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hey guys I am so excited for this video today I know it has been a while since we have done a devotional or Bible study together and I know you guys love that stuff so when I was going through proverbs the other day I thought I want to film this and I want to take you a bit of an inside look I guess into how I study the Bible how I get words that are in Scripture and look at the deeper definitions and the meaning behind them and use tools to actually make sure I can actually understand what I'm reading and understand my Bible study so I can get the most out of it and ultimately so I can get to know God more and heals his will for my life and how I should live so I hope that is cool with you if you have your Bible pull it pull it out go grab your Bible go get it now if you don't have a physical Bible you can get it on your phone I use an app called the Bible app it's super super easy to download go get that now and turn to proverbs with me a little bit of a background as to why I'm studying proverbs so this month it's the month of May and my church is going through a chapter of Proverbs each day so we're doing 31 days through proverbs it just so happens that proverbs has 31 chapters so it's perfect for the month of the oh of May I'm loving diving into a chapter each day and getting to understand all of the wisdom that is inside proverbs because that is what it is all about all right so time with me to proverbs 1 I am using this five book here which I love I hope you can see that proverbs 1 it's actually the color Sisterhood Bible it's an NIV Bible so that's what I'll read from and I want to reach you at the beginning part which is the purpose and the theme behind Proverbs as a book all right let's read from proverbs chapter 1 verse 1 it says the Proverbs of Solomon son of David king of Israel for gaining wisdom and instruction for understanding words of insight for receiving instruction in prudent behavior doing what is right and just and fair forgiving prudence to those who are simple knowledge and discretion to the young let the wise listen and add to their learning and let the discerning get guidance for understanding proverbs and parables the sayings and riddles of the wise and then in verse 7 it goes on to say the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction okay so we are setting up the whole tone for this book we can see that the Proverbs is for us to gain wisdom and instruction and as Christians that's what we want we want to gain wisdom from God godly wisdom that we can apply to our lives so that we can all live in a way that honors God okay and live live good lives for him so it is all about receiving instruction wisdom and instruction but in verse 7 we see it says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of a knowledge or the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom but fools despise wisdom and instruction now you might be going I have no idea what that means what does the fear of the Lord mean now I use Bible study tools calm and I use that dictionary is super simple for understanding words or phrases that you might want to gain more insight into so I put fear of God into that section you can see it here it's a reference dictionary you just pop it in in the little search bar there and it will spit out that phrase and you can learn more about it and when I did that I want to share with you what I learned so what does it mean to fear the Lord number one thing it came up with is reverence what does reverence mean reverence means deep respect for someone admiration worship or adoration honor affection and love so fear of God doesn't mean oh I'm so scared of you God and I know that for some of you maybe you have had a bad experience with your earthly father maybe that was bad and maybe you're afraid of your father and maybe coming to God and going ok fear of God like this is a bit weird what's the whole guy here maybe that's a bit uncomfortable for you but it says here fear of God means to revere him to deeply respect to admire worship or adoration honor affection love like this is a good thing and it's a deep respect for God and then the second thing that it says what does it mean to fear the Lord a second thing that it came up with is it's a motive of obedience ok and we see in proverbs 16 verse 6 it says through the lyric through the fear of the Lord evil is avoided so it is a motive to obey God we respect and we were revered God and we obey Him so fear of God is about revering God having reverence for him and respect and and deep adoration for him and it's also about wanting to do his will and be obedient to his will for our lives so I wanted to look at that whole thing and how you can actually use a Bible study tool like a Bible Dictionary to understand that a little bit more where you might be like I don't know what fear of God means you can look into that more and then you can reflect on that in your own Bible study time now I want to turn to verse 8 and I want to read the beginning of this part to you as well so if we look at verse 8 it says listen my son to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching they are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck so I read this here and I'm like okay listen to your father's instruction do you not forsake your mother's teaching listen to wisdom do not forsake wisdom and if you look this up there are so many commentaries on this as well that's talking about how Solomon was talking to his child and saying listen do not forsake do not forsake the teaching do not do not forsake the teaching and the godly wisdom that you have got when you were young so it's talking to me young person but I know that we can apply this to ourselves today like we can apply this no matter what age we're at um no matter what stage of life we are in to not forsake the godly teaching as we grow up and as we come out of our youth especially for you who may be finishing high school or graduating from college don't forsake what you have learned about God but this can be applied to all stages of our lives so it says listen to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching they are a garland to grace your head so the first thing I thought is what is a garland what does that mean I'm assuming that's like a crown but I don't know so I went to my Bible dictionary again and I put in the word garland and I want to show you what it spit out for me what it showed me so I saw here that garland is another word for wreath and here it says they are a garland to grace your head and this says it says in in the dictionary see also crown okay so another another word that is commonly used in its place is crown and crown means the meaning of someone having a crown on the head is this it's placement on one's head indicated that one was set apart for a particular task or a calling how cool is that that you are set apart you have a crown now there's another word for crown it's called stefanos it's actually the Greek word for crown it's used throughout the New Testament and it has some meanings that I want to share with you true is a crown so as a crown it means a mark of royal or exalted rank the wreath or garland which was given as a prize to victors in public games so this is one of the one of the ways the the