Stories about the Dangers of Revivalism, Pietism, and Mysticism
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Bryan Wolfmueller
Views: 16,583
Rating: 4.8543897 out of 5
Keywords: Stories about the Dangers of Revivalism, Pietism, and Mysticism, stories about the dangers of revivalism pietism and mysticism, has american christianity failed, decisionism, can you make a decision for christ, campus crusade, what's wrong with the church, law and gospel, lutehran theology, campus crusade for christ, law and gospel how to read and apply the bible, law and gospel distinction, law and gospel lutheran, dogmatic theology, dogmatic theology- hungry for scripture
Id: APQCWm8f5pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 29sec (6569 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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