[SUB]菲律賓陷內戰?拜登中東引火 新聞大白話 @tvbstalk 20240205 (字幕版)

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What is the current situation? There has been talk of confrontation between China and the Philippines on this side of the South China Sea , but the Philippines may be the first to start a riot within itself . What I want to show you is that now a civil war has appeared in the Philippines , mainly due to former Philippine President Duterte. Choking is his base camp, Mindana'a Island, and he said now, otherwise we will let it be independent, so their own national security adviser directly said that if you dare to really do this, it will be terrible, we will use force to suppress it, and they have begun to talk directly. The main reason is because there are actually some internal quarrels about the constitutional amendment , including the distribution of political territory. Between China and the Philippines , this matter is still a quarrel. The Chinese Navy will talk about it directly. If you really dare to come, we will supervise and control the whole process. Of course, you can send people's livelihood supplies, but if you want to send some construction materials or military-related things, we may not be able to accept it. In fact, when you arrive, So far, everyone in the South China Sea is still watching the growth and decline of power. One theory is that the South China Morning Post reported that in order to demonstrate their claims to the South China Sea , China actually started to use Chinese Pinyin when referring to islands and reefs with disputed sovereignty in English. The original translation meant that it belongs to us, so we have to call this place our way. But now the Philippines continues to show that they have not given in. After all, the American big brother is watching from behind and now says that it will start coming. Buying submarines and Marcos also said that there will be more than one means that their naval strength will be greatly increased in the future. Is this really true? Because in fact, this time in the Philippines, they actually conducted so-called related military exercises. On another level, In the United States and Japan, they are also now conducting simulated military exercises. This time , they have also included Australia. Even Hawaii and Japan are conducting command and control exercises in many places . If you think about it amplified, it is the Indo- Pacific region. The target is the mainland, which is the other side. And now they are also At the beginning, there were many large-scale platform warships conducting joint sea and air exercises. So of course, on the Chinese side, people have already said that the sword is pointed at you, so you have to retaliate. I saw three warships arriving in the Pacific Ocean in two days. Observation includes electronic reconnaissance , including missile destroyers and frigates. All of them are coming. That is, I will respond to you as you come . For the United States, what are they afraid of? What they are actually afraid of is aircraft carrier killers. The top officials of the U.S. Navy directly talked about it. They have absolute confidence in their aircraft carriers, but they must also admit that their anti-ship missiles, including the YJ-21, do still have some scruples in their hearts , especially now that they have heard that the Fujian ship is about to undergo sea trials... CCTV now Seeing that they are reporting on the Fujian ship, does it mean that the next stage is approaching? Because they reported on the Fujian aircraft carrier, they talked about the side body. In fact, a few days ago, many media were reporting on the side body and started talking about it. Is the rotor, etc. different from the previous design? Is it possible that it is more powerful than the United States ? Such a report immediately became a hot search on the Internet. In addition, everyone also began to look at what the carrier- based aircraft on it was. The reason is because in At the stern of the ship, everyone saw that a carrier-based aircraft with folded wings was placed. Does that mean that they are actually testing how many aircraft they can lift at one time ? This shows how much capacity and military power they can take off each time. Or how fast it can be updated , or these are all related to energy combat energy. Before the Spring Festival, Xi Jinping also visited the memorial hall of the Pingjin Battle and emphasized that victory in the war will depend on logistics. This also shows that they actually have internal support for the People's Liberation Army and others. There are some consensuses or some requirements. It is very clear that the screws cannot be loosened and must be tightened. But I also need to ask Brother Liang. What do you think? Because in fact, to China, the entire South China Sea currently seems to be the Philippines , and the Philippines is now rumored to be What is happening is that there may be pressure for civil war. This is mainly about constitutional amendment because Marcos wants to amend the constitution. As a result , he can be elected again , which means that you can be in office for another 6 years. Of course, Duterte will protest because his daughter He is the vice president , and everyone has a tacit understanding that it will be his daughter's turn to be elected next time , because the president of the Philippines cannot be re-elected like South Korea , so if you and I think this is how dare you go like this , then I will show it to you independently , not that I want to do it now. Frankly speaking independently , this must be true. Marcos dares to go on like this. If you really push for constitutional amendment , it will cause a constitutional storm. At that time , we should not talk about civil war. Civil war is the final result . I will use Mindanao Island. That’s what it means to fight against you independently. Isn’t it certain that it will go that far ? I don’t believe that little Marcos dared to amend the constitution. This is a bit similar to our former president Lee Teng -hui . Didn’t there be a controversy at that time? Wasn’t Su Nancheng originally supposed to be in the National People’s Congress? When the General Assembly revised the constitution , it caused a lot of controversy. It was not that easy . Anyway, the two of them didn't get along , and everyone's tacit understanding