[SUB]杜特蒂推翻菲總統?習近平冷眼拜登伊朗困局 新聞大白話 @tvbstalk 20240131 (字幕版)

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However, we still have to take a look at the recent announcement made by the Civil Aviation Administration of China , but it actually has a huge impact on us. The Civil Aviation Administration of mainland China said on February 1 that it would cancel the flight deviation of the M503 route from north to south. The settlement measures actually have a great impact on us. If the route on the other side is biased towards the centerline of the strait, it will have an impact on our civil aviation and military aircraft flight . Because in the past, it was offset, which is equivalent to staggering it now. If it deviates towards our central line of the strait, it will of course have a lot of impact on us. So our Minister of Transportation, Wang Guocai, said that the national security unit will listen to the briefings from the Civil Aviation Administration and the Ministry of National Defense before making any response . After all, he is the Civil Aviation Administration . The Ministry of Transportation also doesn’t know how to respond to the spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council. This is the spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on the other side of the Taiwan Strait . He said that the results of Taiwan’s two elections showed that the Taiwanese people want peace and not war . They are worried that the DPP will continue to seek independence and provocation, exacerbating the tension across the Taiwan Strait. Turmoil will only push Taiwan to an even more dangerous end. This was at a regular press conference held by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council. A reporter raised his hand and asked him if there were any measures to suppress Taiwan before May 20. This was Chen Binhua’s answer . The Taiwan Affairs Office said that there is no central line across the strait and there is no need to negotiate with Taiwan . What we are talking about is the international situation between China and China. The dispute between Japan and Japan over the Diaoyutai has heated up again. We have seen that Japan has announced that it will dispatch two additional cruisers to strengthen maritime patrols near the Diaoyutai , while mainland China also regularly deploys at least three warships at the border of the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone. This is for the Diaoyutai. But we have seen what is happening to the US military , the country with the strongest military in the world. It has been crashing planes recently . The US military's F16 fighter has had its third accident in a year . The latest accident is that it crashed off the coast of South Korea. This is a US military F16 fighter jet stationed in South Korea that crashed near Gunsan City, North Jeolla Province. So everyone will think that this is the most powerful country in the world. Is it possible that your military training or the manufacturing of your weapons have screws? Tighten it up. In the South China Sea, there are also many containment actions. Of course, they are from the United States and its allies. We first saw some disputes between China and the Philippines , because the Chinese Coast Guard talked about the Philippines. Four people went to the South China Sea , including Scarborough Shoal, and were expelled according to law. The Philippines has disputes with mainland China, so now we see the Philippines and Vietnam simply joining hands to strengthen their security cooperation in the South China Sea. This comes from yesterday's news reports , including the Philippines' small Marcos and Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuan signed an agreement and agreed to set up a communication hotline and establish a Joint Coast Guard Committee to discuss common issues. The common issue may be some joint efforts on China's rights in the South China Sea and the rights of all countries in the South China Sea. To prevent blockage, we also saw that the largest-scale exercise between the Philippines and the United States is about to be held recently , and the location of the exercise is only 141 kilometers away from our Taiwan. This is Yami Island in the Philippines, southeast of Taiwan, and on the sea. This is a shoulder-to-shoulder military exercise between the United States and the Philippines. This is also the largest joint military exercise of the year. Last year , more than 17,600 soldiers were mobilized and it will be held again this year. In addition, we can also see all aspects of this prevention, including the United States spending 66 million yuan to renovate the Basa Air Force Base in the Philippines . 20 parking spaces are also part of their so-called Pacific Deterrence Initiative plan. You have seen so many actions. Of course, I have repeatedly stressed that it is to prevent blockage in mainland China. In addition, we have seen some teapot storms in the Philippines recently . This is from Due to the mutual attacks between the two political families of Marcos Jr. and Duterte, these two families actually joined forces in the past . You saw that Marcos Jr.’s vice president was actually Duterte’s daughter named Sara , so the two major families Is there any rift or infighting in the family now? We saw Marcos Jr. launching the so-called New Philippines Movement at a rally in Manila. He wanted to amend the 1987 Constitution and attract more foreign investment . But Duterte felt that I am against I am against your constitutional amendment. He said that your little Marcos may repeat the fate of your father. He mentioned this past. Marcos was ousted during the People Power Revolution in 1986 , and his father brought him back. With his wife in exile in the United States, we can see that Duterte’s youngest son also jumped out to increase his efforts. He said, “During my father’s term, everyone still remembers that Duterte used a very strong style to fight against drugs. We shoot people whenever we see them, and drug dealers die tragically on the streets. Of course, there are criticisms from both ends of the spectrum . Many people think it’s good that our security in the Philippines is very poor , so we have to use such a tough attitude . But some people say that you, Duterte, don’t have it. Considering human rights , are the two families now divided? What happened? Let me ask Mr. Lai. I think the mainland is now facing Taiwan, which is governed by the Democratic