[SUB]拜接管德州國民兵?美軍私通普欽曝光? 新聞大白話 @tvbstalk 20240201 (字幕版)

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Here in Texas, the Supreme Court ordered that the barbed wire fence at the border must be removed. But Texas was very dissatisfied and went to the central government, saying that illegal immigrants were an invasion. Now at least 27 states in the United States have expressed support for Texas and even plan to send national militia to help defend it. Convoys are starting to roll out from the southern border to Texas, saying they will call on 700,000 people. Even a former Army lieutenant colonel said that there are other organizations now urging veterans to join. Not only the truck drivers we mentioned yesterday, but now many veterans are also To join the border protests, they said that some active and retired law enforcement officers, military veterans , and law-abiding and freedom-loving Americans will all join the protests one after another . The Texas military is also consolidating. From the picture, we can see that Many soldiers arrived in Texas one after another from the plane , and even the soldiers began to gather in large numbers in front of the barbed wire fence to take some preparation measures , so people were really worried to see such a gathering of troops and even veterans. Are they also arriving in Texas one after another ? Does this also reflect that civil unrest is really likely to occur in the United States? Now Biden is talking about pulling out all the stops. They are saying that they will take the Texas National Guard into the federal government? The Texas governor warned that if you dare If you do this, you are opening the border to illegal immigrants , which is the biggest mistake you will make. I am afraid that if you really do this , it will really offend some voters in the Republican Party. We have seen that the guards in Texas are also talking to the federal government. When there was a dispute, the Bureau of Investigation held up this flag that they had the guts to take away. This flag was displayed under the Gonzalez flag flying below their Austin headquarters. They originally had this flag below their flag. This flag was actually the most popular flag in the Texas Revolution. They have hung up all the famous flags of the revolutionary spirit of the past revolution and are talking to the central government. So it seems that the tension in the United States continues to spread. Yesterday, everyone was very shocked. The New York Times reported that here in Pennsylvania There was a man who had a disagreement with his father and actually beheaded his father. His video was like this. He even posted a video like this and held his father’s head high. This cannot be described. We cannot describe his video on TV anyway. It was very bloody and later he was arrested by the police. This Pennsylvania man named Justin Moen accused his father Michael of being a federal employee who had worked for 20 years and a traitor to the country. Now the Warriors go to hell with such an accusation. It turns out that a father and son can turn against each other for different ideas. He claimed to be the commander of the American militia network, denounced immigrants, denounced the Biden administration , and called on militiamen across the United States to unite to fight federal officials on the spot . So it seems that it is really true. A very contradictory situation. Let's take a look at Chen Wenqian. Sister Wenqian mentioned that Trump has spoken out the voices of many lower-class Americans because now anti-Trump and hate for Biden coexist. The biggest core of the United States is the border. There are also anti-immigration issues that actually imply racism. The gap between the rich and the poor in the United States has also caused many white people to fall below the poverty line. This has also made Trump's power more and more powerful . The current economic crisis in the United States is still a demand. In mainland China , the U.S. economy is obviously booming , but it seems that the Federal Reserve is still considering cutting interest rates because they said four times in a row at 2 p.m. Eastern Time on January 31 that the interest rate will remain unchanged. Now the current interest rate is at 23 The high point of the year means that the timing of the interest rate cut is yet to be discussed. People say that behind this high growth is the accumulation of deficits and debt. Now half of the Americans cannot afford $1,000. So it seems that this The economic situation is really very bad . Let's take a look at the CES show. At the beginning of each year, everyone talks about the trade war between China and the United States. Isn't the technology war fierce? As a result, I didn't expect that the main positions in these exhibition halls are there. One quarter of them are brands from mainland China. There are about 4,300 exhibitors this time. There are more than 1,100 manufacturers from mainland China. This number has increased by more than 600 compared to last year . So in other words Mainland China has now become a major manufacturer that is more willing to spend on sales costs, so of course the United States still cannot cut off trade with Mainland China. For many companies, this is not possible. Mainland China has now become a The world's largest exporter of passenger cars in 2023. Their total export volume last year has reached 4.14 million units, surpassing Japan with only 3.978 million units. In other words, it has surpassed Japan. Originally, everyone thought that Japan's status was difficult to shake , and China was closely following behind. Unexpectedly, Japan has overtaken Japan so quickly in 2023 and has now become the world's largest exporter of passenger cars. Therefore , mainland China's economic strength has been demonstrated in the manufacturing and technology industries. First, let's ask Mr. Yang how Looking at the civil strife in the United States , will the United States now face civil strife ? Of course, this is called civil strife among political parties or democratic civil war. The factual data is this. When Biden is in power, in 2021, illegal immigrants will come from the southern border of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. The number of illegal immigrants entering the border of each state is 1.73 million , 2.37 million in 2022, and more than 3.5 million last year in 2023. The highest number was last year in May 2023. 