Bramble Goes To Town 🀠🀠 Vick and the Bear πŸ’₯🎬 NEW EPISODE! 🎬πŸ’₯ Best cartoon collection

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[Music] Vicky the picky [Music] eater why is everything so blurry it's all out of [Music] focus it's worse today than it was the day before yesterday oh yeah where's my medical certificate hey there you are H oh no this is crazy what would that cookie doctor know anyway he thinks if I eat more carrots I'll be fine yeah right I mean give me a break carrots are gross and like give me a stomach ache why on Earth would he prescribe me [Music] carrots oh huh what's wrong with these things allow me to help you [Music] I finally did it yummy that was pretty gross even if I'm going to go blind I'm not eating carrots I've totally lost my appetite e boys and girls don't listen to Vic carrots are delicious chainsa gun ready to go all set [Music] seriously ow why do I keep falling over and banging into the trees huh wow this is a goodie you're all [Music] mine what's the matter how could it be broken it's a darn broom listen up we are here to protect the forest and defeat you we're not only handsome but smart why it's you two I ain't going to let you get away J ramble come on I'm going to get you Brier I think there might be something wrong with Vick let's see could be a trck I'm behind you oh there you are I think he might have lost his marbles bro longer we're over here coming get us hard to see oh you're over there right let's see how you go against my gun hey bro let's run huh this time you w be [Music] escaping what's going on it doesn't [Music] work that's the funniest gun I've ever seen hey Lo Vic ler Vic doesn't look so good bro let's go take him home when will Vic be back I'm famished H he's back oh goody what's going on bri please put it down release him W it's not what you think and there then he got all sick like this yeah that's the whole story I'll show you something then you'll [Music] understand just look it'll explain his behavior oh so you're telling us that loger Vick has been acting weirdly because he hasn't been eaten his carrots but I think carrots are delicious of course you do that's right Brian Bramble please please help Vic I'm so worried about him I can't imagine how much worse it might get if this continues and I miss fish no more vegetables due to his poor sight he keeps giving me veg instead of fish I haven't had fish in over a month I'm a cat and I need to eat fish oh Bri I think we should help Fabian he really needs us bro all right we'll help you really booty Bears I'm not logging I'm not loging I promise is this my house what are you all doing here we're here to help here open wide uh yeah you'll feel better as soon as you eat them no way no way get rid of them every time I smell one of those things I want to puke please Vic oh just eat them huh huh come here eat it it'll fix your [Music] stop it don't be a baby come on try some and then you'll be all better Vicky just cooperate will you this is a fail we need another plan okay no waake guys I'm telling you I'll never ever eat those carrots so what are you up to you must be thirsty have some juice give me wait a second what flavor juice is this relax Vic it's a fruit and veg mix delicious I'd like some too oh no it tastes just like carrots no thanks well fine then it's mine are you hungry then we've got salad a cake and soup no way I bet it's got carrots in it suit yourself how about some cake it's delicious if you [Music] insist there's carrots in there [Music] too this is for your own good you will eat that food on the table right [Music] now yucky bit [Music] right bad bit logger Vick would you rather lose your sight or eat carrots oh leave me alone I don't want to eat ler VI go away dick I'm really running out of ideas to get me eat it longer Vick longer Vic Brier I'm getting kind of hungry here bro fine go cook something now what should I have for lunch ooh I I'll make veggie soup I'll just throw all these into the pot I bet it'll taste so yummy yeah more than anything loger F what's that hey BR what are you cooking it's just veggie soup I got carrots some spinach some fruits and other things you know the good stuff rer try some no no no no no no no no no seriously I'm not hungry come on bro I put a lot of love into this pot of soup what's that amazing smell that smells so yummy I feel like I'm floating this is the most delicious thing I've ever tasted in my entire life even more than mom's dumplings and that's really saying something isn't it H I'm so happy you like [Music] it it must be really terrible if Bramble doesn't like it but at least Vick is finally gobbling up some carrots that veggie soup of yours worked I'm a cat I'm not a rabbit why did you give me carrots again I want to eat fish stop being so picky carrot will make you strong like me so care over yourself oh please no more car logger Vick lottery number 15 15 come on the first winning number is 15 15 15 oh 15 yeah I got one okay next and now we have the second number 20 24 24 come on 24 it's coming out it's 24 wow I got the first two numbers there's only one left to go if I get all the numbers I'll get a big jackpot 18 18 come on Aiden and here comes the last one isn't this exciting what will it be and the last number is [Music] 18 uh for those who missed it here again 18 I can't believe it the winning numbers are 15 24 and 18 it is true yay to a I shouldn't be wasting time I better catch it in [Music] now how to spend the money um as like always Family First I'll give my parents half of it and I'll pick the other half and live happily ever after got to get myself a limo oh but first I'm going to quit this job ah then I'll take over the company oh yeah who could be calling me now hello there fix