Stranger Things Season 5 Theories REACTION!

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some of these theories are from the deepest depths of the upside down and I would be shocked if they actually came true what's going on guys I'm Chris and welcome back to another videos today I'm reacting to your stranger things season 5 theories and predictions there was over a hundred theories that I sifted through and I ended up picking about 20 or 30 that I'm gonna talk about in this video before I do you guys know the drill hit that like button comment down below your theories and predictions for season five of stranger things subscribe to that notification Bell if you have not already to help me reach my goal of 85 000 subscribers here on the channel and check out my patreon link down below anything goes a long way over there we got the Discord server lots of other stuff it's a grand old time but anyway let's dive into some of these theories I really miss stranger things I think we all can agree it's it's been a long wait it's going to continue to be a long wait but I have faith that whenever we do get season five the payoff will be so so rewarding but this first Theory comes directly from patreon shout out David and if you guys are in the patreon community you guys rule consider joining a link down below but this first Theory says I think no none of the main characters will die in season 5. it is clear that The Duffer Brothers don't have the guts to do it and most of the time they do fake deaths for example Hopper and Max you could be onto something here David you really could be because you're right it has fans we always go oh this character's gonna die and this character's gonna die I mean look at season four in the gap between volume 1 to volume two I must have made 20 videos talking about who could die and everyone was theorizing oh it's gonna be Robin it's going to be Steve it's gonna be Eddie rip um but ultimately no one really died except Eddie not even Enzo ended up dying in season four so you're right they sort of faked out Max they had her dead and they brought her back they did the hopper fake out at the end of season three they do like to do fake deaths a lot but the only thing I'll kind of counter with David is this is the final season of the show so there's not any you know oh we'll save them for next season we'll bring them back for next season there's no more of that so I think this is the final season of the show and this is the final time we're gonna see the Darth bro say hey you know what let's kill some characters they've been holding them back for this final season because they want everyone to tune in to see their favorites in the final season of the show but now it's like it's free reign No One Is Safe that's how I feel at least so I mean I don't know we'll see I think at least one or two main characters will die at least one major death and by Major I mean like main kid from the group Death in this show likely 11 we'll talk about that more later now we're getting into the theories from the community tab the first one's from Braden he says I think Steve is almost guaranteed to sacrifice himself for either Robin or Nancy or even Dustin and as far as the ending of The Show Goes if it's a good ending I think it will end on a shot of the party including Max playing a game of d d similar to the last shot of season one if it's a bad ending I think it will end on a shot of Hawkins in the upside down I don't think the ending will have any ambiguity I think they're gonna really like make it a set in stone concrete thing where hey the upside down is no more or the upside down is overtaking the world be a really gloomy note on the show on I think it should have a happy ending but regardless I don't think either of those shots would be the final one it could be them playing d d like a little callback but I think that they maybe be them moving on from d d you know I don't know if they'd want to go back to DND after all this madness that has occurred uh it could be a little sweet callback but my biggest fear is that you know in a theory we've all sort of had is what if the final shot of this is like oh the whole thing was a d d game that would be too outlandish for me with regard to the first part part of your theory though I don't know I I'm sort of on the fence about Steve sacrificing self obviously he's my my 1a1b type character like he's up there for me um if he were to sacrifice himself for any of these people I think it would be Dustin my only issue there is we saw him we saw Eddie do that already so do they want to sort of rehash that I'm not so sure that's why we definitely could see him Sakurai himself for Nancy anyone he sacrificed himself for it's gonna be heartbreaking I don't want Steve to die but the more I think about the more I'm like there's a world where he does die and it breaks my heart I don't know I want him to have that happy ending the next Theory says Max and Will are definitely going to bond with our upside down trauma the thing about this is we don't know what Max's fate is well Max even wake up this season will she be in a coma the whole season we really don't know um but if Will excuse me if Max does wake up I could definitely see her and will sort of bonding over that but at the same time I'm not so sure I do think Max is a huge part of the Season them keeping her around definitely is gonna bleed into season 5 somehow if that's that can be using her as a vessel so be it but we have to just wait and see I guess next Theory says 11 will have to sacrifice herself