[SUB]越南擺拜登CIA一道?第七艦隊嗆解放軍 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20231217 (字幕版)

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The struggle between China and the United States in the South China Sea is good. We first saw it in the US Seventh Fleet. Their joint exercises are also increasing. Of course, the goal is to strengthen the deterrent against China. The President of the Philippines mentioned it during an interview on the 16th. Mainland China's increasingly arbitrary behavior poses substantial challenges to its Asian neighbors. In addition, the Defense Secretary of the Philippines also mentioned that Beijing now seems to have turned the South China Sea into a Chinese lake. He said that 11 ships were dispatched. Ships, etc. Then let’s say that this move is very rare. It is obviously a show of force against the Philippines. However , there are also different voices in the country. For example, Philippine congressmen called for the expulsion of the Chinese ambassador to the Philippines. However, the Philippines’ former The presidential spokesman said that he was ashamed of the country because they allowed the United States to portray China as an enemy. In addition, the front page of the Philippine newspaper also mentioned that this may have caused Chinese capital to avoid the Philippines . Even the largest source of investment in Asia has also avoided it. If so, do you think Japan, Europe and the United States will still dare to come? But compared to the tense situation in the Philippines, we saw that Vietnam visited Japan and embraced Kishida. In addition, he also embraced Xi Jinping before. Of course, they hope to cooperate with Japan in the manufacturing of semiconductor chips. In addition, of course, I also hope that the bilateral relations between Vietnam and Japan were upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership at the end of last month. For Vietnam, relying on the United States for its military and relying on China for its economy means that neither side will be offended. We can also see this statement at the ASEAN Summit. He said that we should strengthen security cooperation and get ahead of the ASEAN summit. In fact, Wang Yi has already met with envoys from the 10 ASEAN countries. Of course, he also expressed goodwill and said that he would jointly build the Belt and Road and achieve major results . But now mainland China is in The backyard of the United States is making great efforts to strengthen military cooperation with these countries. First, the United States persuaded Argentina not to purchase this fighter jet jointly developed by China and Pakistan in the hope of preventing China from joining the Latin American arms market . However, mainland China has not given up selling some items to Colombia. Battle tanks , including Argentina, Bolivia and other countries, have purchased this weapon system or received private military security services. In addition to the military, we have also seen that in the education part, there are about two public schools in Brazil that have started Chinese and Portuguese. Bilingual teaching is good. In addition, Brazil's 4.4 billion energy sector is also a winning project of China's State Grid . This project includes a newly built 1,468 kilometers of plus or minus 800 kV high-voltage direct current transmission lines . This project is related to this It is another very important achievement of the Belt and Road Initiative , which means that it is now starting to counterattack Biden's backyard. Let's first ask the ambassador what he thinks about the struggle in the South China Sea. The struggle in the South China Sea means that the Philippines is the latest in a series of rising provocations against China. The mainland behaved like this on December 9 when three ships, one a government ship and two fishing boats, were at Scarborough Shoal . However, when they encountered the Chinese mainland, a 3,400-ton coast guard ship attacking the Chinese mainland from both sides , it was basically like this. The water cannon was officially fired for the first time , and instead of shooting near it, it directly hit the communication system and satellite navigation system of the official ship , severely damaging the ship . This has made the Philippines only dare to shout but not take action , so it means that it has no strength to challenge Those who have strength will finally take action. Without strength, they will not be able to sing anymore. On December 9th at Huangyaniao, and on December 10th at Ren'ai Reef, they were still served by Chinese water cannons. At that time, their Philippine Chief of Staff was hidden on the ship. Sneaking to the Sierra Madre ship and then nothing happened, the problem began to arise within the Philippines . The spokesperson of the presidential office of the former Philippine government was also the spokesperson of Duterte. He basically opposed the Marcos government of the Philippines. What he means by this approach is that the Filipino Marcos has now completely become a tool in the hands of Americans . They have completely forgotten the interests of the Philippines itself and have become serving the interests of the United States. In fact, the United States I didn’t go to the Philippines to invest, but during Duterte’s time , mainland China promised at least 6 billion US dollars in various aspects of financial aid to the Philippines and this kind of infrastructure construction plan seemed to be under Marcos. These plans will probably come to nothing. In fact, the Philippines has paid a very heavy economic price , but politically and militarily it is not a rival to mainland China, so the Philippines has internal opinions. Now these voices are gradually getting louder and louder. The more I understand it, in terms of strength , the Scarborough Shoal is not far away from Woody Island in mainland China, or the three small triangles in the Nansha Islands , but it is even more so from Ren'ai Reef. Part of Meiji Island is only 19 nautical miles away from mainland China, and the nearest main island in the Philippines is more than 100 nautical miles away. So mainland China is actually on the verge of turning the South China Sea near the Philippines into its own inland sea , so it just goes there 1 There are more than a hundred of these iron-hulled fishing boats weighing hundreds of tons. In addition, it was recently discovered that 4 Chinese mainland 052D 052C and some missile speedboats 022 missile speedboats have appeared in the military port on Mischief Reef. So in terms of strength, mainland China Now it seems that it is ready to go head-to-head , so you can see that the Philippines has become softer now. So I think it is a country without strength that wants to challenge a country with strength , and it is to serve the interests of other countries , such as the interests of the United States. The first Not to mention that others can't stand it, even he himself will have opinions. So I think the Philippines' current provocation in the South China Sea should stop for a while , and if it escalates, it may be threatened by mainland China. A stronger blow , so in terms of international relations, your territorial disputes will ultimately rely on strength. If you don't have strength, at the critical moment, it will be like the Philippines today. There is no way to promote it to the outside world. It starts to quarrel with itself internally. What does the captain think of mainland China in the United States ? Let's first look at the part about the South China Sea. We see the oblong shape in the middle of this picture . Where is this in the middle? This is