8,000 people came in every day. Those who were stopped had no way to come in. Calculate and then start, especially in the southern states, especially these red states controlled by the Republican Party , a large part of the impact of social welfare will be divided , because where will your resettlement expenses come from? Many friends in California and our friends in California will tell us These social welfare expenses in California are also facing a great impact. Because the California government is relatively tolerant by the Democratic Party , according to a recent poll, 68% of Americans are opposed to Biden’s immigration policy and believe that he has failed , and there is a deeper meaning here. What’s more profound is that white people in the United States now account for about 58% of the U.S. population. Not counting Hispanics, they said that by 2040, it will drop to less than 50% , which is even less than the total number of ethnic minorities. So as a group like this With the development of this kind of development, more and more illegal immigrants without job skills will probably never go back after they come in. Then they divide the social welfare budget and cause the structure of the entire American population to change very quickly. I think if we keep this pace, It will be achieved before 2040, so these are the immigration policies that are relatively loose under Biden and relatively loose at the border. Of course, immigrants also know that Biden is still president now . What if Trump comes next year because Trump built the wall? So hurry up and take advantage of it. I think this issue will become more and more common this year. This issue has given Trump a big pillar. Why was Trump elected in 2016 ? He said it was because of the bottom white people in the Midwest, foreign factories, foreign companies, and the economy taking away our jobs. Opportunities , and we cannot share the benefits gained by those in the East, Wall Street , and California , so all white people in the Midwest can vote for him, and all swing states can vote for him. This time, I think he thinks that the entire white population in the South will be affected by immigration. We have also lost the status and sense of superiority of our race. Just wait and see. This issue will continue and become one of the most important factors in helping Biden be elected . Please ask the general. The United States has really made things big this time. You see. The flag hanging out is the flag with a cannon and a star on it . I will tell you the story of this flag . This town was called Gonzales. When the immigrants from the United States were immigrants in 1831, the entire Texas was still a territory of Mexico. A state, and then American immigrants came to this place, came here, there was a town called Gonzales, came here, because I arrived in the country of Mexico , and at that time, don’t forget, we often see it in western movies. If there is a war between the Indians and them, right? If they fight the Indians, the Indians will harass the residents of this town. The residents of Gonzales , so the Mexican government gave them a cannon and lent them a cannon to fight against the Mexicans. But four years later, in 1835, the Mexican army wanted to take back this cannon. He thought that you, the United States, and you immigrants here were not the United States at that time. You immigrants were causing trouble here, and I wanted to take back your cannon. When we came back , the people of Gonzales Town refused to return the cannon . The Mexican army organized more than 100 cavalrymen to take back the cannon because it was a weapon of our country's army and they wanted to take it back. Then Gonzalez, a common man, says that if you dare to come and rob me, I won’t give it back to you. Let’s fight and take a look. Then on the one hand, we delay the army, and on the other hand , we ask him to come over in a group of about 100 people like the neighbors, who are all immigrants. I personally fought a battle with the Mexican army and then tried to grab this cannon. The result was that the Mexican army was defeated. Of course, this war has no impact , but after the exaggeration of the American media, when we talk about revolution, it should not be a revolution. That’s all. The first war when immigrants broke away from the Mexican government and declared independence . They defined it here. So you see this flag has a cannon on it and it says if you have the guts, come and get it. If you have the guts, come and snatch this cannon back from me. Now take this. If the door cannon is fired and this flag is hung, does it mean that Texas is going to return to the scene like Gonzalez's time ? If you feel like it, come over and ask who he is arguing with. It's with Biden. If you feel like it, come over. Is that right? If you say that you are not qualified for us and you insist on letting immigrants in today, if you say that you are going to violate the policy, I will not let you in. The second thing I want to say in particular is that everyone, take a look at this photo. This is a soldier getting off the plane. I studied the photo very carefully and told you that Texas is really mobilizing the National Guard because this aircraft is not a transport aircraft of the US military. You see why it is because it only has one propeller coming down from the back of the butt . This transport aircraft is called the C27 of the United States. The smallest military aircraft is called C130. It is the same as our national army. You see, it has only one propeller. It has only one propeller on one side. Generally speaking, it is the national militia and local government troops that use more transport aircraft. And you see , although the soldiers who came down said Wearing military uniforms , but some of them don't wear helmets, they look more casual and don't look like regular U.S. troops. So I think that in Texas, we can see from this video that the United States is really the national militia here in Texas. Is it possible for this place to be a rally ? Is it even possible for this plane to come from other states to