to kill vetna and seal away the upside down for good the whole series will end with Mike as an older man coming to Elle's grave and giving her flowers I don't hate this I really don't in fact if you've been listening to my theories or speculation for a while I'm in the boat right now where 11s are gone or because the upside Down's got to go with 11. she is directly correlated to the upside Down's existence and so in order for the upside down to go away she does too that's kind of the way I look at it so I I see a world where 11 dies and sacrifices herself I don't hate that but then again I just has to be done right if they go to a Flash Forward I'm not sure if I want to Flash Forward um I'd rather just see Mike put flowers at her grave as Finn wolfhard as a young mic because if if we go Flash Forward it's a little gimmicky to me when we do super flash forwards like that so I would be fine with with him just going into her grave like a year later almost like at the end of Chasm II when we just see uh Peter like standing at Gwen's grave and there's like seasonal changes something like that for Mike going to 11's grave would work for me um I just don't know if I want to see this big push ahead because if he's still going to her grave like does that mean that he never was able to move on from 11 in his life you know he's still in high school that's how I feel about that but but in the moment doing sort of a Chasm two ending I could see that working really well the next Theory says the first 10 to 20 minutes of The Season's first episode will focus on Max crying to crawl her way out of the coma which is why the title is called the crawl and then she wakes up before the show cuts to a time Jump it'll be very similar to how Miguel did it in Cobra Kai season three episode one that's a nice little Theory honestly yeah there have been so many different um theories thrown at the wall for what the crawl is referring to you've got Eddie crawling this this is now saying you know Max crawling away out of the coma then if you look up the crawl in terms of like D and D lore uh there's a definition that I'll throw up on screen right here so it's all around very fascinating to see what they're going to do with this title that's all we really have to cling to in terms of season five I will say I'm curious to see when Max wakes up from the coma if she wakes up from the coma would that be mid-season would that be end of episode one would it be a cold open it would seem a little um watered down for her to wake up in the first 10 20 minutes of the episode just because they made us wait all season to see what her fate is and then it's like oh she's fine in that case they shouldn't have even fake killed her you know or killed her and have her come back because it's just meaningless I think she has to stay in that coma for a bit longer but who knows I don't hate that by the way I could definitely see a sort of parallel to that Cobra Kai moment where you know we see Max having visions of herself like fighting to get out almost like flashbacks to the deer Billy episode I'm totally on board with that so I like the vision there good good theory the next one says I think the final scene of the show will drop 20 years into the future as we see all of our main characters older with their own kids similar to Harry Potter and the Alice part two this kid even set up a potential sequel series at some point where he followed the children of our stranger things cast don't hate this I don't hate this at all because when you're thinking of pitches for spin-offs my big issue is okay I love Steve I love Dustin I would I would be over the moon excited to see them have a spin-off show but the entirety of that spin-off show I'd be wondering well where's Matt where's Mike where's you know Max where's all the other gang so in a sense it would sort of just become Stranger Things Not Season Two but like stranger things Volume 2 like a new rendition of the show in a way and that's not what I want for a spin-off I want there to be some you know connective tissue but also it to be its own entity and I think this would be a really cool way to do that I'm also still waiting for them to make Harry Potter sequels down the line with their kids I've always been a fan of doing that that just feels like a really you know normal way to progress the story like hey here's the gang they're all over the kids or like friends now and you could definitely have them get into Adventures now you couldn't really bring back the upside down I think that would just get a little repetitive you know that might not be what you do but something is out there right there's got to be something out there it could be even extraterrestrials who knows it could be anything but I have faith and death Rebels to build out this universe and I think that would be a really great Next Step so I dig that theory for sure this next one is from Steve the babysitter himself shout out Steve thank you for submitting your theory the Mind flayer is going to turn on vecna early in the season making the season a three-way war between the town of Hawkins the mind with some plate people and vecina with the demogorgons I don't know I've seen a few theories about the Mind flare sort of turning I just think vekna is gonna be at his most powerful and have control over every entity from the upside down so I disagree with this one um there's definitely going to be some sort of reveal along the way but I don't think there's enough time left to where we can have a sort of split like that vekna's got to be at his