the Ren'ai Reef . The ship you see is next to the Ren'ai Reef. Yes , there are indeed a lot of Chinese Coast Guard ships or Chinese Maritime Militia ships . And when we look at the yellow dot in Ren'ai Reef ... it must be said that why are these Coast Guard ships or Chinese Maritime Militia ships like this? Is it true that the South China Sea has become China's inland sea? We must say that it is within the 9- dash line . Where does the so-called 9-dash line in mainland China come from? It is derived from the 11-dash line of the Republic of China. We, the descendants of the Republic of China in Taiwan , don’t defend the territory of your ancestors, and you can’t stop others from defending it, right? Of course, you won’t give in to the territory left by your ancestors, right ? Isn’t that how you talk about Taiping Island? If Taiping Island is like this , why is it not the same for Scarborough Shoal or Ren'ai Reef ? The Ambassador just introduced us about the location of Taiping Island, Mischief Reef , and then Ren'ai Reef is at this location and how far it is from Palawan Island. In fact, It is much farther than Mischief Reef. Why are they arguing about Scarborough Shoal and Ren'ai Reef? Because when the Philippines claims that their territory is taken back, it will actually have a negative impact on islands and reefs such as Subi Yongshu. This is our ambassador just now. The chief of staff they mentioned and their so-called Western Command are also called the West Philippine Sea. Where is the West Philippine Sea? There is no West Philippine Sea in IMO. Please use international terms for definition. What is it called? That is called South China. The sea and they come to the South China Sea just to have porcelain. Why is the maritime militia ship we just talked about a steel and stone structure ? We don’t need to talk about the others. But let’s take a look at their supply ship. What is the structure of this ? You are FRP. The structure of your FRP comes and goes, and your own ship is ruined. You are still saying that the mainland is ruthless. The mainland is not ruthless at all. If it is ruthless, it will directly hit it. I don’t know what the result will be. Recently, the United States has begun to sell arms to Taiwan. What is arms sales? Arms sales need to supplement our part about Xun'an system. What is Xun'an system? Bo Sheng case is Bo Sheng case. What is Bo Sheng case adding now? 6 sets of Perry-level systems have been added. 4 sets of pulls have been added. Faye's is the Kangding-level system. Why should I tell you now because I didn't before ? I didn't sell it to you now because I didn't before. Why? Because we see that Taiwan is tense, so when you vote, you should remember clearly who made the situation so tense . Brother Lai Bing , I actually think that the U.S. Seventh Fleet exercises too frequently. It has conducted 37 exercises this year , which is an average of more than three exercises a month . No wonder there have been more and more accidents in the U.S. military recently because your officers and soldiers are too tired. If he is overtired and exceeds his tolerance limit, many accidents will happen. So I think the United States actually has a serious shortage of ships and insufficient soldiers. In this case, if you train these soldiers excessively, it will actually cause many serious consequences. I think the United States needs to think clearly about the consequences. As for the Philippines, in fact, does the Philippines have a way to successfully solve the South China Sea issue ? In fact, it does because everyone has already negotiated a code of conduct in the South China Sea and is just waiting for the Philippines to agree. Because other countries have It’s OK. If the Philippines agrees to the South China Sea Code of Conduct, basically everyone can put aside the territorial disputes in the South China Sea. We can work together to cooperate and develop . Wouldn’t it be better for the Philippines ? Even if mainland China is not there, to be honest , the Philippines With its own resources and capabilities, it cannot develop the South China Sea . So if you can cooperate with a country that has resources, let’s develop it together. Wouldn’t it be beneficial to everyone? It would still be a bad point in the election. Now Zhao Shaokang probably feels aggrieved. Why? Because his name is Zhan Lai Qingde. He said that if Lai Qingde is willing to demolish the illegal buildings in his hometown of Wanli in accordance with the law, then he will resign from China Broadcasting Corporation, which he should not resign. However, he has been talking for so many days and Lai Qingde is unwilling to respond. However, Lai Qingde did not want to respond for two consecutive days. Tian responded to whether the election situation in Tainan is urgent. We saw that he recently arrived in Tainan today. He said that Tainan is a must-win place for military strategists , so he urged local voters to unite the power of democracy . But before this, he also said that Tainan The election situation is very stable because Zhu Lilun said that the Democratic Progressive Party may be in crisis here. He said that these are just people from the blue camp blowing whistles at night to embolden people . In fact, we have seen that in Tainan, everyone may generally think that this is Lai Qingde’s natal district. Logically speaking, it is very Of course, if Lai Qingde wins more votes, the chance of winning is of course very high . But it has to be high enough to be considered a real winner . We have seen that in the past, Bian Tsai also relied on this anti-Chinese card to win big in Tainan. For example, in 2000, he won 530,000 votes for the local government and used this slogan. In 2004, he also won 670,000 votes for two bullets. In 2016, there was the Sunflower anti-service trade incident . In 2020, Of course, the entire focus of the election campaign is the anti-extradition bill. So Tsai Ing- wen won 780,000 votes here. Well, we see that the so-called anti-China card is really the only one left in the election now . On the latest issue of trade barriers, Lai Qingde asked the KMT . He said why every time they protect When it came to Taiwan, the Kuomintang claimed that it was a provocation against China. It also said that China's Ministry of Commerce was expected to announce a survey on Taiwan's trade barriers on January 12. Why did Xia Liyan announce it the day after he arrived in mainland China ? Is this a coincidence? He also raised the question Well, now that Lai Qingde said that he has made very fruitful achievements in international economic and trade, a piece of information came out saying that he was going to be slapped in the face because they said that it was actually the ECFA signed during Ma Ying-jeou's term that New Zealand and Singapore both We are willing to sign an FTA with Taiwan. However, during President Tsai's term, except for countries such as Eswatini, the results of other FTAs ​​were zero. It is even pointed out that there are internal government documents stating that after opening up, Taiwan still has no way to join these international countries. Does the organization mean that Lai Qingde was severely slapped in the face ? Guo Zhengliang also said that the Ministry of Economic Affairs had actually been asked about the trade barrier incident by the mainland for a long time. He said that at the WTO meeting in November, representatives from the mainland were in person. I asked the Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs at that time, Deputy Minister Chen Zhengqi, who said that when Taiwan joined the WTO, the mainland was not a member , so it did