How to Install WordPress on your Computer for Free without Hosting using Local by Flywheel

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in this video I am going to show you a quick and easy way to install WordPress on your computer this will give you a local environment to fully develop your website before you move it to a live hosting this method I'm going to show you is super simple and straight to the point you don't need to manually set up a local server or manually install WordPress and you will not have to pay for domain name or hosting and the best part is you can use this to create as many websites as you want So before we dive in if you get value from this video please hit Thumbs Up Button give this video a like I really appreciate that and if you want to see more helpful videos like this make sure to subscribe and turn on the Bell notifications and if you have any questions just let me know in the comment section I'll be there answering your questions and with all that said let's get started so just open a new tab in your browser and then type in local WP now you want to go ahead and click on the first result so the name of this app is local and this is the application we need to run WordPress on our computer now you just want to go ahead and click download for free now you need to choose the operating system of your computer so I'll just select mine here then you want to enter your first name last name and then your organization type I'll just select independent freelancer or consultant and then enter email address right here after entering all of these details you can just go ahead and click get it now after downloading the app just go ahead and run the installation just gag it into the applications folder and now we can go ahead and open the app click open after going through all the require setup steps and you open app for the very first time it should look like this and now what you just want to do is to click on create a new site and here you have three options you can either create a completely new site from scratch or you can use a blueprint that you created with local or you can use an existing zip file let's say you exported a zip file from a different website you can use that here so right now I'm going to use create a new site and then click continue and then you want to give your site a name so let me just use my first local site and you can open advanced options and then you can set the side domain and then the side path but all of these options don't really matter right now so I'll just use the default settings and then click continue and then this is where you get to choose the WordPress environment you want to use for a website you could use the preferred default setup or you could create your own custom setup Now the default setup comes with the latest version of PHP in the X web server and then the latest version of my super or you could use your own custom environment you can select the PHP version the web server and then the database that you like to use but I'll just stick with the preferred option and then click continue and here's the third and final step where you can set up your WordPress admin details so you want to enter your admin name I'll just use admin then set a password for yourself and then enter the email you want to link to this website so I'll just enter my email address right here and if you click the advanc options you can get select if you are setting up a multi site or not so I'll just check no and then click on ADD site and in just a few seconds local is going to handle all of the background work for you and set up a brand new WordPress website on your computer all right our website is ready and these are the details of our site you can see the site host is on Local Host Port 10003 and then the SSL details the web server the PHP version the database and then I'm going to enable one click admin login with this checked we just need to click the wp admin button and it will take us straight to our WordPress admin dashboard also you can get to see the version of Wordpress this website is using and it is always on the latest version of forest now if you come over to database you can get to see the details of your database the host the database name the username and the password and then if you come over to tools one very useful tool on local is lifelinks lifelinks will allow you to have the website locally on your computer but still be able to share the link with other people so that they can visit and check the site this can be very helpful let's say if you're working with a client and you want them to see a preview of the website even before it goes public you can use local live links to do that but this require you to log you know to your local account so you can click on login to use but right now all we can do is to click on WP admin to log into our admin dashboard and as you can see guys this is our brand new WordPress installation so if I click on visit site you're going to see what we have and this website will work the same way every WordPress website work the only difference is that this is currently only accessible on your computer except of course if you're using the live links on local and with this you have a local environment to develop your website before you make it public another very good use case of having WordPress installed locally on your computer is let's say if you already have a live website and you need to make some updates or you need to make some changes you don't have to do it directly on the live website because you might break things and you don't want a situation where users are already on your website and then some things are not working properly because you are making some changes or the website is still under construction in that case you can just create the local version of that website make all the changes make all your updates and run all the test you need to run before you push it back to your live website and the good thing is since this website is installed on your computer you can access all the website files without using FTP so let's come over to the Local app again and then click go to side folder and that will show you the folder that contains contains all your website files so this is site right here first local site remember that is the name of our website and now you can click on app and this is a public folder that contains all your website content and come back to WP content you're going to see the plugins the themes and uploads so if you need to make any changes directly on the website files you can easily do that from right here and there's no limit to the number of websites you can create with local if you want to add a new site you can just click on this plus icon and then follow through to set up a brand new website and that's basically it for this video guys I hope you found this video helpful and before you go don't forget to like And subscribe thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Emmanuel Adanu
Views: 288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: install wordpress locally, install wordpress, local by flywheel, how to install wordpress locally, wordpress tutorial, free hosting, install wordpress on localhost, free wordpress, how to install wordpress locally on your computer, wordpress localhost, how to install wordpress on local computer, install wordpress on your computer, local wordpress, local wordpress site, how to install wordpress in cpanel, how to install wordpress in xampp, local by flywheel wordpress tutorial
Id: 6cbi2w8YFwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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