was that his daughter would be the vice president , so we still had a tacit understanding of cooperation. Except for the different diplomatic strategies towards China and the United States. There is room for cooperation in other areas, but now there are indeed more and more voices in the Philippines because Marcos was the first to visit Beijing in January last year , and at that time China and the Philippines also signed a Many economic and trade agreements have not yet been implemented in a year. During this year, they have seen many projects , such as the opening of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway in Indonesia, and China and Vietnam have reached an unprecedented peak in economic cooperation . Of course, There will be some people complaining about what on earth are you, Marcos, doing . You were obviously the first one to grab the top spot. You signed the contract in January last year. As a result, if you go around Ren'ai Reef, go around Scarborough Shoal, and go around the Philippines, it's impossible to achieve your goal. You just have to supply that broken ship with food and water. In the end, the Philippines will get nothing , so it feels like you are cooperating with the drama set by the United States. What are the interests of the Philippines ? In fact, this voice is not only Duterte's, but also includes the Philippine business community. Because I have noticed that the Philippine newspapers are some of the more senior commentators in the Philippines . For example, they are biased towards business and the corporate sector. For example, the Manila Times is criticizing Marcos Jr. and thinks: What are you doing? At least do something serious about the Philippines. So I think it extends from there. Your results are almost mediocre, and you dare to amend the constitution. Who is to blame? Okay, so Duterte jumped out. I don’t think there will be a real conflict , but just let these issues come to the surface. Let’s debate and debate. I also want to ask Mr. Lai, what do you think ? The reason is because now the United States and Japan In the recent period, many military exercises have been held together . Of course, our ships, yours and mine, have all come out to practice together in the sea and air. Therefore, the Chinese side has also responded , especially as you have now seen in Fujian . The warships have begun to appear on the hotly searched U.S. and Japanese military exercises again. This time the military exercise is a military exercise held every two years. The other time was a sand table simulation with actual troops. This time it is a sand table simulation. It is estimated that they will start the actual military exercise next year. Soldiers have been practicing , and this time the sand table deduction is obvious. The imaginary enemy has been defined as mainland China. In other words, the current computer force simulation is based on the existing military strength of mainland China. For example, the northern theater and the eastern theater are taken as the eastern theater. With the current military strength of the Lord and the US-Japanese coalition forces, what will happen if the US -Japanese coalition forces intervene in Taiwan and conduct such a military push? After the military push is over and the drill is completed, they will start conducting actual troop drills next year. Since this is very targeted, of course it sends a very clear signal to the mainland . In other words, you cannot rule out the possibility of the United States and Japan intervening. This is how mainland China builds up its army and prepares for war. It is necessary to think about direct war with the United States and Japan, because if the United States intervenes, it will basically be a war between the two countries, that is, a war between China and the United States . China will not let the battlefield be only in the East China Sea . Once it is a war between China and the United States, For the mainland, they will think about whether you will attack our homeland. If the United States uses Japanese military bases to attack our homeland, I may also directly attack Japan's homeland. Then Japan will be involved in the entire war . Japan will be involved. During the war, the United States and Japan had a mutual defense treaty. If the United States attacked the mainland of China with force , it would of course directly attack the mainland of the United States . But the problem is that if conventional weapons attack the mainland of the United States, it will basically have little effect, but the cost will be high . The harm caused is not great , but if the United States uses this military base in Japan or military bases in Asia, such as Guam or Australia, to attack mainland China, mainland China will inevitably fight back and retaliate with conventional force. We just talked about it. The effect is not great and the cost is high. Of course, there will be the question of using nuclear weapons. Will the two nuclear powers suddenly escalate ? This is not something that the Americans can bear. It is also difficult for the mainland to bear. So in such a situation, How will the future military exercises of both sides be promoted ? I think the United States is also thinking about it. He will also consider war. The vicious spiral we talked about once gets out of control , but how is it possible that if the mainland of China is attacked by you, I will not fight back. In another part, it is assumed that both sides There is a tacit understanding, which means that if the other party is not regarded as the homeland to fight, then the warships of the two parties overseas will come to fight each other. But if the warships of the two parties come to fight each other, then it will not matter whether you attack his logistics and his base. It’s not that you have the final say , so you can know the intricacies of this thing. I don’t think Americans can figure it out with their small minds. Because the United States currently has no strategists and they are all a group of people with relatively low military intelligence . You see, the problem in Yemen is getting bigger and bigger, the problem with Kazakhstan is getting bigger and bigger, and the problem with the militias in Iraq and Iran is getting bigger and bigger. Frankly speaking, my estimate is that the level of the current generals in the