speaking are you slacking off or what loger Vick Bosley who else calls you you nink poop Bosley's never called this late before are you still there Victor Victor I'm here yeah listen rck it's almost the middle of the year so I'm coming over to check your progress and you better be ready for me cuz I'll be there tomorrow Vick huh Vick are you listening to me uh busley that won't be necessary I'll see you tomorrow wait hey boss why is he coming I don't get it did he find out about the lottery ticket dang it huh I really got to get this back to my [Music] place got to find somewhere to hide it ah nope much too predictable I got to find somewhere safe I'll have to think about it that's it that's clearly not going to work whereabouts can I uh yeah nah too easy this won't work obviously maybe the bathroom oh no too gross uhoh none of these places will work h no where is safe what to do I know I'll hide it in the forest oh this place is totally creepy the forest get so much scarier in the middle of the night I got to finish this quickly that ought to do it oh [Music] yeah hey stop that is someone trying to trick me who's there show yourself this place is [Music] HED that longer look I bet he was up to no good while I was visiting herb well I sure shot him he won't be coming [Laughter] back got to find a place got to find a place right now that'll do it ha there we go this will do [Music] nicely what's going on don't you know it's Qui and black to throw trash in someone's home at midnight that's annoying h hey Brier hey wake up bro Brier I need food Bramble you ate a huge dinner you can't be hungry but I am Brian will you find me some food bro please will you it's the middle of the night I'm tired I'm scared of the dark I need you to go with me okay okay okay I'll go I'll go you'll go wow oh you're the best bro try to [Music] hurry where am I going to hide this ticket what's lerv Vick doing up is he chopping down the trees while we're asleep got to check this [Music] out ah the bushes are no good either what am I going to do I have to hide it tonight or the boss will take it for himself this is just disastrously complicated yoink o loger Vic uh but Brier you're logging at night now uh no I'm not I wouldn't do that Brier please may I have that note in your hand back huh oh this note why does it make you so nervous but it doesn't I'm not acting nervous what is this thing hey be careful with that ticket I need it it's a jackpot I just won the super lottery but I've got to hide it because my boss is coming say what with that ticket I don't have to work anymore however if I can't take the ticket to the lottery I'll just have to keep logging so you're telling me if you hide this piece of paper you're done logging for good that's right once I'm a rich man I won't need to log anymore all right you can hide the ticket in my house after your boss leaves you'll come get it if it's good for the forest I'm in oh thanks do you mean it sure thing ah wonderful at least someone's sleeping all right let's hide this bad boy huh but where to put it hey this basket just remember where we put it and when your boss is long gone it'll be right here Bri uh I owe you a big time for this uh okay uh no problem it's getting late I've got to get home thanks for everything bye-bye time for some Shi oh poor tummy I almost forgot the Bri found some food for me did he eat all of it oh what's this thing a I guess I got to go find my own food thank goodness the boss is gone I'm going to fetch my ticket and cash it yay fire Brier Brier Brier he hey my boss is gone I'm here to pick up the lottery ticket you know the one you hid for me huh oh Vic it's you yeah it's over there in that basket get it yourself ah [Music] Brier Brier wake up the basket is empty Brier where is it good afternoon everyone welcome to live news There Goes My CH watch the first I'm such a loser Headmaster Jang of pine tree Mountain Primary School told the reporter that an anonymous person donated the winning lottery ticket to a disadvantaged school this my teachers and students need it most the school's resources are out of date and with this donation they will give the student body a richer environment to learn in when asked to comment Mr Jang was speechless a representative from the school told us that every bit of the money would go towards I live inty but I have a house a job and a I guess I'm happy with my life they deserve it brow B goes to town no one else gets up this early for food I need to get me some more sleep I wish I had a nice big comfy bed right here that's so nice [Music] huh I can't find anything to eat huh hey I eat apples every single day and it's boring I want something different for a change I just wish my favorite food was waiting for me every morning when I wake up it's just a Daydream I guess I got to go back to looking for food what a d perfect for cleaning ow hey what's the big idea oh hey waren C Mor hi morning buddy hey wait Mor you just hit me on the head and it hurts did I I'm sorry that's squirrel and I bet he doesn't even really care he should be more concerned with [Music] others oh man so itchy hey Herbert oh man when was the last time you took a shower about a month ago a month that is one smelly Marmet what is going on here I have to rise above I must be [Music] refined Bramble these apples are yummy do you want one but but it fell on the ground you should have washed it first it's so dirty here have a try uh no no no thanks I'm I'm trying to be more refined I'm going to travel the world and be the most sophisticated bear in the forest so save your apples for yourself what does sophisticated mean Bron I don't get it and you wouldn't your brain is super small fine that's what Tiki said before he went to town well I don't