Berry Bitty Adventures πŸ“ The Princess and the Fairy! πŸ“ Strawberry Shortcake πŸ“ Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] straw thank you glad I could help this is a present for Bluebell Bing us our favorite story of Story Time your favorite story favorite story wait which is your favorite story huh Bey and the berin Beast nah berkins are too cute to play beasts the berry sleepy berin princess huh hiya Plum I'm still trying to find the perfect Berry fairy tale to do as a surprise play for the barin kids well I just heard they have a favorite story they do which one is it wait don't tell me is it goldilux and the three berry kins I'm not wait wait the berry Frog Prince uh no but I wait I I know this I know uh uh it's little red berry Riding Hood um Jack and the berry stock I don't I give up which story is it I don't know what I thought you said the baby berins have a favorite story well they do I just don't know which one it is oh well we can't ask them it'll spoil the surprise how do we find out I think I know who to ask see you next time thank you for the very beautiful [Music] Berry strawberry I got your text I just read them their favorite Berry fairy tale today it's the littlest berrykin of course you can borrow it come on over [Music] and they lived happily ever after I love it so cute I've never heard that story before do you know if there's ever been a play version of it published let's do a search I don't see that they're hats well could you and Huck adapt this story to a play for me of course oh going to be so excited I know just the berry fairy tale to turn into a play so welcome all to the first reading of our version of the littlest berin use your imaginations to picture the story imagine our stage and a backdrop like this the narrator begins orange this will be your part once upon a time there was a king and queen played by me and blueberry the king and queen were ready to retire to the tropics but before departing it was necessary to pick one of their three daughters to rule the kingdom it All Began one day as the princesses were playing croquet of course they'll pick me I'm the oldest well you are the oldest but that doesn't mean you are best fit to rule the obvious choice is me oh it's hot I'm roasting out here sorry your Royal Highness is that better princess Trina cooler now your Royal Highness well I am the prettiest therefore it should stand a reason mommy and daddy will pick [Music] me your turn strawberita hurry up little sister she's so slow they'll never pick her you're not so Speedy yourself Lem Monella La berries I've never heard such nonsense well done you did thank you I think she cheated my thoughts exactly lionella how can they be your thoughts when they were my thoughts and my thoughts first rasina just because you told me your thoughts first doesn't mean you thought them first you are such a Thunderhead mommy and daddy will never pick you to Rule the Kingdom there is no other choice but me because I am the choice that is best huh sisters please there's no need to fight our Royal parents will make the best choice and whichever of us they choose the others of us will support are you a cuckoo Berry I've had enough of this let's go ask them [Music] now and so the impatient princesses lemona and Ras balina asked the king and queen if they had come to a decision who [Music] who well what you waiting for have you decided to give the kingdom to me or what is that any way to speak to your Royal parents whatever H how should we speak anyway good afternoon your majesties like your sister princess strawberita she's always so respectful she cheats at croquet yes that's right she sure does Now princesses your mother and I have made a decision it's about time give me that cramp do you mind our decision is this whichever one of you can bring us back the Royal goldenberry will be awarded the kingdom what royal golden who will I never better get started it's a long and challenging journey to find the Royal goldenberry well what are you waiting for go fetch me that Berry don't listen to her go fetch me the berry the berry is mine so mine it must be perhaps you weren't listening my dear daughters you must fetch the Royal golden Berry yourselves you each may bring only one Berry kin in waiting with you you that's right you step Lively you're coming with me yes your highness that's your Royal Highness to you Buster um yep sure thing anything you say your your High royalness royal hi NES you there let's get [Music] going excuse me your Royal Highness I'd be happy to help you find the Royal goldenberry but you might not want me because everyone knows I'm the littlest barin littlest barin I would be honored if you would help [Music] me and so each accompanied by their barin and waiting the princesses set off on their Journey a journey that is sure to reveal who is real ruler material the princesses are soon confronted by the first in a series of challenges the road through the berry patch is blocked by a toll gate guarded by a troll gatekeeper uh the troll will be played by ber and Bloom diamonds jack of diamonds snars and flea bites what I need is a queen but oh no that won't work [Music] now hey what's the big idea well now you see a toll please look here troll do you know who we are I am princess rasina and I am princess lemon you must do as we say raise that bar let us pass I command you as a royal princess that's right do as your told toll troll but you must pay the toll listen toll who takes the troll I order you to do as we say Noby in all my days as the troll who takes the toll have I ever been treated in such a rude and Unbecoming manner the hottie princess is huff and puff and kick at the ground like goats snorting and barking in an ever so Unbecoming Manner and still refuse to pay the toll to the troll they say who needs your silly Road anyway we will find our own way and what do you suppose but they got stuck in a Bramble Bush the troll who takes the toll could hear the princesses doing all kinds of mean and nasty yelling from the Bramble Bush very very unfitting for princesses [Music] indeed dad not another one oh my a toll booth what shall I do I cannot pay the toll well we'll have to go around if you don't mind a suggestion not at all little as bicin maybe if you ask the troll nicely excuse me sir I haven't a token but I have a long journey and don't know any other way through the berry patch if you let me through I promise to return another time and pay you the toll well that's more like it aha oh thank you sir ever so kindly thank you and come again presently Princess strawberita and the littlest berkin arrived at a vast lake with no way across but the littlest berin happened to notice a boat berin who will be played by Princess berin pulled up at the dock you must be hungry little aspar perhaps we should have our picnic here then walk around the lake if you wouldn't mind a suggestion of course not perhaps if you offer to share our lunch with the Captain she'll take us across the lake in her boat that's a very nice idea we should share our lunch with her either way a huh I hope we didn't wake you Ma'am why know me lasses just taking a wee nap I am strawberita and this is the littlest barin would you like to share our picnic it's such a nice day for one and That's mighty generous of V don't Mind If I [Music] Do mil dude Myrtle berries how are we supposed to get across this [Music] Lake let's order that scy old Captain to take us good idea I had that that idea too I just didn't say it as fast as you aoy me hearties aoy your highnesses don't you mean highness or loness making a difference to me I've just had a lunch when to make a salty sea captain do a horn F on yard D so have you brought me dinner dinner my daddy the king will feed you to the fishes if you don't take us across this Lake in your boat if you can call that a boat at once shiver me timbers blay that tuck who do you think you lovers be in your long clothes busing me about we are royal [Music] princesses get a move on what be you doing in me vessel you rap scallion did I give you permission to come aboard what kind of rig you trying to run and you don't even offer me any grub like that Charming L what set sail to Y far for ye oh no did