STUCK at Race 1 of the 2021 Bad Medicine Hard Enduro

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hey guys it's zach and today this is my youtube video excuse me we're on the starting line at the bad medicine hard enduro day one race one it's a mass start all the pro riders taking off at once it's like a gncc start bringing me back to my roots i haven't done a hair scramble in a long time i gotta go do one but you throw a bunch of hard neural riders into a mass start with gummy tires super soft suspension and you're bound to have something weird happen oh we're getting into the woods though and it tightens up the heck we're walking speed here boys come on and neck down here pretty quick some bar banging oh whoa we're off the kilter here get back on that saddle all right with that type of start i'm in like hair scramble mode ready to hold the throttle open but it's a hard enduro we gotta you know it's a hardener here the turtle wins the race right who get that tire out of here who that's that oh that was actually tristan hart i probably let him go he might be faster than me oh yeah he just got around me what why am i giving up passes so easily all right let's take a look at the ground the conditions it's slightly wet it rained but it's not a swamper out here and so traction is feeling pretty decent it's slick though it's definitely slick and it's that clay so it is slippery especially compared to years in the past where it was dry as a popcorn fart this year we've got some moisture so this will be interesting and what's real interesting is that it's supposed to rain this is race one early on saturday there's a second race later in the day and it's supposed to rain spoiler alert it does i'm sorry i ruined the ending we got some logs oh okay okay okay i've been working on obstacle courses and i've gotten better although i just jack rammed myself between these two logs i'm trying to get the bike sideways so now i can lift the front wheel but that just doesn't quite happen now i'm off half off the bike you can see exactly what i'm doing as i'm explaining it now i got the front wheel over that no we're over the lawn and this right here this was quite intimidating although it doesn't look like anything on the camera that just it looked like i just went over a stick ah man you had to be there all right so that will get you going if it doesn't this will because this this was kind of just annoying and i slipped on the log i was trying to keep the front wheel high but now it's all out the window so i got to get the what i'm going to do now is get off the bike pull the rear end off those logs so i get sideways ezra comes flying it hey that's my beta the circo just struck my beta oh that's war no i'm just kidding no it was a good move nope but that's you know it is a circle so you know what i see and what i say about that i actually have nothing bad to say i enjoy that there's all these different brands getting into the the game it's good it's good for the sport [Music] all right we're getting over some logs here we're getting over some vlogs here fellas and oh look at this section they had this this is just a side hill make sure you've got fresh knobby's section because if you don't you're going down to the left and your hose luckily it wasn't too slick but you can imagine with my spoiler alert that another spoiler alert it's really slippery when it rains i don't want to watch this so there's this hill and i'm fumbling around and i realize get on the gas but it's too late i should have been on it harder i should have been on it harder oh i screwed that so when i started to lose the speed i should have been full throttle now we're screwed [Music] so i learned something from this race not this one this weekend it's coming up but it's to get absolutely savage on the throttle when you start to lose speed i hadn't known it yet at this point but i've basically gotten to the point where i don't care about motors anymore you have to be on the throttle as bad as you can be it's bad to the boat look at all these people passing me i start to push to the left the ribbon stopped down there so this is all legal and i'm just walking careful walking walking side hilling and i eventually climb up to the first checkpoint so that was a setback that really blew and what really sucks about that is all those people that just passed me are now in front of me and as we come into the next tough section everybody is stuck in here all these people that i was ahead are now in front of me after waiting patiently for a little bit it's my turn and see the big problem are these roots look at these things i just don't quite have enough but a quick little push and we're up over let's take a mental picture of this area right now and then save that for the next race there's another area where you got to come up a ravine and it's jammed up it's jammed up just like the other one and once again i'm hung up in here so this guy's in the main line here so i'm gonna try going up the bank off to the right but i'm just not laying it down i'm not getting that traction the guy on the left gets up here a little bit i don't get a good run so i got to back it up and get a real good smash into this thing but oh joe we got another beta coming into the mix ah we're packed in here now this is this is not good i'm sitting on this guy's rear tire as he's revving it out i i just gotta get out of here so i start pushing like get me the heck out of here and i get up and now we can work with this [Applause] this whooped me i was pushing i it took me a little bit to get out of here and i was really honestly this was what i was like i just drove eight hours to just blow it i was like are you serious but you know me i just keep going and usually i can bounce back you can't win if you quit zack attack 2021 put that in a in a plaque somewhere so this course is similar to what we've seen in the years past even though i'm familiar with it i still have to push through like that section i don't know what it is but i always get it hosed oh so oh oh oh this hang on let me turn my whole body because i can't mount my camera to the helmet but this hill is like an access road it doesn't look too bad except there's a massive pile of mud up to where those guys are and they're buried axle deep so i start working my