favor. Why waste your emotions that way? Ignore him. It's easier said than done. Could you? Yes, of course. (Lieutenant Yoo's lines from Prison Playbook) Aren't those my socks? Are they? I didn't know. I saw them hanging and put them on. Why would you wear them without my permission? I told you, I didn't know. You're such a nag. They're just socks. Share! Wear mine. I'd rather not. I hear you're a rich kid from Gangnam. Save that childish attitude for your parents who put up with it. If you're born with a silver spoon in your mouth, stay out of everyone's way, and just mooch off your parents. Why make the rest of us suffer? You know what I mean? You have no right to say that! You don't know me. You started it. You don't know anything about me either. Can you do fun or humorous roles? You have? Often? Yes. Maybe Happy Ending is really funny too. You're talking like a character off of Maybe Happy Ending. (Similar to Lieutenant Yoo's style of speech) It's because this was army-style speech. (Plays the role of Helper Bot) (Maybe Happy Ending, Oliver's lines) Six runs low on battery quickly. (Maybe Happy Ending, Oliver's lines) The internal recharge is weak, and when Helper Bot Electronix was released, they changed the charger purely for profit. It's called an upgrade, with the change of the plug but it has a weaker internal system. Five is known to the early model Helper Bot that's well-equipped. According to Consumer Report Magazine, Five has the least breakdowns. Plus, it's a classic design that never goes out of style. That's the way I do it. - Hi, Younkyoung. - Hello. I'm producer, Shin Wonho. (First meeting with Ha Younkyoung) Hello. You were born in 1992? Yes. Korea National University of Arts? Yes. (Debuted in a play in 2015) (Plays/short films/independent films/dramas) (5 years in diverse fields) Huh? You were in Social Phobia? I was the dead girl. A leading clue for the case. You are but you don't come out much. (Nod) My face comes out once in the last episode. Who did you play in the drama Matrimonial Chaos? Oh, that one? The roommate who lives with Bae Doona's younger sister. (Sure they've seen it) (But can't remember clearly) I didn't really talk. I'd just listen and nod. - You were always with her though... - That's right. The quiet friend. Overall, I'm on the cheerful side. I get along with people well. You're not with an agency right now? No, not at the moment. (Lines of Jiho from Prison Playbook) What? You didn't tell them we broke up? I was going to. Stop that. Are you okay? No. How's the food? Sucks. Did you sleep okay? Not a wink. Is it cold in there? I think I caught a cold. Your shirt's a bit too revealing. What difference does it make? It's not like we're together anymore. I can't believe you're smiling. I know, right? Careful. People aren't what they seem. You be careful. I've always been. Picking another fight? Sure, why not? You have one minute. What was that? We have one minute. I'm okay. Really, I am. You don't have to come to this dump anymore. Visiting time is over. Please exit so the visitors in waiting can enter. Need... Anything? Darn it... That bastard... (Right after sentencing of second trial) I'm okay. Really, I am. Are you sure? (Jiho's even more upset upon hearing Jaehyuk say he's fine) Are you really okay? I mean, are you, really? You're about to rot in jail for a whole year. You had a major league contract and everything and you're okay? (Sad we couldn't see this in season 1) This is so annoying! You're an idiot, you know that? (Very good at emotional acting) Can you try Dr. Heo? Darn it. This is a different character. (Ha Younkyoung meets Heo Sunbin, first time) This is for blood samples, that's for CTs. (Ha Younkyoung meets Heo Sunbin, first time) The x-ray room and the MRI room. Go straight this way for the PET scans. You've heard of PET scans, right? PET... This? Positron emission tomography? What's it used for? I haven't gotten that far yet. We're only interns. You two must be best friends, huh? Yes. I figured. Han Seunghyuk needs a Lumbar Drain. - Did you? - Who? Han Seunghyuk in room 7104. - He's Professor Min's, right? - Yes. Should I take care of it? Han Seunghyuk really needs that Lumbar Drain today. That's not up to you though. Professor Min said we should ask him. Why would you, after the mess we faced last week? Professor Min should give some orders. How could he have him hospitalized then not follow up? He's nice to patents but doesn't really care for them. (Second meeting with Ha Younkyoung) That's not up to you though. Professor Min said we should ask him. Why would you, after the mess we faced last week? Professor Min should give some orders. How could he have him hospitalized then not follow up? He's nice to patents but doesn't really care for them. These are the conference rooms. When we