STORYTIME I got deported || deportation diaries THE FINALE

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hello all hope you're doing well I'm doing  fantastic thank you for asking if you   guys have seen my other videos you would  have known that I had to leave Australia   because my Visa got rejected I feel like  there was a lot of confusion surrounding   why that happened and what happened before  and after that as well as what's happening   now so today I'm just going to take you  through the whole thing start to finish   I promise not all of my videos are going to  be about deportation because let's hope that   that doesn't happen again but either way  I'm happy you're here let's get into it so I graduated uni not too long ago and previously  I was on a student visa I knew I had to apply for   another Visa once my student visa ran out and one  of the requirements for that Visa was to complete   a standardized English test this was also a  requirement for my student visa way back in   2020 when I was applying then and long story  short I didn't initially take the test but   there were reasons for this so the first reason  was because I didn't actually have to do an   English test for my student visa don't take  anything that I'm saying about these visas as   like reliable information that you should run  off on because things always change literally   like as I was deported some of the rules had  changed so don't take what I'm saying now and   run with it I'm just telling you my experience  and my story so for the student visa they also   required a standardized English test there was an  option to disregard the English test if you could   to prove that you have previously learned English  and that you're a native speaker and that you're   you can speak English well I'm clearly a native  speaker um that's been my first language since   forever so I basically submitted some information  saying that I've taken classes in solely English   and submitted that when I was applying in 2020  and that all got approved and that was fine so I   basically did the same thing for this new Visa  where I proved that I was only taking English   courses in uni and that I'm a native speaker and  I basically sent all of that information through   another reason that I didn't do the English test  was because it costs $450 which I thought I was   saving money by not doing it and by submitting  all this other stuff it also takes 3 hours to   complete sometimes more depending on where you  do it so I thought I was saving both money and   time by not doing the test because previously you  could just waive the option to do the English test so once I submitted my application with proof  that I had studied English for the past 3 years   at Uni and I studied it in high school and all  that stuff I waited around 2 months to find out   that I got rejected I also found out that I got  rejected the day before I was leaving to Singapore   and I was leaving to Singapore because I had to  get tooth surgery um that's a whole other story   that you guys will eventually see if you want to  see that I don't know if you want to but you will   so I was literally about to hop on my plane  to Singapore and then found out that I got   rejected and I was like oh my gosh okay what  do I do so I find out the day before and I'm   like you know what it's okay I'll be back in like  a week or two I think I was gone for a week and a   half or something so since I found out the day  before I was leaving I couldn't really do much   about the situation it's not like I could take  the English test that same day so the most I   could really do was just apply for a bridging  visa and book an English test for when I come   back so I did exactly that I booked my test for  a couple days after I got back and while I was   in Singapore for surgery I was studying for this  English test even though you know I speak English   but I was stressed about it I was like yeah I  want to pass obviously that would be wild if I   didn't pass I wanted to study for it so that I  would definitely not get deported so I thought once I came back from Singapore and sat and did  my English test and got my result I immediately   went onto the immigration website and tried  to resubmit my application however it kept   showing me this error message that said you're  unable to continue with your application for a   few reasons and the reasons were like you've  either been rejected or you haven't fulfilled   your requirements or something like that and I was  like okay well I've just filled my requirements so   why can't I just reapply I don't understand  and I kept trying different ways to reapply   and like started new new application all that  kind of stuff nothing was working so that's   when I started to panic I call up my parents and  I'm explaining the situation to them and they're   basically telling me that I have to go see an  immigration lawyer because if the system is not   letting me override this error then obviously  there's not much I can do on my end I also have   a friend who is becoming a lawyer so I called  her up and I was you know in tears like asking   her what I should do she was basically saying the  exact same thing she said you should probably see   an immigration lawyer they can probably help  you out but she did warn me to be prepared to   leave the country so that was a bit scary so I  find an immigration lawyer I rush down there I   meet her at her office and we're having a bit of  a chat I'm explaining my whole situation and the   conclusion is surprise surprise I have to leave  the country so all of this went down on the 12th   of October I think my Visa expired on the 17th  of October so I left the country on the 16th so   technically speaking I didn't get deported I  wasn't going to let that happen obviously but   if I had stayed in the country for one day longer  I would have been banned to come back for 5 years   I'm pretty sure that was the rule they would have  come knocking on my door honestly they would have   been like get out of here so I obviously wasn't  going to let that happen knowing the situation   so I left on the 16th and that's where we  kind of started this whole journey you know   what I'll just start with the fact plain and  simple um I'm getting deported tomorrow yeah so the majority of my time away was spent in  Japan the timing of all this was also a little   bit chaotic because my parents were relocating  from Singapore to Japan that month so they were   super busy with moving and relocating and doing  all that kind of stuff which I guess was kind of   good that I was there cuz I could help them here  and there but it was a little chaotic their house   is also up in the mountains which is a huge change  from the city life in Singapore we spent quite a   lot of time up there and besides the fact that it  was freezing cold it was a really peaceful place   to just sit with my thoughts and reflect honestly  I definitely indulge in a fair few midday walks   and midday drives just to clear my head and I mean  that landscape to have as a backdrop is so nice it   was really really beautiful I think the worst part  about the deportation was the feeling of being   uprooted and just completely unsettled there was  no certainty in what the future would look like   in that moment oh sorry guys my camera just went  flying off the couch and Zella got a bit spooked   so now she's sitting on me anyway where was I  I wasn't sure when my Visa would be approved or   if it was even going to be approved and on top of  that this one was in Australia