Stranger Things Season 5: Theories From The Upside Down | MEGACON PANEL

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hello everybody how's it going welcome to stranger things season 5 theories from the upside down my name is Chris uh I run the filmstock YouTube channel Tik Tok Instagram and I'm not doing this alone we got a bunch of theories we're going to wheel through I'm joined by two awesome people one to my right your left I guess would be who hi I'm Cameron um You probably recognize me from Chris's YouTube I'm his girlfriend I also love stranger things we have a podcast together you might know that as well um and then to my left who is this uh my name is Sean Chandler I am not Chris's girlfriend no I have my own YouTube channel Sean Chandler talks about uh where I talk about movies and TV and have been making Stranger Things videos since it first dropped because it dropped right around when I started my channel absolutely yeah this is a legend right here if you you all going know Sean he's awesome but um uh so today we're going through stranger things season 5 theories as you can see over here we've got a wheel now there's 10 categ ories on this wheel three of them are actually for the audience so we will pick someone from the audience to be able to give their Theory to share with us to be in the video because this will all be recorded and go on the channel later um but I say we just start this thing what do you guys think you ready yeah let's do it let's do this thing so Cam's going to spin the wheel if you want to put your mic so we can get that ASMR effect that is just the coolest sound ever and then uh we'll see what it lands on here we go the first one ever of this panel Max works for VNA cam actually thought of this she can take the lead here we go this is my small theory that I thought of right after season 4 ended Max is my favorite character in stranger things and I was heartbroken crying my eyes out when they did what they did to her and in my multiple multiple multiple rewatches of season 4 there's a scene where Dr brener or Papa if you will um is explaining vcna and like when he does his thing and he says when vcna kills you he doesn't just kill you he consumes you and I was like that's a really specific way to explain that so max is in the hospital as we know her limbs are all broken and she's blind and so I refuse to believe that my favorite character won't be heavily involved in season 5 I absolutely refuse to believe it so my first thought was what if you know cuz limbs can heal but when you go blind that's a little bit more difficult to fix more severia but so if VNA consumes you when he does his thing VNA didn't consume all of Max cuz she's alive he only consumed like I don't know like a fourth of her and if that what he consumed is her eyesight maybe some way shape or form she can like she may not be able to see but she can see like what vecna sees that's like one of the first things I thought of I thought that that'd be kind of cool just to have her be able to do something no yeah it would be like actually pressing in a way too because like we all love Max like you said I know she's your fave and seeing her just be possessed like just the body and like I just wouldn't care about that what do you think you think playing this out yeah the midseason Showdown Max possessed by vcna battles 11 as are like oh I don't want anyone to die what's going on here and so you're like oh wow and so then you create the scenario where you have a boss fight in the middle of the season if they do the split again and then you come back and classic heroes battle each other then they can team up as our heroes I know you have your thoughts on team up but they are are people if it's part of them team up to battle super powerful vcno no yeah if they go that route it would remind me of in season 3 when they have to do the sauna test for Billy I would not be opposed to that at all yeah um but no Max she's coming back STI sink has was in that picture of everyone for season five so we know she's going to be in it it's just to what extent I'm curious how how they're going to explain curing her blindness I honestly don't know she could just not wake up and they could be lying to us the duer brothers are sick and twisted sometimes got I mean we love them for making the show but they love to play with our emotions but anyway let's spin this wheel and see what the next one is here we go boy this is the big bad one everyone's been theorizing on time travel and the final season of stranger things a Hot Topic as we know um now they've been dropping seeds at this potentially happening for as long as I can remember um even with simple Back to the Future nods in season 3 but um yes yes awesome 1.21 gws but no um time travel in this final season is it going to happen in my mind it's it's a dangerous game to play because we've obviously seen people do this successfully you look at Avengers end game a big franchise they did time travel and they had you know the fan service call back moments uh but it worked within the second act of that movie I look at stranger things I go has it ever been a show where this scale goes that big and they travel back in time whether that's through the upside down whether that's you know they create some device and there's some big time Jump and they go back like I just don't know if it could fit within the confines of the show without being too ridiculous but what do you think cam um I think that they would have to do time travel extremely correctly if that makes sense cuz doing time travel at all not only can it get confusing cuz like you brought up endgame and I love end game but like when you think too hard about the time