want to go with you anyways H Town that's not a bad idea let's see I go to town learn how to be refined and then be the fanciest bear around what you want to live in town this isn't a joke stop laughing okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm being serious you can't change my mind I'm leaving the forest I want to sleep in a comfortable bed and eat delicious food and meet all kinds of cool people I'm moving to town like a or [Music] not Bri stop it I'm sorry miss me I can't help it so I guess Tiki goes to town and you want to follow suit it has nothing to do with Tiki it's my own decision made after some deep thought and soul searching I mean it we don't have any friends or relatives in the town Bramble besides the city dwellers are so rude you won't last a day huh says you I got a whole plan worked out hm you you do let me have a look huh well I um any day you don't know everything I'm going to fit right in you'll see I'm moving to town and becoming a fancy bear H I guess he'll learn the hard [Music] way if I'm going to live in town I'll need clothes I bet logger Vick's got those if I'm going to make my dreams happen then I'll need some things human things hell long can't knock yet something is missing aha the cologne that Herbert gave me should do the trick [Music] y now I smell like human people hang on I'm coming I'm here what is that awful sell ler would you oh my nose loer back stay cool stay cool don't get mad be a gentleman do as the gentleman would do yeah yeah I'm coming hi Mr Vic nice to see you huh hello so Mr Vic the reason I'm here is that I need a favor from you please Mr Vic oh just look at those sweet little eyes how could I say no to a face like that how could I Bramble come inside we'll talk about it anything you need you what you need some of my clothes that's right I want to go live in the city so I can become a sophisticated civilized gentle bear huh so what do you say will you give me some clothes Vick so I can live in town what's wrong with him a wild animal who wants to live in town wait a sec with him gone my logging work would be so much easier yeah I'll help you I admire bears like you full of dreams and guts you should be allowed to soore I admire you Bramble do you mean it I sure do come on you're an inspiration to us all I'm honored to help you honored I'll go and grab the clothes thank you you so much you relax I'll be right back longer Vic you're the best well how does this suit you go on take it you wear that and you'll be the Envy of everyone around you can trust me on that one huh I can't thank you enough it's my pleasure have a good life in town okay I'm sure to hit it big with all this stuff you gave thanks Vic it's getting late you should get going Goodbye Mr Vic I'm going to miss you see you oh yeah one down one to [Music] go when I get to town I tell you what I'm going to eat like a king hey isn't that H Tiki hey Tiki you coming back from town already yeah yes I am are you going to town eh mhm Baboo told me that you were living the high life and I thought I might want some of that so off I go great so what brings you back anyway I just came back to pick up the loyal babo cool hey can you tell me what life is like in town huh H those were the days when I first been going there it feeling like heaven heaven Oh Yes trees are made of concrete they're bigger than the biggest trees here so many things to eat oh so lovely wow never went hungry so much to eat so good [Music] yummy at night I sleep on S bed it feeling like a cloud a very soft [Applause] [Music] one I can feel it now pick it up baba get back here I thought I heard [Music] Brier once I'm gone I wonder if Brier will be able to handle logger Vic on his own [Music] but my dream [Music] it's the end of the [Music] line one Bear's easy if only Bramble were here to help me Bramble I'm here for you you're back I'll always protect the forest forever and ever I thought he was in town yeah protect the forest the bear brother's way this is our cutting [Music] trees homemade goodies part [Music] one and lastly place a fried fish cake into the lunch boox and your homemade sushi is done so I can eat a whole bunch of that it would be so awesome if someone would just make me some of that deliciousness that would be the icing on the cake homemade goodies for your besties if I make one for Tiki you'd be so happy that's it I'm going to do it what the Babu your king is being very very thirsty huh babo where is the babo there with these fresh fruties I can make a gorgeous fruit platter and surprise Z with it babo where is that Lazy Monkey being at oh can't be my bubo why is he not with me babo well what have you been doing Mr sneaky uh uh nothing I just I just thought it was a beautiful day for some fresh air really then what do you hiding under that leaf there nothing I just walked that true it's pretty true why you hiding get boring H well Herbert invited us to a fancy Fe let's go I'm very busy today what busy I you know stop you weirding me out okay I'll be going by myself in then so secret thing what the joke that was a close one H oh my food got crushed I got to start all [Music] over there it's finally complete TI is going to love this Babu today you have presented me with the yummy is yum yum oh s uh you made this for me yes s All For You please [Music] enjoy I cannot be eating this it's too ugly what to do I throw it [Music] away now to be going home and sleeping day after day year after year so time ing what am I doing with my life here huh what's that let's see fresh fruit it looks delicious it's a man's face hold on could it be that one of my secret admirers made it for me boah M hm totally it reminds me of my mom's cooking made with such tender love and care I wonder why my admirer