Stygian Society | Playthrough | With Colin

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[Applause] hello everyone and welcome back to the one-stop co-op shop this is colin and today we are going to do a play-through of stygian society i backed this game a couple of years ago totally forgot about it and all of a sudden when it showed up at my doorstep i was super excited this is a cube dropping game we're gonna be dropping cubes for both the enemies and for our heroes down into this tower and then depending upon what falls out onto the field or into the crypt we get to use those to activate our abilities but the enemies will be activating theirs with their cubes as well so without further ado we're going to do a really quick setup and then jump into the play through i do want to mention in this game there are a few things that were missed in the rules and there's a few things that they had to clarify in the faq so i read the full faq but if things adjust after today's date which is september 19th of 2020 i might not have that so i will link put a link in the description below for that faq because that will be continuously updated and i will try to play to the best of my abilities with the correct rules let's jump in when you play a solo game of stygian society they recommend playing with three characters normally they recommend playing with four so if you play with two people they want you to play two characters each but they do have a two player variant where you can play with just two people as well just two individual characters i've done that and it actually has worked okay uh but i understand that they want you to have the variety of abilities which is why they want you to play with four different characters solo though is three so i have grabbed the doctor the knight and the seer and what's cool any of the base characters are actually double-sided so you can have a female version and a male version which is kind of cool so i'm playing with the doctor and the knight being male i guess and the seer this year i don't exactly know if this is in the expansion or not because i haven't gotten the expansion material yet but this is an additional hero and it's only one-sided so we're going to play with the seer and she is female each character will have a basic level zero ability that they can use during the game and then look at all these cards these are all the different skills each time you level up that you're going to be able to choose from just just a plethora of them and which is which is one of the awesomest parts about this game because every time you play you can you can set your character up a little bit differently now when you play and you first start your game you're gonna randomly choose a level one for each of your characters i've chosen my random level one skills right now we'll go ahead and look at those as we start our playthrough but that's all you need to do to set up your characters our sideboard over here is going to track a lot of different information you'll want to grab this black token here to track your peril that's one of the ways you can lose if ever when you're in a specific room you get to 20 peril or whatever the room card says usually it's 20 sometimes it might be less you will lose the game we also we don't individually have wounds we have wounds as a team so you will start at zero wounds and your max health will be 25. if ever this gets to here we lose the game but there are going to be ways that we can increase this for example our level one random skill for the night is the party's maximum wounds are increased by two that means now for the rest of the game we have 27 total max health instead of only 25. unfortunately in the rulebook luck is not really explained but it is explained in the faq you're going to start at zero and what luck is is if ever you have any luck you can use it for one cube of any color so let's say i need an initial blue cube to do something i can use luck for that i can never have more than five luck i can gain luck in two ways one is just by any sort of card ability a card ability might state hey when this thing happens i can gain some luck but also if ever two cubes or more land in the crypt in one cube drop then you gain one luck and that's not in the rulebook so that's in the faq also for our experience we start at zero and then you're going to place the other one here at eight and this is kind of cool how this works when you get to eight experience we're gonna level up then you move this over by one you start back over and then when you get to nine we'll level up again and you push this back so it gets a little bit harder and harder to level up as you go we're all going to have different actions that are on our skill cards but we also have three generic actions we can just do a generic attack action and this is telling us what cubes we can drop and then what we can spend to deal wounds we also have our help here which any of these are gray that means they're any color that we want so we can grab any colors that we want drop them we can't actually do anything but we're essentially helping our teammates uh such a cool mechanic in this game because i can choose cubes that might not help me but they'll help the next player that's going to go and hopefully they can drop down into the field and then when it's their turn they can use it finally we have our regroup which can kind of help us clear the field if we see a lot of the enemy cubes but we have to raise our peril by four finally we have our chest deck over here and we have our treasure deck over here now there is a treasure deck for the upper and the lower rooms because there's a total of six rooms that we're going to go in uh the first three you're going to use the lower track lower treasure deck and the upper three you're going to use the upper treasure deck also something that i didn't mention you have these status cards they recommend giving you giving one of each type to each character since i'm playing solo i just have a stack here and i'll pull them when needed if ever we get cursed we would be using these you can see over here on the left hand side i have the different monster cards we've got red yellow and black monster cards and our little tiny minis that denote those types of enemies those don't need to be shuffled because you're going to grab ones specific to the room that you're going into so just have them set to the side and have the miniatures next to them this game is a diceless dungeon crawler so to speak and so what we have instead are cubes so we have the three enemy cubes there's red white and black you saw that matches the colors of the monsters that we have and then we have the hero cubes green white and blue there's going to be 10 of each of those and that's important for you to know because cubes will get stuck in the tower and so that can kind of help you oh i only have four of these cubes left that means they're sick somewhere in the tower so i might knock those down when i drop the next set of cubes you'll want to shuffle up your lower room cards and your upper room cards now your upper room you can set aside because you won't see those until levels four and five your lower ones you're going to use right away you'll also want to set aside your mini boss mats and your final wizard boss mats to the side if we get to level three we'll take on a mini boss and if we get to the final level six we take on a wizard if you have the kickstarter version of the game you got these woe and lamentations cards there's nothing in the rule book about them uh so in the faq it talks about how you can use these to make the game harder don't need it never won yet so not going to use those i'd recommend not using them for your first player to and still until you start winning consistently and then you can use these to make the game harder like hey i'll remove these different things yeah i don't even want to look at them and then finally we have our cube tower this is where we'll be dropping cubes in cubes will be coming out of here maybe falling into the crypt maybe just falling over here all across the board and then we will be using those to spend for enemies and then spend for ourselves as well we start at level one we're always as a group so this is kind of our group mini and then as we go we can actually move across on the tower itself you can see here this is level five it actually placed the mini there there's one for each level i'm not going to try and show you the back side of the tower because if ever you move the tower when there's cubes in there you can knock them over so they suggest you don't do that so i'm just going to leave this where it is but yeah with that i think we're ready to start oh and i do want to mention at least with the version that i have and i think they're going to have that with all versions of the game this tower fully assembled fits in the box they have a spot for even these little things that are sticking out no problem which is super nice and i really appreciate that because i don't have to take this apart every time and put it back together i will mention that when you look at how to put this together uh floor 5 you're going to see it that in the instructions it has a big hole in the center and you're going to go well number 5 doesn't have that well that's fine use number five where it says it's gonna look different and that's okay they did not update that in the rules so or in the instructions to assemble the tower i think with that though we are ready to begin so how we start the game is we simply draw our first lower room card because we're at level one before i do that i forgot one item for setup and that's these status tokens just go ahead and you they suggest having them flipped all upside down and set to the side of the board i like just grabbing from a cup that way i don't have to worry are they all face down or face up nice and simple i just have them in a cup and i randomly draw from them so if you have a cup or something i'd suggest doing it that way here we have our first level one room card let's flip it over it looks like we have the dark knight so what we can see there's lots of information on here first thing and i kind of wish that they had put this at the bottom of this card because what you actually need to do when you play this and we start fighting these enemies we're going to turn it this way because this is going to be considered the front row and that's going to be considered the rear row but let's first look at it like so so you can see it so the first thing you want to note is up here this tells you your parallel cubes so every time you drop cubes for your hero you're also going to drop one red one yellow and one black cube for the enemies and then you have room effects where you see how we have no black enemies here when we have black cubes at equal three what's going to happen is we're going to have our parallel go up by two and you can see it with uh like i mentioned before with the peril track if that ever gets to 20 and you can see here if it gets to 20 we're outmaneuvered the heroes lose the game so we don't want the peril to go all the way up to 20. we can't take terribly long defeating these enemies you can see here though there are parallel events so at 4 8 12 16 uh 20 we lose so those other ones we're going to have different effects happen now what i actually do to help me remember that is i put little tokens onto the parallel track to remind myself of that just so you can see i've placed it at 4 8 12 and 16. 