[SUB]陸全面攔截美機艦 中印5年戰爭預言? 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20240321 (字幕版)

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The first place he will visit in this new presidential term ? Will the first country he visits be China? This is how Putin responded. Let ’s take a look . Obviously, it feels like we saw some messages before that said in May. Is Putin about to visit mainland China ? I feel like he responded with a smile and must not be joking. Now Russia has considered the mainland as its most important ally in the future. Let us also take a look. In fact, Europe is very worried about whether this Russia-Ukraine war will happen. It spread into a war between Russia and Europe. It was said that the leader of the Canadian Norman Brigade was annihilated by Russian drones. Then nearly half of the Canadian volunteers sacrificed because they felt that these Canadian mercenaries and French mercenaries had arrived recently. Ukraine came here to fight with Russia, but was later attacked and killed in a drone attack. It was said that he was the mercenary leader of the Norman Brigade called Big Fish by Russia. Anyway, it seems that it has already turned against this Europe. France will also have to fight against it now. Ukraine dispatched 2,000 special forces and Russia said it would be a priority target. Russia 's intelligence chief mentioned that if France sent 2,000 special forces, it was obvious that France did not take the general's concerns to heart. Russia would attack France. The military has been listed as a priority target , and Russia has recently determined that Britain has joined the war because of the Beixi incident on the Crimean Bridge. In other words , more and more countries in Europe are targeting it . Is this war likely to spread? It turned into a European war. We saw that Macron also recently posted a photo of himself showing off his muscles and practicing boxing. He posted a photo of himself hitting a sandbag on IG . People are wondering if this is a challenge to Putin because it is all over the Internet. The mystery picture shows the feeling of Puchin riding a bear and showing off his muscles . French netizens said that Mark seemed to want to compete with Puchin , but his biceps didn’t feel that big. Maybe the picture was edited, even the French I can't help but complain about Macron , but the battlefield is a meat grinder. It feels like you are putting on a show by showing off your muscles. Zelensky is also talking about it. In fact, we have been at war since the beginning of the war . Ten thousand Ukrainian soldiers were killed, not 300,000. He thinks that the figure of 300,000 that Putin mentioned before was a lie . But look at the former Polish military prime minister. He mentioned that in fact, the number of Ukrainian soldiers' casualties was not thousands or tens of thousands. He calculated it in terms of people but millions . He said that the total population was probably more than 10 million. People fled to foreign countries. The losses of the Ukrainian army were probably in the millions. I am afraid that there is no one in this country who can fight now . But at this time When India stood up, Modi said that I would mediate this matter. He said that he had phone calls with Putin and Zelensky on March 20 to strengthen relations between the two countries. He later issued a statement saying that India believed in dialogue . The crisis in Ukraine can be solved. The leaders of both sides also agreed to deepen relations with India . He also posted on He is going to mainland China in May , and Xi Jinping is also rumored to be going to France in May. It is very likely that Xi Jinping is really playing the role of mediator. So people say that when Modi steps up, you can just make two phone calls. The conclusion of this Russo-Ukrainian war makes everyone feel like bragging. Now let’s look at the relationship between China and mainland China. India has been advocating that this southern Tibetan region is called Aru by India . The US State Department also said that southern Tibet should be what India calls Aru . Nacha State should belong to India , so opposing any unilateral attempt to advance territorial claims through military or civilian means is a propaganda against mainland China. It feels that the United States is on India's side. India's Foreign Minister S Jaishankar also criticized him for saying that India's first president Prime Minister Nehru 's opposition to U.S. policies led to everyone in India being anti-American at that time. He also said that China was a great friend, which led to everyone saying that China was a great friend. Now it has been proven that his China policy is a bubble, and it feels like it is different from mainland China. India wants to intensify this conflict. Instead of getting along well with mainland China, it wants to show its military strength. Yesterday we mentioned that India said it wanted to prove that it could challenge China in the Indian Ocean. It's the boss . They traveled thousands of miles and then rushed to rescue the freighter. They were actually pirates, anti-piracy and anti-hijacking missions. There was cheering in India and described it as a Hollywood blockbuster-style rescue operation. The Indian media Eurasia Times even said that this was a follow-up to Mainland China shows who is the boss in the Indian Ocean , but one country can’t help but complain about him. This is the former defense minister of Armenia. They spent 2 billion US dollars to buy weapons from India. It is true that the paint is peeling off and they are buying a pile of scrap metal because he bought it. The artillery radar air defense system and anti-drone system cost about 2 billion US dollars. Later, these weapons all malfunctioned and they had to be returned to India. India said that you broke it because you didn’t know how to use it, so they refused to return the goods. The after-sales service was not very good , but they were later repaired. The bad thing is that I can’t help being complained about. Are Indian muscles very psychedelic? Our subtitle is also very