Storing Brood Comb and Honey Comb

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hey y'all you know it's hot when the big hat's out [Music] well good afternoon this is barry's best honey i'm mike and i do bees welcome back to southeast louisiana here in my bee yard i've got a few things to do today and i want to always remind everybody that i'm not doing a how-to video especially today this is not a how-to video this is definitely how i do videos it's midday on july 24th it is definitely a hot one we're in a heat advisory it's somewhere between 95 and 100 right now because it was 95 just a little while ago i've been working in the yard all day getting my yard back in order and uh i got the big hat out when i got the big hat out it's hot yesterday was a day that i really got exhausted in the heat and humidity but i'm clear now i'm good i've been working all day in the heat um just got to stay smart and get in the shade and cool off stay hydrated obviously so that's what i've been doing but it is time i got to go get these dead outs off i've been telling you about these dead outs for two weeks now i haven't got them there's two of them out there and then you saw the video where the hive fell over i've got that one to clean up so i've got honey i've got brood comb to store that's salvageable i've got something to pull out of my freezer and store outside the freezer and i want to show everybody how to do that and i have got to get all my supers put out so the bees can begin to clean them uh so you can see how i store my honeycomb as well this is how i do it i'm not telling you this is right nothing is wrong just showing you how i do it and you know that's how i do i just show you all my ways and what's worked for me i've come up with these ways that i do it now because it's worked for me i have not tried bt but i'm not a believer in the bt because bt kills chewing insects insects have to begin chewing for it to work i don't need the wax caterpillars that are going to turn into new moths hatching out their eggs and eating my comb and then dying because i don't know how long it takes them to eat it and then kill them so so i have not used bt and don't really plan on trying it i found a way that works for me and i like it so that's what i'm doing today all right so we got to go out and get those dead outs so here's my freezer this is this is a bunch of wax that's scraped off of old frames now i always tell y'all about saving wax i say wax this is wax oh the bag is ripped it's a wax i say this bag that bag down there are is burkholm that's why i saved my burkholm that's a lot of wax i need a new bag for it and i keep all my frames in here so we're gonna get all this straightened out i'm gonna show you how i store my stuff all right black moss has made their entrance but yeah wax malls are in here they're all ready but notice they're in the brood box and they're not in the honey box the honey super so i should tell you exactly how i store my stuff because they don't like clear foam they like the protein and all that pollen and everything you know wax maw's got to live too it doesn't only need 30 frames out of my freezer let's get this thing on the trailer that's clear we'll just do a quick quality check on it and it'll get stored it's clear small hive beetle larvae i'm going to transport them and burn them don't want them in the ground although i'm going to drench i don't want them in the ground reproducing everybody else is alive and uh everybody's doing good that's good look at them all here's how you fix them [Music] don't want them things reproducing get this wax on fire they'll definitely get them but you don't want to reproduce it now the trains will go in the freezer it'll kill them all right so looking at this board as i burn this stuff up this is satisfying um let me stir them up get some live ones out there that if they're alive they're hot so i look at this board and i look at this solid bottom i say okay look how true you know everything went to the bottom a screen board these larvae are going through it now i run screen boards majority of my stuff is screen boards i'm going back to these though i ran screen boards not for ventilation down here okay bees are fine with these you can vent your hives you don't have to have screens to vent them i'm not running them for that i ran them as just something to help if i had hygienic bees and might drop you got hygienic bees the mites drop through the screen they die don't get back on your bees problem is these things drop through and they multiply both are bad mites are worse of course but the benefit of of of the screen for the mites is next to nothing from what i can tell because i'm still going to treat them and really i don't i don't need to count on that as being necessarily a type of a treatment and i don't count on as a treatment but but i thought maybe it would help but either way i'm going to treat them so i'm going back to these because i can treat the mites but if the hive is weak i can't stop the population of these because i use ground drench i went back to grounds drenched this year