I Stopped Child Benefit From Being Paid: How I Did It

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Hello my name is Keith for those who dont know me  I regularly produce videos concerning the Child   Maintenance Service usually they're factually  based but today I thought I'd do something   slightly different thought I'd talk about my own  case and my own experiences, and in particular   I'm going to talk about the stopping of  child benefit and how I got it stopped,   and how I managed to get a child removed. So I am  a parent. I pay CMS okay, I've been paying CMS for   about 3 and a half years and last year here one  of my children left college. And I wasn't aware   of this at the time. He left College in April and  I found out about this in about June, and up until   June / July I was paying child maintenance  for that child. But once I found out about   it I was able to get it stopped and the reason I  was able to get it stopped was several different   reason okay, but first of all for those who've  seen my video on Terminal dates you will know,   okay, if you to paid attention! That there are  four terminal dates a year for child benefit and   one of those terminal dates is the end of May  the other one terminal dates the end of August   the end of November, and February. And what we  mean by terminal date is a child ceases to be in   education they carry on to pay child benefit up  until the terminal date stop so clearly my child   left College in April. CMS should have stopped at  the end of May it didn't and I found out. Okay so   I went to the CMS and first said look my child's  finished education why am I paying CMS and what   they did, is did what I kind of expected them to  do run a child benefit check.. Okay the person I   spoke to she didn't have the relevant permissions  to run a child benefit check so she had to go to   a colleague and she phoned back the same day  and said child benefit is still being paid,   and I thought that's interesting because I know my  child's college so then I was stuck in a situation   where my child had left College child benefit  was still being paid okay and because child   benefit was still being paid CMS wouldn't stop  my child if I remember rightly I was paying some   like £170 per week so to remove a child would  have made quite a big difference it did make a   difference obviously that lowered my payments up  so what did I do about this well I rang the HMRC,   the child benefit people and they said because I  wasn't the the person claiming the benefit that I   couldn't they couldn't talk so I said well can I  open a case then for child benefit and they typed   in a few things to the computer and basically  said no because child benefit's being paid. And   obviously I knew it was being paid because I was  paying CMS so they then said well the only way we   can get stop this okay is by you submitting a  claim for child benefit for well to be honest   as much as my ex-wife and I don't get on the last  thing I wanted to do is put a claim in for child   benefit so I didn't, actually I decided I'd try a  different didn't want to report my ex for child   benefit but I do appreciate that actually that's  the normal procedure and that's what I tell people   to do and I know that works because actually  what they do is when you make a child benefit   fraud report they contact the other parent and  say is your child's still in education if they   say yes they say well prove it and invariably they  can't prove it so the child benefit stops but I   didn't want to go down that route okay so what I  actually did is I contacted the head of HMRC Jim   Harra. And I also at the same time emailed, the same email okay that I sent to Jim   Harra @ HMRC I also included the director of the  Child Maintenance Service. And I said to them,   look guys you got to work together on this. Okay.  My child has finished education, child benefit,   is still being paid therefore I'm paying child  maintenance this isn't right I want to get this   fixed okay. I wrote to both of them. And lo  and behold a few days later it was okay child   maintenance at one point came back to me and said  mmm, you've told us your child's not in education   the other parent has now told us the child and  to be fair what they actually said is the other   parent told us the child wasn't in education but  she' been unable to contact child benefit because   their lines were you know for whatever reason I  guess it's probably because their phone line were   probably busy so they actually admitted that both  parents had told them there's no child benefit   claim that was valid because the child had left  education and yet they said they couldn't stop   the CMS. So we have a bizarre situation where me  as the pay and parent have told them my child's   left the receiving parent has also told them  child's left education but they're charging child   maintenance for a child that legally therefore  isn't entitled to be paid child maintenance,   well obviously not the child but but the parent  okay because the child's not in education and I   said this is ridiculous and in the end they  actually did they looked at this progress   they they must have talked to each other because  actually hmrc then cancelled the child benefit   and because the child benefit was cancelled that  was it stops are good and CMS are stop okay for   that child new calculation okay I just wanted to  highlight this because you know I say to people   every day contact these people right and they  do appreciate it's it's is frustrating okay you   ask sometimes hit in a brick wall okay in my  particular case I got got stopped one of the   initial problems I had actually is when I spoke to  child maintenance is they would come up the stock   answer oh well it's June if if your child has  just left education child benefit would stop at   the end of August and I would go no that's not the  case because actually the child left education in   April so therefore the child maintenance sorry the  child benefit should have finished okay this is   the problem there needs to be a better way okay to  for dealing okay maybe every year a parent should   have to declare that child benefit is still being  claimed or or certainly have to declare that the   child's in education okay if you knowingly make  a false statement that says you're child is in   education then potentially you know you could end  up in court. so I do wonder whether CMS each year   when they issue the calculation should also issue  a letter that says is your child in education if   they're not CS has stop tell us straight away okay  it seems ridiculous that both parents can say the   child is not in education yet they rely upon  on a feed from HMRC on the computer system that   says the Child Benefits being paid okay what's  even more bizarre as I pointed out to the lady,   is if both the parents are saying the child's  not in education both the parents are saying   effectively CMS stopped so why are you continuing  the case and clearly the lady could answer that   as I say Obviously it was then subsequently  cancelled the payment was revised it took   effect from the original date and by the time  this has been resolved I think this probably   August anyway so obviously they back dated it to  okay when the child actually finished education   and eventually everything was fixed okay but you  here I am a paying parent someone that deals with   the CMS problems regularly because I help people  online someone that understands their proceed okay   someone that can actually when they ring the CMS  they say all Child Benefits is still being paid   can actually turn around with confidence and say  no that is not correct this has been broken this   rule's happening this this child benefit should  have stopped for this and I still have okay and I   think that's extremely frustrating and there seems  to be a lack of application of common Sense here   on the basis of CMS okay determining that child  maintenance still had to be paid when both parents   have said the child's not in education how B  me is that okay well I think that's probably   it hopefully this has give you an insight into  the problems I've had and hopefully this will   arm you for your problem okay so if your child  leaves education in April and you're still paying   child maintenance in June there's a problem there  okay and that stop okay take a look at some of my   videos I'll put post a few links okay if I've  edited this properly probably a link there now   that directs you to another video concerning child  benefit so take a look at that so you understand   the but nevertheless that's that's it so thank  you very much if you've liked this video please   like please subscribe to my channel to get further  updates if you look in the description there's a   link to our Facebook group group there's also  a link to a Blog Page where I tend to store   videos and get some commentary on those videos  and hopefully see you later and obviously if   you need to get in contact me with me you can  a lot of people do contact me via messenger,   but join the Facebook group first any problems  post on the Facebook group if I'm not able to   help you sure someone else will pop along and  we'll know the can't all know the answers to okay   I don't work for CMS okay if I want to check that  policies have to go online and find their policies   which are published on okay but I don't work for  the CMS, I am a normal person a parent paying top   and experiencing the frustrations of dealing  with a child man you have a good day thank you Bye-bye
Channel: Child Maintenance UK
Views: 2,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stopped Child Benefit From Being Paid, stop child benefit, When does child benefit stop, child maintenance service uk, child maintenance uk, how is child maintenance calculated, child maintenance onlin, phoning the child maintenance service, child maintenance service, child maintenance payments, child support, child maintenance, new to cms? this is what you need to know, child benefit, CMS, child support 2023, avoid child support, How i stopped child support, Uk tax
Id: P75lnaGlKs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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