[SUB]特斯拉被捲死了?比亞迪嚇尿德國? 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20240407 (字幕版)

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I really want to eat Sichuan food after seeing it, because this is Ye Lun. She took the high-speed train to Beijing yesterday and the first thing she did was name her name and went straight to the Sichuan restaurant. This is Ye Lun’s menu , which is what she ate at this Sichuan restaurant. Everyone can Look , she also sent back this medal , which is the medal that Ye Lun sent back to mainland China . In fact, during Ye Lun’s visit to mainland China , it can be said that she saw almost everything she should see. First of all, the latest thing we saw about her is I came to meet with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang. When the two held a bilateral meeting on April 7, she mentioned that the United States and China have the obligation to handle this complex relationship responsibly . Of course, Li Qiang responded by saying that we must respect each other and become partners. The problem with this is that Yellen held two consecutive days of talks with He Lifeng on the 5th and 6th. Of course, Yellen focused a lot of the focus. For more than half of the time , you can see that she mentioned the issue of overcapacity in mainland China. In the end, Although Xie Feng didn't mention it by name, he seemed to be pointing out this matter. He mentioned that globally, high-quality production capacity is not a surplus but a serious shortage. So the so-called questioning of mainland China's overcapacity is a false proposition. Well, now. Speaking of overcapacity, we have seen that , especially in the electric vehicle sector, Germany's Scholtz led some senior corporate officials to visit mainland China. On the eve of the mainland's Ministry of Commerce , they first held a roundtable meeting for companies investing in China in Munich. It was mentioned that the economic and trade relations between China and Germany are already one in which you have me and I have you. The German Business Daily also mentioned that Germany must now compromise with China. Especially the Deutsche Welle has reported crazily in the past two days. Every article about mainland China's new energy vehicles seems to be full of fear, so it is ridiculed by the outside world. Did BYD scare the Germans to death? A Swiss economist mentioned that the German government had better adapt to the mainland as soon as possible. The reality of the rise of automobiles. Mainland netizens also mentioned that the Swiss are trying to persuade Germany to be sour, saying that you have already told them to surrender, so you should stop resisting. The CEO of Volkswagen also mentioned that they are not ready to develop electric vehicles in China. In the field of automobiles, it is true that it is still unable to keep up with the rapid growth of the Chinese mainland market . In addition, the European Transport and Environment Alliance report recently predicted that to give you a number, it mentioned that electric vehicles produced in mainland China will account for 10% of Europe's electric vehicles. Total car sales have reached over 25%. Compare that to 19.5% last year , so this number is indeed an astonishing increase. As for when we talk about electric vehicles, Tesla was described as being about to be killed by BYD. But of course Musk was very angry if this was the case . He posted a post on the social platform to refute the rumor, saying that Reuters seriously refuted this exclusive report about Tesla. But what did Reuters mention? Reuters mentioned that Tesla had canceled The reason why the development work of Model 2 was abandoned as this cheap entry-level model is because it was affected by Continental’s electric cars. Mainly because Continental ’s cost-effective models are constantly expanding , and you can see that they are available for as low as 10,000 US dollars. If you buy an electric car like this, can you still be competitive? In addition, not only BYD, but also Xiaomi has also developed electric cars. Xingdao mentioned that they went to interview Xiaomi's Beijing store for on-site tours. There are really a lot of car customers. Japanese institutional researchers also mentioned that the reason why Xiaomi is attractive is to create this kind of fully ecological interconnection for people’s cars and homes. Some customers said that they feel very good about Xiaomi’s new electric car. It’s very novel , just like the iPhone. In addition, Huawei will release car and PC products on April 11 , so the outside world is also very concerned about which car is coming. Is it also going to seize the market? Huawei said that more than 4,000 applications have joined the Hongmeng ecosystem, so their number in the first quarter has also surged 20 times. Not only what we just mentioned, but also Huawei is now also developing this flying robot. It is hoped that this low-level economy can be included in the government work report of this year's two sessions , so it is intended to develop with all its strength . We can also see on the official website of mainland intellectual property rights that Huawei disclosed the relevant information at the end of March. There are patents related to this flying robot . Let’s first ask Brother Bing what she thinks about Yellen’s return visit to mainland China . Of course, she also mentioned that this is a false proposition about overcapacity. I personally think that Yellen has overcapacity. Although she had said before departure that she wanted to discuss this issue with mainland China , I think it would be difficult for both parties to reach a consensus on this because what is overcapacity? Because this thing sounds strange. If mainland China really has overcapacity, then You don’t want what he sells, right? Because you have equivalent products. If your products are better than his and the price is not more expensive than others, then there is no problem of overcapacity. Obviously, the products currently produced in mainland China are not They are not worse than you and the prices are cheaper than yours , which is why you are under pressure. So I have always felt that the West should think carefully about what kind of market you want to compete with mainland China in , or should you prepare to return to it in the future? Tariff barriers mean that everyone locks down the country and prevents other people's products from coming in. Is the United States going in this direction? So I think this is something that the United States needs to think about . As for the current electric vehicles in mainland China , of course they are really very powerful. In particular, the competition in his own domestic market is very, very fierce . Because of this, they continue to No matter in terms of price or performance, they are constantly introducing new ones , so this will naturally result in such fierce competition. It will naturally cause the update speed of their products to be very, very fast, and its performance will become better and better. Now, in fact, it has Obviously, it has put a lot of pressure on Tesla. So when Reuters talked about it, he said that Model 2 is no longer under development. I think it is very possible. Why? Because you have to compete with BYD in terms of cost performance . It is really difficult for Tesla , so I think this is a fairly reasonable direction . Of course, Musk is now saying that this is a rumor. It depends on whether he can really produce a cost-effective product in the end. Getting a BYD car depends on whether Musk has this ability , but I think the possibility is not high. As for BYD itself, it is also because he is not always in the