you hear that Ras bolina strawberita was here ahead of us sour berries if you took her across you simply have to take us AR what care I if you be marooned I'm tardy for a game of darts at the jibon topel get away you horn swaglers wait come back now what you two clowns get in here and roll us across uh but that's stealing that boat doesn't belong to us we are princesses everything belongs to us now get in [Music] h over I want to sit in front there's no room for [Music] you now look what you did me yes [Music] you look littlest bin it's the Royal golden Berry ooh pretty oh this is going to be very difficult these poor plants they need water your highness if you wouldn't mind another suggestion please come with me look the Royal gold Berry Royal raspberries we got here before strawberita well go up there and get it for me for you you mean for me what are you waiting for Chop Chop Chop Chop I [Music] know hey I said Chop Chop it's my idea get out of my way uh your highness raw once we don't treat Berry plants that way I wouldn't do that if I were [Music] you I knew they were thirsty [Music] the Royal golden [Music] be H night of Queen [Music] [Music] four Checkmate a muffin crumbs the Royal highnesses your majesties mommy it's not fair it's all her fault she told me to go around the toll booth it was my barin and waiting she wouldn't do what I told her I want to do over yes we demand a doover now daughters calm down have either of you the Royal goldenberry I would have had it but she sat on it did not to Here It [Music] is Well Done strawberita ever so clever of you darling in each of your challenges you showed kindness generosity and resourcefulness all virtues becoming to a ruler of a kingdom she cheated she didn't show any of those those things yeah things whatever she cheated we know we were there as was I the troll who takes the toll was kind enough to give us a report of your behavior lemon rasulina I am ashamed by your lack of manners he wasn't even there when we had to cross the lake but I was toss me overboard and sink me it's pure B they speak these two swabs were very rude well princess strawberita was a sweet lass who shared her lunch with a Sea Dog I'd Scupper those two Skelly Wags and promote this last to Captain I excuse me your majesties but I cannot take credit for the Royal goldenberry you see there was someone who guided me all along the way and gave me good advice and that was the littlest barin this Royal golden Berry should belong to [Music] you who what who are you I am the Royal goldenberry fairy and I know everything about you princess strawberita you are not only kind giving and clever and humble did I mention honest well honest too by giving credit where credit is due you have passed the final test and prove that it is you who are worthy to rule the Kingdom a spoiled well darling it's off to the islands I can help no problem at all well [Music] okay thank you my beloved Royal subjects my first Royal Decree is to promote the littlest Baran to Royal counselor and so the littlest barin proved that it doesn't matter how little you are you can still do very big things and so under the kind generous wise and humble rule of Queen strawberita the king om flourished and everybody lived very happily ever after well not quite everybody you told me we' reach a stellar Kingdom run by a knockout prce by Nightfall and it's getting dark now I said no such thing that was your idea it wasn't I'm hungry it was this is your fault and your fault only [Applause] well what do you think I think it's amazing a skirt that's a video screen congratulations raspberry what a Brilliant Invention thanks strawberry Apple can we jump online bar in the nose almost over it's the fashion talk webcast we're doing this fashion show for oh Mavis Marino here thanking you for keeping your peers glued to this episode of Barry in the no the berry bitty fashion worlds go to show to know what's noo you know don't forget our technology and fashion contest taking place tomorrow that's the contest we entered we have some spectacularly intriguing entries coming in from all over the berry bitty world but the entry that's really frilling my frog is from berry bitty city and those fabulous fashionistas lemon mering and ra ra raspberry Tor I can't believe it don't forget to be ready to text in your votes for your favorite techno fashion until then Mavis Marino reminding you to ask yourselves are you Berry in the no when the berry bitty World sees strawberry walk down the runway wearing my screen skirt and lemon's mood Nails will absolutely positive get the most votes lemon your mood nails turn blue are you sad I was just thinking Raspberry's screen skirt is so outrageously wonderful I don't know if my mood Nails make much of a statement well I think they're great thank you but you'll barely see them in the webcast they're not as prominent as like a hairstyle or that's it forget mood Nails I'll do Moody hair we'll call them mood wao well it's kind of last minute can you pull that off in time the contest is tomorrow I can try and I always have the mood Nails as backup well you better get to it it's going to be a long [Music] night here goes nothing juice [Music] cables it's not alive is it no it's the Sparkleberry juice that makes it move that way and the energy of the emotion of whoever wears it behold Moody [Music] hair hey orange I haven't been to many fashion shows but aren't we supposed to have a model what's going on in the dressing room sorry it's taking longer than we thought to reroute all the screen skirt cables and we Haven Haven even added the Moody hair [Music] [Applause] yet maybe maybe I shouldn't try to change tops just model one outfit can't have a fashion show with only one outfit we have to find to figure a a way we got to model at least four different tops with the screen skirt but how even with both of us helping she can't change that fast you're always wanting us to be here comes peace and harmony hi girls we would love to watch your Fashion Show is that okay what we you dragged me here a little early for Halloween isn't it you're very welcome to watch excuse us for a second I've got an idea oh why not use the twins as models that way people will think it's just one model and you can have one on camera while the other is changing might work but we wanted to feature you in your kitchen strawberry strawberry wouldd still be in the video clips on the skirt good point let me ask him I thought the theme was technology in fashion not monotony in fashion I'm sure they're just ironing out some glitches ironing fashion clothes funny huh no um excuse me sour sweet we have a problem we think that you could help us with we're wondering if you could take over from me in the fashion show and be our models oh we're so flattered yes hold up why would anyone want to look at me sour you're gorgeous well of course you would say that you look just like me well you also have personal flare I don't you do you have more that's silly everyone will be looking at you instead of me won't will girls only one of you will be on stage at a time we have so much to do by tomorrow please there's no time for arguments there's always time for arguments like jelly beans you can't have just one come on sour it'll be fun oh okay thank you so much for thinking of us strawberry are you sure this Moody hair thing is going to work wow it really does work I'm impressed lemon is um something wrong sour sweet's hair looks better than mine oh I think I get it Sour's hair is Green With Envy trust me sour if both your hairstyles aren't fabulous it'll be just as much my reputation as yours now remember girls the fashion webcast is tonight so you'll have to keep your moodies on for the rest of the day moodies oh that's cute lemon I'll see you at rehearsal in half an hour we'll be there what's with you and this we thing we're twins not if I can help it hi orange you look nice today sweet sour so do you wow are those lemon Moody hair pieces she calls them moodies aren't they the best she's so talented oh is that what talent is who knew we need to pick up a few things for the cafe happy to help uh then help me understand why there's no whole wheat flour in this whole joint oh uh H I just ran