in front of my hives it's worked great the the beetles are down plus we had a cold winter i'm sure that helped too but the beetles are down i can't get the drench under the hives where the screen boards are so that's an issue and i need these things to die in the dirt when they go to pupate so i drench in front of the hive or prometrin and that gets these beetles these beetle larvae so if i'm not if i'm using these green bottoms i'm not able to get to them they're falling out of the bottom going in the dirt and they're reproducing they're becoming beetles and we can't have that that's not acceptable now i'm baking this on here but that's alright it'll scrub off and i'll bleach it so that's why i'm really i'm not getting rid of my screens that i'm going to use them they're great boards i'm going to keep using them but i left these slides in this year i did not take the plastic slides out of the board because i didn't want the beetles falling through so all my screen bottoms i think one or two don't because i was in a hurry and i quick like do a hive together for a swarm or something all the ones that came out of winter i did not take the slides out i'm going to leave them in i want those beetles to have to get on those slides and go out the front and when they go out the front and go to pupate in that dirt on them to die a slow and painful death it's just that simple beetles they don't kill a hive but they will grab hold of a weak one all right so we got wax moles uh pretty much got this whole box let's pop the other one this box is toast anyway yeah they're in the bottom one too so this one might have been dead a little bit longer when a frame looks like it's moving it's usually larvae look at those small hive beetle larvae now this is not a frame i'm going to save i'm not going to salvage to to me it's just got too much wax moth plus it's full of pollen that palm won't be no good there goes some larvae i don't want them falling but i'm going to put it in the freezer now but uh i won't say this i'm gonna freeze them just to kill them and so i know what everybody says i see the forums but the first thing everybody says is yeah freeze it reuse it the bees will fix it i think when that was written years ago it was written in reference to wax foundation they will fix plastic cell but i'm telling you what i've seen in my house maybe it's be mine y'all tell me when i got a big old patch of wax moth damaged i'm getting the shade here no sense of standing in the sun if i'm talking to y'all and i got that big old patch of wax moth damage yeah they will fix it if there's a good flow on they'll fix it and you'll look on there and they'll be all dark comb there'll be one patch of white and then it'll be all the rest but what i have noticed is if you put it in the beginning of spring and you're not feeding they'll tear that out and it'll tear down to the plastic cell and you'll have this frame all these big giant splotches in there and then when they start getting any amount of nectar in they tend to make crazy comb on it or it's not always uniform so once it gets wax moth damaged personally i don't i don't feed heavily in the spring because i don't need to there's so much nectar coming in i don't need to i can't keep up with swarms as it is much just feeding them so they they don't fix it that well so when i see a frame like that it's it you can see the huge trails and areas of wax moth damage and all and if i pull that webbing out it'll it'll just pull a bunch of old wax will fall off it's out i'll scrape it i'll get better use out of that as a re-wax foundation than i will as a they'll repair it foundation from the freezer i put it in the freezer what is that put it in the freezer to kill those during small hot beetle larvae i hate small hot beetle larvae i hate ants too though i mean i think i hate ants and wax moth larvae more than i hate mosquitoes and mosquitoes are detestable little insect yeah all right let me finish this up i'm calling frames let me show you what i come up with and what i'm going to do and how i'm going to do it okay let me uh let me show you i'm going to stay on the camera show you what i'll here here's what i'll save and what i won't save and i'm going to show you all right here's a wired wax foundation this one they will repair it pretty easily carpenter amp we caught this this is a prime example why you go when you're dead out as soon as you find it i probably would have saved it they haven't even started born into the wood except for that we'll squish that because they're live and those little trails now on this wired wax they'll repair that because it's through and through i mean it's regular wax they seem to repair that better in my in my experience now i'm telling you what i've seen so i'll save that one it'll go in the save pile and these are some of the saves uh they're just they got some wax moth trails but like i said when there's big giant wax small spots they won't they they won't repair them off the bat this is superficial they're not in it yet but see they're right through there they they'll probably take that down to the