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so what's going on gas gang today we're back with a tire shredding face off between two big Power all-wheel drive rival coups today the Savage Germans are out to play stay tuned for this one it's going to be sick let's get it welcome to officially ga oh oh my God let's get it for the best in Universal premium Ester containing engine oils and fuel aditives for both petrol and diesel engines check the links in the [Music] description so welcome back once again to the OG battles here at the Mano Battlegrounds where we step up and let our cars do the talking and today it's an all German affair with the long-standing right Ral German Motor companies stepping up to face off with two extremely modified versions of their range topping Pinnacle Coupes and up until this point no one has actually raced a formatic all-wheel drive C63 Coupe against an all-wheel drive X Drive M4 why you ask because all-wheel drive C63 Coupes in this model do not exist until now today we find out what happens when the traditionally rear wheel drive MC levels the playing field with an all Drive BMW and in partnership with race logic we're going to be carrying out two sets of races first up today is a quartermile roll race next up it's a drag race to the quarter mile all races are best of free and the v-box performance box touch will be recording data such as 0 to 60s quarter mile times and more to give you guys the stats on how this Savage Trio perform let's get over and meet the builds and their owners so first up today welcoming Imran from evolve Automotive to the battles we're reing for the BMW f fan booys in his insane 1,025 brake horsepower 1,000 Newton m 3 l straight 6 twint Turbo powered BMW m4x drive built and tuned by evolve Automotive so to streamline the battles and to get you to the action quicker full specs are on the screen right [Music] now and he's going to be stepping up against and welcoming man who's traveled all the way from the Netherlands today for the race repping for the Merc Fanboys in his crazy all-wheel drive converted 1200 brake horsepower 1,400 newm 4 L V8 twinturbo powered Mercedes c63s AMG built and tuned by Gad [Music] Motors all right guys so we have got a sick matchup today we have got two 1,000 brake horsepower plus four-wheel drive rival Motor Company kind of cars today and uh we have Arman all the way from the Netherlands brother welcome thank you to England but unfortunately we can't get gapped on our own turf so I've got got I've got him here we're going speak came prepar your car is no joke it's actually a one-of-a-kind car a lot of power um a work in progress you've told me to um however what do you what's your expectations for today um well we'll see um we're just now working on the lounge so uh I'm hoping to beat him on both uh races but okay uh I think I I got the role for sure but okay for sure yeah yeah I'm pretty confident in that okay but the Dig uh the Dig is going to be tough uh I can't match the eight uh 8 HP but we'll try okay all right cool cool cool all right IM the pride of England right now don't let us down brother they can't Gap us on our own time I'll try my best you've got a very powerful car very far but unfortunately not quite as powerful it's about 200 down I think on that the weight is about the same um obviously this has I think slightly better traction and launch so that's going to be close but we'll see again we're at the beginning of the journey on this we limited by Turbo so we're only running 2.5 bar okay um it's going to be close I think there's only friendly rivalry here so whatever happens it doesn't matter yeah for sure it's it's kind of a science experiment today because you these don't come four-wheel drive we finally got one that is actually being four-wheel drive swapped so we're making it happen um would you agree with him it could be techy on a roll for you but the Dig you got it yeah yeah cuz he's got a lot more power like bigger Engine 4 L versus 3 l V8 versus straight six so we's see what happens all right cool cool cool all right guys well can we get a little handshake before we get racing best of luck man you too bro there you go there's race first up it's the roll races but before we get cracking let's get a few sound checks w [Music] [Music] w I'm reallying in in oh that's close nah we can't we can't let it happen so the problem there was they tried to do a 50 mph roll and with the distance given it's so hard to get to 5050 and hold it steady they were way off um so yeah it looked like Imran kind of panicked a little bit got on the throttle maybe a little bit early to try and match him um and it looked like he won I'll find out but it looked like he won finish line finish line who won that oh that one was really tight uh I think it might have been the the C63 oh that tight yeah okay well we'll cut to an action replay and let you know exactly who won that was extremely close I can't call it I got the jump I think he pulled me in at the end but it was very close at the end and with a skewed start the boys end up having an ultra close almost photo finish race down the strip however under closer inspection the C63 just takes the win by the smallest of margins mad however start just wasn't where it needed to be so we're going to line them up again slow him down to 40 and see how it plays out let's get it [Music] [Music] I think I jumped there not too bad yeah that looked like a close run there that was that was a lot better um I'm going to say the M4 