out this morning great well I guess we can just forget about baking at the cafe this week no pancakes no pies no muffins no bread sour well let's see what if we try almond flour or coconut flour might be fun to improvise no waffles no puff pastries no cake and you can kiss cookies goodbye do you think this is funny ooh what's this my sweet sister angry uh I'm not angry why would you say that cuz your hair is steaming this is so great oh uh golly that's probably just static or I don't know a your hair is blushing that's awesome your hair is doing a joy dance you must be very happy happy I am not I was just saying what the hair is doing and lemon told me these does don't lie but I've never never told a lie in my life that's just so wrong as if GE don't get your hair to [Music] tangle me quick the [Music] door good move orange I'm so glad those things are locked in there did I or didn't I did you or didn't you what what close the back window this [Music] morning I didn't raspberry are you [Music] [Music] here girls have you seen two runaway hair extensions with [Music] attitudes those twins are never on time hello oh hi strawberry you're where they what [Music] are those my are they wearing hats from My New Puppy fashion no one's supposed to see those until I release my spring line did you have to make him so so moody I didn't realize how much got to control emotion those twins had roaring around inside them must have blown their circuits oh YooHoo oh cutie moodies that's right it's me come to Mama they sure love their mama get him over here there's one I got one hey check it hair [Music] bit naughty Moody naughty what are we going to do I don't think all the moose in the world could get those things to behave well I'm not modeling with some wigged out Wiglet on my head lemon we'll do anything to help you with the show go ahead and make a fool of yourselves in front of all the berry bitty world but you can count me out sour don't you think you're sounding just a little bit um selfish yes no raspberry you better go ahead without me and just do the show with your skirt I'm not doing the fashion show without you we're a team lemon thanks raspberry huh I really thought I had something with my original Vision what was that a hair Cam that displays on Raspberry skirt but I couldn't hide the cameras and cables well enough cool you know I bet you I could hide cameras in these barrettes you could and I think I could make him Wireless no cables to mess with you could but now it really is last minute I don't know if we can do it I thought I could run the cafe I failed I thought I can make Moody hair failure lemon just do your [Music] [Music] best [Music] I don't wear glasses yes but it's important that the audience thinks you and sweet are the same model that's the problem I don't want to be the same as her but sour you agreed I didn't you twisted my arm okay guys everything's ready with the berry web hookup when this light goes red the webcams will be live and you're on every Berry in the no fan in the berry bitty world will be streaming your fashion show thanks Apple great job are you done with me yet mhm and mhm and yes uh uh uh lemon you're a genius sour you look gorgeous you're just saying that cuz now I look like you oh sour I'm sorry but please please can't you try and be a good sport hi sweet wo you look terrific I am not sweet that is I am not responsible it's all due to lemon's genius and yours apple look at all this how does this work this will show what's airing on Barry in the not and this shows what our webcams on stage are filming live whatever I mean amazing you're so talented and when the light turns red never mind that uh how is it all uh plugged in well the Sparkleberry juice power cables are connected to the can you help me with this light stand sure excuse me [Music] power cable power [Music] cable that'll do Apple thanks anytime it's down why is it down I must have crash the system with those brat cams oh no oh no oh no oh no apple we're ready to go in 10 yeah no worries [Music] please oh no oh no oh no oh no oh here pH 5 minutes to air time everybody 5 [Music] minutes Mavis Marino here hello fans are you Barry in the no well we're about to to find out when we begin our first Fashion Show contest merciful madas the submission from Berry Betty city is broadcasting early they weren't supposed to start for another few minutes but uh ooh it looks like something interesting is going on there the latex can wait we take you live to berry bitty city lenning lemon where are you 5 minutes we got to get the Barret cameras in the twins hair I can't find the models what they must be over there why did you say I twisted your arm it's so clear now this was all you're planning to get us to look exactly the same of all the underhanded you know this fashion show wasn't my idea I don't know that you actually believe we all plotted behind your back anything's possible it's only for the show anyway it's not like you have to look like me forever hello we're twins places people 3 minutes to air [Music] time what is it they're loose who's loose strawberry you identity sabur helping sweet eradicate any last bit of individuality I have she never there you are quick we're live in two more like in one first in poys and berries get those bar cams in their here [Applause] where'd they go hey your hair looks better than mine I'm not setting a foot on that catwalk until I look as good but your hair looks good too does not does too hey apple is that light supposed to be on what light that red one [Music] we're on unplug unplug they've they've been seeing us see seeing us who everybody we've been on live all this [Music] time we're live in two more like it one first and poys and berries get those Barret cams in their hair disaster our reputations are ruined I'll never sell another outfit my salot will be boycotted never showing my face again wait I've got it identity makeovers I'm in I'll change my name hair face voice I won't even be raspberry anymore I'll even start eating limma beans it's not that bad it's worse look how many messages are waiting for us to read I'll never look at my phone again can you just imagine the nasty texts we're getting I'm so sorry I was in charge of the tech it's my fault it's not your fault Apple it's mine what do you mean sour I fooled around with Apple's computer stuff I was trying to well pull the plug on the whole show and seeing the playback of how awful I treated my sister I never knew how how awful I was you're leaving you'll be better off without me sweet will stay and help you in the cafe don't count on it sweet what are you you didn't do anything wrong you never do you're my sister I stick with you no matter what oh sweet I'm sorry everywhere we go I wear out our welcome you can't leave I've been all over and I promise this place is the best you'll see this is the kind of place where you can wear out your welcome and still be welcome because you're loved that's right please don't go really you'll forgive me us us we'll both try and get along better of [Music] course here goes bouncing Myrtle berries I can't believe this that bad huh no no listen congratulations to Barry bitty city for winning Barry in the nose fashion contest how inventive and avanguard of you to enter a comedy fashion show your admirer Mavis Marino we won [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so lemon I forgot to ask what did you end up doing with those hair thingies the moodies they disappeared thank goodness we've seen the last of [Music] [Applause] [Music] them well sweet sour that was a fantastic adventure story you told I'd like to write up a version of it sometime a tale of twins in the very deep dark Forest no such place excuse me guys I got to get back to work what was that my instructional camping video no what did you mean by no such place it's just that everywhere I've been and um I've been almost everywhere there is to go I've never heard a very deep dark Forest yeah well maybe you got a better story ooh I don't know I think sour and sweets Adventure would be hard to top oh I could top it easy peasy then why don't you here stay with us tell us a story yeah come on Apple we want to hear about your big adventure that's more