just didn't give me the fruit face to face H isn't this the food platter I made for S how'd it get here oh I know King Tiki must have loved the food so much he gathered it up okay I'll go make him another [Laughter] [Music] one hey there s how did you like the futs that I made is there anything I can do to make it [Music] better say what it's [Music] done King fire don't be shy I've already seen it you seen it yeah there's empty lunch boxes in the forest were discarded by you all right of course most definitely I eating all of them yet as for the fruties well um it's too much yes that's right you could be using less you know too much huh on it I'll go make a new one with less fruits this time bab what I am saying to you his L fruit prce babo babo where is That Monkey Gone here's a quickly little one I must be telling him to stop making such yucky [Music] Lo not the Fruit l St it's not for you it was for S so you're the one who's been making all of these huh I didn't know you like me the servings are a bit too large I am absolutely just filled right up to my guilt this is not your food tell me where did you steal it what your Bonkers I never stole anything I just found it there Baboo desper so I just a tiki has been lying the whole time he never even tasted that I'll never talk to Tiki again Tiki what a Pity ohab let me explain oh that hurts I don't like it you're lying lying pants on fire he totally nothing don't you be talking to me do you have CL your head what's the matter Tiki H Baboo seems a little down in the dumps you should go over there and comfort him oh be quiet this is not your [Music] business bab fch me [Music] Apple babo likes apples too come on stop that I know care for him [Music] now oh what a beautiful butterflying very exciting [Music] H hey babo how could you be staying [Music] outside good to find some more apples everyone believe me even the apples are mean now where are you babo what are you doing rer you notic something weird about Tiki lately like what well last week Tikki went to Herbert's party alone right but you know didn't Baboo used to always follow him around everywhere like a shadow I guess that's true and Tiki looked distracted at the party when he left he forgot his party turnips he so odd it's true if it weren't for him I'd be home in bed Babu how can you abandon me over a fruit planter that's insane and rude you will see big punishment with you back we should pick up some fruit on the way home no more explanation anyway R i' be right about him you'll get no paron from me but it's all my V please forgiving me I am the serious monkey no forgiving even if you're sorry I won't be forgiving a rude monkey you even yelled at me oh please I will not give up till you forgive me maybe perhaps hey tii what are you doing out here nothing special really what uh you want you left your turnips behind so we brought them over turnips yeah remember last week Herbert invited us to a party and gave you these oh thanks guys just be putting them anywhere are you in some ort of trouble do you need help trouble I am the king the ruler of the forest but where is Baboo we haven't seen him where's babo well I thought he couldn't stand you anymore so he ran away ramble don't be rude but where is Baboo okay it goes like this watermelon competition logger Vic get back here it those spars we're coming Mar Vick we told you like a gajillion times stop cutting down our trees this is the last time just leave me alone no way not unless you leave our trees alone oh man finally got rid of those guys it sure has been hot lately and those bears are always on my case I'm never going to get any work done if only those bears would just lead me to it then I could take a vacation looks like you finally found Paradise old man blue sky oan I'm lucky gu Vicky Vicky would you join us in a watermelon competition will you join us then get away dare those Bears creep into my daydreaming what a pain what uh oh yeah hey what are you doing with us Vic blogger Vic are you causing trouble of course not I'm inviting you two lovely friends to a party I don't believe you a party I heard parties have lots of delicious food they sure do all right yeah you can eat all day oh boy B let's go to his party all the [Music] food well there're at the party I'll be able to cut down as many trees as I like [Music] hello do all human beings like to have parties it looks like so much fun it is fun and now you know I wasn't tricking you so Bears what do you think just look at all this delicious food boy hey there Vicky boy I should have had more faith in you you're not so bad after all wait a sec L Vic what are you doing hold on I got something to show you this will take bread to the specialty level first we SP it down the middle then take your jam and put it right there perfect try it's for me [Music] mm hey Bramble how is it gramble ramble what's going on bro it's just too delicious bread and jam are the bestest mat in the whole white World seriously it tastes even better than honey bro all right yeah welcome to my little party you can eat what you like okay really you're the best those Bears haven't a clue baby come on I've prepared a little game for them on such a hot Summer's Day I thought it'd be fun to play a watermelon game right a game with watermelons I'm in okay this is how you play set the watermelon here then step back to here blindfold yourself rotate 10 times 1 2 3 4 5 10 now here's the fun [Music] H all right M so good okay just remember you got to hit it to eat it o can I try okay go away okay start spinning okay let's do this baby in listen carefully when they're just about to hit the watermelon you just pull it away if you fail at this simple task there will be no food for a week it's finally jumping