not negotiate with the other side. But the fact is that the mainland joined 20 days earlier than Taiwan . But we have seen this mentioned The Chinese factor continues to be the target of attack by the green camp in this election campaign. We have seen that Shen Boyang, the non-district candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party , said that Douyin and Weibo are a tool for external forces to carry out cognitive operations. In addition, YouTube is also a key platform operated by the Chinese Communist Party’s cyber army. Well, is the direction of the current trend in the United States, China and Taiwan different from what everyone imagined in the past? Because we saw that Zhao Yixiang submitted a letter to the United States Diplomacy on December 2. Home Journal , of course, is a very representative journal , but later they also asked the Kuomintang and there was no response, so the Kuomintang’s relevant discussions were also submitted to this journal for publication. The Diplomat has already published it, and scholars in the United States have published it. Weng Lvzhong explained what this means. That is to say, not everyone in the current Taiwan-US relations thinks that only the DPP can represent Taiwan. The DPP is the best. The United States may also think that different political parties are now Even though he still has some people to communicate with, he doesn’t think that they are all capitulators, so he said that the direction of the trend has changed. First , let’s ask Brother Bing what he thinks. Lai Qingde answered very quickly about the election situation in Tainan , but he seemed to be concerned about the issues in his hometown. I have been asked for several days in a row and there is no response. You ask him to respond. He can't respond because his house is illegally built in New Taipei City. He originally said that everything should be handled by the New Taipei City Government. The New Taipei City Government has announced that it is illegally built and is listed for demolition. Yes, there are existing illegal buildings , so this is just in the ranking because it has not been ranked yet. It will be demolished in the future. According to Lai Qingde's past promises , you should demolish it now. So why don't you demolish it ? In the past two days , many people have gone there to check in and shoot live broadcasts. Everyone can see what kind of workhouse this is . There is a garden next to it and a walking trail. It has been massaged, right? This is not massaged. It is basically the whole thing. It was rebuilt and the original location of the dormitory was not in that place at all , so this is obviously nonsense. How did Lai Qingde face this problem ? He couldn't face it , so he had no choice but to pretend to be a grandson and hide away as everyone said, so he wouldn't answer this with you. The problem is as simple as that. Tainan is the traditional advantaged constituency of the Democratic Progressive Party in Tainan . However, in fact, there was an election last year and it was obvious that the support of the Democratic Progressive Party was beginning to loosen. It was the Tainan mayoral election last year between Hsieh Long-chie and Huang Weizhe. The gap is only 45,000 votes, which is the lowest gap in history. The gap is very, very small. Huang Weizhe barely managed to stand firm in the midst of turbulent waves . The DPP himself also knows that his support in Tainan is beginning to loosen , so of course he must continue to It's very simple. The 88-gun photoelectric case, a lot of electricity planting everywhere, and these things have made Tainan citizens complain. This is the problem. The DPP is too powerful . Tainan people are the most supportive of the people. People in Tainan who join the party are about to fall out, that’s all. So this year’s election in Tainan will definitely not be like the examples you cited in the past . The gap is so big. This is also what the DPP is very worried about , because the DPP won the election in the past. The mode is high screen, and in places like Jianan, he will have to overwhelm the Kuomintang from a distance before he can win. It seems that is not the case this time, so of course Lai Qingde will be nervous. But what I find very funny is how Lai Qingde has the nerve to talk every time. We are protecting Taiwan. Are you protecting Taiwan or killing Taiwan? The way to protect Taiwan is to make Taiwan continue to lose diplomatic relations. The way to protect Taiwan is to make Taiwan's trade almost impossible to go out . It is to hand over our sacred mountain that protects our country. Is sending someone away a kind of guardianship? Now that the central line of the strait has disappeared, planes fly around Taiwan every day. Could you please tell me what skills the DPP has come up with besides being helpless and sitting in sleepy city. Negotiations will not work. Then hello, even if there is no communication between the two parties. Pipeline, why don't you dare to ask the national army to drive him away directly? If he dares to cross the central line of the Taiwan Strait, he will open fire. Do you dare to do this? You don't dare to do it either . So who is holding Taiwan back? It is the Democratic Progressive Party. In my opinion, the real capitulation faction is the Democratic Progressive Party. Why do they usually shout so loudly? When something really happens, they all hide like turtles. This is the Democratic Progressive Party . It has the nerve to talk about protecting Taiwan. Honestly, where are you protecting ? During Ma Ying-jeou's time, no matter what, Ma Ying-jeou granted visa exemption to more than 100 countries , and then only one country lost in diplomacy. It's not like the DPP was throwing away its armor everywhere , and then you had the nerve to take out Eswatini and El Salvador in the FTA. Eswatini and El Salvador , please tell me why they signed FTAs ​​with these two countries. We are unilaterally giving them benefits, right? Otherwise, please ask El Salvador or Eswatini if ​​there is anything that Taiwan must obtain that Taiwan cannot sell without us. How much can they sell over there ? Their market is very small , so basically signing an FTA with them means that we unilaterally give them benefits and unilaterally reduce tariffs on them. Otherwise, what do you think it is ? So I really think It’s ridiculous to have the nerve to use this kind of thing as a political achievement. As for trade barriers, trade barriers, don’t you know that Taiwan is a trade barrier to mainland China? I think all Taiwanese people know it well , because we just don’t allow China to use our 2509 items. There is no reason for things from China to come in because we don’t want them to come in . That’s it. This is a standard trade barrier . And as a result, the Ministry of Economic Affairs should solve these things now . Otherwise, it turns out that it is nonsense like you cited this nonsense at the beginning . The WTO only allowed Taiwan to enter because mainland China had entered. If mainland China had not entered, Taiwan would not have been able to enter . This is something everyone knows. You still have the nerve to tell me that mainland China was not a member at that time. People entered the WTO earlier than you and then asked him what he wanted to do. How to solve these issues of tariffs and trade barriers ? When negotiating with the other party, he said that he hopes the mainland will democratize. What is the relationship between this and the mainland people's lack of democratization ? This is bullshit from beginning to end. It's ridiculous that such a person can be an official . People