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I had a smile on my face for the whole episode ๐Ÿ˜Š . Love these people.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/crazyforcloy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 09 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
(Hospital Playlist Episode 18) (Jeon Mido basic class) (Fell in love with bass from first lesson) This is crazy. Songolmae was famous for this too. (Song that will become Mido's future) (Mido's three-month bassist progress that will begin now) (We'll show it without subs) Great. (Does everything well with hard work) (Mido is much like Songhwa) You can tell right away if you learned half-heartedly. (If drummer messes up, whole band looks bad) A lot of people can tell these days. I need to work hard. (Had lessons before but learns from basics again) Oh... (Tough to hit past few beats) Huh? (Instrument where hands and feet have to be doing different things) Nice. (Went from drummer boy to pro drummer in five months) (Daemyung tries to enter school of music) Just for the right hand. Do re me fa so la ti do. (Learning from basics) Nice. Slowly. (Eyes, Nose, Lips is a good first song to learn) (Dae-Bear is so charming) What was it? (After this, as everyone knows) (Dae-Bear shows tenacity) (Becomes a great keyboardist) (FYI, he'll be back in four weeks) Perfect. Let's do the next one. (Jung Kyungho, strumming lesson) (Unlike on TV, for lessons he learns Introduce Me) Then can you go on now? No. I know. (Knows chords from previous show) F sharp minor seven flat five. No. I don't know. (Needs to be told each hold) Why is this rhythm so hard? (First song is tough one) This is hard. (Hard to go past first one or two bars) What was it? G? (Can't play guitar let alone talk) I can't do it. I have to do another three hours. Two isn't enough. (That's scary) Hahaha. Three hours? Are you okay? (Not fast but persistent) (Now a real guitarist) Did Jungseok do this before? But he's... - Fast? - Yeah, he's fast. (Jungseok is in the high class) (But tough song for even third-time guitar student) It's hard to switch the chords. (But he learned quickly) (Picked it up in a day) Follow me by bar. (Second song, You Always) (Shows him once and gets it) You got it right away. (Got it right away) (Done in one day again) Wow, good work. (Worn out) (Third lesson, Lonely Night) (Mighty third-timer) (Sighs during this) I see why this is a hard one. (Says it's hard but learned it quickly again) (Long-awaited first day of playing) (Kyungho arrives early and practices) (Jungseok is here practicing too) (Guitar players work well together) Hello. (Director Shin went to shoot and came here early too) (Camera director is here too) You two must've gone somewhere nice. I went to the set. You look pretty. (Back to practice) You learned to play the bass? No, not yet. (Ikjun has to play the bass instead of Songhwa in episode 2) I can learn the bass quickly. Introduce Me isn't hard. I played the bass before and my friend in the band said I played like a player in a desk job person band. That's what I played. (He played Sorry Sorry when he learned to play bass before) By Super Junior? You're good at fingering. I played classic guitar. He prepared three years to go to college for guitar. (Dae-bear shocks easily) (Pre music school student enters) When you get here? I've been here since yesterday. I've been here for two days. Two days? I was here but left. The director's been here for days. He went to go shoot something and came back. Is this the keyboard? (After practicing for entrance exam for six months, they are here for the test) I'm in trouble. Hello. (Always practiced on the piano) (Keyboardist first time on the keyboard) Just go through the motions. I'm nervous. Oh no. This is my first time ever. What the heck. (Another who's nervous) You do it. I won't. Plug both. It'll work. Let's hear it. Let's make some noise. I have an idea, so it's okay. (Kyungho's not confident) Kyungho, it's okay. Don't be shocked. We might be better than you think. - You might be shocked. - I'm not worried at all about Jungseok. - No, you should worry. - You're the leader. Yes, please sit there. (Official first practice setting) Kyungho! Let's go! (No thanks) (Meanwhile, he looks confident) (Drum and bass teachers play) (Whole room looks nervous) How do we do this? (Enters on count) Okay. Now? (Out of it) Let's go. One, two, three, four. (One mistake after another at first) (Despite doubts, it isn't so bad) Was the ending right? You only have to do the first verse. That's good. (Very surprised because they had such low expectations) (Director thinks the drummer teacher's playing made it seem better than it was) You didn't make it harder, did you? (Same thing Yeonseok's