Streamyard Tutorial 2023: How to Set Up Youtube Live Stream with Streamyard

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what's up guys in this video I'm going to show  you how to live stream on YouTube using streaming   app there are two ways to go live on YouTube you  could either go to YouTube directly or you could   use a third party software the advantage of using  third-party software like steamyard is that you   have more features and more flexibility and that  will allow you to do things you ordinarily will   not be able to do if you are using just YouTube  for your live stream for instance with screen yard   you can have multiple guests you can brand your  live stream you can share your screen with your   viewers you can highlight comments and notes that  you want to emphasize and a whole lot of other   stuff that is why using a software like steamyard  will make your YouTube life better than when you   are using just the live feature on YouTube so in  this video I'm going to walk you through how you   can set up your YouTube live on stream yard to  go live with screen yard first you will need a   screenyard account so you can click on the first  link in the description below and that link is   going to bring you over to this page you can just  enter email address and then click on get started   and if you use my link in the description you  see that you receive a ten dollars credit once   you signed up so go ahead and set up your screen  account once you are done with the setup that   should bring you over to your screenyard account  I have an account here that I'm going to use and   the first thing you want to do is to come over to  destinations and here you can add the destinations   you want to skim to stream yard gives you a lot  of options you can stream to multiple platforms   at the same time so you can link your Facebook  page Facebook group LinkedIn page LinkedIn profile   Facebook profile YouTube channel Twitter and  all of that if you are streaming to YouTube just   click on YouTube channel and it's going to walk  you through the process of linking your YouTube   channel to your streamyard account and once that  is done you are going to see all the destinations   you added and then the next step is to come over  to broadcast here you'll see the create button   you can just click on create now if this is your  first YouTube life you need to request access to   YouTube live on YouTube so come over to YouTube  and then you can kind of click on this plus icon   then click on go live like I mentioned if this  is your first YouTube life you are going to see   this notification you need to wait for 24 hours  for YouTube to Grant you streaming access but   if you've done any Live on YouTube before now  you'll not have to deal with this just come   back to your steamyard account and then after I  click on create you have the option live stream   recording on a webinar select live stream and  then you won't select the destination you are   streaming to so I'll select my YouTube channel  here then you add the title of your live stream   I'm going to use how to set up YouTube live  stream with steamyard then you can enter your   description as well then privacy you can see that  you have three options public unlisted private so   I'm going to use unlisted for now then the next  option is to schedule for later if you are going   live immediately you can just skip this and click  on create broadcast and your live screen is going   to start right away let's say I want to schedule  this live stream I'm going to check schedule for   later and then upload the thumbnail you want  to use click apply then you select the day and   the time you want to go live then click on create  broadcast now you are going to see your scheduled   broadcast right on this page the next thing you  need to do is to come over to YouTube and let's   open the live control room just click on this  upload icon click on go live for these options   I'm going to select start at a later date and  then select streaming software and here you are   going to see the broadcast you just scheduled  from screenia so what you want to do here is to   click on it from here you are going to see that  auto start is enabled but Auto Stop is disabled   what you want to do is to enable or to stop and  with this anytime you end your live stream on   screen yard it's going to end automatically on  YouTube as well then you can also select the   screen latency you want to use by default it's  on low latency with this option viewers will   be able to follow you close to real time but the  quality of your live stream is going to be quite   low if you use normal latency the quality of your  screen will be high but then viewers are going to   be like seconds behind you just choose one that  you prefer another thing you can do right here is   to click on edit and then you'll be able to edit  the title if you want the description you can edit   the schedule as well the visibility the reason why  I have my visibility unlisted is because I'm not   going live with this but the proper thing to do is  to make it public so that anybody on YouTube can   find your live stream then scroll down select the  appropriate category here you have your thumbnail   you can add your live stream to a playlist if  you have different playlists you can do all of   this other stuff just like you see when you are  uploading videos normally on YouTube then you can   add tags as well stream language recording dates  for your comments you can allow a comment and all   of that then you can also switch to customization  here you can either turn on or turn off live chat   then who do you want to participate in the chat  then message Lee you can save that here you know   you can add it together and all this other  stuff then if your channel is monetized you   can come over to monetization and then turn on  monetization for your live stream and once you   are done with all of this you can just click on  Save and with this you are basically ready to go   live once it's time to go live you can just come  over to screenyard and then click on enter Studio   enter the display name you want to use this  is the name viewers are going to see you can   click on settings right here you can select the  camera you want to use the resolution for audio   as well you can select the microphone you want  to use the speaker you want to use check echo   cancellation and automatically adjust mic volume  if you want your audio to be better and if you   want to use Virtual background recording you can  do all of those stuff very very easily then once   you are done click on enter Studio you have  these different layouts you can present your   live stream with also if you want to share your  screen you can just click on present share slides   or share the entirety of your screen that's up  to you then if you want to invite guests to join   you in your live stream you can just click on  invite then copy this link and share with them   there are a lot of other cool things you can  do on your live stream for instance can come   over to plan set a brand color theme and all  this other stuff you could add your logo set   a custom background all these things are  very easy to figure out but basically once   you are ready to start streaming you can just  click on go live and you'll be live on YouTube   and that's it guys if this video was helpful to  you please hit the like button and also be sure   to subscribe and turn on the Bell notifications  so I get to know whenever I upload a video like   this in the future thanks for watching till  the end I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Emmanuel Adanu
Views: 2,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emmanuel adanu, how to live stream youtube with streamyard, streamyard tutorial, streamyard, how to go live with streamyard, live streaming, live stream, how to live stream with streamyard, streamyard live, how to use streamyard, stream yard, go live with streamyard, streamyard app, streamyard tutorial youtube
Id: UoDan0zhx5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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