United States is low. The level of intelligence is not high. From the perspective of me studying at the National Defense Research Institute in France, the level of modern American military generals is really not very high . So I personally admit that I am more worried because the level of intelligence is not high. People who are stupider will be more stupid, and those who are more stupid will have a sense of recklessness and bravery, which often brings uncontrollable and uncontrollable consequences of destruction to their own country. Frankly speaking, what we are most worried about is those who do not know the importance of it. Fools hold power. Taiwan may also be such a good teacher. From a more strategic perspective and a comprehensive perspective, we have to ask the deputy commander. The reason is because now everyone said that the Fujian ship is about to undergo sea trials , so he has made no announcement to everyone. We are all very concerned about this time. What we saw this time was that after it took a sideways shot, we saw a carrier-based aircraft behind it and began to discuss it. In fact, it seems that it is a new energy and a new energy issue , because this is the Fujian. The aircraft carrier is the first electromagnetic catapult , so its entire sea trial process takes much longer than the Liaoning and Shandong ships. This is certain. It is also an airborne warning aircraft that goes up after the wings are folded. This is the airborne early warning aircraft we talked about . It's about fixed-wing aircraft In the past, it was a rotor on the Liaoning and Shandong ships. Because it was a ski jump, it was too heavy for the runway and there was no ejection , so it had to rely on its own power to take off. Then it was a rotor. Now it needs to be changed to a fixed wing. Fixed-wing aircraft are relatively heavy, but when the fixed-wing aircraft rises, its entire search range in the airspace is wider, and its combat capabilities are greater. Therefore, it has to do electromagnetic ejection in this aspect. This is the first ship here. On the one hand, it requires the entire sea trial and the entire folding SOP. The entire operation status of the entire operation needs to be very detailed. For example, what is the maximum volume of the lifting and folding wings ? And then ejection, what will happen to two of the three electromagnetic ejection systems ? If the voltage is sufficient and the medium voltage DC is stable enough, will the medium voltage DC be stable enough? If the ejection fails, the voltage is not enough and the plane will fall directly into the sea and lose one aircraft . It is better to be cautious than this. There will be no problem in the whole thing, including the main power supply. The backup power sources can assist each other and take over immediately , so there is no problem. Indeed, there is no problem at all. Only then can we truly implement what we call this actual drill. After the actual drill is completed, the primary combat capability will be completed. The entire primary combat capability will be completed. It has to go through a complete test before it can be fully combat-ready. Only when it is fully combat-ready can it be included in the order of operations. So the whole process is very cumbersome. It can be directly formed into an army without our imagination. It is not like this. In addition, when we talk about this, it is little Marcos. Duterte ’s daughter, Sarah Duterte, is the vice president. The vice president can be re-elected . Article 7 of the Constitution of the United States and the Philippines states that the president cannot be re-elected for 6 years , but the vice president can be re-elected. I think this is what Mindanao wants. It has the conditions for independence , but the strategy is not feasible. It is a strategy. It is nearly 100,000 square kilometers. The Philippines has a total of 300,000 square kilometers , which accounts for 1/3 of the population of 27 million. It also accounts for nearly 1/3 because the Philippines The population is 110 million. The conditions are sufficient but politically untenable, but the strategy is so Duterte has been president. He knows the political ecology very well to manipulate this strategy and needs to help his daughter Sarah Duterte. First, he blocked little Marcos to help Sarah Duterte rush forward, so her father was behind the wheel. He saw that he was very discerning and full of skills and skills in this area. So when he saw that this was a political strategy, it sounded good. It’s the old one that’s spicy , but we’ll have to ask when the commercial comes back . If it’s true that the old one is the spicy one, then whether Biden is still spicy enough in this round. Wait, we’ll come back and ask if Biden is still spicy enough. The reason why it’s not spicy enough is that you have to be spicy enough to make people afraid. The reason is that when I saw it in Iraq, Biden said that if the militias you support in Iran are rude to us , then it doesn’t matter if you hurt us, we will retaliate. You, Iraq, are very angry now , saying that what you did violated the Charter of the United Nations. The United States directly told you what violated the Charter. Last time, we bombed you 85 times. We have a next step. This is just the first step . Sullivan's harsh words are starting now and continuing. If the ground will attack Iran-related organizations , then of course Iran will not be soft. Look, in addition to strong condemnation, Leahy has also spoken. They have directly said where the source of the chaos is. You, Israel, are now supported by the United States. The occupation of Palestine has committed genocide. At the same time, it also said that your air strikes are violating the sovereignty of Iraq. It is you who are bringing catastrophic and disastrous consequences to other people's security and stability. They are directly opposite each other. On another level, On the Yemen side, the reason is that the United States and Britain have been bombing jointly , but it seems to be of no use . They even directly told you that you can't scare us, and we will escalate the confrontation . Iran directly said, " Stop fighting, you can heal." The deeper the hatred becomes, do you think you can deter others ? In fact, the conflict will expand again and again, because they have directly said that if you attack us