psychedelic. Let’s first ask the introduction teacher. What does the introduction teacher think of the current war in Europe? Is it possible that the war in Europe will escalate? Now this Mark Hong , he has been very vocal recently , but his voice is far louder than his actions. He talked a lot about what to do if he wanted to send troops. However , he said that no other European country in Europe responded to him. Then after he was slapped in the face, he still said that he had spoken. He is very serious because it proves that he speaks seriously He recently said that he would send 2,000 elite troops to Ukraine. That was what he was saying. He also said something that Putin responded to. He recently said that he hopes that the war between Russia and Ukraine can cease fire during the Paris Olympics, at least for the sake of Paris. The two weeks of the Olympics are probably at the end of July this year. At the end of July this year, people were talking about it. It turned out that they had been working on it for a long time . He really wanted him to hold the Olympics. When he held the Olympics, he would not be affected by the Russia-Ukraine war , so it became That is to say , Macron feels that there is a lot of drama. What does he really want and what can he achieve? We all need to distinguish this. I think when he said that he would send 2,000 French troops into his country, there is no politics at all. Without the conditions of unity, he would agree to do this because when he proposed that France enter the war between Russia and Ukraine, he was actually opposed to it . Except for Germany, Spain was opposed to Italy, and his domestic opposition parties were even more opposed. So I think he is basically playing with this. He has played with this issue to gain a lot of publicity, so now he has gradually faded out and been marginalized on the international political stage. Recently, he has returned to the center of everyone's attention with his remarks . You have to admire him . Playing politics is very clever. The Russia-Ukraine war. As far as Russia is concerned, I think what I should pay more attention to is that Putin put forward a statement. He said that a middle buffer zone should be established. In fact, Russia is now concerned about this 1,000-kilometer border. As far as this battle line is concerned, he has no intention of advancing further west, which means that for him, he has already taken the defensive. On this line, he will establish a buffer zone on the new border between Russia and Ukraine. This is a new idea he proposed. But I think the thinking behind it is that he has counterattacked and defended. Now coupled with Ukraine, he is unable to counterattack. In addition, the United States cannot provide money now , and the European Union has spoken very fiercely several times . In fact, As a very conservative situation, I really think that the variables in this year's Russia-Ukraine war are very, very large. In fact, Zelensky 's political status in Ukraine is far inferior to Putin's in Russia. The political status of Ukraine is so stable , so the variables are likely to be in Ukraine. I think the clamor of these people on the side is not as concerned as we are about the current internal changes in Ukraine. So it is very likely that we will be in the next one or two months or a little longer. Seeing that the Russia-Ukraine war may have a relatively big development, I would like to ask Teacher Yang for advice. Modi arrived in the South Tibet area on March 9, almost 10 days ago. Mainland China calls this area South Tibet . There are about 9 India calls it Arunachal Pradesh, which is more than 10,000 square kilometers. They held an opening ceremony, that is, they opened a tunnel and spent about 100 million U.S. dollars , and then sent 10,000 additional Indian soldiers to this southern Tibet. The southern Tibet region has been the largest region between China and India since the 1962 Sino-Indian War. This is considered the largest territorial dispute in the eastern region. Then the spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense of mainland China should be named Colonel Zhang Xiaogang, and he began to criticize Mo. Di's action actually caused tension in the region , and the Chinese People's Liberation Army will definitely take necessary measures. Then the United States intervened. On March 14, the United States first passed a resolution in the Senate to recognize that the southern Tibet region is inherent to India. The territory requires that China or any other party shall not unilaterally change the status quo. Then yesterday, the 20th, the US State Department followed the Senate resolution and said that the current US government officially recognizes India’s territorial sovereignty in this southern Tibetan area. Do you think the Senate How could a resolution be suddenly and inexplicably passed ? This is obviously the US government's operation. Let the Senate pass the resolution first. The State Department will go along with the flow . In fact, there is no need for this action at all. Everyone knows that the US government has begun to support India. What does such an action mean? China and India The territorial dispute between China and India has also been tense since 1962. Recently, in 2020, there have been other conflicts, including the death of nearly 20 soldiers, most of which were on the Indian side. So now this territory has become the United States. The United States has a role. In fact, everyone knows very well that the so-called McMahon Line in southern Tibet is completely the traces left by the so-called imperialist aggression and military affairs. It was a product of power politics . In fact, it was in 1913, that is, after the Revolution of 1911, when Tibet sought independence and was dealt with by the Beiyang government. But no matter what, when the United States did this, it was actually clear that it was creating geopolitical conflicts around China. With tensions , you see military tensions in the Taiwan Strait from Japan’s doubling of military spending. The Indo-Pacific commander said that he would