lead. Why? Because he also has to face some of their other domestic competitors, including you see. Xiaomi, a mobile phone maker, suddenly makes an SU7 and sells it immediately. This will also put pressure on BYD. What BYD can do is to quickly introduce new products and then find ways to make it difficult for others to catch up and surpass them in other places , just like ours. Didn’t former President Ma Ying- jeou have to ask others when you will be surpassed by others ? So I think this is something that manufacturers like them have to find ways to do . Of course Huawei is also very powerful. Now it uses its Hongmeng system to combine it with more There are many types of products , so it has experienced explosive growth in the last quarter. The problem is also here, that is, we have all seen that many manufacturers in the past, including Sony Ericsson and Motorola Nokia, were dominant for a while, and the entire country was destroyed in just a few years. Ruined , so for these companies that currently seem to be leading in the market, they are also facing a lot of pressure, because if they make one wrong step, they may actually ruin the entire business strategy of BYD. If you want to say that they are strong, they are. It is very strong because it covers everything from beginning to end. But relatively speaking, if it makes one strategic mistake , it may completely collapse because the investment funds are too huge , so I think there is pressure on everyone now not to lose, so in this kind of Under the circumstances, it's OK. European and American markets may have some blockades, increased tariffs , or other sanctions because they want to protect their own internal markets. But they still have other markets in the third world where they can make breakthroughs , so I think that's it. For consumers in Europe and the United States , such fierce competition among manufacturers is actually a good thing for you because you can buy better products at cheaper prices . If you condone your government, shut it down and protect you. As for our own industry , actually look at the results of our Taiwan's own protection of the automobile industry . In the end, our automobile industry is not as comprehensive as others. Do Europe and the United States really want to go down this road? Because in fact, competition can only make progress , General Li Ye. When Yellen first came here, we all thought she was coming to China to borrow money and sell U.S. debt because China has been selling off U.S. debt for 22 consecutive months. Yellen should be going there in her capacity as Treasury Secretary. She should continue to sell U.S. bonds and ask China to stop selling. But she suddenly said that China has overcapacity and sold me cheap things. I will not write a thank you letter to you, which makes everyone feel uncomfortable. How can you say that? Is it right to say this when people sell cheap things to you? The gift is light and the affection is heavy. It’s not about whether my thing is expensive or not , but whether it’s good or not. Then when Ye Lun said this, everyone thought it was strange because you seemed to be a bit of a profiteer. This has crossed the line. This should be Dai Qi or Raimondo. This issue related to trade. Yellen should not be within your scope of responsibility. But yesterday she did say two important sentences about her trip to China. What two sentences did she say? In the first sentence, she said that she told China that our U.S. bonds are still very valuable for investment and highly liquid. What she meant is that if you buy my bonds, they are still very useful . It turns out that she is still promoting U.S. bonds. In the second sentence, you know what she is talking about. She told China that we will give priority to repaying your U.S. debt to China. If the U.S. debt needs to be repaid after maturity, I will give priority to repaying it to China. So it is obvious that Yellen is actually still promoting U.S. debt, hoping that China will sell less , but I In particular, I want to talk about the U.S. debt. The problem is really big right now. Why can’t this be said by Yellen alone? Everyone knows how high gold has risen to 2,200 today. It has almost broken 2,300. Why do you say that U.S. debt should be discussed with the U.S. dollar? Gold should be a seesaw. If the US dollar is depreciating , everyone will buy gold . If interest rates are increasing, I should invest in US dollars. Why is gold rising all over the world ? Who is buying the most? The ones that buy the most are China and Singapore, which means that everyone has gradually lost confidence in your US dollar . This is not a decision that a company or a leader can make , but that all human beings will think that your US dollar has slowed down. Slowly, everyone is worried that the U.S. debt will explode one day in the future , so countries are now actively buying U.S. dollars . From the U.S. dollar, the U.S. dollar has suddenly skyrocketed in the past two months and does not seem to be stopping. People predict that the trend may rise. When 1 ounce reaches 3,000 yuan, you can see that the U.S. dollar is currently worth in the world. I want to say that Yellen, as an economist , whether she has been the chairman of the Federal Reserve or the secretary of the treasury , she should know this very well. She should be very clear about the future development behind it , so she is now in China to talk about it. I think the most important thing is that she still hopes that China can buy more U.S. bonds. This time, Germany , Xiaoz is going to China for a visit. Look who he brought with him. He brought the presidents of BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Siemens to them. I am really nervous. Why is Xiaomi launching this SU7 this time? I want to give you some data so that you will know why they are very nervous about the SU7. If this car is sold in Taiwan dollars, the audience has a better understanding of Taiwan dollars . About NT$950,000 . The problem is that it can run more than 800 kilometers on a single charge . The acceleration from 0 to 100 is more than 2 seconds. This kind of performance means that the acceleration performance has surpassed this Porsche. In terms of charging, it can run 800 kilometers. So far, Mercedes-Benz's electric car can only run more than 600 kilometers on a single charge for 3 to 4 million NT dollars. Then think about the price difference. It costs 3 to 4 million NT dollars and can only run more than 600 kilometers. In fact, for people who drive electric cars, of course I give priority to Xiaomi. So why are the German double-B car executives so nervous about following Xiaozi this time? He needs a lot of Chinese products, regardless of batteries or electric cars . Professor Yan , I think the host just mentioned that Ye Lun likes to eat Sichuan food. Ye Lun is a Jew. Jews are among the few white people in the United States who can eat Chinese food . He can also eat spicy food, because Americans generally surrender when it comes to spicy food . They can only eat sweet and sour meat. But when you see a Jew ordering something different when he enters a Chinese restaurant , she probably does the same , and she is in She grew up in New York , so she has this background . I think she is considered dovish in mainland China , so there should be some opportunities to make China feel that there are some opportunities for the two sides to resolve some conflicts. But you said today that China has overcapacity . I have to say that I think this overcapacity is a problem for you capitalists. For us consumers, thank you for overcapacity. This way we will have cheap things to consume . In fact, many overcapacities in