exci the real and daring than the one sour and sweet just told okay I'll just make it quick well this story it was the kind of thing that happens to me all the time I'm sure well it was Adventure Thrills danger that's my life don't you know this particular time I was reporting on the very bitty great race for my very best bits travel page the four leg course was an equestrian style cross country a mountain climb a hot air balloon race and a sailboat race of course to report it I had to enter it ah thank you tea time Riders to your mou these are the moments an adventurer lives [Music] [Applause] for [Music] my fellow contestants were already mounted on their steeds I gave them a sportsman nod of encouragement little did I know they had no intention of behaving in a sporting way there were Mr MC snivel guava gutter snipe and cruddy do no good I felt there was something oddly Sinister in the way they smiled back at me but I paid it no mind at the time look at her not enough she's won 199 races she has to make it 200 greed I tell you greed wretched girl and her little turtle too this time she'll never reach the Finish Line not if I have anything to say about it or do no good good about [Music] it all in all set and away they go and so we were off ah The Thrill of the race the sun in your face the wind in your hair the power of your Noble Steve leaping over every [Music] obstacle what happened next apple yes then what well P time and I were doing great way ahead of the pack ahead already what a surprise nah it wasn't any surprise it looked like things were going to turn out exactly like the other 199 races i' won but then h all of a sudden without any warning dastardly Deeds threatened to thwart my stellar performance what I didn't know was evil doings were a [Music] foot broccoli no rabbit can resist it Apple dumpling's chance to win is doomed genius Mr MC snivel pure g h just really smart thank you Miss gutter [Music] [Laughter] snipe [Music] away WAOW hey suddenly out of nowhere my Noble Steed was out of control I was about to find out why it was broccoli come on boy please we have a race to win oh well tea time sorry to say but it looks like we're doomed Victory Is Ours wait look great idea tea time a rabbit will take a carrot over broccoli any day of the week curses [Music] foiled they're after the broccoli [Laughter] so that was it for the bad guys great end of story we can go to sleep now afraid not these bad guys they were really bad and they were just getting warmed up [Music] H who this way right into our [Music] trap all of a sudden I found the path was completely blocked h no way through it or is there applying my knowledge of geometry and mechanical engineering I figured out just what to do this [Music] one curses foiled [Music] again yay hoay for Apple yay Apple you defeated the villains what a couple of cheaters they were unbelievable I mean incred I mean that's really obnoxious I hope that was the last you saw of them um not quite here Apple try some hot chocolate M that's really good okay okay well what happened next did you win the race yeah what do you mean not quite H you mean there's more oh yeah did gutter snipe and MC snivel come back they did indeed because their dastardly deeds in the cross country race were only the beginning of their um dastard liness relax tea time we just got to get to the top down the other side fly a hot air balloon to the lake and sail across it to the Finish Line easy peasy always going swimmingly or should I say climbing L when out of a blue and sunny Sky we were hit by a [Music] blizzard what I didn't know the time was it wasn't a blizzard at all it looked like we were doomed until all of a sudden I spotted [Music] [Applause] shelter what was that the legendary Abominable Snow Beast of BU big peak let's get out of here some may have trembled in fear some may have fled for their very lives not me no matter what the cost I had to find out what it was well what was it what did you find weren't you afraid me terrified fck farther and farther we ventured into the darkness not knowing what sort of Beast we would [Music] encounter for the love of leader hen who are you I'm apple duin and this is tea time Turtle we're competing in the very bitty great race I'm Elsa and this is my twin sister Elsa Do You y do I what yodel like this wait we agreed to yodel always in the key of B flat ah says you it was the key of C B flat C be flat c um excuse me perhaps this key would work for both of you bless my strudel a D sharp person yeah I think you're right right well shall we try and the one and the [Music] two my goodness gracious we [Music] [Laughter] [Music] rocked there's the balloon launch you better get over there you are in first place you want to keep it that way yeah what well this tunnel turned out to be kind of a shortcut so I think I better wait until the rest of the contestants catch up only fair SRA who will know you could get a big head start a race is only fun if it's fair come on T time we'll wait at the balloon launch good luck Apple Dumpling and remember wherever you go keep [Music] Ying all right face is only fun if it's fair that's what I told him so you can imagine my shock to find kuddy do no good doing no good what'd she do what was it untying all the balloons so she wouldn't have any [Music] competition hey you can't do that it's not fair fair share see if I [Music] care she did it wait look hold on tea [Music] time quick after her well tea time looks like we lost [Music] [Music] him uh-oh quick tea time drop the ballast well there was no getting around it we were going to crash there was nothing left to drop overboard to lighten the load nothing left but me you can play it that game woo [Music] woohoo here we go tea time we barely escaped disaster only to discover we were lost in the Mountain Wilderness and then look tea time the St Bernard Rescue Dog here to save us [Music] he led us to a tropical fruit stand on the [Applause] mountain a Tropical Fruit Stand I on a mountain is this not getting just a bit ridiculous may I continue morning or noon or after afternoon and welcome to Fern fr's Tropical Fruit Stand I'm Fern FR but you can call me Fern friend nice to meet you f Fern I'm Apple Dumpling and I'm competing in the berry bitty great race ooh you're about a mountain off course I saw some real treachery going on up there in the sky could it be someone wasn't playing nice with others H pretty much yeah H sorry about that how about a frozen banana chocolate puff a fern fron specialty actually would it be possible for me to purchase this banana peel certainly but what would you want with that uh looks like you've got someone who doesn't play well with others heading your way peel sure thing come on tea time they're gaining on [Music] us hey why that's that's stealing stealing schmeing after that peeling hey that's stealing two that's right one bad turn deserves [Music] another and it was onto the final leg of the race [Music] hey you're cheating again how else can vills win win win wait a minute only one of us can win what are you saying I'm saying there is only room in this boat for one of us and that one is me no no I'm more evil than you I should win [Music] Mr mixn guava gutter snipe and cruddy do no good in all my days as head official of the very bitty great race never have I seen the level of treachery and dastard liness that you have displayed today wait it's true you never have seen cuz you weren't there you did didn't see us how do you know we did those dastardly villainy things we did uh you say we did I'm with cruddy where are your witnesses witnesses you say allow me to introduce you to our race rule monitors you think we just sit around all day and yodel we've been keeping an eye on you and it wasn't just bad Deeds they were monitoring either Apple dumplin for winning the race and most importantly for your good sportsmanship I award you first prize what a great story what great imagination tall tail natural good job Apple got to admit that was the best story yet you win first prize for imagination imagination What what do you mean I didn't make it up every word was true yeah uhhuh okay sure it was tea time my scrapbook [Music] please thank you wow wow wait you mean