prepare for war in 2027. Then the Philippines’ Spratly Islands, the Second Thomas Shoal, and now the South Tibet regional government officially recognized it. Then you see the confrontation between China and the United States has entered from competition. When it comes to confrontation , and it is a comprehensive confrontation, I would like to ask Mr. Zheng . India is really a country worth getting to know. It is very interesting. If we talk about what their current foreign minister Jaishankar said, I don’t know how we Taiwanese understand that he is trying to repair Nehru. Nehru was their Indian independence. It was very important. He was the father of their country. He talked about two things : how good the former Soviet Union was and how good China was. How bad the United States was. It was pro-Russian, pro- China , and then anti-American. Look at what we are doing with China today. All relationships have turned into bubbles . What Nehru meant to say is all nonsense. I may have made an inappropriate metaphor. In Taiwan, maybe it means that the Kuomintang denies what Sun Yat-sen said about the Three People's Principles. The Three People's Principles are all your fault. Or some people in mainland China later opposed Mao Zedong and denied Mao Zedong, something like this. Why did Jaishankar Su say this ? Of course, Teacher Yang just mentioned it. There are some conflicts between China and India. In fact, the more fundamental thing is that everyone must know that in Nehru's time, the whole world was a war between socialism and capitalism. Under this situation, the so-called Cold War was the first in India at that time. They want to break away from the British colonies and insist on independence. They must have their own national identity and then work hard to build a country. Secondly, internationally, they hope to win the Non-Aligned Movement and hope to get rid of imperialist control. So Nehru was a third world country at that time. The leader of the Non-Aligned Movement , he is a socialist in China. He believes very much in the Fabianism of socialism. And he pays attention to this domestic issue because Indian races are very complex . How should everyone be equal and hope to be relatively free? Today in India, there are still several gangs in Taiwan, which are led by the Communist Party. They don’t quite understand this matter. But after Modi came up, he and Jaishankar and his group proposed the so-called Modi Economics. The Modi Economics system is completely gone. The approach of neoliberal America is to privatize and let capital in. So in this situation, of course they feel that Nehru, what did you say? Because under this situation, they find that generally speaking, it is best to follow The United States , especially the United States, is becoming increasingly ambitious . They believe that they can become the third largest economy in the future and may even surpass China. In this case, it is best for China to fight the United States. If China is beaten miserably by the United States, Not only can they solve the territory between China and India in the north, but they can also give India a good opportunity to rise. So I think this is the map they imagined in their heads. In other words, from the time when they founded the country , they were standing with the weak. Today, Modi has completely overthrown the socialist orientation , so Jaishankar openly cursed one of their founders , completely denied it, and then made a big turn . This reflects the changes in the entire current international situation. At the same time, in the dispute between China and the United States, He is also on the side of the United States. In the past, they had very, very good relations with Russia and the former Soviet Union. Recently, they are also pro-American and a little bit far away from the Soviet Union . This is a change in the overall direction. Let's take a break for commercials and be back soon. Cook went to mainland China. People talk about how he quietly appeared in Shanghai. In fact, he was in Shanghai and even sent a small message saying "Nonghao Shanghai" and specifically using this Shanghainese dialect. The person in the photo with him is Zheng Kai. Zheng Kai. Anyone who watches Chinese dramas? I know that he plays a major role in it , so he got caught up in the popularity of mainland dramas and posted six posts in Shanghai on Weibo because they have the largest flagship store in Asia here. This Jing'an store is about to open, so let's take a look at why Cook needs to make such a big move to go to mainland China. In fact , Cook went to mainland China twice last year. In March, he went to Beijing . Unexpectedly, in September, Raymond It disrupted its sales in the mainland because Lei Mengduo was taken a photo by this Mate 60. At that time, he was far ahead . Everyone turned to buy Huawei , so Huawei's sales increased sharply by 6 However , the iPhone sales in mainland China plummeted by 24% . Even if he went to Beijing again the next month in Raimondo, it was still difficult to recover. So this time he opened the largest and largest flagship store in Asia in Jing'an . He wanted to He attended in person and he was in the same frame as Wang Chuanfu. Let's take a look at the relevant pictures. This was actually before the opening of their Jing'an store , and he met some important people , including the Wang Chuanfu we see in the picture now, who was also invited by him. One of the VIPs came with three different strategic partners from mainland China to meet with the three major companies . So the surging news mentioned that they actually include BYD Electronics, Lens Technology and Changying Precision. They all have relationships with Cook. They met and showed off these manufacturing technologies and Apple's component products . Wang Chuanfu and Cook also visited BYD's booth together. After Cook arrived in Shanghai, he actually wanted to build momentum for the opening of this store, the largest in Asia. There are also reports that because the iPhone 15 has encountered some difficulties in selling in mainland China , he must make another trip. In