doing) (Mido appears with bass that's as big as her) You look like a pro. I'm musician, Songhwa. (Musicians saying hi) You look good with that. She's carrying an instrument that's bigger than her. I can't sing and play Lonely Night yet. (Bass is off-key play so singing is tough) (Musician is nervous too) Did you eat? (Nod) I had kimbap. (Before practice) - Did you eat? - I ate before coming. (Always asking if they ate) Did you eat? I ate earlier. Did you eat? No, right? Did you eat? Did you eat? (Walking around to ask) Did you eat? I ate when I was out. Want a sandwich? (Sweet bear) (Kyungho is setting up guitar) Don't do it too loudly. Do it quietly. That's what I said. (If it's not good, do it quietly) (Mido's first time seeing Kyungho play guitar) That's good. You're all good. Oh no. What will I do? (Sees Yeonseok) You're here. Hi. We're done. They taught us everything. In my head... This is bad. (Feels failure before starting) I'm doomed. My hearing's shot. (Bang) Nice, Yeonseok. (Older ones helping him out) - Are you mad? - Just warming up? (Helping him relax) I'm so nervous. (Drummer and keyboard players are more nervous because they're not what they practiced on) Want to try? - We have to try several times, right? - Let's try. Okay. Let's try even if it's terrible. Yeonseok, start us off. Even if it's wrong, just go. (With nervousness and excitement) (Finally, Mido and Falasol practice as one) (Lonely Night by Mido and Falasol) (Buffering) (Looks on each face that they will all fail) (All do make mistakes here and there) (But finish it) That wasn't so bad. - We finished it at least. - It was good. Sorry Sorry. (Way better than expected) One more time? (Feel more confident) Not bad, right, director? We can do it. - Yeonseok's good. - Intriguing. I'm so nervous. It shows when I'm wrong. (When drums are wrong, everyone is wrong) If you're off, everyone is. (Everyone's excited after) Let's try one more verse. (Volume up on the keyboard) Louder. (Turn it up to hide mine) You can't hear it? All I can hear is the drums. Yeonseok, give us the cue. (Much more stable) (Like the script, verse one) Not bad. Good. (Clapping) It's not so bad it can't be released, right? Right? If we fix the beat. The beat? (The beats and tunes are off) The beats and tunes can be fixed. (Kyungho can smile now) (Thumbs up) - How fun. - Yeah. I think we got this. I'm the only one who's confident. It feels like a band of coworkers. (Break time) (Excited now that they're not as nervous) Want to do gigs? Want to do gigs? Let's do Superstar K. - Let's work hard. - Let's do gigs. It'll be our side gig. When we're out of work. I think we can really perform. Yeah, with a little practice. (This was your first practice) (And you're talking about a concert) Season two and it'll be 24 songs. We can choose songs. We can choose songs for concerts. - That'd be fun. - Let's practice. (Spoiler alert - What they draw out happens seven months later) We're excited but they're out there like - what will we do? - The director looks happy. Right? Totally. He looks shocked. He thought we'd be terrible. - He had zero expectations. - We did better than he thought. It was better. (Truly proud) (So close that they talk too much there's no break in audio) We have it on the seventh? I thought it was me. What? It was just me at Su Noraebang. Me too? The schedule's out? - We had the thing on the seventh. - Will I be filming? A candle flickers! The 20s. I only want one thing. Yay! The shoot is this week. I didn't think we had one. (Daemyung still feels excited for shoots) Yay! We have a shoot. (Back to play mode) I hope we're like this later on. Let's try song 28. (Hahaha) I hope it's like this, huh? Want to try three today? Okay. (Ready right away) The song most loved on summer nights. Okay. So Yeonseok shuffle. (Finish song one) (Lonely Night starts again) Let's do the beginning. (Follows Jungseok's lead without being asked to now) Just the end? Just the end. Want to try the interlude? (Lonely Night for the 10th time) Let's try it one more time. Can we try the intro again? (For those listening, the repeat can be tiring) (But very focused) (After 12th time) - It's getting closer little by little. - Little by little. (Becoming like real band with practice) You can feel it getting better? It'll get better when we go home. Let's do the next song. (20th time of Lonely Night the practice ends) (Worn after four hours of practice) (But looks happy) Good work though it was the first time. Right? Can we take a photo to commemorate our first? Sure. (First of the many practices) (For two and a half months after) (They played Lonely Night many times) (Finally the last practice after the day before the shoot) Should the Lonely Night stand in front? (Front line, guitar and bass