Progressive Party . Especially if we emphasize again that this is against the Democratic Progressive Party , it is the past and the future of Tsai Ing-wen. It’s Lai Qingde. I think the mainland’s attitude is very simple . Follow the rules. Follow the rules. Act according to the rules. ECFA and WTO are all based on a reciprocal relationship. If there is no reciprocal relationship, I will counterattack. So if Lai Qingde and Tsai Ing-wen don’t respond to the ECFA issue today, the mainland will I have begun to counterattack. It is becoming increasingly difficult for many Taiwanese products to be sold to the mainland because they require reciprocity. You can treat me how I treat you. If you are unfriendly to me, I will be unfriendly to you. Now, The same goes for civil aviation. They follow the rules. In other words, they follow the regulations of the International Civil Aviation Administration. The ICAO approved the M503 route to follow the center line of the Taiwan Strait. The main reason is that the density of routes along the coast of Fujian was too high in the past , so many pilots complained that this airspace was too tight and the pressure was too great. The International Civil Aviation Administration It is the International Civil Aviation Organization. It passes through this M503 route . It is close to the center line of the Taiwan Strait. The waterway is close to the center line of the Taiwan Strait . There are two sections. The center line directly transfers to Xiamen . The other center line transfers directly to Fuzhou. The two center lines are W122 and W123. The mainland has now announced that the center line is to follow the route approved by ICAO, so there is no issue of the center line of the Taiwan Strait . In other words, in the future, as long as these international aircraft, including those from mainland China, fly to the mainland , they will follow the center line of the Taiwan Strait . Of course , our radar has a heavy burden on Taiwan's defense radar because it is currently estimated that there are more than 1,000 aircraft flying like this every week. So how do you think your radar can identify whether it is a civilian aircraft or a military aircraft? The identification of transport aircraft is definitely very difficult and the burden will be huge. They are all close to the center line of the Taiwan Strait. The main reason is that the center line of the Taiwan Strait is a tacit understanding line between the two sides. When the two sides are friendly, we have the 1992 Consensus and we guard each other across the Taiwan Strait. The center line for both sides is when Tsai Ing-wen tore up the 1992 Consensus and threw it in the trash. For the mainland, there is no such thing as a center line in the Taiwan Strait . First, cancel your air defense identification zone. Second, the center line in the Taiwan Strait cancels the current mainland aircraft. That is, they actually cross the center line of the Taiwan Strait every day. In their eyes, there is no center line of the Taiwan Strait . Therefore, their fighters, we are talking about fighter planes , not civilian aircraft. Fighters fly over the center line of the Taiwan Strait for you every day. The current situation is about ships in the future, because in their eyes In my eyes, there is no so-called 12 nautical miles , because Taiwan is part of China, so there is no issue of territorial waters and sovereignty. Therefore, you can see that the ships are very close to each other . Some time ago, they were close to 24 nautical miles , and then they went further and it was 12 nautical miles. Currently, the mainland There are 4 warships permanently stationed on the four sides of the Taiwan Strait . In other words, this has become a defense circle for it. So I personally think that for the mainland , it can follow the international rules. You Tsai Ing-wen, Lai Qingde, no matter how much you protest, he will ignore it because as long as ICAO approves and the United Nations approves, he will just leave. So now we seem to be unable to see the response from the National Security Bureau or our military. You won't get any support from the international community for any specific measure because the ICAO can do it through you. Let's first ask our teacher Yan what he thinks about Duterte's issues, including the Philippines' issues, including the South China Sea and the East China Sea. Are there many deployments and disputes in the Yellow Sea ? I think the first one is the Philippines. Because it passed through the shadow of Marcos, this dictatorship changed from democracy to dictatorship. You can see the beginning of the Philippines after it broke away from American colonial rule after World War II. They were still presidents for one or two terms until Marcos became more authoritarian. So after democratization, the Philippines very much hopes not to repeat the mistakes of this kind of strongman politics . So the first president you had was only a one- term president. Like South Korea, these are all because of the good politics of this strongman. The second vice president is elected separately. This means that the president and the vice president are elected separately . In fact, it may be two different people who are completely hostile. There has been a president and vice president in the past. It’s completely inappropriate for us to joke. In the past, when I studied American politics, I said that the relationship between the president and the vice president of the United States is the worst because they were all given to him by the party. It ’s a bit like Lai Qingde and Tsai Ing-wen. It was because the party used to send someone here for the sake of harmony. This is also the case , but now the United States does not have such a president and vice president who are so at odds with each other , but there is in the Philippines. I think the last time it was for expediency , it seemed that when the two people were elected separately, they cooperated, and together they were equivalent to each other. It’s good that you worked hard and got elected , but now I think Duterte is probably treating his daughter as Marcos’s vice president . I think it ’s unacceptable for your president to deviate from my line , especially Marcos’s little one . I feel that Marcos is playing double-dealing now . On the one hand, he visited the mainland and then spoke a few words about Taiwan's election. But he also talked about whether the one-China policy was right or not , and then he went to Vietnam to engage in this so-called "we talk". It should be said that it is not formal military cooperation but this kind of maritime patrol cooperation. It does not seem like a real alliance , but it seems to be targeted. I think they, the Philippines, and Vietnam , all hope that it can It has a little bit of a check and balance on the mainland , so it has to use some small political moves from time to time. But when Teacher Lai mentioned us just now, I think the central line of the strait or our aviation is good . I always say that if you take a plane, you can actually see from Taipei to Xiamen. It's very close , but we have to go around to the south and then go back up. There are some lines. I don't understand this thing very well , but I know that in the past, our planes flew to Europe, which saved a lot of time. We passed through the airspace of this continent and then it didn't work . If it doesn't work, you just add more fuel. But if other countries can do it , then your competitiveness will be poor. So we should still discuss with the mainland the issue of ICAO routes and consider our own commercial interests, not just the military. Is that right ? Let me ask you for advice. Brother Bing , I think M503 is basically a fake issue because it’s very simple. What they are saying now is as if it is true. If the M503 is activated, it will pose a major threat to Taiwan. The air defense warning time will be shortened. Just now, Teacher Lai told you where the People's Liberation Army is at 24 nautical miles. Where is the central line of the strait? It is 36 nautical miles. M503 is 40.2 nautical miles away from us. He is very far behind. People's Liberation Army military planes are already next to you. As a result, I don't know what you are worried about . The People's Liberation Army reacted because he has already attached himself to you , so I don't even know what nonsense this is , and this is something that has been speculated since 2015. Why did the old Communist Party do this over there ? Because they no longer have enough air routes, so I went to apply to ICAO because I thought there was no threat , so I could pass it because it was civil aviation, so I let him pass. After that, Ma Ying-jeou went to negotiate with the other side and said, for the sake of harmony between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, are you okay? You can be a little more to the side and not be so close, so the old Communist Party did as it was told. At that time, I was scolded by the Democratic Progressive Party so much that Ma Ying-jeou lost so much that he had to take off his pants. May I ask where your pants are now in the Democratic Progressive Party ? Don’t lie down without wearing pants. It's embarrassing to act like this . The DPP is now protesting and severely condemning it. Then what? It's useless. People are ignoring you. How do you protect our safety ? If it is really as terrible as you say, do you have any corresponding principles? You have to follow Should I protest at the United Nations? Or should I protest with ICAO to no avail ? So I told you before that if harmony could be maintained between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, wouldn’t this kind of problem not arise? Well, if you don’t want to maintain harmony, they don’t have to be polite to you. May I ask? What should we do? As for the Philippines, for the United States, the Philippines is the most obedient in the entire South China Sea. Now it is little Marcos who is the most obedient. So in the past, think about Marcos, little Marcos’s father . He was a well-known dictator back then . If Marcos wants to amend the constitution, amend it to say that I can be re-elected, this is a very serious matter. Do you think the United States will not intervene? As a result, the United States is silent now. Why does he hope that he will do this ? He was re-elected because if you think about the conditions agreed upon by the two families, the next term will be Sarah. So for the United States, Marcos is so obedient now. If Sarah comes up, everything may go back. It turned over and over again , so for him, Marcos Jr. can be re-elected. This is the hope of the Americans. So I basically think that this is the Americans encouraging Marcos Jr. to do it because it is in the best interests of the Americans. But you see , From here we can see that the United States usually keeps talking about democracy , constitutionalism, and so on, but it doesn't say a word when it is beneficial to itself. Who has the greatest impact on Marcos ? Isn't it the United States? The United States is silent at this time. You are Sima Zhaozhi. There is nothing wrong . Everything is for the election. Everything is for the benefit of the country. Do you think this is right or wrong? Many candidates in Taiwan’s elections now have to combine Internet celebrities and artists to win over young people. The United States is no exception. Audience friends, the United States will hold an election this year. At the end of the year, we saw that Biden and his current campaign team said that I could come to the concert stage with the little diva Taylor Swift in the last election in 2020. Taylor was indeed They openly support Biden because we know that these celebrities in Hollywood originally voted for the Democratic Party . Now the Biden campaign team has begun to contact celebrities and social media stars. The biggest target is actually very similar to Taiwan . Because Taylor As a little diva , Taylor Swift has 270 million fans. We have seen that in the past 2020, just by posting a casual post on IG, 35,000 voters registered to vote. They were all young people , so of course this is combined with Internet celebrities . This includes the leaders of the United States , his Target, and his goal. In addition, we see that Biden has now reached a stage of dilemma. Internal affairs, of course, are complicated. Foreign affairs, you see, including the US military base in Jordan. Wasn't it attacked by a drone? Three soldiers died. This is a huge thing for Americans. How could the US military kill three people ? Then Biden said, I have already decided how to respond . He said Iran is responsible and I have decided on a response strategy . But the reporter asked him again how and when to fight back. Biden only said, please wait and see. Now the media around the world and even the United States are watching what Biden will do. We will observe. What I have