travel in endgame you're going to start to hurt your brain like Steve coming back how is he in that time it's a whole mess and it just kind of hurts your head the longer you think about time travel so I think it's really tricky territory I think they'd be better off not doing any time travel the only like air quote time travel I'd be okay with is just the fact that the upside down is in 1984 or yeah so it's POS is November 6th 1983 it's frozen at they of theide down but it's 1986 1987 they end up if they like create some machine or some device that takes them back to 1983 in the real world that's where I'm kind of like checking out a little bit I trust the duffers to pull that off but Sean what do you think I know there have been some complaints about the scale of stranger things like in further Seasons so I want to hear what you have to say yeah I I mean if they create a device then go back in time I think that gets wacky but if you use established where there's upside downs and there report like all the stuff that's already in there I think there's some version where you can mess around with time whether that's bringing some characters back which maybe we'll talk about in another segment on here but yeah I mean I don't want a device um and I think if you start to that idea of getting too big where we're already gone Global Mass boss fights cities collapsing and now we're traveling back in time it gets a little wacky and Wild um so think there's way to play that very much fits into the Nostalgia of the when you think iconic 8s movies there's a reason the Back to the Future cast were here there's a reason I took a picture with the Back to the Future cast opening night here and so finding a way to tie that in and having that sort of more overt back to the future references in the plot sounds right it's consistent with the show but how do you do it in a way that it's not too and you know you can't go back to season one and deage these K like I don't know if you could deage a pre from prepubescent with the I don't think it would work back they did last season they like hired a younger actor actress and then they like CGI bits of Millie Bobby Brown's face onto the actor all right maybe you're convincing me all right season five Back to the Future Part Two third act the whole I'm honestly bring it on if they do it right here my thing when it comes to if they do time travel they're they're going to need to convince me of the characters inventing time travel because like so you want the invention of time travel yeah yeah they would the kids to invent it who would Mr Clark anybody no that's what I'm saying yeah here's the thing I love all the adults and stranger things obviously none of them are smart enough to invent a time travel device except for Mr Clark and when it comes to the kids they can't even drive a car yet so how am I supposed to like really believe that they're as smart as Dusen is and I love Dustin like that's my child I he can't I just don't see him making a whole time machine he could like be he could think of a way to go back in time via the upside down or something like that but if they're making like a stranger things equivalent of the flux capacitor he can't drive a car yet you got to convince me a little bit more that's why I'm iffy on the time travel no yeah I I concur I think they're going to have to it's going to beide down there's a time Jump they're 80 years old in Old makeup they've invented a time machine they go we get Christopher lyd to play one great ideas no um that's going to be one of the hottest topics though and then recently I haven't made a video about this but The Duffer Brothers posted on Instagram Ross Duffer follow if you haven't followed him he gives us all the inside info um he posted a photo dump and one of those pictures was a picture of A Wrinkle In Time the book and so he's been teasing things all along even in these set picks there's these little things obviously vcna the idea of of this clock and time it's been a concept that's been very relevant and striner thing so we'll we'll see what happens in season 5 but let's get get this thing a spin just real quick like even going into SE to four there was a lot of that speculation about time travel because all the clocks and everything and so I mean it seems like you mentioned a wrinkle in time ago oh man it's seems like that might just be the direction we're headed but we'll have to see here we go spin it will has powers I I mean is it all but confirmed is the question because we know he has a connection to the upside down we know that he can sort of sense the presence of VNA every time he touches his neck like he has the Peter tingle yeah um he does so Sean I'm gonna kick this to you first I want I want to hear what say same pitch as Max into the first half of the season 11 vers will yeah I mean that's been one of the key elements since the end of season 1 when he comes back there's a connection there so you have to ultimately pay that off you have to have some way that we tie in to book and to CL Out close out this Arc that started with him being taken into this place and that connection that was formed what is the ultimate culmination of that we're in a show where people have powers we're vna's tied into all of this so of course he needs to come back in some sense I just don't want to be too ridiculous like I I I don't my biggest fear is like there's some superhero team up Max eight who we'll talk about later 11 will all these people like teaming up to fight vcna I think there's like because to me the thing we love about strer things is the characters and that Underdog role and seeing them devise the unlikeliest plot to take down the villain in each season