are dead , and this Shen Boyang himself specializes in cognitive operations. He assists the DPP government in cognitive operations every day . Every day you accuse mainland China of operating this and that. Show these related IP accounts to everyone and tell them. Do you dare to directly tell me which account and which IP? He is the mainland cyber army. Why don't you dare to say this and insinuate that the results are actually manipulated to cause chaos every day ? Isn't it your DPP ? Isn't it just you Shen Boyang? So It’s really embarrassing. What does the ambassador think about whether there are some changes in the current trend between the United States, China and Taiwan ? I think it means that basically the United States does not trust Lai Qingde. Why ? Because he is worse than Chen Shui-bian. He is Chen Shui-bian 2.0 and is out of control. Moreover, being willful and self -willed is his personality. In this way, even the United States is afraid of being surprised. There are people in Taiwan who are not afraid of meeting such a person. If he wants to be the leader of the country , the entire country will be led into a gambling game by his personality. A big bet. You can see that Dai Qingde has this kind of personality right from his illegally built hometown. This is the most dangerous place for him. When others were in Tainan, Tainan, when the railway went underground, he went to demolish it. When someone else built this house in Hirado, he didn't change his face when he said it would be demolished. He knelt on the ground and begged him not to do it right . He told him that this thing must be cooperated and must be demolished . Now he found that his own home is an illegal construction. As you can see, Now this is the front. The front looks very ordinary. If you look at the back of it, the back is like two-faced people. The front of the house does not seem to have changed. The back is a mansion and it is very deep. It has several entrances. What about the back? You can’t see the latest building materials at the back, because there has been a lot of rumors on the Internet recently. When people went to see his house, they suddenly realized that this is Lai Qingde’s style. He pretends to be very humble on the surface. I am the son of a miner, how miserable my parents are. How hard it is. Look at the back of that house . It is a pure standard modern mansion. This is the style of the Democratic Progressive Party . This is the style of Lai Qingde. Look at how overbearing he is. Zhao Shaokang has given him a chance to step down. He said that if you demolish it, I will resign. Chairman of China Broadcasting Corporation, can he take the opportunity to step down ? Why don't he tell me why he will never spit out the meat that he eats in his mouth ? And the one that was repaired nearby was taken out by his house. He has turned the nearby land of almost a few hundred square meters into a big one. Who spends the money on the garden ? Is it for him , the executive president ? If it is public money, then Lai Qingde has to pay for it himself. Why doesn’t the public money go to our house ? Help me beautify the nearby environment in Taiwan. It was such a good thing that his house was built in Wanli , but the garden near his house was really the same as the garden near the mansion in the United States. What’s even more disgusting is that he said I didn’t know I had to pay taxes and no one informed me. If you pay taxes , your illegal construction can continue to expand, right? You can always exist illegally , and it can still be nearby , and it can be built so beautifully. What happens in the end is that you don’t pay even a dime of the tax that you should pay. Isn’t this corruption? This is greed and greed. Is Tunxiang right? The house should be renovated nearby. The exterior should be immobile and the back should be renovated to look like a mansion. Finally, they won’t pay taxes. Then they say you didn’t notify me and I won’t pay the tax bill. You are a public figure . You are a politician. How can you have a house? When you pay taxes, you blame others. How can you trust such a person ? So he is a corrupt DPP. Adding a corrupt Lai Qingde will really bring Taiwan to a point where it will never be able to recover. We must vote for how to bring this group of people down. Finally , all their past crimes will be punished. If he is brought to justice , what should he do to return the money to the people, the money to the people, justice to the people, justice to the people, or else we will perish with them ? What does Captain think, if we go along with it ? Following what Brother Han Bing and Ambassador Jie just said, following this logic, we must not only elect the right national leader, but we must also vote for the right party in the legislators and the right individual. Why can we declassify many state secrets that have been sealed for 30 years? It’s the high-end ones . Let’s talk about it like this. When did the Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland come to investigate Taiwan’s trade barriers ? It was April 12th when he announced this matter. In other words, he said when he announced it at the first time : October 9th. Later, he said that it would be postponed to January 12 next year, which means that he would announce it at any time . Doesn’t the DPP think this is a preliminary election? They all think it is a preliminary election . But if you go to the mainland website to see it, it is not In this way, many mainland people say that we should not give it to Taiwan. Why should we not give it to Taiwan? Because if we give it to Taiwan, our government now thinks that is what it should be. Now when we listen to what the DPP government says, they think it should be the question. Should it really be done? Why shouldn’t it be done? Let’s take a look. They are now saying all the time that they are going to file a lawsuit with the WTO. Do you think the WTO doesn’t know about this report? This time, the DPP is unwilling to come up with it. Little Captain, print it out. Let me show you the first one. He said that among the 2,509 items this time, 1,423 items are goods that are prohibited from being imported after Taiwan joins the WTO. What does this mean? After we entered the WTO and completed the talks between Taiwan and the mainland, we carried out unilaterally. Is n’t it right for people to publish the survey results like this ? As for whether the WTO knows what we said, he said that in 2006, 2010, 2014 , 2018, and 2023, it conducted 5 trade policy reviews. The WTO Secretariat report noted that Taiwan has We are very familiar with the import ban on some products in mainland China . Didn't someone say that they should sue? If you sue, it's just a slap in the face. In addition, we have talked about how big the impact is and the industry does not dare to come out and explain why. The industry didn't dare to say anything because anyone who said anything would check the water meter. But in fact, it was said before that it only covers Taiwan's agricultural products and textiles. But now it's not just that. Let's take a look . There are 24 items of cement , 54 items of chemical fibers , and Let’s think about the 72 items of steel. It seems to us that its export items actually account for a small proportion. However, these labor-intensive industries are actually international issues that affect many people’s jobs. ? Take a rest and be back soon Let’s take a look at what is currently unfolding in Japan . The summit brought many representative leaders from 10 countries here. For Marcos, the Philippines also arrived at the scene. After that, he emphasized that tensions