[SUB]陸清美債葉倫抹臉?伊朗攻以色列使館? 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20240408 (字幕版)

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I came to meet with Pan Gongsheng, the president of the People's Bank of China. She also specifically mentioned the problem of overcapacity and said that she wanted to boost domestic demand and hoped not to sell so many things to the United States. This probably meant something like this. Yellen is also expected to talk to China today. Liu He, the former vice-premier of mainland China, came to the meeting , but this time everyone was discussing whether Ye Lun was talking about what she ate or how her dress felt very civilian, and she said she felt like an old lady. When an old lady from the countryside comes to the city, she uses such adjectives in mainland China. Netizens said that they saw her carrying a bag on her shoulders and holding another bag in her hand. She looked like an old woman coming home from shopping for groceries. Some people thought she was very kind. Some said her style was just like that. That’s why some people in mainland China don’t have such a sense of distance towards her. It’s not like she has a sense of distance when she wears a brand-name bag. Let’s take a look at this. Yellen also visited Peking University to meet with teachers and students and emphasized that Talking about the importance of the relationship between the people of the United States and China, she said that the United States and China have been focusing on strengthening communication and in-depth understanding of each other's economic policies in the past two years . In such a healthy relationship, it is very important to communicate more and understand more. Some mainland scholars and netizens also mentioned that in fact, Yellen's visit to trade this time is a cover. The main reason is that he hopes that the United States can buy more of the U.S. treasury bonds and at least not reduce its holdings. This will contribute to the economic stability of the United States. Let's take a look. Now , at the end of March , most people in mainland China are actually buying gold. The current gold reserves have reached 72.74 million ounces. Some scholars believe that the increase in holdings for 17 consecutive months may be due to the increase in geopolitical risks , so everyone is busy. There is such a trend in risk aversion that everyone is running to buy gold. Let’s take a look at Yellen. In fact, when she comes this time, the United States also hopes to say whether she can contain an economic war. In fact, after the Sino-US trade war in 2016 , now the United States and China The economic relations have successively gone through the trial and error of models such as retaliatory tariffs, decoupling, high walls, and competitive cooperation. Now mainland China has also gone from One Belt and One Road to rising in the east and falling in the west . Now, in addition to using this economic war to describe There is no other suitable concept for blind policies that undermine the global economic order, seriously threaten the existing international order, and may lead to self-destruction. Therefore, Yellen's mission is here to prevent such an economic war. The United States continues to wage war against mainland China. This kind of war should be stopped quickly and some signs of relaxation should be released. Let’s take a look at China’s response. The Global Times looked at Yellen’s visit to China. He said that although he was close to the people , he lacked sincerity. Because this six-day visit to China is not only the current Expressing the hope to see American companies continue to succeed in China , they also show people-friendly words and deeds , but they say that it is still difficult for China to do this. It is your actions that show how sincere you are , and the public opinion in mainland China is actually very concerned about this. It seems that the itinerary did not give a high evaluation , so he also reminded the United States that if it is just this kind of utilitarian and opportunistic China policy, it will still harm the bilateral mutual trust between China and the United States in the long run . He hopes that the most important thing for the United States is to take practical actions based on trust. The important thing is not to talk about it every time and then impose sanctions. You saw that Wang Wentao, the Minister of Commerce of mainland China, went to France and also focused on the investigation of subsidies for electric vehicles. He said that Chinese companies rely on continuous technological innovation to improve production and supply. The system actually didn’t say anything about oversupply , so I hope that the accusations of overcapacity in the United States and Europe can stop being so groundless as if they are just labeling. Let’s take a look at the electric vehicles in mainland China. There is a picture we saw in the United Daily News. It was reported that the SU7 auto show unexpectedly unfolded. Where was the scene? It turned out to be during the Qingming Festival holiday. Many people crowded on the highway and found that the parked car turned out to be Xiaomi's scooter next door. Many people originally went to Xiaomi's display. The store was not visible, so they said they didn't expect that everyone was stuck on the road next door , so men, women and children got out of their cars to watch the traffic jam. The scene turned into a SU7 car show that was as lively as the showroom of a 4S store , and there were also children there. While shouting that I want this car, this is Xiaomi. Even the children know that the low-end configuration only costs 210,000 yuan, which is really amazing. The marketing is very good. Some reports in Japan said that seeing Xiaomi’s launch this time is like the iPhone in 2008. It's as surprising as the birth of the product . From the perspective of competitors , there is no chance to take advantage of it. Seeing the birth of a company that seamlessly connects mobile phones to cars for the first time . This is something that Apple cannot do , but Xiaomi has successfully surpassed Apple this time, a feat that comes back to BYD. It has won the Car Week Sales