fact, it is not just Cook. This time everyone is focusing on a high-level forum on mainland development that will open this Sunday. So Many CEOs , including the CEO of Apple, Qualcomm, Blackstone , including Cook, many people , and Dalio, this means that many CEOs and high- level figures, such big names, are all gathered in mainland China, including contractors. It’s not clear who they have a chance to meet. Some people say they have a chance to meet with Xi Jinping, the leader of mainland China. But some people say that Li Qiang will come to meet with them. Let’s take a look at this. Now Sichuan is beginning to have differentiated treatment . One of the tendencies in mainland China is that Biden is constantly prohibiting bans . Bloomberg said that he is now considering expanding sanctions , which is to put some of Huawei's chip chains and six companies he cooperates with on the list of trade blacklists . What is the real mainland China to the United States? Is it a security threat? Piers Morgan asked Sachs like this. Our program often shows an opinion of this Columbia University professor Sacks. He said no at all. Let’s listen to it . So this is the China threat theory. In fact, in the eyes of many American experts It seems that there is no threat at all. Trump actually just made a big move a few days ago and said that if Mexico imports electric vehicles from mainland China through Mexico, the tariffs will be increased by 100% . So people are talking about this . It feels like there is a plan to impose sanctions on mainland China. As a result, Trump wants to make it clearer now. What he means is that if you don’t go to Mexico to invest , just come directly to the United States. That is, you come directly to the United States. For example, they want to You can come and build a factory in Michigan, Ohio, South Carolina , as long as you have to hire people from the United States to work so that you can build a factory. It turns out that this is what he said, that is, he hopes to attract more people. It is possible that an electric vehicle brand from China will come to the United States to directly set up factories. That’s why they have to raise tariffs on Mexico. It seems that they have begun to adopt a differentiated approach with Biden . Yesterday was the Spring Equinox . In fact, many such websites in China have begun to talk about it. Seeing that flower viewing in various places has started to drive the spring economy , they even talked about a sea of ​​flowers and dressed in Hanfu. Now it is popular to wear Hanfu to enjoy the flowers , which shows the vitality of their domestic demand for the spring economy. Even the Tianshui Malatang fever, which has been highly discussed recently, It is said that in these shops there are people who pound those chili peppers from morning to night. Many people from all over the provinces gather in Tianshui to eat Malatang , just like before we saw Zibo Barbecue or Harbin tourism now It’s so hot again in Tianshui, Gansu. Tianshui, Gansu has also become a very popular scene. Furthermore, central enterprises are also joining forces to expand domestic demand. Now the consumer market is gradually picking up. China’s business operators say this is the name of the China Business Network and the newspaper. Nowadays, the trade-in of consumer goods for new ones conforms to the current quality consumption trend, so they are now ready, which is equivalent to echoing a keyword in the 2024 Two Sessions to expand domestic demand . Of course, for American companies, they have also seen this trend, which is why there are so many American companies. Big companies , including Apple's Cook, are rushing to visit mainland China. Let's first ask the introduction teacher what he thinks of Cook going to mainland China. The reason is that it is actually very simple . It means that he has been in China since last year , especially after the launch of Huawei Mate 60 Pro. The market share of mainland China has dropped very quickly , causing its global sales to drop a lot and its stock price to drop a lot. So Apple is now in trouble. This year, we see that sales in the Chinese market also dropped by 24% at the beginning of the year . This is very The prospect of a big recession is not good because Huawei, Xiaomi, vivo, OPPO and their new models are more cost-effective than Apple. In fact, Apple has two reasons in mainland China. In the past, I think it is that it can win in mainland China . Speaking of which, consumers in mainland China are still very willing to buy Apple mobile phones. The first thing is that it is a symbol of its status , because if iPhone can be used in mainland China , in fact many young people think that this is still a good and best international brand. The world's No. 1 brand and the second one are Apple itself, which has many Chinese elements . In other words, most of Apple's supply chain is related to manufacturers in mainland China , and its production and OEM are also done in mainland China. Although the largest OEM here is Foxconn and then Luxshare, Foxconn still has nearly 50, and Luxshare has about 50%. In other words, it is still produced in mainland China. So in this part, I think Apple can still be in the market. There is an important reason why mainland China has not been completely abandoned by mainland Chinese consumers. So if he goes back this time, he will be trying to save Apple's declining market share in mainland China. This is the main reason why he met with Wang Chuanfu. My guess is that in addition to making electric cars, BYD also does mobile phone OEM. Its OEM is also very large. In fact, is Apple slowly moving its OEM to the so-called real red supply chain mainland ? The relevant agents are actually very useful to his brand image in mainland China , so if he can hire Wang Chuanfu to be in the same frame as him, the advertising effect will be too great for him. But on the other hand, if he can hire Wang Chuanfu, he must The production part of Apple 's supply chain may also need to do more goodwill to BYD . So I think Apple is in crisis now , but the overall competitiveness