in the South China Sea were intensifying. He emphasized that China's arbitrary actions pose a threat , so he came here specifically to seek help from Japan and the United States . The country’s allies came to assist this summit, which was held in Japan from the 16th to the 18th. On the first day , Fumio Kishida signed a security assistance agreement with Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar and allocated 400 million yen to strengthen Malaysia’s maritime security. Another important goal The topic of course is to promote the Philippines to allow a reciprocal access agreement between the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and the Philippine Army . You can observe what impact this will have on the South China Sea. However, Europe and the United States are going to help the Philippines, and the British fleet will also go . Just saying that 11 Chinese ships broke into the Renai Shoal, the Philippine Defense Minister was furious and condemned China. But obviously the most important reason in the South China Sea is that there is even a congressman calling for the expulsion of the Chinese ambassador to the Philippines, seeking various compensations, etc. Is the United States so nervous ? The atmosphere of conflict and dispute in the South China Sea has been described and analyzed as one side is actively trying to restart military dialogue to control risks and use it as a bargaining chip in negotiations with China . At the same time, it is helping the Philippines to respond to China. But the intention is of course not to be serious. The purpose of letting it fight is to make it look like there may be a fight . Would you be in danger if such a conflict is very similar to the concept of Taiwan? Is it necessary to put pressure on China to make concessions in other aspects? Of course, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also immediately did this before the ASEAN summit. Wang Yi made quick moves. Before the meeting, Wang Yi met with these ASEAN envoys in Beijing on the 15th. In this meeting, the comprehensive strategic partnership became increasingly closer. These people also went to China first . You see, the Philippine Ambassador to China is not absent. He is also among them. Therefore, we must continue to be a trustworthy and reliable long-term comprehensive strategic partner of ASEAN . This is very interesting. Everyone is engaged in bilateral relations. So ASEAN countries , especially Vietnam, are also very interesting . It is not Xi Jinping. Did you just visit Vietnam? He also visited Japan . The Prime Minister of Vietnam emphasized the need for more cooperation with Japan. Vietnam is a safe haven from the global economic storm. Vietnam and Japan must cooperate in all aspects of semiconductors , and Xi Jinping is also interested. Xi Jinping’s approach is to go After visiting Vietnam, when I returned home, I immediately talked about issues related to cooperation between Guangxi, Yunnan and Vietnam. I immediately went to this place for a visit , emphasizing the construction of a new development pattern along the Belt and Road, and expressed my concern about various cooperation agreements with Vietnam . Liang Ge came from ASEAN Let’s see, all countries are actually the same. Although the Philippines has to compete with China, Seeking cooperation with the United Kingdom and the United States, seeking cooperation with Japan , but obviously there are also careful considerations of their respective national interests, so both sides have to go. I think some issues in Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia are fictitious and some are real. For example, the Philippines, this year 1 He went to Beijing in March and signed some economic and trade agreements with mainland China. The total value is close to 20 billion U.S. dollars. None of them have been implemented yet because he has been engaged in military issues since he came back. He has four bases, Ren'ai Reef and Huangyan Island to rent. If you want to find the Eight-Power Allied Forces or if the warships want to enter the South China Sea, you are entangled in such issues. Of course, it is impossible for mainland China to achieve economic and trade cooperation . Everyone is just making small fuss. You come and I block it. For example, if 40 civilian ships come to mainland China, be prepared. 138 civilian ships are all engaged in this kind of thing. So in the end, was there any progress? Is it just like this? If you look at Vietnam, I think Vietnam is a smart country. On September 13, Biden visited Vietnam and at least brought semiconductors to Vietnam immediately. He said that I would buy Boeing aircraft to give him face , and then the United States said that I was considering selling you the F16. I think it is a smart country . Biden also made a request for rare earths , but it did not give the rare earths to the United States. Why? Because this involves freight. Railways involve refining and processing , which is more convenient for China to cooperate with, so rare earths are given to China. Xi Jinping went there because China also gave Xi Jinping a big face. The gauge of the rails in northern Vietnam adopts Chinese standards. This is a big concession for the future freight railway. China said that our assistance will be mining, freight, refining and processing , and it will be integrated with China. So you see why Xi Jinping went to Guangxi for a walk and said that this is really a joke. So what I mean is that you see the United States and China is just playing tricks in Vietnam, for example, in the Philippines, you are jumping around from January to December this year, but nothing has been achieved. The voice of internal dissatisfaction in the Philippines is getting louder and louder . Some people even talk about whether to stage a coup to support Duterte. The daughter of the vice president even made such a sound, so I think you should think about it . After you went to Beijing to grab the top spot in January, when you came back, the Philippine business community must be expecting to implement the results quickly. Until now, he has not yet gone to see Vietnam. How did they get ahead of us? The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway in Indonesia has also opened to traffic . But we don’t have any here. So I think this is a government that needs to distinguish between what is false and what is real. Of course, the Democratic Progressive Party is more like the Philippines. You are all making lies. You clearly know that cross-strait trade is very important , and then you brag about it every day. In fact, what is the current mainstream discussion of the DPP? Do you know what Commissioner Fei has just said, saying that your trade with mainland China is so deep ? The Democratic Progressive Party of China and Hong Kong claims that it is as high as 40% because they rely on us because they have nothing to buy other than us. Of course, they are talking about semiconductors. But if you think about it, there is nothing wrong with semiconductors. Because the United States is fighting a technology war , people are rushing to buy . You are not wrong. Have you ever thought that if you don’t do business in the Chinese market, where are there such big buyers and where are the alternative buyers ? So our high-tech industry doesn’t even speak, just watch you brag over there and say that we are great because of China. Is it true that there are no alternative sources in mainland China ? Let me tell you, next year it will make its own semiconductors above 28 nanometers. Will it be able to purchase semiconductors above 28 nanometers from you ? This