and just being able to root for that and I don't want it to become sort of an MCU final showdown thing but and I know in a lot of um shows that I've enjoyed at the beginning it's special cuz one person has powers one person is a hero stranger thinks that's 11 that makes her stand out and if you get to the end of the show and it's like Well everybody's got powers it cheapens what made her so great age and so trying to find the right way where there's a little something that ties in it's established and it's earned yes it's it's the cheap stuff where it's like oh let's grab this random person they've got powers too like that doesn't feel earned but if there's a cost to get us here of we felt this pain of seeing Max in the hospital and there's a payoff to it there a flip side to it or will this journey that he's been on for Five Seasons by the end of this and is a payoff I think it's earned yeah and even if Will gets his powers right and he uses them what if he pays the ultimate price and sacrifices himself for the group that would be rewarding in a way it would be sad to see him go but it would be rewarding you're saying your hope is that will dies wow harsh I'm not opposed I mean yeah we'll see but uh cam what do you think I don't know if Will buyers could handle having powers I I don't know yeah I mean here's the thing when it comes to the concept of will having powers all I can think of is back to the conversation between him and Mike in season where he's like convincing Mike that he's the heart yeah I think about that a lot because I don't know Mike wheeler is not my favorite of the children and neither is Will honestly Dustin Supremacy yeah Dustin and Lucas are far superior in my mind but whatever correct um so when when will told Mike that he was the heart I was like okay I don't know about all that but I wonder if that's going to like come back maybe Mike's going to have to be like I'm not the heart will you're the heart or something like that that sounds like some sort of stranger things writing you know what I mean the swells or maybe Will's actually not going to be the main character of season five and maybe it's actually Mike they're going to focus on we know they're going back to the season one character Dynamics they've said they've hit that you know the nail over the head that a million times no I do think will having powers is like it's going to happen it seems like it's just it's it's going to happen and I don't know what that looks like does that mean he's going to start floating and have 11's Powers I don't know but that's the other one I don't I don't want to repeat powers corre has this like if Max can't see and she has something else and 11 of course has 11 powers and will has it's when they're we have to figure out how to use these pieces and piece them together to overcome this thing they can still be The Underdogs none of them by them themselves are are powerful enough but they fill in their gaps if they can figure it out then it's earned yeah yeah I love that keep going back to that word earned earned yes will gets the power of a good hair cut in season five yes yeah we need that for the whole cast honestly sometimes ooh a hush Falls over the ground well I sure hope so um 11 my daughter dressed up as 11 at a first ComicCon she ever dressed up before she went as 11 had the little nose bleed and people kept running up to oh oh girl your nose is bleeding it was it was the sweetest thing imaginable they're just trying to help my daughter but sorry no one of the greatest Cosmos I've ever seen I was in 11th grade and it was like right after season one came out grade you say I was the nose but my my lit teacher uh he dressed up as 11 like he shaved his head rocked it he rocked it yeah it was awesome like the nose bed and everything um so shout out him it was like right before the show got popular so I wonder how he's doing anyway but 11 dying look I I know you guys don't want to hear this but to me I've said this ever since I'd say the end of season 4 I think she dies with her goes the upside down this show when it started everything went crazy when she arrived so I think the only way for it to sort of come full circl for her to die and the upside down goes away with it now that would be tragic for sure but can we see Hopper dying again does he you know they they did the fake out death at the end of season 3 obviously I don't think he would he would sacrifice himself for 11 100% I don't know though I don't know if he can like do do they bring Hopper back to kill him again or do they go the 11 rout as soon as you create this scenario where we killed Hopper and then we killed hopp like we can't keep doing so I I think Hopper's kind of off the table age um and so then who I I mean I I would lean towards what you're saying of it's difficult to see the dramatically thematically um satisfying conclusion that doesn't have something really bad happening for 11 of she's robbed of her childhood she regains it lives a life through her friends has love has fun has all these things but her story is a tragedy because of the the journey that was put upon her by others and so maybe there's a way that they can find it that feels right that isn't just giving us the happy ending just to give us the H maybe they can find the little crack that they can squeeze through but I think with the journey that they've had around from the beginning with the backstory that they've given her like you said she is so intertwined with this thing that needs to be taken away for good that you know to be nervous everybody to me they could go the Guardians 3 route where gun like didn't kill any of the main guardians but he made us feel the consequence of that like we