support Texas? I think Biden may have a headache in the future in the United States, so let me ask Sister Yongping . Of course, now we have to talk about whether the United States is about to enter a civil war. I think the situation has not reached that level yet. This statement is a bit alarmist, but the United States does have very sharp confrontations due to different political party policies , especially the difficulty of immigration. This is indeed a fact , because we must understand the formation of the United States and its relationship with it. By law , it was not a unified country from the beginning. Instead, several states decided to join together . Later, they wanted to join the United States . This is called the Federal Republic of the United States . It was added state by state, so it was in the process of joining. It has an army at the center , but its localities retain the right to mobilize the national army. So what do they usually do with the right to mobilize the national army ? For example, when there is a storm or flood, they provide disaster relief. The United States is such a big country and you have to rely on the central government to send troops for everything. How can you do that? It’s too late and now, what about Biden? If we say that because of this issue, he was already at loggerheads with these Republican red states when it came to immigration. In the Trump era, there were only 400,000 to 500,000 immigrants a year , so now it’s the Biden era. Professor Yang Yongming just said that there were 2.7 million people a year ago. This is such a huge increase. Everyone must be miserable. If you say that it violates the founding spirit and the Constitution of the United States and insists on taking back the power of the state and the military, then it will really happen. It is possible that the confrontation may escalate, and we do not rule out the possibility of exchange of fire . I think this phenomenon of the son killing his father is very cruel, which illustrates the United States because it has no control over guns , and Americans now think that the bottom white people Their rights , job opportunities, and good life have been oppressed , and they are becoming more and more violent. So in the United States, guns are readily available because there are no controls. Now the Democratic Progressive Party keeps saying that the China Threat Theory has just been cancelled. On the route of M503, mainland China has now dispatched 22 more fighters , and 11 of them have crossed the center line of the strait, including the J-10, Y-8, and some drones , which have all crossed the center line of the strait , so I have seen many green camp media start to When talking about this, this is a threat, this is a kind of military intimidation against Taiwan. The Civil Aviation Administration of China said that mainland China will bear the consequences and should quickly negotiate with you. The change of M503 has increased the risk in the region. The Ministry of National Defense He also said that he hopes to stop unilaterally changing regional stability because our national army is now strengthening combat readiness drills during the Spring Festival. In fact, there are special simulations saying that during the People's Liberation Army 's joint combat readiness police patrol, the original drill suddenly turned into a surprise attack. If there is a direct attack on some of our important facilities, how should we respond ? Therefore, such a very rare change in our drills has also attracted the attention of foreign media . For example, the French media said that Taiwan has now begun to conduct It simulated what would happen if the Chinese mainland turned this regular exercise around the island into an actual attack. On the same day, the Chinese mainland conducted a combat readiness patrol near Taiwan. This exercise actually felt more smokey. It happened that the mainland was also conducting a combat readiness patrol during the exercise. So now it seems that it is possible that we should be prepared if there is some air attack on our base or some targets. The content of such an exercise training really makes everyone feel a strong sense of Let’s take a look at the swarm tactics of the U.S., which has now built thousands of unmanned maritime attack boats. They say that the Pentagon is now requesting UAV developers to develop small autonomous attack boats that can intercept enemy ships at high speeds . In the future , the concept of manned boats will be deployed in the Western Pacific and the Taiwan Strait. The White House also mentioned this. Sullivan said that the current crisis in the Taiwan Strait is the biggest risk between China and the United States because if a crisis breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, The United States must respond through strong diplomacy and intimidation. Sullivan also warned China that if it continues to provoke provocations in the Taiwan Strait, it will fight back with its allies and cooperative partners . Bolton also came to speak, and he said this is not only If Trump is elected and returns to the White House this year , the risk may rise again . He said that Trump is selfish and will punish and retaliate against his enemies and even appease his opponents, such as Russia and China . Trump's return to the White House is likely to significantly increase the risk of China blocking Taiwan. The United States is also constantly shaping this threat from China. The director of the FBI testified before Congress that some hackers from mainland China are now targeting U.S. infrastructure and are targeting U.S. infrastructure. Carry out some hacking or cause some real harm to the real world. The CIA director also said that Russia and Ukraine are also related to the aggression of mainland China because it has been two years since the war. If we cut off aid to Kiev, this will happen. It is a historic mistake because it is a signal sent to the world. It means that we will cut off Ukraine and give up on Ukraine . Will this encourage China to take a more aggressive stance towards Taiwan ? In addition, let’s take a look and compare it with the United States’ own attitude. On the one hand, he was saying that you can't buy Russian oil. He shouted that sanctions were very