[Strong Presence of God!!!] Receive An Impartation from the Glory Realm!

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just lift up your hands right now jeff would you mind just coming on the keys for just a little bit in this atmosphere right now in this atmosphere right now the heavy burdens of life the depressions the anxiety those stress levels that have tried to weigh heavy upon your shoulders upon your back upon your head and you've even carried the physical reality of those pressures in your life right now they're lifting off of you in jesus mighty name right now they come they go they're lip lifting off of you right now you're coming into the rest into the ease of his glory instead of feeling the heaviness of your pain the heaviness of problem the heaviness of circumstance right now the kavod glory of god comes upon you right now your faith has activated the spirit's anointing your anointed appointed cult of god and because you are chosen of the lord his manifest glory rests on you right now so you're going to feel it coming down upon the top of your head right upon your forehead right there your hands that are lifted feeling the weighty manifest glory of god it's waiting it's waiting it's waiting it's heavy not in the sense that it's weighing you down but it's heavy in the sense that you're so aware right now of the weight of his goodness the weight of his blessing that's resting on you right now [Music] every good and perfect gift that comes from above is moving from the heavens into the earth from the divine supernatural into your natural life right now but i thank you for it you see whereas we stretch out and we lay our hands through the power of the spirit in the anointing when we enter into the glory it's god's hand being stretched out and laid upon us you're being covered by the hand of god his hand of healing his hand of restoration his hand of provision his hand of blessing [Music] his hand of mercy grace and kindness [Music] he's got you covered [Music] he's got you covered the struggle goes [Music] because in the glory you begin to know [Music] that he is yours you are his [Music] and what's his is yours all encompassing glory greater glory ever increasing glory is manifesting in your life you were born for this realm [Music] you were created to live in this realm [Music] you get to carry this realm and whereas the anointing upon your life is a personal impartation the gift of the spirit to you the flow that flows through you from you to another the glory is a greater realm an all-encompassing realm [Music] that just like peter [Music] when he walked around the sick and the bible says his shadow touched those that needed healing so there is a glory around you that shall emanate radiate vibrate from your life that where you go the atmosphere shall shift circumstance shall change and god shall begin to bring into divine alignment and rearrange that which the enemy said could not be surely god shall do it for as you carry the glory you carry the very manifestation of the atmosphere of heaven the fulfillment of jesus prayer when he said thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven [Music] releasers of heaven's glory atmosphere shifters world changers history makers that's who you are through the glory of god that resides upon you within you around you surrounding you completely the kavod [Music] the weighty glory of god manifesting in your life the next term that's used in scripture to describe the glory of god is the term shekinah in hebrew they like to say [Music] s-h-e-k-i-n-a-h [Music] the shekinah glory speaks of the visible transformational glory of god that brings change into any situation visible transformation visible change that can be seen even with natural eyes the shekinah glory is the brilliance of god's glory the brightness of his shining when isaiah prophesied over the nation of israel and god is speaking to us today through rhema revelation [Music] isaiah 60 verse 1 says arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you the brightness of god's glory is rising in you right now the brightness of his glory is shining through you right now to the degree that even physically you begin to radiate the brilliance of heaven it changes your face your expression your countenance being enlightened by the glow of god's glory that when people see you they seek god jesus christ the hope of glory that's resident within you shining out from your life see jesus all around the places you go [Music] you carry the shekinah of jesus with you as you go [Music] the lord lighting up the places that you step [Music] your journey filled with shekinah glory when moses spent time in the glory presence with god [Music] that moment in glory [Music] transformed his countenance he carried the brilliance of heaven the shining light of shekinah much so that when he came down the mountain [Music] the people were not ready they did not have christ they could not look upon his face because the light was too bright but in this day god is causing his light to be seen upon you around you shining bright as a witness to the saving power transformational glory that's found in christ [Music] as you lift up your hands to heaven even right now tiny gold diamond flecks golden glory beginning to shine in the palms of your hands signs of the shekinah coming upon your