that story told really was real well sure wasn't yours no we made it up what why it's our camp out tradition roasting marshmallows hot chocolates sitting around the campfire telling Tall Tales we do it every year didn't you hear us talking about telling Tall Tales uh no I guess I was working on my camping video and I missed it you didn't miss it cuz you you told a great story well if I can make up a story The Fair bitty great race is nothing compared to what I could tell in a tall tail but as it stands now I'd say sour and sweet wi first prize for imagination thanks but you can't give this to us no no it's okay I've won 200 of them in fact fact did I ever tell you about the trans desert Treasure of the Lost Pyramid Road Rally no but um what about your video project ah that can wait we're on a camp out I want to do what you guys are doing great let me heat up more hot chocolate any more marshmallows well there I was in the middle of the greatest Sandstorm to hit the desert all right folks this is where it happens right here The Whole Town's going to show up right here for the glimmerberry Gathering so we want this place spoted now everybody look Lively look Lively come on let's move it move it move it folks I'll get it don't need any help I can do it we're working on this together all of us we are going to need some extra hands on this [Music] one all righty now folks on the count of three [Music] one [Music] that's it that's the last of them good job fairy kins good [Music] job all oh well not bad not [Music] bad what do you think there to celebrate first [Music] Frost oh this has to be my most favorite season of the year okay now let's make this whole place [Music] Sparkle oh looks like we have some very cold weather moving in here let me help we'll get it done faster if we work [Music] together oh looks like oh some sort of old box wonder what's in [Applause] this sorry there's a book in here the one we used to read for first Frost yes here it is it tells all about the first winter in berry bitty city I bet everybody would love to hear it again I'll read it here in the cafe and invite everyone in Barry biddy City come on you two can [Music] help raspberry [Music] raspberry you in here Rasberry just a minute strawberry aha found it what's all this well I'm finishing up my winter fashions it's very beautiful so original so oneof a kind well thanks I've been putting my whole heart into this entire collection you outdo yourself every year raspberry I just feel what's the point of doing something unless it's the best so I'm not stopping till I get a totally completely absolutely right like you said I really want to make something original one of a kind never been seen before well come on custard and pupcake we better let raspberry work oh I'm having a reading tonight at the cafe I'd really like it if you could come huh oh oh yes of course I'll be there [Music] pupcake [Music] here they come hi strawberry strawberry glad you could make it oh thanks for coming come on in take a seat anywhere you like oh I'm so looking forward to this strawberry in the old days this was my favorite part of first Frost [Music] this is a very fun time of year with celebrations and the glimmerberry ball and glimmerberry Gathering but sometimes maybe we forget how important it [Music] is that's why we always used to read this book The Great glimmerberry Gathering it tells the story of the very first first Frost long ago when berry bitty city was a very bitty Place everyone worked hard to help the new town grow together they planted the seeds that would become the beautiful Bountiful Berry Grove but the first winter of that first year was not easy the weather turned quite cold some of the town's folk were trapped in their houses by snow drifts and others had to dig them out some towns folk ran low on food they stored for Winters and others shared what they had as the days were went by it only grew colder and colder and colder still it looked like the young Berry plants might die that's when the first glimmerberry was carved and made into a beautiful glowing Lantern because it was important to have wow fan carving glimmer berries that long that's right for many years I have no idea and so today when we take the carved berries to the I never knew there was a a real reason for it I thought we did it because it's fun it is fun but it's also important because this year I'm going to carve the most beautiful Berry ever of course we have to remember why we carve the berries see in the story it says I'm going to start work on my daring designer right now oh me too me too but don't you want to hear the rest of it oh yeah but I really want to get working on some designs why wait till the last minute I am going to absolutely outdo myself this year great idea let's hurry time's wasted got to get busy this is going to be so much fun but I guess they didn't think the story was so important I'm sorry Princess barin maybe the time wasn't right but someday strawberry you'll help them see the real reason for the Gathering I know you will [Music] H good but not good enough not original one of a kind never been seen before [Music] enough H I'm going to put my whole heart into this one it's got to be the greatest most be [Music] h no that's not [Music] it aha yes oh yes I think I'm on to something a little bit more here a little bit less there that's it I bet no one has ever seen a design like this [Music] before raspberry what is that your glimmerberry design no I mean maybe I mean I don't know I mean why I was just asking I didn't see it not even for half a second well maybe half a half second but that's not why I stopped by I just want it to be a surprise I understand I want my design to be a surprise too I just wanted to ask if I could borrow some drawing paper so I can make my glimmerberry design I have it in my head but if I don't draw it soon it might disappear of course that's how my idea came to me it just seemed to magically pop into my head here you are ooh this one seems pretty good nice shape right size I think I'll go for for it how about you strawberry any luck I'm leaning toward this one what do you think it's a beauty all right huh hey raspberry have you picked a glimmerberry to carve for the Gathering oh uh yes I have and I better hurry home to carve it right now what was that all about she wants her Berry to be a big surprise Hey where's everybody going over to strawberries we're going to show each other our glimmerberry designs are you coming raspberry okay but I'm certainly sure not going to show anybody my design until my berry is carved I can't wait oh I oh can I go first can I please sure Plum go ahead it took a while to get it just the way I wanted it but what do you think it's almost exactly like mine that's fantastic Plum check this out I did one sort of like it hey I did too what do you know me too wonder how that [Music] happened it happened to because orange copied my drawing but but raspberry I haven't even seen your drawing well of course not then how could she have copied it well she saw blueberries and blueberry saw plums and plums saw lemons and lemon some mine you're just uh joking right raspberry I do not think this is a joke now let's stay calm and figure this out out I worked very hard on that design I wanted to make something special and totally original for the glimmerberry Gathering I put my whole heart into it I'm sure there's a very simple explanation of course there is everybody copied me you can count me out I'm not going to car a glimmerberry this year but raspberry we need you we can't have the glimmerberry Gathering unless everybody's [Music] there you know I don't like to say this but maybe Raspberry's right maybe orange did copy my sketch I didn't want to say anything either but I was thinking lemon might have been copying too I hate to even think it but I have a feeling maybe Plum did copy my sketch uh strawberry we have a little problem I'm starting to think that there has been some copying going on oh Plum really blueberry was hanging around my place that day and I heard that am I being accused of copying look I'm just saying but it was orange who copied me I didn't copy anybody are you sure it wasn't you who copied me now come on