foundation be a big old spot right there they won't repair it but it's got good start on that side so like these are the ones i'll save um this one it's iffy see where i pulled that that webbing out of there and there's a hole where they've eaten all that out they'll take this and start pulling the wax down but there's enough it's such a small spot i'll probably go ahead and freeze it and save it that you can see the trails through there they don't seem to repair those really well so most of them are like that uh this one's got some mildew on it this is a wax that was honey frame got a little bit of damage here's what's going to happen i'm not going to save this one after they're going to pick all this part that roach they're going to pick all that apart and it's going to be a big old bare spot now in the flow will they fill it yeah but i need them filling it before the flow to build workforce i don't need wasted space so for me in my opinion i'd rather scrape this re-wax it and let them draw it out uh on a fresh sheet they just when they take that down and that's a big because they'll take every bit of that down because all of it's got spaces and blotches in it and they won't they won't do anything with it so that'll go here just like this one same with that one they're not going to do anything with that it's just my experience what i've seen maybe your bees are different i don't know now again in a big flow or if you're pouring the one to one to them i'm guessing they'll fix it up pretty well but in my experience just on the nectar on a moderate nectar flow that they're getting early spring when it's just enough to feed them they don't do anything with it so i'd rather have wax foundation at the ready ready to go i got enough drawn in that freezer so those will go in the no good pile uh these are melting it's so hot out here but the wax is melting i gotta get it out of here cool it off goodness it is hot people well this is too far gone it's all eaten up and yeah i know forums will tell you what to do with it freeze it the bees will fix it that's what they all say everybody says that because that's what the book tells you and i agree with that they'll fix it to an extent but look look at them wax balls in there them cat a little caterpillar larvae wormies get down in there squish so yeah that's too far gone in my opinion all these are shot these are freeze and those are shots so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen i gotta make space for thirteen and i'll show you what i do with the other brood comb let's look at the honeycombs they all are just simply robbed out nothing nothing wrong with these what i would do is i will freeze these just to be sure we don't have any critters that laid eggs in them now the wax moths won't mess with this again that's going to tell you a little bit about how i store mine plus ants are in there i hate ants i don't i just hate ants i i really do this one looks even better anyway we'll freeze them just to be on the safe side and uh there's a whack small let me let me kill that thing it's a big one look at him you're ready all right if you don't want to see anything gory close your eyes this is not the time i'm not responsible now this is not the time to look not suitable for our viewers black son don't like them now what we have to do is we got frames in the freezer what do i do with those frames because now they got to come out now they're going to be susceptible to wax moths no i'll show you so what do i do with my frames i'll show you i need a good box when it's semi-sealed up and i'm going to go ahead and use these nukes because i've got them already i've already got them brewing but here's what i'm going to do so i'll give me a box and i get these frames directly out of the freezer and i just took these out empty frames out of the freezer well this one got damaged it looks like in the freezer but so i'm gonna go right to a box here's my drawn column that one they're not gonna mess with i'll leave that one out that i put that in there probably just to make sure there was everything killed on it but there's no brood in it this one has a little wax moth damage we'll see what they do with it anything's got pollen oh this one's no good it's broken so we can call this out it's got a broken frame don't worry about it and all right not the best frame i don't know why i saved it but i did so i load them right out of the freezer nothing has a chance to get in them right let's move them over here so this is what i do over here so i got this nuke this stack of two i got a shim on it and you can't smell it but i smell wax crystals or wax moth stuff moth crystals so i got two stacked nukes both of them are full of five so there's gonna be ten frames in here and i got a bottom board on it but i got it flipped upside down i don't want no openings i mean there's little openings but wax moths can get in little ones but i'd still i don't want big openings i need one more frame let me get one more frame so basically i cycle my stuff through the freezer then i go into a box okay a little tight but it'll go all right