time 8 9 10 okay find the watermelon and hit it I feel so dizzy where's that watermelon at I can't see anything with this blindfold I know me neither yeah come on you can do it come on follow my voice ouch that really hurt bro watch where you're going where my stick go come on you're so close you can do it you can do it yes that's right keep it coming just a few more steps and you got it come on now oh yeah this game isn't the safest H darn it [Music] Fabian now to work hold on it should be right here where is it [Music] those Kung Fu classes came in handy I'm getting really impatient now I can't feel my stick oh I give up I hate this game Vick where are you going a chainsaw wait a sec I uh was um going to help you C up the watermelon that's right it's perfect for the job oh that would be great I can't wait I can eat it without winning the game yeah looks like you tricked me not oh without any competition it's just not fun rules are rules and it needs to be fair so I think you should play the game too it'll be fun what do you say no thank you you uh go ahead and play yeah if you win this here contest we won't bother you for a whole month oh okay all right I'm a pro at this game are you Bears ready to get your furry butts beat logger Vic you're a funny [Music] guy you all right H nothing to worry about ready 3 2 1 and [Music] begin Seven 8 9 10 [Music] H well loger Vick that was too easy look at this B you this all we now don't you dare wait hey come on this is your Genius they'll never know what hit him hey you guys you ready come on let's go [Music] bro huh iron I think he's trying to fool us this will be fun oh yeah ready 3 2 1 B [Music] four five huh I knew it he's such a cheater hey Bramble stop six huh logger Vic is cheating what he's cheating I'm going to need your help okay let's see who win this time you asked for it Vic nobody body messes with us just keep circling sorry bears but I'm going to win this game ramble check it out I found the melon I'm the winner bro oh it's a big one It Feels So firm I bet it's delicious here hold it I'll crack it open to see whether it's a good one or not away please oh please don't hurt me don't hit me a f back that's what you get when you try to trick us hey Brier let's not forget all the food let's see if the others want some of this FR detective Brown bow part one Bramble Bramble Bramble huh Bramble Bramble hey bro it's almost lunchtime where could he be [Music] Bramble oh great he's got a new case to solve what was that that was close I almost got [Music] caught so tell me Jimmy what do you think of this in light of the evidence so far I'd say we got a mighty fine case on our he says the same thing every time he opens his mouth come on give me a break the bald guy there he's the one that did it catch him already catch him already come on man he's the one that did the crime you know it I know it everybody knows it g Cricket do you know what this means this means the killer has to be ramble what are you doing over here it's dinner time let's get going come on the end I missed it it's over que I can't believe I missed it I want to know who did it mys ha I'm desperate to find out who the criminal was bro BR you ruined it for me enough could you act like a bear just for once quit it bro you're acting like a child I can cry if I want to and eat when I want and nap too and also and what else huh let me see uh oh that's it I can be a detective huh hold on you're kidding me right I'm not why are you jealous of me bro huh I'll be the best detective ever wait Bramble Bramble don't you'll get into trouble no I won't I'm detective Bramble oh boy he is so strange Forest Critters listen up detective Bramble is here to help you my agency is now open everyone and anyone is welcome ladies and gentlemen I'm waiting for you detective Bramble At Your Service please feel free to come consult me such a big forest and yet nothing is happening hey what an agency not just any agency it's my detective agency oh hey brle that's good news you finally got yourself a job wait a sec what do you mean why that little Tong yours one this isn't any old job I'm a detective and I'm really busy so waren do you need help with anything huh and guess what I'll even give you a discount if someone follows you harasses you or steals from you come find detective Bramble I'll find out who did it and get him arrested that's cool but uh I got to go wash my hair later hey waren wait a sec fine then whatever I've got other clients oh that's pretty hi there Herbert good morning uh morning Bramble be careful those don't get stolen if they do get stolen just let me know I'm detective Bramble and cuz we're friends I'll even give you a little discount hey what do you say h why why does nobody need my help this is terrible I just want to be a detective and solve all kind of cases I'm good at problem solving my since to smell rocks and I'm really strong I was born to be a detective Bram you're a grownup it's time to stop acting like a child I'm not a child stop that I just want to be a detective a famous One blamble blam is detective blamble home he sure is hey Bri where's Bramble oh Bramble he's right over here huh what are you wearing wow look at you they're looking really smart Bramble oh right thanks I guess I do don't I so detective Bramble yep that's [Music] me Baboo do you require any assistance how can I help actually it was my sire who requested you to come to our place to solve a big case please please help us a big case oh yeah all of my detective dreams are finally coming true after you ramble I'm worried about him going out there alone I better follow [Music] it oh come on this is the important case you were talking about you got to be kidding me hey watch him out it's important