now, we will escalate. In fact, you have also seen that their actions are really more serious. Boldness includes many experts who have previously given opinions to the United States and the United Kingdom. What they are talking about is that they were actually attacking merchant ships , but now they are attacking warships . You can see that the situation is getting more and more complicated , and they may become bolder in the future. Will it get worse if the bombardment continues ? Is it extinguishing oil or adding oil ? In fact, we must think carefully about the United States' Middle East policy. Do you have any way to stabilize the situation ? Or do you actually hope to reduce the voices that resist you in the country? In fact, you have made the Middle East even more chaotic. Everyone has been saying that it is basically inseparable from the election. The reason is because the Israeli Minister of National Security has also directly said : Look, why are the supplies flowing now? Hamas , in fact, at some levels, it is because of the problems of the Biden administration that you did not fully support us. You went to help Gaza , so this is why Hamas will be able to get these supplies , and the war will not end. He even directly told Biden that it would be different if it were Trump. Your actions would be completely different. Only Trump can solve the problem. Isn’t that the implication? Trump’s statement is that if I am elected, he has already said it first. I will immediately stop the Russia-Ukraine war on the first day. On the Gaza side, Israel showed goodwill to him on the Chinese side. Trump himself said that after being elected, he would impose at least 60% tariffs on China. What he said? What he said was that basically initiated during his tenure The trade war between China and the United States is now likely to impose additional tariffs , indicating that he will be tougher. Although he directly said that Xi Jinping is my good friend , he will not be soft where he should be tough. The two sides are officially competing here . Who is stronger, or am I? So how does Biden take over ? Because no matter how you look at it, you have the right to speak so far . Although you are the ruling party , it seems that you are really not on your side. Some people even directly say that you often seem to be an unreasonable person . Trump has become aggressive instead. Is there any way that they can truly become equals ? After all, the most direct evidence from the polls is that Biden has lost to Trump. Are there any friends in the Foreign Affairs Bureau who are willing to stand with Trump and help? Please support him , or maybe you really just can't do it right, and you want to replace him quickly. Let's ask Brother Liang what he thinks. At least in the Middle East, Iraq is now in his territory because it was bombed. Although you said it wasn't bombed. I directly sued the United Nations within my own territory. It was useless to sue the United Nations because any major military decision had to go through the Security Council and the United States vetoed it. In fact, there is a rumor that Netanyahu just wanted to When the war in Afghanistan lasted until November, Biden lost the election and Trump came back. Because Natanyahu and Trump are very good friends , and the Republican Party must take measures because he does not have internal divisions like the Democratic Party. A more forceful approach is at least the same for the Middle East or Iran. I think the Republican Party is now holding back Biden, raising the tone to the highest level and saying that you are just weak and incompetent and don’t have the courage to fight Iran or you don’t dare. If you go to attack Yemen, you just don’t dare to land. Laugh, you don’t dare to land . In fact , he didn’t propose any military plan. Frankly speaking, if the Republican Party is in power, do you dare to land in Yemen? Do you dare to directly attack Iran? I even put a question mark on this because of that It involves the topography of the country in Yemen. You will probably hit the high ground immediately after landing and then go all the way up to 1,000 meters. Iran is basically a plateau country. If you go to fight, you will hit the plateau terrain. If the United States can fight Iran, Iran can start from 1979. Have you survived until now? At least the United States has not fought against Iran since 1979. We have not fought with it formally . We have used Iraq to fight against it and suffered losses. Yes, and Iran also has a trick. If you really want to fight me, I will be very angry. The ship sank and blocked the entire Strait of Hormuz. One-third of the oil in the Gulf cannot escape. The world economy is in turmoil. So frankly speaking, the Republican people also know about it , but they just brag. This is what elections are like, because I am just like this. I saw that several Republican senators are talking about attacking Iran... This means that they have the votes and the level of American voters in the United States. Everyone knows that there is no way, so Biden is really riding a tiger now . Let me put it bluntly, those Sunni radical organizations in Iraq. And Yemen will fight back 100%. They will not admit defeat because they know that you and Biden don’t dare to expand the war. If you expand, you don’t have to choose. So I will take this opportunity to force you to withdraw troops from Iraq and Syria . Their purpose is not Palestine. It's too far . You need to withdraw the troops ? Because the Iraqi government has asked the United States to withdraw 2,500 troops. He will put pressure on you now and let the American people see the casualties . Will the United States start discussing whether it is worthwhile to station troops here? Because his The purpose is all related to fighting the Islamic State . However, the Islamic State has not seen many terrorist activities at present. Is it cost-effective for you to station troops here and use them as people's arrow targets ? Because they have been attacked more than 160 times, so I think this will cause the United States to There is some turmoil in internal public opinion in the United States. In fact, as long as you evacuate to Saudi Arabia and evacuate to the United Arab Emirates, you will be safe. So I think this will not end so soon. I would like to ask Mr. Lai what he thinks. It is correct that