way up to it you definitely want to be up where i am on the left if you got down to the right you risk falling into some bad stuff so i'm trying to get myself up into this rut but it's deep i gotta get on it jeez come out wow is it slick i get up that and i just keep going because i want to keep my momentum going then the truck goes up to the left i just did not hit that right drop back off of it [Music] i'm really upset with myself go back down this is travis wilson in front of us look at that he did like a wheel tap i think that's creed up there he did like a wheel tap off of his bike but anyway i go for it [Music] i got here and i made the decision let's do the same thing we did earlier and just start gently pushing it up the hill so i'm really working a lot here i mean this is a ton of work for hardly much movement that's not a good sign you want to be efficient don't watch my videos if you want to be efficient how not to race a heart a dura whoa whoa this is slippery it's a big downhill so what's to come we go up this hill and there is a hill climb up here what's going on so i sit here for a second because i have gassed myself a slight bit too much so it's worth taking a few seconds to breathe and look at where the heck we're going there's a bunch of lines and i see people going left so i check this out and decide to give it a run it's like a dry run although if i make it i make it but that was not enough mustard i mean i'm not even close so i go back down and i see what i gotta do here and i gotta sit and i gotta muster up some energy i mean i gotta recover for a few seconds longer oh that did not look good all right i'm going for an attempt number two no no no i didn't have it i got a hit with some serious steam but what was into my bike i must have knocked the header out sounds terrible that's what we're talking about see that's what we needed some throttle that's what it takes i mean you got to get on it you got to get on it at times i mean it's all about a balance you can't just be full throttle everywhere but you got to know when we're ready to ride anyway let's tell myself dude relax you know i was being hard on myself i'm like i'm not riding well but the point is i came out here to have fun i'm that's what i'm doing although i i want to be competitive i want to do well but i got to remember to have fun so i was telling myself that as we come into our next section and this is where the fun really begins v-ro so is that the like a v-rubber it's the i-force i'm talking to chad here we're getting to a technical discussion about tires i'm gonna have to try it out i got i got the ix or not selling me tires out here selling me on things you need momentum yeah rolls too much so i don't know what i'm getting into here but i see a bunch of people at the top of this hill i apologize we got the crotch cam going although some of you might like it but i throttle it up to this point and i'm like dude what is this so i we're helping the only way to go up this is the team up so chad i think travis and nate and some other guys we all were here and we have to work together i mean we have to push our bikes up this i don't know how you do this by yourself i know the first couple of guys the leaders the top guys came through here probably with better traction but the second it gets like this i mean i don't know how you do it so the camera i had ran out of battery but i helped some people and then they helped me and i'm up and we're moving but i'm thinking man for a race one qualifier this is a tough course it's good they had checkpoints out there so you know you could get to where you needed to but it's tough i mean for a beginner rider to be doing their first harder drill that's brutal for a race one oh this was a bop puckering experience i wouldn't be able to fart if i had to this was really coming into this here side hill okay we're in why does my bike sound so loud i think the o-rings on the exhaust pipe something happened i may have hit something we may have damaged it it sounds loud it's very loud it doesn't sound good it's not a good representation for beta i might lose my factory contract that i don't have we have nothing to lose over here to be honest that's what's great i can see anything i want and only a couple people might be mad let's not test the waters here but we get to another checkpoint 81 go buddy so i actually enjoyed some of these transfer sections tight trail oh no not this thing not this look at this log pile with giant gaps i come onto him like whoa that's some gap [ __ ] so you're balancing in here and then the front wheel it like drops into a crack and then the rear wheels in a hole and then you're trying to walk i'll say that was one thing i i could do without is that section although i think i could do it if i really committed to it like and knew it was there maybe maybe but we're stretching it we're borderline gonna kill ourselves if we tried something there we're getting close to finishing up the lap just that last long section here i make the pass on chad although it doesn't matter because he gets me by time adjustment so i end up finishing off here 26 overall and it's all right i was bummed because i knew i could have done a lot better based on all those mistakes i had out there but not the end of the world it's the qualifier race it sets the starting order for race number two which sets the starting order for the main event on sunday so we have some more opportunity here in race two although it starts downpouring right before race two and i'm gonna tell you right now it gets wild be sure to subscribe so you don't miss it and if you enjoyed this video hit that like button we'll see you on the next one thank you
Channel: ZachAtk1
Views: 29,627
Rating: 4.9554796 out of 5
Keywords: zachatk1, zachatk, zach atk, zachattack, zachattack1, za1, dirt, bike, dirt bike, dirt bike videos, harescramble, enduro, dirt bike racing, commentary, dirt bike talking, motovlog, dirt bike narration, american hard enduro, ama extreme east, bad medicine hard enduro, little hocking ohio, ohio dirt bike, ohio dirt bike race, hard enduro, ama extreme enduro, bad medicine enduro, 2021 bad medicine hard enduro, dirt bike stuck
Id: JpcJjlmwk9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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