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(Hello) (To prevent spread of germs and the production crew) (We disinfected the surrounding areas) (Adhering to safety regulations including sanitizing hands and temperature checks) (With use of minimal staff for a safe shoot) (We hope causal days of camping, travel, and visits to noraebang) (Will come very soon) (How'd this camping trip come about?) Did you hear? (November 2020, Dae Bear's keyboard lesson) We're going camping. Great. Whose idea was it? Sorry but I think it was my doing. (Kim Daemyung started it all) (During the live stream announcing Hospital Playlist Throwback) Will Hospital Playlist be all right? (If you're ever involved with Na Youngseok, beware what you say!) Here are a few things the subscribers want to ask. Maybe we should do Flowers Over Youth. Many comments mention kidnapping the cast to take them on a trip of sorts. Daemyung, is there anywhere you want to go? Be careful what you say. (We gave fair warning but...) We'd love it no matter where we go. Actually, we even talked about going camping. (Things we should've kept to ourselves) Know the middle area with trees? Yeonseok suggested... To pitch a tent there. But Yeonseok loves camping - and the like. - True. Nothing's a hassle to him. (What made Yeonseok want to go camping) (was this live stream) (Feat. Energy, Planning Abilities, Follow-through) Guys, I said all I came to say! (Dae Bear isn't to blame He's innocent) You guys watching? (Yoo Yeonseok is to blame for all this) (Exactly four months later, they meet for Season 2's first band practice) (Band practice that kicks off Season 2) It's great to see all of you. Hello. (It's been so long since Mido and Falasol got together) Did you get in a lot of practice? Yo, Mido! It's been so long! (No spoilers) (Band practice) Yeonseok's doing it. I was doing whatever. I'm serious. I did well before. Your wrist's got a mind of its own, huh? I hurt it during Canon. (But compared to season 1) (Mido and Falasol are better) (Then, the after party) (Assistant producer's phone camera begins rolling) (They're at a bar to celebrate their first band practice) (Suddenly checking schedules) Isn't it too cold though? (Worried about cold weather) - We'll freeze to death. - It's okay. Everyone goes. We can't sleep in the tent. There's a shipping container area. We can sleep inside that. (Yoo Yeonseok always comes with plans) We can start a bonfire. And we'll cook. We'll practice at Seokhyeong's first. I can picture it. We'll grill some meat. I think it's reasonable to suspect, that maybe he planned this with tvN. (Plans were made a little too quickly) What's he doing? Making a teaser. (Made teaser and preview quickly) (Without consent) I've never gone camping before. I want to talk about it since we brought it up. We have a show in mind. (We have a big problem) Let's think of a title first. (Only one concerned) (Hospital Playlist Goes Camping) (Yeonseok decides title too) (Didn't even ask the director) Not that. (Hospital Playlist Goes Camping They plan without asking for input) That's what the four of us always say. We do whatever Yeonseok says. No ifs, ands, or buts. What Yeonseok says goes. It's good to make plans before entering the set. - Before we start shooting? - I love it. I love it. It's a new beginning. I said yes, and I love that. It could be cold though. Or we can enjoy some bbq and head home after. No! That's not right! Then, let's just go to Pocheon and have some pork galbi. We can't just do that. We have to stay the night. - Yeah. - Even if it's freezing. And eat like that. If we leave that night, I'm not going. (So everyone agrees to do as Yeonseok says) (Of course, efforts were made to stop this) Do we have to keep the set open then? Can we use some of the electricity? (We're doing it, done and done) I know what you mean. Tomorrow. Let's talk it over tomorrow. - Why? Again? - Why? You're all drunk. (Scarier that they're sober) Cheers. (So the camping was underway) (Next day) (One last time asking) (You're sure about this?) (Of course) (Yeonseok, tells them what to bring) (I packed my bags) (You're too energetic You really drain me) (Bring one kind of food and one kind of banchan (side dish) (Alcohol, chairs, and a set of your own eating utensils) (Hehehe! Nice) (Projector, screen, home theater) (Campfire supplies, paper, and towels) (Yeonseok, should I bring the piano?) (What time are we meeting up?) (One who arrives