all like were crying we were like rock is dead and they brought him back they could do something with that like 11 and then she could just lose her powers and live a normal life that's the happy ending but I don't know if they'll do it yeah piggy backing off of that no pun intended um nice thank you so much um I think we saw a bit of it in season 3 where 11 sort of experienced losing her powers and she was really sad about the fact that she lost her powers like she was frustrated with the fact that she didn't have them but I think by the end of season 5 I don't think the end of The Upside Down coincides with the end of 11 I think when the upside down you know disappears her powers will also disappear but at this point I think she'll be by the end of season 5 I think she'll be happy to not have her powers to finally be a normal kid and I don't think they can't take her away from Mike like they just have been building malan so like so that's like been it's one of the foundational relationships the show if Mike and 11 didn't exist what would they have to do with Mike as a character yeah like it's not I'm not saying Mike's a bad character I'm saying what else do they give him Mike's sole focus is 11 if you kill 11 Mike's going to be so depressed like you can't really do that to him and you can't do that to 11 you can't do that to Hopper you just got to take her powers away make it tragic that she loses her powers that's a tragedy that's a hardship for her but I think I think she's going to die cuz also this started out as a kid show you know it's it would be extremely dark to kill essentially the the main character in a way right the one who's like there's some pretty dark stuff from the very beginning I'm not saying it's not dark there's still fan movements from the second episode of killing characters off 11 breaking bones of children there's some pretty heavy stuff from the beginning that is fair dark is different than like depressing though I watch Edie die I know depression I don't think they want to do that to a larger audience we'll see um let's see if we land on then again then again they kill Eddie off that guy is beloved like who does not love Eddie mson I host got a show I hosted a um stranger things part two uh screening in a theater for stranger things day a couple Year back everyone in the room was dressed like Eddie mson and this was just two months after that that he debuted as a character because people love him and they killed him off so they left him in legendary status epic finale and he is marked for history like how limited is his screen time and everyone Ador him 14 minutes of screen time yeah that's the most bang for your buck screen time of like what any movie character or TV character ever that character they they wrote the character they put the show out and then over the span of you know May June July everyone fell in love with him it's not like he's been around since season one so the deffer brothers probably had an idea people would love him but then they they went ahead and killed him off I bet that's their big regret I know they grossly underestimated how much people would love and like resonate with Eddie mson they did not expect what happened no yeah let's spin this thing and see what the next one is here we [Music] go oh boy 08 returns so cie we haven't seen her in the present day since season 2 um from the infamous lost Sister episode which is the consensus worst episode of the show episode yours too oh no not at all I there are Defenders of this though anyone anyone a fan of this episode anyone no okay don't answer that question anybody anybody a fan of season two besides that episode raise your hand okay I'm a Hardcore Season 2 Defender everyone's like oh it's the worst season and I'm like listen if you watch it with just skip episode seven I never watch the rewatch episode 6 ends and episode 8 picks up right where episode 6 ended season 2 is a great season I just wanted to get that in there so you think it comes back I want to hear it no I of course not they they know how much people hate that episode they'd be so stupid to bring her back so I I think bringing her back would automatically sort of move into the thing I was talking about earlier with this big team up because she's been away since you know Season Two it would be like oh wait there's more and she just shows up it would feel unearned to continue using that word in my mind um and so yeah I don't think she comes back I know they briefly showed her in like one of those flashbacks I think in season 4 like the dive episode I want to say we see a shot of her um but no I don't think she comes back because the duffers are aware that episode is like the consensus worst no one really cares about it um Sean you said you love this one you watch it all the time personal favorite episode yeah I I mean I'm in the category season 2 is my least favorite of the seasons and it's this is the episode that everyone's like that oh that weird one where they went off and we like trying to set up a spin-off or something like that that didn't work no yeah like I told my parents I told them what happened I was like just skip the episode they watched it for the first time last year I was like just skip it and I'll tell what happens right and it it's just kind of this Oddball one that we you know kind of pretend like it didn't happen so it would just feel kind of random if suddenly we make this character a big part of the last season counterbalance to this the show Cobra Kai the whole show has been about like let's take unpopular things and little things from the lore of The Karate Kid movies and make them beloved things in this new show so sometimes there's a way to reframe something