of this company has nothing to do with its future. Sexually speaking , it’s really not very optimistic. So let’s see if Cook goes to China to save its sales and see if it will have any effect. It’s worth observing. Let’s ask Teacher Yang. I recently talked about it because of my class . Regarding the development of China's economy, I especially refer to all these related media. Western media or non-Western media talk about China's economy, saying that it is not optimistic about the peak , or that it will weaken and become another Japan . Let’s find out and roughly talk about what the levels are. There are probably three levels to help you sort out. The first is real estate. The second is local debt. The third is aging population . Then what is the current situation? That is, weak consumption and foreign investment FDI. Reduction of the above are all facts is faced with a A big test and problem. Real estate accounts for 30% of GDP. The price of new houses has continued to fall for eight consecutive months . Although the amplitude is not high , local debts are all domestic debts because Japan’s debt is higher and its population is aging. In fact, in the West, The country has been aging for a long time , but they can get rich before they get old. So the key is actually that you have to look at another fundamental. For example, in January and February of this year, China's exports increased by 7 to 580 billion US dollars. Imports have also increased , and the three major manufacturing industries, EV batteries and solar panels, almost dominate the world . This is a new large manufacturing field for the next generation, accounting for 40% of China's GDP. These are all Chinese manufacturing industries. And it is slowly moving towards more sophisticated machinery. There is no way who can replace it. At the same time, in the past, everyone talked about the so-called friendly-shoring outsourcing and near-shoring outsourcing, which should be moved from China to Vietnam, India, and Mexico. As a result, Chinese companies moved there and then moved the supply chain from China. It has become an Asian supply chain , but with China's manufacturing as the core, so what you see now is that the middle class is getting higher and higher, and consumption is starting to come out. Everyone, the fundamentals I talked about above , so slowly I see this happening. During the process, I saw some people in Hong Kong, based on analysis from Singapore, who said that many large funds in the United States are now paying attention to China's situation because compared with the fundamentals, they don't understand why Japanese stocks have risen like this while China is still in such a sluggish state. So I would like to provide you with a reference to ask Teacher Zheng. That economics professor at Columbia University , Sacks , is really a very interesting person. I have seen him interviewed many times by Western mainstream media. Western mainstream media hope to use these experts , because generally these experts are To badmouth or smear China or these socialist countries , but this Sachs is different. So during the interview with the British host , he said just like this. He asked whether the United States is threatened by China. He said not at all. This host People were dumbfounded. How could it be possible? Sachs told him that if it truly threatens the country, it will threaten the security of the people. Part of what they talked about was the recent incident of TikTok . He said that it is our US government that is the real threat to our people. The most powerful person who monitors us is our U.S. government. TikTok does not exist . He said that he has been to China 40 times. The host said that you seem to have been going there since 1943. Then do n’t you really believe that they are like this ? Say no... and then say, in your opinion, are there still bad people in the world? What do you mean, join us for discussion. Guest labor activist Zheng Cunqi. Hello everyone. Professor Yang Yongming of the Cultural University. Zhai Di. Hello everyone. Former Ambassador Jie Wen. Ji Zhai Di. Hello everyone. Hello friends, there is a lot of quarrel in Taiwan right now because of whether Taiping Island should allow Tsai Ing-wen to land on the island. Let’s take a look at what Tsai Ming-yan, the director of national security of the Legislative Yuan , said when he was questioned today. He is very worried now. Due to the situation in the South China Sea , it is not recommended that Tsai Ing-wen go to Taiping Island at this stage. He said that considering the geopolitical situation, there is no way to solve the structural problems of the safety of the presidential plane's flight , so we do not recommend Tsai Ing-wen to do so. We feel that it is very I wonder if you are Cai Mingyan? Why do you say that? Because Cai Mingyan has been telling us whenever Qiu Guozheng has not slept well. There is no information to show that the situation in the Taiwan Strait has increased after the Chinese speedboat incident . He is telling us that the Chinese people should feel at ease. You can rest assured . Why are you suddenly telling the truth now about the current geopolitical situation? Tsai Ing-wen can't recommend that it's not good to go to Taiping Island now. Some people say no. The key is that the difference between the situation in the Taiwan Strait and the situation in the South China Sea is that the situation in the South China Sea is compared with the situation in the Taiwan Strait. It's even more dangerous. Maybe he wants to release this news? I don't know. Anyway, he accidentally told a big truth. In fact, he is obviously very nervous now , but he had to be tough at the time. Let's take a look again. Cai Mingyan also said that the warships of the People's Liberation Army will follow us and we will supply Taiping Island. Wang Dingyu said that the infrastructure of the United States and Australia had been harassed by the People's Liberation Army in the South China Sea. Cai Mingyan said that this was not the case. We ourselves also encountered many people who were harassed on an average