everybody let's not get carried away carried away with what we're talking about copyop girls whoops talking who cop and one accused the other and on and on it went and now no one wants to carve berries and without everyone cooperating together well the Gathering just cannot be I'm afraid we'll have to cancel the [Music] celebration [Music] thanks custard oh pupcake I know you want to help but there's nothing we can do won't be needing this [Music] anymore hey hold on a minute oh oh oh now it all makes sense now I know exactly what to do meeting meeting time meeting at the cafe blueberry raspberry orange lemon everybody come on over as soon as you can tell everybody Anybody Everybody important meeting right now I don't What's happen what's this all about strawberry yeah what's so important we had to run over here I wanted you to hear the rest of the glimmerberry Gathering we never got to finish but why there's not going to be a gathering this year please everybody just stay and listen when I'm done I think you'll understand custard the lights [Music] when that coldest of cold Winters hit Barry bitty city the whole Community worked hard to save the newly planted Grove but the weather kept growing harsher and they knew the young plants weren't going to make it then the littlest barin had an idea we can carve out the frozen berries we do have he said and we can put glow bugs in them why would we do that the others asked if we took them to the Groves he explained they might keep the plants warm at first they only laughed at the little berrykin but then they understood it was their only hope if the plants didn't make it they'd have no food to eat and no power to run the little city so they worked together and took the glowing berries into the field and it worked the plants were saved but only because every single person in berry bitty city brought a lantern to help warm the berry plants the people of berry bitty city saw that they had to depend upon each other the way they depend on the glimmer berries and so we celebrate the glimmerberry Gathering every winter every person in berry bitty city carves a frozen berry Lantern the whole town comes together and lights their lanterns in a circle it is a promise everyone makes that the community will come together and help each other in the hard winter days to come friends helping friends and that is what the Gathering is really all about oh oh my I've really been acting so very silly now there's one more thing I want to show you do you see this here wait that's that's that's my design that's right and I do one just like it hey me too so did I we all did I think you all saw it when I opened the box but you didn't realize you'd seen it that's how you came up with the same design we all did oh then then I accused you all of copying me when you didn't oh I'm so sorry I hope you can kind of sort of oh forgive me well sure raspberry if you can forgive me and me me too I think we all overreacted oh look everybody it's getting really Frosty outside I bet the berries are very Frozen and perfect for carving you would better hurry if you going to get the glimmer berries carved in time we got Let's Do It come on do it come on everybody how's this looking awesome how about this one looking good orange you missed a little spot there is everybody just about done yeah give me another second I'll let him know it's time could you please tell the glowbugs were ready thank [Music] you when things AR looking up and it seems you're out just think behind the clouds could be a beautiful rainbow when it all just falls apart you overit your very T that's when you'll find a for leaf clover life is sweet life is good life is anything you want and you know that you should just while I say look around and you'll see it's a beautiful day it's good it's all good it's good it's all good I'm take a walk Whistle While think happy thoughts don't let anybody take away your Sunshine F hide and run around turn a frown upside down find your sparkle shine your light come on sing it loud life is sweet life is Sweet Life Is Good Life Is Good Life Is anything you want and you know that you should just be what I say what I look around and you'll see it's a beautiful day it's all good [Music] easy easy slow slow sh lemon you make her nervous don't worry I'm already nervous this is history the world's first rainbow smoothie here goes congratulations strawberry wait something's missing I forgot my very favorite flavor strawberry okay quick quick got to make a strawberry smoothie fast what this is supposed to be strawberry [Music] lemon this isn't the lemon Sprout isn't that the orange Sprout this is orange flavored but it's the wrong color what's going [Music] on what flavor is that kiwi honeydew spinach uh-oh I'm running out of time look oh no oh well [Music] oh I wonder what's wrong with these juice spouts maybe some things up at the berry [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Works wow what's that incredible amazing Fredy ah strawberry princess barin what's causing all this [Music] [Laughter] [Music] him hey there he is where'd he go look over there after him he is changing the colors on everything oh yes indeed he made be bitty but his Berry Sparkles are the best hi hi but I thought your Berry Sparkles only worked on berries his Sparkles work on everything we've never seen anything like [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it oops thank you you're [Music] [Music] welcome [Music] the problem is the berry harvest is just one day away if he does tomorrow what he's doing today what could happen oh my I don't want to say uhoh just like at the cafe oh no one will know which flavor of berry juice is which what if I was to Baby Berry can sit for a [Music] day that would be a big help it would save the Harvest but I couldn't ask such a large task I'd be happy to princess barin yeah good idea he's so cute that'd be fun we'll all babysit them that is if we can catch him I would be ever so grateful it's my pleasure looks like our work's cut out for us girls what's the plan Chas some so sleepy he takes a nap yell ice cream and when he comes out to get it grab him separate and in circle [Music] yeah [Music] over [Music] here oh I was sure I heard him right around here me too did he just [Laughter] [Music] disappear so I need you to do you have to you're going to go underneath you just have to be there get ready okay okay okay well baby berin is too smart for us you're so right huh oh yeah um I guess we better be going uh home home going home that's where we're going now right right now wait look at that Berry why the color is all wrong my my it certainly is I think it should be blueberry blue oh you are so wrong orange is prettier lemon yellow that's my favorite plum purple raspberry blue orange yellow blue orange straberry ooh pretty nice I like it hello there baby berin hello my name is Strawberry Shortcake and strawberry is my favorite color me too strawberry come play Strawberry come play adorable well that sounds sounds like fun but don't you think we should ask the princess if it's okay ask uh-huh that's when you want to do something and you ask how somebody feels about it huh I feel it would be fine baby barin might learn a thing or two if he was to spend the day with you day with Stell day with Stell all right then what do you say to Strawberry thank you you're very very welcome [Music] bye-bye strawberry that has got to be the cutest kid in the world it should be no problem babysitting he's such a [Music] darling baby barin did you change the color of this water baby berry kin uh-oh hi girls what was that my hair's so greasy baby oil what no this is a hair conditioner bottle wait it is baby oil but the baby oil is supposed to be in a blue bottle what's going [Music] on sorry lemon he must have changed the color of the conditioner bottle now how am I supposed to tell what's what let me rinse your hair again Plum sorry baby berry kin now lemon has to redo Plum's hair why I don't think he understands uhoh better catch [Music] [Music] him [Music] [Music] oh you are a champion Mr long face you've just about won well this would be the first time I think I've finally gotten the hang of my own bitty mini golf course I