Su Familia Lo Rechazó Y No Creían En Él, Pero Les Calló La Boca Y Demostró Que Estaban Equivocados

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oh really oh man I hope they hope they like me the accident okay let's hear what's your talent I'm singer well that's all I want to do honestly the music is what really helped me through the hard time my parents they didn't really support my lifestyle when I turned 18 they decided kick me out for being gay on Thursday yeah on my birthday is crazy I'm all nervous now do you talk to your family at all I've tried I haven't seen my parents about two and a half years now I loved him with all my heart I don't know if they still love me but it's been difficult and music is what makes me feel like I belong only my darkest moments I can escape through music that's great want them to see what I've done with my life and I'm not a bad person for being Who I am and I really want them to see that as how I can make him proud you ready yes oh my god yeah thank you hello hi are you I'm doing good what is your name I'm Jonathan and where you from Jonathan I'm from Lawrenceburg Tennessee and what do you do in Lawrenceburg Tennessee nothing nothing good for how do you know when you're finished see nah just so what you're about to do is it what you do full-time no I really don't do anything I'm unemployed he's trying to find a job what we're about to see is this your dream definitely okay and what are you going to be doing for us tonight I was singing little classical pop kind of music how does your family feel about this do they support what you're they they don't I was actually kicked out of my house when I turned 18 they kicked you out because you were pursuing singing no they kicked me Alex I'm gay they didn't like it so yeah ah right on my 18th birthday yeah yeah wow that's a terrible story no it was crazy well you know what not only for us but for your family show them what you got and show them with their Masika you the smallest horizontal one Hey you ah the salon Oh you you how do you feel that's so great oh great let me tell you something you seem like a good person and you have a dream and you have a talent and your own family disowned you but with your talent this show has become your family and we'd like to say welcome home you love you we love you we accept you and we're so proud that you came here thank you so much thank you I don't know if your parents are watching tonight but I would like to say to them what a wonderful son you have you got a gift you got a way of making us feel an emotional connection you were wonderful super I was like this is a tape that can't be him he can't be that good seriously I had to like I'm like this he lip-syncing to something I mean I'm in love with you you are amazing I'm guessing you're a fan of Pavarotti oh definitely well I was actually fortunate to sing with him no way god bless his soul and he would be very proud of you that was a great rendition you've made me melt and well done to you for standing there proud and confident of yourself yes well done thank you so much breathe where's he going everybody you're going to it's crazy who was gonna affect that voice to come out by no one you - yeah congratulations thank you alright see you late oh my god thank you consider yet Thanks oh my gosh thank you guys it's amazing the best feeling in the world and never felt that Jonathan is a which I love you you
Views: 13,498,985
Rating: 4.7930136 out of 5
Keywords: autoayuda, inspiracion, videos de inspiracion, videos de motivacion, videos lindos, videos de reflexion, historias, historias de motivacion, historias positivas, historias de reflexion, historias de amor, superacion, crecimiento personal, desarrollo personal, video de motivacion, video de superacion, familia, rechazo, creian, callo, boca, demostrar, equivocados
Id: Qn1YJk6jIbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2015
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