that didn't work in one context and make it the exact thing that they hoped it would be the first time so maybe if you you know have her show up for the last episode like hey I'm here too the calvary showed up we let's beat vecta it's like what come on now to be fair I think the most annoying part of episode seven of season 2 is a you're not in Hawkins at all I think that episode wouldn't be as hated if they did a little bit of hopping back and forth between what the gang is doing in Hawkins and where is and also I think it's less that Callie is an annoying character it's more that all of her friends are super irritating in that episode like I don't necessarily hate cie I think it it was a weird choice to go but her friends were just annoying it's a backdoor pilot where you put an episode in the middle of a show that's designed to see if people like this we'll make another we'll make a show out of it and it was like a hard know from people so it didn't work but that's where there's an episode of The Office where they go to shuit Farms that's a backdoor pilot trying to set up and that's what it was and it clearly didn't work but I mean if they bring her back in the first episode that things go crazy and she make her character throughout the season maybe it's earned yes I would be okay if they if they just fully commit to it and she is a like a consistent character throughout that's the only route I could see but if she just shows up when they're like about to to lose everything that would be like the cheapest thing they could do in my opinion uh but enough about that next one yeah moving on here we go oh audience our first audience question right here in the stranger things fire shirt is that mic on back there do we know Chuck awesome if you want to go you can go to the mic back there you can ask your or share your theory with us and we'll give you our thoughts on it here we go Steve sacrifices himself ooh great one man okay listen listen listen listen I'm always the babysitter right listen my my backup shirt is also a babysitter shirt I feel like you can divide stranger things fans into two categories you've got your Eddie stance and then you have your Steve stance and that's it you know what I mean you already broke the hearts of all the Eddie stands all we have left is Steve you can't kill him you cannot do it it's like that video of Millie Bobby Brown when the person's like Eddie or Steve and she's like Steve Harington yeah um no I I want to hear your thoughts I'm really curious cuz I have no clue what you think of this let's hear um I don't want Steve to die I any and I I feel so you have to figure out where you go with him next but he had such a great Arc over the course of uh the beginning of the show where he was such a jerk at the first season and they found a way to make you actually love this guy that you're like oh this God why is he so mean and they take him on a journey where everybody loves this guy and so you want to figure out what's next but I just don't see the version of it where it's like we got to we got to kill Steve like what it he's not the guy that fits into that Gap to do that cuz who does he sacrifice himself for like him dying for Dusty like that's you kind of get it but like it doesn't doesn't it's not the same as Hopper sacrificing himself for the daughter in his life or a who's tied to the upside down and so pivotal to this it's not the same if it's Steve so I I don't see him I'll push back on that a little cuz I think they've set up Steve with three different people to could sacrificed himself for Nancy Robin or Dustin I think that they could go any that way but uh my toxic trait real quick is I've liked Steve since season one I don't know what it is maybe it's just Joe Keri were were you a bully in high school is that what it was cam was I a bully in high school I don't know if you want me to answer that on a panel who knows maybe I've gone i' I've undergone the character development so um here's the thing I see your Steve sacrificing himself and I raise you that Jonathan's going to die because here's the thing Steve could sacrifice himself for Nancy if you're somebody who wants Jonathan and Nancy to end up together or Jonathan can sacrifice himself for Nancy which leaves Nancy open for Steve to comfort and also I besides the whole adult relationship drama of the show I think it would be kind of insanely poetic for Jonathan to die when this whole show Joyce has been so focused on keeping will alive that's all she cares about is she's like that's my son and like my son H she's going into the upside down for will she is doing everything she can to keep will alive taking him to doctors moving him to California and if Jonathan ended up being the one that dies instead of will when she's just been worried about will this whole time like I I that would be pretty poetic honestly yeah and what if it happens earlier in the season to kind of kick in motion and you guys people you were talking about how like for eight to come back they would have to really earn it I feel like Jonathan's not really anybody's favorite character yeah but what if they like really actually gave him some good riding in this season and they really made us all care about Jonathan like a lot think they're going to do I think they're going to do that because Steve and Jonathan seemingly are going to have more scenes together the duffers have been releasing those like pre visualization Gifts of scenes and they're together and so I think they're really going to build up their Dynamic two characters who are sort of romantic Rivals since the beginning and they're going to become buds in a way and then one of them is going to die for Nancy and it's just