must say this is marvelous fun huh what's happened to my ball disappeared vanished before my very eyes oh here's mine but somehow it's turned green but this is the wrong color you can't see it isn't this [Music] strange you there did you have something to do with this oh now I've lost it again oh you poor dear looks like our game is ruined no but I was about to [Music] win [Music] what do you think raspberry well I like it great color on you I like it too but the other one is very nice as well you want to try it on again um yes [Music] please stop oh come back here wait for a [Music] strawberry what do you think I like this one too but oh I just I just wish I had a bunch more colors to show you okay [Music] [Music] pretty baby bar Kim yes BL you need to ask before you make things change colors why that really clashes well for example what do you think of this color hat with my outfit pretty oh dear he'll never have a future in fashion design oh how do you get somebody this young to realize that what they do has an effect on everybody else there he is it was him I was this close to a winning round at my miniature golf course that's it your miniature golf course can we bring baby ber can to come play yeah yeah yeah yeah but but he'll change the balls the wrong colors exactly let's go but trust me Mr longf face I think this will work you'll be doing a great service to Barry bitty city [Music] wow yay now now miss Shortcake those are the last ungreen golf balls that I have I know thank you for letting us use them don't worry we'll be very careful won't we baby berry kin so what do you say would you like to give it a try yes [Music] please okay baby barin try and make your ball go up up the ramp through the windmill like this yay Stelly thank you now it's your [Music] turn oh don't worry you'll have another chance but first it's blueberry's [Music] turn oh dear oh my whatever will I do what's the matter blueberry I can't play anymore why because it isn't my ball my ball is blue strawberry is this yours oh no it couldn't be mine mine already went through my turn my turn I'm sorry baby berin but we can't play if we don't know which ball belongs to which player oh sorry Miss Shortcake perhaps another the time come on baby berin we'll find something else to do I want to play mini golf please strawber well the only way we can play is if we know whose ball is whose oh if only there was a way to make the balls go back to the color they used to be I know I know I can take out belly poles and I can put them back strawberry promise really that's [Music] great yay now we can keep [Music] playing yeah you did it really very good yay see can you help us you did such a good job taking the berry Sparkles out of the golf balls could you do the same with the other things you changed so everything looks like it was before yeah yeah yeah oh and you see because they're the same color I can't tell the nice smooth flannel from The Itchy burlap until I'm wearing it oh whatever shall I do oh I don't know hey do you know [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] thank you baby berin now I know which is which what do we say you're welcome rasb very good I couldn't tell which was the right hair dye or nail polish just look at me what about lemon pretty yes it's good that you think she's pretty but she doesn't think she's pretty oh no no you see Everyone likes different things and lemon likes how she looked before you changed her oh okay wow [Applause] pretty thank you baby Barkin you're welcome [Music] [Music] women [Music] thank you strawberry you're welcome you're the first to try my rainbow smoothie now that the right colors match the flavors again I could finish it pretty and tasty oh thank you I'm glad you like it oh that's very pretty thank you swab belly oh the color I want well it's not here I know say can you make this crayon a color that's a little bit more like this one uh-uh why not using belly Sparkles to change colors is bad oh baby berin your Sparkles aren't bad they're beautiful it's wonderful it is yes it is all you need to do is think before you do it think how will it make other people feel strawber yes what if I don't know well then you ask them is it okay very okay o pretty thank you baby berin you're welcome [Music] [Music] stabell it was a dark and not so stormy night everything was quiet in the sleepy little town no one knew it then but strange things were about to [Music] happen aha you there cut you red-handed I saw right through that disguise guys I knew you were you all along I Patty Pimon genius detective have solved another baffling mystery oh Bosley isn't she just incredible [Music] incred the case of the missing friend I started reading it the second it came in and I can't put it down it's just a bit past my bedtime oh I'm sorry Bosley but just listen to this chapter the dark and not so stormy night was followed by a bright and not at all stormy day using my brilliant brain I Patty Pimon genius detective track down the [Music] suspect yes yes looking wonderful wonderful uh coming along beautifully a glorious glimmerberry crop the [Music] season oh good my goodness me how could it it couldn't but it is how peculiar what a [Music] mystery raspberry blueberry Orange Blossom it's time to get going it's a very beautiful day for a swim we don't want to miss a minute what are we waiting for wao hold on where's blueberry wherever she is it isn't here come to think of it she's been missing out on a lot lately yeah I was supposed to have lunch with her yesterday but she called and postponed it until next week same with her haircut appointment she called and cancelled [Music] huh blueberry uh blueberry Yik hi strawberry raspberry come in come [Music] in [Music] you're just in time to help me with these new books happy to [Music] help help what's happening to your store I'm trying to make room for all the Patty pmen books I ordered of course they should go in the mystery section then again I could put some under bestseller because I know they'll be best sellers where are all your other books no room I had to move them out I only have Patty for Simmon Mysteries now it's all I read uh blueberry Mysteries are great but you love all sorts of books you you like learning about all kinds of [Music] things but Patty Pimon Mysteries are the best books I've come across in ages and she's such a fantastic detective I wish I could be that smart you are smart blueberry and such a good memory for details well you could use a little help there I might say huh well you did forget we were all going swimming today remember oh no was that today I'm sorry girls I'd like to get all these books organized perhaps another day okay okay there's our nature hike tomorrow I'll be there you can count on me it's just today I'm so busy okay come on [Music] Raspberry strawberry raspberry come quick come see Berry can [Music] bloom what is it can't you tell us what's the matter oh if I told you you'd never believe me better you should see with your own eyes oh we'll see what see that oh what's happened to that glimmerberry plant it's caught a case of the rare the unusual the mysterious platus spotus what is wooes platus spotus it's a condition which causes the plants to turn plaid and polka doted oh is it bad oh it's not good and from a fashion sense pla in polka dots awful what causes it that's a mystery I recall reading somewhere it's a lack of a certain vitamin but which one I can't recall does it hurt the berries not that I remember but I don't know for sure oh can can you do anything maybe if I mixed up a batch of extra special vitamin plant food why yes that's it wonderful idea off I go well guess we'd better get to the pond if we want to go swimming today yeah I [Music] guess let's make sure we have everything we need for the nature hike lunch check binoculars check guide books uncheck blueberry was supposed to bring them she forgot to bring them she forgot to bring herself oh blueberry H let's swing by and see what's keeping her blueberry did you forget about our nature hike gun detecting I wonder what that means blueberry are you in there hello you there blueberry detective blueberry how do I look like Patty Pimon thanks what are you up to wait don't tell