Championship for 4 consecutive weeks. Now I am afraid that its strong rival is Xiaomi from mainland China. Everyone, look at this showdown between rice noodles and pollen. Also, look at Mexico. Now it has become a focus of attention in the United States because of the Chinese Embassy in Mexico. Officials often make suggestions to Chinese-funded factories to keep a low profile. Because many mainland Chinese companies are now investing in Mexico in a low-key manner , I feel that the United States has also noticed this, so they say that they should not be the first to act and act as low-key as possible. Nanhua Zaobao also said that this has not hindered the enthusiasm of Chinese companies to invest in Mexico. Mexico is also very much looking forward to global electric vehicle manufacturing leaders like BYD settling in Mexico so that they can get a share of the global supply chain . First of all Let’s ask Brother Liang, what does Brother Liang think of Yellen coming here this time for U.S. debt? You have multiple purposes , so don’t look down on others. Of course she also wants to discuss it with China . Of course, she uses her concept called overcapacity. I think this is a wrong concept because in the first two months of this year, according to Bloomberg’s own statistics, the number of electric vehicles exported by mainland China was approximately close to 250,000 units in January. The total of 250,000 vehicles in February is called overcapacity. Don’t laugh to death. BYD has made a total of 7 million electric vehicles so far. Most of them are sold in China . So don’t use Yellen’s concept indiscriminately. If you say that one area It is a fact that China has a surplus of materials for infrastructure construction, such as steel and building materials , so it is eager to tell the countries along the Belt and Road whether you want to invest in infrastructure. I can finance it and I will help you build this. It is more like the other one you mentioned. It’s also called overcapacity. I think Grandma Yellen, please don’t mess with concepts like this. I think Dai Qi is more honest . Dai Qi made it clear when she went to Europe. She said we can’t defeat China, so we have to protect ourselves. Look how honest she is. I think Dai Qi is so honest. Dai Qi said that China’s economic system is too efficient. It’s unbelievable. She used the word “ Incredible growth. ” Incredible growth makes us unable to resist, so we have to protect ourselves. These are Dai Qi’s original words. Dai Qi said Negatively, we have to increase tariffs. Positively, we have to counter him. The United States and Europe are going to form an anti-China alliance. These are her original words. This is what Biden really meant. You go talk about overcapacity, forget it, I will represent Biden. To put it more plainly, because these votes are all Democratic-leaning , we cannot hurt them in any way. To put it simply, the solar energy industry and the automobile industry are Democratic-leaning. They are Biden’s die-hard voters and donors, so Biden is rebounding. But this argument is unconvincing, because purely in terms of market operations, the market must have its own logical requirements, and there are two ways to respond. One is like Germany , Germany goes to joint ventures with China , and I say that too. You have to combine your advantages , so the Sino-German joint venture automobile industry has been created. This has already been produced in large quantities. It also sells back to Europe. Europe also said that you have to increase the price otherwise it will be too cheap. However, German companies used this method to participate in the second method. It is to ask China's automobile industry to implement production. For example, after CATL invested in Hungary, CATL will have a Hungarian factory and produce it in your EU. If you think that Chinese cars are too strong and you can't handle them, you can ask them. Go to Europe and invest in the United States to hire your workers, and you can reduce the impact on employment. The market can definitely handle it, and there is absolutely nothing like you, Dai Qi. Biden can only make political reflections, and you can see the guilty conscience of the United States , so Europe will not support you if you do this. Yours , so you see, Xiao Zi is still taking business groups to visit China. It’s so easy to introduce, teacher. In fact, the argument of the United States is completely based on American centrism. Anyway , you are not good for our American companies. I just say that if you have problems, you can wear any hat. There is overcapacity , but if we talk about it objectively today , if BYD produces an electric car that can be used commercially, it only costs NT$350,000 starting from 70,000 yuan. That seagull, go and see the small car. Many people like you very much. Today in the United States Is there an electric car produced that sells for 70,000 yuan? No, right? And you said that if I get this car in Brazil today, it can be produced in Brazil. If it can’t be produced in India , it can’t be produced in India. Then wait for you, the United States, your BMW, or Mercedes-Benz. Your electric car costs not 70,000 yuan , but 70,000 US dollars and 70,000 euros. If you go to these developing countries, who can enjoy an electric car? Everyone wants to use electric cars. This is called overcapacity, right ? You're too late, right? Your Tesla has been selling for a long time. How much does your Model 3 cost? It's almost 250,000 yuan. The cheapest one is more expensive after that , right? You go and take a look at the electric car market in Taiwan. Ask BMW. Ask Mercedes-Benz how much an electric car costs. It starts at NT$3 million. If China brought BYD 's Seagull to Taiwan today for NT$80,000, how many young people would be able to afford it? An electric car , right? It costs NT$350,400. Electric cars are brand new in mainland China. Take a look at the taxis on the roadside from the airport. Many of them are electric. They are made by BYD. Are they produced in the United States? Do you have them in the United States ? What qualifications do you have to say that people have overproduction ? The United States has no production at all, right? You