seen is that there are currently 6 US military tankers flying from the United States to European satellites. You can see that US military bases in the Middle East have also gathered on a large scale . But I just mentioned that Biden is in a dilemma. If he really wants to declare war on Iran , because he has already It was Iran that was named. This will be the third war after the conflict between Ukraine, Russia and Israel and Palestine . He is going to be stuck in another war. What will he do ? But if there is no war, you know the Americans will think you are so weak. So whether to fight Iran or not, Biden may lose, so he is in a difficult position. In addition, we have seen that the words "American Civil War" have occupied many media headlines recently, whether it is in Taiwan or mainland China, it is the same in the United States. The report is also talking about Texas because everyone knows about the anti-immigration law or illegal immigration. Texas, which is run by the Republican Party, is at odds with the central government and the Biden administration. When it comes to the so-called civil war, we see the smoke and smoke of the American Civil War. The lieutenant governor of Texas said that our constitution has rights and it guarantees our rights. We are right in terms of the constitution. We want to protect our citizens. Why do we have these barbed wire fences? Because too many illegal immigrants come into our state every day and take our jobs. There are many security problems. They are illegal. So we want to protect . Why should we send anyone to fight them ? This is us. In addition, we have seen that including Attorney General Bode of the United States, he has led a coalition of 27 states to support Texas. We have seen that this state, which is probably all Republican, hopes that their proposal is to build more barbed wire fences to prevent these illegal immigrants , especially These are illegal immigrants from Mexico. In addition, we have seen all kinds of smoke and gunfire, including this, which looks like a civil war in mainland China. Maybe it is because they are spreading rumors and they think they are really fighting. We call them a hot war and a cold war. I really thought that there was really a fire of artillery shells , but in fact, the civil war was not described in this way . However, the American media also used the hot war and civil war as a title. In addition, we look at some wars on the border. Is it the same whether Xi Jinping supports Biden or Trump ? Because now we have to see what the attitude of mainland China is in the so- called U.S. election. Last year, during the meeting with Xi Jinping in San Francisco, his intern, Xi Jinping, personally promised Biden that he would not interfere in the U.S. presidential election. Media reports at that time were as follows: Wang Yi , who met with Sullivan in Thailand last week, also said that he would not interfere in the U.S. presidential election. It was about the attitude of mainland China , and American scholars talked about Trump and Biden. When entering mainland China, to either Trump or Biden, they actually look the same to both of them because they are two bowls of poison, no matter which one is the same, so Beijing does not favor anyone. Will Xi Jinping choose a side ? This will also be in the next 10 years . The focus of International Observation on Voting Months later is to first ask Mr. Lai. Biden is indeed one of the top two major players because the problem of illegal immigrants at his domestic borders has caused great trouble to Biden. The surrounding states have been accusing Biden. The government is weak and helpless against these illegal immigrants, so they have to save themselves , and they are mocking, satirizing and attacking governors of Democratic states who criticize them, like the governor of New York. We have also seen Texas even use planes and cars to bring these illegal immigrants Send immigrants to New York State . If you like immigrants so much, I will give them to you. They won’t accept them, and then they quarrel with each other, so they directly criticize them for being hypocrites. We saw a situation like this when Biden sued Texas and went to the highest level. After the court ruling came down, Biden won. But the problem is that the governor of Texas activated the National Guard to protect his basic rights and continued to build a serpentine network. This phenomenon created antagonism between each other. Biden wanted to How to deal with it ? I think we are currently stuck in that place , but what is not good for Biden is that more Republican states have come out to support Texas . So now some people say it is 26 to 24. You just said 27 , then it is 27 to 23. This is for democracy. It has a very negative impact on the party. Another part is of course the economic problem , because the United States has printed too much money in the past two years . We estimate that the growth of GDP is only about 600 billion US dollars , but it has printed 1 trillion US dollars. In other words, it has not produced huge economic benefits , but the government's debt is high, there is too much hot money, and the stock market is booming. The housing market is also rising , and prices cannot come down. So I think these internal economic problems are also bothering Biden the most. The serious part is that as you just said, all the overseas troops were killed. Now Biden must fight back. But the problem is that Iran said it was not me. And if Biden does not provide enough evidence to say that Iran did it , he will directly Attacking Iran's homeland will definitely drag the entire war upward, so I guess it is unlikely that Biden will directly attack Iran's homeland . It is most likely to attack the militia organizations located in Iraq and Syria. Militia groups , especially the Islamic resistance movement , which is the organization that attacked the base of Tower 22 of the US military , announced that because the US military has been gathering aerial tankers and have come in , in order to avoid being attacked , they have temporarily stopped their activities and are likely to evacuate . Evacuation means breaking it into pieces. In such a situation, your U.S. intelligence unit is very important. The U.S. intelligence unit must grasp where their troops are and then attack them. But if they infiltrate this civilian house or If it is a residential area for ordinary people, and if the US military bombs and causes the death