full force and that would require him to be controlling all of these entities from the upside down in my opinion I think Jonathan will have a pivotal role in the new season whether it be connected to Nancy or Steve or his brother will or maybe both I agree I think the duffers are on record saying that they are going back to sort of the roots of season one with character groupings and Jonathan was a really important character in season one and season two so for him to come back into Hawkins because he was in the California storyline for the majority of season four is only fitting he's going to come in he'll be you know a mentor to will but more importantly we need resolution with the whole love triangle Steve Nancy Jonathan that's got to have a concrete ending in my opinion so yes I think he'll have a much more pivotal role than last season where he was this Stoner the whole entire season essentially so yeah I agree with this moving on the opening scene for season five is showing us where vekna's body went since the end of season four we just saw his body disappear yeah I would not be shocked if that's maybe not the cold open but a scene in episode one where we see that kind of recovering rebuilding his his plan because he's the main villain and we know that that's confirmed he's gonna be the big bad of the show you know so in season five he's gonna have a huge role we have to see how where he is did he possess Max fully is he recovering somewhere we'll have to see that and I do agree I think that will be pretty early in the first episode it has to be you know it has to give us a little bit more answers and we have we just have to see that so yeah the next one says they will have to time travel but seeing his will is still part of the upside down they will have to stop his past self from ever being possessed I don't like this one I don't like this one because I don't want them to introduce time travel into the show I know there's a lot of hinting at it I it's a really tricky topic for me just because I don't want them to butcher time travel only could ruin prior seasons of the show but when it comes down to this if they would just to go back and stop will from being possessed that would just take away everything like that would make the whole show pointless that that's an event in time that can't be changed in my opinion so for them to go back and stop that from happening sort of uh ruins the most of the show for me it's like what's the point of the rest of it you know that's such a pivotal moment in the series I think if they go back in time at all it would be not that far in time it would be maybe to get more answers about something that they could bring back to the future but I don't think there's gonna be any time travel in the show that would ruin the timeline of stranger things that's when I would sort of check out of it and be like why are we why are we becoming X-Men you know I don't need that and stranger things so I don't think we're going to get too much time travel here and if they do I don't think they're going to stop will from being taken to the upside down hot take Max will get powers similar to L's because of some sort of connection to when she got vechnic so maybe she will steal some of that powers I don't think Max will get like powers like 11 I think more so vecina would still possess Max and use his own powers through her so just like using her body as his own essentially so max technically wouldn't have powers vecina would just be using her body to have power so on screen we'd be looking at you know Sadie sync playing Max and she might be using powers but that would still be vect enough that makes sense I don't think Max is going to wake up and be like oh that experience made me have power similar to 11. I don't see that happening and I think that would be sort of cheap honestly so I disagree with this one Caleb says I think that vechna will need a new body because Nancy Steven Robin burned him in the upside down so he will probably take over Will's body because he's the perfect Target based on season one and two not a bad Theory at all we know Will's gonna have a bigger role this season I think in terms of getting down to the core of what is the upside down The Duffer Rose have said they're going to give us a lot more answers why is Time Frozen on that date when will was taken to the upside down in the upside down I there's a lot of questions that need answers and Will's obviously probably the key to that I could see more so vecina taking over Max his body then Will's body just because that's what I see but you know Will's been possessed before uh so this would be nothing new it could happen that's why I think they would go the max route just because it'd be sort of rehashing season two especially if Will were to sort of get possessed you know so I don't I don't think that'll happen but vekna's gotta find some body to take over so it could be Max could be will could be another member of the gang will an L are both toast I love them but them dying is necessary for the story and character arcs to function I don't think that their death is necessary for the character arcs to function because uh I just I just don't remotely I do you think one of them is going to die I think 11 is the more likely of the two I don't think them dying is is really necessary because if you look go back to season one at the time of viewing it 11 was dead right to us obviously there was a hint that she could be alive as Hopper was leaving Eggo waffles out in the woods and you've got will alive and then the