China include his, which is overcapacity in infrastructure. After that, he helped many Southeast Asian and African countries to do infrastructure construction. What’s wrong with these countries? Normally, European and American countries are so expensive and charge such high prices. It’s a good thing that they can get these today. So I think there is only one overcapacity. The problem is that today, if you are like OPEC or the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, they have to discuss our oil. But their oil can be placed there and we can make adjustments at any time. But they also have an organization to discuss it. So I have to ask now . If you in the United States feel that China has overproduction, do you want to form an alliance to discuss how we can restrict each other's exports ? I don't think this can't be discussed , but you can't just accuse others when you are not competitive now. I feel that other people produce too much , or else I go and find out if there is so-called unfair competition in this country , or if there are any places that violate any competition methods . I think I can do this myself. I have seen my students. As an American in the United States, he works for the Department of Commerce. He was specifically investigating when we investigated Taiwan and whether our steel exports to the United States were dumping issues because of the cheapness issue. At last glance, it turned out to be you. The steel plants in the United States have been around for 100 years, and you The production is more expensive and inefficient, so the efficiency is poor. Now the steel plants in South Korea and Taiwan definitely have newer equipment than those in the United States. Of course, the competitiveness is definitely there, so the United States needs to review it. In fact, I think they might as well be like this bridge in Baltimore. Instead, just turn these jobs into your own and devote yourself wholeheartedly to your own infrastructure construction. You will create some jobs and more production capacity . International content will come back soon . There is a US high-speed rail show on Douyin. He said You see how fast we are running. This train is traveling along the East Coast of the United States. You see this train on our screen. It is said to be 150 miles high. This train is speeding like this. It is said to be able to connect to Boston. As well as cities such as New York and Philadelphia, this picture just appeared. Although it only looked like it was really fast for a few seconds , reaching 150 miles per hour , some people have said that this is actually still far lower than the real highways in other places. The train in particular was named Mainland China. We saw a reporter from the New York Times take a freight train set up by the American National Railway Passenger Transport Company from New York to San Francisco. As a result, after the 70-hour journey, he To be honest, it’s really thankless . Why? Because in addition to emitting more greenhouse gases than taking direct flights, he said that because the American railways are too old , there are actually no electrified railways still in use outside the Northeast. Regarding the operation of diesel , he lamented in the report that China has actually achieved 70% railway electrification in the past few decades . For comparison, we see the data of China Railway Group. By the end of 2023, the total mileage of railway operations has reached 15.9 Ten thousand kilometers , including 45,000 kilometers of high-speed rail. It is expected that this modern railway will be relatively fully popular in 2035. By 2035 , the scale of the railway network can reach 200,000 kilometers. There are 70,000 kilometers of high-speed rail. Well, it is not only used by mainland China and Cambodia. There are also plans to convert existing railways into high-speed railways It is said that two more railways will be built from 2028 to 2033. Is it possible to cooperate with China? In addition, when Wang Yi met with the Foreign Minister of Vietnam, he also mentioned that Guangxi is important for exchanges and cooperation between China and ASEAN. The Vietnamese government said that China's railway industry is the most developed in the world , so they also hope to learn from it. In Argentina, the Ministry of Transportation of Argentina twice purchased a total of 709 intercity EMUs from CRRC Sifang, one of which ran This is a business card like Made in China. The current attitude of the president of Argentina is also very intriguing because in the past, everyone thought that he was relatively anti-China. However, his attitude seems to have softened recently , as Bloomberg pointed out that he was once interviewed When I pointed out that the trade relationship between China and Argentina has not changed at all, he has no intention to change the currency swap agreement worth 18 billion US dollars between the two parties. He also wants people to do more business with China. We just talked about the railway. Now let’s look at some of the planes. Is it dangerous to fly in the United States? On April 5, a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 was flying from Texas to Las Vegas. It was a Boeing passenger plane engine that caught fire again. This is also the Boeing 737 you have seen this year. This is only the fifth accident in April . In addition, a Virgin Atlantic Boeing 787 Dreamliner collided with another British Airways aircraft at London's Heathrow Airport at noon on April 6. The Airbus passenger plane caused minor damage to the two planes. You can see that the wings of the plane collided with each other. Of course, the CEO of Boeing mentioned that under the situation where accidents continue to occur, According to a new statement , the CEO who is resigning unexpectedly saw his 2023 salary increase by 45% to 33 million U.S. dollars. This is amazing because the NT dollar is NT$1 billion , so it has also aroused some doubts . Please tell me what Brother Bing thinks about the gap between the high-speed rail between the United States and China. What is the current situation? The American railways have been abandoned for a long time, so many of them still use diesel locomotives . Most of them do not take the train. Because they are used to driving or flying by themselves , the train industry has been neglected for a long time . So for them now, 150 miles is of course very fast, because it is already the highest speed railway in the United States , but it is inferior to other countries. Not to mention, compared with Japan, Germany, France or mainland China, our Taiwan's high-speed rail is faster than them because our Taiwan's high-speed rail can still reach 300 kilometers, while yours is only 150 miles and only 240 kilometers , so they still have a long way to go. If you want to go to mainland China, of course, the most famous railway maniac in the world is building railways everywhere because he has built 159,000 kilometers and will continue to build more. We just mentioned India. India has always wanted to compare with mainland China. India is also a India is a large country with a large population . The total length of railways in India is not short , but it is only about 65,000 kilometers , so there is still a long way to go with mainland China. So if you have not done a good job in infrastructure construction, basically for a country , especially a country with such a large population, you have to Development itself has encountered many difficulties. Of course, mainland China is fully committed to development in this direction. This is its strength , so it has also exported this technology to the entire Southeast Asia. It just built