you looking see there are you looking of course you not see anything because radish is not there not there I watch Baboo collect them for me yeah that's it you heard the sire it's a big case so you got to find who store the S radishes you got it what's the big deal Brian it's just some radishes and I must ask since when do you eat radishes I don't mean to be nosy you are not listening they are my preure collecting are you understanding that back leave him alone stop judging him sometimes he eats radishes you'll never understand him okay okay okay okay I'm sorry Bramble go right ahead do your thing what oh awesome so guys it's actually really very easy to find the Thief you can count on me cuz I'm detective [Music] Bramble I've investigated the crime scene finding what exactly I already know who committed this crime the thief is a little rabbit what that's right rabbits love radishes I can imagine it shaking its little tail bouncing into your lirer and stealing your radishes then it probably boun right on out tou rabbit be living here many many years we never be seeing any rabbit oh you're right I was just making a little joke guys so the real search starts right now are you ready allow my awesome search to begin I am thinking I am not thrusting him too much [Music] Baboo ah see I just remembered something very important it's so crucial that it can actually affect the whole case what is it tell tell us tell us well I I have to have dinner first you are here to din I want to punch come on I got to find a clue where can I find one somewhere here letting go and getting off of what I found food it smells so delicious I bet they have something to do with the taste no but I almost solved the case I just want to be a detective I so badly want to be one I won't give up I will become one the best one ever ramble enough it's clear to me you don't know what you're doing so just give up h it's really for the best bro just go to bed sleep it off you'll forget about it in the morning it's not fair I'm not good at [Music] anything poor Bramble I was pretty hard on him back there I should think of a way to make it up to him Bramble Bramble emergency wake up our treasure is gone what treasure you know our stash of Honey the big jar huh what my honey but I hadn't even got started on that honey yet yeah that's the one oh where could it have gone no way I need to get my honey back just call me the [Music] cartoonist smells good what's this oh wow a comic this is the best day ever yeah [Music] Bramble Bramble huh Bramble what are you doing it'll be dark soon so funny so you're reading now are you it's just a comic book it's dark now let's get going huh just one more minute bro come on let's go [Music] [Laughter] huh this is hilarious oh brother never a quiet moment around here huh come again that's right I want to be a cartoonist too and create my own comic this is a story about a hero who saves the world ramble the [Music] cartoonist okay first chapter is done Bramble you're a natural at this comic thing hey I got an idea I should share this with the others I bet they'll love it well what do you think is that just the best story you ever read what don't you like it KY tell me it's a very thrilling story bra you're very good wonderful you and I become friendly really I knew you'd like it okay here we go Tiki I'll bring you the second chapter tomorrow that's part of it Tiki are you ready for the second chapter T huh huh he's not at home a well that's a shame I really wanted to show tiki part two oh well I'll just go show [Music] other that was close after you be showing me I have very big nightmares it's me bro hi there you're really scared boy what are you doing here come here I want to show you something what do you think it's pretty good right did you understand the story it's so touching isn't it once upon a time there was a warrior he defeated all the evil beings with his sword one day he even defeated a dragon can you believe it right in the middle of a forest please stop you don't care about sleeping but I certainly do this brave brave Warrior will continue on his journey to rid the world of all evil few people along the way I can't and then of course the terrible monster takes over the forest finally he defeats the monster and rescues the beautiful princess oh what a tail Bramble sorry I got to go collect some turn ups Herbert it long take a moment Herbert believe me you're going to love it sorry pal I'm really busy hey her are you busy now go away please stop following me the warrior is very persistent and brave hey guys why you running away why does nobody want to see my masterpiece oh I really thought they'd like it vix house Ah that's it I bet Vic's loves comic books I'll go show him mine [Music] today I'm going to most definitely finish my quota and chop down 50 trees oh yeah hey [Applause] VI hey Vic where you going uh nowhere Bramble so uh how can I help you all oh I just made a comic book I was just hoping you could take a little look you know really that's great [Music] uh so what's the story here why' you want me to see it because you're a human you know more about comic books than me I was hoping you could give me some advice oh what you say oh pretty please Vick let me think I don't even know what this is it doesn't make any sense to me at all it's not a real comic book you should just give it up wait wait wait please don't go Could you teach me how to make a real comic book [Music] vck He's begging me to teach him but then I'll have no time to work oh no no no no no I need some kind of a plan to get rid of him logger Vic what are you thinking about let me tell you listen up your story is really well structured the plot mesmerizing you're a really talented bear really ah yeah yeah however