just want to protect your market that does not exist yet, and you have already labeled him. This is so selfish. Just like mainland China, the United States said that you are deindustrializing, and you have become the world. After the factory, third world countries will not be able to survive. This is somewhat possible. But if you want to talk about electric cars, if electric cars in mainland China go global , the whole world will benefit except you, the United States , and Europe. India, Tata, and other cars have done it. After so many years, has he been able to make this electric car? He can't make it, right? There are so many Japanese cars. Can you buy electric cars made in Japan in Taiwan today ? Go to the market and see if TOYOTA makes it, Nissan makes it, HONDA does it. Sorry, I can’t buy it. What is this called overproduction? Mainland China’s ready-made ones are 70,000 RMB, 80,000 RMB, 100,000 RMB, and 150,000 RMB. You can count the dozens of electric cars under NT$600,000. You can choose from them over there. This is the market. By chance, many of my friends now want to buy BYD’s electric cars , but they won’t be allowed in, right? What reason do you have for why we want to prevent our consumers from buying cheap and easy-to-use cars, right? This is caused by the consciousness of Taiwan independence, right ? There is no Taiwan independence, and many photos of Taiwan are reasonable. If you have been here, don't fight in the streets. And what do you want to drive? I can buy a good electric car if I have NT$400,000. Let me ask General Li. If Aunt Ye comes to mainland China this time, if we don’t talk about her and talk about the issue of overcapacity or borrowing money, she will just talk about this. The image really makes people feel very friendly. Look at her carrying a bag cross-body. This is better than our little child who got off the plane by herself, carrying a bag in her hand. She took two bags and got off the plane by herself . When going to a restaurant to eat, whether it's to Guangzhou or Beijing, you see she didn't go to the private room to eat, right? She ate in the lobby , and she didn't specifically say it was covered with a screen. She just ate for you all to see what she ordered. We feel that she is really a very kind old lady. But after all, she only pays for herself. She also pays for herself. This makes people feel that she is really very close to us. But the problem is that if you talk about national affairs, we have to take Yellen's visit to the mainland very seriously . I think the mainland really doesn't give her face. She just told the mainland yesterday that you can't fund Russia. What happened? Thinking of today, Xi Jinping received Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, right? Yellen seems to be still in Beijing now, and he received her just yesterday. He said this yesterday and received her again today. So when Yellen comes this time, I think of course we all focus on her. We talk about China's overcapacity , but I think the most important thing is its national debt problem. I think the national debt problem in the United States is really, really serious now . We are not economists , and we don't understand some advanced economic theories. But we can see it from one thing. We all know how serious the debt is in the United States. One thing is that ordinary investors know that the U.S. dollar and gold must be a seesaw. If the U.S. dollar raises interest rates, in terms of gold , we will move funds to When the U.S. dollar goes to gold, the price will naturally fall. But if the interest rate of the U.S. dollar decreases, the interest rate of gold will rise. But this time, will you find it strange that the U.S. dollar continues to raise interest rates, and as a result, gold continues to soar ? Do you know how much gold is today for 1 ounce? If we use 1 ounce to talk about it, 2340 US dollars has reached 2340 yuan and 2340 US dollars. We Taiwanese may not understand very well. Let me tell you how much money is used. In terms of money, one dollar has arrived. NT$9,000 has already exceeded NT $9,000. What does this increase in the price of gold mean? It means that the U.S. debt problem is really serious. I think this is the biggest problem that Yellen needs to solve during her visit to China. The United States' own debt problem is good. We now see on the screen that our former President Ma Ying-jeou has arrived at the Forbidden City in Beijing and is making related visits . In fact, Yellen also went to the Forbidden City in Beijing during her trip, so it feels like many important people above are In Beijing , including Lavrov, Ma Ying-jeou , and Yellen, they are all in Beijing. If there is any latest news later, we will interrupt it at any time. Let’s take a break for commercials and then come back soon. Isn’t it really that a fight is about to start? First of all. Look at how ruthless Iran is. Senior Iranian officials are saying that Israeli embassies abroad will no longer be safe. Their semi-official media are talking about this. Now they may want to lock down all these Israeli embassies abroad. Of course, the Embassy , ​​Israel has also taken some corresponding actions. In addition, their Iranian media also specially announced this one to let everyone see that this is the Iranian student news agency that has displayed these 9 models on their official website. It is also said that all missiles can hit Israel. This is a situation that has brought the atmosphere to the most tense level. Let you choose which one we want to use. This feeling is directly speaking to Israel, so everyone wants to say this. Iran doesn't feel like it's lying , so this tense situation has attracted global attention. Even its top leadership and military advisers said, " Didn't you attack our embassy?" Iran's response will make you, Israel, regret it. So in fact, we know that in the international Speaking of the above, the national character of Iran is also very fierce. If you have a grudge, I will retaliate twice as much. Israel ’s attack on Gaza this time is a retaliation , and it is for everyone to see. Talking about the crazy criticizing side of Natanyahu , so if these two countries really come into conflict , everyone will feel that it will be very uneasy in the future . Of course, Israel will not be outdone. The Israeli Defense Minister talked about us. All relevant preparations for the confrontation with Iran have now been completed. Even Natanyahu said that victory is now only one step away. It is impossible to cease fire before returning the Israeli hostages. So it seems that he has no intention of stopping the Gaza War. But there is news that Israel has withdrawn some of its troops from southern Gaza. They probably only have one brigade left there now. What does this mean? Does it mean that the Israeli army has withdrawn? Is it considered a formal withdrawal? Or are you afraid? The current theory in the United States is that Israel may be carrying out some related rest and recuperation operations , so it is not considered a formal withdrawal. The brigade will only stay there to collect intelligence. The Israeli Chief of Staff is concerned about this. Is it said internationally that you are now planning to withdraw troops on a large scale? They quickly said that there is no war and it is not over yet , so they deny that the news of their withdrawal means that they are not afraid. Does it also mean that they may continue to fight Iran or Gaza at that moment when the war has not stopped ? It seems that Biden and Netanyahu have faced a lot of international condemnation. For example, British Foreign Secretary Cameron said that the United Kingdom does not support this incident and warned Israel that this kind of thing must never happen again. Regarding the bombing of the World Kitchen NGO , the Italian Foreign Minister also mentioned his firm opposition to the Israeli offensive in Rafah and called for an immediate ceasefire . The Prime Minister of Poland also called on the Israeli ambassador to publicly apologize because of these few incidents. Some of their volunteers from the country also sacrificed themselves in Israel for no reason in this World Kitchen. People in the country also find it difficult to accept how Netanyahu accidentally killed the World Kitchen volunteers. So They asked Natanyahu to step down and held a by-election as soon as possible. So now it seems that Natanyahu is also suffering from some domestic pressure and global public opinion. Even Hillary was scolded in public for this. Then we Come and listen , Hillary was criticized by the public because of her role as a Democratic Party , saying that you should be responsible for the deaths of millions of people. And Pelosi of the Democratic Party was also in the past. We know her political stance. She has all They are all on Biden's side, but now she has also included 40 Democratic congressmen and Pelosi. These 40 jointly sent a letter to Biden , saying that she hopes to call on the United States to stop sending weapons to Israel . First of all, Let’s ask Brother Liang what he thinks about whether Israel and Iran are really going to fight now. I think Iran’s fight against Israel can be divided into three levels. The first one is purely using missiles and drones. This is very likely because if the principle of equal proportion is The second attack on Israel’s foreign embassy is for Hezbollah in Lebanon to directly intervene in the ground war. This is probably what Israel wants to see most . I think Netanyahu deliberately attacked the Iranian embassy in Syria on purpose. He wanted to anger Iran and then hope If it can develop to the point where Hezbollah takes action in Lebanon, the United States will be forced to take action. In this way, Natanyahu will be saved. Because Netanyahu frankly speaking, now the whole world, except for Biden, even Biden is beginning to receive pressure to support Israel, but he cannot. Public opinion in the United States is gradually gaining support for Natanyahu. Because Netanyahu only has a fragile majority cabinet , if the United States really wants to replace him , I think the United States can do it. Natanyahu wants to save himself . He provoked Iran to see if Lebanon would invade Hezbollah . If Hezbollah invaded, it would be a mess. At that time, the United States would have no choice but to start getting involved again. Of course, the highest level would be for Iran to directly send troops , but this possibility is very low , so There are probably only two possibilities: one is drones and missiles, and the other is Shia militias. The most likely one is of course the Quds Force. It is also possible , but the Quds Brigade does not have enough people because the one who was killed was the commander of the Quds Force in Lebanon. Should Hezbollah help him? Lebanese Hezbollah has considerable strength. Its strength exceeds that of Hamas. Frankly speaking, this is probably the target that Natanya wants to eliminate. So I think Iran should also know this situation , so it may not get to that point. The extent may be attacks such as missiles and drones, but it is true that he showed off that he has so many missiles, so we have seen Israel, for example, Tel Aviv turn off GPS because he is afraid that you will use drones to attack , but because missiles still have it If you turn off the GPS , they will still be able to hit you. So I don’t know how long Iran will fight. It may seem that he is very angry because this is the commander second only to Soleimani. Yes , the level is also very high. The last time it was in 2017 , Trump asked the US military to do it. Soleimani was killed by the US. Now it is Israel. Of course, Israel and Iran dare to attack , and it is not the US , so I think it will happen . If there is a conflict , let’s ask the teacher about Israel. In fact, he started from the beginning to the present. Their goal of thoroughly destroying Hamas is very firm and has not changed, even though they accidentally killed many civilians in the process. Many international volunteers have been accidentally killed. In fact, why they did this is because their war code tells their soldiers that if you are sure there is a Hamas, someone next to you may be accidentally injured. It doesn’t matter. You will not be held responsible. So this is very appalling. The laws of war stipulate that you must avoid civilians and combatants . But sometimes