the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail in Indonesia. Now Indonesia also hopes that mainland China will continue to follow him. Cooperation will continue to increase the length of railways , and countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, and Southeast Asia will probably expect to rely on mainland China's infrastructure strength and quickly upgrade their infrastructure, because this will be helpful to their economic transformation and growth , because now Southeast Asia These countries have also reached a moment when their economies are about to grow, so this is very, very important to them. The United States has no way to provide assistance in this regard because the United States cannot build it itself , let alone help others. Of course, Biden has also proposed it before. When I heard about helping India build railways, I felt that we should help ourselves first, and whether we should build them first. So this is the fact before us. This cannot be deceived. The same is true for Argentina . The president of Argentina is originally very exaggerated , and he not only wants to build it with mainland China. They are at odds with each other and want to cut down the entire Argentina and retrain it. Now he seems to be heading down this road. But why did he turn to mainland China? Because he knows that his cooperation with mainland China is beneficial to Argentina, so this is a fact that cannot be deceived. Everyone must bow to reality in front of us . This is something you don’t have to figure out. As for Boeing, I must say that Boeing is really facing a big problem. We think it is inevitable that some small mistakes will occasionally happen. But from last year to this year, they have happened too frequently. There are too many things like this that keep happening over and over again. If this continues, everyone will have very little confidence in Boeing. I would like to suggest that the Boeing passenger planes we purchase should be temporarily suspended before buying them. Because this seems to be a problem all the time , and this company doesn't seem to want to improve. Why don't you give the CEO such a high salary ? Why don't you give the employees a higher salary? So I really think we really need to carefully consider whether it is still serious. Continue to buy airplanes from Boeing, General Li. Boeing has had an accident this year . One of the biggest air explosions so far has not been reported by the media. On March 29, a United Airlines plane took off from Frankfurt and flew high into the sky. When something exploded, it caused the biggest air disaster and the plane had to turn back. You know what exploded? It was a septic tank explosion. The entire plane faced it . I don’t know why it suddenly happened . The toilet on the plane is actually very high-tech. It’s like a submarine. This thing must be stored in a compartment in the belly of the plane. This is the excrement of passengers. It is equivalent to saying that if you go to the toilet and you are not careful, you will be sucked in. I want to say that everyone who has been to the toilet on an airplane should have this experience. After the system breaks down, it will be sprayed out. After it sprayed out, I had no choice but to turn back because the smell was so high that the whole plane had to return. So for Boeing, this is the biggest air crash this year. I think it is the biggest air crash. As for China's railway development, I would like to talk about it. In fact, there is a saying that if you want to get rich, build first. In fact, China's development is not just about railways. Everyone's attention is focused on railways. In fact, I think there are five major categories of transportation, right? Railways, oil pipes, water transportation, right? Air transportation and road transportation. Let's take a look at these five things. In fact, I think China There has been great progress in the transportation construction of these five items. We don’t need to talk about the railway. Now everyone can see that it will be completed immediately with eight vertical and eight horizontal lines. In terms of aircraft, the C919 will be released soon. In terms of shipping, we all know it. He is now one of the best in the world in terms of shipbuilding and oil pipeline transportation, whether it is from the Siberian oil pipeline pipeline or the pipeline transportation from Kyaukpyu Port in Myanmar or the pipeline transportation from Pakistan to Xinjiang. In fact, he is also actively doing this. When it comes to construction and maintenance of roads , let alone roads. We have seen that many of us talk about infrastructure. Whether it is to open up the Tianshan Mountains or in Xinjiang, such high-speed roads that circle the entire desert have been built. Because it is the most rare thing about railways, I think it is not just high-speed railways. It can complete the Qingkang-Tibet permafrost railways. This kind of railways has been completed several years ago. I think it is like these , whether it is oil, water, railway, public infrastructure, etc. 5 He is actively developing these construction projects. I think the reason why the country has been able to achieve rapid economic growth in just a few years is absolutely inseparable from transportation construction. This is because the founding father said it since the time of the founding of the country. If he is not the president, he will be the Minister of Transportation and Construction of the country. He had this vision at that time. The most important thing for a country to be prosperous and strong is to rely on this kind of transportation construction , because only transportation construction can smooth the flow of goods , and only goods can flow smoothly. If it flows smoothly , then it can be said that the entire goods can be exchanged, and only then can we create the wealth of the people . Otherwise, if I produce things, I can't sell them and there is no other use. Don't forget that there is another thing. I think it will have an impact on China. It is very important , that is to say , Russia's port in the Northeast has been lent to China and opened to China for use. Vladivostok seems to be called Vladivostok. It has also been used by China , so we can see China. In terms of transportation, whether it is land, sea or air force, there has been great progress in the three directions of transportation. This also means that China's future development can be expected. Professor Yan , I think the United States today is the construction of railways and high-speed railways. In fact, the reason for these backwardness should be mentioned . Since the beginning of the 20th century, they have been working hard because the United States is the world leader in the automobile industry , so they have continued to make the economy based on automobiles. So you see this person moved from the cities we are talking about to the suburbs because everyone can drive, and then they have supported automobiles all the way. Industry , but I never expected that in the 1980s, we suddenly discovered that the price of oil had become high. Then your automobiles could not compete. For example, fuel-efficient cars could not compete with Japan. And now electric vehicles could not compete with China. The entire transportation industry was distorted, and railways were completely ignored. So when you go to the United States, you will see that they have the kind of vehicles that transport large quantities of goods. Sometimes I am waiting to see 40 or 70 carriages. You wait for 5 or 6 minutes before they are finished. There are these transportations , but they are basically not very comprehensive. The