last does the dishes) (Let's meet at 11AM on set) (I have a feeling Jungseok's going to be late) (Yeonseok, should I bring the mirror ball?) (Please don't overdo it) (Thus began our camping plans) (Day before camping) (Kyungho Cam) Hello. I'm about to pack now. I'm packing as Yeonseok said to. I packed a bit of this and that. (Daemyung Cam) Hello. We're getting ready to go camping. I got groceries. I'll bring some kimchi from home too. And some meoktae (dried pollack.) (What the heck am I doing?) Come with me. (Shopping list) Here's the multigrain rice Kyungho told me to bring. (Jungseok's mushroom) (Veggies Kyungho requested) (Dae Bear always looks out for other's needs instead of his own) (Marshmallows Mido wanted to roast) Next. Five packages of ramyeon. Yeonseok told me the name of good ones. Here it is. (Calling Daemyung) Hello? Are you done packing? No. I'm now heading home after getting groceries. Are you ready? Yeah, I'm almost done packing. Really? No. I think it'll be morning when I'm finally done packing. Hello? Did you finish grocery shopping? I'm getting groceries now. You are? You are? It'll be nine below freezing tomorrow. I know. I'm scared. Put on every piece of clothing you bring. (Not good at withstanding cold) (After the call) (Trying on clothes for tomorrow) (Nine degrees below freezing? I hope I survive...) Seasoned it with salted shrimp and red chili flakes. (Getting recipe from his mother) Mom, your kimchi jjigae (kimchi stew) is the best. I should've made some for you. That's okay. (Came to pick up kimchi and got to eat home-cooked meal, it's been a while) You can just talk. I can't. Hehehe. (Remembers to talk even while eating being the entertainer that he is) You loved his dramas, right? What did you like best? (Why ask her such questions and make it awkward?) You said you liked Prison Playbook. Yeah, that was fun. You watched that and asked why I wasn't on stuff like that. (Thank you) (She knows her dramas) It felt so real. (Talk seemed to be going the way he wanted until) Eat up. Isn't the hairtail great? It is. Try some. Want me to debone that? I'll do it. It's okay. (Mom who's worried about her son) (Oh my sweet mother) Try it with the kimchi. It's so tender. (Son who hasn't been home in a while) (Mother who keeps caring for him) This is a bit hard, huh? But the bone part is separate. It's not bone that was raised on whatever, you know. (All I need, home cooked meal Show isn't first priority) Okay, eat up. (His mother's precious kimchi) (And how it became tear-soaked) It's okay. I'll tell my mom. Will you? I can't bring myself to do it. My bad. I'm sorry. It's okay. I should... (What happened to their kimchi?) (Makes call to someone in the middle of packing) Yo, man. You bringing blankets? What? Blankets. Blanks? Blankets. Oh, blankets. I couldn't hear. Yo, man. Blankets? I saw your pic. You packed so much. Right? I packed way too much. (Looks like he's packing for Hawaii) Why do you have so much? I know it's not conducive. (Calls the camping master) Don't bring pots or plates. Are you sure? Yeonseok. What time should I get there? Eight? Yeah. - Okay. See you tomorrow. - See you. Finally, I'm going to buy meoktae, the most important food of all. (Meoktae is the 99s favorite snack) The meoktae now completes the packing prep work. See you at the camp. (8AM, Next Day) (Kyungho came over to leave with Yeonseok) (Good at moving lots of stuff) I packed light, huh? (Unbelievable) We have to make another trip. - Yeah, I only packed the necessities. - Right. It's just one day, right? Hahaha! Just one day, right? (What's more surprising) (Is there is more luggage) What do you want me to do? Yeonseok. Is this going to fit? Yeah, it'll fit. (Stacked like Tetris) (Leftover stuff goes on top) You like camping, huh? Of course. I'd be happy even if we quit now. It'll be so memorable. You should always pack light. - Right. - Only what you need. - It's only for one night. - Right. (Maximalist who finds what he's done funny too) It's only for one day. (Making a call) Camping stove? Yeonseok. Jungnam. I mean, Jungseok. He's asking about a camping stove. - What? - Camping stove. We don't need it. He said no. Daemyung packed one too. We're not packing. Don't talk to me right now. Fine. (Taking down the final load) Okay. We're done now. (Ran out of room, strapping to roof) (Tetris, expert level) (Finally done) Yeonseok, have a good trip. All set, right? Let's go. Let's go get groceries. (We're