going to break everyone's heart so leave it to the duer brothers to do that but let's see what we get next on this wheel here we go this is the one everyone's been waiting for the fan favorite Eddie mson lives there's like 20 different routes you could go with how this happens cam huge Eddie fan you take you take the lead here so I want Eddie to be in season five in Eddie in any capacity that I can get him whether it's you know dream or whatnot the only way I don't want to see him is what they did with Billy in season 4 where he's like scary and like decrepit and like demonic I don't want that cuz I don't want to see him like that but if he just like comes to Dustin in a dream or something I'm okay with that I just want to see him again but there's also the Eddie as cast theory that everyone's been talking about has that any okay we it's a very popular one going around right now so Cass is like a DN D character listen I don't play D and D I don't know if anybody in these audience plays D and D I've read a lot about it but the like the odds of me getting something wrong are pretty high so don't get mad at me if I get something wrong but from what I've read cast the bloody-handed is like the right-hand man to VNA I believe um I think he like be he becomes like a vampire of sorts so like the general theory is that Eddie being in the upside down getting bitten by bats like he like turns into a vampire and like sort of becomes I guess like a right-hand man for VNA in the show listen we saw in season 4 11 has the ability to bring someone back to life she saved Max's life who's to say that VNA didn't just go and do that exact same thing to Eddie in the upside down that's fair now I want to ask you and and and because if he does come back as Cass wouldn't he be in a villainous role in a sense for the majority of that season do we want to see Eddie and have that Legacy tainted that's my big concern is if Eddie returns in that way shape or form it's going to taint the legacy of Eddie that everyone ended up loving well well well well well if he comes back as air quote cast you could look at it from The Stance of how I look at Bucky Barnes versus the Winter Soldier yeah same character same actor two had to throw that in there didn't two different entities so when Eddie is a villain as cast that's not Eddie it's just Joseph Quinn yeah acting a different version of Eddie and then when they you know they they save Eddie and fix him by the end of the season and everyone's happy and everything's okay then it'll be fine I would I would almost put money on it that Joseph Quinn will appear it's it's common place for stranger things to bring actors back that have died even if it's just a vision the best way to do this and I just thought of this on the spot is sort of like a well I don't want to spoil that game but I won't even say it not saying anything but to bring him back in just a vision right so our character is just in a dream and it's just a scene that happened between the two of them that was off screen and that's the best way to go where it's like we we acknowledge that the fans Love Joseph Quinn as Eddie we're bringing him back and we're just going to do that and and boom there he is instead of bringing back and like riding him into the final season because there might not even be room in a final season to explore Eddie um Sean what do you think or sorry go good I at some amount of appearance I think whether a dream some flashback um some with the upside down makes an appearance cool if time travel plays into it I could imagine a scenario where we go back a little bit we can we can endgame this thing and pulling Eddie into our our Avengers Showdown that you don't want he uses the power of metal to defeat VNA um I would generally speaking generally speaking though I would say if leave it be he's a legend with his 14 minutes of screen time a little taste but anything beyond a taste you only risk tarnishing the Legacy and you undo the stakes of something as much as we all would love to have more or they made a choice that made him a legend yeah I would love to see a spin-off show though based on his book that came out relatively recently I love to see that it's a little prequel book and I'd love to see it the book has Chrissy in it it's got like I think Tommy H and Carol it has like even I think Will and Hopper make an appearance so my thing is like that is technically Canon Caitlyn Schneider and who's in the writer room wrote that book so that has me thinking them releasing it and the fact that the Duffer Brothers constantly tease hell ready blah blah maybe they're just playing into it cuz the fans love it but there is a route where he does come back I just think that Eddie mson became a character that was like so insanely loved by everybody and The Duffer Brothers had no way of knowing that when they wrote season 4 I bet between the gap of volume 1 and volume two when they saw what Eddie mson was doing like to the general public they were like crap oops we were like messed up it's like in The Hangover we have up all right here we go next one already did that so let's see how many even do we have all right we'll spend audience there we go audience right here love the Steve cosplay by the way that's awesome yeah the mic's back there you can just go ask your theory not exactly a theory but uhit can you pull the mic just a little closer there go um I believe I recently saw something pointing out that uh on Eddie's missing poster at the end of season 4 uh it says 17 instead of I think he was um yeah he's supposed to be like 20 yeah so uh he died in the upside down and the upside down is in 1983 3 years before yeah so oh I haven't heard that have you you just blew