show ends the season ends and I still found his art fulfilling he was obviously in the upside down the whole season but still I do not think that their death is necessary for the story and character arcs however I think a death in the group is probably necessary to really feel the weight and the importance of season five I think someone will die one of the two probably but it's not necessary moving on though we've got a long one so get ready Eddie is going to be resurrected by vecina Justice Freddy and will be used as his spy he will go back to the right side up and hang out with the party but he will actually be possessed by that to spy on them in the end Steve and Dustin are going to fight each other in order to decide who's going to sacrifice themselves to save Eddie from vekna it's a stupid prediction but I hope they bring Eddie back somehow I also hope straight things 5 goes Full Game of Thrones mode when it comes to who dies yeah so I don't think I Vibe with this Theory obviously I love Joseph Quinn I love Eddie but I don't want to see him tainted like I don't want that character to be a villain because if it's just him possessed then it's not really Eddie it's not the Eddie we know and love it is a shell of Eddie and vecina is inside of him I don't want that however I do want Joseph Quinn to return in a flashback role or in a vision of sorts um that's in a positive light you know giving words of encouragement to Dustin that's something I would love to see Eddie appear in the character coming back to life fully if not in a good light you know if he's like gonna be a villainous role I don't want that but if they have a way to bring him back and he's a hero in the season bring it on I'm ready you know I mean the duffers have brought back Hopper after they have season three which is just still doesn't actually make sense like I let it slide but it doesn't make sense that he survive that in my opinion so they can do whatever they want he could definitely come back imagine if he does that trailer and like the trailer for season five ends with Eddie the world old would be set on fire in a good way I would scream in terms of them going full Game of Thrones when it comes to dies I do think they'll kill a few more characters but not go overboard because they a lot of these characters need to live they're young they gotta like live their lives after this you know that would be a very satisfying conclusion if a lot of them did live but someone could die two or three maybe but that's it will is 100 gonna be tempted to join veg now I also don't think Steve makes it out alive a lot of the people in the comments on this said Steve's gonna die and I I said that in season four in terms of season five he's not safe I mean no one is It's the final season right but I don't know man I would be so heartbroken if he did die Will's gonna be tempted to join becna so it would be like a Frodo situation where like the ring is tempting him like maybe you know Will's connection to the upside down in the past like vetkin is able to communicate with him that way and obviously we know will can kind of sense his presence at the end of season four and he's like I feel him and he like gets the chills I definitely think there's gonna be a connection between the two that would be interesting though if he feels you know this lure to the dark side essentially I'm not opposed to that at all adds an interesting layer to the season the next one says unpopular Dr Owens will help Terry eyes recover from her trauma this would either happen in the middle of the season so that she can lead the team to some clues or vecina's past or either could this just happen at the finale having an emotional moment between her and L um I think we might have moved on from the Terry hives character obviously that's 11's mother but she is so messed up I don't know if there's any you know healing her trauma I think she her brain is pretty much fried so I think they brought a nice little resolution to that earlier in the show when 11 and her had some Sweet Moments together but I I don't know we might see her again but I don't know if it's really of the utmost importance to bring that character back in this final season of the show so I don't know about that one this is more of an opinion instead of a theory or a prediction but I kind of hope Jonathan dies not gonna lie I don't know if I want anyone to die like I'm not actively rooting for the death of any character but if Jonathan goes then it's just his time I guess right um the only way it would really hit him me is if he sacrifice himself for Steve and in front of Nancy and then like stancy became a thing that would be really the best way for him to go of course or sacrificing himself for will one of the two options Eddie won't come back at 11 will hop or Steve and Max will die if they killed Eleven will Hopper Steve and Max that's five of the main characters I don't know how they could have a satisfying conclusion to the show just because so many of those characters are pivotal to other characters arcs like that would just be such a devastating blow I don't know if they're gonna kill that many characters especially because a lot of them are kids I think we get caught up in it but they're like high school kids like they're just gonna have a Slaughter Fest I don't know you know I think one of the kids could die like but all of them that's a lot and Hopper and Steve only won you gotta pick one you know they're not gonna kill both I don't think this next one says everyone dies really imagine this right vecna