20 we lose the game so i'm not putting anything there then what we need to do is set up the room itself in order for us to move to the next room we have to defeat all the enemies that are in this room so we have three yellow three yellow enemies and one red enemy and it's gonna tell you here on the side it says we've got a stoker and a clank so i'm gonna find those cards also i just want you to understand how this works you're gonna have different skills that can only hit maybe the front row or the rear row you're also going to have things where we might defeat an enemy you can target any of them on here that your skill allows you to but if ever you kill an enemy over on let's say the first row all all the different enemies are going to slide to the left if ever for example let's say we had two enemies up here and only one down here any that are in the rear row would then slide forward like this okay and that's important to know because certain certain of our heroes will only be able to hit the front rank or the front row so you're going to want to pull or move different enemies to that front row we have three strokers that are in the front with one clank that's in the back this tells us how much health they have four and six this tells us how much experience we get when we defeat those enemies so every stoker i defeat i'll get 2xp and every clank i defeat i'll get 3xp they each have different abilities so this stoker each time a hero targets a stoker with a melee attack the party suffers one wound and that can't be reduced there's certain ways you can reduce wounds that we won't be able to when there is three or more of the yellow cubes in the field deal two wounds to the party for each stoker on the floor then the active player is weakened uh for the for clank and i'm guaranteeing you we'll see that so i'm not going to explain it here for clank we actually reduce all damage to clanks by two so no matter what type of damage we're doing we're gonna reduce it by two that's that's brutal but we have one two three four five red when there's five red that's in the uh on the field then it's gonna deal five wounds to the party for each clank on the floor yeah brutal now something i wanna mention remember that that room had apparel effects for red and yellow we're going to ignore those as long as there are enemies of those colors that are in that room but let's say we defeat all the stokers we're still going to be dropping that one yellow cube every round and so then if we get yellow cubes equal to the amount that's in the room that would be three on here we're just going to increase peril by two we have our room all set up and ready to go so now we get to choose for our first room who gets to go first after this it's always just going to be player order and they suggest starting with the knight i usually find that to be a good idea so right now our knight has one active ability and one passive the passive ability is always happening we don't have to activate it at the beginning of your turn you can choose to do one support action if i have four different support options as actions i can only choose one none of my characters have support actions right now so we're not going to have to worry about that then we have to choose one active action so we have our steel fist here but remember we also had the attack action the help action and the regroup action there were general actions that we could do too but i think starting with our steel fist is a good idea so our steel fist here says melee attack choose a target in the front rank and then drop two blue cubes so we are going to get to drop two blue cubes and a gray so i can choose what color and i'm thinking of choosing a white and that's because our seer is going to go next and in order for her to activate one of her abilities she's gonna need a white so i'm gonna drop those three now we have to choose a target first and then we're gonna drop these plus the uh enemy cube so one red one yellow and one black and i have to choose my target now and that's important because sometimes after you drop those cubes peril might change and there might be an effect that changes enemies or they might move rank and so you need to choose your target of your skill first and you're also choosing which skill you're going to use because not all of these cubes may drop out so i might not have enough to actually target our trigger our ability here which says deal three wounds to your target plus two additional wounds for every additional two blue you have spent from the field let's go ahead and target this stoker now because of that and the ability that this enemy has each time a hero targets a stoker with a melee attack which is what we're doing we're gonna have to suffer one wound normally because of this meat shield card you can see this symbol here that means we have one shield during the night's turn so we'd actually get to block that one wound but you can see here it says it can't be reduced so we're gonna have to take that one wound we'll move this up to number one here's our cubes that we're going to draw let's see what comes out of the tower oh okay we got one blue that's inside of the crypt we didn't get two cubes in there so we don't gain any luck any cubes that are in here are considered two so i could spend this for two blue cubes which is actually pretty awesome that means with what fell i actually have three blue cubes i almost have enough to just kill that guy but i don't so what i do now is i'm going to separate all the cubes that have fallen over to either side over here and then we can see first if any of the enemies will activate and then we can activate looking here we have one red one yellow and one black and we have the total of three blue and one white so what you first do is enemies get to activate first you first look if you've hit the threshold for your red enemies and we needed a total of five red well we only have one so that's not going to happen we then look at the yellow we needed three yellow we only have one our room needs three black for its activation we only have one black so the enemies aren't going to go this turn we get to then activate so i'm going to go ahead and then spend this as two blue cubes to activate our skill to deal three wounds to that enemy and with everything going on i can't actually remember which one i targeted did i target this one or did i target this one i don't know this is the first round i'm just going to say that i targeted this one and if that's not what i did sorry about that but unfortunately they don't have a great way of tracking health they've got these little small hearts and these are bigger hearts that you can use to be considered five damage so these are considered five and those ones are considered one so we've dealt three damage they have four health so we didn't kill that enemy i'll try and remember who i targeted better next time sorry about that now you can see we're leaving this white and this blue on the field and that means another player and a future turn can use those but we're also leaving these for the enemy so that's going to end our knights activation let's go to the seer the seer has two active skills that she can use she has no support skills so we can't do any support actions we have to choose one of these and you can see uh one of those dropping three green and one's dropping two blue this one though is a projectile attack we have to choose a target in the front rank and then if we can spend a white and a green deal two moons to your target and an enemy directly behind your target increase this damage by two wounds for every additional green and white that you've spent from the field well i'm only having one white and if i do that one which is what i'm planning on i'm not gonna be able to get more white unless i get lucky if i drop two in the crypt i could get some luck and use it that way i also though have my flying super null slap in this one i dropped two blue i have to spend one blue and one green to deal one wound to your target and one wound to the enemy on the right or left in the same rank and then deal one wound to each target for each additional blue and green spent cool yeah i've never played with her she seems cool so i'm gonna go ahead and drop those three plus of course one black one yellow and one red let's see what we get okay nothing landed in the crypt which is a little bit of a bummer but we do have two black now we have two yellow we did get two green and we did get a second red all of these enemy uh enemy cubes still are not going to activate we need three yellow we need five red and we need three black so we can now activate our spiritual arrow which of course i didn't target anyone i'm gonna do this right eventually i was planning on targeting the one that's wounded because i wanted to kill it so sorry that i did not say that what we can do is spend one green and one white and we are going to deal two moons to your target and an enemy directly behind it i'd love to deal two wounds to that clank however reduce all damage to clanks by two so we dealt him two damage he's not going to take any he's just going to brush it off but we are going to be able to defeat this one stoker enemy and because we can see on her card we gain two experience i'll definitely take it when we get to eight we can level up now because there's an empty space here on the left these two are going to scoot right on over and now we're gonna move to our doctor our doctor has the filled medic ability which actually can resolve but four enemy actions which is really nice because we can actually stop them from activating we can heal the party and we can actually remove cubes on the field of enemy colors we also have our delicate touch you may use this ability and this is what we call a responsibility so what that means is it's in response to a certain action happening you may use this ability before taking action to add green blue to the field or you may use this ability before opening a chest to reduce the peril by one that will make sense later i think though i'm going to use this right now and you can see this symbol here tells you you have to exhaust this card and then it will not ready until the group levels up now they tell you to turn it sideways but just because of the limitation of space anything that's going to be exhausted i'm going to place this black and cube on it to notate that it's exhausted but that means we get to place a green and a blue directly onto the field that was a passive ability i can still do a regular action my regular action is i'm going to do a the generic attack because i don't have an attack i'm going to do a generic attack on i'm targeting this uh what is that a stoker but it's going to be targeting uh with a melee attack so we're going to take a wound for it it's only our second wound we're doing all right you can see here we're going to drop a blue and a gray so that gray could be any color i think i'm just going to do two blue but we still have to do all three of our peril cubes i'm hoping for two to drop in the crypt hopefully there are two no nothing if we look here we have three red still no activation of clank two yellow no activation for