my mind a little bit I haven't seen anybody talk about that I've seen people talk about his missing poster having the wrong day on it or like the wrong age on it girl that's crazy that could be The Duffer Brothers you know thinking ahead or it could be them missing a detail because these are the people who forgot will that's us giving the brothers little I couldn't hear what clear I have old man I'll tell you what you said in case nobody heard I'll tell you what they said so at the end of season 4 when Eddie is dead in the upside down his uncle is like putting up a missing poster for him and that's when Dustin comes up to him and has a little heart to heart gives him the necklace with the guitar Ping On It etc etc on the missing poster it says Eddie's age is 17 we know Eddie is a third-year senior senior that would put him at the age of 20 oh okay but what it would be is we when he was 17 it was 1983 because that was three years ago so the upside down is stuck in 1983 therefore he died in the year that he was 17 now great Theory and I love it and I wish The Duffer brothers were on their game like that I don't think they are because they forgot will bars' birthday they've plotted everything since the very beginning though I don't think I think what it is is they just weren't thinking about the fact that they already made Eddie a three a third year senior so when they made the missing poster they were like oh he's a senior okay he's 17 cuz I don't think they pay that much attention to detail I wish they did but they're not built like us but you know no yeah we'll see um all right let's spin it and see what happens and see if we can land on one we haven't got already we were doing good for a while yeah here just spin it over to that one the uh honestly at this point we're just going to pick him because we we've gotten down to the r that's one that we got to talk about you guys can't see that in the audience it says it was all a dream now this could go in many different routes there's one where it's like oh it was all a D and D campaign and it like goes like the the the heart plays and it's like and it's just the very beginning of the first episode and they're just playing d and d and they wrap it up for the night I think that would be horrific borderline disastrous yeah that would be right borderline like Game of Thrones season 8 the ders have literally said they're not doing that yeah and this is just like super outlandish it's fun to kind of theorize the disaster scenario but I have so much faith in those sticket but Sean you were talking to us earlier a really neat sort of route that not really not that they should do this but this is a reference to the Bob newart show and newart so there was this gentleman named Bob newart he's actually in the movie Elf he had a show in the 60s it was a hit sitcom and then he had another sitcom in the 80s where he ran like a lodge and had Wacky Adventures at this Lodge in the season finale of the second show the last scene it was this big secret and he wakes up in bed and it's the wife from the first show and he's like I had the craziest dream I was I was running a lodge up in the mountains there was all this crazy wacky stuff like that's the weirdest dream I've ever had and so it's this super iconic end to this comedy show that was like the perfect way to close out this guy's sitcom Legacy I don't think you could know if you in stranger things with it was all just DND D it was all just a dream like the the fan basee Revolt it'll go down in history it's like it would Bei RI however Eddie was real to me yes I was about to say if they do that Eddie would be alive who knows then but no I I think if they did that it would be like the biggest like the worst finale I think ever to a show it would be like it would be disastrous the internet would be a flame there's I mean I would be rius online um there's no way show's over with if you just want to get more clicks afterwards make everybody mad and we'll make videos ranting about it for the next 10 years there you have it yeah you'll never hear the end of it um all right let's uh let's see yeah the only one we haven't done as audience we have like8 minutes left yeah so we'll take just do audience from here on out an audience so I want to do the cosplay let's see it one is the father of all the children in the lab interesting well then who's the mother I don't know that would be the individual mothers that would an insane sort of out of left field thing I go ahead I'm wrapping my brain around that honestly how do you think so Jamie Campbell bow is one is I mean how much older is he look at how old O2 is in the flashbacks when he is like Jamie cimel bow like he is an adult but like what is he like 20 something well my thought is they could like some sort of cloning thing like a genetic thing but again that might be follow the mold of the time travel where that gets a little too out there a concept yeah that would be crazy uh just directly rip it off just word for word that would be funny Sean what do you think is this is this conceivable conceivable could you even see this happening I um I would have to look at it I I'm my brain is not wrapping around it enough to say anything articulate besides picking up on the word that you said conceived in this context that's all I got for you I don't think we talked about VNA Henry enough in these theories but I he's going to be such a big part of season 5 especially with the addition of the play that's in London right now I don't know too much about the play from what I've heard I have a friend who like works it like works at the theater she said it's kind of confusing I don't know if anybody here has seen it or read about it or