destroys everyone and vecina wins and the show just ends that would be such an awful ending like it would just be so unsatisfying as a viewer someone who's been invested in the show for all these years that would be wild if everyone actually died will is going to be evil and Steve is going to sacrifice himself for Dustin so this is another kind of going back to the one I talked about will tempted to the dark side to join Beckner interesting I don't know if it's going to happen it could they could hint at that and Steve sacrificed himself for Dustin talked about this earlier that'd be a bit of a rehash of Eddie sacrificing himself for Dustin so I don't know if I buy into that one Noah says one of Nancy or Robin will die in an attempt to save Steve that would be the way to go to really trick up the audience because the assumption is oh Steve the man who's gonna go and who always you know puts himself in danger for his friends he's gonna go sacrifice himself maybe this time someone sacrifices himself or puts their life in danger for Steve it'd be a nice little flip you know flip the script in a way so I uh I could see that happening if anyone Nancy maybe would be just devastating if Nancy sacrifices over Steve oh I just got chills and like almost tear that thing about that right now that would be that would be a lot especially if I don't want to talk about it anymore I'm giddy in a weird way that would be sad like my eyes literally I'm sure enough thinking about it right now that would be that'd be a lot but Robin I don't know if she I think they keep Robin safe but Nancy sacrificing herself for Steve wow or Jonathan or both I just gave myself chills prediction two of the five main kids will die my guesses would be Ellen will wow so Lucas Mike Will Dustin 11. we're gonna call them the five main kids because they are two of them dying I don't know if that happens I think one of them dies and it's l I really truly don't think Lucas will Dustin or Mike will die I think they have to be together for all the season and even in the finale I think in order to bring this show Full Circle completely they need to be together when it's all said and done so they can look back on this journey and the the adventures they had but also their arcs and and realize hey at the end of it all we're still good we're still good buddies and let's let's go live the rest of our lives I think that's a satisfying way to wrap that up so I don't know if two of the main five will die I think 11 does and an older adult will die and then you've got you know the older teens so three max is kind of where I'm leaning throughout the progression of this video the next one says I think that vechna would kill Mike and Hopper and then rage 11 would kill vecina and then she suddenly sees that Mike is still alive but Hopper isn't dead and they both get married and in the last shot they both will go to his grave and also we can see a bomb between Nancy and Jonathan wow so that would be a little rushed in my opinion so vechnic kills Mike and Hopper but then we come to find out after 11 kills Vector in a state of Rage that Mike is still alive barely but Hopper's dead I don't know that just feels a little random to me I'm trying to even figure out why that would go down that way like vekna just killing everyone and then 11's like I kill you and then oh Mike's alive but Hoppers that they might I don't think they would do something like that but you never know Nancy and Jonathan will definitely have their moments Steve and Nancy will have their moments but by the end of the season we need a definitive answer and I think the duffers will give us that finally so Ben says Steve will have to sacrifice himself at the end of the season for all the kids and Hopper will actually have to sacrifice himself and the buyers will move back to Hawkins I can see the buyers coming back to Hawkins or moving away that might be more fitting like leave Hawkins or maybe Hawkins becomes uh fruitful by the end of the show and they destroy the upside down we'll see however Steve sacrificed himself a lot of people are saying that to the point where it would even be predictable probably so I think they're gonna have to flip it somehow to where he gets saved by one of the gang and then the other part of this we've also seen Hopper sacrifice himself already so like that's why I'm hesitant about saying that that's gonna happen again um but you never know anything is possible Owen says the final battle of the show will take place in Hawkins real world and 11 will do the same thing she did to the demogorgon at the end of season one but this time she dies I definitely could see that where she eliminates them but then she dies that's kind of the boat I've been in for a while now where she has to eradicate the upside down in order for the show to come to an end meaning she also has to die Theory Steve becomes the vampire not Eddie this is a very interesting one we did see him get eaten up by demobats he's still alive but there was that line about like rabies what if you have rabies I think Robin said it I mean that could play into this season Steve could be infected Steve could start to mutate I do not want to see them destroy my boy like that look how they must have come my boy I don't know if I want to see the massacre Steve uh but we'll just have to see what happens you know it's out of my control I don't know if they'll go the Cavs the bloody handrail either with Eddie or Steve it'd be a big stretch for stranger things I feel but anything's possible season five will be one of the worst