me let me figure it out like Patty does she really knows how to get into the mind of a criminal criminal mhm mhm mhm well my Keen powers of deduction tell me that you're going on a nature hike how' you guess it was no guess I asked myself why would these girls have butterfly Nets and binoculars what a coincidence we were just asking ourselves why don't we have nature guide books what nature guide books the ones you were going to bring oops I think they got boxed up to make room for all the new Patty Pimon Mysteries well are you going to join us for the hike you might want to change oh girls I'm sorry I don't want to hold you up see I really need to practice my detecting skills we have muffins your favorite blueberry you do oh no thank you I don't care for muffins huh huh see you later I'm off to solve another mystery uh isn't it Patty Pimon who doesn't like muffins not blueberry I mean I like Patty pmen books too but what happened to our friend blueberry that's the real mystery if you ask me blueberry's getting way carried away with those Patty pmen Mysteries I know let's try and find a really new and interesting plant specimen to bring back for her something to remind her of her other [Music] interests you mean maybe something like that what is it oh no it's called platus spotus and it's spreading indeed it is my extra special vitamin enriched plant food didn't work does that mean all the plants could end up like this I'm afraid that's true I just don't know what to do oh what if we cleared away the plants that are close so it couldn't spread yes yes yes just might [Music] work thanks everyone bar can bloom says that should take care of the problem pH that sure was a lot of work and it would have been easier if we had some help from you know who yes I know why don't we plan something fun for tomorrow we deserve it for working so hard maybe a big picnic in the meadow sounds good but right now I need a nap an alln night nap see guys in the morning good night well blueberry you there I'm just about to solve the mystery of why these flowers would want to close up like this maybe they feel sad maybe they feel embarrassed uh maybe cuz it's getting dark and that's what flowers do at night aha it's because it's getting dark and that's what flowers do at night this mystery is solved if you're finished with this mystery would you have time to solve another of course really what is it no no no no wait don't tell me the mystery of the mysterious mystery what could it be why would a mystery want to be mysterious what kind of thing would strawberry find mysterious oh why don't I give you a clue [Music] you there why do the plants look like this that's the mystery something's making them turn plaid and polka doted but I'm sure you can find the answer in one of your books no no no no no no I'm going to solve this case the Patty Pimon way and she always Begins by gathering clothes and then comes the fun part fun part yes getting into the mind of the criminal asking herself how a criminal thinks H why would plants want to be polka dot and Pla maybe they were bored uh aha I know what's wrong with these plants someone has been painting them why would anybody do that exactly that is what I'm going to find out I'm going to wait for the criminal to return to the scene of the crime they always do that you know I learned it from Patty Pimon genius [Music] detective I'll stay out here all night if I have to not a thing will escape my Keen Eye and the other one [Music] too [Music] oh my this is very bad there are even more plaids and polka dots now well hey maybe blueberry solved the mystery where is she anyway she was around here [Music] somewhere uh blueberry you there so it was you all along and you're a criminal accomplice this case is solved so what made you do it uh do what paint plaids and spots on the berry plants we didn't paint anything then what are you doing here in the middle of the night we came to check on you to make sure you were okay actually it's morning now I knew that I just wanted to see if you knew that I knew you know now if you'll excuse me I have a mystery to solve somewhere out here is a master criminal a fiend with no sense of fashion oh no what are we going to do about blueberry we never see her anymore and even when she's here she's not really here she's PR pretending to be Patty Pimon yeah I think I just may have an idea now I'll need everybody's help so what are I [Music] [Applause] [Music] thinking there's another mystery blueberry one that has us all stumped well I am still working on the spotted plaid plant mystery but I think I can fit another one in in the MS mulberry's mystery Patty Pimon juggled 10 cases at the same time and solved them all she's just so great so you there what's the new mystery well it's sort of a a missing person case aha why would a person go missing as Patty for Simon would say time to get a clue or two this missing person they haven't been seen recently you might say that aha I knew it now what is their favorite color favorite color uh blue if it was Wednesday it is Wednesday where might I find this person on a Wednesday I mean if they weren't missing uh at the cafe at book club say no more your missing person is as good as [Music] found you're probably wondering why I called you here today because uh we're having book club here today besides that you uh figured out who's missing aha close it's because I've almost figured out who's missing just a few more questions and this case will be closed like a door slammed in a strong wind my keing detective mind tells me the answers to those questions Are In This Very Room what uh sorts of questions what is this person's favorite food that would be muffins aha especially blueberry muffins aha what about Hobbies uh well um she loves to read books aha it's a girl you said she I've gathered the clues and I'm putting them together she likes the color blue and has a suspicious fondness for blueberry muffins she likes to read books and should be here at book club if she weren't missing and the only person like that is yeah well who is it come on the suspense is too much the only person like that is me wait it's you already you did it blueberry you solve the mystery so I'm the missing person that's right yeah guess I haven't been around so much lately huh and we've been missing you come quick everyone to The Grove just look look look kind to spot us a Sprint to everything that does not look good it's as bad as a curse and watch this it gets worse [Music] what happened your glimmerberry Sparkles didn't stick indeed and if the Sparkles do not stick the glimmerberry cannot be harvested but if the glimmer berries can't be harvested there will be no power to run the town there has to be something we can do whatever are we going to do maybe blueberry can help us me you could do some research with your books I'm very sure you can find a way to stop the platus spotus I can [Music] [Music] try according to this book we need half a smidgen of this yes yes that's just what it says and this book says we need a quar pinch of this now let me check my notes yes says it right there page 324 indeed it does and finally a little dash of this there that ought to do it oh I hope this [Music] works give it a [Music] second yes yes [Music] do it it sure is good to have you back blueberry it's great to be back I guess I didn't make a good detective anyway you made a very fine detective but you make an even better friend and that's no mystery
Channel: Strawberry Shortcake - WildBrain
Views: 71,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anything is possible, barbie, berry in the big city, cartoons for girls disney, cartoons for girls kids, cartoons for kids, strawberry short cake, strawberry shortcake, strawberry shortcake cake, strawberry shortcake cartoon, strawberry shortcake cheesecake, strawberry shortcake full episodes, strawberry shortcake full movie, strawberry shortcake games, strawberry shortcake movie, strawberry shortcake songs, strawberry shortcake theme song, strawberry shortcake toys
Id: b55D5zJ9db4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 2sec (7562 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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