Stunning ABANDONED Victorian Farmhouse

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[Music] they actually had a baby in this  house a baby was born in this house.  it's maybe I'm I'm saying its 6 ft long you can tell these are all handcarved [Music] [Music] look at [Music] that [Music] hey welcome back explorers today we're  at abandoned house it's probably one of my most   favorite abandoned houses I've ever been to  I did a video on this place about 3 years ago   it's absolute beautiful home it's got a widows  walk Tower here behind me just a stunning house   I had to come back and take a look at this place  cuz I was in the area I just wanted to see what   it's like now so it's kind of like a revisit  video some people call it the Adams Family   house because it kind of looks like The Adams  Family House from the from the movie um so it   is October it's close to Halloween I thought  I'd stop by and do a video of this place and   uh who knows like what we'll find inside if  you haven't seen the original video of this   house that I did you could click the link up  top there and you can watch that but today I'm   going to go through this whole house again to  a complete new video of this place I'm assuming   that there's more Decay probably more vandalism  here um but I'm really excited about this one   and it's a spooky kind of house I guess it's  definitely like a haunted house type feeling   here and it's Halloween coming up so I thought I'd  pop by here and do a video here of the Adam family   abandoned Victorian house so I hope you guys are  ready to go I'm definitely ready to go let's go wow the Decay here has changed for  sure since I since I was last here here oh yeah you can see the instulation  is just full of water it's ready to come   down in any moment can see the water just sitting [Applause] there this kitchen definitely has been updated  since the since this house was built for sure that's the garage out there [Applause] yeah just ignore the graffiti it's too  bad that they came here and wrecked this place but it is very secluded yeah so it's very secluded so people  um don't really come in this area very often so beautiful window here beautiful casing here very  thick most likely [Applause] original oh yeah they took out the post  here and some of the the spindles I've   heard of people actually stealing posts on  classic Sentry abandoned homes and reusing   them for their own homes cuz that's like  the showpiece the nice decorative pole the   post and these all you could tell  these are all handcarved you could see they must have got a template and   cut it out by hand but they're all  different they're not exactly the same crazy story on my original video  here there was a cardinal like dive   bombing this window pecking at it I guess  the Cardinal see the reflection and it's   like challenging the other bird and they will  peck at it that's what I was told by a few viewers these both doors go outside  but you can see their all spray foam shut this is the very bottom of the  Widow's Walk we're going to go up   there that's got to be my favorite  part of this house is the Widow's walk oh wow look at this definitely I  didn't see this before there actually   water right in here oh look at all the Flies and bees yeah you don't want to fall down there yeah it's too bad about the graffiti  here so I'm going to try to block it out [Music] this has got to be my favorite part right here  so I was told this is called a Widow's walk it's   like a tower going up and when the men are out to  see the wives would walk up to the top and look   out waiting for their husbands to come home from  the sea we're nowhere near the ocean or the sea   but this this the design there's a few of these  type of homes in this area very rare but look at this those are like piles of dead bees like these stairs are so narrow last time I was here there was pigeons up here yeah there's nothing much up here as you can see it's just a little area  it's maybe I'm I'm saying this is 6 ft long by 5 ft and they said that the the wies  would come up here and look out the   window waiting for their husbands to  get home from the from the [Applause] [Music] sea just amazing this is by far my favorite  part of this place is this   widows walk here you know I I haven't been in very many there's the washroom that we went in oh holy this is definitely way worse now  than when I was here before look at that   like that's just all coming down you  can see all the black mold on the wall here that's all insulation probably not good  to breathe in and stir it up it's probably   vermiculate or it's probably got aestus in it  oh wow there's a bird in here see it on the window there's actually plants growing on the floor here wow you got to see this Barn here if you didn't  see my original video This Barn back here has got   to be the biggest Barn I've ever seen it is just  incredible inside we're definitely going to take a look wow so this side of the house  definitely doesn't have the steel   roof this is all probably shingles and it's just done all right here's the basement I  I can't remember what this basement   was like but it's probably the  same as all the other ones damp stinky oh full of cobwebs oh man oh yeah it's bad down here oh look at this it's just full of mud some old windows here oh wow this is like just mud down here it's like quick sand it's like sinking  I'm sinking walking down here you can see   all the footprints of the raccoons  down here stair stairs broken oh wow crazy all right well let's keep going here there's an empty garage nothing much in here I wonder what that is I wonder if  that's a septic tank who chipmunk see the guy so we're just at this large barn here  it's got to be the biggest Barn that I've   ever explored and I've ever seen this thing is  just massive let's go take a look yeah as you   can see the roof is peeling off it was like  this last time I was here as well so we got   to be careful it's kind of a windy day today so I  really don't want one of those sheets of plywood   or sheets of roofing flying off and hitting  me while I'm here oh wow look at this old pulley check out this place amazing I think I said it before in  my other video um when I was a kid we used   to go in a lot of Barns and abandoned Barns  and stuff and a lot of these barns were full   of hay and uh we made a few rope swings  in them from the rafters we would swing   let go fly into the hay it was just a a lot  of fun I see a rope up there it's not much   of a swing but maybe it was at one point  but the only hay that's in here is up top here this floor is very squishy  so it's definitely rotten in some spots I don't know what that is yeah last time I was in an abandoned Barn I  think there was a baby turkey vulture inside   and he didn't like me at all so I don't think  I'll see any today it's not really the season   to be having babies oh I remember this oh look  at this the guys are shooting here this thing's   cool I see I remember seeing this last time I  was here I guess you put a motor on here and a   pulley and this would turn and then you get this  blade going it's definitely rusted and not working anymore this is a nice spot sit  on the couch here I think I hear a rooster they're shooting off some  guns here there a few different   guns there's a shotgun this looks  like shot gun this looks like a 308 306 he has a few different kinds  three different kinds of guns here I don't know what they were shooting here but [Music] hey guys thanks so much for watching I  really hope you enjoyed that video that house   was by far one of my favorite abandoned  houses I've ever explored just a beautiful   house let me know in the comments what  you think of this place I want to hear   from you guys um I know my last video that  I did of this place uh it had quite a bit   of comments people just loved it so hope  you guys enjoyed the video see you next time
Channel: Abandoned Urbex Canada
Views: 27,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned house, urban exploring, abandoned farmhouse, abandoned ontario, abandoned canada, urbex, abandoned urbex canada, urban exploring videos, urban exploration, abandoned, short film, documentary, abandoned mansion, abandoned houses, abandoned victorian house, widows walk
Id: 2VNq3KJMfak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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