entire construction network and the transportation direction of the people are not like ours in Taipei. For example, we take the MRT. Only in New York, there are some MRTs that are convenient. The subway is convenient. In some places, you need to get the subway. For example, It's very troublesome to build a subway in Los Angeles because your original plan was to drive. I think this is the biggest problem they are facing now . In order to satisfy the entire automobile industry, Detroit, which was the leading industry in the United States at that time , found that the leading industry is not good now. What was your alternative? It was too late now. So as I said in the previous paragraph, you should hurry up and work hard on your infrastructure construction. You should work hard on these railways , and then you can make your transportation construction work again. Competing with emerging countries, including your steel industry , your factories are already old, so your infrastructure is not good. Moreover, the United States does not want to decouple from China. Then, U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen visited China immediately , but during the meeting In the process, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang expressed what the United States and China need to be able to have difficult dialogues and manage complex relations in order to stabilize the two countries. Li Qiang’s response to everyone was that the focus of the United States and China is to respect each other in order to become partners . China hopes that the two countries can become partners . Of course we should be partners , not opponents , but what happened to the so many containment actions we just saw ? Many netizens are discussing what Ye Lun and Li Qiang shook hands with and various gestures. Do you remember when she entered the venue and waited ? She was said before because she was too groveling and shook hands when she came in. She was also too polite and made people feel as if she had lost her dignity. So this time she stood up straight and would never be scolded again. She paid attention to her manners this time. But Lun said something publicly in Guangzhou that China's manufacturing overcapacity will cause serious consequences or trouble for other countries. She said that the economic imbalance caused by China's manufacturing overcapacity may cause other American companies and industries to be competed at low prices, etc. The question also warned mainland companies that they might face serious consequences if they helped Russia provide materials and resources during the Ukraine-Russia war. So on the one hand, she said there was no need to decouple, and on the other hand, she said there was a need for cooperation . However, she said nothing about Chinese electric vehicle solar panels. We are worried about the impact of this industrial strategy on the United States. Therefore, it is necessary to help American companies strive to provide fair competition opportunities by making it difficult for U.S. companies to participate in competition. These two sides of the argument are also discussed in China on different occasions. Xinhua News Agency In particular, he published an article to refute his argument of overcapacity, arguing that the United States is looking for excuses for protectionism. Such remarks undermine China's domestic economic growth and international cooperation. Instead, he suggested that Washington should focus on cultivating innovation and competitiveness. When you say you have to find a way to compete with us, you are not resorting to spreading panic. We are powerful and you are so scared. That’s what it means. But Yellen specifically mentioned one thing when talking to the American Chamber of Commerce . She held multiple rounds of talks with He Lifeng and said no. If China's decoupling is to succeed for American companies , it is very important that American companies should be able to participate in the Chinese market. Of course she understands that American companies need the Chinese market and keep going to the Chinese market. But she said that communication has improved significantly. I am also opposed to it, just like President Biden. China's decoupling hopes that American companies will continue to succeed in China. The outside world is watching. Of course, the body language is coming again. Let's take a look at her. When she met Li Qiang, she was sitting upright. There was nothing wrong with her posture this time. But when it came to meeting American companies, she crossed her legs. Of course, some people said This kind of attitude is stronger. I think it is also possible that she is more relaxed and at ease. She is not so worried about the outside world making articles . Of course, everyone's views are very detailed, but here comes what are the news headlines ? Is it you again? Something happened again at Boeing . Take a look at this scene, which happened at Heathrow Airport in London. The Boeing 787 , known as the Dreamliner, hit an Airbus carrying hundreds of people while taxiing. His 787 was empty at the time, but When it hit this airbus with 121 passengers, everyone was frightened. Some people were injured because of it. Why did it slide and hit the bus? It is of course still to be clarified whether there was some equipment failure or some problem. But there was another 737 passenger plane at the same time. There was also a problem. The engine caught fire during takeoff. This plane was a Boeing 737 flying from Texas to Las Vegas. How serious was the fire in the air ? It looked like the engine was on fire. I believe all the passengers on the plane were frightened. The door fell crooked last time, whatever happened. This time it became the fifth accident involving Boeing 737. This year it is only the beginning of April and the fifth accident has already occurred. So of course everyone will discuss whether China’s competitors Boeing and Airbus should focus on Asia like C919. There is a great opportunity to gain market share because Airbus and Boeing have sold out their aircraft in the domestic market. However, the United States and the United Kingdom still dominate commercial jets. So, do Chinese business jets have the ability to threaten it? Many expert aviation consulting companies believe that it is possible. It is difficult to threaten , but in fact, Boeing is now placing its hope in the Chinese market, but so many unexpected events have occurred. It seems that competition is also very difficult. Brother Liang, first of all, let's take a look at the difference between strength and weakness reflected by Yellen's visit to China. In fact, in the United States , Yellen went to China this time , and then Dai Qi went to Europe. Dai Qi spoke more clearly, because after all, Yellen is not that political. Frankly speaking, she has no official airs. You can see her as an old lady and just wear a cross-body bag . After getting off the plane, her cross-body bag was also discussed by many people , so I think she is a relatively easy-going person who is willing to talk about real things. But frankly speaking, she is a more professional civil servant , but I should say that she is not that political. But the problem is that the Biden administration is I have to come up with this argument because I think Dai Qi is more representative of the Biden administration. In fact, she said it very clearly. She said that her choice of words is really strange. She said that after China’s special economic system joins the WTO, we will not be able to resist her. We also used a method called super-efficient economic production. This is what Dai Qi talked about. This is very strange. Now