Students Love Medicare For All... Until Hearing What's Actually In It

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you have to pay for it yes so taxes will go up you still have to pay for it I don't support that [Music] I'm Calvin Philips the campus inform with medicare-for-all more popular than ever we're here at George Washington University talking to students on if they support it and if they'll still support it after hearing what's actually in it let's see what they'd be say so the main issue that Democrats have taken up and running against President Trump on is health care the policy right now they're proposing is Medicare for all which is you know the idea of government-funded health care for everyone is that a concept you view favorably or unfavorably favorably for sure I do support Medicare for all I do I do think that every American deserves health care I do support that I think it's an important form of universal health care I do support free health care for everybody in general I would say yes I do favor Medicare I don't think there's anything that you could really tell me that would make me of you unfavorably I'm gonna give you a few of those things I want to see if you view them favorably or unfavorably within the plan and just see if it changes your opinion at all so first off it is mandatory so it would be over a hundred million people right now have private insurance plans that they like they would be removed from those plans by the government would be mandatory and they would be put on the government plan even if they didn't want to is that something that concerns you at all probably do you view that element favorably or unfavorably I think I would say unfavorably for that unfavorably I mean they shouldn't be like kicked off that I guess assembly that doesn't seem fair I would say the government can't force them to have health care with them and they just say well that's what this would do yeah I definitely think everyone should have health care but I think those who are able to get private health care don't necessarily like shouldn't have to necessarily be removed from it I mean as a Bernie supporter I think you do have to give up some choice just for the benefit of everyone in society so the second part it would eliminate private health insurance the entire industry it would be just under a million jobs would be eliminated because all insurance move to the government really favorite link and what's your take on that it does concern me I think having jobs and being able to make a living and you know survive on your own and take care of your family is more important than everybody having health care I think that like the way someone wants to ensure their life and their health is their choice I'm fine with that honestly like it's people can have health care you know regardless of whether its private or governmental they will have health care this would eliminate private health care you know and either way it's still health care you know well in the Bernie Sanders proposal would be about 32 trillion dollars over the next decade that would be every American paying about one-fifth of their income towards funding it is that a concern yes you have to pay for it yes so taxes will go up you still have to pay for it I don't support that I mean I'm not paying for taxes currently so that kinda I could say favorable I guess but if I were financially on my own I'd probably say favorable is that too much money do you think and would would that change your support of it no comment I'm gonna take that you don't like that what's your thought on that I just think that's a lie and it's just psych health care is definitely important and crucial but there's also other things that people are trying to worry about that's a lot of money for like a low-income family like a dollar goes a long way so - for sure do those things concern you those make you waver and your support at all of Medicare for all yeah they do I didn't know those facts before now I'm kind of debating on a supporting Medicare for all now I that does shock me a little all those stats but at the same time I don't I still AM like in the middle of I don't really know you see I still supported by hearing some of the factors I guess some of it is appealing while other parts are just like Oh you know so I'm like kind of 50/50 on it do any of these things service something that could change your mind they could change my mind but I think the overall goal is worthy of conversation what's like your message to people that say well if I like my insurance shouldn't I have the choice to keep it well I mean you know regardless that yeah I feel like insurance you can keep at here's I don't really know much I'm just like why support I know it was just governmental stuff but personally oh yeah it's do you view that medicare-for-all idea as favorable or unfavorable so where I come from I'm from Venezuela we used to have health care for all right but I feel like for us particularly it didn't work we were we're socialists it really hurt us as a country oh well hello there I'm Kappa fellows with campus reform thanks so much for watching if you want to join our team we're always looking for new investigators correspondence and tipsters click right here to learn more about that if you want to donate to help us make more videos like the one you just saw click that button there and if you want to be among the first person to see all of our new content click that subscribe button right over there thanks so much hey I didn't I didn't hear you click anything do they click one yet
Channel: Campus Reform
Views: 1,236,410
Rating: 4.878633 out of 5
Keywords: Campus Reform, Leadership Institute, College, University, Colleges, Universities, News, Conservative, Conservatism, Student, School, university (building function), Tuition, Majoring, Fraternity, Frat, college fraternities and sororities (film subject), Medicare For All, Students Love Medicare For All Until Hearing What's In It, Medicare for all until hearing what's in it, Students love medicare for all, Bernie Sanders, Socialism, Elizabeth Warren, George Washington University
Id: V8EOcRIduP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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