stand) We have to film it with you two. (Drum area where communication is tough) I don't have to stand? Stand up. Like this? (It'll work in season 50) Okay, let's go. Okay. Let's go. Nice. (Last practice for Lonely Night) (Not bad doing it standing) (Now, we have a song we can do perfectly) We made steady progress, huh? (Then just before the shoot) Oh no. (Studio shoot) (Youngest has to shoot first) (Laughs for some reason) So here I am. (Final practice before shoot) When you do your foot, do it every four. (One point lesson) This comes in. Shall we? (First recording begins) How is it? Want to do it again? If you're not okay with it, try again. Okay, I'll do it again. (Not happy with it) If you're happy, do it again. If you're not happy. (Drum teacher fuels passion robot) One more time. (Recording studio is in perpetual loop) Again. Again. Sorry. (Embarrassment or not, recording lasts forever) Almost! Again. Sorry. It's fun, right? It is. But I'm nervous. (Records for two hours without rest) I recorded it. (Checks out recording) (Clean recording hard to believe he's newbie) But if I play like a metronome it's not good. Yeah. Actors should feel human. (Recordings always leave more to be desired) I shouldn't be like a robot. I shouldn't be so on point so I showed imperfections, to seem human. (Very detailed actor) I wanted to seem human. (Wanted to seem realistic) (Kyungho, next up, arrives early) Little by little. - They're working on it. - Really? (Working on edits) (Kyungho feels energetic so far) Hello. (Gives advice having gone first) You see... It used to go by but it doesn't. (Doesn't flow like practice) - Oh no. - It's too obvious. Beats too. It doesn't go over smoothly. (Done after recording last part) Just the last part? Everything else is good? Okay. We can listen and catch mistakes. It's about to break. (Proof of his hard work) Recording makes you get better faster than practice, doesn't it? I think so. (Last recording ends) (Hears final recording) (Finally happy) (First recording complete) Imperfections to seem human. (Process was unbelievably short) (But we give him round of applause for completing task in six months) (Goes to where Kyungho is waiting) Already? I'm done. How are you done so fast? I'll watch. No, go. You're good. (Wants to make fun of him) Artist. Go. You should go. How'd you get done so fast? I started at two. You'll be done soon too. I don't think so. (Human guitarist enters) (Excited no longer, shy) It feels awkward sitting here. How do I do this? (First time ever so nervous) I'll help you. Don't worry. (Go) (I'll cheer you on) (Yeonseok tell him about recording) (First recording starts) You're good. (Very upset after first recording) (Second recording) (Not happy with it) Let's do it again. Let's do it again. You're doing well. - Whatever! - Right. (Fifth one was quite good) (After praise, he's a bit happy) (In fact, he's excited) (Praised so he's excited again) Good work. It's not even a big deal. (Feeling down again) (Most moody guitarist in the world) (Observe Kyungho's roller coaster of emotions) Don't mention it! Let's do it. (Stare) It's so hard. (Despair) (But feels better with one praise) - Nice! - Will you do it for us? (Hahaha) Okay! This part's hard. The song's beat is tough overall. You have to release the C minor more. Like this. I want to. I have to go to G. - Bye. - See you. You can do it! (He leaves saying words of encouragement) See you. I'll call you around six. Get home safely. (Sending Yeonseok love and back at it) Okay. - Nearly done. - Okay. (Practice that's got its energy again) I'll try it again. Let me do it again. I'll do it again. (Fixes what doesn't settle with him) (Actively leading his recording) I'll do it again. (Finally, he's done) (A little slower, but tenacious) (A heart to our slow and steady guitarist) - Thank you. - Thank you. (Third one to record, Daemyung) (Normally hard to see, serious mode) One person said that. (Lonely Night being repeated for one hour and a half) (Shaking head) I'll do it one more time. (Really good this time) I'll do it one more time. Can I keep this? It's a MIDI so you can change it. (Shaking head) (Dae-Bear the perfectionist) Let me try again. (Listening to recording) (Doesn't like it) Oh... Let me try again. (Looks around) I'm not doing something wrong, am I? You're sitting there looking so scary. Sit comfortably. (So sweet to everyone but so hard on himself) One more time. Let me do that again. Sorry. Take your time. You have plenty of time. Oh. I see how this works. I see now why musicians can feel sensitive about small things. I'll do it one more time now. Sorry. (Feels rushed and apologetic but wants to do it again) Let go of the desire to do so well. You can do it 10 more times. This makes you so