Iran cannot be attacked because the sequelae of doing so will be too great. If it gets bigger, it may detonate. Israel itself will be directly attacked by Iran . It may also cause the US military bases in the Middle East to be directly attacked. It is also possible that the strait will be blocked. British and American oil tankers will suffer a lot if they transport the oil themselves. It will also encounter great difficulties in transporting its supplies to the Middle East. Therefore, Iran cannot fight in its own country. If Iran cannot fight in its own country, how can it explain to its domestic people ? Because this time it was disgraced to the three American soldiers. Dozens of people were killed and injured , and it was a direct attack on the camp. How do you explain this? Just pretend, the thunder is heavy, the rain is small, and the fight is grand . I hit more than 80 military targets and fired about 150 missiles, at least 125 or more. missiles , so I think the three waves of actions of the entire military were very effective. But the problem is that the published results show that the number of casualties is not high. Why is this the first question ? The second question is that you see the president of Iran and them. The defense ministers have already reflected that this has increased the risk. Why has the risk increased? In other words, if the US military bases in Iraq and Syria have been attacked about 165 times before, it is obviously harassing. It was a warning attack , so no one was killed. It was hit 165 times and no one was killed. Why was it obviously intentional that no one was killed? But if Iran is going to retaliate today, it will start a life-and-death war against the US military bases in Iraq and Syria. As a target, we directly hit his camp in the middle of the night, causing massive deaths at this time. What should you do in the United States ? So I believe it. What the United States is doing now is to pretend to fight fiercely, and on the other hand, it conducts secret consultations with you through politicians and says, "Let me just maintain a certain face and pretend that we don't want to escalate the war." So Sullivan said this many times. I didn’t want to escalate the war. I won’t fight you, Iran. Look , where did you say anything? I told you before I didn’t take any action . He said he fought on the 5th day to make you run away first. He already told you first. They said that I was going to fight , and these militia groups also said that I would temporarily stop my activities and break them into pieces to evacuate. Look, both sides are playing a monkey show. It's very beautiful and very funny , but they are both playing the most interesting part of each other. It’s Yemen. We just talked about why I have been criticizing that the current US government does not have military strategists. Yemen is originally a Houthi organization. It is a regional organization with more than 10,000 people. It is very small and then it is in the pages of international news . It’s amazing that such a large page has now become a mainstream page. Think about those Houthi people. Everyone’s adrenaline is so high that they can’t get enough. The mainstream media reports all over the world, and money and materials are constantly being sent in. The United States admires you for recruiting troops, buying horses, and paying salaries. The United States admires you , and the British teacher Lai admires you even more. In fact, this time it was really between each other, and everyone started talking because in the past, the United States had privately sent people to talk to Iran first. Are we serious about not fighting or coming? But the situation must be brought out. This attitude must be brought out. I would like to ask the deputy commander what he thinks about the Houthi youth movement organized by the United States in Yemen. He uses long-range bombing instead of landing operations . The same goes for Iraq, which uses long-range bombing. You see, B1 uses long-range bombing instead of landing. This is to avoid the casualties of the US military. Iraq also sees this , so Iran also sees this. After Iran sees this, Iran You will be emboldened. This is a limited war and only limited retaliation. So you see, Iran has a very high momentum. There is no loss for Iran because Iran is funding these people . Iran is fighting a proxy war. You are responsible for the United States and the United States. If you hit me, I will be responsible for supporting you. The United States has nothing to do with Iran. Iran has also controlled the Strait of Hormuz. The security of the entire sea area is in the hands of Iran. So now the United States has no choice but to say , but if you have to explain, then I will bomb. The Houthis who went to bomb Yemen today destroyed a total of 85 important military facilities in total . The number is like this because they have to pay for it when they go back. They also destroyed these Iranian military facilities in Iraq . We talked about some of the deployments of guerrilla organizations and destroyed some, that's all. But the problem is that there is no way to carry out devastating strikes, so the effect is very limited . In Iran, it is becoming more and more confident, and it needs to be used in all kinds of matters at home and abroad. You hear it? If you understand, let me first introduce the guests for this hour. First of all, I would like to introduce you, Mr. Guo Zhengliang, a PhD in political science from Yale , and Mr. Lai Yueqian , an expert in international politics . Host, hello friends. Hello everyone , and former deputy commander of the Air Force, Zhang Yanting, host. Hello, everyone. At the beginning, I want to show you that it is 3 o'clock. I just told you that at this time, on the left hand side of the screen, you can see that Hanguo Yu has already positioned himself in the Legislative Yuan to preside over his first session. Negotiations between the government and the opposition , of course, the most important thing in today's meeting is that the three parties, blue, green and white, will start to talk about when the meeting will be held. In fact, Han Kuo-yu has already arrived at the Legislative Yuan early this morning . He appeared at 8:50 When the Legislative Yuan was in the Legislative Yuan, the media was actually all blocked up. They started asking him