that you have lost, you start to think that it was wrong for you to let him participate in the WTO because you are too efficient. Why didn't you ask others before? How long has it been? It has been more than 20 years since we participated in the WTO. Now you find that many of you have been defeated by others . Now you are getting nervous. I think the concepts used by Yellen are fundamentally misleading. What is overcapacity in mainland China? According to Bloomberg statistics, the current export of electric vehicles was less than 250,000 units as of March this year. This is called overcapacity. Most of them are internally sold to the domestic market. BYD has made 7 million electric vehicles so far. Most of the vehicles are in the Chinese market , so I don’t know what you are referring to when she talks about overcapacity. If you are referring to solar products , they have caused price destruction and have become very cheap, so cheap that no one can compete. You say this is called surplus. You should say that everyone has been defeated by it, because this phenomenon is not what we are talking about champion companies. Germany also has many champion companies , right ? Its global market share exceeds 70%. No one can beat it. Esmore of the Netherlands accounts for more than 90% of the world's market share. Why don't you talk about it? So I You think this concept is very strange. On the one hand, if you say that Europe has overcapacity, then you say that I want to investigate your subsidies. Subsidies are more reasonable because Europe is not as obvious as the United States. The United States has also launched a chip and science law . Subsidizing your semiconductors, you have the nerve to say that others are subsidizing them. So I think the United States is really sad. Now that it is losing in market competition, it starts to mess with some economic concepts . If you don't want the WTO, then you can rebuild a world economic organization. You see. Does anyone want to participate ? In fact, more countries believe that free trade and free competition are more conducive to the development of all countries. This is currently the case. When we look at Boeing , will consumers or you look at it still often on military aircraft? Aren't many of the regular manufacturers we cooperate with afraid of accidents happening all day long ? This time an engine fire occurred in the air from Texas to Las Vegas. The engine fire was quite serious in terms of aircraft, because the Boeing 737 is now It has two engines. If one engine catches fire and only one engine is left, it is very dangerous. If they are carrying full passengers, they are very heavy and have a lot of fuel. One engine may not be able to maintain the plane's level flight. Then it has to descend slowly and slowly. If there is no land nearby, it will fall directly into the sea. So recently, the Boeing 737 has its tires falling off and its escape doors blowing off. There are too many things and the windows are broken . If the reliability of commercial flights of the entire Boeing 737 in the international market, especially the reliability of flight safety and safety , has been greatly reduced , then how will everyone transfer orders to Airbus and this situation will affect the market of the Boeing 737 ? The demand will definitely have an impact , so we look at the recent Boeing series , especially the 737 series, which are rising one after another. This problem is emerging one after another . In this regard, will its competitiveness in the market decline ? Moreover, the C919 from mainland China has already been released. But looking at the entire market, let’s look at Airbus, Boeing and mainland China’s C919. Looking at the entire market, the aviation market is in short supply because making aircraft is very slow. But the problem is that the market is very prosperous. After this epidemic, everyone will be there. We know that business People travel and sightsee by plane, so the market is very prosperous, so their competitiveness in this area is not too high, because everyone can’t finish it, because making an airplane is not that simple. 500,000 parts, big and small , is very large for a passenger plane. It 's not like a car can come out in one go. Although it's modular, even if there are a lot of things that we know, it's become a whole set , but the entire manufacturing process still has its complexity. It still has it. This program is like this and has its limitations. Let’s first look at Yellen’s visit to the mainland this time. I think the posture is relatively low compared to the past. Is it because in 2023, the United States and mainland China will The trade deficit is 770 billion U.S. dollars , but mainland China has earned 770 billion U.S. dollars. In terms of goods, mainland China has made a trade surplus of 470 billion U.S. dollars. In terms of goods, the United States has earned 470 billion. 770 billion, of which 470 billion is goods. So in this regard, mainland China has made more money than the United States. In this regard, it has been running a deficit . Of course, I hope that mainland China can buy more American products . However, because American products are all high-priced, they are not popular in the mainland Chinese market. So this time, Yellen must have hoped to buy more American products. Let the trade deficit between China and the United States be narrowed. It can be narrowed and then U.S. inflation should not rise. The U.S. inflation in the first quarter of this year was 3.2%. It should not rise again. At the end of this year, there will be votes for the U.S. presidential election. It has an impact , so it cannot restrict the sale of goods from mainland China to the United States . Therefore, the United States has a dilemma. There is no way to solve this dilemma at the moment. Professor Zuo does indeed have a U.S. election soon, so what does the Biden administration want? Of course, it hopes to boost economic policy. Looking at his own election situation at this time, many analysts said that because the primary election has just reached a stage, even if he has a phone call with Xi Jinping or subsequent interviews with economic officials, it will not lose too much points . How do you see what Biden wants? Two things. First, he has to show his ability to manage US-China relations. So you can see that not only Yellen went to mainland China , but also military officials from the United States and mainland China also held dialogues with military officials in Hawaii . One is Wang Shouwen, the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce of mainland China. He is at the ministerial level. He is also currently having a dialogue with the Deputy Minister of Commerce of the United States in Washington. So you can see that the dialogue is going on in three channels at the same time . Of course, he has shown that he has The ability to manage such a relationship. Although there is competition and although the two sides seem to be very tense militarily , there is no lack of communication and dialogue. This is the first and second Biden, of course, hopes to make some economic gains. So you see what the Wall Street Journal was talking about for two days in a row before Yellen went to visit mainland China , which is the so-called China shock , because the China shock was originally about At that time, the first time this concept was discussed was around 2015 and 2016. At that time, many academic documents were discussing this concept , saying that because goods from mainland China were cheap and of good quality , they continued to rush to the West. Of course, the market in Western countries has caused many workers to lose their