seasons besides maybe season three well I don't know what you're talking about season three was the best season of this show until season four came out and season five will likely be the best season of this show I'm a sucker for conclusions naturally whether that's a film Trilogy or the final season of a show I have faith around I have no reason to believe this would be one of the worst seasons I think it would be one of the best if not the best easily so this is a delusional take in my opinion I can already picture a crazy battle between the residents of Hawkins and upside down creatures the townspeople will for sure have to fight in the high stake battle for their own lives I like that a lot you know Hawkins has been through the gauntlet throughout the show so to have like the townspeople rise up and fight like I would love that you know I think that's why we see Linda Hamilton come in as a character I think she's going to be a Hawkins resident or like a military presence that sort of leads this ground fight you know against these creatures from the upside down and she's gonna be a big part I think in the Hawkins side of things but that's just my my take this next one says Karen wheeler is going to play a big role she's going to panic more than usual act differently and it will seem as though she's hiding something a different side of her will slowly be revealed at some point we and the kids will realize she is vechna's sister and part of the series will deep dive into their relationship in the past eventually she along with 11 will be the key to the feedback now I've never liked the theory that Karen's related to vechner remote Lee at all actually it would be ridiculous at this point to even retcon that and I just I don't think they would go that cheesy or that over the top with it at this point I think a lot of people put too much of an emphasis on Karen Wheeler's role in the show ever since she got a character poster for season four she had such a minor role in the fourth season and I just think it's going to maintain that way we don't we don't have time to dive into Karen Wheeler's backstory you know this is a focus on the season one character Dynamics we're gonna go in on will most importantly 11 vekna and then the main crew I don't think they're gonna make this whole elaborate backstory for Karen wheeler like it's a fun theory on paper but if you try to actually put that in the show it becomes so messy and out of place in my opinion we already got the whole vekna Revelation backstory with Henry being 01 who's Vector like that whole Revelation happened in season four I think that's enough for the whole vecina Revelation backstory if we went back to that and we're like oh it's Karen something it just wouldn't make sense to me at all and it would feel so out of place and the last one says time travel and Eddie is a vampire I'm gonna have to shoot down time travel I think there could be a way they like travel through the upside down in time but like real life time travel where they go through a portal and they end up in like the beginning of the show that's ridiculous to me in terms of Eddie being a vampire I humored this idea before but I said this earlier where I'm at right now I I would rather not see Eddie than see him come back and play a villain role or be possessed I don't want to taint his ending as a character because I do adore Eddie so much but that's going to do it for reacting to your stranger things season 5 theories if you guys want to see a part two this down the line let me know down below and of course comment your theories and predictions down below subscribe to that notification Bell if you haven't already tell me which my goal of 85 000 subscribers here on the channel hit that like button and of course check out the patreon link down below for access to the Discord server Early Access to videos extra videos all that good stuff the wait for season five is gonna be a long one so I'm trying to intersperse as many Stranger Things videos as I can but I can only talk about it for so much especially because we're not really getting any news or filming updates due to the strike if the studios would just pay the actors and writers fairly wouldn't have to be dealing with this but hey hopefully a deal can get resolved between the two of them soon regardless thank you guys so much for the support expect tons of stranger things content when filming does pick back up and of course as we get closer to the actual season I'll be revamping stranger things content like nobody I mean you thought season four was big I'm gonna talk about season five ten times more than I ever talked about season four so don't you worry stranger things content is coming we're just kind of waiting for the show to come out but thank you all so much for watching as always and until next time I'll see you guys later [Music] foreign
Channel: Film Stocked
Views: 33,596
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Keywords: stranger things season 5, stranger things, stranger things 5, stranger things season 5 theories, stranger things season 5 predictions, stranger things 5 trailer, stranger things season 5 trailer, stranger things season 5 news, stranger things 5 news, everything we know about stranger things season 5, film stocked, film stocked stranger things, reacting to your stranger things season 5 theories, stranger things 5 updates, stranger things season 5 updates, stranger things 5 theory
Id: CYD_cxd0mhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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