so behind) Darn it. Let's go get groceries. (Got groceries) (Finally heading to set) (Checking temperature) - 36.5 degrees. - Okay. 36.6 degrees. Okay. (Sanitize hands well) Thank you. You gave me too much. Go! By 11? We're good on time. It'll be four when we unpack. We'll be like five minutes late. That's soon enough. We only packed the bare necessities. Yeonseok, I hear you're moving. He has a gun in the car. What? It's not a gun. Okay. Drive safely. Who's that? Hey, Yeonseok. Where are you? Lots of traffic, huh? Yeah. We're stuck in traffic too. We'll be a bit late. I think we'll be like five minutes late. That's not bad. I think I'll be 20 minutes late. - Okay. - Really? Then you can do the dishes. What? Never mind. That should be decided after some game. Not who arrives latest. Last one who arrives does it. - What? - The last one is supposed to. But I had so much to prepare. There are two of you and one of me. But this is the work of five. What we have is work for five people. I know you've packed like you're about to move. Don't be alarmed later. Sorry I'm running late. That's okay. It is, right? I said sorry. (They'll see each other soon so what's with such a friendly call?) Okay, see you in a bit. Drive safely. - Will do. - See you. - See you. - See you. (Actually, Jungseok) (Filmed on the way too) I've escaped daily life to go camping. (Such banal comment fit for TV) My eyes. (Acting a bit too much like a celeb) I have nothing to say. What should I say? Selfie videos are... Tough. (Takes forever saying useless things) This would call for an immediate cut normally. (So why are you doing that?) (So he begins a music show now) (Sings and dances to the best of his abilities) Jason Mraz is the best on a road trip. On Flowers Over Youth, Iceland. (So there's nothing to show) (After all the hard work, he's tired) I'm so sleepy. What I'm going to say is that I need a nap. That's what I'd like to say. I'll arrive and be like... Tada! So I'm taking a nap. Bye. (Feeling sleepy too) (Song that wakes him) (Hospital Playlist Soundtrack) (Confession Is Not Flashy-Kyuhyun) I love how it starts with Kyuhyun singing this. Then, we grew close doing the musical. We did Werther, the musical together. You didn't know him before? Not at all. Soon thereafter, he released a new song so I was on his music video. It's funny how things work. (In a world so big) (Over seemingly interminable time) (Among all those we could've met) (Ordinary friends' special day begins) (10:30AM) (Car enters set) (30 earlier than arrival time) (Daemyung is the first to arrive) Hello. (Precautions were taken for this shoot) (Checking temperature) (Sanitizing hands meticulously) (Double-checking temperature) (Dae Bear begins unloading) (We don't know why, but he starts running around) (We're used to it) What's that? - What? - Meoktae? Meoktae. Eight. (Quickly takes down luggage) (Finally looks around) (Saying hello to the assistant director) (Happily brags about meoktae) You could have a farm. I brought a sleeping bag too. (Bragging about sleeping bag) (Looks good) (After bragging about those two things, he's run out of things) (Eats gimbap he bought on the way) (Looks around camping site) (There is nothing to see) (I'll give half to Mido) (So bored he does things he wouldn't normally do) (Time for selfies) (Cute) (First time seeing him take a selfie in the two years I've known him) (Dae Bear is that bored and excited) (Listens to Hospital Playlist songs) We're here. Wow, it's been forever. (11:05AM ) (Kyungho, Yeonseok arrive) Whoa. (Two celebs who are excited to see a camera) Let's go. (Before they enter camping site) (They check their temperature and sanitize hands) (11:10AM ) (Mido arrives) (Mido gets her temperature taken and sanitizes hands) (After six months, the 99s are reunited at Yulje) It's nice to be on set. It's been a while. (Camping grounds they've never seen before) How amazing. There's even a tree. The art director did this. (Filmed safely with permission of landowner) - Mido, did you have breakfast? - No. I have leftover gimbap. Want to share some? It's Witch's Gimbap. Sure. Isn't it good? Did you two eat? Yeonseok made me breakfast. Wow. We worked like movers. (Yeonseok moves things to camping site) See how much stuff comes out of the car. (Meerkats) If you put that on top... (Moving truck enters camping grounds) That's good. (Brakes) (Big but classic) (Our home for the day) You don't hear that often these