that time I'm going to go M4 finish line finish line who won that C63 by oh shocker definitely pulled on me there I'm having trouble holding it steady at 40 mph and that time the c63s manages to take the win pulling a twocc car length gap on the M4 B the Finish Line Madness Let's Line them back up and go again [Music] [Music] oh man yeah boy he's gone good hell okay they hit the start line bang on there and I'm going to say it looked like the Merc had him the whole way down there I might be wrong but that's how it looked finish line finish line who won that C63 straight up C63 definitely need more turbo for the roll races and once again the c63s manages to make it to the line first beating the M4 by around two and a half Cars mad so let's just take a look at the fastest 100 to 200 kph times achieved during the runs by the pair using a v-box PBT and unsurprisingly the c63s goes fastest showing its superiority on a roll hitting 100 to 200 in a rapid 4.13 seconds the M4 not too far off Pace runs a best time of 4 .56 seconds however need the car quite fast enough to chart amongst the elite 15 that's data to back up the results and round one goes to the AMG lovers Arman and his c63s next up is the drag races and this is where we find out if the C63 s's all-wheel drive formatic conversion can keep up with the notorious G series X Drive let's get it ready ready ready set go [Music] too much s way too much STI there we we go man H yeah yeah yeah yeah so it looked like the first maybe 30 foot the M3 M4 got it and then it looked like Imran in the M4 got driven round by the C63 finish line finish line who won that AMG for the jeez I'm not sure by how many car lengths so cut to the finish line right now and we'll find out and both lad's cars absolutely fly off the line however the Merc manages to make it to the line first beating the BM by around two car lengths insane just an observation here but the C63 s's exhaust also decided to fall off randomly just before the Finish Line strange but let's get that sorted and uh get them lined back up Ready Ready Set Go [Music] fraction is not happy really B down there yeah that C63 chose violence his reaction time was bang on that time um it's not every day you see a a g8x car like four-wheel drive lose like that off the line that's mad it's got a lot of power that C63 Finish Line would I be right in saying the C63 one that yeah that was straight Gap C6 for I said straight Gage all I can say is that thing is really fast we need more power and to Direction in and that time arm man hits the start with lightning and fast reactions and holds the M4 at Bay and takes the win by a bus length the M4 once again seemed to struggle a little with traction there but unfortunately that was all she wrote so let's just take a look at the fastest quar mile and 0 to 60 times achieved by the pair using a v-box PBT and unsurprisingly once again the c63s proves the faster of the two covering the quart Mile in just 9.61 seconds at a speed of 148 mph and drops into 11th position on the all-wheel drive leaderboard the M4 runs a best time of 10.05 seconds today at a trap speed of 143 mph however unfortunately is not quite fast enough to chart amongst the all-wheel drive top 15 then taking a look over at the best 0 to 60 times achieved once again the formax swapped c63s shows just how capable It Is by hitting 60 the fastest in a mindblowing time of 2.27 seconds and drops into fifth position on the board the M4 runs a very strong 0 to 60 time of 2.58 seconds however once again just misses out on charting with the top 15 and both rounds and the sugarcoat cup go to Arman The Merc Fanboys and his killer all-wheel drive c63s AMG congrats bro so today we lined up two big Power all-wheel drive German Rivals and it only went one way with the higher horsepower heavier MK taking all Races and also showcasing that crazy all-wheel drive formatic conversion pulling and ey watering 2.2 second 0 to 60 time and strong quarter mile times throughout the day Unfortunately today the M4 just seemed to be outgunned by the MK Imran stepped up today as the underdog but weird hope the lighter frame of the BMW mixed with the formidable proven X drive all-wheel drive system would have been enough to hold off the AMG but today with the M4 fighting for grip on PS4 s's it just was not meant to be however still runs strong and puts on a good show a massive shout out to both Lads for stepping up and laying rubber for the culture so guys let me know if to today's results took you by surprise or if things went the way you thought they would and of course which one of the two you'd prefer to own and why and if you have enjoyed today's races if you haven't already make sure to hit that subscribe button and don't miss another battle by Smashing that notifications Bell and we'll be back same place same time with another crazy OG battle peace out [Music] he
Views: 391,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bmw m4, car review, bmw m4 x drive, built g80 m3, fast bmw m4, bmw m4 x drive launch, bmw m3 xdrive launch, built m3, built s58 engine, tuned bmw m3, tuned bmw m4, stage 3 bmw m3, stage 3 bmw m4, bmw m4 vs mercedes c63s, c63s vs m4, m3 vs c63, m3 vs c63s, stage 3 c63s, built c63s, awd c63s, 2024 c63s, awd conversion c63s, awd c63s vs m4, 4matic vs xdrive, mercedes vs bmw, m4 vs c63s drag race, m3 vs c63s drag race, c63s launch, worlds fastest c63s, c63s amg
Id: uUDTe1O3JtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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