of innocent civilians, this may bring greater repercussions to the United States and Biden, so Biden must act cautiously no matter what. Let's take advantage of the advertisement . What does the news page mean? Is the civil war really starting? Come and ask the teacher. I think Texas and the United States are the largest states in the United States. I happened to stay in Texas for 4 years when I was studying in Texas, and then I also stayed in Alaska, the other largest state in the United States. In the next eight years, these two states have tended to become independent . Alaska feels that it is incompatible with the mainland of the United States , but it is not incompatible with the mainland of the United States. They really want to develop oil , but environmental groups do not allow them to develop it. Just like now, the federal government restricts you and they want to be independent. So there was still an Independence Party at that time The person who was elected governor in Alaska was an Alaska Independent Party member . Also in Texas, it was first colonized by Spain and France , and later it was ruled by Mexico , and then it became independent. After independence, it was finally ruled by the South, which was the Civil War South. Then finally there is the United States , so it has a total of 6 flags. So if you go to Texas, they have Six Flags , which is the Six Flags amusement park. So it has been a comparison for a long time, that is, what I think is Outsize, which is my biggest comparison. His steaks are big in any country, so he has a very strong mentality, so he is unwilling to accept the federal government. There is often a person in the south of the United States who says that we don't hate the federal government or we don't like the system . You say you don't abide by the federal system. Federalism means that localities have their own characteristics. We have to deal with our border issues today . Of course, the border should be handled by the federal government . But the state government feels that your policy threatens my security , so I want to I don't think it will be too serious if I start it myself . But you can also see how serious the confrontation between red states and blue states in the United States is. But when I saw Sullivan and I met with Wang Yi, I was a little surprised. It means that he will find some occasions to talk about his achievements . As you can see, he has already talked about it 4 times. In different interviews, he said that we had a good conversation . It feels like the above is really saying that the United States seems to be here from the balloon. After the incident, the mainland gradually showed its goodwill, and the United States really stepped up its efforts. Now it seems that they specifically mentioned that the words you used were not diplomatic, but there was real progress. I think this is possible. Yes , the Biden administration is gradually buffering the relationship between the two major powers. After the relationship has eased , there is indeed something that makes China feel that the United States has also released a lot of goodwill . Especially I think it is a conversation , because this kind of conversation can often be very talkative. Let's forget it casually , but I think Sullivan seemed to be serious about what he said. Let's go into commercials. I think Biden has forced himself into a corner , that is, he directly accused Iran of doing it so categorically. In fact, Iran has not admitted this incident. It said that the militia groups themselves did it. So logically speaking, if you don't want to put the United States into a bigger dilemma at this time, you should just pretend to be confused and say that it was these militia groups. In this case, as long as you annihilate a militia group or bomb a stronghold, you can end this problem. That 's it. The result is not now. Now you directly accuse Iran of doing it. So, if you don't invade the Iranian mainland, what will you do? How to explain this matter is very troublesome , but it is very impractical for the United States to invade Iran. Haven't you noticed? Why are the Houthis so rampant ? Because the US military had no intention of landing in the first place to arrest these Houthis. The organization is because he is afraid of the expansion of the war. If you don’t even dare to land the Houthi organization to arrest him, Iran, will you do this? No, what actions will you take against Iran next ? So I think this is really troublesome until the end. Like the previous sniper attack on Soleimani, it is possible to use a drone or something to attack Iran. I don’t know what retaliatory actions Iran will take. So I think this is a very troublesome thing. I really think Biden will There is a problem with decision-making. The situation in Texas is exactly the same. To be honest, the justice’s explanation is of course that you can tear down the barbed wire fence, or you can not tear down the barbed wire fence. On the spot of the news vernacular program, I am Qian Zi to introduce the guests for this hour. First of all, international politics. Expert Teacher Lai Yueqian, host, hello audience friends, veteran media person Xie Hanbing, host, hello everyone , good governance, and adjunct researcher at the Center for International Relations, Professor Yan Zhensheng, host, dear viewers, hello, audience friends, we are here to care about our domestic political situation. There will be a big event tomorrow. A big drama can be described like this : the election of the President and Vice-President of the Legislative Yuan . We saw this morning that Ke Wenzhe had ordered the eight non-regional legislators to show their votes and sent Huang Shanshan to be the leader of Congress. If they were elected in the first round, he He did not nominate the vice-president , so he did not announce the candidate for the vice-president. In addition, when we saw someone asking, how could it be possible that 8 of you would be elected? Not necessarily if other people from other parties gave their votes to Huang Shanshan . Ke Wenzhe , who may also be elected as the president of the Legislative Yuan, said that members of the White House can only be a legislator for one day if they show their votes and run for votes. If anyone runs away from the vote, you will be expelled from the party and you will lose the qualifications of a legislator at the same time . In addition, we have seen that this is not Han Kuo-yu is recommended