stokers but we have three black that will activate our room so what we'll do is we'll remove these three black place them back in the supply and we'll activate the room most of the time the room activations are simply plus to apparel and why that's important is whenever an enemy activates your apparel is still going to go up by one but when you do a room parallel effect it goes up by two and that's it we'll move this up to two remember our first thing that will happen our parallel event will happen at four we get to deal one wound for each blue that we spend from the field so i'm going to spend three in blue all three that are on the field and i'm gonna deal three wounds to this guy of course they have four health yeah i just can't seem to take these guys out in one hit i think that means for our knight we'll just do our regular melee attack doing two blue and one white again yeah should i do a green you know what i'm going to do a green because i think we're going to have to do the flying super super little slap this time so i'm going to do those three plus one red one yellow and one black and we're gonna target that same stoker but that means we're gonna take another wound because every time they get targeted by a melee attack they're gonna take a wound and so that puts us at three total damage and you know what i was just about to pick this up but i don't think i want to do my flying supernova slap because that's a melee attack i want to be able to do the projectile attack so i'm going to change this green to a white for sure let's see what we get oh we got a yellow that dropped in there so when a yellow or i should say an enemy cube drops in there they get a plus two as well so we now have two three four yellow we start with our red we have one two three four he needs five that means next time he's going to be likely dealing us five points of damage for yellow we have one two three four five they only need three to activate so they're going to go ahead and use three and you always have to use them the most effectively so i uh i'm gonna use two from here and one from here for a total of three it means i still have two cubes left and i should mention let's say they still had enough cubes to technically do their action another time they will only ever do it one time so we have deal two wounds to the party for each stoker on the floor then the active player is weakened there's two stokers on the floor so we're going to take four wounds and then this is our knight our knight is going to become weakened we'll take those four wounds one two three four cry a little bit and because an enemy activated and we removed cubes we had to increase our peril by one now unfortunately our knight has been weakened and this states that for each status token on this card remove a cube of the same color from the field not the crypt at the start of your turn and how we determine how many cubes we have it said that he was weakened he didn't say he was weakened twice or anything like that so all we're going to do is grab one of these status tokens this is denoted as a white cube in order for us to get rid of this we cannot get rid of this at the turn that we obtain this condition but at the end of our next turn we can pay a white cube from the field and let's say he had let's make an example here if i had a green and a white i could spend one green and one white to get rid of both of these and then that would cure my weakened weakened state i could also let's say there's only a white there i could give up that white do i'd still have this one but for us right now what this means is next turn at the start of our turn we're gonna actually have to remove a white cube from the field if there's one there which is a bummer the nice thing is we had no black cubes on the board so we've ended the enemy activation i'm gonna use two out of the three blue cubes here to deal three wounds to that blasted stoker that only had one health left we're gonna kill him that will allow us to gain two more xp we're halfway to leveling up once again because we attacked the enemy at the farthest left this guy's gonna move over one space we're gonna have to kill this guy and then clank will finally move forward because i don't think we have anything that can attack the rear row yet no i don't think i do we'll move to our seer we know what we're gonna do projectile attack front rank there's only one enemy in the front rank so i have to show you that the most we're going to be able to do is two wounds because there's only one white unless we can get some luck i'm just going to hope but yeah i should mention if ever cubes that are in the supply are empty on the hero side that just means we can't drop them so that's something you want to watch for the enemies for every enemy cube that you can't drop you're actually going to increase your apparel by that amount so if i needed to drop a black cube and i had no black cubes i'd increase peril by one let's see what we get apparently all the black cubes are getting stuck inside the tower and look at all of these greens i wish we could use more of them but unfortunately one two three four five we have five red so we're gonna spend all five and clank right here states we're going to deal five wounds to the party for each clank on the floor there's one yeah this room is no fun one two three four five this seems like yeah a good room we're also going to push up our peril by one because that enemy activated and now we have to see what that event is at level four heal each enemy of two wounds as dark magic pours through the room that's great because none of the enemies are damaged i knew that that's why i kept trying to focus on one enemy and kill them before that happens if we get to eight though we're gonna have to add two more stokers to the front rank so i'm hoping we can take these guys out before that happens however we do still have three yellow here and you remember the stokers activate with three yellow uh so deal two wounds for uh to the party for each stoker on the floor then the active player is going to be weakened so now we have two players that are weakened let's go ahead and see what status token she gets she's going to get a green that's great we've got tons of green so at the end of our next turn she can spend a green to get rid of that two more damage puts us all the way up to 14 and five peril yeah this might be a quick game you guys we're already almost at half well actually 14 28. yeah we're pretty much over half health at this point and of course we're only going to be able to spend one green and one white we're going to deal two wounds to that enemy it has four health so we're gonna deal two wounds and we deal two wounds to the clank in the back but that's useless can't do anything to him it's our doctor's turn to go and i think let's go ahead and do our field medic we're gonna drop three white uh we're going to also have to drop one of each of the perils now what i'd love to do is leave one of these whites for the seer because she would be able man she'd be able to use those whites to deal more wounds i think we're gonna have to do that but in order to activate this ability i need three whites so i guess let's just see if any fall in the crypt i should have mentioned we had some cubes actually go off of the field that doesn't matter they're still included uh you know what the designer actually said is he actually put this in a box a little bit to help prevent that from happening yeah so if they fly off just make sure to find them and they still count let's drop them oh great we hey look at this though we've got two cubes in here unfortunately they're the enemy cubes but because we had two cubes and one drop drop into the crypt we're gonna gain one luck i'll take that we're going to spend all three white and remember we get to go before the enemies normally this does not happen we're gonna heal ourselves for three so we're gonna go from 14 down to 11 and then you may remove one cube of your choice from the field but not the crypt well the only enemy one that we'd want to remove is this black one so i'm going to go ahead and remove that black one then it says for each extra white that you spend from the field you can heal an additional wound and you can remove one more cube but i don't want to spend my luck there we activated first so now we need to do the enemies do we have three yellow no do we have three black no we have two of each so now we'll just move to the knight and the first thing we need to resolve is his weakened state technically he'd need to remove one white from the field because of his weakened ability there's no white so we don't have to worry about that we're definitely going to use our steel fist here we're going to drop two blue and a white we're going to target that stoker because we have to but we're gonna take another wound you guys we're gonna drop ourselves back to 12 damage and then we're gonna do one black one yellow and one red let's see where these fall okay we got a blue in here but we only got one so we don't gain any more luck enemies will activate first we have two red we have two yellow don't have to worry about it but we do have three black three black means we'll use these and increase our peril by two i think it's safe to say at this point this number eight one is going to happen no matter what we are though going to be able to spend that one blue cube that's in the crypt and that's going to allow us to deal three wounds we already had two damage on this stoker so we just defeated the final stoker for now and we'll be able to gain 2xp i'll take that two more and we'll level up and if i see here the clank is worth three years so we should be able to level up if we can somehow take that clank out with six health and reduction of two for all attacks now at the end of our turn we're going to go ahead and spend that one white that's on the field to remove this status token that way we're no longer weakened we'll now move to the seer and we're going to have to remove one green cube because of our weakness we have four green and two blue out in the field oh and i should mention this uh the the clank did get pushed up into the front row that means we can target him with our flying supernal slap we're going to go ahead and drop two blue then we will drop one yellow one black and one uh red but what's nice is we can use a blue and green to deal wounds and we can deal one wound to each target for each additional blue and green spent well i've got two blue and four green on the floor hopefully we can do some damage with this i want to see lots of blue lots of blue no instead i got tons of yellow and only one blue i do think though i had two drop in here so that's going to give me a second luck point that actually is super nice we have a total of two plus two which is four for red one more and he's going to attack us for five but we do have two four or i should say three enough for the room the room only needs three yellow you can see that here it needed five red three yellow or three black so we're gonna increase our peril by two which means we're gonna have two more stokers show up but i'm going to remove this one for two and this one for three so i always have to do it the most efficiently i couldn't use this two and the other two for four but only needed three i had to do it if i could by only spending three