loud. As a result, the US Navy also went to buy Russian oil, which was reported because it was discovered on the coast of southern Turkey . People said why there is Moscow. The U.S. congressman said that this customer actually includes the U.S. Navy. What's going on? We have been saying that we cannot use Russian oil. It turns out that the United States itself is the buyer. It is really ironic. First of all, we Let me ask Mr. Yang what he thinks of the DPP hyping up the China Threat Theory. I think the situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait is actually the current situation . The Legislative Yuan has been elected , but when the Legislative Yuan enters the Warring States Period, you will see all kinds of anti-China, anti-China, and Taiwan protection. The Democratic Progressive Party will start to clamor for many bills. If there is no way to pass them, they will have to go to see Han Kuo-yu of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council. Such an atmosphere will cause the populism within Taiwan to rise , which will make Lai Qingde had a step down and said that he would never go to the right place again. Make any concessions on this cross-Strait issue because public opinion is what it is. My victory is democracy defeating autocracy. Therefore, this kind of turmoil in Taiwan's internal politics may cause a dangerous explosive factor in the Taiwan Strait. The relationship between the two sides of the Strait is like the current M503 route. To be honest, in fact, it means that I no longer give in to benefits, I no longer restrain myself, right? I have not violated you. You say I am a political operation . In fact, we are too used to each other. You just want to let you, you want to withdraw, and you just want to be right. How can we give us preferential tariffs? Will the next 527 items of preferential tariffs be gradually cancelled? Cross-strait relations will also become tighter. At this time, Sino-US relations are changing. On the one hand, although there is an election, look at the FBI and CIA. Why is it because they are all When you go to Congress , there is a very strong populist anti-China sentiment . Then if you compete with Trump against China, you will never be able to compete with him, and you are not sure what will happen after he takes office . So I think there are thousands of drones. Because in the entire Western Pacific, the U.S. Navy's military strength in the Indo-Pacific region is actually relatively weak. Even if you add Japan's four aircraft carriers, helicopter carriers, and nine new bases in the Philippines , the new ones plus the old ones will be added. There is no way to compare with the mainland. The United States has 243 warships in the world. China has 422 warships . It ranks second . In the overall ranking, we see that the latest American think tank is only 4 points behind 3 aircraft carriers but 8 075 amphibious ships. The United States only has about 3 attack ships, right ? Are they Washington class ? Not to mention the 055's 8 plus 2 and 10 052D's. So if you are in this area, let's talk about the first island chain and the second island chain plus What can the United States do with these missiles ? Yesterday, the U.S. Seventh Fleet announced the news. The Roosevelt and Carl Vinson coming here, together with the Japanese Ise, started in the Philippine Sea. The Philippine Sea is very large , which is actually the southern tip of Japan. Is it right to conduct military exercises? I think at the same time, it was announced yesterday that five countries, South Korea, Australia, Japan, India, and the United States, have begun to conduct anti-submarine exercises . He added these actions together. He added these allies together . So what should we do? Hurry up and get thousands. This so-called unmanned ship. When these ships of yours are launched, they will blow you up. This is the transmission system that makes you unable to move. I think he is actually already thinking about how to face the entire Indian territory of the United States if a war breaks out. The military in the Pacific region is constantly expanding. Will there be a misfire and a crisis in the Taiwan Strait? Everyone should think about it and ask General Biden for advice. This is a sea of ​​thousands of drones. This is basically a sci-fi movie scene. I am the first to talk about it. That is to say, do you know that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), not to mention our own radar in the Taiwan Sea, can see at least 4 to 5 hundred kilometers away ? If drone monitoring is added, it may be thousands of kilometers away. Now, let me ask you first. Where do these unmanned boats come from? Where to release it ? Should you release it from Keelung Port ? Or should you release it from Guam and sail thousands of kilometers ? Don't let it get to you. After you get there, you still have oil, and there is still oil on the ship, and you can ram the enemy's warship . Do you want to avoid being intercepted or discovered? This is the first problem you have to face . So what is this small boat of yours ? Secondly, I tell you that the fastest speed of that small boat is 50 knots . We were on TV yesterday. The announced M109 speedboat of the national army can reach a speed of 45 knots. I have been on that speedboat. After I sit up, I will tell you that sitting on it is actually very dangerous. If you are not careful, if you say you can't sit, you will not have broken bones. You will fall into the sea, which is very dangerous and very fast. There are waves in the sea. They need to be able to operate. You must have someone who can control the waves. If you go sideways, you will be knocked over by the waves. We have If you are at sea, you must have sea dragon soldiers. They can operate that kind of speedboat. How do you control this unmanned boat at sea ? Especially if you want to attack an enemy warship but you are at least hundreds of kilometers away. If you go out and encounter strong waves on the sea, it will be strange if you don't get knocked over. You just become a target for the enemy to practice their guns. If they hit you over there, the speed of 50 knots is probably the maximum. I'll give you a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. I saw you 500 kilometers away and it