combatants are more difficult to fight in this war. As for Hamas, there is nothing wrong with them hiding in the crowd. But Israeli soldiers He won't stop me from attacking you just because you are hiding in the crowd. His rules of teaching combat are the orders that frontline commanders receive and what they teach to the soldiers below. I saw a report that was very scary. This artillery shell hit it. Even if 100 civilians and unrelated people are killed nearby, if you kill that Hamas, you will not be held accountable. So this war has killed and injured more than 30,000 civilians, women and children, and it will not stop because of him. Basically, he is going to use this method to beat me. I saw that they beat the hospital. They basically go directly to the hospital to beat him. He thinks why Rafa Hospital wants to beat the hospital . He said that it is a very good one. This terrorist organization is a safe haven , so you have to eliminate them. You have to hit the hospital directly. Not only will they blow you up with shells , but what he said before is that when he wants to hit your hospital, he will inform you first. They said we were going to attack you and retreated. Not only did they not inform you , but they also sent direct commandos disguised as ordinary civilians with submachine gun grenades and rocket launchers. They hit wherever they went and hit the hospital. So this time this one was accidentally hit. We hit the car of this ambulance team of this international organization. This has happened countless times , so I tell you that Israel will not change. Now the United States is under pressure because Americans have actually gone morally bankrupt. They talk about human rights and humanity every day, and the result is Israel. The largest weapons supplier is the United States. They use American weapons and American bombs , so they are just acting. When the general comes to speak this time, things are really serious. Do you know who he killed? His name is Zahedi. What is his identity ? He is the commander of the Revolutionary Guards . Iran is very strange. There are two systems of command in its army. One is just like our normal government army, which is called the National Defense Force. The other is the army of a religious organization. He has his own religious organization. All three armies , including the army, navy and air force, have this commander, Zahedi. Similar to what we are doing now. If today the chief of staff of Israel was assassinated and beheaded, think about how Israel would react and how Taiwan would react. So if you kill this person this time, it will be intolerable to Iran, so Iran will definitely take all retaliatory measures. The second one is that he hit the embassy. According to the Vienna International Convention, you should not Go attack other people's embassies. The embassy is supposed to be a safe place. Israel actually goes to attack Syria, Iran, and the Syrian embassy. You are provoking the sovereignty of two countries at the same time . One is Syria and the other is Iran. So I think this matter is very serious. At present, I am personally judging that this Middle East war is about to break out. Why is Israel talking about it? Now it has pulled out all its troops from the Gaza corridor and only left one brigade there . It is very beautiful to say that I want to Shifting the offensive or continuing to attack is actually because he knows that I only have so many troops. Is it more important to protect my own homeland security or to continue attacking the Gaza Corridor? At this time, of course he has to pull his own troops back to protect him. In addition to bringing back the existing territory of Israel, he has also mobilized 7,700 people in the volunteer army , the reserve army , and all officers and soldiers have stopped taking vacations , which means that he has made all preparations for combat . At the same time, he has also mobilized 7,700 people. Turning off GPS means turning off GPS and preventing Iran from attacking it with drones or missiles . If Iran is concerned, it will also clear all the aircraft in the sky. Civilian aircraft are not allowed to fly out of Iran because Israel once attacked Syria. Join us for discussion. Guests: Dr. Guo Zhengliang, PhD in Political Science from Yale . Hello, everyone. Ji Wen , former ambassador of Ping An . Ji Zhai Di. Hello, friends. Retired Major General Li Zhengjie, Zhai Di. Hello, viewers. Please pay attention to this man behind the two meetings between Ma and Xi. Friendly stations have done a series of reports on him. What is it talking about? It feels like the screenwriter at Screenwriter Friends TV Station is more powerful. He said that this is Xi Jinping’s plan . The senior officials of the National Security Bureau revealed the secret code of unification hidden in Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China. It is understood that Ma Ying-jeou met with the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping during this trip. The meeting place was chosen to be the Taiwan Hall of the Great Hall of the People. Our national security unit recently mentioned this hall in an internal meeting as a scene that Taiwan is a province of China. In a political sense , the scene was centered around the two meetings between Ma and Xi. The word "unification" they said was derived from Ma Ying-jeou's itinerary. In addition to being connected to the People's Liberation Army, DJI drones have also been blacklisted by the United States and Canada . Then he went to the Qin Shi Huang Museum to see the Terracotta Warriors and Horses. Qin Shi Huang was also a strong unification dynasty of China. It is a place where history is displayed , so the focus is also on unification. You can jump to explain it like this. I am also convinced by Youtai. After watching Qin Shihuang, it means that you are unified in thought. They also have a second one that makes everyone feel even more excited. He is behind the scenes . I talked about the behind-the-scenes results of the second meeting between Ma and Xi. I jumped to tell you that the intention of advocating Tsai Ing-wen to visit Taiping Island was exposed. This was undoubtedly the Biden-Kishida -Marcos trilateral summit on April 11 after the Ma-Xi meeting. Discussion of the South China Sea. The Kuomintang’s recent call for Tsai Ing-wen to land on Taiping Island to declare sovereignty may come from a certain force that wants to disrupt the cooperative relationship between Taiwan and the first island chain countries to jointly fight against Chinese forces. So is this considered behind the scenes? I don’t know, anyway, their title After putting the title on it, he can write whatever he wants , just a series of several reports , and everything is a conspiracy. This is a series of reports from a friendly station. It feels very exciting. In this way, I feel that everyone has to admire the screenwriter and the screenwriter. Let’s take a look. This is the first island chain where the United States is currently accelerating its deployment. The first thing I saw was a very big news. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov arrived in Beijing for a two-day visit because it was originally said that the meeting between Ma and Xi would be on April 8. Is it possible that because Lavrov also visited Beijing , the Ma-Xi meeting was adjusted to April 10? Because Russia and mainland China now feel that they are also allies in the first island chain front , so now Lavrov Arriving in Beijing for a two-day visit , countries around the world are also paying attention to this situation. Reuters reports: It is possible that he is doing some preparatory work for Putin to travel to mainland China in May. This will also be Putin's first overseas visit during the new presidential term . On the other hand, let's take a look at Kishida's visit to the United States. They also said This is to deepen the hostile relationship between the first island chain and the Chinese mainland. The Chinese mainland is particularly wary of this artifact. Let’s take a look at its content. The Financial Times quoted an insider as saying that the largest update plan in the history of the US-Japan security treaty is to Improve the operational planning between the two countries and this exercise cooperation exclusively sells news that the United States is worried about something happening in Taiwan. Under the current treaty structure, it is difficult for the United States and Japan to control the situation in a timely manner and to dispatch and command , so our Navy Commander Tang Hua is now Biden is currently visiting Washington and will hold a meeting with Japan and the Philippines on the 11th. Such intensive meetings between the United States and countries related to the first island chain is definitely not a coincidence , but a well-arranged global drama to tell the world to blockade China. The first island chain will be implemented in detail and then it will be included in Taiwan. I feel that the above report also talked about this . Unsurprisingly, New Head Shell is also a relatively pro-green media , so the current first island chain is indeed very uneasy. The United States is constantly releasing news. This concept of a great American idea, a great American victory, has been released through such news , and they said that their first maritime military exercise between the United States, Japan, Australia and the Philippines was held on the same day as the People's Liberation Army. One of them is equivalent to saying that the collision period looks like this. You see, Australia also has destroyers, Japan also has this frigate, the Philippines also has patrol ships, and the United States has littoral combat ships, which seem to be very large. In addition to carrier-based helicopters , there are also 2 P8A from Australia and the United States . In the joint statement of the maritime reconnaissance aircraft , Austin said that this patrol emphasized our common commitment to defend all , which is to ensure that all countries can fly, sail and operate freely where international law allows. In fact, the People's Liberation Army's South China Sea combat patrol also said that it will control all disruptions. So they said that all military operations that are going to disrupt the South China Sea and create hot spots are under control. There was such a statement in the Southern Theater Command , so both sides talked about fighting for hegemony in the South China Sea at this time . On the 7th, at the same time, they were in the South China Sea. There are joint sea and air combat patrols in the sea area . At the same time, mainland China is also the People's Liberation Army taking actions here , so the tension in the South China Sea continues to rise. Let's take a look at the US military will also deploy land-based missiles in the Indo-Pacific . They said this is specific. It is not convenient to disclose the content. This is a report from Yonhap News Agency . Commander Flynn of the US Pacific Army said that the United States will deploy a land-based missile launch system in the Indo-Pacific region that can launch Standard 6 anti-aircraft missiles and Tomahawk cruise missiles. But the specifics The time and place cannot be revealed yet. Does that mean that the situation here is really getting more and more tense and the war is heating up? First of all, let’s ask Brother Liang what he thinks of this Sanli and the new head shell. There is nothing wrong with seeing things from the perspective of the Taiwan Center. The things he mentioned are all facts. However, no one regards Taiwan as a target for alliance. In fact, mainland China uses different strategies to deal with these two alliances . How could it be possible to use Ma Ying-jeou? Please be kind. The first is that the Japan- U.S.