in disguise. What do you think of Ke Wenzhe and Huang Guochang? What Ke Wenzhe said is that the Kuomintang Party, as the third force in Taiwan, does not want to be the little blue or the little green . So how to respond to such a conclusion is what the two parties need to think about. In particular, Huang Guochang, a senior member of the DPP, said that the DPP must stop emotional blackmail. If the DPP still has people in its heart, you should vote for Huang Shanshan. If the DPP 51 votes were cast for Huang Shanshan, then Huang Shanshan, a small party, is the People’s Party. There will be a president of the Legislative Yuan. Huang Shanshan's statement is that we understand that such a choice will not please both parties. The attacks and divisions from the two major parties will launch nuclear explosion-level attacks . Seeing the political intrigues, the DPP is overwhelmingly scolding the people. The Party, he said , has a version of the People's Party every day , constantly trying to increase its presence. This kind of drama will make the people disgusted. Lin Junxian also said it. You said you just want to support Han Kuo-yu. Even former legislator Xie Xinni said it more bluntly. She directly used TMD on her Facebook. Everyone knows what this means. I won’t go into details. It is to support Han Kuo-yu. She is condemning the People’s Party. We see Friends from the Democratic Progressive Party probably have this discussion. Zheng Yunpeng said that the People's Party is just a false moral label. Baiying, you have to think clearly about whether to recommend Han Guoyu. Wang Dingyu also said that he said that we You Xikun and you Han Guoyu's social evaluation is very clear. How clear is it? Let’s see if you think the image of Ke Jianming in Xikun is very good . I’m afraid everyone’s standards are different. Maybe everyone has an opinion on Ke ’s image in the hearts of the Taiwanese people. We’ve seen this, including the one that keeps spreading on the Internet. This cartoon picture is copied from the moment when Han Kuo- yu and Huang Guochang hugged each other on the day when the Kuomintang and the Kuomintang met , so she tried her best to make this sarcastic joke. In addition, we saw Zheng Liwen analyzing Han Kuo-yu’s rare traits. She said that South Korea In fact, Yu is very suitable to be the leader of the Legislative Yuan because he has a very soft figure and does not seem to be asking for help. She said that Hanguo Yu has personality traits that are rarely seen among politicians on the stage . Only the only one in the blue camp who has the same political figure and eloquence Even if Wu Boxiong has a deep hatred for the other party, it would be difficult to be rude to him . His figure is soft and does not seem to be asking for help. You can see that he and Huang Guochang actually have a grudge. If they really want to argue, they really have a grudge. In 2019 , he When we were about to elect the president, Huang Guochang accused Han Guoyu's father- in-law in the media about what happened to their land and what kind of bad things were happening underneath. Didn't they dig it up ? Remember? If there was really a feud between him and Huang Guochang, If he has a grudge , he can offer to hug him . In addition, let’s see if the Green Camp is red-eyed, including when you see You Xikun, who is alone and haggard. What can you say ? The party actually scolded him because You Xikun said the day before. He said that I support a single calling committee. This is an issue thrown by the People's Party. As a result, there was a denunciation within the party , including some famous speakers who made it even worse . Wang Ruide said, " Are you an old fool or a good-for-nothing? Can't you survive without being the president? " Let You Xikun Leave the Legislative Yuan and let Wang Yichuan, who is really capable, come. Zhou Yukou , after the last time in the radio program where the needle kept jumping and the two people were tit-for-tat, she also said that you, You Xikun, are you a loser? You have no future, and you have been respected in the past. Why Uncle Buffalo said that he had contributed to democracy has now disappeared. We have seen Zhou Yukou and Wang Ruide force the palace You Xikun to give way to Wang Yichuan. And you see Huang Yangming is also a media person. He said that You Xikun is not popular but he is trusted by Lai Qingde in order to make Wang Yichuan the legislator. Some people in the green camp forced Gong You Xikun to make it impossible for him to serve as the president of the Legislative Yuan. He could not even serve as a legislator. You Xikun is now surrounded on all sides and uses the People's Party's statements to beat his own party. This is a taboo. Even Huang Yangming is regarded as buffalo Bo Lai and we can be whipped again. Let's see how this buffalo uncle ended up in the situation he is in today. He is the spiritual leader of the National Assembly. Logically speaking, you should respect him more and he is older. Look at his disciples in the party. Are they all members of the National Assembly ? A man came out to speak for Mr. Buffalo. Why is it because of Concubine Chen Ting that she wants to elect the mayor of Tainan City now? If she speaks out, will she become taller than Jiayu Lin Youchang? He also wants to elect the mayor of Taipei City. If he speaks out, will he become taller? He wants to be a cabinet minister. If he speaks, will he become taller? Jiayu and Wang Yichuan don't speak. They don't speak because he has the opportunity to enter the Legislative Yuan. Why should he speak? So after seeing the fate of You Xikun, many people felt like shaking their heads and asking Han Bing. Bro, actually, it’s not surprising that the People’s Party said it would vote for itself today. Everyone had already thought during the analysis that they would take this path , because this path will not be classified as little blue or little green . It seems that the People's Party is going its own way. You have to think that it offends both sides or neither. In fact, it depends on how you interpret it. It is not surprising that the People's Party will go this way , but it means that the outcome has been decided. In fact, I personally don’t think so, because now the DPP talks as if they still want to support You Xikun and Cai Qichang. But don’t you think it’s strange that you want to support people ? Isn’t it strange that your entire party is scolding him ? Things are a bit baffling. In fact, it has