points worth we got close but weren't able to do it we're now at nine peril we're going to have to add two stokers to the front rank at least they're in the front rank but now there's only one black so we're good for black now we get to activate so we'll spend these to deal one wound to your target our target is clank which by the way he's going to negate that one but then we're going to use these two for two he's not he's going to negate that we're going to use this one for three he's going to take one point of damage for that and then should we do it yeah we've got two luck points but i could use the luck points for somebody else i think i'm just gonna leave it this way so we're just going to deal a total of three wounds one two three two of them are going to be stopped for the for the clank so clank's only going to take one point of damage but what's nice is we can also have the uh one enemy that's to the right or left of them also take one wound so we'll actually have that um stoker that showed up will take three wounds man actually you know what four would kill it so let's go ahead and do it we're going to we have one luck to uh we're going to use one luck we're going to use this green so that luck we're going to use as a blue that means we're going to deal four points of damage and that's just going to kill this stoker that just just showed up and we did not target him with the melee attack we actually targeted clank so his effect does not go off at least that's how i'm reading it that does also mean clank suffered two wounds out of the six he is going to be a tough cookie to crack boy he two damage we have to deal four more ah man the nice thing is we'll gain two experience points that's actually going to push this up to here and now we have leveled up when you level up any exhausted cards will be refreshed and now what we get to do we can either choose any other level 1 skill that we want or we can randomly choose a level 2 skill so you want to think of it this way whenever you move to that next level of skill cards you have to randomly choose your first one and then any future level ups if you want to grab a skill from one you already have one in you actually get to choose for our field medic i'm going to grab the thirsty blade because it works well with blue cubes which works well with our knight and if we defeat the enemy with this attack we can actually heal the party by one wound now this is only a one-time use but if you actually kill an enemy you can actually refresh this and use it again for our knight i decided to randomly choose a level two we have crystal overlord this we can add an additional look at all those cubes and graze our wild to the tower during your action at the end of your turn if this floor has any enemies left on it remove all blue from the field and crypt raise the peril by one per blue removed and uh from the field and two per blue removed from the crypt so if i use this i better make sure that either i'm killing the last enemy or i'm using all the blues to deal damage and i can't just spend blues if there's no damage to do so i've got to watch out when i use this but wow that's kind of cool and these are all not blue so i you know potentially not blue but that could really be helpful for our other players for our seer we also went with a random level 2 and we have the flying supernova blast a melee attack choose a red or black target in the front rank oh interesting we have to drop three blue this one we actually can spend one of the enemy cubes which is a bit nerve-wracking because if they actually use them there aren't any there deal three damage to the target enemy and deal four damage instead if you have both flying supernor slap which i have flying supernormal slap and flying snooper no punch i don't have the punch in place so right now this will just deal three damage i can't adjust it i do have a shield though i may have already forgotten about the shield with our knight so i need to remember that both the knight and the seer now have one shield the seer unfortunately has no green cubes left on the field to be able to remove her weakened status so we're gonna have to leave the weekend status it is what it is we're going to now move to the doctor i'm gonna go ahead and use our delicate touch to put one green and one blue in the field i want those in the field so we can use them and then we're gonna do our thirsty blade and we're going to have one two three four blue that we're going to drop we're going to focus on attacking that clank because the next peril they're gonna heal by two i want to take him out before that happens but we have to drop one red one black and one yellow with it and remember technically this is going to exhaust this as well we still have one luck left and i'm really hoping some of these blue cubes will drop into the crypt let's see nope none of them do instead we're gonna have clank activate using all five of these red cubes and he's just gonna you know deal five wounds to the party for each clank on the floor i sure hope i can find some healing elixirs inside of the treasure chest that hopefully we'll get when we defeat this room remember i moved up that peril as well we're now at 10. if we get to 12 they're gonna each enemy is gonna heal by two and i say that because i have a total of three for our yellow here that's going to activate our stoker that's going to deal two wounds it's also going to weaken our doctor so he's going to have a green uh a green status token on his weakened card which means that the start of his attorney is going to have to remove a green cube from the field and of course we're gonna take two more wounds for that and this is gonna get pushed up to 11. we'll then spend one two three four five of our blue plus one lock for six that is six points of damage minus two for the clank uh because of his ability so we're dealing four points of damage but he already has two wounds four plus the two is six we're going to defeat this gosh darn clank oh thank goodness so we're going to defeat him we'll gain 3 xp for that and uh since we were able to defeat so if this kills your target heal the party one wound and then immediately refresh this ability so we have our thirsty blade back oh that's sweet and we have a green cube let's go ahead and just oh no we can't do that because we just got weak in this round we'll have to wait till next round all we have left is this stoker they'll move all the way over to the left we'll gain three xp and heal one wound our knight will go next he's gonna go ahead and exhaust his crystal overlord because remember that's our one support we can do a turn we're then going to drop two blue using our steel fist we're going to have two blue from this so that's four we're going to take a chance with one two three four more here i'm going to take one more of those and then i'm going to take for the other ones whites one two and three let me just make sure i have the total amount right one two three four five six seven eight nine one two three four five six seven eight do i get one more yep that's right i'm gonna do four white and actually me over no i mean i'm gonna do four white and four blue i'm hoping that i'll have enough to just kill the guy but remember if ever i have blue sitting sitting out at the end of this turn i'm actually gonna have to increase peril for it we are targeting that stoker with a melee attack so we're going to go to 18 points of damage but let's drop our cubes and okay they're all over here that's great we need a total of five red to activate we don't have that we need a total of three yellow we don't have any yellow but we do only need three black to activate the location's black ability which is just increasing apparel by two that's okay with me we'll go past this twelve peril track and we need to see what that is twelve states heal each enemy of two wounds as dark magic pours through the room well great he's not damaged yet but he's gonna be damaged soon we're going to activate our steel fists using two to deal three wounds and two more to a deal additional two wounds for a total of five they only have four health we just took them out and gained two xp and we cleared the room we'll gain the two xp we're up to five we get to nine we can level up again now it's important to note what the peril is at we're at thirteen parallel i'm gonna remove this and then we'll reset this what we can decide now is if we want to open the treasure chest so you can see here in the upper right hand corner there is a symbol here for a treasure card that means that we can open up a chest card and then gain one treasure card now there's been an faq about this because there's certain rooms that have two treasure uh tokens on them or two treasure card symbols those ones from how i'm reading the faq you still only draw one chess card but you actually get two treasure cards so you just want to look up here this will denote how many treasures you get but you will only ever draw one chest card now these chess cards are generally bad but when you reveal them if your apparel is less than the number that's on that chess card you're safe but if it's equal to or greater than what's on that chess card then you have the negative effect happen i think let's go ahead and take the chance some of these can be bad but i definitely need some treasure i'm hoping for something because i need it we have a nine bummer that means we're going to have to activate this because our total apparel was 13. this is feel good oh that actually sounds good in addition to treasure this chest contains a small healing vial cure the party of up to three wounds well i'll take that that doesn't normally happen we'll go from eighteen one two three down to fifteen and then we get to draw one treasure card and we have a crystal shard so down here it's a response it is a one-time use because you can see it's got this x here we'll use it and we'll discard it and this means no hero needs to have this it's a party item and we can choose when to use it it says after drawing a new floor you may use this item to discard that floor and draw again you cannot use this item on the mid boss or wizard floors whoa that's kind of cool we could use it right if we find we have a room that we didn't like like this one this one was brutal so now that we've finished one room we're going to take all of the cubes that are on the board and that we have used for our abilities and place them back into the supply but there's still potential cubes in the actual cube tower we don't know well we could count and find out now what we're going to do we don't get to heal we don't get to do anything like that we simply draw the next room card and we get to see what we're going to attack we do get to move our party up to floor 2. our next floor is the machinations of the court so we have a marionette and a fae the phase are pretty terrible they have nine health and if ever you get this many black cubes which i believe is seven one two three four five six seven you just immediately lose the game so is this a good one to redraw or do i take my chances because there's only three enemies here the marionettes look pretty gross as well so i mean read this only two yellow to activate deal one wound to the party for each marionette so there's two out but then you're going to remove all yellow dealing one additional wound