took you 5 hours to get through it. When you came to me, did you still have gas or any problems ? So this thing is purely for the United States to fight against Russia. Is it okay for you to argue ? As for China, we cannot say that we rely on science fiction weapons like the United States to defend our Taiwan. We will never accept the other M503 route. I want to say that the DPP slaps itself in the face and is being manipulated by itself. When I was fighting in 2015, my friend was our classmate in the Ministry of National Defense. What does the Ministry of Defense have to criticize now ? Why did you help the DPP put on makeup and make such remarks? At that time , Ma Ying-jeou was in power in 2015. At that time , the mainland authorities said that one of our routes was too congested. That route was called the A470 route because it was too congested, so we had to open up a new route. It was this route that included it. That route was too congested. For this matter, he obtained Taiwan understood and specifically asked the Taiwanese to go to their Shanghai control station and said, look, our side is really crowded and we must have a route to replace it with another route. At that time, Taiwan told him that you can't do this. We, Taiwan, What if we Taiwanese people misunderstand or do something, what should I, Ma Ying-jeou, do ? He said well, then we will go to the side. If you are 7 nautical miles to the west, then the Ministry of National Defense also felt that there was pressure. At that time, the Democratic Progressive Party also made Chen Yongkang, the deputy minister of defense, and called Chen Yongkang to scold him, saying that your Ministry of Defense Neglect and dereliction of duty , then you hit yourself with a boomerang today . You are flying this route now. I see how you deal with it now as the Democratic Progressive Party, right? And then W122 and W123 are even more ridiculous. Our plane can fly to Kinmen. You call it. Other people's planes are not allowed to fly out. If our plane flies over, it will not collide with him. You said that your plane will collide with our island of Taiwan. Are you laughing to death ? I have been letting you, but you have been pushing your limits there , and after it is over, you still use it as me. I feel that the DPP itself is using it as political hype. According to conscience, it is not mainland China, it is a civil aviation route. Let me ask Sister Yong Ping for advice . The so-called United States is also hyping up the China threat theory. His position and starting point are the same as those of the DPP. It is a different Democratic Progressive Party. Because Lai Qingde is a minority president, he is tougher. He does not hope that the 520 inauguration speech can soften it. However, the problem is that Americans are indeed under a lot of pressure because the United States does not want to see a situation that they are not prepared for , especially this year. The election is very close. The issue of overseas wars will definitely become a fierce focus of attack and defense in the election campaign . Therefore, he does not want anything to happen in the Taiwan Strait at this time . Therefore, the DPP has plans to put pressure on Lai Qingde and even use his anti-China card. We will see that he will be beaten until 520. Of course, if Lai Qingde still has a very tough attitude towards mainland China in his speech at 520 , of course the cross-strait situation will indeed rise. However, the United States is now hyping the so-called China threat theory. They want to use the so-called The Taiwan Strait is dangerous and we are debating whether they should continue to provide military aid to Ukraine because the Republican Party, especially in the election campaign now strongly dominated by Trump , wants to stop military aid to Ukraine . The Democratic Party who is now in charge of the White House is They are unwilling to stop military aid to Ukraine because stopping military aid to Ukraine is likely to immediately put the current Russia-Ukraine issue into a situation that is unfavorable to Ukraine or the Western world . Therefore, in such a wrestling situation, they talk about the China threat. It is also involved because now there is a consensus in the United States that regardless of political parties , it is the biggest threat to mainland China. So you can see that the China threat theory has become a factor for the United States to fight for their foreign aid budget. The arguments and tools are not really meant to support Taiwan. Even Bolton, who has worked with Trump, made it so clear that if Trump is elected, he is likely to turn to Russia and China and completely abandon allies such as Taiwan or Ukraine , I think we have to be careful. Let's take a break for commercials and come back right away. Welcome to this stage. Guests who are joining us for discussion. Former Taipei City Deputy Mayor Li Yongping, Zhai Di. Hello, everyone. Former National Security Council Deputy Secretary-General Yang Yongming, Zhai Di. Hello, everyone. And retired major general Li Zhengjie, Zhai Yi, hello, everyone, hello. Let’s take a look right now. Han Guoyu was successfully elected as the Legislative Yuan in the second round of voting. He also took the Legislative Yuan’s certificate from Lao Ke. So everyone was very happy to take photos and group photos around him. Han Guoyu also shouted out that he was elected as the Legislative Yuan. He knew that the responsibility was great and shouted out that there was no need to fight. It requires more spurring. The people's expectations are a new look. The Legislative Yuan that actually creates people's happiness in a down-to-earth manner is not a struggle, so the future bill is We want to move forward hand in hand. He even shouted to You Xikun , but he didn't expect that You Xikun had already announced his resignation first, so he was a step too late. He originally said that he wanted to move forward hand in hand, but You Xikun did this first, and he may have already submitted his resignation . That post was also posted on his Facebook. In fact, before the voting in front of the Legislative Yuan this morning, I saw the Kuomintang in full swing and singing together, "We are all one family." Let's listen to it. We just watched it. The version I