-Japan alliance is being strengthened. This is a fact. Kishida will give a speech to the U.S. Congress on April 11. The United States also hopes that Japan will provide shipyards for warship maintenance. This is a fact and is correct. It also wants to attract Japan to join AUKUS . Technical team and technical partners are all facts , but what is China's response? What is the way to join forces with Russia and China and Russia to fight against the United States and Japan ? How can you get Taiwan? Are you thinking too far? The second one is the Philippines. There is nothing wrong with the Philippines. The Philippines follows Japan. Let’s go to the United States and the South China Sea. Frankly speaking, there will be a lot of news about the Philippines in the next month . For example, there is a military exercise now in the third week of April. The United States and the Philippines will have a side-by-side military exercise. The United States will bring more than 12,000 people to the Philippines. There are also nearly 6,000 people going to participate in how mainland China handles the situation. The first one to invite Prabowo was Indonesia. The newly elected president came to Beijing to win over Indonesia. The second one was the foreign minister of Vietnam who went to see Wang Yi . The foreign minister of the mainland and the chairman of the National Assembly of Vietnam are also about to visit the mainland. This is China’s layout . He is to win over Indonesia and Vietnam and then dismantle the Philippines’ desire to hype up the South China Sea , because Indonesia and the Philippines are more important than the Philippines in the entire Southeast Asia. It is important , and they are all parties to the South China Sea , so you can see that Beijing is dealing with the United States. Part of it is using China and Russia to win over Japan, and part of it is using China and Russia to win over the Philippines. Part of it is using Indonesia and Vietnam to win over. They have nothing to do with Taiwan , so please green media, please. It’s better not to look at the world only from the perspective of Taiwan. You are completely misinterpreting international politics. There is no such thing. How could Xi Jinping think that meeting Ma Ying-jeou is enough to cancel the US-Japan summit and win over the Philippines with the United States? If you are involved in international politics, You will get zero points in my class. Your analysis will get zero points. If Xi Jinping really met Ma Ying- jeou, it would be for cross-strait issues. There is no other problem but cross-strait issues. Of course you said Ma Ying-jeou always emphasizes the need for reunification. Ma Ying-jeou originally advocated the peaceful reunification of mainland China and advocated peaceful reunification. Didn’t Xi Jinping also advocate peaceful reunification? So it is a symbol of reunification from beginning to end . What’s the surprise? In the National Security Council, you also regard this as intelligence. The National Security Council. It’s really easy to write this report. I’m a high school student and I can write this. Who can’t write this? Because both Ma Ying-jeou and Xi Jinping advocate reunification , so they went everywhere today. You missed some. He also went to see the July 7th Anti-Japanese War and to remember the joint resistance against Japan. Let me help you fill in some more history. You haven’t written it yet. That’s all. This is the fact . Of course, whether Ma Ying-jeou’s point of view can convince the entire Kuomintang, I don’t know because the Kuomintang does have different opinions because both the chairman and the deputy chairman are in the United States, right? But this is the Kuomintang. I have another question , but what I mean is that the mainland thinks this way. Ma Ying-jeou also thinks this way. He led so many students to the mainland for the purpose of historical and cultural exchanges . Of course, the common symbol is the Chinese nation. However, Ma Ying-jeou did not talk about the great rejuvenation. So Their tone is the same, so your National Security Council will do this kind of intelligence. Your intelligence is at the high school level and is not elite enough. So I said the first one is the green media ’s analysis of international politics. Then the National Security Council will do this for both Ma and Xi. This kind of analysis is advocated for unity. This is a high school level, so it’s better to ask an introduction teacher. And the entire current Lai Ching-te government, Tsai Ing-wen government , basically uses the name of the Republic of China to pursue Taiwan independence. At its core, it pursues Taiwan independence , so it derives everything from Taiwan independence. The international community we see from this perspective is very distorted. They all have wishful thinking about how important and important a role Taiwan plays in the so-called resistance between the United States and Japan. Why doesn't he ask US President Rosenberg ? So-and-so in the United States says every day that I don’t support Taiwan’s independence. So what are you still doing every day for independence? The United States doesn’t support it, right? Then every day you turn your independence into reunification like an imperial edict. Is that what I mean ? I’m sorry for Taiwan. Is it reunification today ? In order to save Taiwan, Taiwan can take many paths. If we analyze it objectively, Ma Ying-jeou did not seek immediate reunification, right? He is a final concept that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China , and then slowly pursues peace and development for everyone , step by step , not step by step. Why does this take time ? Will this cause a cross-strait war? Is it the best way to reduce cross-strait war ? Do you want a war ? Do Taiwanese people want a war today? Then your Democratic Progressive Party talks about Taiwan independence every day. Taiwan independence is good. You have finally succeeded in pursuing Taiwan independence. Now the cross-strait war has become the most dangerous. You have to make it clear to the people of Taiwan what the price of these political opinions of yours basically is. Are you prepared for a war? Are you going to spend so much money ? You spent so much money to build an army , right? What kind of war will we fight in the end? Now the Americans are telling you what kind of defensive war we will fight on the island , right? We should turn our homes, our factories, and our rice fields into battlefields . Everyone knows what will happen to you when you pursue Taiwan independence. Why don't you talk about it? Others are only allowed to say that Taiwan independence is your legitimacy. If you advocate reunification, you have to smear him. If you don't love Taiwan, I tell you that all those who advocate reunification