to the party for each one removed so they're likely going to deal at least four points of damage at the beginning they have five health but i mean we're strong stronger it could be a worse room but you know what i don't like dealing with the fade because you're playing with luck so i'm going to use my crystal shard i'm going to discard this and we're going to draw a new room well i didn't want to deal with marionettes doesn't matter we're dealing with them anyways and we have riders this is called pulling strings we have events at 4 8 12 16 and we lose it looks like at 20. you already saw the marionettes they have that five health they're going to be annoying these riders are only worth 2xp they actually only have four health but damage inflicted to the rider is reduced by one for every monster in the row in front of it and then with three black you're actually going to add one yellow and one black to the uh one red to the field for each rider on the floor at the end of the turn we have no red enemies so we're just looking for three red cubes we'll then activate the plus two peril and you can see here we've got three yellow and two red so our seer is first let's see what we want to do first things first she is weakened but the thing is is we have no green cubes on the field so we can ignore that for now so now we have to decide what do we want to do these are not great really i mean we could drop three green but we're not going to be able to activate that we could drop two blue we're not going to be able to activate the accent on the green and we can drop three blue here we can choose a red or black target in the front we don't we actually can't even do this one because we don't have a red or black target in the front so because of that i think i'm just going to do the help action with that we're going to trigger no special abilities but i'm going to do two blue and two white also doing our regular peril cubes one red one black and one yellow we're just looking to see if we can help our team as well as maybe help ourselves in a future round and oh we get two cubes in the crypt so we're gonna gain one luck we start with the red we only have one out of three then we go to yellow we definitely have two so we have the two here we're going to spend the two to activate them they're going to deal one wound to the party for each marionette on the floor there are three and then we're going to remove the one remaining yellow here and deal a fourth wound for that you know this might be a really quick game we're already at 19 out of 20 27 oh wait we have one shield right because we're the seer so we'll block one of those we're at 18. i'm sure i've missed that before uh since an enemy activated we're going to push parallel up by one we'll now move to the doctor and i should probably try and heal us but i think i'm going to use our thirsty blade once again we can ignore the weekend because we don't have any green on the board and i guess doing our thirsty blade we will heal up a little bit as long as we kill an enemy and i think we should be able to we're going to target that marionette in the middle and we're going to drop three blue one white for this and our three here for our enemies we'll drop our cubes none dropped in the crypt bummer the nice thing is no enemy activation because we don't have three red we have no yellow and we only have one black we need three so let's go ahead and spend uh two three four five that's going to deal five wounds and just straight up kill this marionette for two xp two 2xp thank you very much and heal by one and don't forget we'll be able to ready that thirsty blade since we did defeat an enemy so now i'm going to do the one second to the right we'll do a steel fist attack i'm going to do two blue it's silly to do a green because the seer would have to remove it because of her weekend uh so i think i'm just gonna do a third blue i guess i'll do three blue and then one of each i mean i could do a white but yeah you know what yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna keep it i'm gonna keep the three blue uh just in case we need four blue cubes worth on the board to be able to take out that marionette with one shot oh boy we have no problem with that looks like we're gonna have lots of enemy activations we're gonna go ahead and spend all three red to simply increase our peril by two that's no fun one away from four i haven't even read that i don't even want to know what it's going to do then there's two yellow here we're going going to spend and that's going to deal one wound per marionette on the floor so that's two there's no more yellow to spend so we're just gonna take two wounds for that oh you know only moving up to 19 and of course that will increase our peril we'll go to four and we're going to have to activate that number four is if any riders remain on the floor of course they remain on the floor the active hero is weakened twice so we know what weekend is uh we'll go ahead and grab two of these so we're gonna have to get rid of a blue cube and a green cube to get rid of these finally we have our riders here and we're gonna use all three black to activate that and it states uh add one yellow and red to the field for each rider on the floor at the end of this turn well i'm not taking out any of those so i'm simply gonna put two yellow and two red right out on the floor since an enemy activated we'll push this up to a five we are though going to be able to handily deal with that marionette we're gonna spend the one in the crypt for two so that's gonna deal three wounds plus two more for two more wounds for a total of five that will take them out we still have two blue out on the board which is nice and that's gonna allow us to level up because we defeated that enemy two this rider will get pushed up to the front now we'll be able to target him two more xp we'll go to nine we'll start back over and now let's level up i decided to go for a level two for the doctor so it had to be random we grabbed the untouchable each time you exhaust an ability or item you may also remove a cube of your choice from the field but not the crypt so if i keep using these thirsty blades because i have to exhaust that each time i do that i can actually remove one of the cubes that's amazing i got to choose my level 2 for the night because i already had a random level 2 that i picked i could have chosen to grab a random level 3 but i kind of wanted the chain gauntlets because it lets me get more green on the board and gives me more wilds to help the seer because the seer needs multitudes of different types of colors to activate her abilities speaking of which i decided to grab the flying supernatural punch for the seer so now i've got the sl the the punch and the slap so now this will deal 4 damage and with that we're going to move to the seer's turn we now have a black enemy the rider in the front row so we are going to do this we drop three of blue okay and then we've got one of each color the black the yellow and the red but if we can use the red white and a blue we'll be able to deal a total of four damage to him which is exactly what we need i should mention that we are weakened but once again it's green and we have no green cubes on the field i have two red on the field so this is a little risky because if this red comes down and it doesn't land in the crypt and i only have one more red out it's going to use the red to increase our peril by two and then i won't have a red to use for my ability oh maybe this is too risky but i'm doing it anyways oh of course no the red of course had to come out it's right here well that was poor planning on my part we have our three red here that's just activating our locations effect we'll increase peril by two we'll move this up to seven we'll then spend two yellow to activate our marionette it's gonna deal one wound to us because there's only one marionette there plus one wound for this yellow so that's two wounds not only does the two wounds stink but that's also gonna push up our peril and whatever event happens at number eight is gonna happen now at eight if any riders remain on the floor the active hero is weakened twice by horrid magic yeah so she's going to grab two white oh that's terrible we're going to want to use those white cubes i talked about the sear not having the right cubes but guess what i have one luck i can go ahead and use that as any color we're going to use that as a red that means we can spend the blue and white that we have here to deal 4 damage which is exactly what we need for that rider that rider has 4 health because it's in the front row so it doesn't have any of this reduction we just killed the writer and gained 2xp we now only have two enemies left we'll move up our xp to two moving to the doctor's turn he is also weakened but once again it's green cubes we don't have any out we're going to do our field medic dropping three white this should not even be a question we'll do one black one yellow and one red i actually think i'm going to change this white to a green just because if i can actually get that green down i can then remove my uh weekend state so we're not all three weekend so let's see come on green oh the green did come down we'll spend three white here to heal by three and be able to remove this one black cube then we're going to use both of these to heal up for two more so that's going to heal us by five so we're going to go from 21 down to 16 which is super nice and at the end of our turn we will give up this green cube to get rid of this one green status cube for our weekend state and we're no longer weakened everyone else is at the start of the night's turn we're going to have to remove one of the four blue cubes from the field because of our weakened state and then i think we're going to use on this one we can use this for green yeah let's do this one but we actually already have three blue out nevermind i'm going to do the steel fist i have to attack the marionette that's in front of me so it's going to give me two blue and i'm going to add another green then i'm going to go ahead and use i don't know if i want to use the crystal overlord because i'd have to have two more blue and i have to spend all the blue and i wouldn't so instead of be pushing up peril yeah i think this is all i'm actually going to drop and i'm going to drop one of each of these you know i love the choices in this game it's so fun we have to target the marionette that's in front of us that's in the melee range and looking here unfortunately we're going to activate both the yellow and the black so the yellow goes first marionettes are going to spend two of these and they're going to deal us just one wound so we'll go from 16 to 17. we're also going to push up our peril to 9 then we're going to spend all three of these uh for our black rider and uh at the end of the turn and we're not gonna be able to kill him we have to place one yellow and one red equal to the amount of riders out we only have one rider so i'm just going to put these out now and we're going to increase our peril to 10 at 12 is the next event in order to defeat that marionette we need to do five points of damage so i've got two of these for three and i'm going to use the other two oh man there isn't any left i was hoping to get rid of my weekend but i'm not going to be able to it is what it is i think