whatever but the ages of Henry creel confuse me just in terms of like I think the play He's supposed to be like 16 but it's the same year that he was 12 in the show it's kind of confusing we'll talk to you about it after if you saw it but like the play confuses me and how that's going to play into season 5 worries me a little bit no yeah I I think that if the play was of utmost importance for us to watch they would make sure that it would be on Netflix before season five they might and I think there is still hope for that maybe they do that stranger things Day this year and they have like the Hamilton high quality recording of it of the first Shadow play um which is like a prequel for those who don't know with 01 uh Chopper I said well they both technically are in it um the best relationship and strer things but no they're all in it it's in high school in the ' 50s in in Hawkins so yeah um yeah I think if that was important they would again drop it how much time do we have left curiosity time for one more five minutes yeah we got time for one more who's got a good one right here yep okay so I kind of have a theory about how Eddie could come back okay in a flashback where where Justin is at Eddie's grave in that leaked photo yes we could get like a style of how how Max got a vision of Billy at his grave mhm that that's my theory okay if we do get that I just don't want it to be like scary Eddie I want it to be happy lighted happy sweet and cute Eddie cuz I just don't want to see I don't don't I don't want the last thing we see of him to be him all I'll say this I don't know if they want to like repeat similar plot devices from season 4T and I think that would be a little too close along the lines of Max you know being haunted by VNA essentially and going to Billy's grave and all that and having that scene go down um yeah I don't know if they would do that but I will say we could definitely get like Eddie's at not Eddie whoa Dustin is at the grave and like we see flashbacks from the like when Eddie and Dustin first became friends like two three years ago in high school or whatever we could get like flashbacks that's I've seen people say that Dustin's going to be the max of this season and Dustin's going to be haunted by vcna but again again I don't know if I want them to repeat the same plot of season 4 and I don't know if that is is the way VNA is going to return we know he said this is the beginning the beginning of the end you and your friends have lost that VNA says all that right so we know VNA is coming back but will it be in a different completely different form that's what I'm thinking it could be maate Dustin's brain it's too powerful he's too strong it's coated with the dusty buns no um got three minutes one more yeah one right here yep final one here we go hello hey hey um so my theory is how well vno wants will dead mhm because um in season 1 we have proof that any time the demogorgan uh strike someone they were bleeding like Barb was bleeding in the pool but even Hopper said that there was no sign of blood when will got taken and so why did will get taken by the demogorgan because will is somehow connected to the upside down and he wants him dead because he could be like a real helpful to him but also more helpful to the group yeah um I I definitely think good theory I think that when it comes to that I remember right when season 4 dropped people were going back to the first episode of the show and like freeze framing the demoor and they were like oh it looks like VNA hand and I've dissected that too it might have just been early demographic the early demor but then there's people being like the door handle opened it could have been VNA you know how everything just analyzing that scene um I what do you think cam like do you like will and vna's relationship I think they will 100% explore it they are connected you can at the end of season 4 will he gets the Goosebumps and he's like he's here I feel him I forget the exact line but they are going to have they're going to come face to face in this final season there's definitely a connection from between Henry creel and will it could be like a familial connection like we could find out that there's some sort of like blood relation through the family time is there that would be Madness um yeah like he's a cousin or something I don't know no that would be insane but yeah we have how long about two years until this this actually comes out or not really it should come out next year hopefully summer maybe stranger things day um but we'll be talking theories all until then and rewatching the show obviously but that is going to do it for this panel thank you guys so much for coming out um and Talking theories and we all love stranger things we're actually going to snag a quick photo down here and we'll be hanging out over here if you guys want to come hang out take a picture talk to us as long as you want and yeah thank you guys for coming out let's get this picture let's do it
Channel: Film Stocked
Views: 10,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stranger things, stranger things 5, stranger things season 5, stranger things 5 news, stranger things 5 trailer, stranger things 5 theories, stranger things season 5 theories, stranger things season 5 news, stranger things 5 update, stranger things update, stranger things season 5 update, stranger things season 5 release date, stranger things 5 set pics, stranger things 5 release date, film stocked, filmstocked, megacon, stranger things panel, stranger things theories, st 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 43sec (2623 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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