day. There are 6 to 20 sorties of these ships on the sea. On average, there will be about 20 ships. If Tsai Ing-wen is going to go, the President's flight and the National Security Bureau must evaluate it because the People's Liberation Army 's activities in the South China Sea are very frequent . Isn't it not in the Taiwan Strait? Is it frequent? It is obvious that we are all gone in the middle line now , so in their assessment, we also feel that it seems that under certain circumstances , it is dangerous there. On the Taiwan Strait side , it can be used as another explanation. I don’t understand what the director of the National Security Bureau is. Which sentence should we believe in what we are told ? There is also this. Now that Ma Wenjun said that 516 will come to inspect the Taiping Island Green Committee, he said not to restrict President Tsai in an unjust way. First, the time is not suitable. Second, the motive is negotiable. The opposition parties should not do it at this time. Pushing the head of state to the front line and becoming a provocateur framed President Tsai for injustice. If we, the Republic of China, really believe that Taiping Island is our territory, how can we call it injustice if we go to the territory? This is really strange and cannot be justified. Lai Qingde said no. We need to have a majority party mentality and actively respond to major issues. The problem is that now more than half of the blue- green legislators have made a request or a wish that Tsai Ing-wen should go to Taiping Island. This also represents the majority of public opinion . Didn’t he say that we should actively respond to these major issues? Doesn’t Tsai Ing-wen need to respond? Doesn’t Lai Qingde You shouldn't respond positively, just go with Tsai Lai. Do you think it's better not to go together ? Show your determination to respond to public opinion before and after . Then let's see what Wu Zhaoxie said at this time. He said that Tsai Ing-wen will go now . When Taiping Island declared sovereignty, he said that the time was not right. This Jingjing appeared and he wanted to speak in Chinese and English. He said that the situation in the South China Sea was heating up. Taiwan must think about how to resolve disputes in a peaceful way , instead of letting people think that we are creating difficulties again. Who do they think we are? Can't we go to Taiping Island to create difficulties ? He said that the time for the president to land on the island is inappropriate . In fact, our previous presidents seem to have visited Taiping Island before leaving office. Why is it inappropriate for us to ask Tsai Ing-wen to go at this time ? Is that right? The representative said that every president has not made the cross-strait situation as tense as Tsai Ing-wen. On the other hand, we just think that if we put ourselves in someone else's shoes, has Tsai Ing-wen really handed over Taiwan 's report card on cross-strait relations ? Zhang Baijuan , let’s take a look again. Cai Zhengyuan mentioned that the South China Sea Arbitration is a judicial unit under the WTO. When he went to this, he said that Taiping Island was not within the scope of the arbitration , but it was judged to be a reef rather than an island that time . Our rights and interests have been compressed. In addition to causing us to lose economic waters, this arbitration also claims that we are China. The Taiwan authorities are not a country and are not a sovereign government . Of course, they cannot control the territory . So what we are denied is the state status and the sovereign status of the government . May I ask this? No one from the DPP came out to protest this matter to the United Nations. They just treated it as if it was nothing . So in the case of Taiping Island, the DPP didn’t seem to say anything when it was being criticized . So what’s the point of your defense of sovereignty ? Where is the use of resisting China? Now Qiu Guozheng is saying that Taiwan is on the verge of war. There may be fierce fighting and the use of force. War may be on the verge. But the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation's poll shows that half of the people are against what Qiu Guozheng said. I don’t agree with the statement that the current cross-strait situation is serious and on the verge of using force. This reflects the gap between the government and the people. If we say that there is a war in front of us, how many people are aware of this matter? And our Academia Sinica has a Taiwan version of GPT results. When Ye Yuanzhi questioned Academia Sinica, he said that last time Academia Sinica developed a Taiwan version of GPT, it was discovered that it used mainland data. Today, it was discovered that some word segmentation systems were not suitable for the Taiwanese context. For example , shouldn't you call President Bush ? Bush, or Taiwan has its own translation requirements that need to be improved immediately. Isn’t it useful to use information from the mainland? There are also some green camp congressmen talking about how we found Huawei when we connected to the WiFi on the buses in New Taipei . It turns out that we are connected to Huawei. Many members of the WiFi Green Camp have said that this may be mainland China's intervention in Taiwan and its influence on Taiwan through Huawei. Look at this PTT. Everyone talks about how the Green Party will put it down lightly when it uses Chinese products. Isn't Taiwan still allowed to sell them ? Do you sell OPPO or Xiaomi ? Why does it need to be like this when using Huawei’s WiFi ? It’s like this when it’s loud and clear . Is this a double-standard fraud party or less double-standard? So now the green camp is fiercely fighting the fear of China. I feel that the people above are a little numb. Okay , first of all, let’s ask Mr. Zheng what he thinks about the current situation in the South China Sea . Cai Mingyan told us that it is best not for Cai Ing-wen to go to the South China Sea at this stage. This is a very serious and serious issue. First of all, we must confirm that Taiping Island is our territory and is now being