it's much better that we defeat the marionette for the five uh so that's going to give us two more xp and that defeats the final marionette on the board so that will push up the rider to the front we'll gain the 2xp and then at the end of our turn we're also going to lose this green so we can at least get rid of this green status token on our weakened state we still have the blue one i'll take the 2xp though we're already at 4 we just need six more to level up the seer is weakened with one green status and two white status tokens but we have no cubes on the field it's actually really hurting us so all we're going to be able to do is the help we could do the gener generic attack over here but we need to be able to do four points of damage i just don't see that happening so instead we're just gonna do that followed by our three apparel tokens maybe we'll get some luck but remember we we can't do any activation for ourselves the seer is definitely more challenging of a character and i like that oh we got a blue and we got a red in there so we gained one luck which is cool but that definitely means the red's gonna go off we need a total of three red for that activation and that's just going to be for the room increasing peril by two we're at 10 before we're now going to go to 12 12 stakes you guys at 12 we're gonna have to add one marionette to the front rank well get this now that they're here and since you do red first followed by yellow we have two here so they're going to get activated remember what they do one wound for each marionette so we'll just take one wound we're at 18 and then if there's any more yellows they'd spend them to deal additional wounds but we don't have any i think though that means we should be able to take these guys out hopefully within the next two turns moving to the doctor we're going to use the thirsty blade and we have each time you exhaust an ability or an item and we are definitely exhausting the thirsty blade to do this you may also remove a cube of your choice from the field i'm going to remove the black because the black puts more red and everything from the rider off of the field which is nice and i'm going to do three blue plus i've got a ton of blue out let's do another white so three blue and a white and then we're going to target that rider for sure we need to be able to do four points of damage okay only one went in and of course it's red we have enough red here to activate for three just by increasing peril by two we'll go from 12 to 14. we'll deal one wound to your target plus one extra wound for every blue that we spend so right now we're dealing one i'm gonna deal one or use one from the crypt so that's two three and one more here that's four leaving one on the board so we're dealing 4 points of damage just enough to kill this rider gaining 2xp and removing them from the board we'll move ourselves up to 6xp moving to the night the knight is weakened with blue as its status token so we're gonna have to remove that final blue from the uh field i think then i'm just gonna use our steel fists we need to deal a total of five damage so i'm gonna drop three blue for sure and i think that's it then we'll also do our apparel cubes what are we going to get what are we going to get oh lots of blue which is beautiful but another red in there that means we're going to push up parallel by 2 again we'll start with the red so we're going to spend all three and just increase peril by two that'll push us up to 16 what's that event going to be oh we're just looking at getting weakened two more times so we have two more status tokens a green and a white that's going to be placed onto the knight and then we have two yellow to do our marionette we'll just deal one point of damage putting us to 19 damage and then we'll move up parallel to 17. but then i think we're gonna be able to kill this gal two blue cubes deals three wounds two more we'll deal the total of five and we're also going to spend the one blue cube here to get rid of one of the blue status tokens on our weekend card oh that's going to gain us 2xp and we'll go to 8 and we finally cleared this blasted room now there's a treasure in this room and it's the question of do we want to go for it when our peril is at 17 that means likely whatever that chest effect is it's going to happen now the last one was actually a good one but don't expect that i mean what's life without a little risk right i mean we we at this point need everything that we can get we're kind of in a tough spot so we have the end is here that's 18. sweet so i don't have to worry about that one so we can discard that and we gain one treasure our one treasure will be the deflection stone so this one is an exhaustion one so you exhaust it and then when we level up you'll unexhausted it goes to one player and it's a support so you'll have to use this as your support action either remove two cubes of your choice from the field or one cube from the crypt oh that's cool let's give that to the seer because the seer doesn't have any support abilities we've now completed floor 2 we now get to move to floor 3 which is on the back side of the actual tower so you can't see that but now we're at our first mini boss let's see what we're gonna fight we have the rat queen now you can see here this has the two symbols for the treasure chest and actually it has the same symbol as the chest cards but this has been confirmed that that means you draw two treasure cards uh but you still only draw one chest card from how i understand it so we're gonna have two rat swarms in the front rank and two rat things in the rear rank oof so two black on the front two red in the back and then we have the regular apparel cubes she has no specific health all enemies on the floor must be defeated to defeat the rat queen oh so we just defeat all the enemies to win the game and by the game i mean the mini boss this is not the game this is only halfway through we do have parallel events at 8 and at 15 and 15 is when we just lose so we only have up to 15 this time here we have our two enemies and this is gonna be really interesting our rat swarms which are in the front rank right now when a rat swarm is killed add two rat things to the rank it was in so you're gonna kill a swarm it's gonna turn into rat things and then it has an effect for four red or four blacks sorry then the rat things these guys are terrible cannot lose its last wound unless every rat thing on the floor has already been wounded or is being wounded by the current action and we have deal uh one wound to the party the active hero stricken once for every rat thing on the floor stricken and you could that's going to be a ton of those and so we have to be able to hit into the to the rear rank because we we can't take out any rat things until all rat things have at least one point of damage they only have two health though uh these guys have six we always seem to end on the night's turn and that's not good for the seer the seer needs uh lots of cubes on the field so she's gonna do the help action first she's weakened with two white and a green so i'm actually hoping these two white and the green will drop out so we can just get rid of that weekend and then we're gonna do one of each and i would love if we had a white on the board for her next time she's one of the only ones that can hit the back and the front row with one attack we'll drop our cubes and oh nice we got a white in there beautiful we actually have a ton of white here two three four we only have one of each here so no enemy will activate and of course that was just a helping action so that's all we're going to do of course i say that and i forget i'm going to use all three of these to remove all three of these status tokens and we are no longer weakened we're going to see if our doctor can just slice through one of those rat's worms we're going to use his thirsty blade attack now that's going to exhaust it we are then going to because we're exhausting an ability or an item you want to remove a cube of our choice we're going to remove a yellow because a yellow would cause more rats to come out i don't want to deal with that so we're going to drop one two three four blue we're gonna do we're gonna go all in here four blue and then one of each of the peril cubes we're attacking the left most rat swarm i don't know if it really matters it's just one of the rat swarms oh we dropped a yellow in there of course we have two red no activation we need four we have two yellow we need a total of one two three four five on her card for that so no activation there and one black and we need four so no enemy activation we did not get enough blue we can deal one automatic wound and i think i'm gonna spend all three of these to deal four wounds to that rat swarm there's our four damage but they have six health so still not gone we'll move to the night now the knight is technically weakened we have no green but we do have a white but it's in the crypt and this specifically states not the crypt so we do not have to remove that cube from the crypt thank goodness i think we're going to use our steel fist and use our crystal overlord this time okay so that's going to give us a total of one two three four blue and we have one two three four five wilds with the five wilds we're doing two white and three green but we have to use all the blue that comes out otherwise we're increasing parallel and we can only get to 15 so that's risky but look at this that is an awesome uh cube dump we're attacking that healthy rat swarm so we can use hopefully all the blue that comes out of the tower oh wow that was a bunch i think only one dropped in here though yep red we only have three we need four yellow we have three we need a five but black we have four so we're going to use all four of these and we're going to activate the rat swarms deal two wounds to the party for each rat swarm on the floor that's two so it's gonna deal four the active hero is stricken once per rat swarm on the floor so we're going to be stricken twice so here's our two status tokens and what is stricken oh don't worry for each status token on this card the party suffers one wound at the start of your turn and this can't be reduced we're getting attacked by four but remember we do have one shield so we'll just take three uh that's specific to the knight and we'll put the peril up by one so we got kind of lucky though with our drop of cubes we have this one that was in the crypt for two so that's considered two we're dealing three wounds for that two more for five wounds and the final two blue cubes for seven wounds that's enough to just kill this rat swarm uh we'll gain two xp and then we're going to replace that with two rat things in that same rank the 2xp will also allow us to level up and maybe i can find someone to to grab an ability that can attack range we also have no blue on the field so that means we don't have to increase peril at all that's why i felt like the amount of blue we found was just perfect and then i can get rid of our weekend by removing one of each of these oh yeah i think i'm gonna do it uh just that way i i don't have to deal with weakened and stricken i can't get rid of the stricken one but i can get rid of the weekend status uh by removing both of those status tokens all right let's do our level up our doctor grabbed the level two we got to pick