received was posted by Gao Jin Sumei on her Facebook with a wide-angle lens. So in fact, everyone was already confident. Seeing that the Kuomintang Party said they would support the candidate they proposed, Representative Lan Ying was relatively sure in his heart that it should be In fact, there were some tidbits on the red carpet today about the results of Han Kuo-yu's election. We know that Xie Longjie held an umbrella and said he would supervise a person for the rest of his life . He and Lai Qingde's photos were placed on it. When he entered the venue, he gave it to Han-Ku Yu and said, "Let's go. " He took a look and then Hanguo-yu said what would happen if a bald man held an umbrella. His witty words were like words. Xie Longjie said that a bald man holding an umbrella was lawless . So next, Hanguo-yu may come to the Legislative Yuan with a lawless momentum to supervise. Let's take a look. Ke Jianming asked whether the prelude to black Korea has begun now. He said that Han Kuo-yu was elected as the Legislative Yuan. He had a record of going to the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the past. This is a national security risk. Zheng Yunpeng also shouted that he said that the Kuomintang Party must think about sending South Korea At the expense of Yu, he said that neither his personal qualities nor his past performance in the Legislative Yuan were enough to serve as the face of Congress. Even Taiwanese factions were gathering outside, so it could be seen that it was very lively. Where Han Kuo-yu was there, there were voices supporting him. The voices opposing him are always lively and focused , so they talk about why Han Kuo-yu should not walk on his knees when he becomes the dean. Wang Yichuan also said that it would be bad if Han Kuo-yu becomes the dean. If anything is done, I am afraid that the Legislative Yuan will be taken to the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council. They started attacking South Korea before the election , but it is obviously ineffective. We can see that in this election, before the vote on January 13, the Democratic Progressive Party actually We have already launched this argument , saying that we need to send Wang Yichuan to defeat Hanguo-yu. Then anyway, Hanguo-yu cannot be allowed to enter the Legislative Yuan . But the problem is that Hanguo-yu is ranked first in the non-district. How can he not enter the Legislative Yuan? Let’s see. There is public opinion , and Shen Zhengnan is also talking about it. They said that now you have to swallow the bitter pill yourself. Han Guoyu, who was humiliated by the DPP, is going to be the dean. You, the green camp who constantly humiliates and tramples on character, are now the dean. Joining the party, you used to flaunt diversity, openness and inclusiveness. Now that Han Kuo-yu is the Legislative Yuan, you have to swallow it if you can’t. If you want to raise the tone so high , you have to swallow this bitter pill yourself. Zheng Liwen also mentioned that she said that in fact, Han Kuo-yu has nothing to do with general politics. The characters are different. He has his own special trait, that is, his figure is very soft , but it also makes you feel that he does not seem to be asking for help. But in the face of unreasonable boycotts from the Democratic Progressive Party in the future, I don’t know if this figure will be effective. Or will they deliberately try to gain some publicity against Han Kuo-yu or deliberately take some actions against Han Kuo-yu ? This is something that everyone is not happy to see. Let’s see if Ke Jianming can continue to dominate the Legislative Yuan in the future. Because everyone says that Ke Jianming is King Qiao , but is this character still so powerful now ? First, let’s take a look at the behind-the-scenes story of Tomahawk Missile Attack, which is about Fu Kunqi . Lai Qingde came to protect him with his party group. He said that even if Fu Kunqi was just bluffing, the DPP was already frightened. The problem is not how scary the Hualien King is , but that the DPP is weak. Now except for one old Ke, many middle-aged and middle-aged people who have been cultivated for a long time are actually in this election. The casualties in the committee election were very heavy. Now the party's combat strength is like a broken arm. In addition to the shortage of argumentative and combat-type legislators, the Democratic Progressive Party has only one legislator left in the Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee, Wang Dingyu. The entire army was almost wiped out . Lai Qingde was during the election. The proposed series of policies related to the National Hope Project actually require the support of the Legislative Yuan. Whether the Democratic Progressive Party group has the ability to support Lai Qingde is probably a big variable. People are talking about whether Ke Jianming is really powerful or fake . Looking at his past period, during the Chen Shui-bian period, because he had a good relationship with Wang Jinping, there could be two Qiao Wang Qiao Lai Qiao went to the Ma Ying-jeou period, he was completely in power, and he continued to be with Wang Jinping Qiao , but in the Tsai Ing-wen period, there is nothing now Wang Jinping’s role is because the Democratic Progressive Party is fully in power in the Legislative Yuan , so there is no bill that cannot be passed . As long as Tsai Ing-wen’s will is fully implemented , it seems that it does not highlight what is Ke Jianming’s power . So is he really that powerful ? Or just take it. It's still to be determined. The latest news has just come in . The voting for the vice president has ended and the voting has started early because it was originally scheduled to be opened at 4 o'clock this afternoon. However, the seal has just been opened and now the counting of votes has begun. So we, we will be in the program. We will plug in the latest news and results at any time , but now who will the People's Party vote for? They were just making a fuss. They said we will wait and see, so let's wait and see who the vice president will be. First, let's ask Sister Yong Ping. The vice-president is now counting the votes . Of course, based on the development in the morning, we certainly hope that Jiang Qichen, who will be paired with