huh your drawings are a little amateur a amateur you need some more practice especially when it comes to drawing the human figure I'm off home to practice I can finally get to work now good morning open up it's open the door open up this is a bit too early for my liking long Vic guess what yeah I see and then this guy here and it's and then it goes and you see this part I'm becoming quite the cartoonist myself oh [Music] Vic huh oh your new comic oh my he's never going to leave me alone I need to come up with something oh I know Bramble huh okay your drawings are getting better really oh yeah okay I'll go draw some more then oh wait hey wait hey my critique wasn't finished yet aren't those the comic books I was supposed to send to my nephew [Applause] [Music] what's this comic book doing out here oh well never [Music] [Music] mind director package for you Vic oh hi it's you again is it hey Vic I just finished my latest comic take a peek huh listen these comic books of yours are [Music] [Applause] uh what you don't think that my comic is good are you saying I'll never be a cartoonist H honey is always best and now in today's news we finally have some good news for once recently a lot of teenagers have been queuing up to buy a comic book the drawings are very simple but the story is absolutely hilarious it's going to be turned into a movie and no doubt a huge that rbl comic book is going to I guess I'll never know what Fame tastes like oh well as long as I have my sweet yummy honey I'll always be happy honey honey nosy nose these hot days make me sleepy huh what's that smell wow [Music] wait I'm pretty sure that's one of those muskers huh why haven't I seen them around here before H I got it the boss's birthday is coming up perhaps I could catch that mus beer and give it to boss as a birthday pre that's a good [Music] idea oh boy H where'd it go that dear old thing sure can't run fast Anyway come on now Vicki you must catch it I will catch it that's for darn Shir the boss might even consider giving me ho [Music] ra hey it's Victor isn't your birthday coming up in a little bit I'm preparing a gift for you a really great one have you ever heard about the Musk dear uh-huh it really smells so amazing and guess what Mr Lee I've spotted one I was chopping wood and ran past me great you've heard of it however it was way too fast but don't worry I will catch this muser if only I could follow its scent hey Bosley do you have any bright ideas that might help me catch this must gear uh huh oh yeah that's perfect huh really you do that for me oh that's great okay no sweat you know I'm always reliable a scent enhancing device ehy I wonder if it really works it only lasts an hour they say I wonder if it's going to be any use at all there it is oh I got to put it on huh oh no butterfly Where Are You Going H huh what's this looks kind of like a nose I wonder what it tastes [Music] like what's it doing now what what's happening to me oh it won't come off what do I do oh God get off get off my nose my beautiful nose my nose H that smell what animal is that smells so good it smells just like roses on the mountain oh what a magical sand I'm feeling nostalgic it's like I'm right there on the Mountaintop wait a sec how come I can smell it from down here in the forest maybe those Roses Grow here now [Music] too I can even smell Birds Pine Tre delicious honey and the river wait there's the scent of that animal again oh wow it's like I have a superhero nose all of a sudden I wonder why everything smells so strong now wait till all my friends see this that think I'm so cool there goes my device and then the dragon leaped out from behind the castle oh and oh guys you won't believe what happened next as the king huh R hey bro look look at this thing I found oh man your nose you look like a stupid you're just jealous KY you wish your nose look this [Music] good Tiki did you happen to fall in any mud [Music] recently WI [Music] King huh Brier you've been sticking your paws into my precious honey [Music] huh [Music] well where'd you get the blueberry how come you you didn't share huh aren't we your friends well um I there's more I think thato s state of watermelon juice am I right bub Who's Laughing Now bet you all wish you had one of these no things too right ramble we never want to play with you again I was just being honest I thought that's what you're supposed to do so why are they all angry at me now it's just me and my nose against the world now it's going to be a lot harder than I thought to get that scent enhancer back huh or maybe I could just get Bramble to help me to find the deer he could do all the hard work for me I'd best be hurrying up let's do this why hello there Bramble what are you up to this fine day hey Vick what do you want oh come on Bramble just calm down I was just hiking along I'm not going to do any logging or do you any harm so that's what happened ah they're just jealous you've got a fantastic new ability I'm here to tell you you could do something big H I made a discovery there's a new kind of animal in the forest it smells lovely and it's So Graceful it looks like it's floating like a butterfly but it's fast very fast I think you might want to see it wouldn't you use your thing I bet you can find it for sure but why Vic do you want to hurt it huh of course not I promise you I won't hurt it h here take this it might help you find [Music] it I think I got a whiff of that animal earlier it looks so pretty come on follow me [Music] it's really strong here think maybe this is the place where it LS huh all right big boy oh it was nothing my plan is working a treat now just to sit here and wait for that musketeer oh [Music] yeah hi boss I'm a bit busy call you back in a minute what buy busy