face your clothing your bible your wallets your purses lord i thank you right now for unusual signs and wonders of your glory signs and wonders of shekinah glory being seen in this place right now in jesus mighty name lord i thank you for the impartation that's coming from heaven into our lives in this class shekinah glory glory that brings transformational change change change change change i want you to look at your hands right now some of you are beginning to get that gold that silver dust that diamond dust just coming right up from the pores of your skin how many begin to see it in your hands right now look at all over this room thank you jesus thank you jesus though we ask for more some of you may have it on your face and you don't know it because you can't look at your face right now some of you may find it in your wallet your purse later on you got to pay for something and there's golden glory just thank god for it thank the lord for it and if you're not seeing it yourself thank god that he's doing it for someone else in this place [Music] because he's doing it means that there is an extraordinary miracle an extraordinary sign extraordinary wonders that are available for you too thank you jesus don't be surprised in the days ahead when your palms begin to flow with heavenly oil when the golden glory of god comes down and settles on your life because of flow through your church and ministry don't be surprised when the extraordinary things of the spirit move into your life in an extraordinary way [Music] lord we thank you we give you honor [Music] though the world is getting darker and things in the natural [Music] seem so sad and sorry [Music] the glory of god shall rise upon you his glory shall be seen upon you kings queens influential leaders and people shall come to the brightness of your rising for in this day the manifest glory of god is being given to you in a supernatural way the third realm of glory that's spoken about within scripture is a greek word doxa d o x a [Music] people are finding the golden glory hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on just worship him just worship him just worship him just he's he's the miracle worker [Music] his glory is all that we need he is everything we could ever hope for [Music] the doctor is the revelatory glory [Music] that causes us to see jesus christ as king overall no matter what comes in our life no matter what tries to come into our way the eyes of the spirit cause us to say [Music] jesus christ has already taken care of it i don't need to struggle or stress i can live in the rest and be blessed [Music] because i see things in a way that others haven't seen them before i see jesus christ as my victorious lord [Music] god of the heavens is working in my life and he's taking what looks wrong turning it around and making it right and when you see in that way it will cause you to say jesus is lord he is lord he is lord he is lord he is lord he is lord the bible says that we go from glory to glory that word is from doxa to doxa [Music] one revelation of who he is to the next the living creatures in heaven that surround the throne of god [Music] ever since they were created they've been singing this song saying holy holy holy holy holy creatures covered with eyes and wings and all they can say is holy holy holy but it's my firm belief that each holy that they give to god is different than the one before because each time they say holy they're seeing something different about the lord may we be a people of glory a people empowered by the spirit anointing a people that walk by faith and not by sight but a people that say holy holy holy holy is the lord of glory he's holy he's holy he's holy he's holy he's holy he's holy he's holy come on stand up to your feet declare his holiness he is holy he's holy he's holy he's holy come on worship him holy holy holy holy oh lord you're holy you're holy you're holy you're holy you're holy oh god you're holy you're holding your hold you're holy you're holy [Music] holy god holy god holy god you're holy you're holy you're holy [Music] holy holy god holy holy god holy holy god come on lift up your voice and tell him he's holy just tell him he's holy [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] you're you see when we recognize that he is lord over all it's in that posture of yielding [Music] that we surrender our control [Music] and it's in that glory that god is able to take us places where we've never been before catch us up in a moment through the glory of the lord [Music] fully surrendered to him our lives fully given to his love and his grace [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Mills - International Glory Ministries
Views: 39,363
Rating: 4.9216824 out of 5
Keywords: glory realm, glory realms, power portals, strong presence of the Lord, Holy Spirit impartation, double portion, anointing of the Holy Ghost, receive a touch from God, power of God, miracles signs and wonders, importation, prayer ministry, intercession for me, i need prayer, prayer for your needs, pray for me, spirit led ministry, charismatic, prophetic ministry, sid roth, it's supernatural, new wine international, new wine music, joshua mills, golden glory, revival glory
Id: YVOpkdZvrxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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