become a very paradoxical situation now . If the DPP votes for You Xikun , it will be equivalent to sending Han Kuo-yu. Of course, the premise is that the Kuomintang itself does not want anyone to run away from the vote. Then it will now become The People's Party throws this ball to the DPP to see if the DPP thinks it should let Han Kuo-yu take the seat . Because before, no matter whether it was Ke Jianming or Wang Dingyu, these people spoke very, very badly about Han Kuo-yu. Now it has become what if If Han Kuo-yu is elected, it is because the Democratic Progressive Party has 51 votes and the People's Party has only 8 votes. If Han Kuo-yu is elected, it will be the DPP with the largest number of votes . You will end up like this . Of course, everyone can interpret it differently . But if the DPP If you really hate Han Guoyu as much as you said, do you hate Huang Shanshan so much? Maybe you hate Han Guoyu a little more. Then you should support Huang Shanshan. So I think Huang Guochang is right. You should support Huang Shanshan on the question of the Democratic Progressive Party. Is there a way to do this because a big party If you don’t support your own party’s candidates, what might happen in the end? Cai Qichang and You Xikun will vote for themselves , and then other DPP parties will run to vote for Huang Shanshan . Do you know what will happen? In this way, Huang Shanshan will still be elected . Huang Shanshan will win , and both will win. So I think this is very interesting. Let’s see if such a situation will happen tomorrow. The DPP can think about it and see. I think they have been talking about Korean Yufu Kunqi... I really feel that it is especially important to be called by a nickname. I think it’s even funnier for people like Wang Baqian to come out and talk about it. Your own image is very good. What is your image? What is the social evaluation of you ? Have you forgotten what words were sprayed on your service office ? So why are you so embarrassed ? You have the nerve to come out and say this kind of thing. You have been scolding Huang Guochang and Han Guoyu for hugging each other. You know what is likely to happen tomorrow. Do you know that tomorrow, if it is really Hanguo Yu who becomes the Legislative Yuan, he will be the most senior legislator . It is Ke Jianming who is responsible for awarding the award to Han Kuo-yu. Do you want to hug him ? I suggest that if this situation really arises, Han-Ku Yu should hug him. See what he does. See if he wants to hug him. Then because of Ke Jianming, he said that this is an eternal legend. Let the legend come back again. Let the legend come back . Let the legend come back. The classic remake is very good . Let me see what you, Ke Jianming, do. So you guys like to talk so much about your own words . Now the boomerang is likely to hit you. This is your own decision . I really It’s because of You Xikun that I feel unworthy and pitiful. To be honest, it is routine for You Xikun to visit the people’s caucus. It is a matter of course that all those who want to be elected as the Legislative Yuan should go to visit. In fact, Huang Shanshan did not go to visit this time . It is wrong. Of course Huang Shanshan She doesn’t want to be elected at all , so she doesn’t have to pay a visit to You Xikun. To be honest, let’s talk about the four promises of the People’s Party. The DPP itself has mentioned the single-call committee system before . This is also something the DPP itself has mentioned. Please ask You Xikun. What on earth is against the will of the DPP ? But now the entire DPP is scolding him for what he is. They say that a single convening committee is not OK . There is no single convening committee. The DPP itself proposed it before, but it was blocked by the Kuomintang. That 's because they were in the majority at that time, so I think these are all your past opinions. You Xikun is just echoing your past opinions. And now you are telling me that You Xikun is wrong . So what is your logic? Where and then one by one scolded him so badly. I feel even more pitiful. It has been 5 days since the day Sister Kou Kou had an incident with him . Not even a single member of the Democratic Progressive Party has spoken to him. To be honest, at least for someone as upright as Wang Yichuan. The younger generations of Congress have made it clear that they want you to give up You Xikun so that you can enter the Legislative Yuan. Then you have to be a little more polite and say that if there is no such thing, how can I firmly support You Xikun? He didn't say a word. Didn't you say anything like that? He might really want to go in , so he doesn't want to say anything. Then I feel that the world of the Democratic Progressive Party is so cold . So for those who join the Democratic Progressive Party, you see that the Democratic Progressive Party members will do anything for power. Chen Tingfei wanted to elect the mayor of Tainan because the nomination power was in the hands of Lai Qingde. Then Lin Youchang wanted to elect Taipei. Then Lin Jialong might as well hope that he would become the executive director in 520 , so everyone is like this. Everyone is doing it for their own interests , even the seniors of their own faction. I was scolded so embarrassingly and then pretended that I had never seen this kind of political party. I thought it would be a shame to dismantle it and let it rot. Now , this person is alone and haggard. We saw You Xikun coming to ask Teacher Yan for help. I teach in the United States. Once I was talking to an old lady and we were chatting about the American election. I asked her why you don't support this candidate and she said ? He never ask for my vote , so I think Han Kuo-yu will be able to travel to Sikkun no matter what. Well, if you really want to be the president , please call every legislator in your party. Don’t take it for granted, as if you new ones have no other choice, you should support me. I think this is a courtesy, that is, you should make this call , because sometimes it is not easy for you to visit now , but you should at least make a phone call to confirm that I know you support me, but thank you , just at least say this. I have seen a lot of people and I just think, why would you go to Qian and ask her to vote for you ? Why do you take me for granted ? So I think this politeness should be done. If you look at the election of the Speaker of Congress in the United States, That vote was very popular during the Republican