this since we already had a level two the throwing scalpels this is a projectile attack we can choose a target in either rank that's why i picked this one one wound to your target for every green spent and then if there's a green in the crypt that we spend it gives us four wounds that's absolutely amazing we then did a random level three for the knight and we got the grandfather's guidance use this skill three times you may use the same ability multiple times so we basically get this effect any of those three effects three times for the one support action gain one luck point heal the party from one status token or heal the party for two wounds and our final one we have the supreme supernal guide this also was random because it's our first level three uh the flying supernal skills that deal damage deal two additional damage it's kind of awesome don't forget whenever you level up you also refresh all the cards so you're going to see all of our cards have been refreshed i am now going to use the deflection stone though for our support action for our seer either remove two cubes of your choice from the field or one cube from the crypt i'm going to remove the yellow from the crypt i don't want to deal with that then i think i'm going to use my flying supernal blast this is going to give me three blue dice dice gosh cubes uh and i can deal three damage or actually four plus an additional what two damage six damage right now from this ability and i'm going to i have to attack a black enemy actually it could be a red or a black enemy but i'm definitely going to do the black rat swarm trying to take him out so we're going to do the three blue and then we have one of each of our peril cubes let's hit him hard let's hit him hard we only had three cubes drop out that was not expected unfortunately we have four red and that means we're going to activate the rat things this actually might be really bad deal one wound to the party the active hero is stricken once for every rat thing on the floor and we have four rad things one wound isn't terrible and moving up our peril by one isn't terrible but stricken means we're gonna take four wounds we die at 27 you guys one two three four there's our four status tokens and remember we can't get rid of them this turn we have to get rid of them starting the next turn and stricken means we're gonna take four damage at the beginning of our next turn once again i picked a poor time to play this card you guys i am not playing the seer well i don't have a red on the board i could use i have one luck for a red but then i'm using a white for a double that's in the crypt and i can i mean i'm just wasting a white that's silly i'm just not going to activate her effect that is absolutely terrible we're just going to leave that red black that black rat swarm what i'm going to do for the doctor then is i am definitely going to use the field medic i'm going to drop three white i'm also going to exhaust our delicate touch so we can drop one blue and one green on the field so now i've got two blue and two green on the field and then each time you exhaust an ability i can also choose one of the enemy tokens from the crypt and actually not from the crypt from the field and remove it so i'm going to remove a black cube let's see what we get oh we dropped a green in oh look at this this is nice i want to show you what we have on the field because we can do the field medic activation before the enemies go what we can do is spend three of these to heal three wounds we're going to go from 23 down to 20. we're also going to remove one of the yellow enemy tokens then for every single one of the whites that we spend in addition we can heal by one more and we can remove another enemy cube well this one was in the crypt so we're going to be able to remove two so i'm going to remove one more yellow and one more red so both of these are going to be removed uh from the field and i'm going to heal for two or more which is going to put us down to 18 health i'm still not sure if that's totally going to be enough but we'll go with it the reason i say that is because the knight is next he's stricken we are going to take two points of damage that's going to push us back up to 20. but we can do our support action here so i'm going to exhaust this and i can do this three times i'm gonna go ahead oh man i like the luck but i think for three of these i'm gonna remove heal the party for one status token we have uh the seer has four here i'm going to have her remove three of them so the only one she's going to have left is this green one i'm going to remove the other three beautiful we're then going to use our chain gauntlets and we're going to drop two green and two white and we're gonna be able to target the black rat swarm let's see what we get oh we got another white in there that's awesome red needs four to activate yellow needs five and black needs four so no enemy activations we now can use our greens to attack we only need two more damage so i'm going to go ahead and use the green that's in the crypt to activate this deal three wounds that's going to kill this rat swarm we now have no more rat swarms out that will give us two more xp so we're gonna go well two and we're trying to get to 11. we're gonna have to place out two more of the rat things and then at the end of our turn what we can do is spend one green and one white cube so there's no more white cubes in the field there's one in the crypt we still have two green in the field to remove both of these status tokens and that means we're no longer stricken the seer though is stricken so we're going to take one point of damage that will put us up to 21 out of 27. just so you can see how the board looks we have only two in the back so what i want to be able to do is have both the seer and the doctor do attacks that can hit the rear and then we can just start clearing these guys out i mean they only have two health that means we're going to have to do our projectile attack so we're looking at three green and then one of each of the peril cubes i'm choosing the rat thing in the front left the farthest front left one this is looking pretty good we have three black we don't have a black activation until five we have three yellow we need five yellow to activate and two red we need four so we're good so then i'm going to spend one green and one white to do our attack and one green to get rid of that status token so we're no longer stricken this will let us deal two wounds to your target and an enemy directly behind your target i mean that's we can only do one point of damage to them but at least we're hitting both of them that feels pretty good now what i want to do is have the doctor attack but i'm a little worried about the cubes that are out on the board all right well i have an idea it's a risky idea but let's try it we're going to do a projectile attack we're attacking the one other rat swarm in the second rank uh farther back we're gonna do two green uh let's do three green just in case and then one of each type of the enemy cubes don't be terrible don't be terrible well that unfortunately was terrible we're going to have not enough red to activate but we do have enough yellow to activate that's gonna push our peril to three and the yellow ability is to add a blasted rat swarm to the rear rank now we can still kill all of the rat things before we kill that rat swarm which would work and then when we kill that rat swarm we can kill the rat things that come from it but it's just going to be annoying we're then simply just going to spend one green cube to deal one damage to this rat thing well my plan isn't going to work i was planning on actually doing the regroup and clearing all of the cubes and increasing my peril by four but i was hoping to do that before we had any sort of activation to bring in the rat swarm now i don't think that's worth it so instead i think i'm just going to do this melee attack i am going to target the rat thing on the farthest right well i know i can't kill him but that's going to give me two green and two white at this point i'm just looking to find a way to get damage on all those rad things look at all of these cubes on the field it's insane first we're going to have the rat thing go we're gonna spend all four of these we're gonna increase peril to four uh and then we have deal one wound to the party the nice thing is this is under the knight he has one armor so we're gonna stop that but then we're stricken for every rat thing on the floor one two three four five six yeah we're going to be stricken six times that means we have to have six of these one two three four five and six and remember stricken means at the beginning of his next turn we're gonna take six damage and then of course we have enough black as well we have four one two three four maybe we should activate that last time no we didn't have a rat swarm out that's right uh they came out later deal two wounds to the party for each rat swarm on the floor the active hero stricken once per rats one on the floor so he's gonna get another one uh so uh and we're gonna be pushed up to peril of five and two more wounds that's going to put us at 23 out of 27 wounds we are though going to deal one whopping point of damage to this rat using two green but now i believe i have something that i can do with the seer to deal damage to both of these and we can actually start killing rats rat things because all of them will have one point of damage yet we have it right here we can drop these deal one wound to your target and one wound to the enemy on the right or left side in the same rank deal one wound to each target for each additional spent that should be no problem so we should be able to take out both of those both those guys no problem at all i think the biggest thing is with that stricken are we going to get killed from it we don't have enough enemy cubes for any activations let's go ahead and kill some rats we'll spend one blue and one green to deal one wound to your target and one to one of the adjacent and then we're going to spend another blue and another green and that's going to take out two of these rat things finally giving us 2xp that will put us to 4 out of the 11. since we just took out those two he will have to slide over to here and then this rat swarm will fall to the front our doctor at this point is our only hope we have three white here we've got one two three four white in the field let's see if we can save ourselves i want to see tons of white tons of white just so you can see i got tons of white that's awesome black is one away from activating but we should be good i'm going to use the cube in the crypt for two plus one which is three i'm going to heal the party for three going from 23 down to 20. i'm also going to remove one black cube then i'm going to use one two three four and i think i have one luck i do for five so that's going to allow us to heal for five more we're gonna go down to 15 wounds and i'm going to remove three four and five cubes of the enemies look at that so that means they only have one red and one black on the field versus we have one two three four green and one two three four five blue okay the tides might be turning however we're going to take one two three four five six seven points of damage putting us to 22 out of 27 because our poor knight has been brutally stricken by all