and let's get this box on top of frozen frame here all right and then i put a shim in it i don't want any of this fume to get out so you want to keep the fumes in and what i use is these cakes moth cake you can use those or moth crystals the key to this well i just dropped it but the key to this is getting the right stuff the active ingredient on this is p dash diachlorobenzene you don't want that ethylene one or whatever that other one starts with the e i think you want this one it's peridichlorobenzene or p dash chlorobenzene they come in moth cake and you'll see them off crystals check the active ingredient that's the one that's used with bees in their frames and these cakes come in these little hangers or the crystals the crystals you can lay on a little piece of paper and lay in here they'll dissolve over time but you don't have to replace them as soon as they dissolve this one this old cake has been in here for months and it's been dissolved but as soon as i open it i can smell it so let's look at what happened i will warn you the frames are going to be moldy let me get my hive tool so when they sit at least in our area when they sit in this humidity um they're going to mildew you're going to get that now it looks awful i know but if you watch my videos last year i had some of these and what that is that's the pollen i put this in matter of fact i put it in the tax form that we're going to check on the video and this is that nasty frame that had that old mildew pollen so what did they do with it well let's see what she did with it appears to me she cleaned it up they cleaned it up pretty well and gave her a nice spot to put some brood completely cleaned out that old pile they'll clean all that fuzzy mold off they will clean the pollen out of those holes and they will use that that frame that frame is still good i know it looks bad and shame on me i guess if somebody thinks so but it works all it has to do is be on top it doesn't have to be in the bottom it sinks and it fills this up so i'll just take this thing pull my plastic off and then she goes and you can buy these refills i get this at walmart or amazon wherever stick it in that thing i just lay it in here i laid in the plastic i put it in there i put the lid on and you look that that frame you saw that mildew thing's been in there for months no wax moth damage none at all bottom same way no wax ball damage in there so that keeps the moths out the moths come in lay the eggs the eggs hatch become those worms those larvae those larvae go in and eat through your comb and destroy it make their cocoons spin their webs and destroy your wax don't mean no harm by it don't mean no harm they don't they're just a wax worm they just they like a squirrel trying to get a nut they just try and do their thing but we don't want them in our hives but they don't mean no harm they just doing what they do but we got to keep them out so that's how we keep them out there that works it's i've i did i started it three years ago and i did experiment with cedar chips somebody said you could do the same thing with cedar chips wax balls ate it up ate it up no way didn't work not even close so basically i put everything through the freezer i leave it there at least a week at least a week come december i'll open them up they'll wax them off that uh threat at that point as long as it's a cold winter will be good to go did talk to a lady she only vincent for about a week i've actually pulled one out one time invented it for eight hours and put it in a colony and colony is doing fantastic uh but i'd rather wait about a month if i can so in the wintertime i'll break them out let them air out on the sides like those okay and they'll uh they'll be ready to use again that mildew or that mold or whatever it's growing they'll clean that out but i'd rather have that than the entire comb damage now i got drawn comb good for swarm traps good for building colonies works good there you go that's how i do it freezer box wax crystal store vent into winter go into spring now once you go in spring you gotta use them if you don't use them you better get back in freezer or get them back under some crystals because you're gonna run into problems down here in our area uh we'll get them again but that's how i do it so the only other thing i'll show you is how i do supers and i'll do that when i bring all my supers out when we begin to let the bees clean them but i'm not gonna introduce those until about four hours before sunset so that i don't have any craziness or some feeding frenzies going on don't want no robbing to begin somewhere at least if we do it before evening and when they finally get done and decide to go rob it's dark sound sound right that's what i'm doing this is the stuff and beekeeping it's no fun but it's all part of it this is the other stuff here moth ice crystals and this same thing active ingredient p diachlorobenzene para di diachlor benzene that's right here called paramouth as far as the deep still stay there and then as i uh find any more dead outs maybe or absconds or anything like that i'll take those frames i'll