have a patient for the OR, the operating physician doesn't do everything. The department and professors all gather, and have a discussion about what would be best during surgery. They give advice after talking. I wonder if it's open. Are you a bit of a tough girl? Not in a wild way. I'm pretty chill. You're not into cutesy stuff, are you? - No. - I figured. I am when I'm dating someone. - To your boyfriend only? - Yes. We'll think it over quickly and call you. You're not with an agency so we call you directly? Yes. - You don't have a manager either? - No. - Thanks for coming. - Thank you. Goodbye. - Did you come here alone? - Yes. How did you come here? Bus 6715. What do you do right now? These days, (Second meeting with Moon Taeyu) I'm in a drama called Doctor Detective. - You're in a drama? - Yes. - You were in Confession too? - Yes. Lee Joonho gets my heart. Right. You went there for the heart, to Shin Hyunbin's dad but... (He was a key character in the drama but...) Did you have lines? Not really. The character continually resurfaced, since his death was important. Everyone talks about me. (But he's already dead) Everyone speaks about Judge Noh Sunwoo though. At the time, our drama was still being written. You probably read something else. But we wondered what you'd be like as this character. Have you ever had surgery before? No, I've never had surgery out of necessity. I've had Lasik surgery. - What? - Lasik surgery. (Forget it then, we don't have a department of optometry) (Moon Taeyu meets Yong Seokmin) She gives lectures, performs lots of surgeries, carefully looks over theses for her students and attends conferences too. She even goes hiking and camping on the weekends. And still she is always here at seven right on time. How is that possible? We call her the superwoman. I named her that. Do as I say, okay? You don't know any better, so just do as I say. You didn't understand, did you? I can't make it any easier for you. Finally, there are complications too. Clouding of consciousness, spasms, motor disturbances, sensory paralysis and language impairment. And in one percent of patients, infection of the area operated on, encephalitis, meningitis, pyocephalus as well as other side effects. Any questions? I doubt it. Finally, there are complications too. Clouding of consciousness, spasms, motor disturbances, sensory paralysis and language impairment. And in one percent of patients, infection of the area operated on, encephalitis, meningitis, pyocephalus as well as other side effects. Any questions? I doubt it. Han Seunghyuk really needs that Lumbar Drain today. Did you? - Who? - Han Seunghyuk in room 7104. (Expresses Seokmin's sluggish demeanor well) (Delivers lines well too) He's Professor Min's, right? Should I take care of it? Han Seunghyuk really needs that Lumbar Drain today. It's not a big, main role. But we called because we'd really like to work with you. What was it? Tyu? Jyu? Oh, it's Tyu? How'd you know? - You told us before. - I did? Did I? Bye, Tyu! Thank you. Thank you. (Third meeting) (Dr. Tyu appears) Where'd you get the coat? I asked the wardrobe team. You didn't need to do that. (And he looks a bit dehydrated and tired today) I was shocked. What were you doing before this? Today? I was sleeping. They don't get to wash their hair often, I hear. So I came straight from bed, as tired-looking as possible. - And without washing your hair? - Yes. (Actor who's very dedicated to his role) I heard they hardly have time to wash their hair. We were a bit worried because of your performance schedule. I see. Do you think you can adjust it? So we'd like for you to play Yong Seokmin, the character whose lines you read the last time. Thank you. (Gives him script without asking) Wait, you do want the role, right? Of course. We thought we were just forcing it on you. Not at all. I'd love to. We'd like to work with you. I called Mido to ask about you. (Close with Mido from Sweeney Todd) I mentioned your name, and she said everyone's full of praises for you. You have scenes with Mido too. Because you're in the same department. (NS life will be a bit easier with Mido by his side) Thank you. We should be thanking you. We're sorry we're not giving you a bigger role. Tyu. (Because this crew's known to keep quiet about their projects) Would it be all right if I told my friends and family I got the part? Sure, you can tell them. I can tell them then? I'm just so excited. (It's such an important role for us) But it's a small role. (Telling him it's a small part so he doesn't feel let down after getting so excited) There's a crew of people that come with the lead roles, you know? And we'd like all of the staff members to be great actors. We want too much perhaps, but that's why we're asking you to play this role for us. We look forward to working