will follow the advancement of other companies. Some of your orders have been replaced , but you have already formed such an order. What should you do ? Are there other places where you can buy? You have to develop India all day long. Can India buy? So I think sometimes the speech should be based on the basics. Science, in fact, companies are on pins and needles. That’s why TSMC was very pessimistic about the future trade with China in the fourth quarter when it announced its financial report last time. Take a break and come back soon. The Philippines is strongly asking everyone to help me fight against China. What does Professor Zuo mean? How do you look at it? In fact, during Marco’s tenure in the Philippines, his policies actually changed a lot. Of course, everyone also doubts whether it is because he has some unresolved issues with the United States , whether it is judicial or other personal issues. But overall, a big problem that the Philippines faced in the past was that it did not have enough coastal defense capabilities. So in the past, it relied on the United States to provide its coastal defense capabilities. This is why the Philippines cares so much about the United States. Regarding the interpretation of the so-called U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, Article 5 of the U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty mentions that Philippine ships in the Pacific are deemed to be against Philippine ships in the Pacific if they are attacked . If it attacks the Philippine mainland , then its mutual defense mechanism will be activated at this time. In fact, in 2019, the then Secretary of State Pompeo announced for the first time that this was included in the scope , so the Philippines feels that it can now move forward further. But at that time, Duterte was more cautious and not like Marcos now . Of course, because Marcos said that he wanted to get closer to the United States now, he wanted to get closer to the United States , so he said that he was working with the United States. These confrontations in mainland China have become more intense and tougher. Of course, public opinion in the Philippines is also a very important factor. But overall, if you don't have enough strength, you can really face it. That is to say, in a real head-on collision, can you handle such a situation? I think this is the biggest challenge. Now, because if you look at the Philippines, the United States, and Japan, the United States has a so-called Visiting Forces Agreement, which means that American troops can come The main purpose of the Philippines coming here is to use Japan for exercises. Now if they sign a Japanese military contract, they can also come. But the question is whether Japan is willing to come out and whether it is willing to platoon because the premise for Japan must be that when the United States and the Philippines want to take joint actions, Japan is based on He will be dispatched only because of the alliance treaty with the United States. Whether the United States is willing to dispatch has become a big question. He may mean patrolling the coast and patrolling the sea . But what about during a war? Look at us. When there was a war between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, in 1958, the United States did not dare to go to Kinmen. It could only escort our ships to Kinmen, which is within our so-called territorial waters, and it would not come in. So even at that time, it was In this way, if there is a military conflict between the Philippines and mainland China in the future, do you think the United States will have a direct military conflict with mainland China ships at sea over the Philippines ? I think this possibility is actually unlikely , so I think this is really You still have to make your choices very carefully , that is, the national interests that should be defended must be defended , but peace is still very important and a very important value , because once a conflict occurs, you must be prepared to say that you can handle such a situation , otherwise Don't take it for granted. There will be more in-depth discussions later . Don't go away. Come back soon. There is a lot of international attention. Vietnam must not only cooperate with the United States, but also cannot break the relationship with China , especially in some cooperation in mining, soil, semiconductor and transportation. Member A Liang just made it very clear that Vietnam is very smart. Since the war to punish Vietnam in 1979, Vietnam has learned a lot . Vietnam is now called Ho Chi Minh City, whether it is Hanoi or Saigon, especially Taiwanese businessmen. It has invested a lot and it will cherish its economic development . In fact, in a certain era in the Philippines, when Duterte was in office, everyone felt that the economy and trade brought by the mainland made it prosperous very quickly... But recently, I feel that I cannot talk about Marcos. He said he is not clear-headed. Everyone has hinted just now how much US dollars his father took from Manila to Hawaii. Is there anything about being strangled by the United States? Let's all guess. Ask the CIA about this and we will tell him. I know that the most important question to ask everyone is how have you been in the past 8 years ? Have you lived better? Have the issues of our economic voters made your quality of life better ? The latest one is related to ECFA. The next list of cross-Strait trade barriers may cause problems , and I’m afraid it will affect people ’s economic issues. Hou Youyi said that the Tsai administration once said that ECFA is sugar-coated poison , but it is used like a tonic. As a result, cross-Strait trade depends on us. After reading a lot of figures, we know that during President Tsai’s term, cross-strait trade was more dependent than ever before. Therefore, when China proposed a trade barrier investigation in April, the DPP government did not put forward any plan at all or even ignored it now . What should I do next when I am directly accused of violating the principle of reciprocity ? In fact, there is no answer. Is it possible to continue the ideological and emotional struggle against China ? Lai Qingde responded . Originally, the Ministry of Commerce of China was expected to announce the results on January 12 next year. I'm blaming you again. I immediately asked you why the Kuomintang announced the results of the trade barrier investigation half a month early the day after Vice Chairman Xia Liyan went to China . Is it because of internal and external cooperation to influence the election ? And at the same time, you mentioned Hong Kong's painful history. Don't do it now. A Hong Kong , but the same thing has not been told to everyone. So if you have always thought that sugar-coated poison is sugar-coated poison, what should Taiwan do now that it has stopped ? Is there any plan to solve the impact and impact that the people may have on various economic aspects ? What is that nonsense ? Is there any use in Hong Kong? A spokesman for the Hou Office responded that there are internal government documents stating that Taiwan has no way to join IPEF if it is open to the public. Any international organization is CPTPP, so the original Democratic Progressive Party told everyone that they can participate. Of course, the international organizations that were promised have all come to nothing. Now that the DPP is continuing its internal propaganda, is there any way to talk about Hong Kong ? Everyone has not forgotten that there are Ukraine and Israel in the world. So Xiao Meiqin once said that in fact, not everyone All countries can face China's pressure. Let