jobs. That was the first wave, so he now believes that it is the second wave, because the new products in mainland China are the so -called new energy vehicles like the ones we are talking about now , and these are constantly increasing. But I will find that this is a bit different from the mainland's expectations for Yellen. So if you look at the self-media, what the mainland is talking about now is that Yellen went to a Sichuan restaurant in Beijing. Then you look at the mainland Yellen and He Lifeng. Multiple rounds of talks were held in Guangzhou. The two sides talked for four and a half hours the first time. As a result, the People's Daily put it on the third page. Then Li Qiang talked to Yellen today. It has not yet been listed on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I think the mainland is still there. Because the mainland actually hopes to create an atmosphere where Sino -US relations can be eased. So you see, after Xi Jinping met with people from the business community, Xinhua News Agency published three consecutive online reviews and three consecutive current reviews, discussing how Sino-US relations can stabilize and become healthy. Development track Now that Yellen has come to the mainland, of course I think there are expectations. But can Yellen’s expectations be implemented , especially in terms of sanctions on high technology ? Can both sides find a balance point ? Of course now it seems that she said it will be established. What is a new working group called Balanced Development ? Because there is already a financial working group. Wang Shouwen, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, in the United States, that is the so-called commerce working group. Now we are going to open a new working group. Can these working groups really solve the problem? I think the differences between the two sides of course remain to be seen. Next, let’s look at the spillover and expanded effects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On the 1st, when the Iranian embassy in Syria was bombed, Israel did it. Now they are threatening to retaliate, and Iran’s Islamic The Revolutionary Guards have warned that they must retaliate against Israel's attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Iran , and will dispatch witness drones, patrol missiles, etc. to retaliate. Of course, there are also reports that are inflaming public opinion and have been telling everyone that Iran must retaliate. Back home, the Israeli media reported that 28 Israeli embassies around the world were temporarily closed on the 5th to avoid counterattacks because of the threat from Iran's proxies. Currently, Israeli officials have not released any further information , but they have closed the embassy first as a countermeasure. Security Iran also told the United States that you should stay away from Israel to protect your life and avoid harm. What does it mean to warn the United States to stay away from Israel to avoid becoming a target of attacks? The United States responded by asking Iran not to attack U.S. facilities. The target is that Israel’s various impacts and attacks on the Gaza Strip have reached such an out-of-control level that even the United States and the United Nations cannot hold back the various condemnation voices. Among them, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs publicly stated that Israel is Hamas's war campaign has turned into a massacre and escalated into a betrayal of humanity . The United Nations Secretary-General said that the Israeli bombing campaign included the use of AI as a target identification tool. It is rumored that using AI as an identification tool may be relevant in densely populated areas. If the rebels are among them, they will cause a large number of civilian casualties and attack . But he is deeply disturbed by these rumors. Of course, Israel refuted it and said that it is useless. The IDF does not use AI systems to identify terrorists. It is just trying to guess whether a person is a terrorist. What method? But the Gaza war has been going on for half a year. In fact, to be more precise, one side is attacking the British Prime Minister relatively forcefully. He publicly shouted that the Israeli army was killing innocent people indiscriminately , including Pelosi. The terrible war must end , and this is also included in the United States. About 30 Democratic congressmen , including outgoing Speaker Pelosi, have all signed a petition urging Biden and Blinken to stop Israel from transferring weapons and stop giving him weapons for innocent bombings and attacks . This trend is also happening in Israel. Demonstrators are shouting that Netanyahu is guilty . The war has been going on for half a year. They want him to step down to apologize and even choke Netanyahu. This is a dangerous thing for Israel and puts Israel in a bad situation. It is in danger , but Biden wants to get out of the Israeli quagmire , which will of course affect his election campaign. Almost all domestic public opinions are now opposed to the continuation of the Israeli-Palestinian war , but is there any way for Biden to control Netanyahu? This report is saying that he has already I gave Natanyahu an ultimatum and spoke on the phone for half an hour , telling him that many high-level US officials were present and told Natanyahu that if Israel does not change its Gaza policy in Palestine, it will not be able to support you. This attitude is considered to be the strongest since the problem occurred. It is worth noting that such sentiments are only seen when it comes to Western aid workers , but there have been so many attacks before. There are all these types of things , but there is no such strong feeling of anger. What is the reason? Is it related to Iran or the possible expansion of the war ? Is it necessary to resolve international pressure or domestic opposition? And now Biden is riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off , so when reporters asked him, Will the United States abandon Israel? His answer was: Is this question serious? He did not answer. Then he left in a hurry and did not answer any questions. Of course, there were many discussions among netizens. So for the United States, the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict and even Iran If we really want to fight back, how much impact will it have? The United States should also be very worried. Brother Liang, I think the first anger of the United States should be that Qi Jieyue ended on April 9th. If Israel wants to attack, it will probably be on April 10th. It's possible any day after that. What I'm talking about is that there are 1.4 million people gathered in Farafah. You can think about what kind of hell it will be if he fights. In fact, even the United Kingdom has jumped in now, which is equivalent to five The eye alliance has expressed its position , and the UK has directly said that it should not give him any more weapons. Now only the United States is left to provide weapons , so it depends on whether Biden is playing a double act again, because the United States has just provided Israel with 1,800 You are the one who provided the MK precision bomb , so I don’t believe anything Biden says. I think why Biden is angry. The first one is because the sequelae of fighting Rafa are really too serious. This is the first one. The second one is to go to Israel. Why did the attack on the Iranian embassy make Biden a little angry? Because it is unnecessary. Of course he will think that you are asking Hezbollah in Lebanon to invade and force me to get involved in the United States because Netanyahu does not want to end this war . Den wanted him to end the war, so