a lot of questions . He said that he would first go to various offices today and pay a visit to everyone. After that , he also started to introduce his new secretary-general. Suddenly, we found out how someone could place a bid like this. Who is this? Friends Taiwan, Friends Taiwan. What did Friends Taiwan say? Friends Taiwan said Han Guoyu actually asked everyone how to leave. He said this sentence. It is worth mentioning. Of course, many people will be there. Next, I will say that no matter how you go, you don’t know that Hanguo-yu is still a legislator. But the problem is that to be honest, he became a legislator more than 20 years ago. He doesn’t know how to go because he used to make phone calls outside , coordinate personnel, and pay visits to ask for help. Personnel , so he doesn’t know where to go today because he didn’t come to the site survey last night. Is it possible that you hope that he will often have this kind of trip to conduct court surveys first? Is this really an important matter for legislators? Black Han Guoyu also used to There was such an incident and it was brought to the NCC because he was the mayor at that time. When Chen Qimai, an official from the Executive Yuan, came to Kaohsiung for an inspection, he asked why every case of dengue fever came from this place. The result of the outbreak near here was later reported by the green media. It was said that he asked why the dengue fever broke out. What was the difference between the two before and after ? So at that time, such an incident also caused Hanguo Yu to be scolded by many people, saying, "You don't even know why the dengue fever broke out." I know I have to ask if Chen Qimai is really a idiot. So far, in fact, everyone has begun to talk about whether it is true that the so-called black Korean industry chain that smeared and discredited has come back. For example, when he sees Qiu Zhiwei, a legislator of the Democratic Progressive Party, he He directly said that now because we need to defend democracy, freedom and our sovereignty, it is even possible that people are afraid to come because they see that the dean is Han Kuo-yu. He thinks this is very worrying . Or maybe DPP legislator Lin Yijin said that it would be possible. Publishing some erroneous information makes people question the trust of the democratic camp in Taiwan . Fan Yunze spoke directly. He said that when he was mayor, he would take officials to Hong Kong for secret meetings with the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Beijing. Now he is interested in Chinese diplomacy. So far, in fact, Hanguo Yu has just taken office , just started work , and has just finished looking for his secretary-general and the staff of his office. The team hasn’t happened yet , but there have been so many comments on the Internet. Everyone started to talk about whether it will pass. Before, many unfriendly comments about Han Guoyu blocked the real evaluation of him. Now I remind everyone that 60% of voters are against the Legislative Yuan. In fact, there is hope. I hope that the DPP will no longer completely control the Legislative Yuan . If this is the case, don’t let the black Koreans and hackers obscure these public opinion foundations and these dialogues. In fact, so far Including Xinke legislator Xu Qiaoxin, they all directly talked about whether the DPP was really afraid of Han Kuo-yu , because she said that she indeed mentioned it to their colleagues in the meeting because Han Kuo-yu came out to elect the dean at that time . I heard that the Democratic Progressive Party started to offer sky-high prices to lure the KMT legislators. They were very afraid that Hanguo-yu would be elected. They really tried their best to do anything. However, there were still some relatively sober people. For example, Guaji Guaji directly explained why. Why should everyone be so afraid of Han Kuo-yu ? Why does Han Kuo-yu become the head of the Legislature ? Green camp seems to have a collective feeling of anxiety. The country is not owned by the Democratic Progressive Party. In fact , if you behave well , the people will trust you again or see your performance. The key is actually not to do it yourself. Focusing all our attention on others , and what is more interesting is that we have also discovered that the legislator of the Democratic Progressive Party, Chen Tingfei, has now begun to say something that everyone thinks is worth pondering deeply. She said that the green camp needs to unite to use public opinion to force the palace to force the palace. Who is forcing it? They are actually talking about Blue and White. She said that they have no way to sneak into Chencang. But we just said that the ruling party now is the Democratic Progressive Party and forcing the palace. Now do you still think that the Kuomintang is in power? These logical confusions are new no matter what . The National Congress has already begun. Han Kuo-yu has already started the first coordination meeting. The new parliament, the new battlefield, the new competition. What kind of parliamentary ecology will the future be? Can Han Kuo-yu be able to make it the leader of the National Congress? Everyone thinks that you can indeed see what he is doing and his political background. Let me ask Brother Liang. How do you think about it ? Because we just saw the picture, the first negotiation between his government and the opposition has just officially started . Negative voices are booming. It doesn't matter. Let them show the lower limit of Han Kuo-yu first. After this session, you can compare these people's nonsense and see how far the lower limit of the IQ show can be. If Han Kuo-yu is the dean, will the US congressmen come to visit Taiwan? Will you not see him? Fan Yun, do you want to answer this ? Fan Yun , you are still a doctor from National Taiwan University. Do you think that when American congressmen visit Taiwan, they will not see Han Hanyu because he is a member of the Kuomintang ? Can you use some common sense? At your level, you are re-elected as a legislator and you still say things like this. Qiu Zhiwei said that this will confuse Taiwan's external image. I tell you , maybe this will save Lai Qingde. Let me tell you, I saw an Internet celebrity named Rabbit today. Chairman , he is actually the son of Ren Zhongyi. He is actually a very famous person. He wrote about it when he