are from the perspective of loving Taiwan. They are all based on a true love for Taiwan. We are very responsible for the land of Taiwan and are worthy of our descendants and our ancestors. This is a political proposition. You can hold different views , but you should not smear other people's views on Taiwan. His loyalty to Taiwan is far greater than yours. He wants to cleanse your soul, right? So what soul can be washed, right ? Your sons and grandsons have become Americans. Why do you wash my soul? I won’t accept it, right ? The current situation is very strange. What kind of final showdown is going to take place between the big powers ? You, Taiwan, what capabilities do we have, what conditions do we have , what are the necessary conditions for us to squeeze in. How far is it? The muzzle of the gun in the middle is not aimed at Taiwan. Look at that green one. The media still wants to put their guns in front of the hearts of us Taiwanese people. What kind of mentality is this? Ignorance cannot be so ignorant. Is it good for your own prosperity and wealth ? Now that Taiwan does not advocate Taiwan independence, you don’t love Taiwan. You still have to clean up. The soul is finished, right? We are all in Taiwan. Everyone in Taiwan hopes that Taiwanese people can live a good life and hope that Taiwan will avoid war. Can you guarantee it? I think the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are heading for ultimate reunification. Both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China . This is peace and stability for Taiwan and avoid war. The most effective way to advocate Taiwan independence is on the contrary , it will lead us to war and street fighting, burning all our possessions and property. This is the result. Let me ask the general. I am here to explain to you the revision of the US-Japan Security Treaty. What is the main significance? As you can see, the last sentence is that the United States is worried about something happening in Taiwan. Under the current treaty structure, it is difficult for the United States and Japan to grasp the situation in a timely manner . It is indeed because of this that the United States-Japan Security Treaty was revised. We need to know. It turns out that the US military in Japan, whether it is Yokota or Yokosuka, its air force or marines, has the command authority to mobilize these troops. Only the commander of the Indo- Pacific has the authority to command. The commander of the US military in Japan does not have the authority to command this force. What he is doing now This treaty modification will allow the Indo-Pacific Commander to transfer this command authority and responsibility If the Commander of U.S. Forces in Japan is given to the Commander of U.S. Forces in Japan, he will have the authority to mobilize the U.S. Air Force and Marine Corps in Yokota and Yokosuka. He can also be given the ability to command the Japanese army and command Japan's own Self -Defense Forces . So this is indeed like ours. When it comes to Taiwan, our Defense Minister has granted the Commander-in-Chief of the Ministry of Defense the right to command the first strike. It means the same thing. What does it mean? I think it means that the United States believes that China is now a great threat to Japan and may threaten Japan at any time. Under the current situation, if a misfire requires the use of layers of command , it may not be enough. Therefore, he gave the Japanese army the commander of the US military stationed in Japan to command the local US military to carry out operations. So I think we can see from this amendment to the treaty that the United States believes that China is now a great threat to Japan. Secondly, I want to talk about the Philippines, the US-Japan-Philippines-Australia military exercise. In fact, this is nothing. It was already done last year. It was implemented once , but last year there were only 3 countries. Which 3 countries? The United States, Japan, Australia and not the Philippines. It’s strange that these three countries went to the Philippines for exercises. As a result, the Philippines itself did not participate in the military exercises. Do you know why? Because all three countries came. It’s an amphibious assault ship. The one from the United States is called the USS America. The one from Japan is called the USS Izumo. The one from Australia is the USS Canberra. These three are all amphibious assault ships. They are all behemoths . When the Philippines saw my small boat going out, it was really ugly . If it is difficult to be in the same frame , then if I don’t participate, they will not participate . But this year, the United States, Japan and Australia, in order to cater to the Philippines , said that you must participate, so the United States only sent one littoral combat ship, and Japan and Australia only sent small ones. If the frigate is like this, the Philippines will participate, so the number of ships, although it is said to be too many, has become 5. Originally, there were 3 more last year and 2 more. These two are small ships from the Philippines. We must know that this is the trilateral military exercise between the United States, Japan and the Philippines. But don’t forget that the United States, Japan, and the Philippines are going to implement a three-nation summit in the United States on the 11th, a four-nation military exercise, and a three-nation summit. There is another country that will be added, the United Kingdom , right? He will implement this. The alliance joins the AUKUS alliance to jointly deal with China , but I want to say one final word about the Philippines. Although it is said to be so , the Philippines itself is a mud that cannot be helped . All these countries come to help you. I tell you that you have no Use it or not. You can’t fix China. You still can’t fix China. You’re just a pile of mud that can’t be helped. Okay, let’s take a break from commercials and be right back.
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Id: 9sDpPC1YXvc
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Length: 48min 26sec (2906 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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