Israel simply expanded the war , so he went to attack the Iranian embassy. If the Lebanese Hezbollah Shia militia invaded , what would the United States do ? Would the United States have to express its stance? In the United States, this one-sided support for Israel Under this political structure, if Hezbollah in Lebanon really attacks Israel, the United States must intervene, and Netanyahu can continue to fight. This is also a very smart approach , so Biden just thinks that the plan is to say that you have to do this kind of thing. If you don’t say hello to me, this is a variable. No one can predict whether Iran’s retaliation will be limited to missile attacks or whether Hezbollah will really invade. There is really no way to predict. Of course, the United States is worried about the latter. To put it bluntly, he does not want the war in the Middle East to expand, because if it expands in this atmosphere, the United States will probably become a street rat in the Middle East , so of course he does not want it , and it will be linked to you wanting to fight Rafa , which is not good for the whole world. Muslims all over the world are probably going to rebel, so the United States thinks that Israel, it’s not that he doesn’t support Israel, he thinks that Netanyahu is crazy and can’t control it. How could you have such a calculation ? So I think the United States may be planning to let Israel Internal forces should replace Netanyahu. Because Netanyahu is actually a fragile coalition government, the United States is planning to replace Netanyahu. It can be done. That is to say, Israel, at least replace it with one that is more comparable to the United States or to the United States. How are you going to fight the world 's leader who can communicate? I think the United States still supports Israel , but he feels that Netanyahu has completely failed to grasp this view. This view is probably also the view of Canada and the United Kingdom. So there is no need to talk about other countries. Let's talk about the Five Eyes Alliance . So At present, Australia and Canada have said that they will not provide weapons, so if the UK follows up on this, in fact, the UK has not gone to that extent. It said that the terrible war must end, right? However, Pelosi and Harris have publicly expressed their support for Natanyahu. I don’t trust it, so I think he has probably reached the critical point. The United States probably has to make a decision in the next week . In the next week, the extent to which Iran’s so-called counterattack will expand. The outside world is also worried about taking a break. What may happen when we come back soon ? There will definitely be a big counterattack against Iran . Moreover, we know that Iran is in the Middle East. It has a land area of ​​1.85 million square kilometers and a population of more than 80 million. It is also an Islamic country. Shia Shia has always played a tough role in the Middle East. As a result, his embassy was bombed by Israel. It depends on whether he will take revenge. I think he will take three measures. The first one will be unmanned. The drones are doing saturation attacks because Iran, a major drone producer, just uses drones to retaliate, so that all these Israeli anti-aircraft missiles or its Patriot system will be consumed. In addition, its supersonic cruise missiles will be consumed . Three Iranian surface-to-surface missiles will be launched at Israel from Syria in the northeast and Lebanon in the north. In this case, Israel's air defense systems may not be able to withstand its Iron Dome system. It will follow the saturation attack we talked about last time on October 7. The saturation attack by the Hamas organization made Israel unbearable and it was full. If there is no other way, then we should pawn it. If it is pawned, there is no one behind. The plane is like entering an uninhabited land because its air defense system has been saturated and collapsed. Israel heard that if they turn off the GPS , they do not have this satellite positioning system. They still have an inertial navigation system. For inertial navigation, just input the inertial navigation into it. The fixed target may be an Israeli air force base , or it may be its important weapons and equipment depot , and there may be a warship in an Israeli port. I think these are all Iranian The target of the attack, Iran, will not take this breath away. Moreover, Iran is a major oil producer and exporter in the Middle East. It is not short of money and has such a large population. How can it be possible for it to swallow this breath ? So it will definitely retaliate . The issue of time. Another thing we are looking at is that this time Israel is treating the Palestinians because it has been half a year and has caused the death of 32,000 Palestinians in Gaza. The most important thing is that the attitude of the United States now will be relatively different. Why does this change? Because there is an election for the President of the United States at the end of the year. There is an election. If there is an election, there are votes . The Jewish people in the United States have influence in the media, banking , business and finance. But the problem is that the vote is one vote per person. There are also many Muslims in the United States. When people from Muslim countries immigrate to the United States, they also have the right to vote. They are now citizens of the United States. In this case, each of these people has one vote. Jews and Muslims also have one vote. These citizens in the United States also have one vote. What they have to consider is bigger. Because the difference in votes between Biden and Trump at the end of this year is often close, in other words, this is very critical. Therefore, the United States has been endlessly adopting this tough approach towards Israel. This attack in Gaza may be decoupled or a phenomenon of fatigued support. Even Trump has opinions on Israel’s current practices. We will take a break and come back soon, hoping to stop it , but there is obviously no sign of stopping. On the contrary, it may be an attack by Iran. The aftermath of this, Professor, is actually the most embarrassing thing for the United States. On the one hand, the commander of the so-called Quds Force who was killed this time was actually a so-called foreign terrorist organization recognized by the United States . However, the United States On the other hand, the United States’ own policy also regards its overseas embassies and consulates as an extension of its territory. Therefore, it can neither condemn nor support Israel’s actions . Therefore, the United States did not inform the United States after this incident occurred. Iran said that it was not involved in this matter , and then Iran also replied to the United States, saying that it is best not to participate in these actions of Netanyahu , otherwise you will be injured. Now there are two interesting things that came out of this conversation . The first question is, in the final analysis. What channels do the two sides use to talk to each other? Because the United States does not seem to have an ambassador to Iran at the moment . Where is the channel for dialogue between the two sides? In fact, the Biden administration has continued the personnel of the Obama administration , so some of them have participated in the past with the United States and Iran. Iran's official dialogue
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Id: pcOqp6D0dG4
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Length: 57min 50sec (3470 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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