Hanguo-yu, will be successfully elected as the vice-president. However, the first few highlights of the morning, I think the biggest key is of course the People's Party , because In fact, the Kuomintang Party announced their approach yesterday , so today everyone will see if their approach can be implemented to the end. In addition to being satisfied, Chen Zhaozi herself admitted that she had made a mistake in pressing the stamp, which is similar to vote-running . However, the party group is also very He quickly excused her and said that there would be no party disciplinary action , but no matter what, there was no surprise. After they voted in the first round, no one had more than half of them. When they were about to enter the second round, all the People's Party people left the meeting. Later, they simply went to eat. Now The deputy dean did not come in. The deputy dean came in. The dean came in, but the deputy dean did not come in in the afternoon. I just watched them come in to vote. They were the dean in the second round and did not enter. The dean did not enter in the second round. Sorry for entering , I may have read earlier news. I thought that the vice-president had given up. But anyway, I think if the People’s Party says they have no other changes, then today’s dean and vice-president should be the same. The first point is that the Kuomintang people were elected. The second point of attention is of course the rumor from the outside that the Kuomintang is running away with votes , and there are also a few people who are very likely to run away with the votes . Unexpectedly, the Kuomintang did not have a single vote runner despite Zhu Lilun's forceful enforcement of party discipline. I think this is a very important victory for the Kuomintang, which needs to unite quickly to strengthen morale. In addition, for the DPP, I The first thing I think is a pity today is that You Xikun resigned before the voting for the vice president was even held. Of course, You Xikun's resignation may have been some signs before, and it seems that there is a very powerful force within the DPP. Of course, other guests may also make a more in-depth analysis later on forcing him to retreat. It may be related to their factional layout or even the selection of cabinet ministers. But I personally still think that the DPP has exhausted its power as a political party. This feeling of being lost is too chilling , especially since the DPP used people like Zhou Yukou to force You Xikun to retreat. It is very merciless to humiliate a veteran who has actually made outstanding contributions to the Democratic Progressive Party . Don’t think that young people don’t know You Xikun and don’t know what he does as the president of the Legislative Yuan . But his function is to help the people. After joining the party and successfully becoming the Legislative Council, I help you defend all cases. So you have no merit or hard work . Moreover, You Xikun also served as the President of the Executive Yuan before . He was recruited by the DPP when the DPP was still in a very difficult time. He goes to elect a mayor of New Taipei who will not win. He is still a man who has helped you to fight. Today, you are so cruel and shoot no matter how many arrows you want to force him to retreat even if he steps down . The good figure didn't even put on a pose. Can everyone express condolences first or give him some kind of graduation ceremony? I think this whole process feels very cruel to others. I think for the DPP, many elderly people may feel it. I feel quite disappointed , so in fact, before the election, I have been talking to the green camp of Black Korea. Now that the green camp of Black Korea is faced with Han Guoyu becoming the dean, the role of the deputy dean is also crucial. Because whether there will be the double-in-double-out mentioned by Han Han Yu before the election, he and Jiang Qichen. If Jiang Qichen is not elected as the vice president, will there be any subsequent variables ? This has become another concern for everyone . Let’s ask. Teacher Yang, what do you think of today's dean's election? Today's dean's election, I think the most important thing for everyone when the votes were opened in the morning was that Chen Zhaozhi's vote was invalidated. When you saw the circle of the vote, it was clear that it was Huang Shanshan . The square in the middle of the grid happens to be Yu Xikun , and next to it is Chen Jinghui's big mark. Press it. Friends from Taiwan, you have all voted and come to see my actions. I'm telling you, this is not intentional. I don't believe it. How could this be accidental? The ink pad is very small . When you stamp it, dong dong dong dong, right? Then how come you touch your hand ? Is it a pen? Do you wipe it with your hand like this? You cover it with your hand , and then you cover it. At that time , this pen was almost this long, and it would be even longer. How could you hit the one next door that was so good and accurate? It was Chen Jinghui, and then it was covered with it , so it was so accurate that it touched a large area and then pressed against the next door. I personally I feel that of course the People's Party has not chosen Ke Wenzhe now. Of course he understands the DPP or Lao Ke has set a stumbling block for him to weaken the People's Party from the beginning. I personally don't think Chen Zhaozi and Huang Shanshan have any personal grudges. Basically, what is the reason? It's very simple. Who will be the most patient challenger in 2028? They now think that it is Ke Wenzhe who is so good at creating, that is to say, the media steals the spotlight. He can operate like this in the election of the president of the Legislative Yuan with only 8 votes, right ? He wants to stumble you from the beginning and demoralize you. So why did Chen Zhaozi do this ? In fact, when this incident came out, all of us thought it must be Chen Zhaozi. It is indeed the case, right? She is so good and so good. I can press a large piece of stamping pad when I press it . Then when I put it on, I can seal it so accurately. I can't do it. It's impossible. It can't be you. Try it and see . It can't be an accident. She couldn't have put her hand on it and looked like this. That's right, because with such a long pen, how could