was interviewed. He said that fortunately Lai Qingde only got 40% of the votes . Mainland China has to consider the opinions of the other 60%. No, Han Guoyu saved you by becoming the dean of the Democratic Progressive Party . Otherwise, I don’t know how much pressure Lai Qingde would have to face. You know, the international situation is still unclear. You have been arrogant over there all day long. Let me tell you, think about Lai Qingde. Lai Qingde's predicament was only big. Chen Shui-bian was elected president in 2000 with 39.3%. Chen Shui-bian immediately knew about his predicament, so Chen Shui-bian gave his inaugural speech at 520. At that time, Chen Shui-bian was selected only at 318. His 520 inaugural speech was four different, right? Everyone remembers the 520 cabinet. I calculated the composition . There are 6 members of the Kuomintang alone , and there are about 7 people without party membership. Chen Shui-bian's polls reached 60% in June . So how did Chen Shui-bian stabilize the political situation in Taiwan? He only got 39.3% of the votes of the Kuomintang. At that time, the largest party in Congress had a majority . Why could Chen Shui-bian's polls reach 60% in June ? I just want to see if Lai Qingde can achieve what Chen Shui-bian achieved back then. You only have 40% of the polls. Look at you gangsters. 1450 Cockroaches, fleas and rats have been saying this kind of thing all day long. If you say this kind of thing, 60% of your polls will dream. I will tell you how much bigger your dilemma is than Chen Shui-bian . Chen Shui-bian was in 2000. At that time, mainland China was not capable of complete military reunification. If you don't have the ability , Taiwan's GDP in that year was 35% of China's. Taiwan's GDP in that year was 35% of China 's. What about you now? Your current GDP is 4% of China's. Only 4% . Mainland China wants to use military force against you. The movements are easy. Many various offenses and defenses may occur. You are still making sarcastic remarks about your legislators . Look at the level of your legislators. What level is your 1450? And what level are you yourself ? Do you know the risks in Taiwan? How serious is it now ? I just saw the American Council on Foreign Affairs, which is the most representative Council on Foreign Relations. It said that the conflict points in 2024 this year were listed as red dots. Taiwan, Korean Peninsula, Arabian Peninsula, Yemen , are also red dots. Do you want to take a look at the results and make sarcastic remarks here? Legislators like you, who are not qualified, only like to engage in black and Korean industrial chains and don’t even think about you. 520. If there is a problem with your inauguration speech, what will the entire Democratic Progressive Party do ? Don’t think about this issue. This kind of country and this kind of political party have completely ignored the danger to Taiwan. Look at what Americans think about this issue. Look at what the new Indo-Pacific Commander Paparo said. He said that the Taiwan Strait is a very possible Where things are going to happen , it turns out that you are still only black-Korean. It's embarrassing. It's really embarrassing. This kind of political party needs to ask Mr. Lai for advice. How do you think about the reason? In fact, of course today, some people said that Hanguo-yu is at work. The title is like this, but In fact, Hanguo- yu didn't just start working today. He said that Hanguo- yu didn't know how to get there when he arrived at the Legislative Yuan . He asked how to get there. Everyone started thinking about this black Korean issue. In addition, Guaji actually pointed out one point in particular. The collective anxiety of Han Kuo-yu's appointment as Legislative Yuan is of course because the DPP has lost all the support at present, so Lai Ching-te's votes only account for 40% , which does not represent the broad public opinion in Taiwan , because more than 60% of the people in Taiwan do not support Lai Ching-te. The vote was not given to Lai Qingde. His collective anxiety is also reflected in the Congress and Legislative Yuan. The DPP is now the second largest party , not the largest party . The first largest party is the Kuomintang. The second largest party is the DPP, which does not represent the absolute public opinion. The Democratic Progressive Party is now the second largest party. Of course, he is full of anxiety and fear about the president of the Legislative Yuan elected by the Kuomintang, the largest party . And he is very worried that Han Kuo-yu will make a big move because Han Kuo- yu, we Of course, I will always strongly advocate not to be in conflict with each other. I must not be in conflict with each other and do not advocate the so-called harmony between the government and the opposition. Because the DPP has been in power twice , he has never considered the harmony between the government and the opposition. The DPP was in power twice for the first time in 8 years . The second time was 8 years , so it was 16 years in total. In 16 years, how did he oppress the opposition party? How did he bully our public opinion ? The first time, he was too aggressive towards Xiaoye. How did he bully the mainstream public opinion? More than 5 years ago. How can he bully more than 60% of the public opinion ? The minority bullies the majority just because he has the power. Now he is in the minority and wants to bully the majority just because he owns a bunch of media, green media, newspapers, the Internet, and TV. But there are very few media in the blue camp , so I think the media in the green camp will of course be afraid. Because Han Kuo-yu, the NCC has to deal with some media first and needs to let him come back. His rights and interests need to be restored, so he was unfairly abused at that time. Those who suppressed must be brought back and the so-called censors, scholars and experts must be held accountable. Those who want to run away and go back to teach in universities must not be held accountable. Since they are in public universities, they must be held accountable. As a dean, you cannot give up on all his responsibilities , so of course the DPP is afraid of him. It is afraid that it will open up and close. It is afraid that it will start reforming these substandard legislators . Why are they called substandard legislators? Qiu Zhiwei said that