those rats uh and yeah i definitely want to get some white i of course used all the white to heal but i need some whites to get rid of these tokens so because of that i'm definitely going to use the gauntlets so i can do two green and two white let's go ahead and attack the rat thing on the farthest left in the front row we got one more white in the crypt that's actually kind of nice and we have a bunch of green we have no activation for enemies we just need to spend two green to go ahead and kill that rat thing that rat thing's toast that will give us one more xp we're at five we'll push these down like so there we go we have three more rat things to be able to take out we got to clear some of this stricken i think so i have one in the crypt to remove two of these i have one non in the in the crypt to remove this one and i definitely have one green and one blue to remove these two so i only have two damage left on here moving to our seer let's use our flying supernal punch we'll use we'll drop two white for that we've got one black one yellow and one red we're attacking that final rat thing in the front row let's see whoa that was a fly of a white way over here still no enemy activation three out of four we've got two out of five and two out of four so we're good there we'll spend one white and one green to be able to deal two wounds this will take him out giving us one more xp we're going to go to 6 out of the 11 xp for the next level up he's going to get pushed over by one this guy's going to drop so we can take out one more rat thing before we have to take out this rat swarm which will turn into two rat things and then we need to damage them to win and defeat them to win this this is a fight and with any fight it's good to have some healing so we're definitely going to do our field medic again with our three apparel cubes let's see what we get oh really the red had to go in there right now we're looking at activating both the red and the black but we get to go first and with our field medic ability we'll spend three of these to heal for three going down to 19. we'll also remove one of the black so they won't activate and then we've got one more white here and i'm going to spend a red for that he's still going to activate but then he's going to spend all the red cubes is that worth it or do i go for another black you know what no i'm going to go for another black so two black are going to be removed and of course we went down to 18 uh damage in total the rat thing will deal one wound to the party but we have one armor from the doctor so you don't have to worry about that but then he's going to be stricken by two but only by two and we're gonna do one two three four so we have one left stricken so the next time that he activates we'll take two points of damage they're going to be green and green we'll move to the knight now the knight is stricken by two so we're going to take two points of damage going back up to 20. we're going to use this one again doing two green and two white we're going for that final rat swarm in the front row no enemy activation so we're good there we'll then simply spend these two to deal three wounds i think that's going to be enough to take him out we're going to gain our seventh xp and i just want to show you this is all we have left one black and one red so rat swarm and a rat thing we're going to do our spiritual arrow so this one is a projectile attack we're looking to hit the front rank so we're going to only be able to target that black enemy we're doing three green but if we do this we can deal two wounds to your target and end an enemy directly behind it so we can actually kill that rat thing behind us that's the whole reason i wanted to do that let's see what we get well that's a bit of a bummer we have our five yellow i could not stop that from happening so we're going to use all five our peril is going to go to six and a rat swarm would try and go into the rear but instead it's gonna get pushed up to the front because there's nobody in the front to block it but then we're also going to spend all four of these black cubes that's going to push our peril up to 7 remember at peril 8 something's going to happen and at 15 we lose the game and we're going to have deal two wounds to the party for each rat swarm there's now two of them so we're going to deal or take four damage one two three four we're at 24 damage and it says the active heroes stricken once per rat swarm on the floor so she's going to be stricken twice so we've got two of these i should probably show you a blue and a white but now what we can do is use both of these to deal two wounds to your target and to the enemy behind and the behind is another rat thing which is gone for now so we will increase our xp to eight and we're dealing two out of the six damage to that rat swarm and then do i want to i'm going to i'm gonna spend another two to deal two more wounds to him so he has four out of the six damage and well this is starting to get bad we're going to be stricken for the doctor's activation we're going to move up to 26 out of 27 health we're just about dead i don't think we're going to get out of these rat this rat swarm alive there's just too many of them i don't have the mage the mage can do an attack that deals one damage to all enemies on the board that would have been amazing also i believe either the i think i think it's the doctor that has that too as a level three yeah but i didn't get to level three and i didn't pick it so you know see that's and that's on me let's see what type of healing we can do we have a total of four white so i'm going to go ahead and do three plus one which is four that will allow us to remove two of the enemy cubes so the red won't activate and we just healed for four so we're gonna go one two three four down to 22. then at the end of our turn we're going to remove both of these green so we can remove our stricken condition unfortunately our knight is also stricken so that means we're gonna go up to 24 out of 27 damage we're definitely going to continue our melee attack here doing two green and two more green we've got to go green heavy here let's see what we get we have no enemy activation we can simply spend these two to deal three wounds those three wounds plus the four here means we get to defeat this rat swarm gaining us 2xp we're at 10 out of 11. why don't we put out two more rat things what do you guys think no i don't want to either but i have to we're then moving to our seer and unfortunately we're going to take two points of damage from our stricken here we are at 26 out of 27. if we take a damage here we're gonna lose the game we're definitely going to use our flying supernal slap remember this is going to deal three damage instead of one and we can do it to one enemy and one enemy to the right or left so that can actually take out both of the rat swarms so i definitely want to do that that's too blue let's see what we get oh no well i'm not even going to do anything i'm just going to show you i have my rat thing deal one wound to the party we've got four one two three four five nothing i can do about it that will be our 27th point of damage we just lost against the miniboss we haven't even gotten to the to the upper upper rooms yet well there you have it that was stygian society and boy do i like this game i was having a bit of a harder time here i haven't played with the seer and although i think the seer is pretty cool she's also i think you have to have someone that's spending their whole time working on making her work instead of trying to deal with three heroes i don't think i played her very well and it really cost the team uh the four basic heroes with the burglar and then the mage and then the knight and then the doctor those four are super solid and they work really well together i'd highly recommend playing with those four first if you can if you're playing solo don't play with the seer play with something else um sorry that i didn't even get you to see some of the wizards here let me show you some of the boards here we have jared this is actually the one my son and i got up to he had three health left but he has an ability that if he activates all of his abilities in one turn you lose the game and we had the right cubes to beat him but i rolled just the right amount of cubes to activate him and we lost the game he was cool we have emrick here we're gonna have to reduce damage to him all by one he's got tons of events 45 health uh we have over here this one is uh seraphina oh look at this these look pretty high up but she actually has uh what a one demon as well and she's there with 50 health and an 18 you actually die instead of 20. oh just look at these um we've got eigenstein yeah i haven't even like i said i've only gotten to jared that's it and i lost see i haven't won this game yet but there's something about it it is long though so be ready for that so for whatever reason i absolutely love this game i think this tower is awesome look at that i'm just getting more of the cubes out i think the tower's awesome i think the actions that you have i mean look at this i still have all of these different skills that i could potentially be choosing from and i could have picked different skills to do for different things and also what's cool is the skills they made them double sided so the other one will match the portrait of the female character which is kind of cool uh you've got all of that we have all the different upper rooms we didn't even see any of those we've got lower rooms that we haven't seen you can even make it harder with those uh lamentation cards which i don't know why i would ever do that and i just think the mechanic with the cubes is quite solid one other thing i wanted to show you is all of the mini bosses have a defeated effect as well so if we could have defeated that rat queen as the rat queen is slain the last few rats skitter off into the darkness their beady eyes glittering with hatred from now on rat things and rat swarms require two extra wounds before being killed whoa so cool so all of these are a little bit different like this one this one here it says from now on each time a black falls into the crypt the active hero is incapacitated or how about this one uh this one says the deathless sentinel final shriek echoes through the tower from now on apparel on each floor starts at three instead of zero wow i mean so just really cool different things and it totally changes the game up each time so yeah i i hope you guys enjoyed this let me know what you think i i have a feeling it is coming to retail i know that they mention that they're hoping it will i don't know though when it's going to happen so i'll link to the bgg page and you guys can look up there and hopefully there'll be some information there thank you all so much for watching thanks for sticking with me this is probably going to get into one of my top tens of something just how much fun this is so yeah make sure to check this out i'll catch you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 3,643
Rating: 4.8222222 out of 5
Keywords: Stygian society, walkthrough, playthrough, one stop, co-op shop, board, game, solo, cooperative
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 23sec (5303 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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