that was genuinely   the worst part of this whole thing was just not  being able to be with my dog and not being able   to explain like what's going on and just up and  leaving for so long I'm so so incredibly grateful   to my friends who looked after her while I was  away I genuinely don't know what we would have   done without them she ended up staying with a few  of my friends while I was away cuz obviously I was   gone for so long yeah I'm just so grateful that  you know they were willing to look after her and   they did such a good job of looking after her too  but yeah just super grateful that my friends were   so awesome about it and were willing to look after  her during such a stressful time but through a lot   of the bad and anxiety ridden situations there  were definitely a few real silver linings that   came out of the deportation first and foremost I  feel so lucky to have spent that amount of time   with my grandparents as someone in their 20s I  don't think I'll ever get that kind of quality   time with my grandparents they're obviously  getting older and they live in a completely   different country than I do so being able to  spend 3 months with them is genuinely such a   blessing in disguise I learned so much from just  our day-to-day conversations with them I feel like   they have so much wisdom to pass on all the time  and I got to experience that like every day which   was really really nice especially for that time  in my life I feel like I was in need of a lot of   wisdom and I received it which is great and if you  guys have seen my second video on this channel you   would have seen that I went on a road trip with my  grandparents and their friends again such a unique   bonding experience that I would have never had the  opportunity to do if I didn't get deported another   silver lining was that I had a lot of time to just  think and to journal which is always good I think   for your mental health I think it's always good to  write down how you're feeling but I just had a lot   of time to do that so I did a lot of it I worked  out that while I was away I wrote a total of 63   pages I was full on writing a novel out here for  what reason I do not know but I think that much   journaling was genuinely such an important part  of just keeping my sanity um preventing me from   losing my marbles any more than I had already and  I think it's also nice to be able to have those   things written down so that now when I'm in a  completely different head space I can go back and   read how I was feeling I can kind of see how I was  dealing with those big problems and how that might   help me in my life today another enormous silver  lining with this whole deportation spiel was that   I got to go to New York if you guys watched my  last video you would have seen that I went to   visit my sister in New York that was genuinely one  of the best trips ever ever if you guys want to   see what I got up to in New York then make sure to  check out that video but yeah I would have never   gone to New York or at least I wouldn't have gone  in the near future if I hadn't gotten deported so throughout the 3 months away I was constantly  asking my lawyer to check for updates and see if   there was any progress on my Visa I was always  given a similar response which was we're doing   everything we can there's not much else you can  do but wait and let me tell you waiting is very   difficult when your life feels like it's being  thrown upside down after many sleepless nights   my birthday rolled around I didn't think that  i' would be spending it in Japan but you know   there's worst places that I could have been I  must say it wasn't the best birthday I've ever   had obviously and that was not anyone's fault it's  just you know I was deported I was pretty sad I   ended up spending my birthday with my family they  took me out to a lovely lunch I could tell that   everyone was trying to cheer me up which I really  appreciated I was really trying to be positive as   well but it was just it was proving difficult  given the circumstances but when I got back   home I went to check my email and lo and behold  I get my Visa approval this was genuinely like   the best birthday present I've ever gotten in my  life everyone was super happy for me just like   tears of joy all around the room after a long 94  days I finally had some clarity so just as a side   note it's been a family tradition where every  new years that we spend with our grandparents   my sister and I will do some calligraphy for the  new year my grandpa was actually a calligraphy   teacher so every year we pick a word that's  meaningful to us and he helps us practice and   we use his calligraphy set to write the word  out on the official calligraphy paper and in   the past I used to always just write like my pets  names best believe last year it was Zella it was   but this year I thought I would switch it up so  this year's word was meiryō and meiryō actually   means clarity which I was definitely in need  of and then lo and behold like 2 weeks later   I got my clarity and I got my Visa approved so  that brings us to January 22nd when I flew back   and was officially imported back into Australia  it has been a long and stressful and eventful 3   months I've been back for a couple months now and  it's been really good to just settle back in spend   time with the dog when I came back the first first  thing I did was take Zella on a little hike just   made sure we had a really good day together cuz  I know she must have missed I don't know going   on hikes and doing all that stuff that we normally  do this whole experience has definitely taught me   a lot taught me a lot about patience resilience  checking your visa requirements obviously this   is not like a glorifying story about this  whole thing it was actually genuinely one   of the most stressful things I've ever lived  through um and I don't wish it upon anyone but   you know learn from me um make sure you're  reading your visa requirements carefully   I don't know also whether it's expected or not  things happen in life and you just got to kind of   roll with the punches even though it's difficult  it's got to be done and try to keep a positive   attitude throughout which can be difficult I do  understand that but if anyone is going through   hardship um whether that be deportation I really  hope it's not guys I really hope none of you are   deported but you know anything just know that  you come out better on the other side regardless   always anyway um I hope you guys like this video  we have some exciting stuff coming up obviously   not about deportation because that's not happening  again please if you guys are new here I'm so happy   that you're here hey and if you're coming back I'm  so happy that you're here as well hey thank you   guys for watching this video I hope this clarified  some things let me know if you guys still have   some questions or comments or concerns I'd love to  know but this will be the end of the deportation   diaries this is the finale I hope you've  enjoyed it I hope it's been semi-entertaining   so far thank you guys so much for watching  and I'll see you guys in the next one bye!
Channel: yumes
Views: 1,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, deportation vlog, deported, daily vlog, weekly vlog, get to know me, Q&A, storytime, STORYTIME, personal reflections, unfiltered truth, intimate details, personal history, personal journey
Id: CKKi90aPrKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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