pull the same out of the freezer put those in store them in the moth crystals and that's what i'll do and i'll stack on up and last year i had 40 frames i had 40. oh one two three four four deeps maybe five deeps it was i don't know it was about chest high uh to head high and i had a deep deep frame stored in there worked great bees cleaned them all up i used them plus what was in the freezer so that's the way i do my frames again it's not how to it's how i do all right now we gotta store some honey supers that's the other question i get how do you store your honey supers well i'll show you in just a minute all right there we go i was hauling the supers over from the honey house i got 10 more in there that got to be finished up but once we're done with those everybody will be out here you've seen this stack before you know what i do you know you do you know you do you've seen it but that's all right we'll show you again that's how i stack them up sometimes i stack them like that this year i think i'm gonna stack them like this i put them under lean tube uh keep the rain off of them let the air go through them and let the sunlight come through so let me stack them up and then that's it that's how i store them now i gotta let daylight go through them there are some that had brood in them yes will that will they wax moths get them in some cases they do but for the most part i'd say 80 to 90 percent well the most don't touch them they uh they don't touch them they they go right back out the next year i'll call them and make sure there's nothing broken or no really bad mildew stuff or anything but uh yeah the moss may get a couple of them you know that may have some brood in them but for the most part i don't have a problem like this i don't want to put moss crystals in these i don't i don't put them in here you can but i don't um so these stay out those get stored the way we've seen them so that's all there is to it folks that's how i store my stuff supers are done five of them out there now once we're done uh once we're getting ready to treat and all that we'll rip those off and all the supers will be under here and we'll see who makes it on through into winter and uh we'll work on these next year all right let me stack them up because i'm tired it is hot today it's finally cooled off i think it's down to low 90s getting ready to go in the 80s in the shade so go ahead and give me a shower and relax i've been about 15 minutes and everybody has found a buffet all right they're gonna eat good the next couple days and i'm happy to let them eat good they deserve it they've worked really hard this season and uh they did really well they really did well folks that's gonna be a wrap for this video remember not a how-to just how i do that's all was just showing you my way works for me i like it and i don't have any problems bees are starting to pick up that's why i did this at the end i just it gets annoying working right here when there is everywhere they start going in every nook and cranny but we got it all settled out we've got the colonies closed up it needs to be closed up everybody settled we're settled it's nice to walk by and ride by these colonies and see bees all over the front of them uh you know and seeing larger populations on the front than i saw earlier on so that means they re-queened or they're doing fine and whoever isn't well we'll find out in the next two months um other than that everything's good to go we are good to go gonna go try and check on some swarms that i promised i would do a video on just haven't gotten to it yet and uh i did a lot today so i could have my day off tomorrow and just kind of enjoy myself and relax so i'm all done for the day supers are stacked i'll probably tie those down if we have any kind of a storm guys i appreciate everybody watching i hope you enjoyed the video i know it's a little boring a little tedious it's part of beekeeping though this is all part of it it doesn't just involve the fun stuff it involves the cleaning up the dead outs the culling wax to making sure you whack small proof it and small hive beetles and it all goes along with it somebody told me uh was it yesterday or something i forget who it was they said oh yeah we had some some hives but they died and we just gave up those things are work aren't they you think yeah they are so guys i appreciate you watching if you did enjoy the video please don't forget to give it a thumbs up if you don't mind of course don't forget to subscribe if you haven't and don't forget to share this video with friends family anybody that just enjoys watching bees this barry's best honey i'm mike and i do bees y'all have a wonderful evening may lord god bless you we'll see y'all [Music] later
Channel: Mike Barry
Views: 4,678
Rating: 4.9638824 out of 5
Keywords: beekeeping, bee hives, queen bee, queen, swarm, comb, honeycomb, brood, honeybees, honey, hive stand, bee suit, veil, hive, hives, hive tool, smoker, pheromone, hive beetle, varroa, mite
Id: ImO6etsTM3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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