manipulated by the DPP. They say that this is a Taiwanese political party that is trying to put small shoes on Tsai Ing-wen and cause trouble for her. The timing is wrong, the timing is wrong, and the motives are wrong. There are a lot of things to say. But the first one, Tsai Ming-yan, didn’t you say that everything is fine in the world? Why did he suddenly say that there is a chance to follow us? The supply team and the supply team are afraid of you. You are a national security unit. I think it’s funny. Especially Wang Dingyu. He said that when the United States and Australia were in that place, even the Communist Army would harass them. Aren’t Americans your ancestors? Your ancestors ? Didn’t you say that Americans are very strong? The old Communist Party is afraid when they see it. What you are saying now is upside down. When the United States and Australia were over there, they were harassed by the Communist army. How about your name? Wang Dingyu, even the world is not enough. You see, you have determined that the universe is usually so powerful that you just keep doing it wherever you go. Once you activate the spell of loving Taiwan , everything will be fine, right? Why do you suddenly dare not talk about loving Taiwan anymore ? Very loud, as fierce as you usually are . You are Wang Dingyu. Say it again. You can control the universe. What are you afraid of? I see you changed that word into a second tone. Wang Dingyu , you are fooling the common people and yourself. This is not just a joke. Why did he talk like this? Because the South China Sea may be what happened in Jinxia recently. These two factors on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, please ask. If the situation in the South China Sea is tense because of the neighbors quarreling, we dare not go to our own territory. If your two neighbors quarrel today, you can’t even open the door of your house. I don't dare to step in. Are you decent? Is there such a thing? You are denying that it is your own home. It is your own territory. You can come and go freely. You don't care if the neighbors next door are quarreling. The situation in the South China Sea is tense. That is your home . If you want to go to the territory, go and no one can interfere with you. Isn’t it the most basic and basic common sense? As a result, such simple common sense has given rise to a lot of reasons and a lot of excuses. Wu Siyao still said it as if it were true, and it turned into saying that others are looking for trouble for her. Can you go to this extent by losing your power and humiliating the country ? If you say it like this Then why not go to Pingtung, China, which is also very close to the South China Sea ? Because of this conflict with the Philippines, the Philippines and the US military have military facilities on Bataan Island, which is between us and the Philippines . According to what you said, The situation in Bianye is very dangerous. The timing is not right and the situation is not right. Don’t be a troublemaker, so none of us in Pingtung can go, right? According to you, what is your concept of Taiping Island? Past presidents will go there, it is very simple, it is your own territory. You can go wherever you want. You can go whenever you want . There is no question of timing or motive. How can you turn around and accuse you of this ? Then what motive are you seeking ? I think this thing of yours is too strange. So I just started talking about this very serious and serious issue. We dare not set foot on our own territory because we are afraid of the East and the West. This is tantamount to Taiwan becoming a complete loser. It's all false. Let's talk further. Is what Cai Zhengyuan said correct? It turns out that after the arbitration, we have essentially been deprived of it. What does that mean ? You talk about the center line of the Taiwan Strait. We usually talk about it . Now the old Communist Party has erased you. If you don’t recognize the center line of the Taiwan Strait, your planes are flying around. You can only talk and talk about it... don’t dare to do anything. That is the center line of the Taiwan Strait . However, we still have troops stationed on Taiping Island. The old Communist Party has not claimed that Taiping Island is not you. Then in the South China Sea, and now the Philippines is involved in the dispute, the United States has not claimed that Taiping Island does not belong to Taiwan. So why don’t you go ? Are you going to prove it in reverse? What Cai Zhengyuan said is that we were deprived and kicked off during the last arbitration. In addition to letting you put it there, we don't actually have it. Otherwise, why can Tsai Ing-wen not go today ? If Tsai Ing-wen doesn't go, you talk a lot, whether you are sick or not , and you who usually beat the drum next to you are equivalent to They all agreed that we can’t go to that place , why we can’t go there because they don’t let us go, even if it’s our territory, we can’t go there, and we can’t go. This is the loss of power and humiliation that the people of Taiwan have to face. Can we still defend Taiwan when we are at this level? I’ll say it again. Then Pingtung can't go there. There is a conflict behind it. Can you give up Pingtung? Isn't this too strange? We can't accept it. We must ask him to go to Taiping Island and declare his sovereignty properly. I was scared when Teacher Zheng said this. No wonder Tsai Ing-wen only wants to stay online. Now she is unwilling to go out or meet the media. Teacher Yang, Cai Mingyan , said that there are two structural factors. One is to consider the geopolitical situation in the South China Sea. In other words, this is our title. If at this time Tsai Ing-wen's trip to Taiping Island may intensify the situation in the South China Sea. The second reason he mentioned is that it is safe to fly by plane. I think it is none of the above. In fact, there is only one reason. You know it, I know it, and everyone knows it . That is why Washington in the United States will not let you go. In fact, Tsai Mingyan said There are two reasons. If you go to Taiping Island now, you