Streamdeck With ATEM Mini Extreme | Answering Your Questions

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what's going on brian here from a to z productions and today i'm going to show you how to set up companion with your atom mini xtreme or really any atem switcher let's go ahead and jump into it this is definitely a question that we get asked all the time i just downloaded the latest version of companion so here's the first issue it's an unknown developer let's go ahead and open our settings unlock try it again open all right we're open launch gui alright and the latest version as of this video coming out is 2.1.3 add by manufacturer blackmagic design blackmagic design atem atem mini extreme iso and now let's go ahead and grab our ip ip you'll want to grab from come over here to connections come over here to a time setup there it is one nine two one six eight one nine eight apply changes okay status is null all right so i guess i just typed in the wrong ip all right so where you get your ip address from is not in your atem software here because these could be different you're going to want to come up here and go to connection and click atem setup click here and your ip address should be right there all right so now we are connected our status says okay right here now let's go ahead and import this companion file here import companion config replace current configuration now if i shift click on these that should be affecting my super source it doesn't look like it is let's see why it is not click on one of these buttons okay so all of my buttons here say undefined so let's come over here to our instances looks like we may have lost connection all right so my ip address changed when i uploaded that it's 168 198. apply changes and we are connected i'll shift click all right and it is working super source on a big wall there you'll be able to see that it is all working and you'll have to go forward to get to these transition pages yep cool so those are all working here's another issue that i've seen and i'm trying to answer all of the questions that i've gotten in emails that i've gotten through consultations as well as problems that we've run into ourselves and that is you can see here my stream deck is not showing me my buttons if i click oh so it's controlling what's on my computer right now and oh because i pushed that button but the issue here is that i have the stream deck software running in the background if you can see up here that the companion one and the stream deck one look very similar but you can right click on that up there quit stream deck quit and now my stream deck it looks like that i can come over here to surfaces rescan usb and boom i am up so these macros people ask questions about this all the time like what do these buttons do it just calls the macros that you've already built on this a time extreme there's a couple macros first five are custom macros so those just automatically populate with the name of the macro that you have in your atm software and another thing to note when you upload our macros in particular your first page is going to be blank right those are just ones that are on this extreme iso those macros are not part of the pack that we're sending out they'll start here and it's on macro like 48 or whatever so that's just because we're using up the rest of the macros so i mean if you're going to put them anywhere might as well put them as far back as they can go because most people probably start at one when they're creating their own macros so that is the reason that we did that people a lot of times will upload them and then say the buttons don't do anything um that's because by default all of these boxes will just have a source of black and then there will be no background so background's black your sources are black your super source is just going to be a black screen but if i give it a background and then i give my boxes let's give that camera 4 and then box four let's give it my computer screen here three all right and then i can go to any of my presentation looks and boom some other things that i see people run into is let's go do an import you want to just import an individual page so when you import individual pages if you have other ins instances on your companion file most people do you just got to make sure that you click that and then import to page one and then you shouldn't get the nas that a lot of people say that they're getting again just check and make sure your ip address matches your atem extreme make sure you're connected you're plugged in you have an ethernet connection and you should be good so the process may be a little different if you have a brand new stream deck and a brand new extreme iso if you're not getting an ip address from your iso or your atem extreme plug it into your computer by usbc open up your atem software control and then you should be able to let it assign itself an ip address and then connect it by ethernet and you should be good to go all right i know this was a short video but hopefully that answered everyone's questions and now you know you're not going to have an issue of connecting companion to your atem extreme it's a really easy process but they're just some little things that you know if it's your first time doing it it's easy to get stuck and not not know the easy solution to it so hope you enjoyed and thanks for watching
Channel: A2Z Productions
Views: 10,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atem mini, atem mini extreme, elgato stream deck
Id: 4q1MdYw3oxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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