doing what did you catch that must [Music] [Applause] [Music] yet listen to me I'm really close to catching the beasty I'll send it to you as soon as I have it don't worry at all about it okay boss uh cat the what what do you mean Nick you lied to me you said you weren't going to hurt the animal oh dear wait a sec you actually really were going to hurt it I wasn't going to hurt it bear I'm just catching it tickle tickle tile tile tile h it's here I won't allow it he let me let me see that uhoh I'll save it I'll get that muster and my rise tell search right [Music] loser oh help me R you [Music] still you scared it [Applause] away the look on your face I can't believe I beat a logger Vic all by myself hi there I'm sorry I lost the deer hey what I gave you a whole to catch that thing for nothing hey let me explain I'm so stupid sometimes Once Upon a Time part [Music] two stop there catch me if you can stop Pro yes sir my king I'll come save you you don't stand a chance I have the bud now hurry we've got to get it back jumping cat attack nicely done I will not let you get it that was close [Music] losers you'll never get me [Laughter] now is there delicious honey inside the bud will you keep quiet during story time yeah oh oh okay my bad I'm sorry but why do they all want the bud because the bud contains the secret for defeating the king [Music] the dark King took the bud and our Queen is still asleep Guardians will our Queen be sleeping like this forever and ever what are we going to do huh right we can go seek help but seek help where greetings is the spirit Elder home it is very urgent you mean he isn't home he is home but uh Elder Elder hello mister would you please wake up our forest is in danger now please wake up wake up wake up he's [Music] away so gross Guardian Brier do you think we can really count on him I doubt it he doesn't look very wise to me he's already gone back to sleep okay we have to find another way you need to relaxing now stop stressing yeah you do what I do yeah what is doing how can he dance right now hey what you do with me El our forest is in danger now your anxiety is not solving any problems I wanting to make your heart peaceful the only way to the truth and the future fure go ahead and getting the bud back I'll be waiting at the palace sir look here it is so this is the entrance to the dark kingdom ready okay now listen we have to retrieve that bud let's go [Music] a your majesty the spirit queen left this Bud behind I'm sure it's full of all her powers I'm not sure it looks like a pretty normal Bud to me I saw it with my own two eyes the spirit Queen poured all of her powers into it a I'll examine it [Music] closely what can you see sh we better split into teams I'll go distract the dark King you two go get the bud then we meet right back here get out [Music] quick hello dark King I'm here for the bud the bear Guardian you are not permitted to enter my Palace jumping cat go get him let's go okay [Music] got wello oh no we've been seen let's go leave the Bud where I can see it I'll deal with this keep going be [Music] [Music] careful huh well that was easy I better run I did it and Brier well he's still in there we got to go save him right [Music] now Guardian Brian we're here to save you I'm okay just go get the bud back to the forest no way we can't just leave here without you the Elder is waiting for that bud to save the whole Forest just go no one's leaving the pal Guardian Brier let's go we got to take it to the Elder before it's too late right hurry Elder we brought the bud for you good I know you being successful um where's Guardian Brier Guardian Brier to cover for us he's still fighting the dark King I knowing he'll be back here soon Elder here the bud okay let's be doing this thing placing it here let's see oh yeah tonight when the moon rise and it is most fullish all its power will go to the but and it will Blossom making the forest bursting with life [Music] again hello it is a du King I finally escaped the guardian without Moonlight how will your butt Blossom he's look in the moon H got you [Music] the wait did it fire that old trick e your majesty is amazing now you got hey oh come on that's it come on a oh yeah jumping cat go get the bud oh no saving the queen and the [Music] bud hold him tight let him go you'll never beat me no [Music] it's mine now oh my thought you'd escaped me did you yeah it's Guardian prer way to go Guardian Brier I can't believe this you release me at once readying steady I'm on yet fire Guardian BR your majesty my king okay fine fine then you [Music] win just it's good to have you back thanks for saving me and for saving the whole Forest thank you so much my Guardians the forest is alive again so armony was restored once again and the Animals lived happily ever after yeah a happy [Music] ending I was hoping that the bud contained lots and lots of [Music] Honey ramble story time's over let's all head to bed I want to hear more I can't on such a full tummy what an awesome story [Music] those Bears finally came in handy for something
Channel: DreamToon Asia
Views: 2,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boonie bears, cartoons, bonnie bear, funny video, animated shorts, DreamToon Asia, bear, boonie bears in english, boonie bears films, boonie bears full episodes, boonie bears: the mystical winter, boonie bears the adventurers, boonie bears english, logger vick, boonie cubs song, forest frenzy in english, bears, boonie bears movie, boonie bears spring into action, hiccups cartoon, boonie bears back to earth, bear boonie,
Id: ZZz57-w2xEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 34sec (5434 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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