with you. Thank you. Thank you. Yay! Let's make it fun. We want it to be fun. Let's enjoy being on set and working. You'll take that off before you go, right? (It was worth borrowing) Get home safely. Thank you. (A bit later) - Hello. - Hello. (Third meeting with Ha Younkyoung) We're asking to see you too often, aren't we? No, I'm grateful. Did you take the bus here again? I splurged on myself today. - Taxi? - Yes. (Why they asked for a meeting) We wanted to see you to ask you to work with us. - But it's not a huge role. - It's a small one. We want to ask you to play Heo Sunbin, the character you read before. Really? Thank you. The role isn't that big. But you can think of it as the start of creating a network. We're sorry it's not a big role though. We want a lot. We want even the smaller roles to be done well. We want to fill the drama with stellar acting. We have high expectations. Also, when we first met, we got the feeling you were a doctor type. Really? - Like a resident doctor. - Really? We look forward to working with you. Thank you. Let's make a great show. Thank you. (Luckily, it was worth taking the cab here) Thank you. Take a cab home too. I shouldn't. Not twice. - Bye. - Get home safely. (Awkward) Dr. Heo. (After a week, saying hi for the first time and first table read) - Did... Did you read the script? - Yes. - Until episode two. - I see. You got it up to episode two, right? Yes. (We'll stop because we don't want to see awkward first encounters anymore) (Anyway) (Moon Taeyu and Ha Younkyoung who were awkward at first) (Became) (Yong Seokmin and Heo Sunbin) (Credit cookie) (As promised, the video of Dae Bear) (Lesson Day 11 - Introduce him to a friend if you know anyone single) (Dae Bear still struggles with every keystroke he plays) (Not done yet) Over here. Oh, there's more? (To surveillance... No... We mean to see how it's going, the assistant director comes) (And Bear even gives us cues of where to edit the video) (One of the parts he always has trouble with) Or... (Can be made easier) How about up to here? - It's easier, right? - No, it'll be same. (Dae Bear wants to complete it as it was originally arranged) - I'm not giving up. - Okay then. But I always mess it up. (Edit) (Dae Bear is very considerate) Are you sure you want to stay? I'll go then. Thanks for coming. We'll stay and work on it some more. We want to film something where you don't mess up. (Last mission, complete a song without any mistakes) Let's do it now then. Without any mistakes? I'll try. I can do it! Let's do this! (Feels like a sports variety show, Let's Go! Dream Team) I'll give it a try. (Can he do it?) (Doesn't look at the music sheet at all) (Playing it after having memorized the song in its entirety) (Totally nervous) (Almost at the end) (But messes up at the end) (Total failure) Darn it! Sheesh... I was nearly done! Darn it! (Piano playing makes bears aggressive) I was nearly there! What a shame. Will you stay for five minutes? I'll do it for five more minutes. Did I get anything else wrong? No. I felt you might mess up certain parts, but you didn't. (Trying again) (Fail) Again. (Feeling discouraged now) It's all messed up. Again. (Third try) (Fail) (Fail) Again. (Edit) Why can't we get through this? (Part he always messes up on) I did it a million times at home so why can't I do it? Why would I ever need to play these keys? You've stayed this long, so stay another 18 minutes. (Another 18 minutes is added) (Will he be able to play a song without messing up in 18 minutes?) (What a shame) Again. I was doing so well. Darn it. Ah! I can't believe I messed that part up. Darn it. You changed the fingering after you messed this part up. We have 12 minutes left? Yes. I'll do what I can. You're regretting you didn't leave earlier, huh? (Full of regrets) (Calmly tries again) (Fails again) Darn it! I'll do it right now. I have five minutes. Start from here. No, I'm starting from the beginning! (Dae Bear likes to play it fair and square) - Here's your last try! - I'll do it. (Fails from the start) (Just go) No! You have one more left. One more. (Tempo is all wrong but he carries on) (And finishes) I did get this wrong, but you can edit that part out. (But it's a miracle he's come this far in about 10 days) This is so tough. But being able to do this much is... Now, you'll want to come and see me again after seeing this, right? (Pessimistic Dae Bear) Darn it! This is driving me crazy. I'll practice some more. Next time they come, you can play it in the original tempo. That's what I'll do. (The piano-playing Dae Bear variety show) (Will be on again soon on the Hospital Playlist Throwback) (Hospital Playlist Throwback Thursdays, 9PM)
Channel: 채널 μ‹­μ˜€μ•Ό
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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