will ease the situation in the South China Sea. Because the United States and the Philippines are intensifying the situation in the South China Sea. As a result, you went to Taiping Island to highlight that Taiping Island actually has different opinions in the South China Sea . Then Ma Ying-jeou last time When I went there, I mentioned the South China Sea Peace Initiative. Now the South China Sea Code of Conduct between mainland China and ASEAN countries is stuck in the Philippines. So if you go to Taiping Island at this time , you will highlight this matter. In fact, everyone can sit down and talk about you slowly. It has eased the situation in the South China Sea. In fact, of course the United States will not let you go. As for safety, US and Australian military aircraft have been harassed by common aircraft in the South China Sea . This is cognitive warfare. What are the US and Australian military aircraft doing there ? Is there no base on the island? Because it is close to it recently , the US and Australian military aircraft have actually infringed on the rights and interests of other countries. Of course, they have to make this statement or expel them. Of course, the US and Australia regard it as harassment. I think Wang Dingyu is like this. In his interpretation of the 20 ships, he probably included the Coast Guard and the fishery administration ships. So in these situations, I think in fact, there is no need to worry about safety issues. How did Chen Shui -bian go? How did Ma Ying-jeou go? And one is about to leave office and continue the same practice. Did Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou in 2008 and 2016 act like this to declare sovereignty and defend the territory? If you don’t do this as a routine, you will actually lose your height as a president. It is a pity. Moreover, the Kinmen ship collision incident is now happening. Going to the DPP in Taiping Island actually gives people the feeling that if you don’t go, you will give up on the outer islands. The DPP has long ago given up on the Golden Horse . He now feels that Taiping Island does not actually need to spend so much energy on caring for it , and the United States does not agree. Isn’t that why the DPP abandons the outer islands? At the same time, you are completely giving up the resources in the South China Sea. How big are the resources there? In the end, you only give people an impression. No, what Cai Mingyan said is not what Wang Dingyu said. You are only completely pro-American. Dad, come and ask Mr. Yang about this issue . Mr. Yang has made it very clear that the United States is opposed to it . But the problem is that you are not a subordinate of the United States. Right? We are the Republic of China, an independent and sovereign country. If you want to go to your own country, do you want to go to the territory of your own country ? Do you need the consent of foreign governments to go? What kind of sovereignty and independence do you have? What about you, Tsai Ing-wen , we elected you, right? We give you a salary and support you. If you don’t listen to us, listen to the Americans. What does this mean? Your salary is not paid by Americans, so I think this becomes this. It is a matter of basic principles for you. President of the Republic of China. You should go wherever you want in the territory of the Republic of China . You can’t say this because of considerations . In fact, Wu Zhaoxie and Cai Mingyan talked for a long time and they all gave the answer. Geopolitical factors, this, and so on. People think that we are causing trouble again. Whoever this is is from the United States. They are all from the United States . So basically this shows that Tsai Ing-wen regards the United States as her boss. So this mentality is really what I think it is. Not only is this very shameful, but it is even more shameful. If people object to you, you should consider going there. Moreover, there is a problem with this territory now. Let me tell you about that place. At that time, we had to strengthen defenses , build airports and build these seaports . Why, you know , because we have the most military force there. Vulnerable to the entire South China Sea, our Taiping Island is the one that should strengthen its defense and the so-called attention of our people. The government should pay the most attention to your place. Why did Chen Shui-bian want to build a runway in the first place ? It was because at that time we had a lot of supplies. It’s difficult , so if you fly, it takes 4 hours. If you take a boat, it takes 2 days. That’s why we built a runway. Why did Ma Ying-jeou start repairing the port ? Because the port is too small. The ship you go to has no way to berth, so you have to berth. Only those who seize the beach can transport supplies. Now 4,000-ton ships can go there , so basically we need to strengthen the defense of this place and strengthen the attention of this place. As a result, if you say there are people who object, you won’t go. But this also reflects the Democratic Progressive Party and others. With the mentality of the pro-independence faction , he basically has no interest in these outer islands. He thinks they are a burden. He only wants to be the president of Taiwan. Others can secede from the islands other than Taiwan. He is not interested in it. So I think this reflects their mentality and that is to say. If you actually claim this territory, Taiwan is the Republic of China. The history of the Republic of China and Taiwan has been very clear since we started to explore it. So I think Tsai Ing-wen is selfish , Wang Dingyu, and so on. This Cai Mingyan is really like this clown. I really can’t listen to the reasons. He really has no self-dignity and no basic understanding of acting in his own interests. It’s not good. Let’s take a break from the commercial first. return
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Id: p64XlQpjLZw
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Length: 48min 25sec (2905 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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