Story Behind The Nine Avatars Of Goddess Durga

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the festival of navaratri is celebrated to cherish the victory of dharma over adharma these nine days are associated with the battle that was fought between goddess durga and the demon king mahishasura throughout these nine days the nine avatars of the goddess known as navadurka is worshiped each day dedicated to one incarnation let us find out the story behind each avatar shall putri shell putri meaning the daughter of the mountains was born to mountain king himawan she is also commonly known as parvati and is the first of the nine navaturga she is depicted having two hands holding a trident on her right hand and a lotus on her left being the wife of lord shiva she writes on his bull named nandi in her previous birth the goddess was born as sati the daughter of prajapati daksh to eventually marry shiva and fulfill her role as the universal mother to nourish all beings despite her father's disapproval satthi married shiva when taksha organized the yagya he invited all gods except shiva and parvati parvati unaware of her father's arrogance and hateful motives reached there without an invitation upon which daksa began insulting shiva sati being a devoted wife could not tolerate this and sacrifice herself to the yakya fire to fulfill the superior motive of universal welfare shakthi had to take birth again in the form of parvati to marry shiva again and bring him out of his ascetic's life into the life of a grahasth brahmacharyani in the second avatar holding a rosary in her right hand and a commander in her left brahmacharani signifies tapasya or penance after the death of sati shiva abstained himself from all material desires and went into a state of meditation that lasted for millions of years when parvati grew up sage narada told her that the only way for her to attain shiva was to perform severe penance that would exceed her husbands determined to marry shiva in this birth as well she began her tapasya giving up on food water and air her penance lasted for thousands of years in the end brahma appeared in front of parvati and said that no one had ever observed tapa the way she did following this parvati came to be known as ma brahmacharyani later shiva accepted her as his wife this avatar of ma durga teaches penance devotion restraint and solitude chandragunta upon seeing parvati's strong resolve to attain him shiva gives in and accepts to marry parvati on the day of the wedding shiva reached king heemawan's palace in the most terrorizing form his body was smeared in ash with snakes all over his body and in the matted locks of his unkempt hair he bought with himself the strangest wedding procession also known as bharat consisting ghosts agoris sages ascetics and every being unimaginable upon seeing this sight parvati's mother and relatives were left in shock mostly out of terror to avoid any embarrassment to her family or to shiva parvati transformed herself into a terrifying form chandragunta in this form her complexion is golden she came riding a lion and possessed ten arms nine of her arms carried weapons while the tenth hand raised to bless her devotees she married shiva in this form and the day of their marriage is celebrated as mahashivratri kushmanda makushmanda is worshiped on the fourth day of navratri it is believed that kushmanda is the ultimate source of life when the universe was non-existent and darkness was everywhere she created the universe with her smile the universe then filled with light and she began to live in the core of the sun the gods she created then went on to create other universes and living beings kushmanda possesses eight arms and rides a line that evokes fearlessness in her devotees she bestows all pleasures and her worship brings prosperity power and salvation skandamata the fifth avatar skandamata literally means the mother of skanda skanda is another name of lord karthikeya often known as murugan in the south she writes a line and has four arms two of her arms carry lotus one is raised in blessing while the fourth holds her son karthikey when shiva became detached from the worldly affairs upon the death of sati demon tarakasur had wrecked havoc on the gods the demon had a boon that only the son of shiva could kill him fearing that shiva may never have a child the gods rushed to vishnu for help vishnu assured that parvati is destined to be the wife of shiva upon the severe penance of parvati when shiva agrees to marry her they combine their energies to produce a fiery seed agni the god of fire was given the responsibility to carry the seed to lake sarawana but agni could not bear the heat of the seed durga taking the form of water carries the seed to the lake in the sarana forest later the sixth faced karthikey takes birth and grows up to be the commander-in-chief of the army of gods killing targasor in the battle kathyaini being one of the most worshipped forms of durga marcathyani is worshiped on the sixth day of navratri this is the form that is often referred to as mathurka she took birth as the daughter of the sage karthian and hence came to be known as kathyainee when the demon mahishasar was creating trouble for the gods the trinity brahma vishnu and shiva along with other gods combined their powers and weapons and summoned kaltyani to know more about the various weapons of durga and how she got them watch the video linked above thus the armed kathiyani proceeded towards vindhya mountains where mahishasura lived and killed him she is also known as mahisha suramardani the one who killed mahisha surah khal means night hence is the one who brings an end or death to anything that is associated with evil or darkness she is more commonly referred to as kali and is worshipped on the seventh day khal rathri is the most terrorizing form of durga the most common form shows kali as black naked with angry red sunken eyes wedding skulls around her neck as jewelry and limbs around her waist to know in full detail about kali watch the video linked in the comments below rakta beach was a demon or asura who had been given a bone by lord brahma that every time a drop of his blood fell on the ground a new version of his own would be created having received the spoon he made the life of people and gods miserable hence the gods reached out to goddess turka or shakthi for help armed with all the weapons the goddess charged at the demon but as soon as she wounded him with her squad and his blood fell on earth the demon multiplied with more attempts at killing rakthabish the demon kept on multiplying huge armies of rakta beach were formed by the drops of blood which fell on earth enraged by this the devi took the infuriating form of kali she went on to slay each demon with a sword in her hand and collected their blood in her bowel and drank it immediately soon she finished the whole army of the beach and only the real rakta beach was left then she slayed him down and drank his blood till he fell down lifeless it is said that just a century ago sri ramakrishna paramhans was blessed to see the real form of kali to watch the full story click on the video linked above [Music] worshiped on the eighth day the story of maha gauri has many versions maha means great and gauri means white or fair in the first version upon killing rakta beach parvati was left with a skin as dark as night that lasted a long time parvati went through penance to attain her old form of feminine beauty and was advised by brahma to take bath in the mansarovar river in the himalayas when she did so she shed her dark skin and this skin took up a female form named koshiki that went on to kill the demons shimba and nishimba parvati regained her beauty this time with a complexion so fair that led to everyone referring to her as mahagori in the second version as a result of parvati's severe penance for over thousands of years that led to shiva marrying her her body was covered with dirt mud insects and she was down to being a skeleton with no flesh pleased by her devotion shiva baits her in the holiest ganga that flew from the locks of his matted hair that nourished her body she emerged as mahagori as white as the jasmine flower to know the story of how ganga flew from shiva's hair watch the video linked above [Music] siddhi dhatri siddhi dathri worshiped on the last day is the adi shakti avatar of durga she existed as pure energy and had no physical form lord rudra and avatar of shiva worshiped her for creating the universe and she appeared from the left half of shiva that is why she and shiva represent the duality of the universe in the form of masculine and feminine energies they unite to form ardhanari shwara devi siddhi daadri sits on a lotus and rides a lion [Music]
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Keywords: Indian Mythology, Hindu Mythology, Mythology, Indian History, Hindu Stories, Hinduism, Hindu Gods, Sanatan Dharma, Hinduism Explained, All about Hinduism, Religion, Hindu Religion, Religious Stories, Goddess Durga, maa durga, goddess kali story, shailaputri, bramacharini, chandraghanta, kushmanda, skandamata, katyayani, kaalratri, mahagauri, siddhidatri, nine avatars of durga, nine avatars of devi durga, story of nine avatars of durga, nine forms of durga, navdurga, story of parvati devi
Id: rB4PvLdbfTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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