me talk about this issue from a representative who was once trusted in the United States. She said that the United States does not want to deepen relations with Taiwan. It hopes to expand IPEF participation and is not a country . Every country can face China's pressure. In fact, he said that the so-called Taiwan-US 21st Century Trade Initiative tailored by the United States is also ahead of schedule. That means that in fact, everyone knows that the United States certainly does not want excessive deterioration with China , especially because Everyone in Taiwan is standing for the interests of their own country , so who can help us guard Taiwan's interests ? Weihan was analyzing the ECFA matter and said that actually ECFA should have been discontinued long ago, right? Since the Democratic Progressive Party said this in 2016 When President Tsai took office, has there been any break ? There is no one-China basis on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Has the other side of the Taiwan Strait been broken? There has been no break. Until now, if it is proposed unilaterally now The other side rejected the agreement and immediately terminated it six months later. Naturally, there was no ECFA-related issue among them. What is the attitude of China and mainland China ? CNN said that Taiwan’s intelligence community warned that China has been using malicious lies to The impact of news, etc. on the 2024 election . We are even investigating an incident that happened in July. We are studying and judging false flag operations and conducting drills. Could this be a reason for Taiwan to use force in the future ? Of course, most of this kind of cognitive warfare is based on our own internal information. There are many counter-infiltration methods to catch communist spies all day long , but Shen Boyang is the first male to recognize that combat operations are not divided into divisions and plays a role in the Democratic Progressive Party . He came out to talk about this matter . Obviously this is his main job. He said that Douyin, Weibo, and China’s social platforms are the biggest external threats to Taiwan . For example, Russia actively bought Ukrainian media before the war broke out. So what do you mean, we are now even connecting some media or social organizations in Taiwan? If you want to restrict group platforms , then what do you call so-called democracy and use it as the subject of internal propaganda? Then what are you going to do? Shen Boyang said that Douyin and WeChat are the biggest threats to national security. There are a lot of sarcastic jokes on the Internet about this kind of expression. It's an IQ problem that I can't pronounce , but in short there is a lot of criticism on the Internet . So you should quickly ban the flanking Internet military all day long and use TikTok to make a short video , and now say that this TikTok short video affects the love election and is the biggest national security threat . Excuse me, why and where are the standards ? How does the Japanese media view Taiwan’s presidential election? China is wary, so it is increasing all kinds of election preparations, which shows Xi Jinping’s anxiety. Is there such a thing as the so-called information that is said all day long about the election ? How serious is it? So what about the United States ? Three of its warships are operating around the Taiwan Strait. This is the information released by the Ministry of National Defense from December 15th to 16th. There are a total of 27 aircraft and 9 warships operating around the Taiwan Strait. From December 16th to 17th, There are also three common warships operating around the Taiwan Strait , so the national military uses shore-based missiles for surveillance . In addition to the choice between peace and war, economic exchanges and various tourism activities between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait will be blocked . Go and arrest you. We think you are dangerous and have violated the anti-osmosis law. Brother Liang, are the cross-strait exchanges really going to get to the point where everything is easily blamed for war and danger ? I think Zhu Lilun is right, that is, it is possible to face ECFA . If it is partially or completely stopped, you should use your trade expertise to answer it. Don't always use political things. Let me tell you this. What you need to look at is not how much the tariff saves , but how much the tariff will be linked to the output value. That output value is terrible. I will cite it casually. For example , this year, for example, our petrochemical industry, PC, didn’t the tax rate increase to an average tax rate of 16.7%? As a result, the total turnover was NT$30 billion, so it’s not how much the tax is, but your 16.7%. In the Chinese market, you don’t have to do it because South Korea There are only 6% , so what do you do , so this is the fatal place. As a result, you Wang Meihua is hiding now and everyone is hiding. Then you, Lai Qingde, talk about politics here, right ? So I tell you that your political talk will correspond to the end. I 'll give you more projects and really impose sanctions. I'll see what you do. So at this time we really have to face economic problems . Anyway, we'll just look at the reaction of the business community because this news just came out. Shen Boyang was regarded as an Internet identifi ed by the Democratic Progressive Party. How could an expert in knowledge warfare say such unprofessional things ? Let me tell you that the most powerful tool for cognitive warfare in Taiwan is LINE . I received most of the fake news through LINE. LINE has more than 2,000 accounts in Taiwan. 10,000 OK. The second one is called YT YouTube. YouTube now has more web pages and videos in simplified characters than in traditional Chinese characters . Have you figured out that LINE is from Japan? Make sure that TY is from the United States. Make sure that Taiwan is really good. You said yes? You said Weibo? Is there anything wrong with Douyin ? However, most of the users of Douyin are underage and do not have the right to vote. If you say that adults use it the most, he still omits it. Why did you omit WeChat? There are about 7 million WeChat in Taiwan . To help you add, there are also Xiaohongshu and Toutiao. You should ban them all. You should ban them all. Don’t turn it into an international joke. I’m telling you that Taiwan talks about CCTV all the time. What about mainland China? We have cable TV. There must be a time limit for programs that cannot be intercepted. If I tell you about CCTV, go directly to YT. If you go to YT to watch it, you can see that CCTV is on YT. All cable TV in mainland China is on YT. There is just a note below it saying that this is China. You can see the official funding like this. Why don't you keep an eye on YT? Isn't YT more dangerous? If you want to watch the CCTV channel to watch YT, you can see everything. Hurry up and ban YT. YT is the most serious . That's why I say that the Democratic Progressive Party is the most serious. This is really ridiculous. Not to mention that some politicians are using Douyin and taking selfies there. They also want to make money from this platform, just like Biden. Biden was also criticizing Douyin at that time. As a result, he will do this this year. In order to get young votes during the election, he was filming Douyin ads. That’s why I say that if the Internet cognitive warfare experts promoted by the DPP are of this level, Taiwan is really dangerous. Please go and investigate YouTube first. Propaganda film for gangsters I guarantee you that there are more political things on Douyin than on Douyin . In fact, there are not many people who want to watch it. What people like to watch is things like comedy or songs. In fact, the United States has been studying it recently. I think the reason Douyin is popular in the Chinese world is because it has a lot of variety shows and songs. It uses political things to bring traffic. I tell you, 10% to 20% is considered too much . YT is everything. The direct channels of CCTV, Zhejiang Satellite TV, and all satellite TV channels are on it. You should quickly ban YT. The National Security Council and the National Security Bureau will also teach him how to do it without partitioning at such a low level. In fact, one of the key points mentioned by Brother Liang is that on the Internet social platform Who decides what to watch ? Consumers read and listen to what the public chooses. Is it on-demand? Do you have such a good understanding of combat and internal propaganda and external propaganda? What does Professor Zuo think ? The time is right now when Xia Liyan is visiting the mainland. ECFA , but now we can't see the solution, only you can see it, because the country should cooperate with foreign countries. In fact, I think the Tsai administration has never given the people a place to explain the issue of economic and trade negotiations . It said before that it would appeal to the WTO. So far, there is only one case. They didn’t even mention bilateral consultations. No matter whether it’s in the WTO or with the existing cross-strait channels, nothing can be done . Of course, in fact, I particularly want to talk about the issue of fake news. I think we need to face this matter seriously. Is there a lot of fake news coming to Taiwan from mainland China? Of course there is such a thing. I think everyone should improve their media literacy to distinguish between authenticity and fake news . But is there more fake news that we create in our country ? Just like Brother Liang said just now. That's absolutely correct. There are a lot of fake news in your LINE or YouTube. What's more, has our government created some fake news ? For example, Lai Qingde recently said that if the trade in services is opened, 50 million people will come to Taiwan. Where did his calculations come from ? I think we should ask him to announce this. I think there are two important things that I would like to mention solemnly here. The first is how we can prevent fake news. I think the government should set an example first . The government should not create fake news and the government should be fair. Lai Qingde always said that the 1992 Consensus is one country, two systems , which is fake news. Why doesn’t the government handle it? Then let me talk about the government’s complaint channel for fake news. It is not comprehensive at all . For example, everyone said this I saw that the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice has a fake information verification reference information. It lists four units: TFT, Taiwan Fact Checking Center, LINE Information Verification, Rum Toast and MyGoPen. As you can see on this page, there is no one in it . What is not listed? The National Counterfeiting Association. This is a fact-checking center supported by the 21st Century Foundation. Why is it not listed? Why are you not listed? Since you have listed these four, why not list the National Institute of Counterfeiting? Is it because of the 21st Century? The foundation has a special political overtone , so you think it cannot be listed on your government's website. I want to talk about the second thing. I'm sorry, I may take a little time. Today, we introduced CNN news on our TV wall . CNN news He said in it that the news came from Taiwan. He participated in a press briefing by our government officials . What did he say in the briefing by government officials ? He said that one of the fake news was that Xiao Meiqin was an American citizen . This was on CNN. In the news, it was clearly stated on the CNN news website that this was one piece of disinformation highlighted by officials. This refers to the official in Taiwan, Xiao Meiqin’s American nationality. Is this false news? Xiao Meiqin herself said that she only had American nationality at the time. How could this be false news ? She said it herself. I have seen this matter from many sources. Xiao Meiqin has never responded positively to this matter . After all, why did she say this at the time ? She was wrong at the time. Or did she make a mistake today? How could this be false? How could this be positioned as fake news? Our government officials actually made such a false statement to the international media . I think government officials should stand by the government of the Republic of China. Come out and clarify. Come out and tell me which official said this. Is this fake news? I’m very impressed. I remember it was Commissioner Li Guimin who asked during the Legislative Yuan’s inquiry what if our list of trade barriers really didn’t pass the test and there was a problem. Is there any way our government can respond ? Is there any report that can be produced? He said this is a state secret and cannot be published and cannot be known by the other party. So it is true . What happened now ? Is there any way to come up with it? I think there is no way. I will talk now. The crisis on both sides of the Taiwan Strait is not only war , but also a trade war. If the mainland and Taiwan start a trade war first, I tell you that Taiwan may be half collapsed. Why do I say this ? Let’s take last year as an example because there will still be half of it this year. This figure has not yet been calculated. Last year, Taiwan’s total import and export trade was about 910 billion U.S. dollars. How much of our import and export volume did Taiwan ’s trade with the mainland account for? Do you know that 43% is nearly 400 billion U.S. dollars? We just talked about it. Liang said that we cannot provide tax exemptions for ECFA, which is about 1 billion U.S. dollars less per year . But without this 1 billion U.S. dollars, you will not be competitive. You are not competitive. Then Professor Zuo just said that the Lao Communist Party might bring 50 million people to the service trade. This is a lie. Taiwan now has 23 million people. Taiwan’s habitable area and congestion level are probably either first or second in the world . 5 Tens of millions of people, where do you want him to live ? These are all lies. I will report to you again that Taiwan and the mainland are not only in military conflict. If trade is completely interrupted, our import and export of 400 billion gold, please tell me where our alternative market is. When the time comes, Taiwan should not tell lies. If half or even nearly half of the people are unemployed, can Taiwan survive? So I think DPP, you should not tell lies because ECFA is very, very important to Taiwan . In 2016, Tsai Ing-wen became president. At that time, she didn’t dare to say that I don’t want ECFA. Would she dare to abolish it? She didn’t dare to abolish it. Now, does she dare to abolish it? Because once it is abolished, you know our factories in Taiwan, I don’t dare to say that at least 1/3 of them will be closed . What should we do? Immediately we will face the problem of social employment. How many people in Taiwan will be unemployed by then? I would like to ask President Tsai Ing- wen , do you dare to say that you have a solution
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Id: 8ZIWN-7AMys
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Length: 59min 0sec (3540 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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