you be like this? You're not a small seal stamped like this, right? So she's testing our wisdom , thinking that everyone hasn't voted. That's a small seal , maybe. You may get it, right? But now Jiang Qichen is starting to vote, and he was successfully elected, right? But I have to say that outsiders said that the People 's Party passed Han Kuo-yu this time , which is wrong . You will have fewer votes. If the People's Party itself All 8 votes were cast, and there was one runner among them . In fact, the key is whoever gets the most votes. How can you say that Han Kuo-yu is recommended? If you are strong enough, if your DPP is in the majority , you will definitely win . You Xikun is recommended. I think in fact what Ke Jianming said is exactly the opposite. The battlefield in the Legislative Yuan has begun. This pair of Han Guoyu is a national security risk when he is the speaker. The Democratic Progressive Party is a national security risk when the speaker is a minority. And he is the president of the Legislative Yuan. How do you think the other side will view this? He has no idea whether the question is correct or not. But the key point after the dean is presiding over the agenda of the meeting is still Ke Jianming, Fu Kunqi and the People's Party. We see that the current voting results of the vice dean have just been seen. Jiang Qichen got up to talk to everyone. This gesture of clenching fists in congratulations is because Jiang Qichen cast 54 votes, which means that the Kuomintang all voted for him. Now the Kuomintang’s answer has been revealed. They have not announced their self-recommended candidate , but now it seems that their candidate for vice president is Zhang Qikai , so this time the Kuomintang Party that did not run out of 8 votes all voted for Zhang Qikai. On the screen, we can see that the Green Camp continues to vote for Cai Qichang. So currently, Jiang Qichen has 54 votes , and he has steadily received 54 votes . Isn't it the first stage that should have been considered certain to be elected? Now let's ask the general. I think the biggest surprise today is that there are no surprises. Everything is so smooth and smooth, just like the normal political process . I have to complete the process . It is said that Hanguo-yu's election as President of the Legislative Yuan this time is indeed a rare political wizard in a century . We recall that he was the mayor of Kaohsiung here. In the green city of Kaohsiung, the mayor of Kaohsiung could be elected with a high number of votes. However, he was later dismissed as the mayor because he ran for president . Unexpectedly, he was still so popular after 4 years. During the entire election period, he was elected to various Kuomintang legislators. Everyone rushed to invite him to the platform because of his popularity, and he led these legislators to be successfully elected with a majority. After being elected, I think he is indeed worthy of his name as President of the Legislative Yuan, and he has lived up to the hopes of all our people . But I especially Let’s talk about this time Han Guoyu was elected as the dean. Although we said that we had no surprises, we did not say that the so-called people ran away the votes or it was an accident. The Kuomintang Party had other plans and methods. The president and deputy dean should be elected by Han Jiang from the Kuomintang as expected. I was successfully elected , but I personally think that the song that should be sung today should be "Night Raid, Night Raid". There is a sentence in the song called "Just wait for the signal to sound , just wait for the signal to light up. " Now, I think For the Kuomintang, it’s just a happy day. The signal has just sounded and the signal has just brightened. After you are elected , although you are responsible for supervising the ruling party, all of us in the opposition are responsible for it. We ordinary people are responsible for supervising you. See if the Kuomintang is ours. After you are appointed as the President of the Legislative Yuan , will you be able to play the role of fighting corruption and supervising the ruling party in the Legislative Yuan as we hope , especially before the election, which everyone is eagerly looking forward to? The various reform slogans you proposed include the People's Party. We have to see if your reform plan in Congress can be implemented and feasible . There are drawbacks related to Tsai Ing-wen's paper , or the drawbacks of this high-end vaccine or the state-made submarines. Can these shady stories be exposed? I think another very important thing is that after you enter the Legislative Yuan, the personnel power in the Congress includes the personnel appointment cases in charge of the NCC. Next, we will talk about Taiwan, which is indeed surrounded by such shady things. Under this situation, we cannot express our own opinions and express our own ideas normally. This speech is suppressed . Of course, now, the people have sent you members to the Legislative Yuan. The legislators have also sent Han Guoyu, Jiang Qichen and Fu Kunqi to the Legislative Yuan. After becoming the President, Vice President and Chief Zhao of the Legislative Yuan , now we hope that Hanguo Yu and Fu Kunqi are like two claws of a crab, right? One on the left, one on the right , one on the stage and one on the other. If the audience can really exert its power to supervise the ruling party, it would be better for Lai Qingde to step down as we expected. So now the first round of voting for the vice president has come out. Jiang Qichen received 54 votes, all from the Kuomintang . If there were no Green Camp votes , 51 votes were cast for Cai Qichang. In addition, the People's Party also voted 8 votes for Zhang Qikai, who was recommended by itself. So the key now is to go to the second round. In the second round, will people from the People's Party vote ? In elections like this for the dean, there is generally no voting on site , so it depends on what the People’s Party will do next. Let’s go ahead and advertise. I’ll be back soon.
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Id: tYkvO0AFcsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 25sec (2905 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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