sensitive. Did the others get this way? Yes. I don't think they did. It's totally different from band practice. You can let it slide during practice but not here. (Each key needs to be exact) Because it's on record, it's the same as acting. Yeonseok said it felt like he was naked. I feel so embarrassed so I feel really sensitive. (Stays with it focused until the end) I'll go with this one. (After two hours) (He's finally satisfied) Can I hear it from the start? You did it relatively quickly. You look totally different right now. This is no joke. (Back to sweet Dae-Bear, no longer the sensitive guy on edge) It's different from band practice. It's totally different. You notice the difference of 0.001 and 0.002. Only I feel it. (Filling the last 0.001) (Final person) (Guitarist Jungseok) (Checks final version) (Expression is a spoiler) (Finally done) (Applause to Dae-Bear who did it the longest) If you sit there, everyone gets edgy. Everyone was yesterday. Really? They did? Yesterday? - Yeonseok and Kyungho. - Really? Yeonseok was like this. (The ace is here) (Unlike the newbies) (Cool as a cucumber) Can you give us the tempo, engineer? Yes, the metronome. The metronome. The gnome in the metro. The metro gnome. (Who said people get edgy here?) (Very composed) Metro gnome! Let's go. (Starts recording lightly) (Laughs off slight mistake) Let's do that again. Let's try that again. That totally sucked. (Still looks comfortable) Let's go again. One more time. (Starting to get upset) Darn it. (But ends up in the quicksand of one more time) Sorry. One more time. (Recording not going as well as he hoped) - I'm nervous. - Just a minute. One more time. (Nervous so he misses his cue) The beat is slow or is that just me... Let's do it again. Okay. (Slowly starting to become edgy) (Cool cucumber Ikjun is gone now) The mute is killing me. I think it's okay. What do you think? - One more time. - You don't like it? (How many perfectionists are on this drama?) One more time please. (Mouth for focus mode) (Teacher says it's fine but student loathes it) (Ultra super edgy) Darn it. Just a minute. Okay. Let me try that again. I'll do that again. - Again please. - One more time. (Playing Cannon to calm nerves) (No compromises for even the smallest of mistakes) I'll do it again. Again please. (It'll only end when he's happy with it) - I'll do it again. - Let me try again. Oh no. (After a full two hours) (Finally satisfied) Wow. I think that's good. (Thanks for being satisfied) I'll listen to it from the start. (Checks recording) (Did very well) (Backbone of Mido and Falasol) (Leader, main singer and guitarist, we thank you) I somehow did it. I cut it into pieces. You do what you can. But to be honest, it's the engineers who do more work. Thank you for doing the work for us. This was a new experience. (Last one is bassist and singer) (Didn't get a lot of air time) (Enjoy the elegance of Mido) (Strong when it's crunch time) - I think it's good. - I like it. It's good. (Happy tongue) You're like Boohwal. Let's try it again. Try to be more certain. (Teacher's comment) Focus on the beginning a bit more. (Type to do it right off the bat) (While acting and playing the bass) (Practices really hard, smooth sailing during real thing) (Only the hard part is left) This is the hardest part. (Doesn't like it) I think this was really good. (Likes to be praised) (Accomplished it at lightning speed) Done? (Finished quicker than planned) (Then voice recording) I miss you more. (Very low part) I know you'll leave But I can't stop thinking of you. (Mido designed the song to fit her character who is a bad singer) This is so hard I guess it could be an excuse But I don't get it Lonely night Lonely night I remember how you walked away Lonely night (Second try) In the way that I remember you (Prepared several versions) (Moves to the music) (Then realizes) Okay. Again. Okay. Can you save the crack? (Funny scene to save crack in voice) (But as always, hardworking) So lonely night. (Mido and Falasol's strong bassist) (We give Mido a round of applause) Hahaha! (So much blood, sweat and tears) (For this one minute and 20 seconds) (Lonely Night by Mido and Falasol) I miss you more When I'm alone I know you're gone But I keep thinking of you Why'd you leave me? You said it was too hard I guess you could call it an excuse But I didn't understand it Lonely night Lonely night I remember how you walked away Lonely night Lonely night In the way that I remember you (Oh lord) I told you I wasn't doing this! (Stare) I'm in shock. I'm in total shock. I think I ate too many eggs. (Ikjun's about to go home) Cut! Okay. (Hahaha) (Hospital Playlist Throwback Thursdays, 9PM)
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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