many foreign guests will be intimidated when they see Han Guoyu. Well, Qiu Zhiwei, I also challenge you. If any foreign guests visit our President of the Legislative Yuan or our President of the Legislative Yuan, Han Guoyu, go overseas to visit, you will resign immediately because you said that everyone If you are afraid of it, then no one is afraid of it. If you still associate with the president of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, who represents the mainstream public opinion , you should resign. The first one, the second one, Lin Yijin, I also challenged you. It’s very simple, the Democratic Progressive Party . Now it is the second party and the mainstream public opinion. The first party is the opposition party . Of course, the most mainstream public opinion among the opposition parties is the Kuomintang . It is that simple. The DPP is in the Legislative Yuan and is the opposition party. You are the second largest party . You are the second party. Therefore, the international democratic camp around the world, which is completely elected in accordance with democratic elections, will of course respect Taiwan's democratic results. Because the opposition party in our Legislative Yuan is the largest party, the Kuomintang and the People's Party. Together, they far crush the Democratic Progressive Party , so it is the most in line with mainstream public opinion. Who is most in line with international democracy ? Of course they must interact with Taiwan if they don’t interact with Taiwan. Are they going to abandon democracy and associate with you, the opposition Democratic Progressive Party ? This is simply a joke , so please take back your opinions. Your opinions are simply not qualified . This is why Hanguo Yu must reorganize our Legislative Yuan. When did Fan Yun, Fan Yun, Fan Yun, and Xiao Meiqin go to mainland China ? When did Lai Qingde go to mainland China to visit Shanghai? When he met with Yang Xiong, he wanted to compete to represent the Democratic Progressive Party. The party wants to cooperate with Tsai Ing-wen to choose the vice president in 2016, so he went to Shanghai for a visit in 2014, so please sort out your affairs first . If you have any objections to Han Kuo-yu's going to Hong Kong, please sort out your Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin first. I want to ask the deputy commander what he thinks. We can see it. I think this is green anxiety. Green anxiety. I think the green confidence is not enough. They have obviously created a confidence crisis because from the last Tsai Ing-wen’s 8.17 million votes to This time, the remaining 5.65 million votes have gone away. Where did the 2.6 million votes go ? There are only 40% left. You see, it has not become only a relative majority. It turned out to be an absolute majority, and it is more than half. Now he, I think he This green anxiety It just started to smear red over there, and it became like this . I think the Legislative Yuan is the first one to supervise the government , and the second one is legislation . I think he is green. He may not be willing to lose because 52 seats are more than 51 seats, plus 52 seats plus 2 seats, 54 seats. In the end, the president and vice president all took it. But our problem is democracy. Everyone follows the system. The voting has been completed to elect the President of the Legislative Yuan and the Vice-President of the Legislative Yuan. It is very clear that everyone should come together with one heart to fight for the country. I have seen our entire society now because I have been living at the bottom of society, young people at the grassroots level. He won't have children until the future. Apart from his very meager salary, he can only support himself. He can't see the future. In fact, the biggest problem is that he can't see how to solve the future . The Legislative Yuan should help them solve it. It's all for these small people. These young people tried to think of ways to solve the problem , but in the end they refused to admit defeat and put on red and did this. I think this highlights the anxiety of green . Green should reflect on whether it is for the grassroots of this society and what we are talking about for the middle and lower classes. The life of the middle and lower class is very busy. I see these ordinary people who go to work charging into battle every morning. Why are they rushing to rush for time and fearing that they will be late and have to be deducted from their money? It has become like this. Everyone has this for this. They have to go. For these broad masses of people, help them solve their problems instead of fighting among themselves and refusing to admit defeat. Their problems are now being smeared in this place. It seems that Han Guoyu has just come up. Everyone should encourage him to help him, instead of always being a back-up. Pulling on Han Guoyu's hind legs, pulling on Jiang Qichen's hind legs, trying to pull them back. How can the country progress if you are like this ? You elected everyone with one heart. You all 51 votes came in. Today, we have elected the squad leader of the 113th term of our Legislative Yuan . Everyone has come out and obeyed. The minority obeys the majority. This is the mechanism of democracy, the rules of democracy , and the result of open elections in a democratic system. We should all obey and should not be of the same mind . Then he started making these sarcastic remarks, which shows his lack of confidence. I don’t think it should be like this. Voters are watching. Voters are sharp and the people are wise. I think the DPP should adjust its role in this aspect, adjust its attitude , lower its posture, and let the Legislative Yuan show a new atmosphere. This is the current structure of the Legislative Yuan. It is different from the past . In fact, at some levels, it also means that the voters have already sent out their message. They hope that the Legislative Yuan can do a good job. Starting from today's coordination meeting, we actually hope to see them start to do a good job. We will start advertising and wait. Let’s talk about international topics
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Id: vgPTjE0U93M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 21sec (2901 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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