period, so if you can't do this well, I think this is what happened in Congress. When we say that we are going to move towards a cabinet system , the cabinet system means that almost all members will not vote because they He is also a member of the cabinet , so he probably won’t run away unless he is your alliance partner. Let’s talk about the other party in the coalition government getting angry and letting you run away. So if you don’t, your own party will almost never run away. But now that there are rumors that there may be vote-skimming , I think it means that we should not turn the Legislative Yuan into a parliament again, okay? When our local council elects the speaker, the vote-skipping situation is often unexpected. It seems that all the tickets are priced in millions and just run away. I think our Legislative Yuan should not have this happen based on the achievements of democracy that Taiwan is bragging about every day. That is, if the Democratic Progressive Party wants to Our parliament shows our democratic spirit. Everyone just doesn’t vote. I think this is the best demonstration of democracy. Instead of thinking about poaching here and there today , I think this is the best demonstration of democracy. No , because this is not what we are talking about, it is not a bill. Sometimes it looks like a bill. For example, in the past, when Lin Shufen of the DPP ran for votes, I think she insisted on importing American pigs . She can , but this is to elect the speaker. Your own party invites you. There is nothing wrong with supporting it a little bit. The Democratic Progressive Party often says that we are the best demonstration of democracy. This is the best demonstration of democracy. If you give all your votes to Huang Shanshan, then it feels like you are a big party and your actions are very strange. When the teacher saw this result, I thought that my discussion had not changed in the past few weeks, so this was performed according to my script. In fact, I was very happy in my heart. Anyway, Ke Wenzhe, your ideas have always been very accurate, and your judgments are also accurate. I have always grasped it very accurately . No matter how mysterious you are , you will definitely go in this direction. As expected, the final result is that you will turn your eyes and act according to my script. In fact, I am quite happy. The truth is very simple . You will definitely not be chosen, but you cannot be the one. Little Green , if you act like Little Green, your People's Party will have no future. You can't be Little Blue. If you act like Little Blue, your People's Party will fall apart. So this result can actually be inferred a long time ago , so I have been emphasizing at that time that I am talking about you . The DPP must have its own party identity. Likewise, the Kuomintang must have its own party identity. Your own party identity is now the KMT. The DPP is the largest party . The DPP is the second largest party. The KMT is the third largest party. The KMT is the third largest party . How you want to operate yourself ? You have to have strategies and ideas. The same is true for the Democratic Progressive Party, because for the People's Party, they must find ways to maximize themselves . For the People's Party, their ambition is stronger. Because the member of the nine-in-one election must take root at the grassroots level , he must be unique in the past two years , and his image is his stereotype. It must be very clear. Only in this way can it be consolidated. Gathering his current 2 to 3 million supporters, which is more than 20% of his supporters , and then expanding outwards . Under such circumstances, frankly speaking , if the People's Party continues to expand, it will actually become marginalized because it will highlight the KMT and the Democratic Progressive Party. The aging of the party is because an aging party is disadvantaged every other election , while a younger party increases its power by 1 point or even 2 points every other year. Why is it because today's middle school students will lose their power in four years? Now that we have the right to vote, those of us who are older may gradually stop voting because we may no longer be alive , etc. Such a situation is good. I actually understand this very well. So you, the Kuomintang, Whether it is the DPP or itself, it must know what it wants to do. The current situation is like this. The result of the current situation is probably certain, that is, it will not pass in the first round. Don’t think that the votes of the DPP will give Huang Shanshan the impossible. Under such circumstances, if it does not pass the first round, it will definitely enter the second round. In the second round, the People’s Party will withdraw and watch over there how these two major parties will bite each other. Actually, how will the two major parties bite each other ? Who do they want to watch most? They are watching the good show of the Kuomintang. Why? Because you have seen that so far, you have not heard the Kuomintang say that you want to show your votes and I want to impose party discipline. But what we hear now is that the Kuomintang says that you want to Show me your vote . You can't run away. You can't cast the wrong vote. You can't make excuses not to vote. What if you... I'm going to take disciplinary action from the party . Frankly speaking, the more you talk, the greater your face will be . Because Everyone will know that the Kuomintang is so unreliable and untrustworthy. The atmosphere within the party is so weird. Therefore, many people may become the piggy members of Congress who Sun Yat-sen scolded us at the beginning and defected after taking advantage of it . I think under the premise that the Kuomintang will withdraw and see how your two major parties will fight each other , who will win in the end , and then see who is the bad party of the century. I personally think it is very important that the Kuomintang must not become the bad party of the century. If you don't have unity, unity and discipline this time , you will become the worst party of the century. In a few hours, about 15 hours, about 16 hours, this big drama will be revealed. Tomorrow, we will also lock in our news vernacular.
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Id: sNiLimha1Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 13sec (2893 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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