days. Parking brakes I mean. Okay. Got earmuffs? (Sweet guy looking out for Mido) Put mine on. I'm okay. Put them on. (Softy who gets stern like a big brother at times) Want to see how much fit into this car? See what he brought? Where should I start? Let me put on gloves first. I packed light actually. (Thud) (Definitely did not pack light) We can tell that's a lie already. Hold on. Water jug. We have to unload all this? You even brought chairs? (Too soon to be surprised) Let me unload the food first. I brought cotton work gloves. Do you have gloves? Yeonseok. will you peel this? Put these on. And then these. (Doesn't show any irritation about the hassle) Yeonseok, should we get everything down? - All of it? - Yeah. (Starts) (Little but actually very heavy) Why is this so heavy? It's a gun. (Lots of camping gear) (Unloading Yeonseok's truck makes her laugh) You don't have to put anything on the ground. Put that down. - What about this? - We don't need it. Are you fleeing the country? Just get what we need. What's this? Are we playing the noraebang game? (What else could it be for then?) (Magical car with endless stream of supplies) (Starts questioning what he packed) I should've brought a chair. - You sure camping trips are for fun? - Of course. Don't you feel excited already? (Actually feels more fear than excitement) About these... We have to reload the car tomorrow, right? (Camping is a lot of hassle) Maybe we should leave it. You brought everything. (That's not even half of it) I have to drop this. Move. Two, three. (Uh-oh...) (Dae Bear is destructive) (Cursing him with his gaze) That's for... the fire anyway. Weren't you going to open it here? It's cooler this way. Unboxing. (And) We have another helping hand. Who? Jungseok? (11:25AM) (Guy who's not good with his hands arrives) Are these cymbals? No, they're griddles. Oh. I thought you brought them to play drums for us. (Other things they can't identify flow out of his car) I packed light. I brought the bare necessities. How is this packing light? Light? (Can't believe it) (Sleeping bags, blankets, awning wooden table, camping bed, dishes, tray, etc.) (Finally, Jungseok enters the camping grounds) There's Yeonseok's car. I'm here. Hi, Jungseok! We prepared everything. What's wrong, Mido? - Tada! - We're here. You're one of a kind. You filmed on the way? Hello. (Very courteous despite being older) It feels like it's a variety show. Director. (Mood changes just because one popular kid arrives) Don't mind the cameras. How could I not? They're everywhere. Should I unload my car? (Hospital Playlist Goes Camping) (Next) We need to pitch the tent. I'll put up the tarp first. Half? Want to do half and half? Play the harp? Yeonseok. This isn't working. Should we take this out? Take the pole out. Stick that here. No one knows what to do. What's this? What is this? This is no joke. Wait. Where's the entrance? Yeonseok. Where's the entrance? (99s fall for Yeonseok's endless planning and leadership) (We can start today, right?) (This isn't all) (Highlight of camping) (Cooking) This is what camping is all about. (They eat) This is so yummy. (They drink) Good work. This is wonderful. (Enjoy) (Won't give in) (They fight to the end) (Not giving one another an inch) Wrong! Drink. (Warm gestures all around) (Happy day of camping awaits) (But) (Little did they know) (This is) (The happiest they would be) (Enjoy it while it lasts) (99s begin to feel flustered) Who is it? Whos is that? No way... (Guest from the underworld) (Their fate?) Oh no. I'm scared. Sorry. Where are you from? - What? - Where are you from? From Seoul. We only take guests from Pocheon. Hey! He's angry. (Hospital Playlist Goes Camping) (Thursdays at 9PM)
Channel: 채널 십오야
Views: 4,267,329
Rating: 4.962491 out of 5
Keywords: 나영석, 나PD, 아간세, 아이슬란드간세끼, 이수근, 수근세끼, 은지원, 지원세끼, 삼시세끼, 세끼, 신효정, 나피디, 묘한이, tvN, 라끼남, 라면, 라면끼리는남자, 강호동, 양정우, 육봉선생, 6봉선생, 라면먹방, 마포멋쟁이, 마포, 멋쟁이, 송민호, 표지훈, 민호, 지훈, 피오, MINO, PO, P.O, 위너, WINNER, 송표, 표송, 패션, 패션유튜버, 패션유튜브, 삼시네세끼, 달나라공약이행프로젝트, 달나라프로젝트, 달나라, 젝스키스, 젝키, 젝서키, 젝스키, 이재진, 재진, 김재덕, 재덕, 장수원, 수원, Sechs Kies, 슬의, 슬기로운하드털이, 슬의생, 슬기로운의사생활, 신원호, 이우정, 조정석, 정경호, 유연석, 김대명, 전미도, 이익준, 김준완, 안정원, 양석형, 채송화, 용석민, 문태유, 도재학, 이익순, 곽선영, 신현빈, 장겨울, hospitalplaylist, 이식당, 나홀로이식당, 나노, 우주, 김준, 어깨춤, 언제까지어깨춤을추게할거야, 규현, 조규현, 조정뱅이, 슈퍼주니어, superjunior, 슈주, 악마는정남이를입는다, 악마정남, 배정남, 조재윤, 기쁨라사
Id: svebW_uz9A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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