wreath or the garland in its day in this day when Solomon was writing Proverbs and also in the New Testament the wreath or the garland was actually given to people as as a victor so like you have one here is your garland here's your wreath we want to celebrate you now secondly it's a metaphor the eternal blessedness which will be given as a prize to the genuine servants of God and Christ the crown or wreath which is the reward of the righteousness so that is a reward to us as genuine servants of God in Christ and then the third thing that says is the crown the crown that which is an ornament and honor to one so I've written some thoughts down here about this now understanding stefanos okay I understand this deeper meaning and I've been able to look into that in my Bible dictionary and delve deeper into this word which came from Garland a case we looked at garland which is a wreath which also means crown and that has various meanings there and what I've written is the wreath shows the Sun so who Solomon is writing to is set apart and it is a sign of a prize it is a prize to Victor's people who have won so therefore heeding to wisdom equals winning heading to wisdom equals winning because the scripture says listen to your father's instruction do not forsake your mother's teaching they're a garland to grace your head they are a garland so you're one when you when you are listening to the father's instruction when you're taking on your father's instruction and not forsaking your mother's teaching you are winning there is victory in that and then the second part it says is there a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck so I wanted to look at what chain meant and once again I put it into the Bible dictionary in the search bar when I said what is chain okay let's have a look at this it came without with this a chain a part of the insignia of office a chain of gold was placed about Joseph's neck one was promised to Daniel we see in Daniel 5 verse 7 it is also used as a symbol of sovereignty which we he'll 16 verse 11 so these are my thoughts on that so it changes for someone who's in a higher office it's like okay you have authority you have this higher office and I wrote a chain around someone's neck symbolizes they're a part of a higher office a higher position elevated to be on it so what we learn from this scripture here in verse 8 and verse 9 is so much like we learned so much in just this small small part of Scripture we learned that by listening to your father's instruction and not forsaking your mother's teaching about the godly way some wisdom and taking on wisdom actually means that we get a garland so they are a garland to grace your head in a chain to adorn your neck metaphorically speaking in Scripture we we see that as I explained a crown is a mark of royal or exalted rank and it's a sign of a prize that you've won and a chain is a part of the insignia of office so it symbolizes that you're a part of a higher office or a higher calling so what we see here at the beginning of proverbs 1 1 verse 89 is the benefits of heeding to wisdom and I really think this sets up the whole tone for what we're about to read throughout all of Proverbs we see the benefit ok this is the benefit of heeding to wisdom this is what happens like this is the honor in heeding to wisdom it is good for you and I'm not going to go through the whole rest of chapter one you can do that in your own time using the same sort of method that I've done by using a Bible Dictionary and you can use commentaries as well to support your reading and help you understand this more but we do see from verses 10 through to 19 this scripture here in verse and proverbs 1 verse 10 to 19 goes through the consequences so it talks about the context the consequences of those who do not heed to wisdom but those who walk along the path of the unwise and who followed their evil ways and I could go into so much on that actually when I studied this gosh I went through and proverbs 1 verse 1 to 19 and it took me about an hour to go through all of that and unpack it so I'm not gonna take up your time and do it now but go through that in your own time use those tools look at commentaries look at Bible study tools Bible study dictionaries to help you understand the deeper meaning behind the words now I know that when you come to your Bible and know you want to understand I know you want to read it and you want to know God war but it can seem so overwhelming it's like oh my goodness all these words I don't know all these things these expressions you know a garland a chain this is so confusing but we have tools and it's amazing that there are people who have gone before us who have created things unlike Bible dictionaries and commentaries where we can dive into this stuff and understand it more we have access to so much and I don't want you to miss out on understanding scripture understanding God's will for your life and knowing God more by just going oh my goodness it's too much I'm just gonna give up I don't want that to happen for you I want to encourage you to dive into the scripture and use the tools that we have access to now one thing that I really want to tell you about that I am so excited about is I have been putting together a course it is called Bible study breakthrough and it is for those of you who feel overwhelmed stressed out like it is all just way too much to study the Bible and basically what we're doing a Bible study a breakthrough is helping you I'm gonna help you overcome that overwhelm so you don't have to have overwhelm anymore when it comes to the Bible and actually get clarity when it comes to your Bible study so you can read it clearly and understand it clearly now if you're thinking oh yes I so need this and I want to be able to understand the Bible more so that I can apply it to my life and know God more well I will include a link down below for you to get on the wait list for this course it's coming out soon and I'll be releasing it at an early bird price for everyone who's on the waitlist so if you're thinking yes this is for me click the link down below get yourself on the waitlist and if you have any questions about it just flip me a DM on Instagram at least underscore Haj or send me an email hello ed Elise Hodge come to you thank you so much for your time guys I hope this was helpful for you if you found this helpful give the video a big thumbs up down below you know what to do click the notification bell to be notified about future videos and I want you to comment and tell me one takeaway ok one key takeaway or something that stood out to you from what I've shared with you today it could be the you know when I talked about the fear of God and what that actually means or it could be talking about that expression of the garland or a chain around your neck comment down below and tell me something that helped you and I'd love to hear also what else you would love me to dive into what other parts of Scripture so I can create more videos like this for you okay I love you guys thank you so much for your time and I'll see you later
Channel: Elise Hodge
Views: 38,292
Rating: 4.9400954 out of 5
Keywords: Proverbs, bible study, devotional
Id: -XBqYopVB9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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